Release date: 2018-10-23 $16.99
1. Amazing Book. Life Changing. - This book has the ability to change lives. Not only did Kobe change the game of basketball by becoming the example of a true winner, he also was a winner off the court. I am still in disbelief, currently in that he is no longer here physically. He will forever be here in spirit. You, your daughter, and the other passengers will forever live on. Prayers to all of their families. This book is a must read because indulge into this masterpiece.
2. The greatest athlete of his time. - This book is a good read for Kobe fans. A lot of basketball nerd stuff in here but entertaining none the less. A lot of things i already knew, a lot of very good images, a lot of nuance. I really enjoyed it, was good to hear it from Kobe officially in some respect.
3. Kobe - Great read. Quick & easy. I really enjoyed the motivational nuggets, even though it only had a few. Only disappointing thing was the he dint go in-depth with the situations he brought up. I guess it would have made the book longer, but some personal stories beyond the surface level would have been nice.
4. Inspiration that I will forever reference for growth - This book was everything I wanted to read and more. There is a reason that Kobe has touched my heart, hangs on a poster in my room, and crosses my mind everyday. When I train I remember that I’m only % deep and have countless hours of training left. Head down and grinding, head up and observing how to defeat the competition while perfecting my craft. My dedication will never leave me because he reminded me of its value. RIP Kobes & thank you for the mentality
5. Lawrence Trice Review - This book was everything to me. I’ll admit, I was never a Kobe fan growing up. DWade was my guy. But something about Kobe’s last year in the league brought more of an appreciation to his journey for me. I would occasionally watch interviews of him and watch a lot of his old highlights. He was really smart and he didn’t back down to tough questions and didn’t have a feeling of regret. Growing up, fear constantly held me back from living to my full potential. I worried about failing or what someone else would think or say. I couldn’t actually live like I should have. Kobe’s mindset was all about going through the journey and enjoying every part of it whether it was bad or good. To learn from the down falls, and to work everyday finding ways to improve yourself. To not listen to the naysayers. To understand if you mess up, that’s Ok. Now move on and create a testimony from it later. Be great and know that you are. Be passionate about your craft and don’t let anyone you work with accept less than that. Confidence is misunderstood. His sense of lack of fear didn’t mean he did not fear. But he never stay in that state. Always moved on and continued to be great. That’s what I continue to learn from Kobe Bryant. -LT
6. Great book - This book has a lot of tips and cool secrets Kobe has learned over his career and really helps people understand what the mamba mentality really is. It has a lot of pictures that will bring back memories. It’s well written but I would recommend this for teens or pre teens due to the fact that the pictures fill up every other page
7. Koby rip - Still can’t believe your gone but will be using mamba mentality in my life thank you for everything great book May God have you with your baby and May you and her see how we loved you!!! Rip to all that have left this earth as well I know is all about Koby for whom he was but I also feel for all that die!!!!
Release date: 2012-03-06 $9.99
1. Hilarious - This a great vacation read if you are wanting an entertaining, don't take yourself so seriously, book. He sways from vulgar to disgusting almost quicker than you can pick up on his sarcasm. I don't know that I want him on my team or even in my company, but his tone and storytelling are quite good.
2. Don't put me in coach - After reading this book and the reviews, I am wondering if I read the same book!!!
Typical kid of his generation, who wants everything NOW and will whine about it if he does not get it. He has a chance to still play basketball for the Generals but since it is not with the Globetrotters he QUITS.
3. A fun read - Titus has a disarming and entertaining writing style and his personality shows through in every tale. His stories, pranks and language are often juvenile but that should be no surprise to the reader. There aren't many books that I finish in a single day so this was definitely a fun read. And unlike most sports related books written with a "thinking man's" point of view, the author never, ever takes himself too seriously.
4. Meh.. - On the one hand, I could not put the book down over the course of two days. The content was gripping, and having been separated from Columbus, OH for several years and not knowing who Mark Titus was or never having read his blog, I thoroughly enjoyed the stories that were shared about my favorite University's basketball team. However, the book was poorly written, and I wonder if Titus can "graduate" from the immature style of writing cheap blogs to being an author of a novel. This may never be a best seller, but IF Titus writes another book, I'll read it just so I have something to compare to this specific style of writing for which I cared very little.
