Release date: 2015-03-17 $8.99
Release date: 1961-04-26 $8.99
1. SO GOOD - I’m currently in seventh grade and i’m a big procrastinator. I have an essay due tomorrow on this book and hadn’t started it until today, i read the whole thing and it was amazing, i love the characters and highs and lows of this book. I highly recommend this book. For parents there are a couple of parts that get a little gory with an axe, not to spoil too much. Over all i absolutely love this book / % recommend
2. Where the Red Fern Grows - I’m & in fifth grade and I’m reading this book in class and I’m on page and I only started a week ago. I thought it was going to be boring but….. I was at page and it really like hooked me and I stay up all night and read this book but it’s hard not to fall asleep. Ps. Sorry if I wrote to much. Have a nice day
3. Amazing Book!!! - My sister gave me this book when she moved away so I read it and it had me crying for days it’s such an amazing book and I love it! I’m a middle school teacher and I read this to my students and some of them cried too, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone!
4. Disappointing - Am I the only one to see nothing valuable in this book? What is romantic in cruelty of hunting for fun? A young boy chopping down the most beautiful tree in the wood only to catch and kill a terrified, defenseless animal with an axe is an example of love and compassion this book claims it is about? But at the same time, we are supposed to feel sorry for the death of Billy’s dogs in the end of the book? Why are their lives more valuable? No compassion meanwhile was shown for the cat that hurt all for of his legs in Billy’s trap. The author found it funny! Despite the claims of being a book about wonderful childhood, the reader will never know the names of Billy’s sisters. They are just girls, hence unimportant. The overall literary value of the book is questionable. There is no lesson, no point, no message, no character growth in it. A boring and repetitive narrative in the middle, followed by a hasty wrap-up in the end.
5. A work of literature - I’m eleven, and I read this book during elementary school, and BEFORE YOU READ THIS READ ALL THE REVIEWS THAT ARE BAD. then tell me why their excuses for this book being “boring” are so ridiculously bad. Why? Because they can’t comprehend literature as it is; art, literature is art. This book is art. I believe that people who love books, dogs, and sometimes coffee , like me should read this. Some reviews said it was sad at some parts I had to agree I cried a little, but that’s for my love of dogs. And these dogs aren’t just any dogs they protect Billy (their owner) and his family. They are one outstanding, amazing, brave, pair of dogs. Who not only help billy hunt, but become one of the best. Please read this book, it is amazing.
6. Wonderful story - I read this in middle school once as part of an assignment, our class was supposed to be reading it chapter by chapter as homework and writing assignments on it everyday. When i started reading this book i had my doubts, but before the first chapter was over i was completely in love and finished the book the first night, and read it more times in a week. I can never find the words to describe the joy and sorrow this book brings me.
7. Life - I imagined my self, the pace she describes the whole time I could easily compare to where I live, I have two dogs of my own, they may not be hounds, but like Billy’s dogs, they were special. This book really touched me, I was even the same age, and as I write this, I still am if that makes sense. This book has changed me and we change me forever
Release date: 1992-07-28 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 2014-02-18 $12.99
1. Well.... - A librarian read this to me in my old days... Pre-school? Pre-K? I’m not sure. I have always remembered this book but have not ordered it yet, but I’m going to. The boy and the tree, it has been stuck in my mind, which is good. This book reminds me of my dead hamster and fish, who I always have loved and hoped to see again. It reminds me of my family, my relatives, all the way to great-great-great-great grandparents. I have not even known my great-grandparents, but I wish to see them someday. The Giving Tree teaches kids to love their moms, their dads, brothers, sisters, pets, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, all until the earliest days. The Giving Tree is way better than The Taking Tree, which is a similar but badder book than The Giving Tree. I have a ancient tree in my yard, which was there since when my father was a boy. My house, where my grandfather used to live, the USA, Ohio, where I live, where I was born, where I was baptized.... sniff all the memories........ All so sad, having relatives across the ocean,....... this brings memories to children, too, and brings friends and family closer.
2. Greatest story ever told. Honesty it is! - Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree" is the greatest story ever told. It starts out with a small boy and his love for his tree, then grows into a story about what the tree can do to make the boy happy. Soon the tree has nothing more to give and the boy understands how selfish he has been toward the tree. The tree is visited by someone and sees the beauty in the old stump and they sit together and are happy. All stories should have a happy ending that makes you really smile. This book does. I'm and still love reading The Giving Tree. I do not have children to share the experience with yet, but maybe one day the younger generation will appreciate this book as much as I have. - Desiree
3. Childhood favorite - Just got done sharing this amazing book with my yr old son, while he is too young to get the real story here, being a parent I can relate to this book more now than ever. Not gonna lie, I got a little emotional near the end after reading this for the first time in quite a while. My grandma used to read me this book all the time and am now passing this tradition on to my sons makes me happy.
