Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Amazing book! Here’s how to get it for free - Kk so there’s a complete collection of all the hp books on here. Go to it (just search “Harry Potter”. It’s at the top of the list) and click the sample. The sample is this full book. For free! (There’s no pictures though like in this one…just fyi.) On a completely unrelated note, this is one of my favorite series! / recommend!!! If you see this review, leave a emoji! Elmo out
2. Great book! - Full of classic characters and exciting action, it’s a story that I found hard to put down. There’s a REAL Magical Sport and a REAL villain, and after reading it again, all the plots came together. Writing isn’t perfect, but this is J.K. Rowling’s debut, so give her a chance. Also, there is something readers under age should be warned about: a man with two faces.
3. Good - I have never watched the movies, and I recently started reading the series then watching the movies after. the first i blew through, it definitely has a great and epic story line. Each book gets a bit bigger and into more detail, to stick it out in the first book is well worth it. I would recommend this series to anyone. I am currently on Book , and it is amazing!
4. The Writing didn’t grab me and was too dull - I think it was just the fact that the writing wasn’t extremely powerful. The First book made me struggle as I flipped through each page. As I satisfyingly got through the first book even the second book I didn’t like maybe some of the other books at better but I rather not skip through the series. So basically what I’m saying is I’m not a fan of the writing in these books nor do I like flow of the story. The only good part about these books is the world JK Rowling created it. Round of applause for that but that’s really it. Thank you for Reading my Review!
5. Amazing just for somebody who likes fiction - I love the books they are the best books ever J. K. Rowling I’m your biggest fan I’ve read all the books for my self and I’m an eight year old I love your books anybody who says not just shut that mouth of yours J. K. Rowling is a beautiful artist beautiful work done by bye
6. Pretty good - I love this book as much as, if not more than, when I was seven and reading it for the first time. This is probably my favorite book in the series because it’s a good book with or without the rest of the series. When reading these books, I’m completely aware that they aren’t the best quality writing but it’s more about the world and characters and how those progress through the books. It’s really interesting when you’ve finished the series and look back to when you started it.
7. Yessssss!!!!!! - Harry Potter is an outstanding series! I finished the series last year but I still love reading them over and over again. This is the best series of all time easily. The sorcerers stone is a great way to kick off the amazing series. It’s not my favorite book in the series but still outstanding!!!!!
8. Nostalgic - “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” I have read the first volume of Harry Potter three times in the last years and the books were part of my adolescence. Growing up reading the novel and being excited to watch the movies in theaters is one of the most joyful memories I have of my youth. We found ourselves discovering the wizard world and magic spells alongside Harry, as he is introduced to Hogwarts and to the most important characters to the saga, such as Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and Snape. Beyond magic creatures, Quidditch and a thrilling of narrative of Harry Potter’s first year at Hogwarts, we also learn the invaluable role that friendships can play in the beginning of our teenage years.
9. Still a fantastically magical read. - It’s been fifteen years since I last read this but I enjoyed it just as much now as I did the first time, and second and third time. As a mother of two, my daughters grew up watching the movies and even though they are now and , they still enjoy them just as I do the movies AND books.
10. This book is ummm a no for me - Like wizard your a Harry that scene was just kinda confuseing. I am also dyslexic so I might have messed it up a little. It also did not mention Nicki Minaj ONCE. I AM SO MAD THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. Like I was told this book was a autobiography of Nicki but no it is just about a harry wizard. Ew…
11. Seen the movies, never read the books! - I’ve seen the Harry Potter movies x and I still continue to watch them! But now getting to read the books I’m excited! So far reading the first book the sources stone and all I can do is read the book in the voices from the movie in my head. Excited to read the rest of the books!
12. Amazing book - I always thought Harry Potter was a bit overrated, but I decided to give it a chance.It is a good thing I did because this book is phenomenal.I’m obsessed with these books and the movie series.It really makes you feel like you’re inside the book.Not inappropriate at all.Totally worth anyone’s money.% recommend.
13. Accessibility issues for blind users - This is not so much a bad book as it is bad formatting for the voiceover screen reader. While using the screen reader it will only read the first page of each chapter and jump to the next chapter. The enhanced version is unreadable. Please fix so that I don’t have to buy the standard edition and spend money for this book this should be accessible for blind readers
14. LOVED!! - I’m so glad I got into these books. As a Christian, I was a bit apprehensive about starting a fantasy book about witchcraft, but reading it caused me to understand that the spells weren’t even real, just made up. I love Harry and Dumbledore’s relationship. This is a fantastic book for children and adults. I’m glad I read it.
15. Reviewed by: ReviewQueen - I love Harry Potter! I’m a Potterhead to the core! I do prefer the regular books, though. Specifics: -I would say the first book would be for ages . Parents are free to disagree
-I love the whole series but the last few books have bad words. Parents: this is your choice.
Other reviews from real people: “I LOVE HARRY POTTER! If you are not a fan, it’s just sad!”
-My best friend
“Good book. I like Keeper of the Lost Cities more.”
-My other friend
-My year old niece Pls make sure to say tuned for more ReviewQueen reviews! If you see one of my reviews somewhere, review the same book and say that you read my review!
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Biggest potterhead that’s ever existed!!!!! - This wasn’t the best Harry Potter book but that’s not the point. Goblet of fire was a super interesting read that always had you read more and more. I liked that Sirius wasn’t the biggest character but he made multiple appearances that I loved. Thanks jk Rowling!!
