Release date: 2020-05-19 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Dystopian $17.99
1. Even better - I thought this prequel was even better than the first books. It took us into the heart and soul of the future leader when he was still a malleable teen and young man. It showed us how, despite his wrong-headed prejudices and egotism, to sympathize with him, and care about him. And it ultimately showed us how his heart, teetering between right and wrong, was turned forever to the evil path he was destined to take.
2. Lagged on/ no character growth - A lot of details was not necessary, and even for a villain to be the main character he should of had at least some character depth/growth into why he becomes a tyrant but no he’s a tyrant through and through which what made the story fall flat to me, but if you don’t mind a character growth kudos to you. The story was pretty decent.
Overall the way he view the world never changed which was a big reason the story didn’t live up to its potential. Hopefully the movie fix the problem.
3. Awesome book, stars, not five. - I really love this book I was super happy/sad when Snow killed Lucy Gray and loved all of the connections to the hunger game (The song The Hanging Tree, the lake and the concert houses, Lucy Gray talked about katniss roots, etc) over all this was favorite book in the series, started reading the first one fourth grade (-) and finished the series this year! Highly recommend Maze Runner if you liked this series!
4. Must Read! (Ivywhisker of AU TC) - This is a great book that, even though I haven’t read the hunger games since last year, drew me right back in. I’ve read it times since I got it and I rarely reread books, I just speed on to the next one since I LOVE TO READ. vy or Ivywhisker of AU ThunderClan Rainfall the RainWing SkyWing
Kirana the Froster (KOTLC)
Dessa, daughter of Medusa and Jafar (descendants)
Ke’dara the Twi’lek (Star Wars)
Hamiri, the female tribute from District (shame on me I’ve forgotten what the others specialize in)
5. i love this but soooo expensive - ok lemme just say in advance that the hunger games is my favorite book series of all time and i have all of them hardcover and downloaded and ive watched all the movies several times now........imma speak my mind WHY THE FUDGE IS THIS BOOK TEN DOLLARS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN THE FIRST ONE THE FIRST ONE IS EIGHT BUCKS AND THIS IS EIGHTEEN THAT IS MESSED UP ok thx
6. Decent - I enjoyed the book personally. Although it’s not as popular as the other books. It has a good story and makes you feel emotion for the characters. Although it did get lagging at times it was honestly a good book. I’m not giving it stars because it didn’t go in detail as much as I wanted it to
7. MORE MORE MORE - This might be my favorite book by Suzanne Collins to date!! I really caught myself rooting for Snow and wanting him to triumph even though I know what he becomes. I hope that she writes another prequel in his perspective!! I really fell in love with Snow in this book, and the twist at the end was so unexpected, even though I would have expected it before reading, if that makes sense?
8. Snow is Out of Character - Snow’s character is not what I expected. He is too compassionate, empathetic, and full of love until the end of the book and it switches all of a sudden. We see too much of the anti-hero these days having our sympathies for the life and plight of the villain. Collins does a good job of taking away any warm and fuzzy feelings for Snow in the end in my opinion, but leads us on that Snow is something he is not. The book may have also tried too hard to connect too much to the Hunger Games Trilogy. I feel that’s unnecessary. It should have been more natural connections or leave it where it is. It reminded me of the old fashioned movies from the ’s and ’s when the climax would happen right before the movie ends. That was how quick Snow’s character changed. I do love that there is more of Panem, more Hunger Games to read and experience and I hope there is more in the future. I’m a fan either way. Love the world that Collins has created for us to be part of.
Release date: 2010-07-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Dystopian $9.99
1. Really interesting - This is a really nice book, I read the entire series. It is kid of dark with all the murderous kids chasing each other, but it does have a little bit of humor. SPOILER ALERT!PLEASE BACK OFF IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ SPOILERS! my favorite part about shooting the apple is when katniss says “thank you for your consideration” and even better, haymitch’s reaction. I like the scenes with caesar flickerman however you say his name. And the way Katniss talks in public compared to Peeta. It took me a long time to fully accept all these characters like rue and stuff were going to die. I miss them, I wish they could still be in the series.
2. BEST SERIES EVER - I love this book series so much and it’s mind-blowingly awesome. I’m only and this was a great read. I feel like the character I relate to most was Rue. I cried so much [SPOILER ALERT] when she died. Happy and sad tears. That moment was so moving and it was truly incredible and heartwarming. I really recommend the series. I’m on book (Mockingjay) currently. This series is amazing and I’ve been staying up till like am reading because it’s actually too good. Set a timer so you don’t end up pulling an all-nighter because of a book. Tbh the hunger games sounds kinda fun if the tributes respawned like Roblox people. Wouldn’t you agree? Anyway YOU HAVE TO READ IT!!! I like book the best because it’s always the first book is the best. There are some parts that COULD seem disturbing, but not anything to worry about. No swear words or anything so it’s pretty good for like tweens and young adults. It’s a great book for middle schoolers and beyond, but you can still read it in elementary. Some things I would love to see though would be: . I really want to see Katniss dump Peeta because I just don’t feel that their love is right. . I want a small book alongside this series from Peeta’s perspective. {end of list}. I really love all the tension and suspense that builds up while reading and I love all the characterization that happens in this story. One of my favorite parts of the story [SPOILER ALERT] is when Katniss pulls out the berries and they try to commit a double suicide. Of course that went well with the capitol! This book makes you appreciate what you have and why you should be grateful for it. I really recommend this book it is the best book I’ve ever read. Thank you for reading this (very long) review! I hope you enjoy the book! “May the odds be ever in your favor…” Well they were sure in mine! -Leez PS: WHYYY DID YOU HAVE TO SPOIL A DETH, CATSRULEFOREVER
3. If you wanna be wowed, read this. - I’m sure most people have heard of this book, and have seen reviews about it. This was the second series that I ever read while getting into reading, and it definitely helped to make my hobby grow! This book is perfect for all reading statuses. Whether you have been reading for years, and you’re an adult, or you are just getting into it, I think that you will enjoy it! The plot is so unique and riveting. The characters are so interesting to get to know. There is some romance, but nothing inappropriate, or not kid friendly! I read this while I was in middle school, and I’m in high school currently. Even now, I can still remember the plot, and how some of the lines made me feel! It has some great messages as well. Overall, I would suggest this book to honestly anyone, so I would highly suggest that YOU read it!
4. Top tier YA novel - The Hunger Games series and it’s reception by the public has always been an excellent example of dystopian storytelling and reception. It has high re-readability and in my opinion has excellent flow. I found Katniss very easy to relate to, and President Snow is a fantastic villain.
5. Wow - I only read the sample and I was hooked! Unfortunately, my mother probably won’t let me get the book because I am and the genre is young adult. Still, this book seems great and I wish the sample was longer. I am currently a huge fan of Wings of Fire by Tui. T Sutherland and just by reading the sample I can tell I will be a fan of this one too. Also I saw in a review [SPOILER ALERT] That Rue dies. Why do people put spoilers without a warning? As soon as I met Rue in the books I think “Thats the girl who dies.” This is why I hate spoilers it ruins the experience I wanted to be surprised if a character dies instead im going to be yawning because I already knew it would happen. People who spoil, I hope you have a bad day :) I probably shouldn’t be this upset but COME ON have common sense maybe instead of carelessly spoiling a major scene in the book you could have at least hinted at it or said something like “My favorite character died.” At least then I wouldn’t have known who. I always get spoiled for shows, movies, and books I hate it MOST when it’s books since I read so much. Like please think before you speak or in this instance type.
6. best dystopian book ever written - this book and book series have been such an incredible help for me. ever since i started reading i’ve always had a difficult time finding enjoyable books to read. this book and series and are a definite must read for avid readers and even to people who rarely touch books.
7. Incredible Read! - Having watched the movie, I wish I read the book first. The book and the movie are equally as good, but I feel there are things in each that should’ve been included in the other. I love reading the book because I could picture everything as if it were happening in front of me. The descriptions were amazing on their own, but the empathy I have for Katniss and Peeta? Outstanding. A job well done. I wish I could read this from his perspective. For anyone who hasn’t watched or read either, this is a MUST read. Will definitely have you appreciating your current circumstances.
8. Amazing - Hi I am Katy and I am currently ten, I will tur may th, thi book is absolutely amazing I have only read the first book because I got it from my mom because she had it when she was young and I just love it I’ve watched all of the movies it is my favorite book in my favorite movie and all the time I have Harry Potter well I haven’t read Harry Potter but I’ve seen the movies of Harry Potter and I think the book is a bit better than the movie because you get more detail and what’s actually going on and in the movie they like cut some things out but they also add some things in the movie I just really love this book I think it’s amazing I definitely recommend to new readers out there I have not bought it yet but I have the actual books at home it is a very good book I recommend it % I hope you like it bye-bye now!