4. The Giving Tree - This story about a tree has affected my life more than I could have possibly imagined. I was read this story as a child many time, and thought it was cool. But only because this boy had made a lifelong friend, and they were both happy. But I recently came back and reread this book as an adult. I can't say how much it moved me. It shows how much you can love someone, almost to the point of decimating yourself, and still see what that person is doing to you. But it also teaches a lesson that people can change, as the boy does. Sometimes I wonder if the tree is the most human character in the story. I would like to think so.
Release date: 1995-09-19 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
1. Like it — ish - I like it — ish. It’s not too good but not to shabby. I liked the part of it when Junie B. threw a wet sponge at “That Meanie Jim”’s face. It was very funny. And I like when Lucille said, “Ick, what happened to it?” It’s almost eleven thirty at night, and I am laying in bed sneezing on my iPad Air ’s screen reading Junie B. Jones. I can relate to thinking something sounds good, then trying it and hating it. Recently, I heard that I was having macaroni with homemade cheese for dinner, and it sounded DELISH! But, when I tried it, I spit it out the moment I got a taste. It was THAT GROSS.
2. Junie b. jones yucky blucky fruitcake. - Junie B. Jones yucky blucky fruitcake is a good book about a girl named Junie B. Jones and her class is having a carnival night and she has a certain amount of tickets and she uses them all on games and sees that she has one more ticket left and uses the last one on a certain game. To figure what happens next read the book to find out.
Release date: 2011-06-21 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 1960-08-12 $7.99
1. Sam, I am..... - Glad to finally own the classic "Green Egg & Ham" for my iPad. Probably the best Dr. Seuss book ever written, and I plan on purchasing the rest of the Dr. Seuss collection! Rach, you need to update your iPad to the new iOS .. to get your e-book to work properly. Let us know if you get it to work, because I have no problems with my copy.
Release date: 2016-03-08 $24.99
Release date: 2017-04-04 Genre:Kids > Fiction $6.99
1. Hilarious! - Logan, age : I loved this book because the characters were really funny. Kathy was mean but I thought that was funny. Jill, mom: We’ve read two Wayside School books so far and I love sharing this book with my own children. For years, I’ve read this series to my third graders. It’s been fun reliving it with my own kids! Louis Sachar is hilarious!
2. Wayside School Is Falling Down - I rate this book five stars because it really makes me laugh when it is gloomy out. Also I don’t really like reading books but this book and the series of Wayside School really makes me happy if what I am reading. It is such a good book and you should really consider getting it!!
Release date: 2016-03-08 $8.99
Release date: 1997-11-25 $7.99
Release date: 2004-09-07 $5.99
Release date: 2018-09-25 $18.99
Release date: 2017-05-02 $9.99
Release date: 2015-03-17 $8.99
Release date: 1993-02-16 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2013-06-25 $8.99
Release date: 1994-05-24 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 1961-08-12 $8.99
1. Such an amazing book! (Pls read this review) - I’m a year old and this book is SO AWESOME!! Even the people in my class who are jocks and think they are apparently too cool for school even enjoy this book and laugh at every witty content! I definitely recommend this book to everyone, everywhere. It’s so clever how they incorporate all the wordplay while still making it funny.
I understand how some of the narrations and dialogue can be a bit confusing, even some of the words and statements confuse me and other times my teacher has to explain the world play cuz everyone looks like this: But after she explains, I just have an AHA moment and I’m like ‘hey that’s actually pretty smart” And so I recommend it for smart - graders and for anyone who needs something to read. SO INTERESTING AND CANT WAIT TO READ MORE IN CLASS!! Once again thx for reading! Have a great day yall.
2. Genuine genius - This is a beautifully written book, with adventures that any reasonable child would envy, and characters that end up being both nonhuman and all-too-human at the same time. This is a must-read for any true punster or any of the children out there whoever dreamed of an adventure of shocking reality and strangeness all at the same time
3. The best book in the world! - “ This book inspires young kids like me to use there imagination and go on wild adventures so they won’t end up in Doldrums. I loved the funny language and people Milo met like Alec Bings and Chroma the Great. The story arc always keeps the journey going with one exciting thing after the other. I was sold as soon as I got to the part when Milo finds the Phantom Tolbooth in his room. The funniest part was the straight up language like ‘jumping to conclusions’. Overall, I love the book I recommend it to both adults and children.”