2. Amazing - I think this book is awesome! It’s a bit long (, pages) but very interesting, and (I wouldn’t know, I haven’t read it yet) but I think in the third book we’ll find out that Mrs. Figgs is a witch. This book is about an event that takes place at Hogwarts. The Goblet of Fire is a cup that has fire in it, and it chooses the champions of each school. There’s an age limit that’s older than Harry, and only schools competing, but Harry ends up becoming the fourth school champion. Harry, Ron, and Hermione need to find out who put Harry’s name in the goblet, and Harry needs to survive three ridiculously dangerous tasks. I think HP is awesome, and would totally recommend this book (well worth the ten bucks it costs ).
3. The Book When Everything Changed - All of the little details that went into this book (and the series as a whole). This is the book that got me interesting in wand lore. If Rowling wrote a book of Harry Potter wand lore, I would be first in line to read it. It’s been so long since I read this book, I forgot all the little details and amazing little things that didn’t make it into the movie. As is usually the case, the book is better than the movie. This book is well worth the read. I love this so much.
4. can’t compare it to any book - It is probably the best fantasy book of all time and definitely the best Harry Potter book. This book has action of all different kinds,plus it adds two new main elements to the story: Voldemort,and romance.It will seem a little long at first but it’s a pleasure to the brain and your time as you go on. I recommend this to any book readers or fantasy lovers.
5. The Turning Point - This book is where the Harry Potter series turns away from simply being a young adult fantasy adventure. What begins as a fun, once in a generation competition at Hogwarts swiftly takes on implications that changes the series forever and cements Harry Potter’s story as a classic tale. Without going into spoilers, I can say that loss and dread permeate this book. The themes are so well-done, so vivid, and every page has a purpose. JK Rowling does not waste many lines - almost every plot thread she dangles in the first few chapters becomes relevant by the end of the book. While some of the monologues and speeches can be a bit overlong (a common trope of the series), each character and their motivations are clearly defined and even the longer soliloquies are mostly meat, with little filler. While this is not the best of the Harry Potter books, it’s one of the finer ones, and sets the stage beautifully for the superior follow-up The Order of the Phoenix. If you’ve come this far in the franchise you don’t need my recommendation, but I will say if you like The Goblet of Fire, it somehow only gets better from here.
6. Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire - Oh my goodness! This book is literally amazing! J.K Rowling uses so many descriptive words, which makes the book even more great than it already is! I won’t spoil it but this book has at least more than exciting moments awaiting to be happened! This book is long, but never gets boring like other long books! Overall this book is exquisite!
7. Another great book. - This is the book that changes Harry Potter from a thrilling kids series to an epic young adult fantasy series. This is the book where Lord Voldemort returns in power. This is where the series gets darker and darker... “HE’S BACK!” will forever be imprinted in my brain as a quote of evil rising and how the good must stop it or else death. Within the book, I didn’t cry during Cedric’s death. Trust me, it was tragic. But the movie is what hit me. I realized within seconds of Harry returning to the arena tears were rolling down my cheeks. It was unbearable to watch. Within the sadness, I thank J.K. Rowling for making this an epic start to the final battle.
8. Exceptional - As I am rereading the series, I can say that these books have not lost there magical and whimsical touch. This book has been a thrilling experience (as I have found myself contently and avidly flipping through the pages). The creativity and the development of various characters has continued to unfold, and I simply can not wait to reread the fifth book! However, I do have a mild complaint. The illustrations are not proportional and rather dull. I genuinely believe there are many talented digital artists and animators that could have created nicer depictions of Rowling’s writing. ;-)
9. Super DaNK Book! (Good Book) - I have read the hard copy of this book from the library and I couldn’t finish it. So I am going to buy the iBook version, I have read the iBook Enhanced version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and I loved the moving pictures. The bring the book to life in a way! So good job on the book, Pottermore and J.K. Rowling! By the way while we are talking about pictures, here is a joke, what do dentists call x-rays of your teeth, “tooth pics!”
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Better than the first one! - The writing is good and the plot more gripping than book one. There are good character arcs and new, exciting characters as well. The animations don’t always work immediately, but I manage to get them to after some double-clicking. All in all, the story is phenomenal and the format decent. May the Force be with you
(I like Star Wars as well)
2. Best sequel ever!!!!! - Harry Potter is the best series ever. But the chamber of secrets is the best sequel ever. It is a huge step up from sorcerers stone ( not that it wasn’t amazing ) and such an enjoyable read!! I love reading about the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermiony. I used to think that fantasy was just something that people overreacted about but now I understand why it’s so good. Thank you jk Rowling!!
3. Harry Potter - I read the non-electronic version of Harry Potter and now I’m rereading it. I feel that Harry Potter is famous for a reason. The philosophy and wisdom hidden beneath the words are worth discovering. As somebody who doesn’t really have a vast vocabulary but can understand mature examples of life….to me Harry Potter is wonderful. Who wouldn’t like it? Chapter and were gripping. Although it wasn’t the best book in the series, no denying that, it’s still…COOLL
I mean man, they’ve sold millions of copies all over the world. “Exactly,” said Dumbledore, beaming once more. “Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” “Harry, Harry,” said Lockhart, shaking his head impatiently, “it’s not nearly as simple as that. There was work involved. I had to track these people down. Ask them exactly how they managed to do what they did. Then I had to put a Memory Charm on them so they wouldn’t remember doing it. If there’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s my Memory Charms. No, it’s been a lot of work, Harry. It’s not all book-signings and publicity photos, you know. You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long hard slog.”
