Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Amazing book! Here’s how to get it for free - Kk so there’s a complete collection of all the hp books on here. Go to it (just search “Harry Potter”. It’s at the top of the list) and click the sample. The sample is this full book. For free! (There’s no pictures though like in this one…just fyi.) On a completely unrelated note, this is one of my favorite series! / recommend!!! If you see this review, leave a emoji! Elmo out
2. Great book! - Full of classic characters and exciting action, it’s a story that I found hard to put down. There’s a REAL Magical Sport and a REAL villain, and after reading it again, all the plots came together. Writing isn’t perfect, but this is J.K. Rowling’s debut, so give her a chance. Also, there is something readers under age should be warned about: a man with two faces.
3. Good - I have never watched the movies, and I recently started reading the series then watching the movies after. the first i blew through, it definitely has a great and epic story line. Each book gets a bit bigger and into more detail, to stick it out in the first book is well worth it. I would recommend this series to anyone. I am currently on Book , and it is amazing!
4. The Writing didn’t grab me and was too dull - I think it was just the fact that the writing wasn’t extremely powerful. The First book made me struggle as I flipped through each page. As I satisfyingly got through the first book even the second book I didn’t like maybe some of the other books at better but I rather not skip through the series. So basically what I’m saying is I’m not a fan of the writing in these books nor do I like flow of the story. The only good part about these books is the world JK Rowling created it. Round of applause for that but that’s really it. Thank you for Reading my Review!
5. Amazing just for somebody who likes fiction - I love the books they are the best books ever J. K. Rowling I’m your biggest fan I’ve read all the books for my self and I’m an eight year old I love your books anybody who says not just shut that mouth of yours J. K. Rowling is a beautiful artist beautiful work done by bye
6. Pretty good - I love this book as much as, if not more than, when I was seven and reading it for the first time. This is probably my favorite book in the series because it’s a good book with or without the rest of the series. When reading these books, I’m completely aware that they aren’t the best quality writing but it’s more about the world and characters and how those progress through the books. It’s really interesting when you’ve finished the series and look back to when you started it.
7. Yessssss!!!!!! - Harry Potter is an outstanding series! I finished the series last year but I still love reading them over and over again. This is the best series of all time easily. The sorcerers stone is a great way to kick off the amazing series. It’s not my favorite book in the series but still outstanding!!!!!
8. Nostalgic - “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” I have read the first volume of Harry Potter three times in the last years and the books were part of my adolescence. Growing up reading the novel and being excited to watch the movies in theaters is one of the most joyful memories I have of my youth. We found ourselves discovering the wizard world and magic spells alongside Harry, as he is introduced to Hogwarts and to the most important characters to the saga, such as Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and Snape. Beyond magic creatures, Quidditch and a thrilling of narrative of Harry Potter’s first year at Hogwarts, we also learn the invaluable role that friendships can play in the beginning of our teenage years.
9. Still a fantastically magical read. - It’s been fifteen years since I last read this but I enjoyed it just as much now as I did the first time, and second and third time. As a mother of two, my daughters grew up watching the movies and even though they are now and , they still enjoy them just as I do the movies AND books.
10. This book is ummm a no for me - Like wizard your a Harry that scene was just kinda confuseing. I am also dyslexic so I might have messed it up a little. It also did not mention Nicki Minaj ONCE. I AM SO MAD THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. Like I was told this book was a autobiography of Nicki but no it is just about a harry wizard. Ew…
11. Seen the movies, never read the books! - I’ve seen the Harry Potter movies x and I still continue to watch them! But now getting to read the books I’m excited! So far reading the first book the sources stone and all I can do is read the book in the voices from the movie in my head. Excited to read the rest of the books!
12. Amazing book - I always thought Harry Potter was a bit overrated, but I decided to give it a chance.It is a good thing I did because this book is phenomenal.I’m obsessed with these books and the movie series.It really makes you feel like you’re inside the book.Not inappropriate at all.Totally worth anyone’s money.% recommend.
13. Accessibility issues for blind users - This is not so much a bad book as it is bad formatting for the voiceover screen reader. While using the screen reader it will only read the first page of each chapter and jump to the next chapter. The enhanced version is unreadable. Please fix so that I don’t have to buy the standard edition and spend money for this book this should be accessible for blind readers
14. LOVED!! - I’m so glad I got into these books. As a Christian, I was a bit apprehensive about starting a fantasy book about witchcraft, but reading it caused me to understand that the spells weren’t even real, just made up. I love Harry and Dumbledore’s relationship. This is a fantastic book for children and adults. I’m glad I read it.
15. Reviewed by: ReviewQueen - I love Harry Potter! I’m a Potterhead to the core! I do prefer the regular books, though. Specifics: -I would say the first book would be for ages . Parents are free to disagree
-I love the whole series but the last few books have bad words. Parents: this is your choice.
Other reviews from real people: “I LOVE HARRY POTTER! If you are not a fan, it’s just sad!”
-My best friend
“Good book. I like Keeper of the Lost Cities more.”
-My other friend
-My year old niece Pls make sure to say tuned for more ReviewQueen reviews! If you see one of my reviews somewhere, review the same book and say that you read my review!
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Biggest potterhead that’s ever existed!!!!! - This wasn’t the best Harry Potter book but that’s not the point. Goblet of fire was a super interesting read that always had you read more and more. I liked that Sirius wasn’t the biggest character but he made multiple appearances that I loved. Thanks jk Rowling!!
2. Amazing - I think this book is awesome! It’s a bit long (, pages) but very interesting, and (I wouldn’t know, I haven’t read it yet) but I think in the third book we’ll find out that Mrs. Figgs is a witch. This book is about an event that takes place at Hogwarts. The Goblet of Fire is a cup that has fire in it, and it chooses the champions of each school. There’s an age limit that’s older than Harry, and only schools competing, but Harry ends up becoming the fourth school champion. Harry, Ron, and Hermione need to find out who put Harry’s name in the goblet, and Harry needs to survive three ridiculously dangerous tasks. I think HP is awesome, and would totally recommend this book (well worth the ten bucks it costs ).
3. The Book When Everything Changed - All of the little details that went into this book (and the series as a whole). This is the book that got me interesting in wand lore. If Rowling wrote a book of Harry Potter wand lore, I would be first in line to read it. It’s been so long since I read this book, I forgot all the little details and amazing little things that didn’t make it into the movie. As is usually the case, the book is better than the movie. This book is well worth the read. I love this so much.
4. can’t compare it to any book - It is probably the best fantasy book of all time and definitely the best Harry Potter book. This book has action of all different kinds,plus it adds two new main elements to the story: Voldemort,and romance.It will seem a little long at first but it’s a pleasure to the brain and your time as you go on. I recommend this to any book readers or fantasy lovers.
5. The Turning Point - This book is where the Harry Potter series turns away from simply being a young adult fantasy adventure. What begins as a fun, once in a generation competition at Hogwarts swiftly takes on implications that changes the series forever and cements Harry Potter’s story as a classic tale. Without going into spoilers, I can say that loss and dread permeate this book. The themes are so well-done, so vivid, and every page has a purpose. JK Rowling does not waste many lines - almost every plot thread she dangles in the first few chapters becomes relevant by the end of the book. While some of the monologues and speeches can be a bit overlong (a common trope of the series), each character and their motivations are clearly defined and even the longer soliloquies are mostly meat, with little filler. While this is not the best of the Harry Potter books, it’s one of the finer ones, and sets the stage beautifully for the superior follow-up The Order of the Phoenix. If you’ve come this far in the franchise you don’t need my recommendation, but I will say if you like The Goblet of Fire, it somehow only gets better from here.
6. Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire - Oh my goodness! This book is literally amazing! J.K Rowling uses so many descriptive words, which makes the book even more great than it already is! I won’t spoil it but this book has at least more than exciting moments awaiting to be happened! This book is long, but never gets boring like other long books! Overall this book is exquisite!
7. Another great book. - This is the book that changes Harry Potter from a thrilling kids series to an epic young adult fantasy series. This is the book where Lord Voldemort returns in power. This is where the series gets darker and darker... “HE’S BACK!” will forever be imprinted in my brain as a quote of evil rising and how the good must stop it or else death. Within the book, I didn’t cry during Cedric’s death. Trust me, it was tragic. But the movie is what hit me. I realized within seconds of Harry returning to the arena tears were rolling down my cheeks. It was unbearable to watch. Within the sadness, I thank J.K. Rowling for making this an epic start to the final battle.
8. Exceptional - As I am rereading the series, I can say that these books have not lost there magical and whimsical touch. This book has been a thrilling experience (as I have found myself contently and avidly flipping through the pages). The creativity and the development of various characters has continued to unfold, and I simply can not wait to reread the fifth book! However, I do have a mild complaint. The illustrations are not proportional and rather dull. I genuinely believe there are many talented digital artists and animators that could have created nicer depictions of Rowling’s writing. ;-)
9. Super DaNK Book! (Good Book) - I have read the hard copy of this book from the library and I couldn’t finish it. So I am going to buy the iBook version, I have read the iBook Enhanced version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and I loved the moving pictures. The bring the book to life in a way! So good job on the book, Pottermore and J.K. Rowling! By the way while we are talking about pictures, here is a joke, what do dentists call x-rays of your teeth, “tooth pics!”
