Release date: 1953-04-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $1.99
1. A good book ruined by grammer mistakes - This is an excellent book, I just can't help but notice the shocking amount of grammatical errors throughout this book. Whether it be stage directions that are only half italisized, bolded words that shouldn't be bolded, or the occasional double period (".." or ".," instead of just "."), there is something wrong on almost every page in the book. There are way too many mistakes to be called simple mistakes anymore. This is just the book publisher being downright careless. I am truly the ultimate Grammar Nazi. (The book itself was really good, by the way.)
2. More relevant all the time - Miller's use of history as allegory becomes more important as ignorance re-establishes itself as king. Nowadays, it seems people want to slip into ignorance to avoid the harsh realities of a world grown too complex to comprehend. Of course, I suppose this is nothing new, but perhaps the myriad of opportunities for educating oneself make it more ironic. The Parrises of the world applaud this development because they aim to swoop in and claim their prizes. Will you keep your soul or sell it to Danforth?
Release date: 2023-03-24 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $12.99
Release date: 2008-02-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $2.99
Release date: 2017-05-23 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $1.99
Release date: 2020-06-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Media Arts $16.99
Release date: 2014-10-15 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $6.99
1. Formatting Seemed Mostly Fixed - There’s another review on here complaining about the formatting. This seemed mostly fixed, from what I could tell, when I read it. There were maybe a few instances where the links didn’t quite go the right page (off by one or so), and one or two other weird things, but it was for the most part a smooth experience. The textual notes are excellent, and this edition really made the text accessible! A great rendition of the play!
2. E-book needs formatting fixed - The play is not easily read in its present state of formatting. Wherever a stage command is given, as in "EXIT GHOST.", the font size changes as if what follows is a reference. This goes back and forth into and out of at least four different font sizes; from very large to very small. This is unfortunate since the print versions are some of the best. I would not buy it until I saw a revision note stating that this text issue is repaired.
Release date: 2017-12-05 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Art & Architecture $9.99
Release date: 2023-03-24 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $10.99
Release date: 2004-10-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $12.99
1. An Incredible Life Loved and Lived - When Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote “Into the Wilderness,” and reference “sucking the marrow out of life,” there is not other life I’ve read about that is more axiomatic than Anthony Kiedis’. A remarkable introspection that shares so much about life, love, addiction and recovery. So much raw truth, you can’t put it down. Enjoy!
2. Amazingly candid - Wow! Anthony leaves no details out of this book. He is so candid and honest and he has been through quite a lot in his life. I knew he had suffered some drug problems but I never knew to what extent. This is truly one of the longest books I have ever read by a famous musician and once again it’s because he is so graphic in a wonderful way. He is incredibly self-aware, descriptive and apologetic from any of his actions. This is without a doubt one of the best if not the best autobiography I have ever read. Thank you Anthony for sharing your life with us and please keep making music.
3. Honest moving story - A great autobiography. Anthony comes across as honest as they come. Tells the story of his unstructured childhood and the rise of the RHCP in matter of a fact fashion not focused on glorifying himself. Cool to see the relationships with his band mates. Great insight into his thinking during the battle with addiction. Interesting insight in his character as he strives and mostly succeeds in staying faithful to various girlfriends despite the temptations of the road. Like Anthony before respect him a lot more now.
4. Healing - Reading this book is mesmerizing, like watching a train wreck in super slow-mo, simultaneously wanting to make it stop while not being able to tear your eyes from the inevitable, fascinating wreckage. Whitnessing AK’s seemlingly endless battle with addiction unfold; descent into hell, recovery, pause, repeat, is painful. But, as the horror unfolds and the revolving door of muses float in and out of his life, he also gives a priveleged view into his creative process as well as that of an amazing group of artist, and the evolution of their music. All the joy, beauty, artistry, friendship and glee is there, along with the pain, loss, exaustion and powerlessness of addiction. This book offers insight to any fan of their music, and a cautionary tale of hope and redemption for those of us battling similar demons. Thank you Swan, for sharing your journey with us.