4. AMAZING!!! - This might be my favorite book in the series only because Voldemort is soooo crazy!!! I never saw the plot twist coming and when I tell you I was SHOCKED, it is an understatement!!! I really enjoyed this one so much. I’m a scary cat so I was frightened at some point but I loved the ending!! J.K is a phenomenal writer for sure!
5. Always - Every time I reread these books it’s always a fun read. They are page turners and good to read to the kids as they grow up. This is what got me really into reading when I was younger. I just have to have them in my ebook collection. You should to highly recommend all of these books and the movies. They make some good family time for the younger kids. Finish a book watch the movie and then start the next book.
6. So Human and Wonderful - I love so much about this book, it’s hard to put it all into words. The illustrations in these enhanced editions are perfect in every way. Never mind that they move and make you feel like you have the magical world editions. The story itself is great. The books have so many more little details that couldn’t make it into the movies. The scathing descriptions of Lockhart are great. Harry is so cheeky to Tom Riddle while simultaneously absolutely positive he was going to die. I loved the doubt and the half bluff when he talked about Dumbledore. Dumbledore‘s obsession with hot chocolate. It’s just so human and wonderful. If you can’t read this book and fall in love with it, you just don’t get Harry Potter and there is no helping you. Sorry.
7. Perfect! - J.K Rowling has Such an imagination! Her writing skills is so Amazing that the characters, places, and things pull you into her world, and when it’s over you, you want to stay, and you don’t want to leave! Leaves you wanting more and not satisfied until you get it! My favorites! I highly recommend J. K. Rowling! You won’t regret experiencing!
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Update not populating… - As with the other books, the update is not downloading properly on my iPad Pro -inch. Downloads everywhere else properly (iPad Pro -inch, iPhone ). Please advise. STRIKE THAT…Now having the same issue on iPhone…not able to download the update. New update has remedied the problem. Back to five stars!
2. Enhancement failures - Disappointed. I bought this book for the enhanced features to try something different. Over / the graphics are not available to view, and only two at the beginning had the promised movements. I won’t be wasting money on the rest of the series and will read what I have in Kindle instead or paperback instead.
3. Great book!!! - I’ve read the whole Harry Potter series multiple times and every time I read them they never fail to engage me for hours. The order of the pheniox is such a fun book to read over and over again! I’m the biggest potterhead ever and I love every bit of Harry Potter books. I love how good Neville does with beletrax on the loose. He has came a long way and is a great character in this book. Jk Rowling never fails to amaze me and never will with her books. SPOILER ALERT I’m pretty sad that Sirius died. He was probably my favorite character besides Ron. Thanks jk Rowling for sharing your magic with us!!!!!!!!
4. Nice book - Lemme say- I only read the previous books and this sample- Harry Potter bests almost all books! I’m planning to be a author, and already creating stories. But I never will be able to beat Harry Potter, no matter how many times I try. Also, they said, “Look no forward for the next Harry Potter;” In percy jackson, but honestly, even Riordan can’t beat the Harry Potter series. Though Idk if Harry Potter is better. In my opinon, the two series are rivals.
5. Why JK, why... - Why did you kill him JK? I - I thought you were cool. sobs In the beginning, I didn’t really like Harry all that much and how Ron and Hermy just cowered when he was having fits. But they truly were the only ones that saw him when he was in pieces. And Harry being such a butt during this and you realize kind of towards the end how broken he is.
For Merlins beard, the poor kid wanted to DIE, JUST to see his past family. Legit he was prolly willing to do anything to see Sirius. But though we had to tolerate Harry’s temper, I’m glad JK had Ginny and Luna To tell him to check himself when Harry was feeling a little too bad for himself, lol. I also love the part when Fred and George decided that they had enough of that pink toad. BUT I AM TAKING A STAR AWAY FOR TAKING MY SIRIUS.
6. Plz Read!!! - I love this book!!Harry Potter has always been my favorite series as a kid and I still reread and rewatch all the books and movies!I always imagined I was a witch as a kid and I could perform spells better than Hermione.(As if anyone could!!) I especially love Order of the Phoenix.It has a great storyline and plot.The characters are great,as always.There are a few new characters introduced in here too such as Bellatrix and Luna. Wether you are rereading this or starting this for the first time,it is definitely a book I recommend.Im sure you will love it.
7. Favourite Book of the Series - Harry’s anger is palpable in this book. It seems to always be there, lurking under everything else, no matter how happy or excited or peaceful he feels. The amazing thing is that Dumbledore owns up to his mistakes and allows Harry’s anger. He doesn’t tell Harry to calm down or stop or be rational, Dumbledore just lets him be angry. He stands in solidarity with him and protects him until he can calm down on his own terms. For the second time in my life, I read this book at just the right time in my own human experience, and for the second time, it changed my perspective. All of the books in this series are really good and I love each one for different reasons, but I think this one has to be my favorite book of the series on a personal level.
8. Wait huh? - How is this directed to fricking third graders??? I love this book but who made Deathly Hallows a book for children??? I am currently but I wouldn’t get most of the best parts of the book if I was only like . I mean I don’t get how the Harry Potter series is even in the kids section. I feel like it should be in young adult or teen section. Whatever. No one is even going to read this but whatever.
