Release date: 2010-06-29 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $10.99
1. Thorough, well-researched account - Very compiling reading. Discussed the events technically correct but easily understood by non-climbers. The loss of life was addressed with respect and dignity, and the sensitivity to family members was clear. Saying I "enjoyed" this is a wrong term because of the tragedy involved, but it is a page-turner, very well-written, and satisfying reading.
2. No Way Down - I couldn't stop turning the pages! What a great book describing the tragedy and history of K. This book brought back the same thoughts and questions I had after completing "Into Thin Air." What a sad tragedy, I feel bad for their family left behind, and why do people venture into the death zone? Again, it shows that people will always venture to be at the top of the world. However, hopefully these new adventurers will learn from these stories and know when to turn back in order to avoid creating a new tragedy in the future.
3. Mildly entertaining - But just not well written. The difference between this and Junger's Into Thin Air is extraordinary. One is a passable account of a specific event. The other is a riveting account in the hands of a master story teller. I prefer well written narratives, myself. Also, the writer never really seems to connect with his subject. It appears he was thrust into the topic without much forethought and thus doesn't ever warm to the task. I felt like I had to root for the characters harder than usual cause the writer wasn't all that interested in them. Pity.
4. OK but better books are out there - A decent account of the events on K but better books on the subject are out there. Ed Vestures book on this same subject is a better read. Additionally, Vestures book goes into the history of climbing K where this book only briefly mentions it. If you have not read Vestures' account of the events on K, you will find this book enjoyable. If you have read Vestures' book, you can pass on this one
Release date: 2020-06-16 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $16.99
1. A book of great hope and encouragement - Incredible young man because he is allowing God to write his story! Love this book and could hardly put it down. Encourages the heart. He has a true testimony and understands his God given purpose in life. Considering his age, this is wisdom beyond his years. myfavoriteplayer on and off the field! I proudly wear number !
Release date: 2022-10-25 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $15.99
Release date: 2021-08-10 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. Simply Perfect. - This book is a great introduction for those who are interested in learning the origins of a true Martial Art - Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Rickson Gracie’s story has helped me understand the importance of the martial art and why I and many others can benefit from its teachings and life lessons. / will read again soon.
Release date: 2020-09-22 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
Release date: 2022-07-28 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $10.99
Release date: 2015-09-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. I put off reading this book… - Admittedly thinking it was just a call for attention, I put off reading this book until when by chance I read that Dan, his disorder and his suicide were a prominent part of it. I worked with and knew Dan well enough that we shared countless lunchtime guffaws, creative muses and oddball secrets. The guffaws were what I cherish and remember most except for one haunting secret: his obsession with the number , not to mention our shared appreciation for the Beatles’ White Album song, Revolution (“…number nine…number nine…number nine….”). At one lunch he mentioned the upcoming confluence of September , (//), stating his desire to create some sort of perfect, unforgettable performance art (another of his obsessions at the time) on that day. This was at least a year before the fact and even for years afterward I would never give it another thought. In the meantime Dan lost his job and I never saw or heard from him again until news of his death, having dived from a building to the busy street below during morning rush hour traffic. It wasn’t until years later that I connected it all. I knew he jumped from an attic window above the eighth story shortly after nine o’clock, and I’m going to take the liberty of guessing it was exactly nine minutes after the hour. Here then is what I think Dan would want us all to remember about his final piece of performance art, almost certainly done at the height of the kind of bipolar mania so exquisitely described by Suzy: “I died jumping from the th story at : on //!” Thus can manifest the mystery of bipolar disorder which affects some of my own relatives and, sadly, also took the life of one. Written with love for them , Dan and now having finally read her story, Suzy .
2. Poignant - Many may be drawn to this book for the salacious, scandalous themes. Look deeper: there are lessons to be learned here, for parents to teach their children that they must live and achieve for themselves and not heap pressure upon themselves to please others, for young women tempted by or caught in the grip of eating disorders, and for those tempted to judge others for their behavior, without taking into account the extreme effects that neurochemical imbalances have upon reason and behavior. Finally, at the end, is a story of an unflinching love that will move you to tears. Read this book.
3. Regrets or regret getting busted? - This book lacked depth and self-examination. I found this book to be very odd, not simply because it was talking about an elite runner, wife and mother becoming a prostitute, but because after the fact she neatly wraps up all her behavior under the label, "bipolar disorder". I got the clear impression from the book that if she hadn't gotten outed, she would still be loving her adventures in Vegas. And what about that husband, Mark? I asked my husband if we could have an open marriage and I could be an escort; his answer was distinctly not, 'how about if I buy you a condo in Trump Tower in Vegas'. I got the sense they both loved the easy money. No discussion of the impact on the child, obviously an after-thought for them both. Ultimately this book was written not to explain but to excuse. Next time I will reread "Mans Search for Meaning" by Victor Frankl for real insights into suffering.