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Better than the first one! - The writing is good and the plot more gripping than book one. There are good character arcs and new, exciting characters as well. The animations don’t always work immediately, but I manage to get them to after some double-clicking. All in all, the story is phenomenal and the format decent. May the Force be with you
(I like Star Wars as well)
2. Best sequel ever!!!!! - Harry Potter is the best series ever. But the chamber of secrets is the best sequel ever. It is a huge step up from sorcerers stone ( not that it wasn’t amazing ) and such an enjoyable read!! I love reading about the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermiony. I used to think that fantasy was just something that people overreacted about but now I understand why it’s so good. Thank you jk Rowling!!
3. Harry Potter - I read the non-electronic version of Harry Potter and now I’m rereading it. I feel that Harry Potter is famous for a reason. The philosophy and wisdom hidden beneath the words are worth discovering. As somebody who doesn’t really have a vast vocabulary but can understand mature examples of life….to me Harry Potter is wonderful. Who wouldn’t like it? Chapter and were gripping. Although it wasn’t the best book in the series, no denying that, it’s still…COOLL
I mean man, they’ve sold millions of copies all over the world. “Exactly,” said Dumbledore, beaming once more. “Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” “Harry, Harry,” said Lockhart, shaking his head impatiently, “it’s not nearly as simple as that. There was work involved. I had to track these people down. Ask them exactly how they managed to do what they did. Then I had to put a Memory Charm on them so they wouldn’t remember doing it. If there’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s my Memory Charms. No, it’s been a lot of work, Harry. It’s not all book-signings and publicity photos, you know. You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long hard slog.”
4. AMAZING!!! - This might be my favorite book in the series only because Voldemort is soooo crazy!!! I never saw the plot twist coming and when I tell you I was SHOCKED, it is an understatement!!! I really enjoyed this one so much. I’m a scary cat so I was frightened at some point but I loved the ending!! J.K is a phenomenal writer for sure!
5. Always - Every time I reread these books it’s always a fun read. They are page turners and good to read to the kids as they grow up. This is what got me really into reading when I was younger. I just have to have them in my ebook collection. You should to highly recommend all of these books and the movies. They make some good family time for the younger kids. Finish a book watch the movie and then start the next book.
6. So Human and Wonderful - I love so much about this book, it’s hard to put it all into words. The illustrations in these enhanced editions are perfect in every way. Never mind that they move and make you feel like you have the magical world editions. The story itself is great. The books have so many more little details that couldn’t make it into the movies. The scathing descriptions of Lockhart are great. Harry is so cheeky to Tom Riddle while simultaneously absolutely positive he was going to die. I loved the doubt and the half bluff when he talked about Dumbledore. Dumbledore‘s obsession with hot chocolate. It’s just so human and wonderful. If you can’t read this book and fall in love with it, you just don’t get Harry Potter and there is no helping you. Sorry.
7. Perfect! - J.K Rowling has Such an imagination! Her writing skills is so Amazing that the characters, places, and things pull you into her world, and when it’s over you, you want to stay, and you don’t want to leave! Leaves you wanting more and not satisfied until you get it! My favorites! I highly recommend J. K. Rowling! You won’t regret experiencing!
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Update not populating… - As with the other books, the update is not downloading properly on my iPad Pro -inch. Downloads everywhere else properly (iPad Pro -inch, iPhone ). Please advise. STRIKE THAT…Now having the same issue on iPhone…not able to download the update. New update has remedied the problem. Back to five stars!
2. Enhancement failures - Disappointed. I bought this book for the enhanced features to try something different. Over / the graphics are not available to view, and only two at the beginning had the promised movements. I won’t be wasting money on the rest of the series and will read what I have in Kindle instead or paperback instead.
3. Great book!!! - I’ve read the whole Harry Potter series multiple times and every time I read them they never fail to engage me for hours. The order of the pheniox is such a fun book to read over and over again! I’m the biggest potterhead ever and I love every bit of Harry Potter books. I love how good Neville does with beletrax on the loose. He has came a long way and is a great character in this book. Jk Rowling never fails to amaze me and never will with her books. SPOILER ALERT I’m pretty sad that Sirius died. He was probably my favorite character besides Ron. Thanks jk Rowling for sharing your magic with us!!!!!!!!
4. Nice book - Lemme say- I only read the previous books and this sample- Harry Potter bests almost all books! I’m planning to be a author, and already creating stories. But I never will be able to beat Harry Potter, no matter how many times I try. Also, they said, “Look no forward for the next Harry Potter;” In percy jackson, but honestly, even Riordan can’t beat the Harry Potter series. Though Idk if Harry Potter is better. In my opinon, the two series are rivals.
5. Why JK, why... - Why did you kill him JK? I - I thought you were cool. sobs In the beginning, I didn’t really like Harry all that much and how Ron and Hermy just cowered when he was having fits. But they truly were the only ones that saw him when he was in pieces. And Harry being such a butt during this and you realize kind of towards the end how broken he is.
For Merlins beard, the poor kid wanted to DIE, JUST to see his past family. Legit he was prolly willing to do anything to see Sirius. But though we had to tolerate Harry’s temper, I’m glad JK had Ginny and Luna To tell him to check himself when Harry was feeling a little too bad for himself, lol. I also love the part when Fred and George decided that they had enough of that pink toad. BUT I AM TAKING A STAR AWAY FOR TAKING MY SIRIUS.
6. Plz Read!!! - I love this book!!Harry Potter has always been my favorite series as a kid and I still reread and rewatch all the books and movies!I always imagined I was a witch as a kid and I could perform spells better than Hermione.(As if anyone could!!) I especially love Order of the Phoenix.It has a great storyline and plot.The characters are great,as always.There are a few new characters introduced in here too such as Bellatrix and Luna. Wether you are rereading this or starting this for the first time,it is definitely a book I recommend.Im sure you will love it.
7. Favourite Book of the Series - Harry’s anger is palpable in this book. It seems to always be there, lurking under everything else, no matter how happy or excited or peaceful he feels. The amazing thing is that Dumbledore owns up to his mistakes and allows Harry’s anger. He doesn’t tell Harry to calm down or stop or be rational, Dumbledore just lets him be angry. He stands in solidarity with him and protects him until he can calm down on his own terms. For the second time in my life, I read this book at just the right time in my own human experience, and for the second time, it changed my perspective. All of the books in this series are really good and I love each one for different reasons, but I think this one has to be my favorite book of the series on a personal level.
8. Wait huh? - How is this directed to fricking third graders??? I love this book but who made Deathly Hallows a book for children??? I am currently but I wouldn’t get most of the best parts of the book if I was only like . I mean I don’t get how the Harry Potter series is even in the kids section. I feel like it should be in young adult or teen section. Whatever. No one is even going to read this but whatever.
9. Nice book but for the people who are mad because of the app - You guys shouldn’t be mad and give a star review because this app doesn’t work. The review is for how you liked it, not “Oh I couldn’t save my spot” It happens to all of us sometimes. But is the book good? That is the question. And love the book, could be better and since it is so long. J.K. Rowling you are a really good author. And it must be hard because it must be hard to make up a hole story when witchcrafts and wizardry isn’t real.
10. Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix - This book is so good! I love it with all my heart. It is long but this book isn’t like Percy Jackson where it gets boring by the end, this book has so many wonderful and exciting features to it. Every time you’re at a interesting part, your brain is like ooo what’s gonna happen next?! J.K Rowling has such a beautiful imagination, I still can’t believe she could make up something up like this. BIG FAN!!! Read this book!
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Good Book (My oc too) - Personally, I loved the deathly hallows.But I just love the battle at Hogwarts. It was very detailed and it was very enjoyable. I just started reading the books in . J.K Rowling is very unique and truthful in the books. I highly recommend the Harry Potter series.
Ron is my fav! So is Luna.
Anyway, here’s my oc. Name: Elena
House: hufflepuff
First year at hogwarts, let’s gooo!
2. MUST READ!!! - THIS IS THE BEST BOOK IN THE UNIVERSE!!! I am pretty sad that lots of people die, though, that’s just SAD :( It is the best book of the whole series(in my opinion,) I am a proud Gryffindor, and my favorite EVER character in the book is Hermione Granger! This book is the best book I ever read and BELIEVE ME, I am a HUGE bookworm. if you want a thrilling, entertaining, interesting, beautifully made story, here you go!
3. Harry Potter, go read the whole series… - I have finished the whole series a year ago and it was amazing. My favorite part was the battle of Hogwarts. And I liked how Harry’s wand was fixed in the end. Although Fred and Lupin and many others died during the long battle ( and it was very sad :( )… …it was such a good book and such a good series! P.S. if you haven’t read J.K. Rowling’s other books go read them now!!!
4. I love this series - Hey first of all I do watch gravity falls because my little brother and sisters watch it .But I wouldn’t recommend it higher than Harry Potter at all because I mean it’s about paranormal and stuff and all that weird stuff . I would just Stick with Harry Potter I’m just saying but I give this book five stars and if you giving book one star we can never be friends even million years if you’re my sibling and you give it one star you’re not my sibling anymore . Stanford pines a.k.a. money magnet doesn’t care because he’s a dummy cartoon character. I hope I’ve made my point!!!!!