9. Nice book but for the people who are mad because of the app - You guys shouldn’t be mad and give a star review because this app doesn’t work. The review is for how you liked it, not “Oh I couldn’t save my spot” It happens to all of us sometimes. But is the book good? That is the question. And love the book, could be better and since it is so long. J.K. Rowling you are a really good author. And it must be hard because it must be hard to make up a hole story when witchcrafts and wizardry isn’t real.
10. Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix - This book is so good! I love it with all my heart. It is long but this book isn’t like Percy Jackson where it gets boring by the end, this book has so many wonderful and exciting features to it. Every time you’re at a interesting part, your brain is like ooo what’s gonna happen next?! J.K Rowling has such a beautiful imagination, I still can’t believe she could make up something up like this. BIG FAN!!! Read this book!
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Good Book (My oc too) - Personally, I loved the deathly hallows.But I just love the battle at Hogwarts. It was very detailed and it was very enjoyable. I just started reading the books in . J.K Rowling is very unique and truthful in the books. I highly recommend the Harry Potter series.
Ron is my fav! So is Luna.
Anyway, here’s my oc. Name: Elena
House: hufflepuff
First year at hogwarts, let’s gooo!
2. MUST READ!!! - THIS IS THE BEST BOOK IN THE UNIVERSE!!! I am pretty sad that lots of people die, though, that’s just SAD :( It is the best book of the whole series(in my opinion,) I am a proud Gryffindor, and my favorite EVER character in the book is Hermione Granger! This book is the best book I ever read and BELIEVE ME, I am a HUGE bookworm. if you want a thrilling, entertaining, interesting, beautifully made story, here you go!
3. Harry Potter, go read the whole series… - I have finished the whole series a year ago and it was amazing. My favorite part was the battle of Hogwarts. And I liked how Harry’s wand was fixed in the end. Although Fred and Lupin and many others died during the long battle ( and it was very sad :( )… …it was such a good book and such a good series! P.S. if you haven’t read J.K. Rowling’s other books go read them now!!!
4. I love this series - Hey first of all I do watch gravity falls because my little brother and sisters watch it .But I wouldn’t recommend it higher than Harry Potter at all because I mean it’s about paranormal and stuff and all that weird stuff . I would just Stick with Harry Potter I’m just saying but I give this book five stars and if you giving book one star we can never be friends even million years if you’re my sibling and you give it one star you’re not my sibling anymore . Stanford pines a.k.a. money magnet doesn’t care because he’s a dummy cartoon character. I hope I’ve made my point!!!!!
5. Showstopper!!!!!!!!! - This was my favorite book from the series and it was a great way to end the series (there’s still cursed child) and what a showstopper! I loved every bit of the series and I’m very sad that it’s over. If jk Rowling kept writing you better believe me that I’d always buy the book the millisecond it came out. My favorite part is the battle of hogwarts. Unfortunately, we lost some characters that we all know and love. Overall, best book ever!!!
6. story review time!!!!!!! - harry fly away on motorcycle wait uh oh hedwig- George’s ear die wedding happens ok and the ministry has been infiltrated harry Ron and hermione apparate somewhere and there’s death eaters found em from a Taboo anyway go to grimmauldnplace get locket goes to the ministry goes camping for days and we are back in hogwarts the fight begins and uh oh harry goes to Voldemort NO NOT HARRY- harry dies has a talk with dumbldore comes back to life acts like he is dead then BANG he killed Voldemort goodbye. But for real this is my favorite book EVER.
7. Best Series Ever - ReviewKing here I am now reviewing Harry Potter. I… I… I just have to say it is the best series ever. You all know Percy Jackson right? Ok well before I read and reviewed Percy Jackson, and it was good. But nothing compared to Harry Potter. One brilliant mind created this whole world for millions of people. And that brilliant mind belongs to none other than JK Rowling. She is just extraordinary. Harry Potter has good and bad. Romance and a whole world. Harry Potter wins my best reviewed book Look for more reviews by ReviewKing
9. For an older audience - The Harry Potter books have a very interesting world, but for me personally, Rowling isn’t the best at pacing. These books are very thick and either have long periods of action or trailing strings of dialogue which are kind of hard to keep up with. The characters are very well done, if a bit whitewashed, and the plot is memorable, but if you’re younger and have a hard time sitting through long books, I wouldn’t really recommend the Harry Potters.
10. people who put one star... - THIS IS THE BEST SERIES IN THE WORLD AND J.K. ROWLING IS A GODESS! but i just saw someone say it was poorly written and the writing was “amateur”... they also said they are an author, so i have a theory... they are jealous because J.K. Rowling is a genius and they are pathetic. don’t hate this book, it is truly magnificent and captivating. i cannot put it down when i start. the only thing i hate is how i am never productive because my head is stuck in this book.
11. I am amazed - Who can make a book where you are stunned and dazed? No one. Who can use a made-up topic and use it so good? No one. Who makes books so addicting? No one. But J.K. Rowling has beaten these rules. This book was the best. I was so sad when it ended. Rowling if you see this please make a second series of the children of Harry or Harry’s older life. I love the characters. If harry was mad, I’d get mad. We if he was happy, I’d get happy. This really feels real and like I’m him.