4. What a story - Really enjoyed really and learning about Suzy's life story. I can relate to her bipolar reading through her book I know my oldest brother had bipolar , a lot of things that her brother did reminded me of my brother. Back in the 's we never heard of this mental illness and my brother never was diagnose with it nor never got treatment . We all taught he was just crazy . What a strong woman Suzy is . Love the happy ending
5. Inspiring and educational - As an elite high school distance runner, I had the opportunity to meet Suzy on several occasions and experience her encouragement and passion for sport and competition first hand. I will never forget the brief interactions I was fortunate enough to have with her. Her mention of mental illness on social media opened me up to accepting the internal battle I also had experienced for years. I credit her advocacy as one of the many steps I had to take before receiving professional help. Thank you, Suzy, for publishing your story and showing the courage and compassion for self that goes along with accepting a bipolar diagnosis.
Release date: 2016-06-28 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Silly narcissism - This is a very immature effort to swing a " foot c@&k" at a world that simply seems too grown-up for a man who was primarily known for playing games with a ball. There may be some who find interest in this train wreck but it is truly pathetic that he feels the need to tell it. Like a drunk at the end of the bar - he seems to think that his story is somehow far more important than everyone else's I hope he is able to find peace and move on.
Release date: 2009-03-24 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
Release date: 2013-03-19 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. I Never Had It Made by Jackie Robinson - Anyone who values courage and hates injustice, should read this book. This autobiography is not only a story of bigotry in our country before Martin Luther King became a household name, but also a story of integrity, community and family. is an example to our better selves.
2. Inspiring story. I'd expect nothing less from such a legend. - This is a great story of courage that inspires all humanity, a must read. Jackie Robinson fought the bullies not with his fists, but with his mind, his spirit, and he changed the hearts of his teammates, the fans, and the world. The movie was terrific. This book, to hear Mr. Robinson tell his story, made me feel as if I was having a conversation with the legend.
Release date: 2007-02-06 $13.99
Release date: 2011-04-01 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $10.99
Release date: 2009-03-17 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
Release date: 2020-11-12 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
Release date: 2011-10-18 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Why? - Good question. If you are of a certain age, grew up a vintage Knicks fan, and need a stroll down memory lane to feel good about your former obsession with Reed, Frazier, DeBuschere, et al, this might be for you. The author takes curious detours to recount his life (who cares) or spends far too much time highlighting obnoxious celebrity Knicks fans (no, not just Spike), which I found distracting. However, interviews with present day vintage Knicks were a revealing contrast to present day overpaid celeb-letes. If you don't fit the above, don't bother. You'll never understand why or give a $%T.
Release date: 2022-05-17 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. Rooted - When I first saw that Sims Liu had released a memoir I thought it was a bit premature. He is still very early in his career and I wondered how much there was to share in such a young life. What we get in place a reflection over a long life is an enlightening first hand perspective of the intersection of the Immigrant experience and Western culture. More specifically, how that experience unmakes and makes a family over time. Simu’s approach is a grounded, funny, and self deprecating accounting of the Chinese immigrant, to Canadian citizen, to movie star hustle. Sims provides candid loopbacks at his failures and success. Occasionally, he offers up the accusatory glare or finger at others encountered along the way. Most tellingly, is the level of personal accountability he shows through every stage. A reminder that we are as much principal agents in our stories as others. The real meat and what I wish we got more of is the dilemma of where eastern parenting meets the western lifestyle. I think it is a topic not fully understand on how that intersectionality affects identities and outcomes. I do appreciate that Simu uses many examples to challenge stereotypes and recast the personal immigrant dream against the western landscapes. It may be more important for parents of immigrant children to read this than their kids.
2. Fun book, preview definitely lets you know the intended audience - I do enjoy the way Simu talks and jests about things. He gives personal insight about his family and China. He does throw in some leftist jabs but it’s not too overbearing. The comparison to China with America having a Donald Trump and Donald Glover was funny, but yes people from the same country can be vastly different despite the similar language and customs.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Meh - This is an entertaining read, but it does get old reading how sorry JD feels/felt for himself. The most annoying part is the way he "humbly" drops stories of how great of a person he is...he likes to toot his own horn and let you know he is the nicest guy in the world. Overall it's interesting to read about his screwed up life, but there are many parts that should just be skimmed over.