5. Showstopper!!!!!!!!! - This was my favorite book from the series and it was a great way to end the series (there’s still cursed child) and what a showstopper! I loved every bit of the series and I’m very sad that it’s over. If jk Rowling kept writing you better believe me that I’d always buy the book the millisecond it came out. My favorite part is the battle of hogwarts. Unfortunately, we lost some characters that we all know and love. Overall, best book ever!!!
6. story review time!!!!!!! - harry fly away on motorcycle wait uh oh hedwig- George’s ear die wedding happens ok and the ministry has been infiltrated harry Ron and hermione apparate somewhere and there’s death eaters found em from a Taboo anyway go to grimmauldnplace get locket goes to the ministry goes camping for days and we are back in hogwarts the fight begins and uh oh harry goes to Voldemort NO NOT HARRY- harry dies has a talk with dumbldore comes back to life acts like he is dead then BANG he killed Voldemort goodbye. But for real this is my favorite book EVER.
7. Best Series Ever - ReviewKing here I am now reviewing Harry Potter. I… I… I just have to say it is the best series ever. You all know Percy Jackson right? Ok well before I read and reviewed Percy Jackson, and it was good. But nothing compared to Harry Potter. One brilliant mind created this whole world for millions of people. And that brilliant mind belongs to none other than JK Rowling. She is just extraordinary. Harry Potter has good and bad. Romance and a whole world. Harry Potter wins my best reviewed book Look for more reviews by ReviewKing
9. For an older audience - The Harry Potter books have a very interesting world, but for me personally, Rowling isn’t the best at pacing. These books are very thick and either have long periods of action or trailing strings of dialogue which are kind of hard to keep up with. The characters are very well done, if a bit whitewashed, and the plot is memorable, but if you’re younger and have a hard time sitting through long books, I wouldn’t really recommend the Harry Potters.
10. people who put one star... - THIS IS THE BEST SERIES IN THE WORLD AND J.K. ROWLING IS A GODESS! but i just saw someone say it was poorly written and the writing was “amateur”... they also said they are an author, so i have a theory... they are jealous because J.K. Rowling is a genius and they are pathetic. don’t hate this book, it is truly magnificent and captivating. i cannot put it down when i start. the only thing i hate is how i am never productive because my head is stuck in this book.
11. I am amazed - Who can make a book where you are stunned and dazed? No one. Who can use a made-up topic and use it so good? No one. Who makes books so addicting? No one. But J.K. Rowling has beaten these rules. This book was the best. I was so sad when it ended. Rowling if you see this please make a second series of the children of Harry or Harry’s older life. I love the characters. If harry was mad, I’d get mad. We if he was happy, I’d get happy. This really feels real and like I’m him.
12. Always on board with Meh Harry Potter - This book was amazing! - To bad dah series truly had to end here. I’m pretty annoyed that people are giving it ONE STAR because it said a curse/cuss. “ It’s a nightmare honestly. “ Insert Rome Weasley voice. It took me about... uhh... two months each book. WHO ELSE IS HYPED FOR THE NEXT THREE FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM?!?!? I’m sorry. I am such a Potterhead. I DON’T CARE HOW MUCH OF A BAD TIME PEOPLE GIVE ME FOR IT. GO RAVENCLAW! Now, here is my Oc for Harry Potter. ( After the great Hogwarts Battle ) First Name; Lily Last name; Oranges Gender; Female ( girl )
House; Ravenclaw. ( that was her immediate house. Second house; Hufflepuff. Third house; Gryffindor. Last house; Slytherin. Year; th Patronus; SheepHound. Lovable lil’ shortie. Wants to be a Aruror. This is my Oc. Bye!!
- Shadedseawing
13. Oh no they didn’t - Ok, I know that in every hp book there is a cuss. But come on, I think putting in the b word was taking it too far. Was it in the original paperback, cause I don’t remember it. Read the review I put for the audiobook for hp and the sorcerers stone. I’m tellin you, APPLE CAN SCAM!!!!!!!
14. Guys, Harry Potter is not good - The Writing is amateur. Harry is mean to his friends, shows no abuse symptoms, Hermione carries the series, no character arc, and Voldemort was weak. I am an author and it is just...not very well written. It doesn’t deserve the fan hype. If you want a good story, watch Gravity Falls. Love, Stanford Pines
15. Magic! - This book is very enticing, whimsical and imaginative. This book provides so much freedom for the imagination. It also teaches the reader many valuable lessons like the endless possibilities life has in store, or how friendship and love are greater than cold power. These books give the reader a sense of life’s complexities, and allows them to reverie about the world of wizards and witches. I genuinely recommend this magical book. ;-)
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. It was alright - Let me just say I’ve never liked Harry Potter. I thought the first and second books were just overhyped, slow, and just mediocre books. Harry felt not very interesting of a main character. As the series goes on it does get better. This one and the last have really made the series actually good for me. I want to point after not liking book and I’ve watched all the movies and know most of plot points from online articles. I plan on reading Azkaban and Goblet of fire but it’s kinda weird to go all over the place.sorry.
2. Late review, but good book! - Harry Potter and the half blood Prince was very shockingly sad at the end, since Dumbledore perished. You might need a bucket for the tears and some tissues. My fav part was probably when Hermione hit Ron and said,”Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing!” And Ron said,”turn around you lunatic, he’s right there”(Idk if that was in the movie or the book too) My also fav part is when Ginny said,”Why does he always have to have blood on him?”, or something like that. Anyway, good book, you should read! And haters, I’m really sick and tired of you guys hating on jk and her books. So please, just go slither back under a rock and leave her alone, ok? ( srry if it sounds mean I tried to explain it nicely)
3. Harry Potter… - I just finished my third time reading this series. They are so good, especially this one. Spoiler ALert next line: To the other people who wrote those reviews: Dumbledore died for a reason and at the end of the series you will most likely find out. But the sadness affects all of us and it is very very very very very very very very very sad. Anyway… …I LOVE THIS SERIES GO READ THE WHOLE SERIES
4. Such a interesting book!!!! - I loved Harry Potter and the half blood prince just stacks onto the tower of love for Harry Potter through the world. What makes jk Rowling amazing is that she is all over the world and everyone loves her books. If you like the books then I definitely recommend the movies! I also think it’s cute how Harry and Ginny are together. Keep on writing jk Rowling!!!
5. this book is really goid - y’all, don’t discriminate just cause you think JK is transphobic. harry potter is a really good series, don’t hate on it because you hate JK. harry potter hasn’t done anything to you, and for the record, neither has JK. she just said something that was interpreted as transphobic, but is probably just a misunderstanding.
6. OK,my honest opinion. - I love HP,he’s like the BEST!Though JK Rowling is ruining the books, I got a bit stuck on this book by the amount of boring ness,at some points.SPOILERS!!!
So Dumbledore dyes .why does JK Rowling kill him?No clue, though not happy about her decision at all.By far my least favorite book but I still love Harry Potter!
7. Heartbreaking and Wonderful - As always, this book made me cry at the end. It’s such a powerful moment, and it’s really the turning point where Harry really becomes an adult. He finally realises he’s the only one who is going to turn things around, and no one can act for him. He must choose to be brave and do what is right, even when it’s hard and the last thing he wants to do. I just want to hug him at the end.
8. Because Harry Potter needs more hype - I don’t feel the need to be eloquent: this is the best Harry Potter book. Between the lessons taught by Dumbledore, Harry’s emotional maturing and the balance of plot, humor and melodrama, this book captures everything promised by the series as it developed alongside the teenage protagonist.
9. I LOVE this book - This is a good book to the people out there who didn’t like the book don’t be mean about it just say it nicely or say what they could have done better but in a nice way cause I am a young reader and I don’t like it when people hate on books I like! I have loved HARRY POTER ever since I remember I still reread the books and they never get old especially this one “The half-blood prince” one of my favorites!!!! All I have to say is : please be nicer about not liking the book thanks!!
10. Huge Dissapointment - This book has less artwork than the original printing. They original printing had a black and white picture at the beginning of every chapter. This has one color picture at best one every other chapter. These books don’t even use any Potterish fonts. The entire thing looks like it was written in Word. Going to go ask for my $ back.
11. A Magic World Well Done - This book is amazing, and the story behind Voldemort and his origin is fascinating as well as the characters and the Half-blood Prince. There is a reason that this book sold over million copies in hours. This book is actually a little darker, and actually the books get darker with each addition, But it's a good thing. People on iTunes are just complaining about life not being free. These books are honestly worth $ a piece and $ or even $ for the best books in history with illustrations is a steal of a deal.
Release date: 2015-11-20 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $9.99
1. Whole series is broken after last update - Are there any plans to fix the enhanced edition of this series after the last update on September , broke it? All the books have become unreadable, since you can't bookmark anything. When you open the book, it asks you to update to the latest version. However, it is updated to the latest version. When I looked at the version history there are two version .'s, and I'm guessing that's the problem.
2. Great Book (and movie) - I am a huge potterhead and bookworm. I am a Christian, so my mom says that Harry Potter isn’t the thing i always look forward to watching. But I must give this a rating before it’s too late. It’s fantastic! It felt so much like I was in the book. The books and movies are so wonderful, I wanted to act like I was in the movies. Azkaban is the best and me fav movie Expecto Patronum!!! -Elena
3. Truly Amazing - Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban is a Truly Amazing Novel. I finished this book in Days and was, well, truly amazed. It’s filled with adventure, suspense, and drama in every page. J. K. Rowling’s sense of world-building is captivating, it leaves me itching to turn the page every minute. Rowling’s descriptive text is key to help the reader imagine her magical world. I recommend this book to reader of all ages, worldwide.