12. Always on board with Meh Harry Potter - This book was amazing! - To bad dah series truly had to end here. I’m pretty annoyed that people are giving it ONE STAR because it said a curse/cuss. “ It’s a nightmare honestly. “ Insert Rome Weasley voice. It took me about... uhh... two months each book. WHO ELSE IS HYPED FOR THE NEXT THREE FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM?!?!? I’m sorry. I am such a Potterhead. I DON’T CARE HOW MUCH OF A BAD TIME PEOPLE GIVE ME FOR IT. GO RAVENCLAW! Now, here is my Oc for Harry Potter. ( After the great Hogwarts Battle ) First Name; Lily Last name; Oranges Gender; Female ( girl )
House; Ravenclaw. ( that was her immediate house. Second house; Hufflepuff. Third house; Gryffindor. Last house; Slytherin. Year; th Patronus; SheepHound. Lovable lil’ shortie. Wants to be a Aruror. This is my Oc. Bye!!
- Shadedseawing
13. Oh no they didn’t - Ok, I know that in every hp book there is a cuss. But come on, I think putting in the b word was taking it too far. Was it in the original paperback, cause I don’t remember it. Read the review I put for the audiobook for hp and the sorcerers stone. I’m tellin you, APPLE CAN SCAM!!!!!!!
14. Guys, Harry Potter is not good - The Writing is amateur. Harry is mean to his friends, shows no abuse symptoms, Hermione carries the series, no character arc, and Voldemort was weak. I am an author and it is just...not very well written. It doesn’t deserve the fan hype. If you want a good story, watch Gravity Falls. Love, Stanford Pines
15. Magic! - This book is very enticing, whimsical and imaginative. This book provides so much freedom for the imagination. It also teaches the reader many valuable lessons like the endless possibilities life has in store, or how friendship and love are greater than cold power. These books give the reader a sense of life’s complexities, and allows them to reverie about the world of wizards and witches. I genuinely recommend this magical book. ;-)
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. It was alright - Let me just say I’ve never liked Harry Potter. I thought the first and second books were just overhyped, slow, and just mediocre books. Harry felt not very interesting of a main character. As the series goes on it does get better. This one and the last have really made the series actually good for me. I want to point after not liking book and I’ve watched all the movies and know most of plot points from online articles. I plan on reading Azkaban and Goblet of fire but it’s kinda weird to go all over the place.sorry.
2. Late review, but good book! - Harry Potter and the half blood Prince was very shockingly sad at the end, since Dumbledore perished. You might need a bucket for the tears and some tissues. My fav part was probably when Hermione hit Ron and said,”Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing!” And Ron said,”turn around you lunatic, he’s right there”(Idk if that was in the movie or the book too) My also fav part is when Ginny said,”Why does he always have to have blood on him?”, or something like that. Anyway, good book, you should read! And haters, I’m really sick and tired of you guys hating on jk and her books. So please, just go slither back under a rock and leave her alone, ok? ( srry if it sounds mean I tried to explain it nicely)
3. Harry Potter… - I just finished my third time reading this series. They are so good, especially this one. Spoiler ALert next line: To the other people who wrote those reviews: Dumbledore died for a reason and at the end of the series you will most likely find out. But the sadness affects all of us and it is very very very very very very very very very sad. Anyway… …I LOVE THIS SERIES GO READ THE WHOLE SERIES
4. Such a interesting book!!!! - I loved Harry Potter and the half blood prince just stacks onto the tower of love for Harry Potter through the world. What makes jk Rowling amazing is that she is all over the world and everyone loves her books. If you like the books then I definitely recommend the movies! I also think it’s cute how Harry and Ginny are together. Keep on writing jk Rowling!!!
5. this book is really goid - y’all, don’t discriminate just cause you think JK is transphobic. harry potter is a really good series, don’t hate on it because you hate JK. harry potter hasn’t done anything to you, and for the record, neither has JK. she just said something that was interpreted as transphobic, but is probably just a misunderstanding.
6. OK,my honest opinion. - I love HP,he’s like the BEST!Though JK Rowling is ruining the books, I got a bit stuck on this book by the amount of boring ness,at some points.SPOILERS!!!
So Dumbledore dyes .why does JK Rowling kill him?No clue, though not happy about her decision at all.By far my least favorite book but I still love Harry Potter!
7. Heartbreaking and Wonderful - As always, this book made me cry at the end. It’s such a powerful moment, and it’s really the turning point where Harry really becomes an adult. He finally realises he’s the only one who is going to turn things around, and no one can act for him. He must choose to be brave and do what is right, even when it’s hard and the last thing he wants to do. I just want to hug him at the end.
8. Because Harry Potter needs more hype - I don’t feel the need to be eloquent: this is the best Harry Potter book. Between the lessons taught by Dumbledore, Harry’s emotional maturing and the balance of plot, humor and melodrama, this book captures everything promised by the series as it developed alongside the teenage protagonist.
9. I LOVE this book - This is a good book to the people out there who didn’t like the book don’t be mean about it just say it nicely or say what they could have done better but in a nice way cause I am a young reader and I don’t like it when people hate on books I like! I have loved HARRY POTER ever since I remember I still reread the books and they never get old especially this one “The half-blood prince” one of my favorites!!!! All I have to say is : please be nicer about not liking the book thanks!!
10. Huge Dissapointment - This book has less artwork than the original printing. They original printing had a black and white picture at the beginning of every chapter. This has one color picture at best one every other chapter. These books don’t even use any Potterish fonts. The entire thing looks like it was written in Word. Going to go ask for my $ back.