Release date: 2011-05-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Dystopian $25.99
1. BEST SERIES EVER - I literally love this book trilogy so much. The first two books are tied for my favorite in the series. The last one is much darker than the first two, but still a good book. The love triangle is so freakin awesome. I love it. After I finished the series, I made sure to watch all of the movies and I’m definitely going to reread the trilogy. Also, if you’re team Gale…I HATE YOU. Gale is literally so annoying and pushes things if ya know what I mean. Anyways, I would recommend this book to people over the age of because it talks about different types of abuse, though it doesn’t talk about it much in detail. Especially the last one, which talks about sx slaves and other things like that. So definitely on that. The last book is slow paced and the longest in the series, but, like I said, it’s a good book overall. Many strict parents say “oh it’s kids killing kids” but it’s only the first book. Plus, that’s what makes it exciting. There’s rarely bad words and no cuss words, except in the movies. It’s a great trilogy and after I finished reading it, I wanted to cry because of how beautiful and tragic the ending is. It’s not scary except for one part in the third book. I listened to the first book on an audiobook and loved it, so I would read either way if wished. So, overall, READ THE DANG SERIES. That’s all I need to say. Thanks for reading my review, I appreciate it love!
2. BEST BOOK EVER. - These books had me in an obsession. I read these ages and and OH MY GOSH THESE ARE THE BEST BOOKS READ IT NOW! These are my favorite books and made me get into archery (obviously) and Katniss and her feelings and the way they are written is so well executed that they made me want to write books of my own.
3. SPOILERS AHEAD! Read at your own risk! - I miss Cinna he was for some reason my favorite character The books were amazing. Truly works of art. If you like this, then I reccomend:
The Unwanteds series by Lisa McMann
The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
The Lotus War series by Jay Kristoff
The Dark Heavens series by Kylie Chan
The Wings Of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland
The Warrior Cats series by the pen name Erin Hunter
Idk some of those aren’t related to this book at all they’re just my favorite series right now (and probably ever) it’s just my personal opinion I am not telling you to read any of these books! Ivywhisker of alternate universe ThunderClan (a warrior cats thing, if you like warriors check it out in the broken code series!)
4. Hunger Games Trilogy Review - Thank You for this beautifully done series. The Hunger Games is a story about life’s troubles, love, death, and anger. When I started to read I could not turn back. My head was spinning in every chapter like a tornado. So many secrets and mysteries to be told. Thank you Suzanne Collins for your magnificent series. (Btw, I’m reading the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes! It’s great!)
5. Really great book - I read this and when I stopped after a few hours (or days I can’t remember which because I was so engrossed in the story) I found my mouth open in shock at the brilliant plot twists and while i was reading I chewed on the inside of my cheek because I was feeling scared that my favorite character was about to die but thankfully he didn’t so I’m all good now Suzanne Collins is a genius and if I lost my copy of the hunger games and the only replacement was a million dollar copy I would buy it (that’s how much I love this series) amazing book just read it and you’ll find out!
6. Good series - This series is a very good. Some parts of the books I will admit I skimmed just because to me it felt a little slow. The concept was thought out and the plot twists not expected. Overall a good read if you want to consider a society where children must survive and depending on how/where you were born molds your life and how strong you truly are..
7. Eh - I think it has a good concept, it just, I don't know. I'm not one that likes action or violence and the Hunger Games has a lot of it. It might just be because I like mystery more (Harry Potter) and that will have some violence but it's not like give me your food or I'll kill you kind of thing. If you are into the kind of adventure-action kind of book I would recommend it.
8. Ehh... - The Hunger Games trilogy is my favorite book series EVER!!! If you are wanting to buy this, I'd recommend it! I rated it and not just because of Mockingjay. That book was bitter sweet! (SPOILERS) First of all, Katniss was not herself. Plus, Peeta was... well... Not his usual self either! I don't really approve of way Finnick died. Or Cinna. I have to say, (no offense Suzanne Collins, don't worry, you're still my favorite author), that Suzanne could of done better. But there were plenty of good parts in the book! (Plus, writing a book is hard, believe me. You should try it yourself some time!) GO PEETA AND KATNISS!
Release date: 2010-06-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Dystopian $9.99
1. Amazing! - This book was outstandingly brilliant. Everything from the clock, to the wire to the whole arena, I loved it all. The only thing I would say is that is is a bit slow in the beginning, but once the book picks up, it’s awesome. Thank you Suzanna Collins for writing this book and please make another one and maybe even from Peeta’s point of veiw.
2. Meh - This book was fine. If you liked the first, you’ll probably like this one. My only thing with this is that it’s a little predictable. Why did you send Katniss and Peeta back in the arena? We already saw what it was like in the first to be in the arena, and it would have been really amazing to see what it’s like from a mentor’a perspective. I also feel like there is a forced romance between Katniss and Peeta. There was a lot more chemistry with her and Gale, so why are you making something that isn’t necessary? Spoiler alert I did feel like the destruction of district was a good move, though. I also was glad that we were able to meet other victors. Overall, it was an ok book.
3. Favorite in the series - Definitely fave in the series teamPeeta! I love him so much, him and Katniss are so cute. The arena is amped up so much this time, I mean the clock thing? Genius. Some people have said its a bit slow to start but I don’t think it is, maybe that’s just me, I love all books pretty much. That just goes to show this book is special. Love it so much. Definitely read this!
4. Catching Fire - Susan Collins. - Well, I read the first one in one night and loved it, I already had bought the full set because I knew it was a very popular series and never actually read it. I had high expectations for this sequel and it really didn’t meet those expectations. I found Catching Fire to be very slow, I don’t really like the slow build up, to where the first book jumped right into the Hunger Games. I think the book got more and more better as things sped up, as the end neared I was a bit relieved to have the book over with. I probably would reread the first again but this book really isn’t it for me. I just wanted to get the series over with which was kinda sad since a lot of people liked this series. I think the Hunger Games is overhyped.
5. In love!!! - This is my favorite book in the series and there is nothing better! As of right now I am so obsessed, it is all I think about all day every day. I even got my friend obsessed! So many of my favorite characters are introduced in this book and I love them so so much! (Especially Finnick) I will always love these books and I will always be a Peeta Stan! There is nothing else to it.
6. I’m obsessed - Wow wow wow I was literally crying when I heard that SPOILER ALERT! Katniss is going back in to the arena!! It took me one night to read it and than I read it again! I totally recommend it to anyone!! If you didn’t read it yet then this is what I have to tell you: READ IT!!!!! You are totally missing out if you dont!!!
7. Reallly Gooood - I thought this book was really good and it is, but I would like to say that I don’t like how gale is left out. Personally, I like Gale more than peeta, I don’t know why I just do. And, really? Seriously? You took away Sinnas life!!!! I loved sinna. He is AWESOME. I could not read the whole rest of the day when sinna died.
8. Amazing - This book was so well planned and thought out! I Believe that this is the one book I think is hood if you watch the movie first, because, you can know what scene you are in and then say to yourself ( ex: oh! It’s the fog scene! I better read! ) and it was a real page turner. This would have to be my favorite book ever written!
Release date: 2013-04-02 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Romance $10.99
1. A Heartbreaking Must-Read - I kid you not guys, I was hung up on this story for like a WEEK. Almost cried again when I came across something related to it. Please, if you don’t read anything, READ THIS. It might be really difficult to get through the first few chapters but I can assure you it’s worth it.
2. Perfect in every way. - Unlike how some others think, I like how the story was neutral and sort of the same. It was just a reminder that not everyone’s lives have to be exciting all the time. Over
all, the writing is beautiful and real and relatable. Read the entire thing in one day because I couldn’t put it down! Left me in tears, but I suppose sad things are beautiful too ;)
3. Not that great - I felt like this novel dragged on and was predictable. Maybe I would’ve liked it in high school but I doubt it. I am confused why tic tok is obsessed with this book because it was not that great in my opinion. I didn’t even cry once and I am very much a crier if that makes sense lol. If you really want a good read sorta like this story, I recommend my heart and other black holes.
4. beautiful - Although the beginning did give information I didn't wish to know, I think I still liked it. I love this book!!! The way it was written was real to me. Yes, the relationship with Jamie seemed prolonged but people stuck in that position feel the emotions Autumn did and stick it out. The conversations are realistic and not drastically long or over exaggerated. Beautiful read and it's definitely a book I will think about for the next few months. If you're debating reading this book, do it.
5. Wasted My Time - This book wasted my time , they gave so much unnecessary information just for finny to die at the end. The relationship with Jamie is unnecessarily drawn out instead of her being with finny for half the book. I hated that they didn’t have a happy ending. And they didn’t even give a prologue.
