Release date: 2021-12-20 $0.99
1. What a special book about family and the power of love! - I was truly taken by surprise at how special this book turned out to be. I thought it would be a light historical romance novel with some folk tales imbued in it. However, it was much more than that--A story about finding your own identity, loyalty, the power of a mother's love (adoption), and even an underlying story of a child with autism and how a single mother does the best for him at a time with so little knowledge and tolerance for it. I was in tears by the time it came to an end. The pacing never wavered and I couldn't put it down. The only negative is that I wanted the story to continue and the epilogue was way too short. I wanted more; more Effie and Lachlan in Scotland, and more Morna and Jack.
Release date: 2023-03-24 $3.99
Release date: 2011-02-01 $1.99
Release date: 2019-01-08 $0.99
Release date: 2015-11-24 $7.99
1. READ IT OR BE DOOMED! - Honestly going into this was a roller coaster ride. I was expecting many things because of the different reviews I read about the book. Truth be told I only read the book because of the Bridgerton show on Netflix, and I ADORED IT! Many people, I read, had a problem with Colin always making Pen seem lower then him, by mentioning he shouldn’t feel this way about Penelope because well she’s Penelope, (his words not mine) but honestly it never felt like that. He did mention the feelings he had for her were confusing because it’s Pen, but I felt he always mentioned her as just Pen because he saw her as a sister like Eloise because she was always there. The other issue most people had was them thinking Colin only liked Penelope after she lost some weight this is also false. She did lose weight but quite literally it wasn’t enough to be counted as a skinny woman, she even proclaimed it herself, Colin in the book does truly fall in love with Penelope, and does not do so because of her small weight loss, but rather her humor, and personality that he just so happened to see, after years of knowing each other. This book is one of my favorites that I read and honestly I recommend anyone to read it for fun, or love over the show. Do keep in mind the books are quite different from the show though. The only complaint I have over this book is that I wished Penelope and Colin had more actually heart to heart times that didn’t evolve them wanting to or were literally about to do sexual acts. Most of the time their conversation were nice and humorous, but it seemed to me every time they were speaking of serious issues they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, which is totally fine and even made the chapters more interesting, but I wanted more drama and desire to have a one on one with troubling issues that could only be solved if they pushed their egos’ to the side and spoke to one another. Although, it is quite entertaining reading Colin flirt with Pen all the time, and in all honesty the books is a great one that one must pick up at least once!
2. Finished it in day in days!!! - I never in my Life finished a book to fast. I just related to Penelope so much and I wanted her to have a happy ended so bad that I didn’t stop tell I was falling asleep at am in the morning. This book is my favorite and I can’t wait tell S of Bridgerton to see what they do different and what they do from the book Polinforlife
3. My favorite so far - She captured the essence of a friendship becoming romantic. The way the author has Colin turn his view on Pen from friend to lover was perfect. It took time, yes, but the build up was immaculate. Had me cheering for them in the end. True his character is a bit one sided, when he fell for her he fell hard,and let’s be honest, Penelope deserved to be worshiped in the end. So far, this one is my favorite.
4. It’s okay. - I read this book a significant time after I had read the first three books in the series… so my opinion might not be accurate… but this book annoyed me. The title suggests that Penelope actively “romanced” Colin but really he just suddenly saw her personality and beauty one day. There was no active drawing him to her. Besides this, the thing that truly annoyed me while reading this book is the constant change of POV without breaks in the page. I would say that most of the book is like this, until maybe the last few chapters. You could be reading as Penelope AND suddenly it changes to Colin’s perspective. As I mentioned, I read this book a long while after I read the other three, so I don’t remember if they had a similar problem… though I doubt it. I really think this book suffered a little from poor editing or in the very least page breaks when changing POVs. I think the story was okay, nothing spectacular compared to “The Viscount Who Loved Me”
5. Romancing Mister Bridgerton - I enjoyed this novel although it dragged on in the first half of the book. The second half was far more interesting and enjoyable unlike the previous Julia Quinn novels that captured your attention right away. In all, it was an enjoyable story of friendship, love and discovery.
6. Too much male dominance - Men are too men. The author should understand that though it written in backdrop of older days, still she is modern day writer. So please no need to be all protective men all the time. Colin was mad cause why Pelelope came half a London by herself! This is insane. Even Jane Austen’s men were not soooooo protective about women. Here all what men can do is protect
7. Not as good as - - The relationship in this story didn’t come as naturally as the others and was far less believable. Penelope’s character was a bit too infatuated and when they fell in love seem unconvincing and a bit boring. It might be closer to a “real life” scenario but that’s not why I read books. I found Penelope to be annoyingly pathetic. The least entertaining book so far...
8. Quite fun! - I enjoyed this book as much as the last . The author has really taken the time to build the world for me and I find myself rather obsessed with all the little details. I love when a book has continuity and I can recall a certain thing from a previous book that shows up in a new one. A wonderful love story that I could connect with and really enjoy. Onto the next!
Release date: 2017-07-25 $1.99
1. Get ready to fall in love with these characters & their story... - I will be very honest, I was not a fan of the first book in this series, BUT after reading A Momentary Marriage, I am prepared to give A Perfect Gentleman a second chance. Because this book is an absolute delight and then some. Laura and James would have you believe that they are not a match. To that I say - pfft. They are perfectly suited in single way. She sees the man beneath his armor of indifference and knows that there is so much more than what he shows the world. He sees beyond her golden beauty, a brilliant woman whose own steely strength formidable partner in life, who is willing to do battle for him. A Momentary Marriage is a delicious slow burn that reels you with a story of marriage of convenience, keeps you page turning with these characters whose own backstories are loaded with sorrow and a bit of intrigue. It is a impossible not to fall into the pages of this story and just get lost in all of its goodness. Enjoy!!!
Release date: 2023-03-16 $6.99
Release date: 2020-08-25 $4.99
1. STARS!!! - Stars!! Loved it! This book is as great as the previous two!! It can be read as a standalone, but I definitely recommend reading the other before reading this book! This book had tons of mystery, suspense, secrets, & most importantly - Romance!! I loved Bell & Marianne’s story. So many surprises, secrets & a H.E.A. ending. There is even a surprise secondary charter in this book from another series I thoroughly enjoyed by this author, ‘The Survivors’ series! I HIGHLY recommend both of the series‘! I don’t give stars often but this book was a winner for me!
I received this book at no charge from the publisher and I voluntarily left a review.
2. The Valet Who Loved Me - The series continues with Beau who is also in on the bet. Although he is a marquis not many people know he is with the Home Office. Even though he is very good at his job, he is taken quit by surprise by Marianne and all her secrets. I really enjoyed their love story and the adventures they went through.
Release date: 2017-01-31 $7.99
1. Sweet but forgettable - There was a lot that happened off the page, or in a letter, for this book. It’s hardly explained or shared for the reader. Despite the length of this book, it felt slight rushed and unclear; the main characters loving each other in a ridiculous amount of time and loving things about each other that are not fully shared with the reader. It was ok, but definitely a forget it shelve it book.