11. A Magic World Well Done - This book is amazing, and the story behind Voldemort and his origin is fascinating as well as the characters and the Half-blood Prince. There is a reason that this book sold over million copies in hours. This book is actually a little darker, and actually the books get darker with each addition, But it's a good thing. People on iTunes are just complaining about life not being free. These books are honestly worth $ a piece and $ or even $ for the best books in history with illustrations is a steal of a deal.
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
1. Whole series is broken after last update - Are there any plans to fix the enhanced edition of this series after the last update on September , broke it? All the books have become unreadable, since you can't bookmark anything. When you open the book, it asks you to update to the latest version. However, it is updated to the latest version. When I looked at the version history there are two version .'s, and I'm guessing that's the problem.
2. Great Book (and movie) - I am a huge potterhead and bookworm. I am a Christian, so my mom says that Harry Potter isn’t the thing i always look forward to watching. But I must give this a rating before it’s too late. It’s fantastic! It felt so much like I was in the book. The books and movies are so wonderful, I wanted to act like I was in the movies. Azkaban is the best and me fav movie Expecto Patronum!!! -Elena
3. Truly Amazing - Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban is a Truly Amazing Novel. I finished this book in Days and was, well, truly amazed. It’s filled with adventure, suspense, and drama in every page. J. K. Rowling’s sense of world-building is captivating, it leaves me itching to turn the page every minute. Rowling’s descriptive text is key to help the reader imagine her magical world. I recommend this book to reader of all ages, worldwide.
4. OMG!!! - The plot twist in this book was CRAZYYYY!!!! When I tell you J.K. Rowling took me for a ride, I mean it!! Like what???? This was the perfect continuation to book . It’s amazing how the story is so catching even with the absence of Voldemort. Every detail just draws you in! I can’t WAIT for book .
5. My Favourite Book in the Series - This is my favourite book of the whole series (possibly tied with order of the phoenix). The pictures were great. The little details between Harry and Sirius are great. It’s been a long time since I read this book, and I’m so glad that I reread this enhanced edition. I need to read this one far more often. So many great moments for Harry in this one.
6. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban review - This book is amazing, so many details, it’s scary yet fun and interesting, before I read the first book, I knew I was gonna hate Harry Potter, but after the first book, I was in love. I hated fantasy before Harry Potter, but now fantasy is my favorite genre. I recommend this book to young readers because I know many people who are obsessed with Harry Potter, can’t wait to read the fourth book and the rest of the series!
7. why I love this app - I think that this app is a great way for kids to start a book club and talk about and really enjoy those book kids read. This a great way for kids to interact with others and become a better reader and the best part is that even though some people are not good at it this is a great way to become better at reading and you don’t need to be good at reading to enjoy it!
8. Perfect! - J. K. Rowling has Such an imagination! Her writing skills are so amazing that the characters, places, and things pull you into her world, And when it’s over, you want to stay, And you don’t want to leave! Leaves you wanting more and not satisfied until you get it! My favorites! I highly recommend J. K. Rowling! You won’t regret experiencing!
Release date: 2022-10-25 $10.99
Release date: 2008-03-18 $8.99
1. Best. Emotional. Ride. - This book BY FAR, has been the most emotional and amazing ride ever. I cannot explain how amazing and well written this book is. The heart strings were pulled and my emotions played with over and over. Another amazing book to this amazing serious. HIGHLY reccomend this series!!!!
2. Battle for Skandia - The book Is a thriller! It's one of those books you can't put down. I was left speechless at the end of some chapters. So many cliffhangers that just make you want to read on. John Flanagan has turned to be one of my favorite authors. I will continue the thrilling series of the Rangers Apprentice! This is a must read series/book!
Release date: 2015-10-06 $8.99
1. Excellent read! - I loved reading this book! It was nice to read a book from Flanagan’s Rangerverse that focused entirely on adults. The humor and drama was fitting of the characters and a fun change of pace from the teens of the main series. Highly recommend reading this, especially if you have already read any of the other Ranger’s Apprentice books, but even if you haven’t, this is still a fun journey that anyone can appreciate on its own.
Release date: 2008-11-04 $8.99
Release date: 2019-05-28 $9.99
1. Below average for the series - I liked the plot in general, however the author used far to many repetitive sayings throughout the book. In past books the repetitive sayings added effect or emphasized key points at meaningful moments in the story line or character development. This book seemed to just do it to add to the story length. This book lacked any real suspense or worry for the characters. The plot was very predictable from the get go, and the characters never truly seemed at danger. They all succeeded in literally everything they did, with no consequences or realistic downsides occurring. Increase the suspense! I was super disappointed in the dual on the bridge with the katana master. With such a devoted and unique character this fight nearly as dramatic as it could have been.
2. Trash - This book was full of nonsense. I truly believe that John Flanagan didn’t live up to the standards built by his previous books. There was little to no suspense and John made the characters invincible. He made everything successful without any problems, and as Halt says, “No battle goes according to the plan.”
3. Favorite series - This book was an amazingly written conclusion to the previous book. It was very detailed to the point where I don’t remember reading as the story was visually playing out in my head. I have never been truly disappointed in these books. They have always gotten me emotionally invested. I truly hope there are more to follow. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next book.
4. Repetitive - Entirely too much repetition of things that the reader already knows, even if they’ve only read this one. That, plus it being a shorter book, really makes it less mesmerizing than his usual work. Lacks any time with two of the best characters, which is a shame. Still a good book though.