Release date: 2013-04-16 $13.99
1. Don’t bother... - I was really excited to read this book but it turned out to be one of the worst books I’ve read. It was like one long, never ending chapter that just kept repeating itself. Constantly referred to the same few basketball players and driving in the same few points the whole book. I honestly didn’t take away much at all from this unfortunately
2. Exactly what I needed for before launching my business! - Tim Grover does a great job by indirectly telling you how to transform your mindset to the same ideals and values that the greats instilled into their every day lives. I’ve read this book twice in one week and it has pushed me to another tier of “doing” that I didn’t think I was capable of. Tim Grover, thank you for everythung sir!
3. Simply Great - You’d be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. I’m not as much of an avid reader as I’d like to be, I mostly consume much of my daily. Intake of motivational and introspective ideological information from places such as forums, YouTube and the likes. However, this book or rather this - page long dogma will change your life completely if you truly adhere to its guidelines. No wonder Kobe was so committed because he saw things in himself that no one else’s could, manifested it and brought it to the forefront for everyone to see, and each and every last one of you can achieve much of the same maybe not in basketball specifically (who knows) but In any one of your respective fields of work. These rules can also apply to things outside of jobs like dating, hobbies, ambitions, dreams, goals, etc. TLDR; This book is a must read for dreamers, procrastinators and those who long to physically and mentally improve themselves in almost every facet of life.
4. Relentless review - This book gives me the factotum mentality I needed to know; especially how MJ thinks. I was born and raised in Chicago and love to play basketball; which is another reason why I was interested in this book. I do admit, some of the Cleaner's action mentioned in the book were things I felt guilty doing. But it clearly defined what that was. I give it a -star for now as I will apply this in my life and come back with another review. If I come back with a -star review, then you know the results.
5. Relentless - This is great book that provides a well detailed breakdown of the personality traits of people in business and sports. Grover gives insight on the "cleaner" mentality that fueled great athletes such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade. Having trained the most elite athletes in the game, Grovers level of insight is unmatched. Great read for young athletes and anyone looking to improve their level of performance in their respective fields.
6. To beat cancer, you must be mentally tough. - Cancer is just as much a mental battle as it is physical fight. This book prepared me for the long fight and to this day I am year free of Colon cancer. I dunked a basketball for the first time post- cancer battle, months after my last surgery. Thanks for sharing, Mr. Grover, this book probably saved my life.
7. Beyond Great!! - I've always been a basketball fan, but a spectator-- I never played any sport outside of the playground level.
You don't need to have sports experience to get something out of this mental masterpiece. You'll learn the mentalities of some of the greatest NBA champions of the last twenty years-- Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and of course, the legendary Michael Jordan! What makes/made each of them the best is not settling for being good enough, or even great, or even a champion-- it's about being an icon-- totally relentless in your pursuit of absolute victory time and time again! You'll learn to never be satisfied, to always push to improve, to trust your instincts-- that is, you'll learn these things if you have the right mentality deep inside already. If you're the type who makes excuses or is easily content, don't waste your time and money. For me personally, I felt like every page was revealing something about me that I already had inside-- it only had to be awakened. If you're ready, hopefully this book can help take your mindset to the next level no matter what you choose to apply it to-- read it, live it, and go be relentless!!!
8. Let Down - Honestly couldn't finish it. Every line is a cliche or analogy. Great for those who need motivation but not for those already motivated and simply hoping to see what makes athletes successful. Considerable amount of F-bombs through the first pages that I read - not that it bothers me, but it may bother you. All I can say is that if you want to make a line impactful or meaningful, you can't try to make them all stand out - they will all just blend in. The effect is lost. Some will love, but personally I'm not a fan. Tim would make for a great motivational speaker.
9. Great motivation - I stumbled across this book looking for something to motivate my sales team. Excellent read. Our society was built by cleaners but sadly we are finding more and more people who are told good job and that's ok you tried, we've become a society of whimps. This book teaches us that to truly achieve greatness in everything in life that you have to separate yourself from this plague of mediocrity that surrounds us on all levels. Great book job well done
Release date: 2021-11-16 $2.99
Release date: 2009-10-27 $15.99
1. A Must Read - I’ve never been one for sports books, yet this one drew me in like bait on a fishing rod. Simmons’ references and overall humor make even the most dull moments in basketball history incredibly enticing. The quickest pages I’ve ever read in my life. Reading this book made me see basketball and its history in a completely new light. A masterpiece.
2. Good work - The content of this text is very engaging and relevant. The research found in this text should also be considered for being a foundation piece of this text. The chapter-to-chapter organization of this text can be rearranged to provide the reader with clarity. Overall ./ I'll be waiting for the updated edition when that time arrives.