2. Not what I wanted for Eloise tbh - The story was quite beautiful but I could not imagine her being HER in the story. It felt like I was reading about a completely different character and sir Philip made me feel like he only wanted to marry her to be an unpaid maid in the house at first. His change of emotion made me feel like he was “forced”. when I read I would like to feel like the characters are real people and I’m just like an invisible person watching them. when I read this all I could think about was “they are characters the author forced them into this” not like the other books. Still I enjoyed it but very out of character. I just…. Expected Eloise’s story to be different idk what but not this.
3. Good, but… - I’m glad I read this book because I’ve already decided to read the series and I loved the previous books. This one is my least favorite so far. Each story has its own twist to it and this one definitely did too…. I just felt like Eloise’s story could have had so much more intrigue considering her character had been developed already throughout the last books to a point. This love story didn’t seem to fit into what I though Eloise would pursue as her life’s dream.. definitely didn’t strike me as the mommy type. After the first half of the book however, when the brothers showed up and the story moved outside of the house and the limited setting, it got much better. The steamy parts didnt disappoint, as usual :D
4. To Sir Philip with Love - Wish I had skipped this book. I was so hoping for a good man for Eloise, instead He’s a total narcissistic brat. She deserved so much more. Only part I enjoyed was Eloise with his children. Seriously could not wait to finish this. The series does improve with the next book “when he was wicked”.
5. What a terrible way to treat a promising character - I thought Eloise was such a good character in the previous books — to pair her with Sir Philip Crane is almost criminal. He’s emotionally manipulative AND a terrible father. His justification for treating Eloise poorly is that he was unhappy with his late wife so that gets him a free pass to behave however he’d like. Also, the late wife suffered from untreated mental health issues and receives zero compassion from other characters or from the author. I read the whole book and both epilogues hoping it would get better. Reader, it did not. If this is how Julia Quinn treats her female characters, I’m out.
6. It Starts With a Letter - This is Eloise’s story and it’s, perhaps, the best of the Bridgerton’s so far. We finally find out why her fingers are always stained with ink. At , Eloise remains unmarried—by choice. She’s had offers but has turned them all down. None tempted her to accept and she’s fortunate enough that her family supported her choices. But there comes a time when she decides to make a change, to take a chance. Enter Philip Crane, a brooding botanist and the widowed father of two.
Release date: 2023-03-21 $5.99
Release date: 2020-07-31 $4.99
1. The duke looks like a groomsman - This is book of the footman’s club and its great. The bet is still on and Rhys part is to fool everyone that he is indeed a groomsman. What he didn’t expect was to see his ex-girlfriend show up. We get to watch how Julianna and Rhys manage to find their way back to each other with some help from some good friends!
Release date: 2021-03-26 $0.99
Release date: 2015-08-25 $7.99
1. Love love love - This Was such a fun read it was very emotional at times, and Sophie and Benedict story is truly as romantic as it could be. In this story, you will find yourself crying and yelling, as if you are experiencing it on your own. I love all the other characters in this book too! lady Bridgerton showed again, just how much her children’s happiness means to her and Posys story is the perfect way to end this book.
2. Awesome Read - Nothing like his Netflix persona!!! - I loved Benedict’s story. I read it after I finished Eloise’s story. When I initially read the reviews, I lost interest in reading it and based on how Benedict’s character was portrayed in the Netflix series - I just wasn’t interested in his character. He is so much more developed than in the tv series and way less promiscuous and not as into art. Thank Goodness!!! One of my favorites in the series.
3. Loved it - You can not go wrong with this one. So romantic and realistic. I have to say in the beginning I had doubts because I thought it was going to be a boring Cinderella story but it is so much more. Worth the money and time. I could almost feel Benedict’s pain. My favorite of book of the series.
4. Okay but... - I think so far this is my favorite of the series. I could not put this book down. I think I cried more than I laughed, but I was so invested! I read this book in one day, straight through the night into the wee hours of the morning. I just had to know!! This book pulled at my heart strings and spoke to me on a very intimate level. Having suffered childhood/teenage trauma I felt this book in my soul. I really don’t know how the author will top this one in my eyes. But I will soon find out! On to the next!
Release date: 2023-03-22 Genre:Romance $7.99
Release date: 2017-02-28 $4.99
Release date: 2021-10-18 $0.99
Release date: 2020-05-26 $19.99
1. I was apprehensive but I loved it! - I’ve always usually been one for cheesy victorian romance fodder, and so in a moment of weakness I purchases this volume set. I purely did it out of curiosity, having never even watched the Netflix show but I was pleasantly surprised along the way. The first book is good. Simon and Daphne’s chemistry is solid, though not the strongest and I find it the most forgettable out of the three. The second I’d say is the most compelling. Anthony’s internal conflicts are interesting and Kate has a very recognizable voice. I found their dynamic very enjoyable, very much a enemies to lovers done right. The third was my favorite, though I am biased. The concept in it of itself is cliche. It’s basically cinderella, but I’m a sucker for those types of things. Benedict and Sophie to me had a very strong connection from the beginning, and that made even the stupider parts of the book very enjoyable. Overall it just felt as if they really enjoyed one another as people and I found that refreshing. Overall, are these books classic literature? No. They’re sappy, victorian smut romance books and they do a good job of being just that. The dialogue is good, the characters become recognizable over time and you grow to find the cameos of previous couples and characters really charming. The only criticism I have is for the few randomly placed lines about toes. I found it hilarious, but it really took me off guard and out of the moment. They’re very few though and easily overlooked (or not if you’re into that i guess). Still, the books are good in all the ways they should be good and I already bought the second volume!