4. Still a good book - I’m years old now and I still love this book. It’s very interesting and one of the only books I will only really read(besides Percy Jackson and diary of a wimpy kid even tho those are kid books). This book is actually pretty understandable. As long as you know what’s going on and you’re paying attention, his will most likely be one of your favorite books. It happened to me. I’m not forcing anyone to like it, but to at least be interested in it a little bit. Really good, classic book. And I rarely read books lol.
5. I love it - To be honest i thought it was going to be boring type book but when I read the first chapter I knew that j was going to like it. It's an amazing book and it's really creative type of book. It makes the reader have to think twice before going to the next sentence. Lol this rating is sooo long too
6. Best book - We had to read this book for th grade honors English. We studied the symbolism of the book. Every character,person,place or thing has symbolism to it. Milo represents any one on a journey, to the census taker who represents distractions. So many puns in this book, for adults or middle school up it is great to find and question yourself on symbolism., for example, milo jumps to conclusion and is then sent to a place called conclusions that he can't escape. And for elementary children it is just a fun book. Truly amazing....Savagesquad out
7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BOOK!!! - I read this book as a child and I love it more today than I did years ago. Now that I’m a mom, I couldn’t wait to share it with my daughter. She could not get enough. This is a girl who fought bedtime every night until I introduced her to this book. Once I started reading this to her at bedtime, she begged to go to bed so we could read another chapter. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
8. Surprisingly interesting - When I had to read this book for summer reading I thought it would be really boring but when I started to read it it was so interesting I mean like I wanted to read more and more and finally I finished it today it was really good I hope that people will be able to read this book cause it was really fun to read it!
9. Book Report - The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is a great book. A perfect example of fantasy. The main character, Milo, has no respect for learning, as he feels it is a waste of time. When he comes across a mysterious tollbooth on a sidewalk, he carefully examines it and finds a note: “FOR MILO, WHO HAS PLENTY OF TIME”. Milo goes on a quest through a number of quirky towns and countries to save the two Princess’s, Rhyme and Reason. I encourage those who like stories with lots of action to buy this book. The Phantom Tollbooth seems like a children’s book to simply entertain, but it you read it carefully, the lessons Milo learns are for the more mature crowd. I can’t think of any book that is like this one, mainly because of all the adventure and creativity. The plot does however take many twists and turns, which can be hard to catch up with. But this truly is a tale that every child, teenager, and adult must read.
10. The Phantom Tollbooth review - This book is filled with fun and exciting adventures. The use of puns and figurative language in here is mind blowing. This book can teach you new words and how to comprehend figurative language better. The troubling words you may encounter will also make you use a dictionary from time to time but all the trouble makes it worth it. So I highly recommend this book to anyone who is always bored like Milo and enjoy the adventures he encounters. I also recommend this to teachers for students.
Release date: 2016-03-08 $7.99
Release date: 1993-01-01 $9.99
Release date: 2016-03-08 $6.99
1. Touching and informative - It was the next best thing to being there, reading Mrs. Wilding’s picturesque story of pioneer life along wagon trails & homesteading. Gifted writer, she was. I ended up both in admiration of these plucky families, and also very appreciative of both the accurate TV series & our modern standard of living!
Release date: 1998-06-16 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
1. No - I love Junie B Jones. But the sample is supposed to let you read the book without buying it, a few times, and it didn't let me sample it. I don't understand. If anybody could write a review a review back on this website here, I could write you a Nother one and that would help me out a lot. Thanks if so.
Release date: 2014-01-28 $7.99
1. One of my faves since its first print - I couldn't tell you how many times I've read this book since I first bought it at my elementary school in the late 's off the Scholastic book bus. Since then, I've passed my copy on to my wife (who is a th grader teacher), and she's said every time she has had her class read the book, they always love it. There's definitely some life lessons to be learned in this book, it all depends on how you perceive them. Thank you for creating such a classic, Mr.Spinelli. "Maniac" shall live on forever.
Release date: 1961-03-12 $9.99
Release date: 2010-12-21 Genre:Kids > Fiction $9.99
1. Wonderful! - I love this book- it's a great story, extraordinarily well written, and funny, with realistic, memorable characters. This is the sort of book that you can read over and over again, and enjoy every time. I've read it about four times, and it's definitely one of my all- time favorites. I also recommend reading other books by the author, in my opinion, one of the best.