6. Don’t read this if you like a structured book…. - I enjoyed the store line, but felt sometimes the chapters felt short and all over the place, a few times I found myself needing to go back reread … I found myself reading just to get to the part where Autumn and Finny finally ended up together for it to only last a few pages, spoiler alert once he died I put the book down and refused to pick up back up. LOTS OF USELESS INFORMATION given, very drawn out
7. didn’t like it tbh - this book was recommended to me a few times and i finally gave i and read it. it was very long and drawn out, and a lot of unnecessary information was given. it was cliche and very predictable. i see the tragic romance, but this didn’t even make me tear up & i cry very easily. idk, i don’t see why it is so hyped.
Release date: 2010-08-24 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Dystopian $9.99
1. BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES!!! - Warning: Spoilers Okay, so I’ve been reading the reviews about how everyone is so mad at the author for killing off Finnick and Prim and getting rid of Gale, but I LOVE THIS BOOK!! I know the whole part in the capitol is kinda sad and stuff, I mean, Finnick is my favorite character and now he’s dead(I will infinitely be grieving for him), but I think it was the perfect way to resolve the series.
2. Such a good book series (Spoilers included) - I loved all three books. It did take me a little bit to get into the third, but once I did I loved it. I definitely recommend. SPOILER ALERT I personally loved when Katniss killed Coin and wanted to kill herself. It put her in a dark mental place, a place where she managed to get out of. It shows how strong she is and how she’s still capable of loving. Also, I personally think Prim had to die. I loved Prim so much, but I believe it added so much more to the book then without it. I still love you Prim.
3. Great - Ok so i love this book but SPOILER ALERT i don’t like how prim dies i mean ik that all the best books have deaths in them but still!!! She did all that for prim only for her to basically be frickin MURDERED by frickin gale i mean that’s the kind ending that make me really actually love these books so yeah definitely read these books but just a btw the first is the best by far but i these books so frickin much
4. Atrocious Ending - I hate the ending. It may be strange, but Gale is my absolute favorite character. The way Katniss just rejects him and leaves him left me in tears. Terrible way to end their friendship that has been going on for five years. Also what just ends up happening is Katniss and Peeta go back to District and stay there forever. I’m so angry with Collins for such a disappointing ending. The rest of the series was fantastic but now I’m seriously having tears every time I think of Gale. And I NEVER tear up when reading books or watching movies. Hunger Games and Catching Fire is great, but not Mockingjay.
5. Pretty good - I love the Hunger Games series. SO MUCH. I just didn’t click with this one though. When Peeta is taken, it feels so wrong with out the Boy With the Bread. He is such a highlighted character in the other two books, it’s strange and heartbreaking without him. Still beautifully written and well done, just not my favorite book in the series. Love the others though!!
6. Extremely Disappointed - I was hoping for an exciting, action-packed finale to the series. But this was the exact opposite. The book barely had any action and was very anticlimactic. A lot of things that happen are not real clear because of the writing style, and it feels like most of the deaths were a last minute thought. Many times, suspense was built only to lead to nothing exciting, and many things didn’t contribute to the story and just seemed to be in there as a time filler. And there was so much build up, and then Katniss wasn’t even there to see the end of the war! And she barely contributed to the end of the war too! And what happened to Snow at the end? And so many characters were left behind... it was upsetting just how horrible this book was when the previous two were really good. If you have already read the first two books and you want to know what the result of everything is, then read it. Otherwise, don’t bother. But know that it does get obnoxiously long considering that it is so empty of real plot and action.
7. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover - I’ve heard people say that Mockingjay is the boring book of the series, so that led me to believe that I was going to hate this book and be bored about it, which I read it as. Then when I reread it, I saw that this was actually a well crafted book and I enjoyed it, even through the tough parts. So the lesson is you may think that you might not enjoy this book, but it is actually really good. So.........READ IT and enjoy! Warning....this book will break your heart.
8. So good - This is a GREAT SERIES,,, if your looking for a good long series to read this is the one.
It’s so amazing, sad, and the characters are amazing-
If your looking to see if this book is right for you,,
The end is really sad, (SPOILER: why did you kill off prim- ) but this is still a GREAT BOOK
/ stars, amazing
Release date: 2015-09-29 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $9.99
1. Simply fantastic. Incredible fun with deep and interesting characters - Everything about this book is well-written. It’s a page turner with constant suspense, but accomplishes this without sacrificing the believability or depth of the characters. All six of the main characters are interesting and flawed, but all are lovable and relatable in their own ways. I also love how much this entry expands the world of the Grishaverse (though I rather dislike the term “Grishaverse”, haha; it sounds much sillier than the world of these stories ought to). The politics, belief systems, and conflicts among the different nations are evocative and intriguing.
2. Made Me Fall Back in Love with Reading - After a huge reading slump that lasted several years, I have finally picked up Six of Crows after hearing numerous people say that it was “one of the best YA novels of all time”. Needless to say, I was not disappointed in the slightest. This book has everything I love in a story: well-developed characters, an intriguing plot, page-turning action, etc. I was utterly breathless while reading it.
3. Ragtag team, heist of a lifetime, with magic! - I loved the Grishaverse trilogy so I was excited to keep going with this duology and I really enjoyed this first book. It may have even been better than the Shadowbone trilogy. There seemed to be a lot more action as the rag tag team from The Barrel takes on a heist of a lifetime. I especially enjoyed the multiple POV’s. It was nice to get in the mindset of each character. The multicast of narrators did a phenomenal job embracing the characters. My only wish was that the narration had been more conversational in that each character player their part no matter whose POV. But in the end it was still an enjoyable listen.
4. If every author could understand this - Many authors have great plots, great characters, or both. Ironically most do not excel at storytelling. Leigh does an excellent job of moving the story forward while dropping in a few details along the way to build depth and context. Too many authors don’t trust their audience to build an acceptable picture in their minds and feel compelled to bog down the action with pages and pages of description with a villain seconds behind the protagonist. Thank you, Leigh, for taking the risk that your story will survive without spelling out every detail. Your work is a pleasure to read.
5. Let’s see… - As I read the book I was never really able to get attached to the characters (I focus more on characters than plot). For example, if someone was in pain or having a hard time or just dying, I just found myself not really caring or feeling sympathy. When it comes to the plot I would say its really good. I like the magic system as well as the way everything unfolded. However the only problem (aside from the previous one) I had while reading the book was that I felt as If I was reading a movie instead of a book. It was very cinematic. It bothered me a lot cause it seemed as if Leigh was writing a script for a movie instead of narrating a story. It’s hard to explain but I came to the conclusion that because she writes in a cinematic way, it made it hard to sympathy and connect with the characters (especially Kaz. No matter how dark his childhood was, I could not find a lil bit of sympathy towards him. And there was also the age issue. It was hard to ignore the fact that the cast was i think about - years old). I’d say if her book is adapted into a movie I would really like it cause its my type of genre, but unfortunately I can’t say the same for the book. Im picky too, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
6. Absolutely incredible - This book was captivating from beginning to end. Sure there was plenty of slow storyline parts but those all aid in you getting to know the characters and the Grishaverse better. My heart raced the entire time while reading and having it told from so many perspectives brings on a new and fun dynamic. The characters are well done and endearing. By the end of the book you feel like you went through what they went through and that you are somehow a part of the ragtag team itself. Great read and would recommend to anyone who loves stories of espionage, fantasy, and gritty violence. All in the same world as the Shadow and Bone series!!
7. Cinematic Story Telling - (While it’s Six of Crows is arguably much better written than Shadow and Bone; I do recommend that you read Shadow and Bone first because it helps with the world building and vocabulary of this story.) A tale of six emotionally scarred and traumatized teenagers…. sign me up. Six of Crows really is a well written book. I was captivated by the words on the page from start to finish. The characters in this story are a much needed breath of fresh air against ordinary character stereotypes that you see in most books. It has a kind of dark fantasy that you don’t often see in YA fiction. The banter between each character and the relationships that unfold between characters are incredibly well written. I laughed, I cried, and when I say that if I could go back and read Six of Crows again for the first time; I truly do mean it.