2. Great read - I enjoyed everything. The words used. The flow and pace of the story, the way it was told in multiple points of views with many reactions happening all at once. Romance, the way it’s grounded in real emotions but still fun. The sexual content was not so much as to make it vulgar. I quickly swept through most of the series and can’t wait to read other titles that pertain to this world
3. Good BUT could have been different story lines for stories - I really enjoyed reading this book. I have not seen the show but I heard it’s very sexual, nothing against that but I hate when things are just too repetitive with no story line. The book was not like that I felt it had a good valence of romance, sex, and storyline. The reason I gave it a was because it had several different stories which I liked BUT the story lines for each were very similar almost identical. So each story was good but very similar to the previous
4. Too much fun: Bridgerton novels - (Daphne, Anthony, Benedict) - I watched the first season of Bridgerton, and knew there were major differences between that season, and the novel from which it was adapted. One error common to both versions: the eldest unmarried daughter is Miss Family Name. Any younger sisters are referred to, and called, Miss Given Name Family Name. Jane Bennet was Miss Bennet, her sister was Miss Eliza Bennet. When Lady Whistledown is writing of the Bridgerton brothers, except Anthony, they are The Honourable Messers. Bridgerton, as sons of a viscount. Their sisters are also referred to as Honourables. I can enjoy the written and the filmed versions of the ‘Regency historical’, The Duke and I, for ‘themselves’. I suppose the producers of the filmed version had to have more explicit sex to draw in viewers, but after the first couple of times, it was boring same old-same old, except for location. Other ‘enhancements’ were more enjoyable. Ladies’ daytime headgear does seem to have been left out, but this is alas not unique to this author or period. Ladies and women of other classes just did not go around, with few exceptions, without a headcovering out of doors until WWII, but resumed for a couple of decades afterwards. Inside, until the th century, women of the middle and upper classes women generally wore headgear of some sort inside. May I say the dress on the cover of this collection is a style from just the wrong part of the century? Alas, authors seldom have control over cover art, more’s the pity. I like reading internal dialogue, and I adored the wit of the characters. The family love is obvious: they unite against outsiders’ criticism even while they may squabble amongst themselves. I hope Violet gets her own novel at some point: she deserves more than a sort or a novella. I look forward to the next two collections, and I will likely wander enjoyably through her other series, as the characters & the plot complications seemed interesting.
5. Predictable but satisfying - Be advised, the only couple that doesn’t act out in violence towards one another is the bridgerton parents Once you figure out which trope the writer is using, the books are very plug and chug lazy. That being said, the language is witty enough to garner a giggle or two and the characters are developed enough (usually) that they are easy to fall in love with. If you are expecting twists and turns or hoping to be intellectually stimulated, these are not for you. That being said, the predictability makes these an excellent set of comfort novels for the average romance lover with enough steam to keep you reading.
6. Would have given stars but was not worth it - I enjoyed the first three novels in the Bridgestone collection, the first two, however, more than the third. The first half of the third book was an almost laughingly plagiarized Cinderella story —cruel step mother, father passed away, ugly step sisters, sneaking off to a ball, etc etc.
7. The Bridgertons - Loved it! Easy reading for sweet romance that takes you away from the trials of and transports you back to another time & place! The characters entice you and you can see them in your mind, while the author brings you into this lovely family called the Bridgertons. You won’t regret this fanciful piece of literature!
Release date: 2022-04-25 $4.99
1. Stars! - Stars!! This was such a good book and series! I felt a sense of déjà vu while reading this but I’m not sure I’d read a book like this before. It might be from reading the other books in the series. It can be read as a standalone but the series is great and I’d recommend reading it. The main characters, Phillip and Sophie, were likable and eventually got their HEA ending. I do wish there was an epilogue to wrap up the entire series and a bit more romance but this was still a great read. Lots of intrigue, mystery, murder, whodunnit, long lost lovers, kidnapping, hostages, near death experiences, longing, and plenty of action! I was a little disappointed in Phillip for not pursuing Sophie as much as he should’ve and really would’ve liked an epilogue but I really enjoyed this book and the entire series!
I received this at no charge & I voluntarily left this review.
Release date: 2020-04-21 $7.99
1. Enjoyable - I’m a huge fan of Julia Quinn. And I enjoyed this book. I think the reviews are a little harsh, but they do have some truth. I thought the characters were well developed, and I did like the overall story. The interactions between the characters were so cute and the development from friends to uncertain lovers was good. However, I felt it could have been better. Quinn has done better. Some of the scenes that were meant to show the development of their friends to lovers just missed the mark; I wish they would have been edited out and replace with better scenes of them interacting. A lot of their interactions just missed that meaningful essence that Quinn is so good at writing. And yet, other parts of the book were so lovely and endearing. To conclude, if you’re a huge Quinn fan, and you have the resources, I would give this book a read. Just know that it won’t be the greatness that Quinn usually produces. If you’re new to Quinn, I suggest reading one of her other books first!
2. First Comes Scandal - I loved the story of Georgie and Nicholas’ courtship. It could have been much longer to show more of them working together to run a medical practice, raise a family and run a home. I wonder why becoming a physician was ok for a gentleman and son of an earl, Nicholas, when it was deemed not acceptable for Colin a generation later when he was contemplating what to do with his life. He said having a job was not a life for the son of a peer. He thought his only options were the church or the military. Please keep writing, you have enormous talent, and feel free to extend the length of the stories for many more pages. I love all the twist and turns and the developing of a relationship, but I also would love to see how their lives unfold later. I love a long book with a good story. From you it would be epic.
3. Not her best - Having read all of Ms. Quinn’s books I was slightly disappointed in this one. I felt the storyline was rushed as well as the ending. While I’m fine with feminism to an extent, it seemed overly so for a period piece and more in line with a snowflake female than how an s Lady would go about it. All-in-all, I was disappointed.
4. Awlful - I didn’t like the characters. I like The Bridgertons’ series. I’m a cat person and didn’t even like the cats in this book. I was skimming pages in; put it down for a day, came back for another pages or so. Sorry even in lock down not my flavor of read. Boring spinster. Uptight second son who wants to be a doctor and is recalled from school to marry neighbor because she was kidnapped by in debt lordling to save her from scandal. I may be done with Julia Quinn this was a phone in.
5. Skip this one - I loved all the Bridgerton books and read through them all in rapid succession. Unfortunately this last one was horrible. Don't waste your money. It was not worth the read. A lot of stupid fillers about the heroines cat. I had to put it down numerous times but came back just to say I finished it. It was not worth it. Very disappointment coming from normally a wonderful author.
6. Boring story - I have been a fan of Julia Quinn’s for years. I’ve read all the Bridgerton books and many others. This one although is a good read is too short and without much interest. It felt rushed like the purpose of the book is just to sell copies instead of writing a
Good story. Disappointed.
Release date: 2021-10-25 $4.99
1. .- Stars! - .- Stars! This book was great! Every book I’ve read in this series is great (I only missed book , ‘Save a Horse, Ride a Viscount’). This was book in the ‘Footman’s Club’ series and can be read as a standalone. I read the first books in the series awhile back and missed book so I needed a refresh of the previous books and everything slowly came back to me while reading this book. Annabelle and David’s story is full of suspense, heat, drama, scheming, some sexy times and plenty of humor with an HEA ending! I highly recommend not only this book but this series! Valerie Bowman NEVER disappoints!
I received this book at no charge & I voluntarily left this review.