2. Hmm... - I liked the read, but it becomes painfully obvious how in denial this douche is about his vices. All in all, I had a much better view of John Daly before I read this book. And I'm not referring to the alcohol use. He mentions a few times that he started to get the feeling his wives were "only in it for the money". Ya think, John?
Release date: 2017-07-11 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
Release date: 2021-11-02 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $19.99
Release date: 2019-10-08 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
Release date: 2010-10-12 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. A must read - The Mick's life bared for all to see. The greatest combination of power and speed. The epic home runs. The greatest Yankee Dynasty and how it crashed and burned. The consequences of alcohol abuse and hero worship during his post-playing years. The enigmatic potty mouthed womanizer who did more than his share of random acts of kindness. The Last Boy provides context for anyone who loves the game and its lore.
2. The Last Boy - Just a remarkable biography. I was from the NY generation that had stenciled the number on tee shirts, books and baseball gloves. Leavy's biography shows the pain, and the dissipation of potential of my generation's hero. It does not diminish his memory and stature, only makes me realize that I was too young to understand the other Mantle. A contemporary Mantle would not be given a free pass from the media, fans, and followers. Perhaps it is better that way.
Release date: 2014-11-18 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. You are trapped - From the introduction to the last page you are trapped in the stories of Al Michael's career. Give credit to both Al and Jon for a great story and a great book. The book is more than a collection of diary entries, it's tied together by the fabric of events throughout his career. This is not a tell-all, it's not a confession, and it by no means is a crowning ceremony. Instead, it's the reflection on a career -- from a dream -- as told through events and people. Once you read the opening ...prepare to be trapped until the last Olympic interview. Enjoy!
2. Superb Book! - Especially for us and over types who can relate to many of the Sports stories of Al's day. I primarily read this because "The Miracle on Ice" remains my best sports memory to this day and wanted Al's insight on that. But, there is so much more! From his early days broadcasting minor league baseball in Hawaii, to Monday Night Football and now Sunday Night Football, Al Michaels tells some great "behind the scenes" accounts of the games, events, and people he has covered and worked with. If you're even mildly curious about the sporting world told from a broadcaster's point of view -- then read this book!
3. Great read - Thank you Al Michaels for this insight to our fascinating world of sports. I enjoyed every minute. One weird thing was as I read it, I heard your voice speak the words as if you were in the room reading the book aloud. Can't say that about any other book. Your sincerity, humanity and genuine character comes through as clearly as your wonderful broadcasting. Thank you.
4. You Can't Make This Up - Very enjoyable read. when I was a kid living outside of Dayton Ohio, I would have to pull weeds in our Acre garden that we had. I listened to Al Michaels and Joe Nuxall broadcast the Reds games while working in the garden. I enjoyed them so much that when the games were televised i would bring my transistor in and turn the volume down on the TV. We moved to Texas and I didn't know what happened to Al after that until the Miracle hockey game. the rest is history.
Release date: 2011-11-08 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $9.99
Release date: 2013-05-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Bad Boy Jimmy - Like so many other celeb autobiographies, like Pete Townsend's and Keith Richards', to name just two, Connors' tell-all has a familiar tone to it. He outs whoever he chooses to without discretion (or class), and confirms that the arrogance we saw on the court is the arrogance he's carried with him off it as well. I was a BIG Connors fan in the s and s, and was really looking forward to reading this book. Unfortunately, it's a simple read and -- while there are many interesting nuggets about the open era of tennis -- there are too many uncomfortable moments about too many people who, I'm guessing, would recall history somewhat differently, and likely in a more dignified way. It's funny that, in all his bad legal maneuvers, Connors is always in the "bystander" role. C'mon up bud! Be forewarned: If you're a big Connors fan, like me, you'll enjoy the read though won't gain any new real insights. And if you're not, read someone else's tell-all.
2. The Best - Growing up, I did not have many friends so I started playing tennis. Naturally, I had to watch it too and Jimmy was the player I I emulated. I bought his racket, copied his serve and developed a two handed back hand too. I threw my body around the court because Jimmy did it. I gave it my all just like Jimmy did. When I was reading this book, for some reason, nothing surprised me because I feel I would have done the same things.....including a big crush on Chris Evert. Jimmy, I must tell you, your devotion to your mom and Two Mom was heartwarming. The story of your mom's passing brought tears to my eyes. I lost my mom and grand mom when I was seven years old. The stories behind the scenes were great. Lastly, I also had a golden retriever named Mia who was so sweet and knew everything about me before I even knew it. Goldens ARE special, but you already know that. I hope to meet you someday so I can personally tell you how much you meant to me growing up.