3. Woah - This book will blow you mind if you pay attention. Bill Simmons has a wonderful basketball mind and deserves to be a gm. All you teenagers with big basketball dreams should read this book and know it by heart. There's only one thing I disagree with and that's the praise of bill Walton. Yes he was a great player but if you can't even stay heathy for years you shouldn't be in the hall of fame.
4. Just wow - I try to read at least two books per week but not with this one on my plate. They Russell/Wilt chapter actually caused a email chain between me and a friend and the pyramid needs to have a caveat to be read aloud with a group of friends and beer. I will recommend this to anyone who's a basketball junkie. And honestly anyone who just wants a great read.
5. One star for transcription, great book - Great book, love simmon's style and the historical views are great. His passion for the game and sports is infectious. But I'm on page / and I've already found mistakes, one where a whole paragraph appears twice: once where it's supposed to be and once instead of an already existing passage (and that passage is seemingly gone? Pgish). Terrible.
Release date: 2016-03-01 $13.99
1. Legends Club - Another Feinstein classic. Of course well researched and full of details and anecdotes even a rabid fan is not likely to know. Coach Smith, Coach K, and Jimmy V are all legendary coaches but more important great leaders and humans and Feinstein provides the insight of their rivalries, challenges, and virtues.
Release date: 2013-08-30 $9.99
Release date: 2010-06-09 $9.99
1. Good read from a less than good guy - The book is enjoyable for the die hard NBA fan or even casual fan. The author lays out all the inter workings of how the league works. While great for the reader, you can't help but cringe at how he specially calls out the names and actions of his "friends"/ex-coworkers.
2. Horrendous - This book is full of half truths and very little substance. Anybody who has done any digging into the claims of Donaghy and his "system" have proven how he's either outright lying or omitting pertinent information. If you want to support a lying criminal trying to cover legal fees then buy the book. If you're trying to learn something about the NBA, you won't find anything useful here. Horrendous waste of time.
3. What a surprise! - I read this book, like most, out of curiosity. If you're an NBA fan I highly recommend it. Although its not exclusively about the association, it gives great insight into what being on the court was like. Some chapters are less entertaining then others but this doesn't detract from the book in the least. I was very surprised how funny a few of the chapters were. I know my wife thought I'd lost my mind a few times while I was reading the book since I almost fell out of bed laughing. Other parts have you seeing through the eyes of an honest man who made some terrible choices. You really gotta feel for T.D. as he realizes his boyhood dream only to lose it all ultimately. Highly recommended.
Release date: 2019-04-09 $11.99
Release date: 2018-02-13 $9.99
Release date: 2022-11-01 $15.99
Release date: 2020-12-29 $8.99
Release date: 2012-07-17 Genre:Sports & Outdoors $2.99
Release date: 2006-12-01 Genre:Sports & Outdoors $9.99
Release date: 2021-11-09 $5.99
Release date: 2012-07-26 $7.99
1. This book rules - Fantastic firsthand account of the Chicago Bulls first championship run. Smith opens the story on the night of the Bulls' crushing defeat at the hands of the Bad Boys, the Detroit Pistons. Led by Isaiah Thomas, the Pistons boasted of having developed a series of secret defensive schemes stifled the seemingly unstoppable Michael Jordan; the Jordan Rules. But among his teammates, The Jordan Rules had another meaning; it meant that Jordan could do anything he wanted with little push back from the strict Bulls organization. Phil Jackson emerges as the true hero of the story after teaching Jordan the meaning of team.
Release date: 2022-01-18 $14.99
Release date: 2012-07-10 $10.99
1. Really enjoyed it! - I really enjoyed this book... It didn't drag on with a game-by-game synopsis, which I was previously afraid of. Instead, it gave an inside look at the players on an individual level. The only downside to this book was that I felt a large portion of the book was relaying pretty common knowledge... Would have liked to have read a bit more on the inside info that isn't as commonly known. Recommended though for any basketball lover... Especially those who grew up watching the NBA in the 's and 's.
2. Awesome - This books was awesome. I loved all the behind the scenes information that was shared and it was just a great insight in the world of the dream team. My favorite part was when Jack got to Dream Team practice. That must have been awesome, Magic and MJ both talking trash to each other and treating a simple practice scrimmage like it was game of the finals. Great book.