5. Finished the book tonight. Restarted the book tonight! - Best book I've ever read! The ups and downs of Anthony Kiedis and RHCP! You get inside his head and you feel his joy and pain and compassion! I could not put the book down! I would recommend this book to anyone! Not only music or RHCP fans like myself. I can understand how it can affect everyone! Read it!
Release date: 2021-10-05 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $20.99
1. That Rock Lifestyle - This memoir was good not great, despite its being on multiple must-read listicles. What is interesting about it is the opportunity to hear the behind the scenes stories behind some of the biggest bands of my teenage years. What was missing is more of the details and meaning behind each song a la Dolly Parton’s recent memoir. Though I do appreciate the transparency on his relationship with Kurt Cobain and that period which was fraught with craziness. One other disconcerting aspect is that Dave hops back and forth between periods a lot so you have to do some of the work to keep what’s happening straight. However, the book being non-linear may also be reflective of his personality as he tries to get across when he says he lets the universe have its way in his life. All in all, it added a lot of color to a high energy and interesting persona you only know from his music. The stories further highlight the eccentricities you would expect with a rock and roll lifestyle. What we ultimately learn is that Dave Grohl is like the rock equivalent of Dolly Parton in how he bridges genres and a who’s who of music and society titans. The root of this connective energy is found in the theme carried all throughout the book. That being the connective power of music itself. The shared experience of the chorus of a song blasting over our car radios as we navigate a scorching summer. Or the reminiscing that is triggered when long forgotten tune pops up on your playlist. If this memoir is anything, it’s a great example of how the stories of our lives are inextricably linked to music.
2. Enjoyed - I enjoyed storyteller as it’s exactly what you’d expect. A collection of stories by an interesting and awesome artist. At first it felt all over the place but it was neat to read about all the connections you might not have known about. Like when I realized foo’s drummer was with Alanis on the Jagged little pill tour. (News to me maybe jot music die hards)
3. Once you are in you are in - As a Foo Fighters fan from the beginning, this book is an insightful look into a guy that I consider one of the coolest musicians of my generation. Dave Grohl is so appreciative of everything this planet has to offer, I always had a sense of that for some reason but actually reading it made it more clear.
4. Storyteller Inspired me as a Father! - The book storyteller inspired me to be a better father. I love music, rock, and I really admire Dave Grohl's personality. My father lived a very hard childhood. distant from her parents had to learn how to survive. Now I am the father of two girls in the , and a boy, I feel inspired to take away from ideals and rigid concepts to give them the openness of seeking what their heart dictates. great Book.
5. Music frames memories - The most interesting parts are learning how tough it was for Dave to get started, the catalysts that spurred him on, and how important music is in all phases of a gifted artist’s life. Dave’s passion for music, his family and friends are the pillars of his story. And one certainly gets the feeling this book isn’t ghost written, it’s all Dave.
Release date: 2019-11-05 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $2.99
Release date: 2017-01-03 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $1.99
Release date: 2009-10-15 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $13.99
1. The Tao of wu by RZA - This book was so amazing, from the moment I picked it up I didn't let go finished it in three days with work and school going on and left me in a great place mentality if your lost or searching for answers or just need something to reflect on and realize your place on this earth read this book it did wonders for me and it will for you have a great day, peace.
2. Great book - RZA does an excellent job conveying his life experiences and spiritual views into a book that almost anyone can relate too. He also does it in a straight forward and simplified format, which is really nice too read and absorb the content. All in all great book if your looking for an interesting read and a spiritual guide.
3. The Tao of Wu - Never again will u look at the Wu-Tang Clan the same. Or life itself for that matter. It's definitely the best literature I've read in years. No other author has come close to painting a portrait like this for his readers. Definitely opened my eyes to a brighter side of life. Recommend reading this if u need an instant game changer!