3. The Outsider - This is one of the best books I've ever read bar none. I've always been a Jimmy Conners fan, loved watching him play at the US Open. Seeing his sense of humor up close is insightful. This book kept my interest like no other. He didn't pull any punches, good or bad, it's all there. I would expect none other from the best. A good read for anyone who knows the name Jimmy Conners, whether you are a fan or not. I sure am!
4. The outsider - I felt like JC got a bad rap in regards to this book. Some of my tennis friends refused to read so of course i had to find out for myself. I respect the athlete and the mind of a winner. This success comes at a price and requires discipline that most of us do not possess. A must read for any tennis lover.
5. Way to go, Jimmy - What a wonderful book. Full of information I did not know about a man whose career always amazed me. I got the chance to see Jimmy play against Mac at a Nuveen event in Michigan, and it was a great match. They really were very good. I have never really been a Mac fan, and still think his ego gets in his own way. Jimmy has the sense, and the grace to understand that his contribution to this great sport was important, and helped change the game. Taking it to the streets was the best thing that could happen, and all those players from that era should be congratulated for their fine play and sportsmanship. Thanks so much Jimmy for your continued support of this game. You still have so much to offer. May you and your family enjoy life and happiness!
Best Regards
Sharon Rosen
Bonita Springs, Florida
6. Connors wins again!! - This book is written in true Jimmy Connors fashion. Down to earth, honest and with the emotion he is so famous for. You will fall in love with his family as well. Any tennis fan will take away a greater understanding of all aspects of the sport and the business. Getting the players perspective is an eye opener. I loved Agassi's book as well and whole heatedly recommend this one. Great job Jimmy!! Phil Okun
7. A Little Disappointing - I wondered, at times, if this book was written as a reaction to the Agassi book? I was a big Connors fan in the day, but there seems to be a bit too much macho anger for me. I'd hate to read a book by Mac. I was hoping for some sort of salvation at the end. It's sort of a melancholy tail.
Release date: 2010-05-11 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. Great - Great and accurate portrayal of "The Boss" No favoritism played in the book had me laughing at times as the story behind the tabloid front/backpages became even more real!! Must read for any Yankee/baseball fan. Love him or hate him baseball would not be where it is without "The Boss" RIP George
2. Very well written - As a life long Yankees fan I enjoyed this book. It moves along at a good pace and covers most of the major events that have occurred during George's leadership. Love him or hate him, despise him or revile him - a must read for Baseball Fans. Oh - if you are a Red Sox fan - good luck with the big words - LOL
3. Very insightful - This is a great behind the scenes account of the Yankees and how they became a baseball dynasty. It give an in depth account of how Steinbrenner systematically built the team and in some sense destroyed it during the ' and early 's. It was a great book for all baseball fans more particularly Yankees fans because it told you stories that never appeared in the newspapers. Great reading!
Release date: 2012-04-17 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $8.99
1. Wow.....again - All I can say is wow. Ellismate again shows how the will and determination can get you were you see yourself. Regardless of things in front of you. Thats why he is so loved. He talks about real world problems and real problems. Death, life, drugs, birth and fun. All real things and no fu@&ing fluff. Straight from the heart and real. RED DRAGONS!
2. Great book and I don't like books - This is a great book due to the fact that Jason is honest and expresses his emotions in great detail. I too have lost my father but only mine to cancer but I do know how that sets anger inside of me and can relate to Ellis. Keep up the great work and I'll continue following Ellis as a long time listener. Thanks man
3. It's Awesome!!! - Ellis really put it all out there in this book and it paid off! Such an inspiring and hard to put down story! Great job putting Ellis's words into print Tully, it really felt like Ellis was telling me the story as I was reading it. I would love to read a second book by these two guys!! Red Dragons!!!!
4. Undeniably Inspirational!!!!! - Anyone who thinks that they have had a rough life and can't deal with the day to day craziness that envelopes the most average of person, should buy this book immediately. It's a story of legendary proportions where a boy from Australia overcomes extraordinary circumstances to become... The Sweetest Dude Ever.
Release date: 2016-09-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. One big ego trip - I used to be a huge Abby Wambach fan, but this book.. it was one big ego trip. It was humble bragging to say the least. I was excited to see what she would do once she retired from soccer.. I’m no longer interested in watching.. I wish I could return this book. If I had a daughter I wouldn’t give her this book to read. Nope. This is not the Abby Wambach I would want as an example for her. I miss the old Abby.