3. Great book, fans of basketball should read - I really enjoyed reading this behind-the-scenes look at the dream team. I especially like reading about athletes I've always admired and how they really were behind-the-scenes as opposed to what I perceived them as. I recommend this book especially anybody who is a fan of Michael Jordan.
4. Not just a puff piece - The author does an exquisite job telling the story of the dream team. In a book like this, with so many prominent athletes, the author could have given nothing but praise. Could have written it in politically correct dialect so as not to offend the way most interviews are given by athletes to the media. However, this book really shows the more human aspect of the players and shows shortcomings and mortality. For someone who grew up idolizing Michael Jordan, but still too young to remember the dream team it was exciting to read about his personality and quirks beyond his ubiquity in commercials and ferocity on the court. The book provides laughs, but more importantly insight that could only come from personal experience. The book is missing two chapters that will forever be lost; those coming from the perspective of the late coach, Chuck Daly. Had he been alive to interview for this book, it would've been the cherry on top of a rich, dessert of a book to read. Highly recommend for basketball fans interested in some history.
5. Fun, Fast read - I really enjoyed this. The chapter on the inter- squad scrimmage is laugh-out-loud funny. The personalities of the greats come through in a number of great chapters -- Jordan's GOAT life-force, Bird's legend and trash talking, Magic's magic-ness. And I came to better understand what made team and these players coming together so epic. Good stuff.
6. Special - In , I was just a -yr old hoops (Jordan) fan from Philly. But at the time, this team seemed like it was accomplishing something special. Something unique. Something once-in-a-lifetime. years later and now a member of the media myself, I am glad to know how correct I was. Never before and never again, will we see a group like this one. Congrats Jack and thanks for the wonderful memories.
Release date: 2021-02-23 $13.99
Release date: 2010-11-10 $11.99
Release date: 2014-03-04 $13.99
1. A must read if you want to know what Showtime was all about. - I bought the book to validate the authenticity of “Winning Time” for which the series is largely based on. I was not disappointed. That period was one of a kind and probably not something that would be socially acceptable today. But it happened, and for better or worse people evolved and grew up so to speak. It was fun while it lasted. Jeff Perlman put you court-side so that you could hear every bounce, see every dunk and feel the roar of the crowd when the curtain rose every night so that someone new could experience Showtime like you were there all over again.
2. Outstanding - Jeff Pearlman has a unique ability that many writers both before and after him have tried to capture yet fail master. The ability to place the reader in the moment! I can’t find the words to say how much I enjoyed reading about the greatest Lakers era & can’t wait to get started on “Sweetness” & “Gunslinger”. Well done!
3. Must read ... - for any Laker or NBA fan. Insightful, honest, funny. I grew up with the Lakers, beginning with the nightmarish ' finals, the spectacular ' triumph and through all the glorious Showtime years continuing to the present Kobe years. This was a tremendously entertaining stroll through arguably the greatest time in NBA history. It is also a poignant reminder of the excesses and brevity of the professional athlete's career as you read about the many that came and went or flamed out. Most importantly, as a Lakers fan, it was an opportunity to once again be thankful for something so few sports fans have ... a dynasty like no other!
Release date: 2018-11-13 $13.99
1. Can’t wait to read this book - I’m so excited the winningest coach in Notre Dame history is finally gonna have a book out he’s truly a down to earth family man who has been my mentor and friend I’ve been a season ticket holder for the Irish I’ve seen some great moments and the one sticks out are the relationships I have built with his past and present players. I can’t be around a better coach then Mike BREY.
Release date: 2012-12-11 $13.99
Release date: 2023-09-05 $13.99
Release date: 2019-09-01 Genre:Sports & Outdoors $14.99
Release date: 2019-08-01 $2.99
Release date: 2021-11-16 $14.99
Release date: 2018-09-25 $13.99
Release date: 2013-03-05 $11.99
1. Toughness- Thanks Jay! - While sports is used as the example most of the time, do not mistake this as a sports only book. Toughness is now in our company library to help our team understand teamwork, and how true toughness can effect their roles and our company. Terrific read for anyone looking to build or mold their team to be more collaborative, cooperative, and more focused on the mission. Highly recommended!
2. Value of toughness - After reading this book I realized almost every successful and respected person I know exhibits the toughness Bilas talks about in this book. That's not a coincidence. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to get better and reach their potential. Why? Because to get there, a key ingredient is "Toughness."