4. Knowledge - This book opens a great sense of the twelve jewels of life. The RZA portrays his life in great order and how it manifests with the twelve jewels. A great book to read, especially those majoring in psychology. It gives a great outlook on life with many positive messages. Thanks for the advice RZA I'm very greatful for this book.
Release date: 2004-11-29 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $7.99
Release date: 2022-11-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $15.99
Release date: 2006-08-29 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $4.99
1. Not too unexpected but shocking result - I loved seeing the characters really challenge them selves see something different in the case to the end it wasn’t a clear case and they all were slowly realizing it whether they wanted to or not, arguing with each other to really figure everything out, it felt stressful, I felt annoyance, I felt anxiety, sturn, doubtful etc feeling from every juror in the room even the foreman who I was waiting to hear more for just to remember he was listening and waiting just like I was to here all the facts to really give an answer. I chose not guilty, for reasonable doubt. Seeing that so many jurors were still not sure was interesting, but their reasoning was even more intriguing.
Release date: 2013-05-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $39.99
1. seems mechanical but really very thoughtful - When you start it (or if you just read the sample), you might think it’ll be dull as dirt and will oversell what ends up being a mechanical, if rigorously generated, approach. Just the reverse. Extremely thoughtful work that’s always aware of the limits of a mathematical approach and of the mechanical herd mentality that dominates most supposedly theoretically “correct” play (and is really why certain players, who can think clearly for themselves, crush those games). Which is to say if you want to find out what math can and can’t do vis a vis poker, read this book. it won’t tell you what to do or try to prove to you (or even imply) that intuition and feel don’t matter; it will make some of your thinking dramatically more logical and consistent, and it will surprise you by, yes, proving that certain commonly accepted strategies are just plain dumb and wrong. It takes some patience to get through, but what’s not to like?
Release date: 1998-07-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $9.99
Release date: 2015-05-15 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $9.99
1. Fantastoc - As someone who has relied on the wiki for the majority of the game, having this guide is amazing. Future Press goes above and beyond to create a gaming companion that truly delivers. The inclusion of an index for the lore is something that is greatly appreciated. My one complaint, and I don’t even consider it enough to deduct on the rating, is that there seems to be gender pronoun confusion on certain enemies and bosses. But in all, this is a marvelous guide.
2. Maps are great - Tried another guide for this game and it was horrible.
But this guide has an excellent thing needed for games like this. Maps. Having a map and a planned route really helps keep from getting lost or missing a lamp.
I would say it’s worth it for a bb fan even if just for those maps.
Release date: 2015-09-04 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $10.99
Release date: 2015-06-23 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Art & Architecture $1.99
Release date: 2012-03-05 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $21.99
1. Highly Recommend - Like countless others, I have always loved Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album. This book gave a detailed account of the making of that amazing album. I appreciate that the writer provided an honest portrayal of himself and the others, even when it was less than flattering. It made me feel as though I was getting the real story, the whole truth. As you read this book, have your Rumours cd ready to play. As the writer discussed work on a song, I felt compelled to play the song, listening for the sounds he was describing.
2. Great story! A good read. - I am a casual Fleetwood Mac fan but more into the recording/producing process. The book was very entertaining and insightful. The book made me go back and listen closer to the album as I was reading. If you are into the band or the process of making an album- read the book.
Release date: 2008-04-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $10.99
1. Incredible and essential for all musicians and story tellers! - Get ready to have your mind blown and expanded by this book.
Traditional music education has a lot to learn from the teachings offered here. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED reading along while listening to Wooten’s beautiful scored audiobook. Plays like a long form cartoon VO in a lot of ways while retaining its power and importance.
2. No accident - If you’ve landed here, then this book is meant for you. It’s your time. Follow. And I f you agree on this journey, be prepared for Life to deepen, and Music, and Nature ... who knows where each begins or ends ... or not. One of my favorite books ever, written by one of my favorite humans. I can’t wait for next year and the next installment. Meanwhile blessings to you all. And get yourself to Victor Wooten’s Center For Music And Nature - you can ask him yourself and share in the magic. Blessings to all.