4. OMG!!! - The plot twist in this book was CRAZYYYY!!!! When I tell you J.K. Rowling took me for a ride, I mean it!! Like what???? This was the perfect continuation to book . It’s amazing how the story is so catching even with the absence of Voldemort. Every detail just draws you in! I can’t WAIT for book .
5. My Favourite Book in the Series - This is my favourite book of the whole series (possibly tied with order of the phoenix). The pictures were great. The little details between Harry and Sirius are great. It’s been a long time since I read this book, and I’m so glad that I reread this enhanced edition. I need to read this one far more often. So many great moments for Harry in this one.
6. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban review - This book is amazing, so many details, it’s scary yet fun and interesting, before I read the first book, I knew I was gonna hate Harry Potter, but after the first book, I was in love. I hated fantasy before Harry Potter, but now fantasy is my favorite genre. I recommend this book to young readers because I know many people who are obsessed with Harry Potter, can’t wait to read the fourth book and the rest of the series!
7. why I love this app - I think that this app is a great way for kids to start a book club and talk about and really enjoy those book kids read. This a great way for kids to interact with others and become a better reader and the best part is that even though some people are not good at it this is a great way to become better at reading and you don’t need to be good at reading to enjoy it!
8. Perfect! - J. K. Rowling has Such an imagination! Her writing skills are so amazing that the characters, places, and things pull you into her world, And when it’s over, you want to stay, And you don’t want to leave! Leaves you wanting more and not satisfied until you get it! My favorites! I highly recommend J. K. Rowling! You won’t regret experiencing!
Release date: 2021-03-02 Genre:Kids > Fiction $1.99
1. Love this !!! - This is an amazing book so well drawn and taken care of. I own this book in real life and it’s amazing for kids to realize why you should do thing if you have allergies to that part of action! Good listening book and great to read! I got this book a few years ago in th grade it’s a real life saver makes me happy!.
Release date: 2022-12-27 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Comics & Graphic Novels $7.99
1. Cute cat couple & Why embarrassed her by scaring her? - I like how Mary Anne & Logan dress like cats. Mary Anne look-so Adorable, Logan is very lucky to have her as a girlfriend. And why Cokie & Graces would embarrass Mary Anne by scaring her in front of Logan? You could think anything embarrass anyone, Why does there mind go to scaring her?! I know she embarrassed them in the cafeteria. But at least she was standing up to her friends! If they what to embarrass her put her in a cage and treat her like a kitten…. Make meow in front of Logan. He may be trun on by it.
2. Not very good - I didn’t like this book very much. The other graphic novels are a ton better. This one was just super superstitious and didn’t have a lot of baby sitting in it. Also, it felt like it was incomplete. For example, it never explained who sent the chain letter to Mary Anna. I hope that the next one will be better.
Release date: 2022-12-27 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Animals $7.99
1. Sixth Chapter! - Spear Pear didn’t talk the whole flight, and he had a serious face that looked angry but more disappointed. StarLight flew closer to her brother, side by side. ‘ ‘What’s wrong-?’ ‘ she hesitated, then looked at him. ‘ ‘I’m just-disappointed.’ ‘ he folded his arms and dived down, trying to get away from the conversation. She dived down too, gesturing to Freeze that she would come back. ‘ ‘I want to know why, though, we rescued you! Aren’t you happy to be going ho—‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Home? Is that what you think I want?!’ ‘ he said, enraged. She had a guilty but concerned look, she hastened to prepare what she would say. She opened her mouth and closed her mouth, not saying a word. ‘ ‘I told you already,’ ‘ he looked at her angrily, ‘ ‘I don’t WANT to come home.’ ‘ he flew into the clouds, going over them and away from them. StarLight was about to fly after him but Freeze came in. ‘ ‘Let him be, he’s not in a good mood.’ ‘ Freeze said sympathetically. They flew into the dryilians, SkyWing territory. ‘ ‘Up, everyone, we got to stay hidden. Together.’ ‘ she added, and shot a look at Stone when he tried flying to spy out the lands. ‘ ‘No, Stone. We’re not going to lose you like mother was lost. I’m not risking it.’ ‘ she looked at Stone softly, then fly up into the clouds. ‘ ‘Are we there yet?’ ‘ pearlescent said the childish question. ‘ ‘No, we aren’t dear.’ ‘ Freeze answered with a frown. ‘ ‘AWWWW. Our WHOLE party is waiting and now NO ONE is in the mood to party AT ALL.’ ‘ she pouted. ‘ ‘Don’t worry! We will have another party some day, and your brother won’t be flying away.’ ‘ once they reached home, they checked the clouds for Spear Pear, but he wasn’t there. ‘ ‘UGHH. That ICEWING.’ ‘ StarLight shouted in fury, diving down to home. She opened his door to find him reading his own letter. ‘ ‘Leave me be.’ ‘ he hissed. ‘ ‘Wait, before I go-Please, never, ever run away again. He didn’t answer, reading his letter with a angry face. She closed the door and left, sitting on a bench outside. ‘ ‘Dear, do you want some food? We have some left over.’ ‘ Freeze asked, hesitant about something. ‘ ‘I’m fine.’ ‘ StarLight said. ‘ ‘In both matters?’ ‘She asked with a serious face, ‘ ‘I found your brother reading his note, he wants us to leave him alone.’ ‘ Freeze said, sighing. ‘ ‘Maybe…maybe it was all my fault…’ ‘ next chapter in Wings Of Fire: Winter Turning graphic novel! This Will take a bit to be created!also…I agree with the peeps who want more of carnelian! Her eyes were gorgeous lol.
2. The Tunewings Final Part - Story: Noche is still attacking and Wave is shouting. I don’t want to turn on my ally but my sister matters more. I gather up as much anger inside and push Wave out the way. Wave grunts as she lands. I feel the rest of my fury bubbling up but I hold it back. “ Why did you attack her?!” I ask Noche. “ Why shouldn’t I Tunewing??” Noche shouts “ Cuz we’re allied Noche!” I shout. I can’t believe she thinks that was ok! “We we’ll never be allies not after what the Tunewings did!” Noche shouts!! “ What do you mean…” before I finish she lunges at me mindlessly, knocking me off my feet but her attack was weak and I pin her to the ground easily. “ Tell me what you know! “ I demand. “ Years ago the Tunewings and the Nocturwings were in all our war. Around that time I was born to the queen’s best friends her name was Tyia. Her and the queen were great friends andit turns out my mom was meant to be crowned Queen but Clarinet took her rightful place by blaming her for a crime she didn’t commit. After that there was war but one day they took it too far. I was young at the time but I remember I was with my mom when she left for the night and hours later I looked for her and there in front of me was a massacre. My tribe had been killed. My mom flew back tears in her eyes. “ Noche the- the Tunewings they did this!” She told me and then and only then did I realize that the Tunewings need to be destroyed.” !“ So it was you all you! You monster!!!!” I scream as tears fill my eyes. “ Ginger you didn’t…” I growl “I did…” She smirks. “ And I end your tribe after your dead!” She attempts to attack but she doesn’t does head for me, oh no, Wave! I dive after her and I throw rocks I need to protect Wave then … Crack! Crumble! A tree falls in our path. Then fire is everywhere and all the dragons have excavated but Wave is stays right there. “ Wave what are you doing, run!!!” I scream in disbelief. “ No, I won’t l can’t lose you again!!” She fuses. Fire climbs up the tree filling up with smoke it looks as if it is a thunderstorm. I can’t let that happen not again! Noche pins me to the ground Wave darts after me. Sparks fly and a ring forms around me and Noche. Wave flies up but I nudge her away , trees start to collapse. “ Wave go now!!!” I plead. Noche is still attempting to hurt Wave. I spring at her and tear at her wings. Wave tries to get out but is trapped and is badly injured. A hole is closing up. Wave gets up and starts to wiggle out the hole but I wasn’t fast enough to stop Noche from bending her wing. Wave falls out the hole with nothing but silence. “No!!” I shout. Now all I see is red. I remember back in my days in our village my parents used to say I was to soft but now they’re wrong. I feel an anger like I’ve never felt before. I spring ready to kill. I rip her scales, I slash her throat, I dig my claws in her tail I hear her yelp in pain but I don’t care. My sister is dead, and everyone I love is dead and it’s all because of her after what felt like an eternity something happened to bring back my senses. Vibe! Vibe? Vibe. Is this a message no it’s a memory. Of before Wave was born. Vibe, you don’t have to be strong to win a fight you could win without the need for harm, remember that my love. It’s my mom but she’s right this is not me. I need to end this a different way. I pick her up by her tail and drop her in a faraway cove. At least she’s alive. I head back to make sure everyone else is alive. As I fly passed I land and carry my sister I will bury her myself, but before I can finish my thoughts her eyes pop open. I drop with surprise and slap her with my tail. “ Don’t ever scare me like that again.” I fuse. days later “Queen Flute!” I ask. “ I have a big question.” “Yes” She answers. “ Was there um, a war at all between the Tunewings and another dragon tribe?” I need to know if this was real why none of us knew about it. The queen hesitates for a moment and then begins to speak. “ Yes, there was when my mother became queen.” She continued. “ We all used to live with another dragon tribe… Noche’s tribe. My mom’s friend Tyia had been friends for years but they both were worthy of the throne. In the end my mom received this title. This caused Tyia to get really mad and she fought. My mom defeated her and gathered a team to keep her tribe safe. In anger Tyia started ambushing, attacking, killing other villagers. Mom had to take action and tried to contain Tyia. She gathered troops and attacked the throne. After that a war was declared and many dragons died. I wanted to stop the war so bad that I made a decision. “ Mom, I have an idea.” I said. “ Not now Flute.” She answered. “ Wait , what if you make a pact or treaty between you and Tyia?” I said. She thought for a moment and then decided she wanted to do it. So she planed a meeting and put measures in place to protect our tribe They promised not to attack us and we promised not to attack them. Soon after Tyra’s baby was born and she formed a plan on secret. The night of our treaty she killed all of her tribe members. We didn’t know that her kid had survived and so my mom went after her. “ Now do you see?” Said Queen Flute. “ What if this happens again or something like this in the future?” I ask. “ You”ll be there to led them.” She answers. Wait what? “ Are you saying…” I said. “ Vibe, will you be our Co- Queen of the Tunewings and the Fading Wind?” Said Queen Hue. I didn’t know how to feel. What if I fail?! “ Um, ok yes.” I answer. And now that I’m Co-Queen I can change the future of the tribe, both of them. And this is the story that led to the creation of the Fading Empire, so hold this in your heart my dear dragonet and led on without me. For I’m going to be with our mother and father now and forever more. I love you. Led on.