Release date: 2016-01-05 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Good Read - Interesting book that gives unique insight into the behind-the-scenes life of a journeyman NFL player. It could have been a lot better, but the constant struggle to remain anonymous often gets in the way of the stories. A bit less focus on "Johnny's" bowels and more attention to player interactions would have made this a classic. As it is, NFL fans will generally enjoy it...
Release date: 2010-03-02 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Good read with some problems - I really enjoyed this book. It's an easy read and I finished it in about a day. The editing however is awful. Events are told out of order. At one point the author describes the time as dusk and the next paragraph it's suddenly afternoon. There is also a lot of redundant language. The writing just reads like a th grade English paper.
2. Couldn't put down - This is by far one of the best books I could not put it down. My husband and I went on vacy to Mexico and I couldnt even put it down there. It was heart wrenching and I had to see what for what was next. I fill so sad for the family's that lost love ones and for what everyone of them had to go through. This is a muxt read.
3. So heartfelt - The story itself is so tragic and my prayers go out to the families of all men. The book itself was not edited very well, but honestly this is a real story and you can't help but be sucked it even though you know the tragic ending for of the men. It's incredible to me that Nick survived against all odds. I can't even imagine what it really felt like to be out there, but this book gives you a good idea. It's worth reading and it will give you insight as to what happened. Nick you should never feel guilty for being alive, take the blessing you were given and do as much good as you can with the time you have been given. I truly believe it is what your fallen friends would have wanted. Love and prayers to all!
4. Not Without Hope - I didn't know what to expect from this book only that I was curious to read about this tragic accident. The author gives painful details about his ordeal and the deaths of his friends. It is a very descriptive book. I could understand the emotions of the family members who lost their men. Life changes in the blink of an eye. Hope keeps us going. It is an unseen force that allows us to overcome unbearable situations. This book reinforces this belief.
Release date: 2018-10-30 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $19.99
1. I met Aaron Hernandez and got his -plus dancing cactuses - He was in relation to Leonardo Hernandez, my Spanish teacher. The principal at my old school allowed Mr. Hernandez to invite his cousin’s son. (Of course Aaron’s father was already dead by the time I met Aaron). When I saw him, he was in a full football outfit and was waiting for me. He had two or three bags of dancing cactuses. There were Carlos the dancing cactuses, Carlos the dancing Christmas cactuses, and regular cactuses with Feliz Navidad. They were all working perfectly when I got them from him. Now I have a total of reds, orange and yellow Carlos the dancing cactuses, same count ( total) as for the Christmas and feliz navidad cactuses. Now of my yellows and of my orange ones do not move at all. Before he left, I slapped his butt because he was in his football pants with pads and told him thank you for giving me your dancing cactuses. I couldn’t believe he was falsely accused of murder months later. One of my cactuses that I filmed was an orange and yellow sombrero and they are still dancing and singing like they should. The orange one stopped x and activated again and the yellow one stopped once and was almost finished with his song when I stopped filming. I can’t believe someone decided to destroy the football industry by falsely accusing Aaron Hernandez of murder. Rest In Peace, Aaron.
2. ./ - Very good book, in depth life story through the eyes of his brother, DJ Hernandez. This was more of a personal read about Aaron’s life through his DJ, rather than Arron’s life story. Still great material, great read. The Jose Baez, “Unnecessary Roughness” was a great read that went into depth about Aaron’s case, the details that surrounded the circumstances in the case and his life Unnecessary Roughness is a slightly better book but this book is just behind it. Still great and highly recommend it!
3. Captivating Story from beginning to end - This memoir depicts the tragedy the entire Hernandez family lived. Story is moving and meaningful. If anyone assumes Aaron’s demise was due to bad life choices, please read before judging him. He was a human being who as a little boy never fully healed from his abusers. I have more compassion for Aaron, Johnathan, and Terri as a result of this story.
4. Tell Your Own Truth - The cousin who’s helping Aaron navigate a critically challenging portion of his life has her husband stolen by Aaron’s mother. Jonathan essentiall declares, “I am not my brother’s keeper” when offered a dream job coaching, at a top football school, a paid opportunity to help save his brother. In the end, the father who savagely beat his wife in front of his kids and forced Aaron into a decreased quality of life is honored as the standard of fatherhood. A sobering warning and a terrifying example of how our family, which should be our safest refuge, can be our greatest sabotage. Tell your own truth, not someone else’s.
5. Awesome - First off Johnathan;prayers to you and your family. I was a fan of Aaron and followed him from football until now. I knew there was more to his story and I just wanted to than you for sharing. I read all these chapters in one day! The book was very interesting to read. As you described everything I felt I was there during every moment. May God give you and your family the strength to continue on your Earthly journey until you meet Aaron again . God Bless you!