3. “You can learn or not...” - Why does it seem that entertainers that are also musicians have the quickest wit...even some athletes have this talent.
What is it?
“No one can teach you anything. They can only show you.”
If you want to learn, the secrets, they are in this book. A great book, well written, enjoyable, exceptional intentions, a read that becomes written in your heart and mind...a paradigm shift maker...
4. Revelation & Pure Genius - I know what you are thinking. Victor Wooten wrote a fictional book?! What? Well, I think this is a true story to some extent, If not to every extent. This book is life changing. As a bass player, my approach to music was completely revolutionized. I learned more from this book about music and life than I could have possibly learned in a lifetime. Get i, don't hesitate.
5. Disarming and profound - The Music Lesson blends form and content in an inspired way. The literary device is engaging - an ordinary struggling bassist is visited by a series of odd and inspirational characters who teach him elements of musicality that carry over into his life outside of music. Each of the lessons illustrate an aspect of music making that is subtle and difficult to communicate in text form. By embodying the lessons within a story, they become accessible and alive. Wooten is an engaging story-teller, and with a wink he remains mysterious as to whether the book's events are real or fictional. In the end, the value of the book lies in how well it highlights critical aspects of musicianship such as attitude towards practicing, the central role of broad listening, selfless playing to support your mates in ensembles, and openness to learning. The best and easiest reading book on music, and the deepest inside look at the moment by moment awareness of the jazz/rock/pop ensemble player. Five stars, with an extra glow if you are a bass player.
6. Good insight - Victor gives good insight as to how he feels about the whole "music thing". I found the way he shares his views interesting and engaging. His book really shines a light on how to approach the process of music. I think it unlikely anyone interested enough to read these reviews would be disappointed with the book.
7. good lessons - The message of this book, and it's connecting dots to understand the importance and significance of music and being a musician are worth the price. The stories are a little hard to take in places, and the venturing into outright mysticism and dreamscapes ultimately weakens the practicality of the lessons. All in all, it's a worthwhile read, whether or not you're a mucisian.
8. Incredible! - The Music Lesson by Victor Wooten is easily one of my favorite books of all time. The way he ties music into the spiritual world is eye-opening. I went through a spiritual transformation while reading this book (which is continuing to this day) and the book definitely changed my life in a great way. I've borrowed this book out to about other people by now, and even if spirituality isn't your thing, the actual music lessons within the journey are fantastic. Don't hesitate, buy this book now! I've actually bought about copies and given them to musical friends and even one of my college professors, because I love this book.
Release date: 2005-12-27 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $9.99
Release date: 2019-01-11 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $9.99
Release date: 2010-05-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $11.99
1. Brilliant! - What a fantastic read... A must for anyone who lived though the all of the turbulence of the s and Self awareness of the s or the self aggrandizement of the s... Not only is the author chronicalizing the music and culture of the "canyon" itself but it's also an incredible treatise of all American culture as a whole... a clear and concise distinct roadmap as to how we got to where we are as a nation. Exquisitely composed and written, it makes you yearn for the time when misspent youth was the norm... Mr Walker takes you on a trip through time and space to Laurel Canyon a sociology experiment like no other, and dissects it in front of you with every page... Well worth the read... Just brilliant great writing by the author.
2. Entertaining yet semi-fictional, contrary to actually categorization - Now to start off, I like this book. It served its purpose of reminiscent entertainment for hippies and their offspring, anyone at all really who is craving juicy s and s celebrity gossip and stories would love this book. However, there are quite a few assertions, quotes, facts & figures, that very clearly lack citation, research, specific source information, etc. This would not be a problem, except for the fact that the book is categorized as non-fiction, and presents itself not only as a fact-filled, truthful account of Laurel Canyon and the music scene of LA in the s and s, but also provides insightful, yet, again, factually baseless accounts of the evolution of the drug culture in the histories of both the US and the UK. Thus, be warned that this is not technically non-fiction and should be ingested with a large grain of salt and honestly, might do better in the fiction section, due to the aforementioned 'facts' it espouses. Do enjoy though! Rather entertaining and anecdotal, as historical pop culture accounts go.