Release date: 2022-04-08 $3.99
1. Oh, Conall! - Haydon has warned Conall for years that his rakish ways would cause him trouble someday. And they did, twice. Conall and Maura have known each other since childhood. She has loved him for almost that long, but thought nothing would come of it, because Conall loved the lasses and made no secret that he did not wish to marry. When they are caught mid-kiss, his plans change. Her bothers insist. Maura and Conall are a good match, and have a story filled with drama, fun, romance. There are a couple of twists and turns, and a bit of suspense. There’s mystery and a problem that must be taken care of. This is a well-written, fast-paced, enjoyable story with loveable (most of them) characters. It has a great epilogue. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
2. Love is Always Worth Fighting For - This is the second book in Callie Hutton’s new series The Sutherland of Dornoch Castle, this story follows the Laird’s younger, roguish brother Conell who has no plans to settle down and marry anytime soon. Maura MacEwan, has known Conell for most of her life and always had a tendre for him but she knows his reputation and distaste of marriage so has always resisted being another lass charmed by him. Unknown to her Conell had admired and respected Maura but has kept his distance never wishing to tarnish her reputation. After a dance at the castle where he invited her to, Maura’s elder brother discovers them in an embrace which forces a marriage to preserve her honor. Living together in the castle proves difficult for Maura, having to deal with many of Conell’s past conquests, determined to deal with it her own way shows a strength and courage allowing Conell to see the remarkable woman he is married to. Together they put the past behind them allowing their true feelings to surface, a deep love for one another. I have to say although I enjoyed the first book in the series this is my favorite, I do like a rogue. This book has great characters, drama, humor and of course a happy ever after. I would recommend this book to all.
I received and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my honest opinions and review.
Release date: 2017-05-30 $7.99
1. a wonderful read and a perfect example of Quinn’s writing. - Moving away some forty years before the Regency Era, and across the Atlantic to the Colonies, Julia Quinn already places this story into the basket of new experiences for readers. It’s rare that we have a revolutionary-war era story to read about, particularly in a Colonial setting, and I was all in from the start – especially with the twist of the “while you were sleeping” added in. Cecilia is a woman in dire straits: her father has died, her brother is away in the colonies at war, and society states that the heir, and her husband and protector shall be her cousin. Not a prospect she wishes to entertain, she takes matters into her own hands and books passage to the Americas to find her brother. While she doesn’t find Thomas, she does find his best friend, Edward Rokesby, unconscious but to hand. She decides that saving him is important, perhaps he’ll know of Thomas and his whereabouts, and concocts a lie, stating that her brother arranged for Edward and Cecilia to be married by proxy, and she has come to join her husband. Edward awakens to find his best friend’s sister (and frequent letter-writer) is by his side, and now his wife. These two are adorable together, Edward is kind, gentle, honorable and he does find Cecilia to his liking. They are slowly sharing stories and dreams, until the first secret is revealed. Sure, there are reasons to dislike Cecilia for her deception, but deep down, this is a wonderfully kind and more than slightly desperate young woman, grasping at the best chance she can see to find her brother and determine some of her own destiny. Edward is hurt by the deception, but rather than over-react and toss her away, he’s willing to listen, to really hear her reasons, and understand just what brought her to such a desperate act. With the question of Thomas nearly forgotten as Cecilia finds herself actually falling in love with Edward, his part in the story is left to a major twist – completely unique and surprising, and wholly unexpected, adding depth and some intrigue to a story that, at its heart, is purely the tale of two people coming to unexpectedly find love and new lives. A perspective and setting that is unique and fresh, combined with a couple at the heart who are so well suited and wonderfully nuanced, this was a wonderful read and a perfect example of Quinn’s writing. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Release date: 2015-04-28 $7.99
1. The Viscount Who Loved Me - Loved it! I read it in three days for my surprise…I devour it! After watching the second season of the tv series Bridgerton, I urged myself to read the book because many comments stated that it was completely different from the book. They weren’t lying! But I must say that both are great! Even though is not a loyal adaptation to the book, it has many elements from it. I loved them both individually, but the book was amazing!
2. Not At All Like The Netflix Series - I’m so disappointed to find that the Netflix series deviates SO MUCH from the book that … well, I might as well have been reading two different stories but the characters just shared the same name. I purchased this book after watching Season of Bridgerton, hoping to find out more of what happened between Eloise and Penelope at the conclusion of the season. Don’t waste your time!!! That storyline isn’t even here. It honestly doesn’t even seem as if Eloise and Penelope are even friends in this book. BUT if you can ignore the total Netflix did to this story - oh wait, they did keep the Bee !!!! Then by all means buy it, it’s a good read just lower your expectations - not nearly as much drama and definitely better developed characters than the show.
3. Review From A Contemporary Romance Fan - I overall have had a little interest in the historical romance genre. But after the most recent season of Bridgerton, I was craving some more context of Anthony and Kate so I decided to read the book. I was very surprised and happy that it appealed to someone who is a devoted contemporary romance reader. I think it really speaks to Julia Quinn’s writing that her books have some appeal to people who do not traditionally read the genre.
4. Starts out good - I really loved this book more than half way through. Kate and Anthony’s chemistry and flirting were so entertaining. I do feel like it was over emphasized and redundant about her not being as beautiful as her sister. The thing that left me disappointed was he turned chauvinistic on their wedding night “denying his rights” and the fact he never truly told her how much he wanted her & never the sister. I sincerely hope season of Bridgerton does a more romantic scene that the book. Overall I liked this book until then.
5. A little repetitive with all the “playful death threats”? - I watched the Netflix adaptation and decided to read the books to see what’s next in the story. I was kind of put out by all the constant “I’m going to murder him/her”. It wasn’t funny and it makes the read a bit annoying. The author should show a bit more variety in her writing of the dialog. Other than that the book was okay.
6. Love Bridgerton - Okay I am sold on the Bridgerton train. TOOT TOOT! I’m here for it. This one was even better than the first. Anthony is the best kind of love interest, I just loved him so much. He was so sure he would marry out of necessity and not love. He tried so hard to not give in to his immediate spark with Kate (his fiancé’s sister). And Kate was a stubborn, imperfectly perfect heroine. Two people you just want to root for! I cannot wait for the third bridgerton. This series is so much fun! I listened to the audiobook and found myself giggling so many times while doing housework. Five stars :)
7. Love - It was great, seeing how I went from the show straight to book just see how Anthony’s life would turn out and it was a bit predictable from the begging of who he was going to fall in love with but I mean it was a great book. Not sure that I want to read the next book because I was aching for more of Simon and Daphne and although they made small appearances it wasn’t enough for me lol but you’ll enjoy this one.
8. Thoroughly enjoyed! - I have to say that I have never smiled and laughed so much through a romance novel as I did with this book. It really isn’t a quality I thought I needed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it’s an easy read, I finished it in just under days. However that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some depth to it. The writing is done well and I lost myself in the moment on more than one occasion. The author does a great job in conveying emotions and really building the world around the characters. It may not be a huge fantasy world, but I think it does justice to England life in the s all the same. ( not that I am an expert, so I don’t actually know, but that’s the fun thing about imagination.) I’m starting the third book and I cannot wait!
9. Best book in the entire Bridgerton series!! - I’ve read the entire series, and the Viscount Who Loved Me is the gem and best book of all! Kate is the ideal heroine and Anthony the ideal hero, and together, these characters are a match made in heaven. Kate is the best written character and female lead in the entire series, and the love-hate relationship between her and the Viscount is like Pride & Prejudice all over again. A true gem that I can read over and over. After this book, An Offer from a Gentleman (the Cinderella story) and Romancing Mr. Bridgerton are a close second and third favorite.