5. Mostly solid story - Overall good story. Nice little crossing over of the various series, but a little lackluster. Plot moves very quickly and leaves us with what feels like the shortest book in the entire Rangers/Brotherband universe. Not necessarily a bad book, mind you, but as a long time fan of John Flanagan and this series, this just doesn’t quite hold up to the expectations the previous books have given us. This series has been home to stories that span multiple books several times, and the individual parts have always been equally lengthy and interesting, whereas this latest part- is lacking. Still hope to see more from John Flanagan in the future. Wish you good readings.
6. I think it’s going to sum them up - I think this book will probably be the last of the series, it’s short so the characters are to going to talk very little but the conversations will be meaningful. Will will be part of saving the day if it is the last; he’s the original hero of the story. Now here’s what I hope it will have considering I started reading this book series when I was in third grade, and I am now verging on years of age that it will have some more, let’s say, adult qualities too it. Not to say that the books are childish they’re far from it they are poignant and fun but I personally would like to read a novel where there’s a little bit of true violence and true heartbreak. I’m not sure if children still read these novels but I do maybe I’m the weird one
Release date: 1967-03-24 $6.99
1. The best wilderness survival book you can get - I really love nature in a Christian worldview, and although there is no Christianity in this book, it is the best. Owls and trees are my favorite parts of nature, and this book has many many pages about trees, as well as a small but knowledgeable and understanding paragraph about the remote and isolated great horned owl. stars
2. Highly recommend - I’m in th grade and me and my class have been reading this book for about or months now. my entire class LOVES this book including me. my teacher has been reading this book to her classes for around or years now. all her other classes loved it too. So yes I highly recommend reading this amazing book.
Release date: 2021-03-02 $6.99
Release date: 1988-10-01 $8.99
1. Spiker Sponge - How can Aunt Spiker even how organs if her body is only like inches wide and she must have an actual brain that x smaller than the expected size! and Aunt Sponge is a THICK girl! She like inches wide and ft like me! If she went on a diet it’ll probably take years cause of how ThIcK she is. She’s not as fat in the movie as in this book. Just imagine what she’d look like if she was actually that thick in the movie!
2. James and the Giant Peach - Now, don’t get me wrong. I love Roald Dahl. His books, especially Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and George’s Marvelous Medicine are fantastic, witty and throughly entertaining. James and the Giant Peach is one of his...less impressive books. The humor is crude, the language is bad, and it’s just kind of disgusting overall. Don’t let Roald Dahl be ruined for you by reading this awful book like he was for me.
3. GREAT - This Book was an amazing book for children and I love all of the adventure also I enjoy all the great lessons learned from this book. I would definitely recommend this book to teachers and children. If you were looking for a quick and easy read this is the book to look for it is easy but still very exciting.
Release date: 2013-04-01 $5.99
Release date: 2014-09-16 $8.99
1. Great murder mystery!!!!! - I love Stuart Gibbs and this was another great book by him. This is an easy five star and I’d give it more if I could. This is such a cliffhanging book which I love! Every chapter if you need to do something else you won’t get out of your chair. I won’t say any spoilers but the end shocked me. I was thinking about the mystery at the end of every chapter and thinking who could be behind it. Stuart Gibbs has done it many times but this was amazing. Stuart Gibbs is easy in the top best authors ever. Space Case was such a good and thrilling book to carefully read. What I loved most about this book was Stuart Gibbs didn’t give us the answer but we got to help Dash find out who the killer is. I used to think mysteries were just books that were a blow off, but this book has opened the whole world to me. I just can’t wait to read the rest of the series!! I really hope I will get to meet Stuart Gibbs one day and become an amazing author like him! This is a great book for anyone from -.
2. Would totally recommend - This takes place in , and follows Dashell (Dash) Gibson. AMAZING SERIES. I read this for battle of the books and ended up getting the whole set. The plot is perfectly planned, so are the twists, the starting is amazing and it gets better as it goes on. It’s a children’s book but I would say my parents would love it. Perfect for dystopian/sci-fi lovers. It isn’t long, but there are three books in the series, and it’s definitely a book that you would read again. The next books are Spaced Out and Waste of Space.
3. Very interesting - This is a quality book. It keeps the reader trying to figure out who the murderer is, the reader has a suspect, hopes they were right, and then the book makes a huge twist. The murderer wasn't even an important character in the book! This book also addresses the fact that some human beings aren't ready for interstellar contact, and also addresses a possible side effect to nuclear bombing. Space Case is a sci-fi book, but also mostly sticks to the facts of space travel.
4. TWIST ENDING/GREAT BOOK - This book was great I had a very hard time putting it down.I even read in class! It was a very twist ending though I am not going to spoil it but its not one of those twist endings where you say "wait thats it" no no no there are two twists at the end its crazy good definitely worth the money .If you buy this book i hope you enjoy it and have the same experience I had!
5. Absolutely Mesmerizing - I LOVE this book. I was hooked when I read the back cover's summary. It is extremely difficult to put this book down. I love the ending (I won't spoil it, it's too good). Trying to unravel the clues with Dash is a wonderful experience and overall this book is a mesmerizing, wonderfully written whodunit.
Release date: 2005-05-01 $4.99
1. TOTALLY EPIC!!! - This book is a great book and u should definitely read it! It opens up your fantasy side so much that after you read it you'll want to make your very own clay dragon.I don't get why people think dragons are such horrible creatures they are very intelligent and they are usually very nice.If you LOVE(or even just like)dragons then this is a must read for you!!!