8. A-MUST-READ-ONCE-IN-YOUR-LIFETIME - DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED. This book showed up on my Tiktok. And boy am I so glad I read it. I’m not the hugest fan of fantasy, but this was absolutely gold. Each character is so perfectly developed. From Kaz’s admiration towards Inej, and his vengeful demeanor after what happened to his brother, it’s just too good. You’ll end up rooting for the Crows so hard that you’ll cry with them, laugh with them, and even smirk with them . It’s action-packed, and perfect for hopeless romantics. The highly descriptive wording is so beautiful. The author is incredibly gifted. I will say, the beginning will confuse you, but please do not stop reading because of it. It will make more sense as you go. Plus, it only gets better
Release date: 2012-02-15 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $2.99
Release date: 2012-06-05 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $9.99
1. Shadow chases Sun chases Shadow - What an interesting world Leigh has created. With the Grisha and the potential development of those who do not understand their own gifts. I look forward to reading the next stories in this trilogy. This story takes place in a land divided long before most of those who live. The land is has been at war the entire time, weakened by the split and poor leadership. Will the people pay any price to finally achieve peace and under a strong leader? The protagonist grows into a powerful but nieve young women over the course of this tale. The whinny female central character fortunately doesn’t last long. Some of the words in the story are hard to get around in English due to the Russian influence of military and noble titles. But these are minor bumps in a solidly constructed and vibrant story.
2. Kind of predictable but i enjoyed it - This was a good book. Similar to Red Queen but with its own personality. Some of the things that happened were definitely predictable and basic for YA fantasy. I felt the middle was rather repetitive and it took me a long time to finish. Otherwise it was very good
3. Pudo ser mejor - Toda la trama daba para más, lamentablemente la escritora se enfocó más en las relaciones de los personajes descuidando a La Sombra y Darkling… y me refiero a los tres libros… En Seis de Cuervos mejora mucho (al menos lo poco que llevo leyendo, solo espero que no lo arruine como en la trilogía).
4. disappointed. - This book had so much potential, and i thought i'd like it at some point but i was unfortunately proven wrong. I feel like the character relationships could have been better formed, they felt so rushed, forced, and kind of thrown together. The story would slow down to tell us what was going on internally with Alina, but then as soon as she was interacting with someone else, things felt like they were moving WAY too fast (with the exception of a few scenes and her relationship with Genya). I usually like when books start to pick up speed, but this book just wasn't it for me. There was nothing really special about it, and it really didn't do anything for me. The plot was ok, but at the same time i feel like it was more a character driven book. Character driven books should have CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & this one barely had any, the only thing that changed about Alina was her appearance. Her appearance changed for a significant reason, but i feel like internally, she would feel a certain way and then make impossible break throughs without developing much. I hope I like the nd book better, but i heard this book was the best in this specific trilogy....yikes.
5. I have a short attention span - I can see why Netflix is making a series. I have a really short attention span and no patience for underdeveloped characters or plot holes. So I usually end up putting down a book in a few hours of reading but not this one. Honestly the writing was really good. I had read the six of crows duo and really liked it. So I gave this a chance. Can I just say that a lot of the main female characters I read are not that developed but Alina was very developed. Her character was even likable. I love how her childhood was incorporated. And that chapter at the end when she saves her mans chefs kiss I was hoping that would happen. Very satisfying. Anyway, I’m about to go read the next one. We’ll see if I like all the twists :)) -G
6. Shadow and Bone - A solid read. I love Leigh Bardugo as person and as writer. Having read six of crows before this book I was little taken a back by the writing style you can definitely see a vast difference between shadow and bone and six of crows with her growth in a good writing. I loved the world but the main character had me wanting screaming at the page this is pretty generic plot with generic tropes but enjoyable all the same. Definitely a good read to get you out of a reading slump and great for beginner Fantasy readers!
7. Better Than I Thought - The Grisha series, while a bit formulaic, has some elements that made it much more entertaining that I expected. ) The world building and the magic system were well thought out. The culture was very prevalent and undoubtedly the best part.
) Alina was one of the more enjoyable MCs in YA. The other characters, however, were not very unique. I did enjoy the development of Alina and the Darkling, but not Mal.
) The plot was pretty standard, but I’m very intrigued by the ending and will continue to read on! Overall, highly and entertaining easy read, though not nearly as good as Six of Crows.
8. Ok but not amazing... - I read it and enjoyed it, but then I started to think about it and it was not that good. The story was interesting, but the author tried making it revolve around the romance, I like a good romance, but this was not that good of a romance. Since she failed the romance she kinda ruined the whole thing, because it was mostly focused on the romance. SPOILERS
Alina is all obsessed with Mal, and I’m like understandable (he was her friend, but her being in love was too classic), but she can have fun without him. Mal was not in love with her. Then, she is the sun summoner and here comes the darkling. He was mysterious and I knew they were going to fall in love. The problem was they barely had him or developed his character, so the love story was flat. Then here comes Mal, Alina is “betrayed” by darkling, and she suddenly is perfect with Mal... and I was quite disappointed with the love story. It was quite a lot like red queen, but the SPOILER FOR RED QUEEN Maven’s betrayal was a lot more dramatic and intense. END OF SPOILERS
So, it revolves around a flat love story... it would of been better if the focus was less on Alina and her crushes and more on the plot and storyline. But they should’ve developed the darkling more, he had a lot of potential that went kinda to waste.
Release date: 2012-02-15 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $2.99
Release date: 2015-11-17 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $25.99
1. A great escape - The balance between description and narrative is quite good. You’re able to I you’re the world Leigh has created without growing impatient for the story. Some threads are left unraveled but nothing too disappointing. A lovely moral at the end. A journey I was happy to take, sad to end, and warmed to reminisce.
2. Must-read fantasy - Enthralled from the first to the last chapter. The scenarios never took the predicted ending, but also did not take an undesirable ending. Kept me on my toes and intrigued, constantly wanting to know what happened next. The tv show was fairly congruent with the first book with a little spattering of the second and third book. I liked that they added a side story about the city folk (“The Crows”). Really gives a rounded contrast. All-in-all, I think Shadow and Bone in its entirety is a very well-written, fresh story.
3. Predictable Story with Poor Development - Lack luster predictable story with poor character development. Found both Alina and Mal insufferable and could truly only stand reading this because of some of the side characters. Honestly would have been jumping for joy if both main characters died at the end, especially Mal. So much potential but a weak story overall that lacks development in both the world, backstory, and main characters.
4. Good! - I only started reading because i was told to read before six of crows. But, I just finished, and I read the whole thing in a week. The plot twists were fun and usually took me by complete surprise (beside the ones i accidentally spoiled for myself). First book was definitely the best of the trilogy. The second book moved very very fast in the beginning, but slowed down to a decent pace pretty soon. The ending was what I had expected, but I was definitely thrown off from it at times.
5. Cheater cheater - The first novella in this series is a fine story, but not worth the "novel price". They make it look longer by including half the next novella. But then the next novella is listed at over pages (ebook pages) and ends halfway through...... And adds on half the next novella. It is NOT worth the price of three honest novels. Don't be suckered.
Release date: 2016-09-27 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $9.99
1. Absolutely devoured this series - I’m just gonna say it, this duology is SO much better than the entire Grishaverse series!!! It was great to see the barrel rats show the bosses that you can’t keep’em down. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The pacing was smooth and the story was action packed. There was great banter between the characters and I enjoyed watching their relationships grow and their bonds strengthen. The multicast POV’s were great. It helped individualize each character and each narrator did a phenomenal job with their character.
2. Crooked Kingdom - CROOKED KINGDOM, the second book in the Six of Crows series, has more action than the first, but most of it is in the “you’ve got to be kidding me” arena. The first book was a travel adventure, while in this book the action all takes place around the city of Ketterdam. What is the focus of this book, amongst all the chasing and fighting? Our hard-as-a-nut to crack dear Kaz is out for revenge for the death of his brother. How is he going to achieve this? In the most convoluted ridiculous manner possible, where just about everything goes his way and ten (maybe) different scenarios have to go perfectly. Or else! Thankfully, I love this kind of reading once in awhile. Sex trafficking is bad, we know that. This topic comes up a lot here. Inej was a victim before joining Kaz’ teenage group of thieves and she wants to get out there and tear down that system. It would be great to follow her journey in future books. My reactions to this book are: • It was too long and had too many coincidences. • Some scenarios had no follow-up. Did I miss how Colm got out of the bakery?? He seemed to have just appeared in a later scene. • Even though there were plenty of eye-rolls, I enjoyed the story much more than SIX OF CROWS.
3. No Mourners, No Funerals - Crooked Kingdom was just as fantastic as SOC. It displays the development of the characters beautifully, and the heists remain as dangerous as ever. It’s been a pleasure to read about Kaz Brekker and his fantastic crew. I’m in awe of author Leigh Bardugo, whose writing seems to improve exponentially! She’s come a long way from Grisha, and managed to write a sequel as good as, or better than, her original masterpiece, and I’m so excited to read her future works. Definitely a new favorite author!