Release date: 2023-03-07 $3.99
1. Great Beginning for the Series - What better place to find the love of your life than the Marrywell May Day Matchmaking Festival? Sadie has decided to put her former embarrassment behind her and to attend the festival hoping to find a husband and a chance to have her own home and family. Law, the Duke of Lawford, is supposed to be on his way to meet his maybe betrothed, is in need of repairs for his carriage. It seems it may be several days before the repairs can be made, so he decides to attend the festival with Sadie. This is a wonderful story with awesome characters. Sadie and Law are perfect for each other. Their story is filled with a little drama, a lot of humor, a bit of sizzle, and a wonderful festival. The first book in the Lords in Love series is an absolutely charming story with a happy ending. I look forward to the next one. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
2. A chasm in class - A chasm in class… Sadie is industrious, busy managing her family farm and chores and attempting to join in on the match making festivities at . Too busy and way too practical to even think of setting her cap for Law, their unexpected house guests for the week, who happens to be a duke. Law is in his way to meet his intended until Marrywell and Sadie happens to his lofty little entourage. Recommend.
Very enjoyable.
Release date: 2023-03-14 $2.99
Release date: 2015-04-28 $7.99
1. Wonderful book! - I enjoyed the story, especially after watching the show. It was nice to get to learn more about each character. I will say chapter caught me off guard and was very uncomfortable to read, obviously I didn’t enjoy this scene in the show, but the book makes it a little harder to get through. That would be the reason for / stars.
2. Underwhelming - This book had potential to be great. The story lacked depth that seemingly would have been so easily reached. There are hundreds of scenarios which could have come into play between the characters, character building, details in the romance but also what the marriage impacts, a historical view. Anything really, other than the drab and clear plot of girl meets boy, girl dreams of marriage, boy dreams of girl, they live happily ever after.
3. This Author simply cannot condone rape. - Dear Gentle Readers, While The Duke and I had many qualities to recommend it (the Bridgerton family dynamics, playful banter between our romantic leads, a delightfully readable writing style), This Author simply cannot condone rape. Sexual assault has its place in literature, but its place is certainly not in this novel. Ms. Quinn has a responsibility as a writer to treat such topics with the careful consideration they deserve, and she has utterly failed in that responsibility. When our Heroine decided to “take advantage” of her Husband’s intoxicated state, she was not a plucky young woman creating her own destiny but instead a villain wholly violating his person and his trust for her personal gain. The effects of the aforementioned reproductive rape could have been accomplished with a simple accidental insemination (because as we all know, Gentle Readers, the “pull-out” method is a notoriously unreliable method of contraception). All of the emotions brought about by the subsequent pregnancy scare could have been accomplished without our Heroine raping our Hero, and our Heroine would still have the moral high ground. As Ms. Quinn had no intention of adequately addressing the aftermath of marital rape and the destruction of trust it brings, the rape was wholly unnecessary and gratuitous. As This Author asserted earlier, writers have a responsibility to treat this subject with the respect and care it deserves. It certainly should not be used as a convenient plot device. LADY M’S ROMANCE REVIEWS, March
4. Great bones - A fun and excellent Romance novel. For fans of the Netflix show, coming to this second makes you realize how wonderful the writers at Shondaland are; they’ve taken the whole scope of the book SERIES and stitched them together to become a vastly more compelling and engaging TV show. Quinn’s original characters and storylines remain wonderful, and her dialogue - particularly the familial banter and teasing - is delightful.
5. Not as complex or as fun as the show - The plot is hyper-focused on Daphne and Simon and lacks the drama of the show. If you watched the show first and came to read the book hoping for an Outlander-esque world that is more detailed than the show you watched - you will be disappointed. The romance scenes are great but without any world building or other well rounded characters it falls flat. I was speeding through and by the end and found the epilogue strange and unnecessary. The characters are so vibrant in the beginning it is easy to see why it was adapted and the plot filled out by Shondaland.
6. Enjoyable - So I had no idea this was a book series. All my friends were going crazy for the Netflix series, so I decided to watch it. And then found out about the books after I’d finished it. I hate that the show spoiled some things for me. (Obviously I will not mention the spoilers). However that being said I did enjoy this book immensely. I smiled frequently and sometimes laughed through a fair amount of it. It was an easy ready, and written quite nicely. The few steamy scenes were not as detailed as I am used to in other novels and honestly it was refreshing. I can’t wait to read the next. The reason I only gave it stars was for the scene with the consent issue. I knew it was coming, I was unhappy with it in the show and I was unhappy with it in the book. At the end of the day consent is not something to make light of, and it can be given or taken by all genders. It definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m going to read the next book and hopefully find that the author redeems themselves.
7. Clever, Exciting, & Can’t Put Down! - I wanted to start this reading because of how trending the Netflix show was getting, and I am SO glad I decided to read this first. The story is so easy to follow along, the writing is clever and the dynamics between the characters is interesting. There are a few -steamy/romantic- scenes and SEVERAL beautifully written expressions of love. It’s somewhat like Jane Austen meets SoG (less detailed). For this to be a regency era novel type, I was pleased for it to be an easy-read and understand the events. Can’t wait to read the rest! My only “critique” would be that I didn’t prefer a few intense scenes, but understand why they were there for the plot. I’d give ./ rating if I could!
8. pages too long - It perplexes me that authors and publishers alike are content to stretch out books to the point where it’s the literary equivalent of watery lemonade. Every chapter read like the one before it and it feels less like a romance than a costly lesson in patience for the reader. The writing is solid but I wish the plot had more meat on its dreadfully scrawny frame.
Release date: 2023-08-17 $6.99
Release date: 2015-01-27 $7.99
1. Hang in there.... - THE BEST ENDING!!! I laughed.....I cried......I smiled! There is something so lovable about Sir Richard and Iris. Quinn did an excellent job of developing their characters in the beginning of the book, in fact, it was quite slow at first (if you've read the first books in the series, you'll know they all begin the same way). Anyway, I stopped reading this book in the middle because they would not....just.....connect. Richard and Iris were like two magnets flipped on opposite sides. It was frustrating to read! Then, I of course wanted to know what was so wrong with his sisters, and from there finished the book in sitting. Pick up this book and don't put it down until the very end :)
2. Spoiler alert - This may make me go off this author. His sister is pregnant. His brilliant idea is to marry not have sex with his wife (which hurts her feelings) and pass baby off as his. It’s takes almost pages to get here. Book drags and characters are not like able. End is rushed to wrap in pretty bow.
3. Not the best - Normally I enjoy Julia Quinn's writing style but Mr.Kenworthy has a decent plot that's it; the book reads as a rush job. I'm not sure if this book was written to meet contract quota obligations to the publishing house or whatever else could be the reason for the abrupt ending. All in all this book is not up to Julia Quinn's normal high standards.