3. Must read for EVERYONE - I have admired Jay Bilas' work on ESPN. He is one of a handful of people in the public eye who are "must listen". I read his article on toughness when it came out a few years ago. I shared it with some friends of mine who play and coach basketball. So much of what was written rang true with us. I was talking with my son last week. Being Chicago Bulls fans, I asked my son what he thought Jay would say about Derek Rose and what he is going through right now after being cleared to play yet refusing to. Little did I know that Jay has just written this book. I had to buy it and read it immediately. I truly believe this book can be useful to anyone in any position. This should be required reading and possibly an elective class for any high school student. I would prefer that kids get this message even earlier, like in junior high. The subject matter is extremely interesting and it may have a chance to stick with kids as they navigate their way through life. Jay thank you for sharing a well prepared (would you have done it any other way) piece of literature for us to enjoy.
4. Paul - Jay, I watch a lot of sports. Played some when I was much younger! I'm now but still enjoy college sports the best!! I loved your insight & portrayal of sports today. You've described pro sports weakness to perfection. Maybe it's money or whatever. But college is still somewhat pure. I loved how you related toughness to basketball as you did and the comparison to real life situations. Looking back I can identify with all you referenced in my career, my family life ( children, grandchildren), and to church, community service, etc.
Thanks for pointing myself back into looking in the mirror every morning to see how I can make me "tougher" today!!
I really enjoyed the basketball stuff, too! I totally agree with who is really the tough people on the court. I love March Madness going on now. I am going to watch & enjoy it more as I look for the true tough guys on the court. This new focus will help me enjoy the game I love even more. Thanks Jay Paul Jensen Logan, UT Go USU Aggies, my alum. Stew Morrill "gets it" for sure!! He is a great coach!!!
Release date: 2016-01-26 $13.99
1. Amazing - I’ve only read books in my adult life and I’m .
Tommyland and autobiographies Your book was by far the greatest read, never a dull moment and your right, you wrote it at a time in your life where the best is just beginning and you could still remember the details vividly. I hope you’ll continue to share your experience with many more people especially who are struggling with so many similar circumstances. I think that’s the only way for most people to emerge successfully is through support and examples. Again, thank you Mark Bush
Vancouver, Washington
2. Chills, amazing, life-altering - I am one who never reads or buys books. However, when I needed to read a memoir for a project, I found this book. Being a huge college basketball fan, I watch J-Will from November to March all the time and always liked him. I knew of his story and past, but never got deep into it. This book showed me his truly touching story that brought chills with nearly every page and changed the way I view every day. Must read for anyone.
3. Inspirational - I had the pleasure of watching Jay Williams play for Duke long ago and witnessed the draft, early days with the Bulls, etc. It takes guts to share your life story, especially when you are not proud of many things you may have done. Jay Williamd does a great job sharing his story and inspiring his readers. Great book. Inspirational. Thoughtful.
Release date: 2012-01-05 $5.99
1. Bitter Sweet - Just a tremendous read. I remember watching that game as if it were yesterday. I was and always will be a huge UK fan and on that fateful night I was watching the game with my future wife. I was a wreck the entire time and would need to attend confession for a month to make up for all of the four letter words I used on that night:). Finally when Woods hit the shot my future wife said "there are you finally happy the game is over". I snapped back at her "It's never over". Sure enough it wasn't...I spent the next hours swearing, questioning God & of course sobbing uncontrollably. I hated Duke & hated Laettner more, could have accepted losing that way just not to him or them!!! Flash forward twenty plus years & now my year old son is a Duke fanatic & still reminds me of "the shot" any chance he can. I said I would never root for Duke...ever...but find myself now rooting for them against everybody accept of course The Big Blue Nation...isn't it funny how you change because of your kids:). Awesome book & thanks for reopening the wounds of that fateful night!
2. Go Duke - I was years old when this game took place. I remember watching it while I was in the hospital at Duke. I had just had back surgery, and was in the children's hospital about to go crazy when that shot went in. Great game that I will never forget. The was a great read from start to finish and if you are a basketball fan you should really pick this book up.
3. Painfully great! - Painful because I'm a Kentucky fan. I haven't wanted to watch a replay from that game ever since The Shot went through my heart like an arrow years ago. Reading this book was the medicine I needed to get over it and remember why I loved that team so much. Oh for the good old days when kids played all four years of college ball! So well written!!
I highly recommend that you read this if you're a Kentucky fan.