4. I didn’t think they got this good - This book is ideal for everyone who has eyes to read. I read lots of books, usually around three a week, and I’m only telling you this because out of all of those books, out of all the books I’ve ever read, this one is the best. Leigh Bardugo is one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever encountered. Usually, the sequel to a novel is mediocre, paling in comparison to the first. Bardugo, however, is most definitely one to perform miracles. Crooked Kingdom is arguably better than Six of Crows, but only arguably so because Six of Crows was just such a good read. The plot, the complexity of the characters, the smooth descriptions, and the fact that Bardugo never leaves anything out and will have you begging for more by the end is why I recommend this series to everyone I meet.
5. Amazing series! - This book was amazing! This was definitely a character driven book. We learned soooo much more about the characters that i didn't even realize i was missing. There were a lot of ups and downs that were great to read. I need more!! I really hope we get more books in this series with these characters. Great read
Release date: 2010-12-21 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Coming of Age $8.99
1. Amazing book and completely reccommend - I love how descriptive this book is. It is one of those books where you can just imagine the characters and it’s as if you are there in the story. I have seen the prime series that is based off this book and even though there are lots of differences, I would say that the book is better. Personally l, I think that all of the books in this trilogy are very good and I completely recommend reading them. Once you start reading, you get sucked up and can’t stop(in a good way though)!
2. I am surprised!! - I didn’t expect much from this book if I’m being honest. My friend recommended the series to me first, and after I watched it I just had to read the books. I’ve only read the first book but I highly recommend it. It isn’t inappropriate and it’s a very realistic story of a summer filled with love and family pain. Thank you to the author Jenny Han for creating another great series than I’ll love forever.
3. The summer i turned pretty - So many mixed emotions, I saw the show first which is why I decided to read the book. Personally I think that belly should’ve gone for anyone but Conrad the end really got me in my feels i though it was going to be cam cameron but overall if i could give this a / i would
4. Ummmm… - Honestly, i had such high hopes for this book after reading some of the reviews and i totally think that’s on me for my whole interpretation of the novel. I can’t help but feel sort of empty and disappointed after reading this even though the ending was probably the best part (for me). I enjoyed Conrad and Jeremiah as characters, they really off set each other as brothers nicely, it was almost like i could see them and their attitudes so vividly. Their mother too, Susannah was such an inspirational character and i loved how she was depicted throughout the whole story. Though I’m slightly disappointed because honestly, I wanted a cheesy romance and instead feel like i got a story % about a random boy Belly was never even “into” just to make her real love jealous and it all just sort of felt like nothing was told? No point was ever made or no progress was gained? But somehow that’s also fitting for the story since in the end, Belly can’t help but feel like she wasted her summer on the wrong things too. The story itself symbolizes a lot and reached me in ways I truly didn’t expect it to. The message i got out of it was definitely worth more than some cheesy romance which I actually appreciate. Somehow though, I’m wishing that this story was a standalone with just a more developed ending and shorter “Cam Cameron” scenes. Just my preference. Finished it in one sitting, I think I would still recommend though because I really enjoyed this author’s writing style. Just don’t go into it with any assumptions because this book may not be what you’re expecting.
5. Love love love - I’m not one for reading books but I saw the series and fell in love with it and saw that people were saying “If you read the books you would be team …” so I thought I would give it a try. Finished it in days. I love the lay out of the book, not long chapters and you just want to keep reading. Very well done. Can’t wait for season !
6. A Newfound Gem - As someone who is a big time romantic, I absolutely loved this book. I heard about it from my friends who had read the book because of the show. The teen drama, the average family conflict, and the romance, I read this book in one sitting, not wanting to put it down. Belly, I found her particularly relatable, especially in the aspects of how she dealt with her romance and what went on in her mind. Such a wonderful summer read, I’ll definitely revisit this feel-good, summer teen novel.
Release date: 2016-03-22 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Coming of Age $9.99
1. Tragic Truth - This story has many elements of familiarity from my life experiences- my own and friends. Eden’s self destruction was challenging to read at times, but realistic. Unfortunately, I have never seen the type of familial, friend, or even law enforcement support in real life that Eden ultimately receives, but this is balanced with the hard truth of all the “maybes” at the conclusion. A good read that reminds us that there hope can survive even in tragedy.
2. well executed - the start to finish was amazing i've never read anything so well put together regard the topic of rape and how it affects not only the victim but also the people they are around. i would've liked for the ending to be elongated but i get the happy end trope. i would recommend to anybody who's interested in monologue.
3. Gut wrenching - This book although fiction represents how majority of rape victims feel. It is definitely not easy to report when these things happen because the victim often feel like “the bad guy”. That being said, I applaud the author for showing the readers the realistic transition that Eden made from being the girl that was afraid of the word “rape” to being the girl who was facing her fears head on. P.S where can I sign up to get a Joshua Miller???
4. The Way I Used To Be - This book is one of my favorite books I have ever read. It gives you a heart touching experience of Eden and her troubles. I would definitely recommend the book to everyone. I just am blown of how well the author wrote the hook, and liked how she told it in parts. It gave me a great understanding about how much a problem can impact your Life. Thank you!
5. The way I used to be is the perfect title for this story.. - This book was astounding.. the way it breaks down every emotion this character feels throughout her high school journey as she tries to recover from something that shatters her entire world. Wonderfully written. I felt so many emotions and even some tears shed after this. Highly recommend.
6. Loved it! - This is such a good book! So well written and really captures you when you’re reading. I swear I cried like twenty times reading this but it had such a good plot I was totally hooked from beginning to end. I was a little frustrated at the end because I wanted more since it sort of left off with a cliffhanger.
7. Wow. - A friend recommended this book and I’m thankful she did! This book is so interesting and detailed and just written so perfectly. It’s hard for me to find a book I don’t get bored with or try and skip some pages cause it’s boring, but not this book. It had me reading til am and sometimes I wouldn’t sleep! Trust me it’s a MUST READ
8. Great read but felt unfinished - I think the book should have been a little longer or have second book into after she has finally revealed her secret a lot is about to happen we want to know if she goes through a trial, does she make amends with her friends, does she get her life back on track, is she able to have a healthy relationship with someone?(wish she would give Josh a chance)
Release date: 2020-09-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Crime & Mystery $10.99
1. Still Amazing a Second Time - I’ve read this book two times now. The first time was about a year ago. And the second: just now. For the most part I remembered what occurred throughout this book. I remembered: the plot twists and characters, etc. So this time I was able to really dive deeper and observe the clues with a mindset of already knowing what was going to happen. . . . If that makes any sense. Also I really like the short chapters. Though the first chapter was good it was the second and third (and every single one after) that got me hooked and kept me hooked. From the beginning it was fast-paced and something was always happening. There was always a new clue to be unturned. Tobias Taterswell Hawthorne is one complicated man, that is all I will say. Now I have to talk about the characters. Avery is such a strong lead and I LOVE how smart she is. She can easily keep up with the boys and she often finds the answers before they do. She stays true to herself even when the whole Hawthorne family is pitted against her. Grayson and Jameson: very well written. They were similar, but different. And the backstory with Emily just added the perfect touch to this story. The emotions were so raw and real. You could see how much the boys struggled throughout this book even though they tried not to show it. I haven’t read the next two books, but I hope to Tobias Hawthorne that they have a good ending. AND THE LOVE TRIANGLE! I don’t know who I want her to end up with. I want her to be with both, but if you’ve read it we both know the boys wouldn’t let that happen again. Xander is my favorite character. He is so intelligent and smart, but he always seems to get overlooked. With Nash being uninterested in their grandfathers riddles and Grayson and Jameson always teaming up, he was left alone. So that is why he always spent so much time eating scones with his grandfather. The ending was not what I expected with Xander. It was a shock even though I’ve already read this book because I forgot that happened . . . Alsoooo I just want to say that the clues and plot twists are exquisite. They will keep you on the edge of your seat til am. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. This review was a bit all over the place, but let me just say: If you are unsure whether to read this book or not let me tell you: READ IT. You may not love mystery or YA, but I personally believe this is a book everyone should read. Please read it, even if you don’t deem it five stars like I have you will not regret it.
2. Very addicting. Couldn’t put down. - Such a good story. It’s been a long time since I was deeply enthralled into a book. This was such a fun story to read and I cannot wait to start the nd story in the series. My only critique, which means nothing because I mean nothing, is the chapters are unnecessarily short; they could have been longer with less number of chapters. Also, Avery is first described as a self assured independent young woman and then throughout the entire story she was constantly doubting herself and the CONSTANT italicized thoughts to herself were a little distracting. Again, what do I know? I’m not the author. Great series, still.