4. Another positively splendid book from Julia Quinn! - I will start this review with a confession. I have been a fan of Julia Quinn’s for a while. As a lover of all things Austen and Bronte, there is something so comforting to me when I open a Julia Quinn book. Just as when I pick up Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice, when I open the pages of Julia’s books I am transported to another time and place. These books have always been an escape to me. They are filled with strong women, the men who love them, and all the pomp and circumstance you can expect from a Historical Romance. In the fourth book in the Smythe-Smith Quartet, we are introduced to Iris Smythe-Smith and Sir Richard Kenworthy. Iris is a woman who has never put much effort into being married, until now. She makes a decision that she does not want to be part of the Smythe-Smith concerts for another year and the only way to do that is to be married. However, in the beginning of the book, the reader can see that her plan is more wishful thinking until Richard Kenworthy enters the picture. After meeting Iris on the night of the latest concert, he is intrigued by her. After a few more encounters, Richard decides that he will marry Iris. But there is more to the story than that. Richard’s urgent need to marry is surrounded by a secret. Through a clumsy series of events, Iris and Richard do wind up getting married to one another. Since the beginning of their relationship, Iris feels that there is a secret Richard is not telling her. She is concerned about this secret, but pushes it aside as the two become closer. The real question is, will Richard Kenworthy’s secret ruin their marriage? Will Iris be able to get past what he is hiding? And more importantly, will Richard be able to save to love that he feels for his wife? If you have not met the Smythe-Smith family, this series is a must. Though I would always suggest that you start with the first in a series, should you choose to read this first, you will be greeted with all the fabulousness that Julia Quinn brings to every book. Each time I begin to read one of her stories there is this perfect balance of romance, drama, humor, and history. As far as Regency/Historical Romances go, you don’t get much better than Julia Quinn. Each page is enchanting and brings you further into the world of these characters. When you open one of her books, you are able to time travel back to a time that many of us Janeites long to visit...if only for a little while. Simply the book is positively splendid! This is the perfect book to curl up with while the snow is falling outside and a warm cup of coffee in your hand. As a side note for all those audio book lovers…should you like to listen to your books or want to try an audio book, let me tell you that this version is so enjoyable! The reader perfectly captures the characters and really allows you to feel like you are in their world.
5. well worth an afternoon’s escape with tea and cookies. - From my first introduction to this series in book through this installment, I’ve become a fan of Julia Quinn’s storytelling: she manages to make her characters breathe from the pages, full of quirks and traits that work perfectly as an adjunct to the story progression. Iris is the focus of the story, and from being a rather background character for the other books, here she shines throughout. Logical, thoughtful and inches from a pragmatist, she isn’t one to be overwhelmed and dramatic, a retreat and a good think seem to be more her style. Richard is in need of a wife – yesterday if truth be told, but he’s not found anyone that sparks an interest, until Iris. He’s not a bad sort, a bit too concerned with his ‘big secret’ but determined to make a marriage and take care of his sisters, even when he was being a boneheaded prat. But, he finds Iris intriguing, and flirts outrageously, a bit too much emotional outlay from him. Iris is intrigued by Richard but everything is just ‘too”, too fast, too much, too good to be true. She’s put through the ringer with him – he’s attentive then aloof, with plenty beneath the surface that she only senses, but he won’t reveal. I had to admire her caution with him, her soft prodding and gentle reactions, and the eventual forgiveness for his bad behavior. Even more interesting for me was her non-reaction to this ‘secret’ that he was sure would end everything. It really was an anticlimax, and Iris should have been told, but fortunately for him, she didn’t overreact or call things off. She did, however, make him work for her declarations and affections as well she should have. Quinn takes you in, creates characters that are never all good or bad, and then allows them to work their way into your heart and head while detailing a romance that is perfectly on point, even when it isn’t. A lovely addition to the series, these are well worth an afternoon’s escape with tea and cookies. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Release date: 2023-03-21 $2.99
Release date: 2018-11-20 $7.99
1. Brought my heart to the vast ocean and more! - I truly enjoyed the poetic and sometimes stream-of-consciousness language of this book. They are mostly soothing and all contributed to the wholeness of the story. My favorite part is that sunny day in Lisbon, oh, that really reminded me of the old days when I lived in a place with way more sunshine than my current residence and was able to travel all I want and hangout with interesting people...(It was early when I read the book, it should explain.) Another thing I’ve noticed, as a non-native-English-speaker and strangely enjoyed while reading, is its slightly unusual choice of words. I should have read more than JQ novels by now, and this one appeared to have the most unfamiliar words to me. Although my intention is not to improve my english through reading the book, it’s still very nice to build up my (maybe not so useful)vocabulary with a delightful heart-warming novel.
2. Inconsistent story line - I loved the story. Andrew and Poppy were great and their dialogue witty. What killed me was the inconsistency in the family back story. I just read Edmund’s story. Career mIlitary man marries Cecilia years prior to this book. But this book says he married violet at , which would mean he was never in the military. Also, at the end of Edmund’s book there is a reference to Andrews adventures, but now it’s years later before he finds his love...
3. It Quinn’s best work - Coming from a huge Julia Quinn fan, and someone who was looking forward to Andrew’s story, I was very disappointed. This book was OKAY. Definitely not one of my favorites by Quinn. The filler was hard to read sometimes. Skipped a few pages to get past certain conversations. Practically skipped a chapter because I had a hard time reading it. I don’t think this was her best work. I found myself mostly annoyed with the protagonist at times. I’m a big fan of the author, but this book was definitely not my cup of tea.
4. great romance - I enjoyed this prequel to The Bridgerton series. It had some absolutely hilarious scenes. I was laughing out loud and disturbing others quite callously. Poppy Bridgerton is too curious and gets herself kidnapped by “smugglers”. Captain Andrew James has secrets that must be kept the first being his identity. I think this is a very good book. There are several steamy sex scenes in it.
Release date: 2012-05-29 $7.99
Release date: 2023-03-28 $8.99
Release date: 2023-05-02 $14.99
Release date: 2023-01-24 $6.99
1. Cute!! - Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn, took a quick swim in the loch however he quickly runs out to catch his plaid thief in In Her Highlander’s Bed by Lynsay Sands!! I love Lady Allissaid MacFarlane’s character portraying cleverness and strength!! On top of her great escape and her own loch swim, she is mistaken for a male and tackled. She endures more pain in order to survive a potential enemy and another potential great escape. I love how Calan cares for the lost lass! He will be demanding and strict if that is what helps Allissaid heal faster and keep her safe from being found. I love their close proximity! They learn so much about each other and his mother only makes the situation sweeter by allowing some society rules to be broken. When we find out the traitor, the reasons and the events after the reveal are wild! If you enjoy highlanders, close proximity, low angst, marriage minded mamas, sick bed, and who-dun-it stories, then this book is for you! Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.