If you're a Duke fan, than go to H! ;)
Release date: 2017-04-11 $14.99
1. A great book - Brian and Dave describe those moments in the same detail that my brain remembers them. The Shot, the Block, and the Stop are plays I’ll never ever forget. Loved this book. The halftime scene with Ty Lue and LeBron is insane. I’m a die hard NBA fan that never knew about that interaction, and I’m forever thankful they took the time to put those memories into this book for us to get a glimpse of the behind the scenes view. They painted a vivid picture of both years battling the Warriors. I think it made me feel a bit sorry for Coach Blatt, because I’m sure he believes he could’ve got them that finals win as well.
Release date: 2010-10-05 $13.99
1. Thus basketball mom thanks you - Thank you George Dohrmann. This book was a great read and has given me, I'm sure, just a small peek behind the scenes of grassroots basketball. It did kind of sadden me, but I'm glad to know. I am the mother of a year boy old who loves basketball. He of course started at the local YMCA at years old. He continued at the rec level until the age of , when we were introduced to travel basketball. At the time he would go between basketball and soccer during each respective season. The overlap became too much to manage, playing both on the same day. The details escape me, but I remember him changing clothes in he car, as his dad drove from one venue to the next. His first love was actually soccer. As it was discovered that he was the tallest kid on the team, not afraid of the ball coming toward him, and could stop shots that others couldn't, he became a permanent goal keeper at years old. He liked the position, but missed running around with everyone else. At the same time, travel basketball was growing on him. Our first travel team was an absolute joy. The closeness of the boys, the parents, and coaches as we traveled the area for tournaments was a new and enjoyable experience for all of us. Simultaneously we were learning all of these new acronyms... AAU, YBOA, USSSAB, NAYBA. We needed to know what's the difference and why aren't we playing in more competitive tournaments? Parents were becoming aware of things that it seemed we were not expected to ask about or know about. Needless to say that team broke up, starting our travel ball shuffle, which I am working to bring to a hault, and this book has been very helpful. Sometimes you have to get out of your feelings and think this through. We are trying to be smart, but the extra noise from coaches (yours and the ones that claim to want to be yours), parents, trainers, other players experiences all make it tricky to maneuver through this with and for our son. He definitely wants to play ball beyond high school, while I'm trying to make sure he does what is necessary to make the high school team. Thanks for your help.
2. Amazing book - Play their heart out was an amazing book. It makes you feel in the players lives that you know them and has amazing ups and downs. From the triumphs of winning a tournament to suffering a crushing defeat dohrmann puts you in the book and tells you an amazing story of greed, triumph, heartbreak, and dedication.
Release date: 2009-05-30 $6.99
1. Amazing. - I first read this book in th grade. Not because the teacher told but because it had some to do with baseball. I'm a girl do I play softball but the book made the same sense to me as it would a baseball player. Now I'm reading it again and I'm not a sophomore. My favorite book ever I could read it over and over again.
2. Excellent book - I first read this about years ago, and in my mind this is the best book I have ever read. Everything from the story to the character development is perfect. Brings many memories back of my childhood and love for the game. Usually pick this up every year or so just to read it again. /
3. Amazing book :) - This is one that will stay with you. It is a great suspense book and keeps you thinking through the whole thing. Carl Deuker is my favorite writer and if you have read this you should read his other ones too!!! This book also gives many life lessons to kids. It is for all ages I love sports books and this is a great one I suggest ages -...I am and LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!
4. A book not to forget - This book was amazing. There are so many life stories that will teach kids what to do and what not. It's a great book about family, friends, and americas sport. BASEBALL. This is a one of a kind book and i look forward to tell all my friends about it. I truly believe this book sill create an inspiration on SO many.
Release date: 2015-10-02 $9.99
1. Raw. Rough. Honest. - Different type of read for me… It was difficult to read at times… Because of the honesty and the nature of what was going on. Disturbing, moving and real. Easy read, takes a day or and well worth it. Typically read coaching and basketball history type books but I'm glad I read this. Again, the reality aspect is overwhelming at times with age of the recruits and the business like approach to ruining some of these kids, but I highly recommend this read.