3. All WOF ships - Riptide-Tsunami
DarkStalker-ClearSight Whiteout-Thoughtful (I think?)
DONEEE CLAW-SOME BOOK BTW ʕ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔʕ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔ• •ʕ• •ʔ• •ʔ Also, watch/follow me on DA(DeviantArt) username:ANTLOPETHESANDWING-!
4. I love this - Let me start off to say, this is an amazing book. It’s a lot more complex than the other graphics, which I like the change. However, the outlines for the winglet did switch the Mudwing and Sandwing, and I wish we could have gotten more out of carnelian and Bigtail, but that’s ok. I have the whole graphic novel series and I always read them over and over again. I really like how the OG dragonets of destiny are in a place of power. Anyways, amazing work Tui, and I can’t wait for the next one! Edit: I just wanted to mention, I also realized the preyhunter got a redesign, and he looks older and creepier than when he did in The Brightest Night graphic.
Release date: 2022-01-04 Genre:Kids > History $10.99
Release date: 2018-07-31 Genre:Kids > Fiction $1.99
Release date: 2021-03-09 Genre:Kids > Religion $1.99
Release date: 2020-10-27 Genre:Kids > Fiction $9.99
1. Love Greg sense of humor! - I read all books in the Diary of Wimpy Kid series and they always managed to impressed me. In the th Diary of a Wimpy Kid book (The Deep End): Greg Heffley and his family are stuck at their grandmother’s basement after the events in the last book. Bored out of their mind, they need a vacation before they spiral out of control. Luckily, their Uncle Gary have a unused RV and the Heffley family take it on the road! They encountered several disasters along the way before settling down at the RV camp in which they experienced a huge flood, teenage delinquent, a child gang, and the bizarre camp routines. Personally, I always enjoyed Greg unique and morbid sense of humor! His unusual perspective on the biblical stories of Noah Ark and Adam & Eve were quite amusing. (Not giving up Paradise for a fruit, but a Twinkie! I would give it up for nothing!) enjoyed how paranoid and cynical in life he is and how he care for his family. The other family members were fun as well and I enjoy the new characters! (Even if they are one shot character! FAVORITE IS BIG MARCUS).
2. Good, But Could Be A LOT Better - As every October/November goes by, everyone gets to enjoy the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Personally, I love the series, but it’s kinda getting old. It’s the same plot each time, the book starts out with a catch up, on the Heffley’s life for the past month or , and Greg is always complaining about something. Then one of the family members (usually the mom) comes up with some cringe idea. After that, the Heffleys love it, and just when they’re having fun, it backfires. Then ( minutes of a read later) the book ends as it gets good.
3. Very nice and entertaining. - Sooooooo, look, ive been a fan and read ALLLLLLLL,, the books so many times. I am a literal ADDICT to these books because it keeps you entertained for hours, at the start. You feel like what is this? But then like it starts getting more interesting, you start discovering more and more, and sometimes I even create games myself like sometimes I count how many times Greg says a certain word, and if I get the right amount or near it I get myself a prize. You know it’s really great. Greg is my idol, my role model, there are many celebs that like diary of a wimpy. Kid, sometime I saw a person with the loded diper shirt, like he made it himself on a game called ROBLOX, some of you might know it . Idk I just really think if you like long stories and pressure sometimes you can get a little book that doesn’t make it a full sTory for a bit of a “sample” of one of the books, recently the company started making rowleys POV, loved it ! Thank you Jeff and everyone for making the best book ever invented!
4. Great book but... - This is a really great book for - year olds but The Deep End seems kinda repetitive from The Getaway and The Long haul. The Long Haul is being repeated because there on the road but instead there in a RV instead of a van. The Getaway is also being repetitive because they left Rodrick at the camping store just like they left him on the island. It also has a lot of Manny. I mean, he’s adorable and all but he shows up a little too much. Giving this four stars but otherwise, Great Book, Kinney!
Release date: 2020-09-07 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Social Issues $0.99
1. Very good - My siblings loved this book, this book is good for little kids not so much for older kids I’m also a teacher so I will definitely read this book and I recommend it for younger children and I love it because it helps clam down my children and students it’s a very good book I RECOMMEND
2. It was mediocre - I chose that word because I didn’t really get to read the book. I’m years old and have anger issues. I came across this book and went to get the book and realized that I need to request approval. I was upset of this because I feel that I would be embarrassed getting a book for toddlers. I’m not trying to put anyone down and I’m sure it was a wonderful book.
Release date: 1988-10-01 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Fantasy $7.99
1. Best childhood book - When I was in nd grade my class & I read a few oh his books & I instantly became in love with his style oh literature. I loved them so much after a month later of just reading a little passage of his books that my family bought his entire collection. Dahl is one of the greatest authors who ever lived & I am happy now that his great works are now in iBooks!
Release date: 2015-03-17 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Classics $8.99
Release date: 2022-10-25 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Action & Adventure $10.99
Release date: 2017-05-30 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Social Issues $1.99
1. A story even a grandma could love. - This was a book chosen by my year old grandson and his group to read for their class reading assignment. He and I took turns reading chapters and finally I had to read ahead on my own because I couldn't wait to find out how it ends! A great story of self-discovery and healing, with lots of humor in-between.
2. MY FAVORITE BOOK- please read - Okay so first of all I want to say THANK YOU GORDON KORMAN! This is the best book I’ve ever read. I love the lesson that is taught here. It shows that ANYONE can change. I also really love how you can get a perspective of the different characters’ points of view. Not to mention the way the chapters are set up... . I never really was the one who loved to read books until I read this one. You have me sooo hooked on this book, that I really wish they made a movie on the book. If they did I would be the first one to watch it. ,, out of
3. I laughed, I cried, I felt all the feels - I read this as a parent of a Middle Schooler who has it assigned as summer reading. I wasn’t sure about the beginning and talk of bullying, but as soon as I hit Chapter , I changed my mind. This was a wonderful story and a great lesson for young adults. Note to author/publisher: there is a typo in the vacuum scene.
4. Awazing so far! - I just started so my opinion may not matter to you but it is so what’s the word?well it makes you look at life in a different way be thankful for what you have I’m reading another book that call secret sister language or something like almost has the same plot see is put in a car accident and is put in a comma so far but she hasn’t waken up and her sister is like the narrator but it’s also a good book I love this book though so far.