Release date: 2011-02-22 $5.99
Release date: 2016-03-08 $8.99
Release date: 2012-12-04 $3.99
Release date: 2013-12-03 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2011-06-14 Genre:Kids > Fiction $9.99
1. play & confidence - Thank you Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight, for sharing the top to bottom of a place, the people, the emotions, 'rank', joys and fear that connect all cultures right there in the Big Apple. Prowess of line & prose...goes & grows...a must must must read and re-read every decade or so's!
Release date: 2013-01-08 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2015-05-26 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2021-02-02 $6.99
Release date: 2015-10-14 $3.99
Release date: 1999-03-31 $9.99
Release date: 2018-08-17 Genre:Kids > Fiction $11.99
Release date: 1963-02-12 $7.99
Release date: 1976-10-28 $7.99
1. It’s Endearing! - This book is beautiful! The original work of the author is just beautiful. The story itself is sweet and endearing. I think this is simply a timeless piece of art. I hope to read it to my children in the future. This version of the e-book has animations that make the pictures come alive. There is also an audio version. I am a person that prefers physical books, however, I think there is a time for a book such as this. I can see children loving the extra animations and the read-along recording. I think we need to expose children to physical books, however, we need to realize e-books are the future for children. Let’s embrace thsi fact and let thier first encounter with a quality book physical or not be in the presence of family.
2. I don't need an "enhanced" edition! - I read this book as a kid and wanted a copy for my iPad, but megabytes is ridiculous just to see falling snow. The magic of this book lies in the beautiful illustrations and sweet, simple story; the snow is distracting and bloats the file size. As for the audio, not everyone needs it. I downloaded the sample, but won't be buying the book; offer an original, "unenhanced" version and I'll buy it.
Release date: 2016-03-08 $5.99
1. Garth Williams - My mother would read to me every night and the Little House books were my favorite bestowing me with a life long love of reading. But the illustrator, Garth Williams painted true magic with his gorgeous elfin eyed children and use of color. Read to your children, there’s more to childhood than screens.
2. The Best! - A extremely wonderful thing to do is read something like this illustration and to have your mind imagine how Laura and early pioneers like herself and her family is so exciting and a look back in time of early settlers and of the time period of History. I read these books when I was years old I am now and I still love these illustration's and remember them great for kids and adults who love hiatory
Release date: 2016-03-08 $8.99
1. Wonderful little book - The Long Winter is just what it sounds like, the novel based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's experience of a brutal Winter during their "Little House" years. The American Indian neighbors were absolutely right about what was headed their way, and the settlers who listened to them were a little better prepared - but even so, it was challenging and life-threatening! Side note: A Choctaw friend of mine has told me that American Indian is the preferred terminology. The continuing blizzards started in October, and sometimes they would only have a one-day break in between storms. The snowfall was so blinding that they couldn't even see buildings they were in front of, and found out only when they bumped into the walls. Snow piled up to feet around the railroad tracks, so the trains were unable to ship freight for a couple months; thus, everyone was running low on supplies of basic staples like flour. Store could not get new supplies. It was nigh impossible to ever get fully warm, even inside houses that were as well insulated as possible for the times. The saddest moment was when Pa's hands had been so cold that he could not even play his beloved fiddle. But the plucky Ingalls family members all did their parts to help each other and their neighbors, and Laura's future husband bravely went out for supplies for everyone and saved the day - and likely lives. The Ingalls family were as positive as anyone could be, and they enjoyed trying "new" treats like eating things made from wheat. Any time we find ourselves complaining about modern weather, this book would be a good reminder and a dose of reality for us to bring things into perspective!
Release date: 2016-03-08 $8.99
Release date: 1997-09-16 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 1997-06-24 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
1. Mittens - It’s very good and hilarious to . And they also have sneak peeks of the next book. And you can even see the pictures . But have a little bit of inappropriate language. It’s also better than the audiobook because it has pictures and you can shade The pictures in colors like purple, blue, black and red
2. Two stars for egregious price gouging by Random House - I bought this book for my daughter at $. plus tax because I am a sucker for how much she enjoys Junie B. boy does she love that guy (gal). And we were waiting for our box set to arrive and so of course we had to download a digital copy that cost random house all of cents to deliver. Great books. Not worth $.....
Release date: 2012-10-16 $4.99
Release date: 2018-09-04 $7.99