Release date: 2017-08-29 $2.99
Release date: 2018-06-26 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2015-11-20 $9.99
Release date: 2012-10-16 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 2016-04-05 $8.99
1. Let’s go!!!!!!!!! - Spaced out was one of the best sequels to a book I have ever read. It was such an entertaining book that always kept you on the edge of your seat which I absolutely love!! Spaced out was just a great book to read. I easily read it in one day but I’m not saying that this is a super easy book that you will just skim through. I’m years old and I love to read, so I have a very advanced reading skill. I would suggest this book from people from - but you would happily enjoy it at any age! The first book is space case and the third is waste of space.
2. INCREDIBLE! - I love all of Stuart Gibbs's books, especially this one. This series is incredible. Please start with Space Case, as it is the first book, before reading Spaced Out! The books take place in the year , which just makes the series all the more captivating. The ending had my jaw dropping. I just couldn't believe it. It's incredible! Definitely deserves more credit. Recommend this for anyone ages and up.
Release date: 2020-11-10 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2017-12-26 Genre:Kids > Fiction $3.99
Release date: 2019-09-03 $3.99
1. Love the series - I’ve read all of these books over and over again! And no matter how many times I read it I still love these books. They are just so interesting. TOPIC IDEA:maybe a battle in W.W.? Author if you are reading this I want to let you know
I love this series and it’s been my favorite! Hope you liked my suggestion!
Release date: 2021-09-28 Genre:Kids > Fiction $13.99
1. The Beatrice prophecy - This book is probably the best thing that a - grader could read. I enjoyed this book until the very end and I am a very high reader. I would suggest this book if you love adventures and fantasy, this book will open up a whole new world to many people and I truly appreciate the author’s effort to make this book. This book, “The Beatrice prophecy” is the best written book I have read. I love it.
Release date: 1997-09-01 $3.99
Release date: 1998-03-24 $3.99
Release date: 2010-01-01 $5.99
1. Hello fellow wolf lovers, - I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK no doubt about it I hope they make it into a movie, also if you like this I highly recommend reading Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland and Warriors by Erin Hunter, wings of fire is about dragons but it’s really cool, and Warriors is about cats. I’m not telling spoilers but, I REALLY LOVED THE BOOK!
Release date: 2010-02-02 $7.99
Release date: 2011-06-01 $3.99
Release date: 2010-10-01 $5.99
1. Perfect!!! - The return to the guardians of the ga'hoole gives a different point of view to the land in these books. As a fan of the Warriors (by Erin Hunter) this series had a familiar ring to it but at the same time it is completely different. At times I can feel my heart pound or become angered like I am the character. Each ending of each book makes me want more of it! I recommend these books for kids and above because of some of the made of words, complex situations, and the when they talked about the murder of the pup it could give nightmares to young kids. I love this series!! I highly recommend these books!
Release date: 2016-08-16 $7.99
Release date: 2014-09-14 Genre:Kids > Fiction $2.99
Release date: 2014-08-26 $7.99
Release date: 2004-04-01 $3.99
Release date: 2007-08-01 $3.99
Release date: 2020-12-01 $3.99
Release date: 2020-06-09 Genre:Kids > Fiction $8.99
Release date: 2019-08-06 $10.99
Release date: 2021-12-20 $7.99
Release date: 1994-03-08 $3.99
Release date: 2001-06-01 $4.99
Release date: 2023-02-21 $10.99
Release date: 2013-09-24 $8.99
1. Good book - Over the summer I gave this book to my students to read and they had a blast when they came back to school in the fall they told me on how much they love each character and the adventures that floor and Ulysses went on I cannot wait to give them another great Katie for my students to read for this upcoming summer The hint is elephant.
2. amazing!!! - each book kate writes has a much deeper meaning than just plain fun, i have quickly discovered. at first, when i saw this book i figured it would just be a fun one. but as always, it was not so. kate writes with fun and delight, but also with a seriousness and knowledge of what happens to kids in real life. she knows parents get separated, and she knows how kids are affected by that. and she doesn’t shy away from it. instead, she attacks the issue head on, and by including issues such as parents being separated, she lets kids know who are going through such things, that they are not alone. props to kate for facing these things. this is why i love her.
3. Awesome! - I had been wanting to read Flora and Ulysses for a long time. So when I got the chance to read it I found the book to be most extraordinary. I thought the characters were well developed and most events in the book were unexpected. My favorite character would have to be the heroic squirrel named Ulysses. He saves the day and loves to type on the typewriter.
Release date: 2021-08-03 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2017-08-29 $3.99
1. Jasmine aka (jazzy) - I wish that they were free or I could down load them then I wouldn’t be so mad when an audio book just ends on me uuuuggg! Hi I’m by the way I’d like to talk to some one other than my sids or mom I mean come on my mom won’t let me out of my house even though I’m fully vaccinated . Uuuuugggg .
2. it helped with my last minute assignment - im fourteen and i have to test on a book every two weeks and i never do my work so i read these the night before and i still have an A in my ela class.
even though the backstories are repetitive and similar the stories are interesting enough that i don't get distracted so like, i can actually do my assignment.
thanks for saving my butt.
Release date: 2022-09-06 $10.99
1. SPy scHool - So basically, the book is great read it. . I know why Erica is named Erica, because Alexander is American (i think) and Catherine is English. E for England and the start of Erica’s name. Rica for ameRICA. So it’s Erica. . Erica and Ben are together^^ Berica Sorry for Zen shippers not sorry -bubblematcha