Release date: 2015-04-28 Genre:Kids > Fiction $1.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Kids > Fiction > Fantasy $7.99
1. Welcome back! - Welcome back everyone! Before we get started, WELCOME TO THE AU BUTTERFLY’BUSH!! I don’t have any name suggestions but still welcome anyway. Today we have some updates about SunClan, my Clan! SunClan
My adoptables: -available -taken -my personal cat (means u can’t adopt sry) -make your own cat! -Can have mentor and apprentice -competition between two people
If u want to adopt, just tell me on a comment in Fire and Ice and I will answer on any other book in The Prophecies Begin (only the first arc unless it becomes too full) And if anyone wanted to join asked in later series, just resubmit and I got you Real quick note: If I misspelled anything or got something wrong, then please tell me b/c I would like to fix it. SunClan Leader: Fallenstar-gray she-cat with ginger speckles, blue eyes (adopted by Sunsetsplash) Deputy: Wolffang-silvery-gray she-cat with a thick scar over left eye, amber eyes Medicine Cat: Cherrybrush-pale cream she-cat with amber eyes and long, soft fur. Two white rings on paws and a ring on the tail (submitted by vy) Warriors Silverflame-very dark gray she-cat with bright ginger paws and ears Icewhisker-silvery-gray she-cat with white streaks/speckles, ice-blue eyes Sunleaf-bright ginger tom with a darker ginger face, blue eyes Badgerclaw-black-and-white tom, blue eyes, Icewhisker’s mate Mistflight-misty blue-gray she-cat with deep, dark blue eyes (made by KittyKatLoveyGirl) Shadowsong-dark gray tabby tom, pale amber eyes Firesight-ginger tabby tom, yellow eyes (adopted by Dovepool) Sheepshade-white-gray tom with darker gray spots Apprentice, Sorrelpaw (tortoiseshell she-cat) (adopted by Sunsetsplash) Echoheart-gray she-cat with white tipped fur to give her a soft, cloudy appearance (adopted by Sunsetsplash) Apprentice, Oatpaw (golden-brown tabby tom) (adopted by Sunsetsplash) Hollycrystal-spiky black she-cat with white tipped fur and pale gray, almost white eyes (submitted by Sunsetsplash) ———— ———— ———— -can adopt kits and mother
Queens Fidgetflight-mottled brown she-cat, pale amber eyes, has kits, Firesight’s mate (kits and cat adopted by Dovepool) Cowfur-black-and-white she-cat, has kit Beeflower-yellow she-cat with black stripes, has kits (kits, mate and cat adopted by Cosmoheart) Kits Mudkit-mottled brown tomkit Hedgekit-gray-brown tomkit Petalkit-tortoiseshell she-kit Moonkit-black she-kit with white paws Sunnykit-yellow she-kit Blackkit-black tomkit Elders Fernwhisker-brown tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes and white front paws (given to me by Olivia the Olive) Cats outside the Clan Nettle-dark yellow tom with orange eyes, Beeflower’s mate, is a loyal partner to SunClan, former kittypet (adopted by Cosmoheart) Storm-mottled gray tom with blue eyes and a thick scar over right eye which is from a badger (lives alongside Nettle) Jackie-brown tabby she-cat with pale amber eyes and is a kittypet That’s SunClan! When every cat is adopted then the Clan will be closed and I will make a story. Tysm to everyone who adopted and I hope you like your cat! If you have already adopted and/or want to adopt still then please put a personality along with the cat you make or adopt. Also u can put them in ur own story and make them ur OC as well. No credit required. Ty! Well that’s that and good-bye for today! Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan P.S. Watch Seri! Pixel Biologist! on YouTube. She has Warriors content!
Also check out froggycrossing on YT!! She does ACNH Let’s plays and I always have a blast watching her videos!!! Added: Y’all plz adopt my cats they’re really sad no one’s adopting them and it also makes me sad too and I hate being sad Tysm to vy, Sunsetsplash, Dovepool and Cosmoheart for adopting. Y’all are my favorites Ok that’s all I wanted to say Ty to Olivia the Olive for giving me Fernwhisker (love her!) Cosmoheart it’s Nettle the loner
2. Adoptables! also butterfly bush!dovepool? - Butterfly bush; welcome to the Au! I’m Phoenix and I would like to welcome you here and I have a name suggestion for you! Iridescent( bright shecat with sparkling yellow fur and glowing gold eyes with pale brown paws) you don’t have to use her! If you don’t take her I will let others adopt her. That’s fine just tell me what you decide! Dovepool:who is beeflowers mate? You said I can have him but I don’t know who he is A mega super: I couldn’t see your full name sorry. By the way I adopted Smallkit and gorsekit, also did voleheart have any kits? Tribe of sparkling oaks Color mark: open taken one of my oc someone it loves is taken someone sudmitted this cat Leader: fern that grows on sparkling oaks, {fern} (light brown shecat with black patches and leafy green eyes) Sudmit one! Healer: root that grows in ground {root} ( cinnamon brown tom with some white and yellow eyes) sudmit one! Hunters: Twig that drops{twig}(brown and red tom with amber eyes)mate:Crystal Moss that grows in river{ moss}( light brown and orange shecat with dark blue green eyes) New dawn(ginger shecat with white paws, ears and mussel black tip of tail and yellow,orange, and amber ombré eyes) Sudmit one! Guarders: rock that stays { rock}( gray and black Tom with green eyes) Fall of night {fall}( black and dark red shecat with green eyes)[sister to dark if night] Dark of night [sister to fall of night] {dark}(gray and red shecat with dark green eyes) Lily of frosted moor {lily} (white shecat with silver blue ice eyes)adopted by sunsetsplash Dancer of the evening star(evening star)( orange and light blue ombré shecat with yellow stripes and kind Amber eyes)personality: is nice but when provoked is the best fighter in the tribe and will kill if anyone threatens/or hurts her tribe, has very sharp claws Web of spider{web}(dark gray tom with silver markings like a spider web on pelt and icy blue gray eyes)mate:
blossom of cherry Sudmited by sunsetsplash sudmit one! Hunting to be’s: song that was sung{song}( yellow and white shecat with dark blue eyes ) Shock of winter {winter} ( white tom with black paws and chest with dark blue eyes)
Sunsetsplash Sudmit one! Guarding to be’s: rock that stands firm{ rock} (all gray tom with brown eyes) Golden dawn( golden shecat with some orange and gray eyes) sudmit one! Shecats with kits: Silver that falls from the moon{silver} (silver tabby shecat with white paws and chest has dark green eyes)mother to stone that stays kits, glaze of bird, glimmer of eye, and glideing tail Crystal that lives in the sea {crystal}[sister to silver that falls from the moon] (silver and white shecat with Aqua blue eyes) fathering twig that drops kits stream flowing, and olive of tree Blossom of cherry (cherry)( pale pink shecat with with cream paws and slightly darker pink whorls with gold eyes)mothering web of spiders kits stripes of tiger, root of yew, and clouds of midnight
Sudmited by sunsetsplash sudmit one! Kits: glaze of bird {glaze}( silver tom with black paws and light green eyes)adopted by sunsetsplash glimmer of eye {glimmer}( black shekit with a silver chest and white mussel with blue eyes) Gliding tail{glide}( gray tabby shekit with silver paws and ears and has dark blue green eyes) Stream flowing{stream}( all silver shekit with dark green eyes) Olive of tree {olive}( red and green tom with dark blue eyes) Adopted by sirenwing Stripes of tiger{tiger}(dark orange shekit with with black stripes and greenish yellow eyes)Sudmited by sunsetsplash Root of yew{yew}( chocolate brown tom with cream paws and tail, and gold eyes)Sudmited by sunsetsplash Clouds of midnight{midnight}(black tom with a feathery white tail and white splotches blue gray eyes)
side note:one of his paws is badly twisted but he can still walk
Sudmited by sunsetsplash sudmit one! Elders: Cloud flowing in the sky{cloud}( white tom with blue paws and eyes) sudmit one! The list: Leader: / sudmit one! Healers: / sudmit one! Hunters: / sudmit one! Guarders: / sudmit one! Hunter to’be’s: / sudmit one! Guarder to’be’s: / sudmit one! Mothers: / sudmit one! Kits: / sudmit one! Elders: / sudmit one! phoenix Cosmoheart
3. Warrior cats abc - A is for apprentice
B is for BlackStar and BrightHeart
C is for carrionplace D is for DoveWing
E is for Eagle
F is for Firestar
G is for Graystripe
H is for HollyLeaf
I is for I don’t really know
J is for Jaqueline and Jayfeather
K is for Kit
L is for Lionblaze and Leafpool (Leafstar too)
M is for Moonpool
N is for No cat has their name starting with N (yeah idk)
O is for Oak trees
P is for Plain lies
Q is for Quail
R is for RedTail and Rooktail and Reeds and Rabbits and-
S is for Snakerocks and Sorrel too!
T is for Terror! Just kidding T is for ThunderClan. Tigerhearstar too. Tawnypelt as well oh and Tribe oh aw shoot there’s also Teller of the stones. Talon.
U is for umm idk
V is for Vicky
W is for Warrior Cats
X is for xenomorph cuz I can
Y is for Yew berries Z is for Z…
And that’s the end
4. One of my oc’s - Air star
Previous names airkit, airpaw, aircloud, airstar
A friendly feisty she cat with white fur and blue eyes
She saved windclan from the jays by driving out nearly all them with her strange connection with starclan.
she can see starclan cats walking on camp and can have there ability’s (I know that she is overpowered but IDKK)
5. Hi everyone! - also people who asked to adopt my cats I think I either deleted them all or they got adopted :/ I’m sorry but I lost track of where they are, if you asked for some tell me and I’ll make you some mystery cats me forgetful bren :/
Everyone: hi! I’ve been a lot less active because of school and my clubs, but I’m still alive and I’ll try to be on here more. I missed you all so much Butterflybush: Welcome! I’m Ivywhisker or Ivy, creator of the AU Clans. How about Luminescence or Lumi for a name? I think it sounds cute lol although it’s pretty long. I’m so glad that you’ve decided to join us!
Phoenix: they’re all yours!