3. Loved This Book!! - I loved this book, the main character was relatable and smart and her story was compelling. I loved the characters and the descriptiveness and feel of the book. How she became one of the richest people in the world and it’s such an amazing ending. Less creepy, but more witty and cause characters to decipher things more than an eery or scary feel. I absolutely recommend!!
4. Best Book!!! - This is the best book I’ve ever read. The inheritance games had you at the end of your seat the whole book. I love how Jameson told Grayson the whole truth on what happened. I couldn’t believe the ending of the book. I can’t wait to read the second book. I definitely suggest this book to anyone who has never read this genre!!!
5. JLB’s Best Trilogy - I have read every book she’s written, and I have to say that this is absolutely amazing—with that said, this series is so far my favorite trilogy and favorite book. I read it just about a week after it was released and was instantly hooked. Can’t wait for Final Gambit! Definitely a good read, I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I believe I read it all in about - hours?
TL;DR: A great book for the YA crowd out there and, of course, mystery fans! Best book ever.
6. I cant believe it - Honestly I’m not a person for mystery but I couldn’t help but read until am. Each twist and turn kept me on the edge of my seat. I fell in love with these characters. I wasn’t expecting much because this is the second book but wow was I mistaken. I love this series and am dying to read the next!
7. Amazing!!! - I love this book! I wrote a poem!! Nash is a playa, he’ll make you wanna say ya! Xander is dangerously smart, he’ll show you the Rube Goldberg art! Jameson is wild, he’d prefer spicy any day over mild! Grayson has power, from what? We down know! He’ll teach you a lesson, friend or foe!
8. Thrilling, but sometimes missing - Overall, it was a great read. Short chapters. Well designed characters. The twists and turns were always coming. The puzzle fit together well in the end. Still a couple threads left, but I think those were left for the sequel. What was missing was the actual love connections. This isn’t a romance novel, but romance was written in. However, it felt forced and kind of unnecessary at times. The story would have worked without it. I am excited and ready to read the sequel. I definitely recommend the book to anyone wanting a quick and easy mystery novel.
Release date: 2011-04-26 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Coming of Age $9.99
1. Written by an year old - This book (all three books actually; why I finished I don’t know) is by far the least interesting, most obvious, boring and poorly written book I’ve ever read. Also “belly” (gosh that’s such an annoying nickname) is the most expectant spoiled desperate brat and treats everybody like crap. I will never read anything written by this author again.
2. Wow! - My heart is torn for Jeremiah but I still feel happy for him because he found someone! I know him and belly didn’t work out because there was someone else for him. She loved Conrad and that’s why it was so hard for her to pull away for him. Because when u love someone all you want is to be next to them and urge to be noticed by them, so they could say “wow she/he is really perfect!” I love how Conrad knew he messed up but did everything in his will to try and make it up and Conrad it definitely worked!! Thank you Jenny Han for making my heart splattered with different emotions and new heartfelt moments! This is truly made a perfect book for me!
3. Boring to me - So, I bought the books after watching the show on Amazon prime. I was honestly really disappointed. I struggled through them. I just got really bored with the characters pretty fast and everything was so predictable. Belly started annoying me and the books are pretty short. It would be a series for a teen though. Maybe I’ve just outgrown this type of book over the years, idk.
4. I’m Disappointed - I was so excited for the final book in this trilogy - so excited to dive deeper into each character. As soon as the marriage plot was “developed” I checked out. It’s like someone told Jenny Han she had a week deadline. I can’t imagine how they are going to adapt this to screen because it’s truly awful. I am not the type to leave a review but I was so sad - I felt a need to. The ending was rushed and made no sense, it almost defeated the entire purpose of the previous two books. Sadly this series was a waste of my time. It had so much potential!!
5. Phenomenal series! - This book was insane!!! I could not have been more shocked at how it started! The ending was a little predictable, but not at all in the ways I thought it would be! Therefore the book still kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! You have no idea how utterly thrilled and ecstatic I was when I saw the first chapter in Conrad’s POV! Finally for once we get to know what he’s really thinking! So much pure and genuine love, and grueling heartache throughout this book. All I can say is I’m glad I’m not Belly! I’d die of a heart attack before making it as far as she did! But all in all. This entire series was amazing from front to back. I loved it so much I finished the entire series in days! (Might’ve been less tbh, I can’t really remember when I started, but I know I flew through these like nothing else!)
6. We‘ll Always Have Summer - This is one of my all-time favorite books. I definitely cried during the ending and it was sad to feel the heartbreaks. SPOILER To be honest, I really think that Belly made the right choice on choosing Conrad. I know that Conrad did some bad thing in the past, like shutting people out but it’s all because he wanted the best for his family and not himself. Jeremiah on the other hand was the opposite. He was sometimes egotistical or full of himself. He had his times when he was sweet, but think about it. Did he actually really care about Belly? I would have believed him if he didn’t go and cheat on her with Lacie. But of course Jeremiah did. My personal opinion is that Conrad was only stubborn sometimes because he was always giving the affection and care to everyone but himself. Jeremiah gave his care and affection to the ones he only thought at the moment. I would never be over with the fact that he cheated on someone else and you would still want to marry him. Anyways, I really think that Belly made the right choice and went for Conrad instead of Jeremiah.
7. Didn’t like the ending - Spoiler but she honestly should get with the first brother I feel like the author forced the st brother to look good again and be like but oh look he’s doing it cause of his dead mother and the author had to force the whole cheating but not really with the nd Brother just so we won’t want her with him and ending the wedding day if are you stupid but yeah she did treat him like second choice and the ending proved it but hey somehow she hot both brothers even though she sounds dumb
8. An adult reading YA - I need to preface this by saying I’m a year old woman, not a high school teen. That being said, of course there were flaws in this series, a few inconsistencies that stuck with me-maybe a little too much-but overall, it was a fun read. The writing style was fluid and elegant, making for an easy and light read. The character development was wonderful. I loved watching them all grow up, really seeing every step. Belly was a character you could relate to, could love, but could also disagree with. She was raw and real. She made selfish mistakes, but don’t we all? Jeremiah- he was redeeming in almost all ways. He was kind and full of life. Ever fun, ever loving. I hated the uncharacteristic mistake he made, I didn’t feel like it make any sense. But the way he was brought to forgiveness, I felt it was very accurate. It was very much a terrible mistake a kid in college could make, and he felt remorse. He gets a lot of complaints for being so immature. At the end of the book though, he’s only ; he IS young, he is immature. There are so many years for him to grow. I adored him from start to finish. Conrad was different. He was broody, and by far the most self-serving character in the story. If he wasn’t happy, no one could be. There were hardly any redeeming qualities. He did love with his whole heart, those close to him. He just loves himself a lot more. I hated his character as a love interest, but I loved his relationship with Laurel after his mom passed. I could see him as a great friend, just not the partner for Belly. All this being said, I feel like Belly choosing Conrad was a very inappropriate mistake. Especially in a book for young, impressionable readers. Conrad was manipulative, emotionally abusive. He should not have gotten his way, no matter how much Belly loved him. She loved Jeremiah too. It felt forced that she picked Conrad, like Stockholm syndrome almost. The good guys can win, and we need to teach our daughters and sons this.
Release date: 2016-08-30 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Coming of Age $8.99
1. Comfort book for sure. - Charlie's story is similar to my own. months after I turned my family and I ended up living in a tin shed. Things got really hard and I, like Charlie needed to cut my darkness out so I did. Things have slowly gotten better but I still struggle. Anytime things get hard I return to this book, its familiar pages. I will always return to Charlie and her story in hard times.
2. A Perfect Book - I absolutely loved reading this book! It’s raw and beautifully written. I think every woman of teenager and up should read this. This story connects to you so deeply, I’m just at an awe of how opening the story was to my eyes. Thank you, thank you for such a well written story. I am grateful to have read it.
3. hi fellow sh’rs ig - um so i love love love this book with all my heart, such a good read. really explains the problems that me and other people face. i love how riley and her’s relationship is do raw and down to earth compared to most cliché relationships. i really love the way this book portrays all the right emotions. should def read, it was a good vent book!
4. - I loved this book because it was raw.. an honest, disturbing, real story. A story with ups and downs, setbacks and achievements. It was real. I loved how her and Riley’s relationship was portrayed, not cliche in the way most are, but transparent. If you’re looking for a book that’ll motivate to do better this is it
5. thanks for this :) - This book really did something for me….I’m really struggling right now and it seems like no body on earth can comprehend anything I’m going through like their ignorant to any negative emotion I feel but reading this made me feel like hopeful or something like eventually I’ll figure my life out I guess….anyway this book is amazing gave me something to do in this dark hole I’m in right. I’m glad I found this book.