Release date: 2021-09-21 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $14.99
Release date: 2019-07-30 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $8.99
Release date: 2023-02-13 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $17.99
Release date: 2021-10-19 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $14.99
1. Leave the Gun Take the Cannoli - The Godfather is my all time favorite movie and I was captivated reading this book and learning what happened behind the production. The internal and external challenges of Puzo and Coppola. The in fighting and greed. But most of all I enjoyed learning more about the actors especially Brando, Pacino, Caan. Loved the book
Release date: 2020-04-21 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $9.99
1. Great book covering a lot of musical ground! - Excellent book that covers a ton of music history. Ted has packed an infinite number of experiences into his lifetime, and it’s apparent when you read this book. As a musician and wanna be producer, I related to his stories of recording processes, musician mentality and band dynamics.
2. A wonderful stroll through a producers eyes - As a Warner Bros Records alumni this book was truly a gift to read. My first day with Warner Bros Records as a local Promotion Man was to blitz to all the rock radio stations in my territory a new band called Van Halen. days later they are performing their rd show opening for Montrose and Journey in Detroit my home town and my area as a Warner Bros rep. Ted was as passionate about getting the songs recorded correctly as we were in the field about getting them on the radio. It was fantastic to hear about the Doobie Bros, Nicolette Larsen, Montrose, Michael McDonald, Rickie Lee Jones, Christopher Cross and other bands that Warner Bros Records nurtured and grew and to hear the way Ted used all that he knew to craft these beautiful songs we all know and still Love today. Thank you Ted Templeman for your contributions to the music world and to my world as a Warner Bros Records alumni. Fred Meyers
3. Fantastic book! - I sincerely and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Thank you to Ted Templeman for taking the time to write such a long and detailed account of your incredible life and contribution to music. Even if you are not a musician and have never stepped into a major studio like I have, this book will explain to you the incredible importance of an amazing producer like Ted. Not only was Ted an amazing producer, songwriter, musician, he was also a music industry executive and legend, having signed some of the most important musical acts of the s and s. If you have ever doubted how important a producer is, read this book! If you doubt what I am saying, simply listen to demo version of the songs that Ted Templeman had worked on and then listen to the finished product, there is the proof. This book also is filled with wonderful photographs from Teds private collection and some others from other peoples collections.
4. Excellent Biography of a Legend - Ted Templeman has discovered and produced a number of rock legends throughout his career. His recollection of events is an honest and thorough trip through his life. It doesn’t gloss over the low points or attempt to divert from the negative. He is on full display, personally and professionally. Greg Renoff is a historian, which reflects here in his writing. But another thing that stands out his his love for music, which really enhances the book. As he explains at the end of the book, he was drawn to Templeman through his love of Van Halen. This book is an excellent read for anyone who loves music and is interested in the legacy of one of the biggest producers in the business. It had me captivated from cover to cover.
Release date: 2023-07-25 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $15.99
Release date: 2023-02-21 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $17.99
Release date: 2020-12-06 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Art & Architecture $2.99
Release date: 2014-05-20 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $9.99
Release date: 1953-01-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $4.99
Release date: 2023-02-10 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $18.99
Release date: 2016-06-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Art & Architecture $12.99
1. Worth its weight in gold! - Steve Huston is one of the greatest figure artists today, a true modern master. This book delivers decades of insight and information that Steve has honed from teaching and creating sublime works of art. It’s much more than a book on how to draw the human figure. It’s a book on how to be a great artist.