Release date: 2017-04-04 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $7.99
1. Peyton manning Archie manning story - A nonstop awesome account of a true superstar family. As a lifelong saints fan, I bought this book to read about my childhood hero, Archie manning. But the way the rest of the family was intertwined into this book truly made it a joy to read about new Orleans favorite family!
Release date: 2010-09-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. From a time when the Silver and Black Ruled Football - Raider Fan Guy lives and dies by a creed. Followers of the lessor teams don't get it. Their teams play football, may even win a Super Bowl here and there. Yet Dallas, the Steelers, New England and the team from Across the Bay are respected and never feared. This is the chronicling of The Team at the epicenter of the greatest moments in the history of the sport. Either The Raiders won, or teams, with the help of the officials, managed to out score Oakland. Badasses follows The Best of The Best Raider Teams of All Time. The Teams that laid the foundation of jealousy and hatred that oozes throughout the NFL. This is a most own book for people who remember the voice of Bill King or Curt Gowdy describe the action, that forged the heroes and legends, that defined an era of dominance.
Release date: 2014-05-27 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Disappointing - I was ambivalent about buying a book from a cyclist who was ingrained in the culture of doping, but in the end I was curious. Not much passion comes through in this book written at the junior high level. The anecdotes seem contrived. One can only hope the profits are donated to charity.
2. Righting Wrongs - This book is about a man who take a stance and proactively changes a culture bent on destruction of a beautiful and addictive sport. George goes about changing his life to create an atmosphere of freedom from hiding in the shadows. A world that ultimately could have destroyed the one thing that supported and fueled his success-his family. He goes about his business not as an Evangelist with zeal, but leading and teaching by example. This method increased his peers' respect in his talent and leadership -fold. His answer to his daughter and son in the final few pages is worth reading, ingesting on many levels. His wisdom and insight are exemplary.
3. The Loyal Lieutenant - I did not quite know what to think about this book and how it might change what I feel about Hincapie and the role he played in professional cycling over the past years. In fact, I was reluctant to initially purchase it. However, as a close follower of cycling since my own triathlon days in the s and then standing on the Champs Élysées as Lemond rode by in , I was curious about what Hincapie might say about so many stories I had come to know well. Obviously, there was the doping and the history he shared with Lance Armstrong, but then there was also his transition to riding for Highroad and Cavendish and then BMC and Evans and Tejay. I was always curious about his Tour stage win as a 'climber' as well as the other back stories about narrowly missing out on yellow in and Horner chasing him onto the Champs Élysées as he completed his last Tour. Hincapie illuminated all of these events and added detail and subtlety that allows a better understanding of him. It is so true and tragic how the man who he shared so much with in his cycling career did not internalize a few more lessons from George Hincapie on humility and competing with grace. Lance and George were obviously so different but I guess that is one aspect of their story (and their time together) that is so fascinating. I came away from this book with a better understanding of the choices these guys were faced with and the reasons why some of them made better decisions for themselves and their families when they were faced with such difficult decisions. As a close follower of the sport, I would have liked some more candor about Contador and Bruyneel and a few others, but the scope of the book seems in keeping with the temperament of the man whose story is being told. Chapeau George and good luck with all that comes next...
4. So much more... - First, I love the extent that cycling has a reading culture. After-all, cycling as we know it was created by publishers to sell periodicals. Second, I very much enjoy Hincapie in his career post-racing. I’ve followed his development team, clothing line and the establishment of his hotel with great interest. I even sent an email to one of his marketers saying that I enjoyed how easy it was to get the crucial information I needed for his Gran Fondo. He and his associates have brought their “A” game to everything concerning the “Hincapie” brand. So needless to say this book was not just another soul-searching, tell-all book by yet another cyclist. For me, this was a publishing event of life-time importance. Truly epic. Hincapie seemingly has the dual mission of: one, showing that he was a great athlete post-Lance and post-drugs; and two, showing that he did his best to change the sport from within starting around /. He flies through his early- and Lance-years, and only picks up greater depth through the second half-of-the-book. In fact it’s as if those early chapters are only there to set up what he really wants to talk about—his life post-Lance and post-drugs. Hincapie’s book is a disappointment, especially the first half. He had the might and popularity to attract writers of great talent for help. A Daniel Friebe, perhaps. But he did not, and the writing is overly-simplified and often boring. There is nothing too specific about his drug use or his training or his diet. For instance I read a great article about him once where he said doing intervals at least once-per-week was his key to success. He doesn’t mention the world “interval” in the entire book. He does give the book some great action scenes in through his favorite performances, but there could have been more. Basically, when one finished this book, we will not learn about his training, diet or numerous other aspects of cycling, including historical, what we learn is that he is sorry for doping and that he has had a great career post-Lance. I believe there is more—so much more to Hincapie’s career, and I eagerly await that book.