6. I love the title because it gives it to you straight and gets right to the point - One of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever read. I read this book in days because I was unable to put it down! This book was realistic and showed the ugly parts of being human and how hard it can be. I will hold this book close to my heart and more then likely go back and reread it. I % recommend it for anyone who loves to read and loves the truth.
7. Girl in Pieces - This book touched my heart. Self-injurious behavior is all too common in our society and often misunderstood. The potential and resilience of people, despite their depreciative tendencies, should never be underestimated. Everyone deserves a chance and the opportunity to experience genuine kindness.
8. So good - This is one of those books where you cry as you heartstrings are pulled, but wipe away the tears as quickly as you can so you can keep on reading. I wish everyone had a chance read this book because then maybe people would have more sympathy for others and greatfullness for what they have because the life Charolette lives in really shows us what pain is. We all need some good tears like the kind that this book holds in its pages.
Release date: 2010-04-27 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Coming of Age $9.99
1. AMAZING - I loved the first book but honestly i think this one was even better. There was so much emotion and turning points and you could feel what Belly and Jeremiah were going through. I read this book in three days it was that good! I am team Jeremiah so I has happy with this ending. I will forever recommend this series!
2. Book for middle schoolers - This book (all three books actually; why I finished I don’t know) is by far the least interesting, most obvious, boring and poorly written book I’ve ever read. Also “belly” (gosh that’s such an annoying nickname) is the most expectant spoiled desperate brat and treats everybody like crap. I will never read anything written by this author again.
3. Love the series but a bit underwhelmed - As soon as I finished the Amazon prime adaption of the summer I turned pretty, I had to read the books and find out what happened next. I flew through the book but I felt like I kept waiting for more to happen throughout the book. I wanted there to a bigger moment between Conrad and Belly or even between Jeremiah and Belly.
4. Wasn't my favorite - I think this series really shouldn't be a series, I really liked the first book but her constantly saying she is over conrad but then he smiles or something and she's back in love again? like please commit. Also her love relationship with jeremiah came out of nowhere and it didn't flow right. The whole books plot was just carried on for too long.
5. Felt like a Roller Coaster! - Wow. I thought the first book was filled with drama, but that was NOTHING compared to this one! So many emotions, so much guilt, yet so much hope and possibility! The ending was not at all what I expected, but I wouldn’t have liked it any other way. This book felt like a roller coaster! And I absolutely LOVED when the author would change POVs.
6. Cheesy, u can see everything that's gonna happen from a mile away - This books was so disappointing, and don't let its esthetically pleasing cover fool you. It boring and everything that happens is no shock. Don't bother with any of the others either. This book shouldn't be three it shouldn't even be a whole one. Very boring and disappointing. Lame.
7. Life Changing - I have read all of these books about times each. I'm , and they literally changed my life. I can relate to everything - Susannah is just like my aunt, who also has cancer. She's like a mom to me. The struggle with Belly and her heart breaks are so real.. I wish there were more than three books. These are incredible. If you haven't read them, you haven't lived.
8. Simply Amazing - Sarah Dessen. That's all that use to come to my mind when it comes to books. This book changed that thought. This series is so good and will have you fly by it, you'll be surprised. I couldn't put this down and finished in a day!(: I loved and will always love this series and Jenny Han! MUST READ
Release date: 2021-03-02 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Horror, Monsters & Ghosts $11.99
1. My favorite so far. - I am absolutely loving the character building. I love the Grace and Hudson dynamic. I was pretty upset when Grace and Jaxon were unmated. But honestly Hudson is a better and more supportive partner for her in the way she needs. This book had so many great chapters and took place in some awesome locations. I really loved it. It seems this series only gets better and better.
2. Covet - This entire series has held me captivated from the very start. I simply cannot put it down, I’ve read the first three books multiple times & I can’t get enough! I’m so excited for court! You never know what to expect with these books the curves are out of no where & are totally unexpected!
3. Loved All three books and counting the days until Court - I read the first book and really loved it but accepted it as kind of cheesy because of some of the lingo used. But it grew on me and made me realize that I really appreciate the classic YA dark fantasy romance between teenagers being inverted into something that’s still whimsical and fun and the characters are believably teenagers who are kind of cringe. As soon as Hudson was introduced in the second book I loved his character so much and his and graces dynamic so much that I was holding out hope for him like crazy and I think that the writing accomplished that really well. The fantasy mate trope was used really well to create some awesome romance drama that actually seemed grounded in human emotion and healthy relationship dynamics. I love the way the friend group feels real and I really really love all the characters. I’m really hoping for a Jaxon and Flint love story in the next book because it was TEASED when jaxon was checking our flint and also they are supposed to be mates and now Jax has a dragon heart. CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK OH MY GOD
4. I’m OBSESSED with this series - I literally could not put this series down. I would swap back and forth between the book and audible just so I wouldn’t have to stop this story. It’s my new favorite series! The dynamic between Grace and Hudson… S W O O N. February can’t come fast enough so I can read the finale to the story!!!
5. i’ve read tons of books but this is my favorite - i love this book. period. when i first read crave i wouldn’t allow myself to read crush and covet because i knew there was going to be a love triangle and i HATE love triangles! but this… this was golden and i’m absolutely living for it! this is your motivation to read this book! hudson is amazing and the humor is chefs kiss
who am i kidding this series is chefs kiss this book… is a religion
6. Just don’t. - I LOVED the first book so much and the way Grace and Jaxson’s relationship blossomed. But to completely obliterate it in the third book was devastating. I can’t even bring myself to finish the book because it was so bad. If you loved the relationship between Jaxson and Grace do yourself a favor and DO NOT read this book.
7. Amazing book - amazing series unforgettable experience - Perfect. Just amazing how one frikin chapter of a book u thought would be boring turned out to have the most amazing story and setting and character development. I loved how the author made it so humorous and modern like the relationship between Jaxon grace and Hudson is like the vampire diaries and the setting and katmere academy is like legacies. I could legitimately read this over and over again recommend !!!
8. This book keeps you interested - When I first started reading the series I thought it was going to be a boring book but now that I’m here on book three I was completely wrong. I enjoyed the character development and how each situation was so different and how the outcome turned out. I truly love this book. It’s my favorite series now and I definitely recommend to give this series a chance because I did and I absolutely loved it. Definitely can’t wait for the next two books to come. It’s perfect for me
Release date: 2013-06-04 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Fantasy $9.99
1. I’d say it’s a / - This book had its parts but overall it was slow and it dragged on and on over the same things. Honestly it felt like I was waiting for something exciting and it just didn’t come which was disappointing. Mal bothered me and so did Alina whining about him constantly. It took me a long time to get through. However, I loved Toyla and Tamar as well as david and Nikolai. They are great characters and I hope to see more of them in the next book!
2. AMAZING - So I thought the first book was your typical fantasy novel ext. Boy was I wrong, this book was perfect. All of the characters were interesting and important. The plot was perfect. My only criticism is Mal. He is such a baby in this book but just know he gets better . Read READ READ READ. PLEASE.
3. Overall a great follow up from the first book! - Overall a great follow up from the first book! Things progress a little slower in this one but I still enjoyed it. Lauren Fortgang does an amazing job with the narration. She’s quickly becoming a favorite. I love the way she embraces each character and breathes life into them.
4. Alright read. Didn’t enjoy the end - I thought it was a decent book. Would have enjoyed more world building around the Capital and Alina in charge, but it’s whatever. I thought the end was a little unsatisfying but that is personal taste. Overall enjoyed this book worth the price and a quick read.
5. this one the first one - I honestly REALLY loved this book. LIKE SO MUCH, the character development, although long overdue, from the protagonist was chefs kisses. There were so many more characters in this book that I enjoyed! After reading this book, I better understand Alina's connection to Mal, and that was something that was lacking in the first one. Nikolai, can have my children. I will reproduce heir with you, PLEASE. The face off at the end left me speechless, i would like to keep this spoiler free so i won't go into details. BUT OH MY GOD. ALL the characters went through some sort of character development and I enjoyed every second of it. I enjoyed every second of this book. If you didn't like the st one as much as you'd hoped, READ. THIS. ONE. you won't be disappointed!!
6. It’s okey - I’ve read better books and with more character development, she doesn’t really progress much. The first book I liked. This one the beginning was good. But, then so slow and I was bored through the entire middle and a predictable end. She constantly says the same things over and over. I’m not paying to read the last one.