Sunset: I don’t have the app but I’ll try to check out the website! Also, I cried only once (I think) when Whitestorm died because he was my favorite character lol
Dapple: Goodbye, and I’ll always miss you. I hope you find another thing that you can enjoy, and I’m sorry for what’s happening in your life. I’m @DogeLShibe on Roblox, and if you ever need a friend you can message me. I hope our paths cross in the future :) Until we meet again, Ivy
Tigress: ok! Here are your mystery cats! Blossombrush, pale cream she-cat with shimmering purple-blue-green (holographic) stripes along her legs and tail, and one stripe from her nose to her back. Pale lilac eyes and wings that look like a peacock’s tail. Pitch, black tom with a white splotch over his left eye and a white ear (right) and tail-tip, and back white paws And their kit, (you can make more if you want)
Prickle, white she-cat with wings that look like a peacock’s tail and small purple-blue-green speckles all over that shimmer in the sunlight Hope you like them! More adoptables coming soon! You pick their family, mate, kits, personality, and Clan! (If they weren’t already specified!) I’m gonna give these to the first person that asks for them, ik that can be frustrating so if you didn’t get it you can ask me to custom-make you an oc, submit numbers on my generator (in the sight audiobook), adopt from one of my adoptable Clans, or get a “coupon” (you can adopt either cat even if your review wasn’t first, unless it wasn’t written within days of the earliest review) for the next round! Please don’t adopt all of the cats and don’t adopt twice in a row, we want people who haven’t gotten them yet to have a chance. Thanks! vy
6. Tree Cats! Sunset, Dove! - Sunset: I’m also homeschooled, and I only know him from church and because my parents became friends from meeting at church. Also, I’m an introvert so……….. I’d probably have a panic attack. Also, I’ve cough cough still cough cough had crushes on anime characters, sooo no, not weird. Dove: So, umm, he’s a year older than me. Also, YOU ARE EVIL! That is so, idk, evil? Lol, I’m way more evil . Even though I’m an introvert…… heh. ———————————————————
Limitations for the Tree Cats: / leaders /deputy CLOSED / healers CLOSED / fighters and hunters / learning paws (changed it to be more like clans) / nursery cats (only queens) CLOSED / nursery kits CLOSED / elders ——————————————————— "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝓊𝓃!" -Tigress the assassin (rouge) -LeopardSplash of AU Thunder Clan
7. silver’flame Tigress - Silver flame:hello sigh lol I’ll take fallenstar and I’ll take firesight and his family edit; it’s fine I don’t need fallenstar Tigress: lol that’s tough, your different from me but what I would do is look for clues that he likes me and if I can do that then it’ll help also is he older than you? If he is older than you then it might be awkward if you get rejected, if he’s younger than he would feel awkward and you can use that ( Oop- sorry) but if y’all’s same age then I think it should turn out just fine Guys I’m making the hope clan allegiances so far I’m just going to let you guys submit and I’ll show the slots that are open and if this gets a lot of attention I’ll write down the cats; Also the rouges needs submissions Hopeclan: Leader /
Med /
Warriors /
Apps /
Queens /
Kits /
Elders / Now it’s time for the rouges! Leader /
Second-in-command /
Prisoners /
Fighters /
Hunters /
Queens /
Kits /
Elders / Blackstorm( a fluffy black, Persian Tom that is loyal and protective) //adopted by Phoenix //
Owlnose(a brown she-cat with white specks, former kitty-pet) Deersprint( A hardworking and loyal Tom with black and brown splotches on top of his gray fur) Voleheart( a queen that is light brown and slim, she is the mother of ( )kits) \\pheonix\\
Bluefoot( a blue-gray Tom ) Flameheart( a pale gray she-cat) Smokekit ( a dark gray Tom) Ripplekit ( a fluffy black she-kit {hmm… wonder who the father is XD} )//pheonix//Lakekit( a pale blue-gray kit) Orangekit( a pale red Tom with black feet) Morningkit( a pale brown she-kit) Littlekit (a small white and grey Tom). Whitenest ( light gray she- cat with two kits that are now paws) App:lightpaw( a shy lithe and a pale gray Tom) Ashshadow( Tom with a black coat, oldest warrior) App:sorrelpaw ( sandy coated , she-cat, brother is lightpaw, mother is whitenest) Blazekit( red like lava, tom) Lilacpool ( spotted bengal, she-cat, queen) (sunsetsplash)
Dovepaw ( is a albino bengal, she- cat) (ivy)
Icykit ( ??? White kit ???? Mother: lilacpool) (sunsetsplash) Stone embedded in hill: (stone) A large Tom with a gray pelt with mud-brown stripes on his tabby peltRole: preyhunterFamily: mate: Bright sun ebbing away ( sun ) Bright sun ebbing away: (Sun) A yellow-ish tortoise-shell she-cat
Role: prey-hunter
Family: mate: stone embedded in hill(Stone)
Mossfoot: a brown, lithe, small she cat with green-ish blue paws and long whiskers Role: queen
Mate: Gray’eye ( a gray tabby with white marking around his muzzle and eyes) small’kit ( a gray-blue Tom with small and short legs) ( lol I forgot who adopted him)
Trail’kit ( a stripped tabby Tom with green paws like his mother) Gorse’kit ( a tortoise shell she-cat with white marking around her face, otherwise identical to her father) (I forgot who adopted her)
Clear’hollow (A white and grey she-cat with hollow blue eyes like ice, retired early due to virtually being blind Role: elder
Family: kit: moss’foot
8. New adoptables! - -It is not required to give credit but would be greatly appreciated!!
-You can change things about these cats but I ask that you keep their gender and appearance the same. Thank you! means available means taken means kin is taken Whistle’bird Age: moons
Role: Warrior Desc: A very light gray she-cat with beautiful blue eyes and small freckles dotting her muzzle Personality: A kind, talkative she who is very social and not afraid to take risks for her clan, and has a fierce love for her family
Kin Mother: Fern’breeze
Father: Sorrel’stem
Littermates: Dusky’fern, Deer’paw (deceased)
(Former) Mentor: Pigeon’heart Mate: Rainy’dusk Kit(s): Tawny’kit ,Sugar’kit , and Heather’kit (deceased) Shadow’heart Age: moons
Role: Warrior Desc: A black tom with many scars that heavily contrast his fur and dark green eyes
Personality: An egoistic, rude tom who doesn’t like kits and is easily annoyed, because of all the kin he has lost.
Kin Mother: Dawn’fur (deceased)
Father: Shade’ear (deceased)
(Former) Mentor: Gull’hawk (deceased)
Mate: Dapple’dawn (deceased)
Kits: Eagle’paw (deceased), Thrift’paw (deceased), Apple’paw (deceased), and Fallow’dusk Fallow’dusk Age: moons
Role: Young warrior
Desc: A beautiful silver tabby she-cat with a permanently paralyzed back leg and long scars
Personality: Not interested in much, often acts weird, desperately wants company but rarely receives it, before the death of her mother and littermates she was sweet, caring, cheerful, and energetic
Kin Mother: Dapple’dawn (deceased)
Father: Shadow’heart
Littermates: Eagle’paw (deceased), Apple’paw (deceased), and Thrift’paw (deceased)
(Former) Mentor: Lily fur
Mate: None
Kits: None Bella’kit Age: moons
Role: Kit
Desc: A cream colored she-cat with feather-soft fur and an extremely fluffy tail, small scar on her belly
Personality: A shy, quiet kit who sometimes sees things and has a paralyzing fear of blood, and will become a medicine apprentice when she is older, originally a loner
Kin Mother: Ice’shard (deceased)
Father: Fox
Littermates: Black’kit, Well’kit, Butterfly (deceased)
(Future) Mentor: Poppy’seed
Mate: None
Kits: She is a kit lol Ninja Age: moons
Role: Kittypet
Desc: A medium-gray tom with stripes like a turtle’s back, kit-soft fur
Personality: A quiet, lazy tom who enjoys sitting on the couch with his owners, is a bit too trusting, and admires the clan cats
Kin Mother: Shady
Father: Cloudy
Littermates: None
Mentor: None
Mate: None
Kits: He got neutered lol Rainy’dusk Age: moons
Role: Young warrior
Desc: A dark gray tom with white spots that almost look like flashes of lightning, amber eyes
Personality: A quiet, selfless tom who is extremely self-conscious and wishes he were more respected in his clan, can be very gullible.
Kin Mother: Dark’song
Father: Sharp’talon
Littermates: none
(Former) Mentor: Tansy’leaf
Mate: Whistle’bird
Kits: Tawny’kit, Sugar’kit, and Heather’kit (deceased) Ember’paw Age: moons
Role: Apprentice
Desc: A ginger tom whose fur gets progressively darker until it is a deep red, yellow eyes
Personality: A sassy, silly tom who loves to make his den mates laugh and is very self-conscious Edit: Okay, okay, Phoenix. I must take Olive. It’s fate. Peace out Siren’wing of Sky’clan
9. Hi! Form for Seaclan. Cosmo ButterflyBlush - Cosmo: I would like Ninja. I need him for a fanfic Sunset: OMG THANK YOU! I was not expecting anything! I’m new to this series and am glad that someone is thinking of me! I have an OC based of my pet cat Groot
Clan: Kittypet
Age: moons
Colors: Brown, brownish green, and a tiny bit of black in smudges to make one color.
Personality: Kind loves the oldest daughter of the family(Me! ) Not for sale but some are in the next book
Edit: All right here is the mate Nightshadow
Gender: Tom Personality: kind smart ferocious and protective and reckless Coloring: black with amber splotchs Loner Kit one: Darkkit
Gender: Tom Personality: strong brave and reckless Coloring: looks like his father Kit two: Cancerkit (like the constellation)
Gender: she cat
Personality: shy weird and surprisingly strong Coloring: looks like her mom Edit: Rosey Spotted Kitten: Can I have Star? Also can I be a healer?