Release date: 2020-11-10 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
Release date: 2016-06-30 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $10.99
1. You look beautiful - This is a very interesting read if you are an Irish mma or Conor mcgregor fan. It offers a unique look into the coaching side of mma which might get over looked with such a gifted, dedicated and thrilling fighter such as Conor. It is not quite as specifically detailed as I would have wanted but it still brings you into the moments described even if it is for a short time. Pretty quick, yet very enjoyable read. I watched the fights and documentaries written about as I read and it enriched he experience greatly. Strongly recommend to any Conor mcgregor fan such as myself.
2. Truly Gripping - Every MMA fan whether you are a die hard or just simply interested in learning about MMA needs to get their paws on this book. Coach K. Does a phenomenal job outlining the incredible journey that Irish MMA has been on, and the amazing journey that MMA is on. His writing style is straight to the point and for someone who has sat cage side for what are now some of the largest UFC events in the history of the sport(Most recently being Mcgregor Vs Diaz ) Coach K. Reflects and writes about the experience from a perspective that no other human on planet earth can. Enjoy:)
3. What a book! - Thinking back to when I first started the book, you would think you know the fighters and the coach just by what you see on tv. Getting to read this story is like getting a "behind the scenes" treatment. So much blood sweat and tears that they've poured into their careers just makes me realize why I am a fan of them and the sport. I wish nothing but the best to the whole SBG team and I hope to see more and more champs!
4. Wow what a journey - I just finished reading this book and I couldn't put it down after opening the first page. After following UFC and Conor McGregor on TV and Internet this is the missing glimpse into their world getting some understanding what they are going through. This is not really a book of the past but what is still unfolding right in front of our eyes. Very inspiring if you love martial arts, UFC and of course The Notorious.
5. One of the most truthful, entertaining and inspiring books I've read. - John Kavanagh's "Win or Learn" can be described as breathtaking. From the beginning of his life, to the seeds of a lifestyle being planted into his mind, to doing the things he loved and helping to develop amazing fighters at SBG Ireland, this book covers it all. I can say that after personally reading it, I am a fan beyond the fighters in the sports of MMA, and I truly recognize the talent and admiration that should be rewarded to the men in the corner. Amazing book if you want to hear a journey that covers multiple people's dreams coming true.
Release date: 2013-04-09 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $2.99
Release date: 2018-10-16 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Disappointing - This book jumps around in missed attempt to tell tales of Babe Ruth. It is not cohesive in any form. In chapter after chapter you are in a different year,, with several different friends, acquaintances, teammates. It is frustrating. I rarely rates books and if I do, it is most often a review that recommends a book. This is onetime I cannot recommend .
Release date: 2009-03-17 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $8.99
Release date: 2010-11-16 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Fastball down the middle - I loved the book. At the same time, I'm right down the middle of the strike zone. year old male, who grew up as a huge fan of the Yankees, and of course Mickey Mantle. That said, this book is beautifully written, and the research was incredible. It gave me plenty of information on Mickey, as a player, but also a phenomenal look into his life. We all can follow the careers of our athletic heroes, but we always wish we knew what they were really like. This is it.
2. Belongs in the lifestyle section, not the sports pages - There's no denying that Leavy does a great job in painting a picture of The Mick as an alcoholic, womanizing, man child who happened to play a sport. If you want to learn more about the feelings of the people in Mickey's life, how he treated them, and how they were affected by him (including the author), then this is the book for you. Me? I could have used with more stories from the field of play. Exploits on the playing field. More about interactions with other players on and off the field. More stories from former players about their reminiscences of The Mick. More of the sports page than the lifestyle section.
3. Wonderful book - I was leery of reading this book, I had grown up with Mickey and he was my first baseball hero. All the more, a better reason to read the book. I am glad I read the book, it made Mickey Mantle human, very human. I though the best Chapter was April , the research for this chapter alone was fantastic. I highly recommend this book. The videos are well done and informative, they add to your understanding of the book. This version is free, so take the time to read the book you won't be sorry you did.