7. Hunger Games Rip-off or “Girl Complaining All Day” diary? - This books premise was decent and the other book Six of Crows does such a good job building a story and a world that I was expecting that to be done here, given it’s opening. The next thing you know you’re in a terrible version of the Hunger Games book two as they run around on parade. The comparison continues with the prince suddenly having feelings for Alina and it just keeps getting worse as she “struggles” between Mal, the prince, and the darkling. Like can we have some originality here? The book is boring and Alina is supposedly “changing” but she never really shows struggling outside of some misplaced angst that is frankly annoying after page of her complaining and being overly moody. What could be a book filled with intrigue and details as she takes over the second army and delves into the workings of Os Alta and the mythology she is chasing, instead its glossed over for inner dialogue where she just complains. The book is nothing NOTHING like the Six of Crows and is cheap cannon fodder that falls in line with tortured love triangle girl with destiny trope. She does women a disservice by being cowardly instead of stepping up and being more multi-faceted and frankly I can’t believe it can get any worse. What a let down.
8. I really enjoyed it!! - Review originally posted on Reading Books Like a Boss Siege and Storm is a solid second book in the Grisha trilogy that I really enjoyed! At the end of Shadow and Bone , the Darkling was a bad, bad boy. Like really freaking bad. His failed attempts to bend Alina to his will results in him killing an entire village of people. Yikes! Is it wrong of me to say that I still love him a lot little bit after that horrid display of power? Mal and Alina escape his grips and find refuge in a small town across the Fold. What I have enjoyed so much about the first two books in the series is the amount of action right from the beginning. Bardugo gives readers a little introduction and then BOOM something huge happens and you don't want to put the book down. In Shadow and Bone, it was the discovery of Alina's power. In Siege and Storm, it is the Darkling's sudden appearance at Mal and Alina's boarding house. And just as the Darkling leaves the scene again, a new favorite character emerges. His name is Sturmhond and he is the best. He's the privateer with a sense of humor. He's the guy who commands an entire ship of people with charm and a strong hand. There is so much I want to say about him but I don't want to give too much away. I loved how he lit up a scene. Most of all, I loved how Alina didn't put up with his crap. Their interactions were really funny!
"You can't be serious," I said. "Not on a regular basis, no," said Sturmhond. In Shadow and Bone, Alina didn't have the luxury to come to terms with the enormity of her power. In this book, she's even more powerful with not one but two amplifiers. Even with this new power, she still didn't feel like she fit in.
"Even dressed in a glittering kefta and seated beside a price, I was still a peasant from a no-name town. I didn't belong with these people, and I didn't really want to." The relationship between Mal and Alina changes in this one but I felt like it was a very natural progression, considering all of the outside forces at work. With Alina coming into a new role in this book, Mal's lack of a Grisha ability is ever so present. They drift apart, which made me really sad. What I love about their relationship is that it has roots. Mal has loved her since they were little and Alina always say him as the unattainable guy. He fought for her in Shadow and Bone, which is totally hot, right? I have to say that I was a little disappointed in just how absent the Darkling was. I loved him in Shadow and Bone. He is probably one of the most enigmatic villains I've ever read. Something about him just draws you to him. He was gone for a large majority of the book, which left me feeling a bit frustrated. This novel had action in the beginning and crazy action in the end but the middle of the book was a bit slow in parts. There was a lot of focus on Alina's new role at the Little Palace, her relationships. I really liked her new friendship with Sturmhond and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book what with Sturmhond, Mal, and the Darkling all coming together. I think it's going to be insane. stars
Release date: 2020-02-04 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Crime & Mystery $8.99
1. Five stars - This book was so intricately plotted that it had me on my seat literally reading every chapter waiting to see what would happen next it’s an action packed book something new happens in every chapter pippa is a great detective and there’s always something new to find. The story follows pippa in third person and I normally don’t read third person books but this one was fantastic the way the narrator tells the life of pippa and the way she is and the other characters in the book. Overall the writing style was /. The plot is so so good. Roughly it’s about the senior pippa fitz amobi doing her capstone project on the disappearance of Andie bell and her alleged murdered and boyfriend sal singh but pippa doesn’t believe this. When she goes hunting for answers though it seems that someone in town doesn’t want her snooping and digging up answers. It’s thrilling and very entertaining to read highly recommend!!
2. Talk about a page turner - This story had me guessing until the very end but also convinced I knew who it was the whole time. It did an amazing job tying together all of the characters and also providing so much evidence for each one that you think it’s them all at one point or another. The relationship that bloomed between Ravi and Pippa truly made the story special. Her helping him and him helping her. Loved this read and can’t wait for the next in the series!
3. Beautifully written - This book got me out of an insane book slump. I was never bored when reading this book. The author us great. So great. She knows exactly how to keep a reader hooked. When I finished the book I THREW it and just sobbed. It was so perfectly done. I will never forget this book, and am looking forward to the sequel!
4. First of a great series - This book let me on the edge of my seat. Just like the rest. I read all three in days. If only there were more books just like this. Reading a book with a different type of writing style like this is something I’d been dreaming of. Having the narrator and then pips point of view is probably my favorite part
Release date: 2020-08-04 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction > Romance $11.99
1. Interesting - personally i feel like this book is more intersting than the original twilight it is cool to learn about the backgroud of the cullens and thier history but i wish we got more of that, especially about Alice. i feel like edward didnt have a lot of personality even though it was through his perspective i would have liked to know more about him that didnt involve bella
2. Amazing insight - I loved that this was twilight from Edward’s perspective you get so much insight into his thoughts AND others’ I love how much you get from him, essentially the entire clan, Jessica, Mike, and even Jacob. So much more insight to the Quileute’s and the treaty and just knowing what Edward is thinking is fabulous. It is a but repetitive but it’s so worth it to fill out the characters more ESPECIALLY Rosalie, her behavior and attitude makes MUCH more sense after reading this. I feel like it’s essential to understanding the characters fully. It was amazing. (It’s only a because of the unnecessary repetition and bit of filler that’s in the book but the positives outweigh that in my opinion)
3. Bittersweet - Absolutely loved every word and the vampire thoughtfulness was a welcome change and good touch to the story that is Twilight, knowing Edward’s thoughts alongside of what we already know with Bella’s, it’s almost like a completely different story, but at the same time it’s still the Twilight we know and love. Will read again, and again. And probably again, along side the original Twilight.
4. Out of the park - First, don’t read the one star reviews. They are just a bunch of girls not liking to read a book from the perspective of a man.
Second, they all say that Edward is creepy and a stalker. Yet he literally wanting to break up with Bella in the the first twilight. In the last chapter of the first twilight she’s literally begging him not to go. Her heart rate is through the roof cause she thinks he’ll leave her.
Third, I like Edward. He’s not creepy he just madly in love. And she’s madly in love with him.
So how about all you girls go read fifty shades of grey (which is crap by the way, this is much better).
5. A Great Idea For Fans! - I was wary getting into this book because of Edward’s famously dark and masochistic thoughts. However, it surprised me- his motives and turmoils were interesting to experience. And yes, I say experience! Stephenie Meyer doesn’t just present the above information, she writes in a way that drags you into the character and situation. This was a perfect end to my Twilight phase.
6. Midnight Sun is great - Great, that is the word I would use for Midnight Sun. It wasn’t good, it was great. I loved learning all of the details and kinda ‘behind the scenes’ actions made by Edward. I did get a bit confused with ‘the knot’, but I don’t mind. However, some people, and I think I agree with these people, think Edward was a creepy guy. I mean, we kinda just discovered that he followed Bella around all the time, even when she was sleeping. Does this vampire give no privacy? I would love to know Edward’s perspective in the other books, like when him and Jacob are talking. Anyway, book was a /.
7. Edward, sweetie, you’re a bit dramatic but so am i - This was truly a very enjoyable read. I can’t remember the last time I got this excited to sit down and devote any length of time, at minimum hours, to any single story. In a very cliched way, I couldn’t really put it down once I picked it up. I rather preferred Edward’s perspective. Though he can be very redundant and annoying in his almost always conflicted nature, you have to admit knowing what the characters around you are thinking was so so cool. Some parts were drawn out and might’ve sufficed better with shorter summaries (the race, hospital days immediately after the accident) but nonetheless the story had me captivated nearly the whole time. I just kept picturing emo Robert Pattinson in my head whenever Edward doubted his role in the relationship and I’ll admit at times i had to laugh but it’s what makes his character cute and worth reading about. Stephenie please, i beg you, please follow this up and at least give us New Moon in his perspective. You already put out a conversation he had with Rosalie prior to deciding to die, why not finish it? Please give us the whole story or a full story in Jacob’s perspective. Maybe Carlisle? Rosalie? Girl, give us something please..
8. Twilight forever - This book was amazing. In high school I was obsessed. I read all the books, watched all the movies. To be able to read it again but backwards through Edwards eyes was just amazing to watch how he fell for Bella as well, and all the inside vamp stuff that we missed. Please please do the rest in his perspective. Or another twilight book in some way. Any who. Great read. Greatest forbidden love story ever.