Release date: 2016-03-29 $7.99
1. Good but some inconsistencies. - I read the story about Billie's parents but their personalities in this book don't match with their own story. Yes, they've aged but not so much that Lady Bridgerton turns into a ninny and Lord Bridgerton a doddering old fool. Would have been nice to have some continuity. But other than that a good story.
2. fun conversations and situations - This was a pretty fun read. The female lead is very outgoing for her time. She's not great at being girly and doing girl things. The male lead has been her friend since they were kids. Finally something clicks for them. It has amusing dialogue and entertaining scenes. Since this is connected to Bridgertons series, I think readers of that series will be more involved in the storyline. I have not read it so I didn't recognize all the characters, but that didn't distract me from liking the book.
3. If this is a Bridgerton novel, where are the Bridgertons??? - I really wanted to love this book, but was very disappointed: With 'Bridgerton' in the title, one assumes it's connected yet the only reference to the beloved series is that the heroine's last name is Bridgerton! Her parents are referenced as Lord and Lady Bridgerton -- had assumed they were Andrew and Kate, but no reference to them or any of the other Bridgertons we know and love from Julia Quinn's previous novels. Blah!
4. Save your money - I'm not sure I can even finish this book. pages in and there is no storyline thus far, the writing is banal, and what constitutes as banter between the characters consists mostly of them telling each other to "shut up" (very th century). Contrary to the synopsis, there's nothing Downton Abbey-esque about this story.
Release date: 2010-04-01 $1.99
Release date: 2010-10-26 $8.99
1. READ THIS COMMENT - Sarah Maclean is undoubtedly an extraordinary writer. I do not mean that she is the best writer, for that is a matter of opinion, but she does indeed formulate some of the best plots I have ever read. Historical romance novels typically follow a certain pattern, and for those that are avid readers of this genre, you understand. Yet, the leading man, Lord Nicholas, is not the typical rake or infamous lover. He is down to earth, and though some qualities to bug me, his character is entirely understandable. Maclean has a talent, she is able to relay characters' emotions through her style. Some can do this, but few can style it as we'll as Maclean can. The novel itself it suspenseful. Maclean, the reader, and the characters all undertake a journey, one that most will not forget. And though I may be overanalyzing this, I believe Maclean always conveys a message in her work. I strongly suggest you buy this, and her other works as well. Her characters have extraordinary depth and rationale (most), so they will most definitely intrigue the reader.
Release date: 2015-09-30 $0.99
1. Good Read - Got a bit repetitive and not crazy about what was suppose to be passed as “romance”. Mandy had to give herself selflessly to a man dealing with demons, and, while knowing that her only options were to marry or become her uncle’s mistress, the only thing he offered her was to become HIS mistress. She had to give up her everything, and to add insult to injury throughout the entire book he kept making it clear she was ugly but he liked her for what’s on the “inside”. I’m on pg so I don’t know how it ends but most of the book is gone now and it’s been more of a tragedy than a romance. I can tell it is not bad writing but bad plot planning. I feel so bad that she essentially had to become everything she didn’t want to be, an “improper” women, to get even some kind of semblance of happiness, but I’m happy she got SOMETHING.
Release date: 2009-10-13 $4.99
1. One of my favorites - How Kleypas was able to make Sebastian an irredeemable jerk in Lillian’s book, and then then turn him into one of the best “heroes” of all her books...well, it just speaks to her brilliance as a writer. He has so much more breadth than a normal character, he’s not good or bad, just human. Their relationship is one of the most realistic in her books, and seeing them later in the Ravenels just drives home what an amazing love story these two experience. I’m reading it for the rd time and it won’t be my last.
2. The Devil in Winter - Loved this book. Clever story line, well defined characters, and fun repartee between them. If you enjoy Regency romance novels this is a must read. I will be reading the rest of the Wallflower series. Lisa Kleypas has been added to my list of favorite authors. Her writing is so wonderful you feel as if you are in the room with Evie and Sebastian experiencing their trials with them. I loved the small but telling bit where Sebastian takes Evies hand and caresses his jaw with her fingers. Read it you’ll understand!
3. Good quick read, but not epic - Great character development, explosive love scenes and superb imagery. I will admit that it was a page turner, but I was little enthralled into reading any other books in the series. There was a decent plot behind the romance, but a bit too predictable for the reader. The typical girl hits boy, boy teases girl, girl falls for boy and then they get together. A fun read none the less.
4. Wow! - Everyone Entitled to their opinion, however I'm agreeing with the obvious majority here. this is my favorite L.K. Story. The way she pretty much turned the villain from her previous book into a genuine hero was brilliant. At first I was not sure how it was possible but Sebastian won me over. I too did not want this story to end , in fact, I have read it times now. No one tells a love story quite like Lisa. this story is full of sarcasm , humor and a sweet love that blossoms in it's pages I gave it stars
5. So Good - This is one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas books. I love the relationship between Evie and Sebastian. Their banter makes the book very enjoyable to read. You don't want it to end. It's the third book in the wallflower series and I would say that it is the best one by far. One of my favorite things about Kleypas' books are how she develops the characters and there are many characters in her series that she grows and gives there own stories. If you like this book definitely read her Hathaway series.
Release date: 2017-04-25 $7.99
Release date: 2011-05-31 $7.99
1. Smut - Started out fresh and fun and then deteriorated into total stupidity. If you need a play-by-play into someone's first sex, or are into voyeurism, it's your book. I totally flipped to the next chapter where the idiot boys are now fighting. Dumb dumb dumb. Total waste of money. Read Georgette Heyer or Patricia Veryan or Jane Eyer for stories with substance. This book had promise ... But didn't fulfill. Don't buy it.
2. Don't fall for it!!! - It looks really cute, and for chapters it is. And then they start kissing, and then well, you know... I WASTED HOURS of my day and bucks for some uber crap. The guy is needy and selfish, what every loser woman wants. And that's what Honoria (appropriate name eh?) is. A total flake who only seems strong. If you want a real romance, go read JANE EYRE for Pete's sake!
3. Not her best work - I love Julia Quinn. I love most of her Bridgerton books as well as other books but this one wasn't that good. I think the story moved along too slowly and that the scenes with the Smithye-Smith cousins were sometimes too long and unnecessary. I understand she's trying to build the characters for the following books in the series but sometimes it was annoying. I still will read the following books just because I'm her fan but I do hope the following books are better than this one.
Release date: 2017-03-28 $7.99
1. Best one yet - After watching the Netflix show Bridgerton I fell in love with the stories. I have read - of her books and this one is the best. All of the books are amazing really and I am constantly surprised and amazed at how Julia Quinn is able to stay in the same setting and even the same family and keep creating new story lines that entertain and are unique. I assume if your reading the comments on the seventh book you already know this. This book had me laughing out loud and I couldn’t put it down (almost to a fault to be honest haha). Anyways if you are on the fence about reading this one as well my opinion is do it, it’s one of my favorites so far.