Release date: 2014-05-06 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $15.99
Release date: 2011-01-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $9.99
Release date: 2023-03-08 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Theater $19.99
Release date: 2015-04-22 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $9.99
1. Key Production Techniques - I was impressed by how much this was not necessarily a how-to book. Such a manual can discourage a newer or even a novice producer into believing their work is unoriginal. This book challenges that theory by introducing long used and alternatively used techniques to help a creator finish what they intend to start. It’s pivotal for anyone using any of these highly inconceivable DAW’s with more features than actual help with workflow, but more specifically, any Ableton user (as that is the Company who published this book) could find use in this book, and for $ (hardcover is way more) even if it just on your iPad as a handy tool. You can literally search for your creative issues, and you will effectively find something that progresses you further along. The book intends you to follow it exactly the way it was written, while you might add these techniques to your own or modify them, you want to primarily follow the structure of the chapters closely to achieve the results.
2. Unique and Powerful Look at the Creative Process of Electronic Music - I bought this book on the hope that it would make me a better producer, and after buying it and flipping through the sections I not only realized that this book is talking to me, specifically, but it actually has many many solutions to problems I run into all the time. There are solid details, examples, references and solutions. If you are an electronic music producer - or any producer for that matter, and someone who struggles with their music making, this book is a God send! This book DOES require that you know HOW to produce with a DAW, in other words you have to have at least a basic working knowledge of a DAW to get the most out of this book, so I would classify it as “intermediate” for that reason. The DAW used for the examples is Ableton Live, but the examples are generic enough to apply to pretty much any DAW. Worth the $ for the electronic version or $ for the actual book? Don’t even hesitate. This book is gold!
3. No tech. - This is a solid book on avenues of creativity, changing your workflow, experimenting with new ideas, and ultimately changing your brought process when you approach your DAW. Warning, this is not a book that explains your gear. That being said, this book changed the game for me. I now approach music creation differently. I definitely recommend this to all electronic music producers.
4. Insightful - This book isn’t really about how to use certain techqniques but more about workflow and getting things done. It’s basically telling you to stop making excuses and just do the work because in the end producing music is a form of work. If you have any metal blocks in creating music I highly recommend this book I’ve grown as a musician and a producer fold.
Release date: 2019-08-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Games $29.99
1. Modern Poker Theory - Actually, this is exactly the type of poker book I was looking for. I have read - other poker books, and used a pay by month app for the free trial period to learn at least something similar to GTO strategy before, so I did have some background in the material and ability to look at the x charts before reading, but I think that this book helped me to fill the gaps in my understanding of the reasons behind the charts. Why are these pre-flop ranges GTO? What bet sizing is optimal after the flop? What should I do (open/check) from the BB position? It also had insight on some things that I thought I had a pretty solid grasp on but learned that there were better ways to look at them; such as flop texture and how stack to pot ratio can effect bet sizing. Overall I think that it is a great book for people who want to understand more of the exact probabilities of the game in order to assist with making better decisions in real life situations, but if you aren’t familiar with reading other poker books and aren’t very capable of reading over the terminology quickly, this book probably won’t be for you. Sometimes I found it to be long winded, however, in the end of a chapter, I usually understood the authors reasoning for trying to explain things beforehand. If you can force yourself through all of the pre-explanation equations, it is usually worth it in the end. But, I think that the author might have benefitted from giving a more simple description of the practical applications before each chapter started, and then let the reader decice of they would like to continue on to the more comlex equations come. However, they do tend to give a good synopsys at the end of the sections, even if it’s at the last minute when you think it will never come. I didn’t read the introduction and such at the start of the book, but maybe they already explained who this book was for there… IDK But anyway, I like the book. Stars B
Release date: 2004-12-28 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Performing Arts $4.99
Release date: 2022-11-08 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Art & Architecture $15.99
Release date: 1996-01-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $5.99
Release date: 2014-03-01 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Music $26.99
Release date: 2021-09-21 Genre:Arts & Entertainment > Film $3.99