Release date: 2017-05-16 $2.99
Release date: 2015-10-06 Genre:Sports & Outdoors $10.99
1. Tremendous Life Lesson - This is a very special book to me. It has opened my mind to become a better person and want more for myself. I thought it would just be a basketball Book but the story Jalen Rose tells is a very informational one and I’m glad I gave this book a read. stars for sure. It’s more than a sports book, You can almost relate to every experience he describes. Amazing reading piece
2. Good read - I'm proud of Jalen like I know him lol I've been a supporter since the fab five days when I was in middle school and read Mitch albom book my fresh met year of high school in . I wish you success with your school and hope some of the points you raised towards the end of the book will inspire of athletes to do something meaningful with their money. I also hope you and c Webb reconcile but I can't see that happening anytime soon cause you've been a chatty patty with that issues lol you still the big homie. Salute!!!
Release date: 2013-07-10 $2.99
Release date: 2009-09-08 $5.99
Release date: 2016-03-15 $13.99
Release date: 2017-10-10 $9.99
1. Art and Ball - The art in the book is worth buying it. Shea raises some fun questions in each chapter. Interesting topics for most basketball fans. Downside for me was being a die hard fan I knew most of the hard info in the book already. Also given the style of the writing it screamed for video clips being included or at least links to highlights. FOH Overall. Very good book. Unique perspective. Great artwork. Excellent gift.
Release date: 2015-05-06 $2.99
Release date: 2014-10-28 $7.99
Release date: 2021-11-09 $13.99
Release date: 2020-04-14 $12.99
Release date: 2010-10-30 $4.99
Release date: 2005-02-17 $12.99
Release date: 2012-02-23 $0.99
Release date: 2014-05-01 $13.99
1. Griff’s Hoops Whisperer - If you are a player/trainer this book is exactly for you. I really enjoyed taking bits and pieces of each chapter and applying it into my own life. Idan does a great job at sharing stories each chapter, and it always has me engaged. I am going to recommend this book to my clients and my friends because I know it can help them too. /!
2. Love for the game - This book exudes passion for the game and a passion to help others! As a current trainer/coach in this industry, I highly recommend this book! It was amazing to follow Idan on his journey with some of the most incredible players to ever play this game. His insight on how he views the game and how he teaches it, really opened up my eyes and helped me to apply those principles to how I train my players. What I also love about this book is that, I was able to relate with Idan on lot of things, even if I’m not where he is today. Reading about his journey and his experiences, really boosted my motivation on working on myself to hopefully get opportunities like Idan has had. Amazing read!
3. Don’t give up on yet- Read this first. - From the mouth of a true underdog, this book will give most people encouragement in whatever their daily pursuits may consist of. As a man of God, Idan has laid out a path for us dreamers to to follow as we stumble through failures in order to find the light in this life. If it was not for this book, my dream would have died a few years ago and my happiness would have went with it. Although I have not achieved my goals just yet, I can at least find comfort in the fact that I am no longer capable of giving up thanks to Ravin's words. Long live the underdogs, every chip along the way is a blessing in disguise.
4. In the shadows - The Hoops Whisperer is arguably one of the best and most motivational books I've ever read.. Especially as a coach/trainer but many of the principles can be used in everyday life.. I've recommended this book to so many.. Hoping to meet the man himself one day and hoping he'll write another one.. Must read!!
5. Blown away - This book spoke to me on so many levels I don’t know where to begin. Ravin does an amazing job on painting pictures and details inside the readers head and he gives an in depth details on these amazing, hardworking players. Ravin also goes in great depth on how he trains players not only physically but mentally as well. This man is a genius and his love for the game can be clearly seen in the words he writes in this fantastic book. I highly recommend this to anyone who is a fan of basketball and although it does take hard work, Ravin teaches the reader that they can still have fun with the game like a child and not having to make it seem so complex. -Anthony
6. More than Basketball - Idan deals with more than just basketball and meeting famous people. His connection with the sports industry and advice on achieving dreams reminds us about the humanity and faith inside of all of us to achieve our dreams. He sees people as they are and works with people because he wants them to succeed, not for his personal gain. It’s truly inspiring to hear his story and see the progression of his life and where his love for sports took him, and even more inspiring to see him helping others to achieve their dreams and purse what they love. Great read for anyone who has a dream that is seen as “absurd” or “unattainable”.
7. Highly recommend - Any one who is looking for an inspirational book about faith, passion, purpose and the pursuit of dreams should read this book. It does not disappoint. A phenomenal enlightening read not only for men but also for women and young adults. Idan is a lawyer who pursued his dreams, followed faith and became a highly successful trainer of professional athletes ... On a personal note, Idan is one of the smartest, kindest, most humble and most genuine people I know.