Release date: 2002-06-10 $9.99
Release date: 2009-04-07 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $11.99
1. A Pearl in the storm - This is one of the best books I have read in a very long time. Inspiring to read, every page makes you crave the next one. I couldn't put I down. At times laugh out loud funny, at times heartbreaking, always empowering, I recommend this book to any young woman out there, looking for a book to read and re-read over time. The revelations that Tori comes to in her miraculous journey across the ocean serve as a reminder of the things that matter most during the struggles we all have. I cannot imagine reading this and not walking away with some very moving lessons. This is the way books are meant to make you feel, exhilarated and enlightened. What an absolute treat!
Release date: 2013-11-05 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. Classy book by a classy player - Dr. J has always and will always be my favorite basketball player. Many parts of this book brought me back to my youth when I used to watch in awe and was devastated with every playoff loss. I was elated when "we" finally won. No one deserved it more the Julius. A very good read.
Release date: 2022-02-22 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Almost made it to the end… - It took me to the end of the book to discover that coach k declined participation in this project… that is a credit to Mr. O’Conner that he was able to hide his lack of access to coach K as deep into the book as he did…although, my spider senses should have been going off when O’Conner’s narrative devolved into a “those darn Dukies get away with everything!”
Release date: 2011-11-15 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
1. Couldn't Stop Reading - I purchased the book and read it cover to cover today. First of all, I would love to see Scott Raab in action at a Chinese Buffett! I was born and raised in Cleveland() and now in the east suburbs of the metro area. I'm currently and "The Drive" was the first Cleveland sports setback that I watched live. In my lifetime, Modell, local government, the NFL, and Al Lerner teaming up to stab Cleveland in the heart back in is the only one that still bothers me today. Pro Sports are just entertainment products. My "It's all fake" moment was the Western Conference finals between the Kings and Lakers. The talent is real, but the league is corrupt. Why give it that much attention and emotional energy? I also disagree with the doom and gloom assessment of Cleveland. Regarding Lebron, I think that someone needs to remind Scott that "resentment is the number one offender". I still love the game of basketball, but you would have to pay me to actually go to an NBA game. It's overpriced and possibly as rigged as a WWE pay per view. Great book in my opinion, but this is coming from a lifelong Clevelander.
2. Entertaining if nothing else - Didn't learn anything new here about LeBron that I didn't already know. Raab is an entertaining story teller and I hope that the book makes enough money to cover the therapy bills his kid will need when he reads one particularly "odorous" description of his mother's reproductive organs.
3. Pure Genius - As more of a fan of the city of Cleveland than anything else, I was gnashing my teeth and spitting at the TV screen with everyone else when LeBron James decided he was too good for Ohio. But blind, violent hatred is no way to vilify a cretin like King James. Scott Raab took our invective and laid out a eloquent case why it is good, why it is right, and why it is healthy to hate LeBron James. What is best about Raab is that he is not a coward. He lets Baby Bron have it with both barrels, unafraid with the results. Awesome book for everyone.
Release date: 2012-09-25 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
1. Well-written and clear-eyed story of an impressive young man - Eric is a very impressive man. I met him shortly after his injury. Even then, you could see the determination in his face to conquer this adversity called spinal cord. Spinal cord injury causes some people to feel sorry for themselves, to give up on their dreams, and to become passive. It did the opposite for Eric LeGrand. He was emboldened by the injury, developed new dreams, and started doing things that he probably couldn't have imagined before his injury. While he has not reversed the injury, he has overcome it. This story is about his upbringing and growth before and after the injury, his quiet courage and and strength. There is no whining in this book. It is a generous tribute to many people who have been important in his life before, during, and after his injury. His determination shine from every page. The chapters dealing with his life after injury are clear-eyed look at what being spinal-injured is like. The final chapter was a statement of hope that every person with spinal cord injury should read. While Mike Yorkey did a good job with writing this book, it is Eric's voice and almost all of it in his words. I recommend this book highly.
2. I never cry for anything. This book was an exception - I watched Eric's injury happen live on tv, the first football weekend of my senior year in college one lazy Saturday morning. As a football fan I continued to follow Eric's story, and recently I read his book. His story is inspirational, his details and honesty about the perils of his situation will have you at the edge of your seat. Several moments of this book are emotional, but what got me most was the way he talks about his mother, what she went through and what she goes through on an hourly basis to help her son. She puts on his clothes everyday, puts him to bed everyday, has to hold the bottle up to his you know what so he can urinate. The sacrifices this woman makes- SHE is the real hero of Eric's story- and Eric graciously recognizes the work his mom does to make his life what it is. God willing all of us who read this book can look to Eric and his mother for inspiration, as most of life's daily "problems" are but minor inconveniences to more important things called life and health.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $7.99
Release date: 2010-05-04 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99