Edit: Name:Shellsea Gender: Appearance: tan fur with gray stripes and blue eyes. Personality: kind, smart, weak, and social Other info: Good at healing and is otherwise very vulnerable. Form for Fadedclan Ok I get they’re all evil so here’s one that sorta is… well you’ll see. Brokenheart
Appearance: has a sort of ombré from red to orange to black pelt and dark brown eyes. Gender:She-cat
Age: moons Original Clan: Shadowclan
Personality: weird, secretive, and loyal.
Info: When she was moons old and had just became a apprentice she got hit by a monster. Her mentor rushed to collect the body but decided it was too dangerous, so she left her for dead. However, Brokenheart or Dawnpaw as she was called back then, was a good healer though the medicine cat had refused her as a apprentice. She crawled out of the thunder path and healed herself. Ever since then she mentally has never been the same and also holds a grudge against Shadowclan. She stumbled upon Fadedclan and having nowhere else to go she became a member and changed her name to Brokenheart and became the medicine cat.
Role: medicine cat.
Sorry I didn’t follow the original organization I just thought this covered her more. So ya bye! ButterflyBlust: Depends on what you’re OC looks like. Examples: A spotted cat: SpotFur. A cat with brown paws: BrownFoot. Also welcome! -Sunset of the Skywings Airkit of Riverclan Donaria
10. :) - Hey! Cloverpeak here!! Just redid my ocs in my fanfic, these are ones you can use!! Also, I can see that dapple and y’all are like besties. I’d like to be a part of your friend group but I don’t check Apple Books often. Can I friend u on Roblox? My user is neviesaurus. I do ask that you please do not use Eagle’claw, Algaefur, Mangroveclaw, and Shellflower, as they are my friend’s ocs and are not mine to give.
Thank you!
Oh also please keep personalities and desc.s the same. Eagleclaw’s Loyalty Allegiances IslandClan Leader: Crabstar
Deputy:Mangroveclaw Medicine cat: Algaefur
Apprentice, Gorsepaw
Warriors: Spinefoot- blue furred tom warrior with bright green eyes. The newest IslandClan warrior.
Pumaclaw- light brown she-cat with grey muzzle
Stonefoot- dark orange tabby she-cat with grey paws
Apprentice, Coralpaw Stormpelt- black tom with light grey patches Featherfoot- white tom. Got his name from being the best hunting apprentice of IslandClan Apprentice, Goosepaw
Nightsong- black and grey she-cat Sunfeather- bright orange she-cat that was a former queen Apprentices:
Pineflame- the newest apprentice, just six moons. A handsome gold and grey tom
Gorsepaw- a black tom with grey tufts that look like gorse spines. Apprentice to the medicine cat Coralpaw- a peach colored she-cat, the oldest apprentice Goosepaw- a brown and white tom with a half-tail. Queens: Shellflower- light orange she-cat, mother to Eaglekit (small white and brown she-cat) grasskit (speckled Tom) and Pebblekit (grey speckled she-cat)
Nightsong- black she-cat, heavily pregnant with Stormpelt’s kits OceanClan
Leader: Reefstar
Deputy: Cricketleg
Medicine cat: Smallcloud
Beachclaw-fierce tom with a peach colored pelt
Apprentice, Fernpaw
Whitefur- white she-cat with grey specks Rockfoot- grey tom, the only senior warrior.
Apprentice, Greypaw
Owlpelt- black and brown she-cat
Greypaw- stormy grey tom Fernpaw- light orange tom Queens:
Echoleaf- grey she-cat, mother to Ashkit (grey tom) Shrewkit (light brown and white tom) Windkit (grey Tom with bright green eyes) and Fuzzkit (specked fluffy she-cat)
Beechfur- half-blind she cat, mother to Applekit (reddish tom) and Wavykit (grey she-cat)
Elders: Seeingclaw- old former medicine cat with one deaf ear Sincerely,
Cloverpeak of GorgeClan
11. (I friended/followed everyone who gave their Roblox users) - currently looking for more AUs Everyone: thank you all! I will prob check in every now and then, but I will probably not say anything. ALSO, if you want me to advertise this AU on Picsart I can! Just looking for your permission for this, maybe not all of you might want to so just telling ya first! Phoenix: Im feeling better, ty. Also, you can keep IceClan, enjoy! If you have Picsart or Roblox we can chat. My user for Roblox is autumn_hexagon and my user for Picsart is starlit_chaos SUNSETSPLASH: Uhhh I couldn’t find any OCs that you submitted on my Clans. I think you adopted some but I deleted those Clans already….sorry. Dappleshade
12. I haven’t checked the AU in a while - I cried at Spottedleaf’s Second death (Omen of the stars; I think), when Yellowfang died (The prophecies begin), Bristlefrost’s death (Broken Code), and lastly Hailstar’s death (Crookedstar’s Promise). I’m so sad your leaving Dapple! But I understand! It’s ok! I just have this to say; don’t give out personal information on Apple Books; such as: Phone Number, Passwords, Addresses, ETC.
I made this mistake a while ago when I gave out my number, I ended up getting over spam messages :(
That’s all :/
13. Great book! (remake of a review) - Hi guys! Cloudstripe here.. or I guess now known as Corpse’Spine or Valid’Dusk. Denwal I do accept your apology, as I was one of the people who were against you for hating the series. You having your opinion on the series is completely fine, but others may enjoy it a lot; so maybe suing the Erins isn’t a completely good idea since it would ruin other people who enjoy the books. They can’t stop the series because you want them to, but then again these are my thoughts, so I could be wrong. I personally love the books and would love for new series and more adventures; as these books have drawn me to love the ways of cats and more! And, I must say, they have improved on cats’ deaths in series. Yes, cats dying from cars is pretty brutal and Hawkfrosts death was very.. let’s just say gruesome. I have experienced two of my cats dying from cats without even knowing. After that, my experience with cats went downhill. Well, I practically started with cats… I know have . My life has been painful and I can understand how upset you are about the books. But. if you don’t read them, then don’t bother on doing anything to harm the Warriors Fans community. Just let them be and try to move on with your life and edge away from the books and memories it brings to you. Good day/night fellow readers. Hope this helps for any haters who literally just wanna sue the Erins.
14. Amazing! - I’ve been a huge fan of this series! I’m currently on arc !! And I figured if I want people to know how good this book is I should put it here. It’s an amazing read for any fantasy/animal lover! I’d recommend it for maybe about year olds since there’s some murder in it- but otherwise I love this series!!!
LORE- My brain hurts trying decode messages and READ EVERY SINGLE DOC- I’m on Twitter and we all are in a group trying to figure this crap out omg. Please say you guys are doing better than I am From, Em (HAPPY HALLOWEEN MONTH!)
16. New Clan…? - A group of cats have been gathered at the top of a hill… secluded from others and only a nearby stream to live on. The Leader, Deputy, and the rest of this ominous clan have existed for many, many moons, and it is only until now that their existence has been exposed My OC is Long Fang, but I might change the name. You’re welcome to join, but please ask. Warriors, Kits, Elders, and queens are needed. Leader, deputy and medicine cat are taken Clan name: (Mystery For Now, so it’s just called “? Clan” Leader: Gold Star Description- Ginger She-Cat with white splashes on tip of tail, left back paw and right front paw. Hazel-Brown eyes Kit- () Deputy- Rust fang Description- Grey Tom with dark grey stripes along it’s tail and back. Has a scar on left ear. Apprentice- Mud Paw Kit- () Medicine Cat- Little Leaf Description- White she-cat with greenish and grayish tinted eyes. Has a scar on tail Kit- ()-(Originally she had a kit, but unfortunately it died of hypothermia after exploring the outside and becoming lost) WARRIORS Long Fang Description- she-cat matted with a beautiful coat of black fur with amber eyes. Large paws with long, dagger-shaped fangs Apprentice- Running Paw Oak tail Description- Small tortoiseshell Tom. Hazel eyes and flat muzzle. Splotch of light blonde fur on neck Apprentice- Frost paw Wind Foot Description- Light grey Tom with white paws. Apprentice- Small Paw Mist Fur Description- Grey tabby She-Cat with Light grey speckles on chest. Aqua Blue eyes Apprentice- Quick Paw Bright Poppy Description- Beautiful Ginger she-cat Appreciate- Branch Paw Dead Ear Description- Golden brown Tom with grayish eyes. Born with one deaf ear Apprentice- Yellow Paw Heavy Foot Description- Brown large Tabby with large paws. Has bright yellow eyes Panther Claw Description- Large Black Tom with Large front and back legs. Unusually long tail Apprentice- Sharp paw KITS Running Paw- White Tabby with a short tail (Cloud) Small Paw- Small white kit (Storm) Frost Paw- White kit with bright blue eyes (Heart) Sharp Paw- Grey kit with dark brown eyes, light grey stripes on all paws (?Eye?) Quick Paw- Pale ginger Kit (Sand) Branch Paw- Tabby kit (Claw) Yellow Paw- Spotted beige kit (Stone) Mud Paw- Dark brown tabby kit (Pelt) QUEENS ??? ??? ??? ELDERS Fern Eye- Light brown Tom with reflective golden brown eyes. Missing half of tail and the oldest Tom in ? Clan Maple Heart- tortoiseshell she-cat with white splash of fur on chest. Oldest She-Cat in ? Clan Tulip- White she-cat. Blind on right eye Dark Nose- Dark Brown Tom with a flat muzzle