2. This one was a disappointment for me.... - While I’ve very much enjoyed the many Bridgerton series novels I’ve read so far, I had a couple of problems with this one. ) I didn’t think the character of the love interest was a good match for Hyacinth. ) I didn’t care for one of the major plot lines. Unfortunately I felt that this novel was a bit of a miss.
Release date: 2016-11-01 $7.99
Release date: 2022-05-06 $3.99
1. Love happens when you least expect it - This is book three in Callie Hutton’s fabulous The Sutherland’s of Dornoch series, set in the medieval Highlands of Scotland. Elsbeth our heroine has a twin sister Ainslee, who is married to the Laird of the Sutherland Clan, Hayden. While living there for a time after their marriage Elsbeth did briefly entertain the idea of marrying his younger brother Connel until he arrived back at the castle with his new wife Maura in tow. Seeing the two couples so in love and happy, she feels out of place in the castle and there is no role for her. She decides the only option she has left is to join a convent, after much persuading she sets off for her new life. Our hero Duncan, Laird of the Grant Clan receives news that the two clans that border his are making an alliance through marrying their son and daughter. Knowing this will threaten his clans safety he sets out to stop the wedding and take the bride for himself. Things go awry and this results in Elsbeth being kidnapped on the way to Perth and Duncan ending up with the wrong lady. After a few twists and turns our couple end up together. There is a bit of everything in this book, humor, drama and of course love, with a happy ever after. I am really enjoying this series, the characters are believable, charming and the setting is fantastic. I highly recommend this book.
I received and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my honest opinions and review.
2. Good - Lady Elsbeth longs to belong and have something of her own on her own terms. If only men will stay out of her way and stop telling her what’s best for her. When Laird Duncan Grant gets in her way she soon sees that maybe things are not as they seem if only she can make the decision. Duncan needs a wife even if he has to take a lass away from her soon to be groom. He will offer all he can to his wife except his heart!
This was a really good book and I’m so happy that Elsbeth found her HEA.
3. Loved It! - Lady Elspeth Johnstone wants to feel more useful, to have a purpose of her own. She decides that the way to do that is to become a nun. A funny thing happens on the way to the convent. During the trip to Perth, she is kidnapped by Laird Duncan Grant, who thinks she is someone else. When he realizes what he has done and he can’t convince her to marry him, they are all off to Perth, again. Their journey is a delightful romp through the highlands to Perth and back to Castle Freuchie. There is a bit of drama and a lot of humor. The characters in this one engage and entertain the reader. Duncan is strong and protective. Elspeth is awesome. She draws you into the story with her. Along the way, meek and gentle Elspeth finds the strength to stand up for herself. Elspeth and Duncan are perfect for each other even when they are at odds. Will Elspeth find her place and the love she longs for, and will it be with Duncan? Great story! I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
Release date: 2018-12-18 $4.99
Release date: 2022-06-14 $4.99
1. Phenomenal Read - Isle of Skye
Dunvegan This story begins with a large amount of sibling jealousy, plus many Nicolson warriors felt a woman with a weapon to defend herself, clan and country was very unnatural and disgusting! Even though Isolde Nicolson was definitely their strongest warrior! An honor that only should bestowed on men, at least that is what the new Laird John Nicholson and most of his warriors thought. Even though John and Isolde’s Nicholson’s father the former Laird had been training his daughter to be a warrior since she was six years. Due to her gifted ability she was the best Nicolson warrior which her father knew and was proud of his lass, promising her a place as a warrior in his army. As she was the strongest warrior, but tragically he and her mother were drowned at sea while traveling now her brother John was Laird. He made sure she would never be a warrior as he and the other men were always calling her names and criticizing her warrior abilities. Now he was forcing her into an unwanted marriage, but allowed her to a competition against her would be husband Ewen MacPhee. Except this dishonorable scoundrel pushed her and made her hit her brother and pregnant sister-in-law. Now her brother was Laird and his word was law and she was immediately exiled from her clan with only the clothes on her back. Unfortunately this is how she first meets the villainous English Lieutenant Collins who captures her and forces her to spy or he will make up charges against her brother and charge him as a traitor which would have him arrested and most likely executed. So she didn’t have a choice eventually she escaped the English and their games of espionage as she would never go against her countrymen. However Isolde finds a cave to hide and lives off the land for over a year as she lives in solitude. Therefore, even her clothes deteriorated through time so she made clothes from animal pelts and the natural elements that surround her as she became a wild wilderness woman. So meeting Orrick MacLeod was the first human she saw or even spoke to in over a year. A man she hadn’t seen since she was twelve years old, what Isolde does not realize is her life is about to change forever! Another nearby village was raided by the MacQueen clan and an adopted child named Emlyn was missing. The parents didn’t even report her missing until many many hours later as if she did not matter. This disgusted Orrick, who had been home for over six months, but still couldn’t pick up a weapon. After his father got a serious head wound from a previous battle he became a brutal, cruel wicked monster, who murdered his own mother! So he and his triplet brothers Alastair who is the oldest and now Laird, plus his other brother Tormad went to the West Indies to fight as paid mercenaries. Orrick lived with so much guilt and regrets, seeing the faces of the innocent men dead men he killed in his head. He couldn’t move on, but he wanted to succeed in rescuing an innocent lost child. This is where he first meets Isolde except he never saw a woman appear like this, it turns out they hear the child’s cries as a badger is holding the child captive with her leg by its sharp teeth. Again Orrick couldn’t lift a weapon where Isolde got attacked by the badger but did free Emlyn from the badger. Isolde was definitely Emlyn’s heroine now as she rescued the young orphan and the badger finally took off releasing Emlyn but also bit Isolde. Orrick convinces Isolde to get care from his healer at Dunvegen Castle his home. Orrick’s family isn’t thrilled to see Isolde Nicolson,¿ as they recognize her immediately and are afraid the Nicolson clan won’t remain an ally. Even their ghost of a mother Janet MacLeod is afraid this woman will cause this family great harm, as she always wants to protect her children. She still does not understand why she hasn’t moved on in death, but feels she must protect her children at all costs as long as she is able. Furthermore, Laird Alastair can smell the battle of Culloden coming all being Jacobite supporters. Of course feelings so. change when the English are trying to force the MacLeod’s hand on getting their support for their English King which will never happen! So the English try a set the MacLeod up that will put the women in a horrible situation where lives might be at risk, but Isolde puts her life on the line! Now Isolde knows the English will terrorize the MacLeod’s to get to her anyway possible! The enormous problem is that she is madly in love with Orrick MacLeod, a man that is definitely her soul mate and Orrick is also madly in love with Isolde and refuses to accept her escape to keep them all safe! Yet Isolde will not risk anyone else’s life, but this time isolation will be horrific as she has gotten to know and love so many MacLeods a true friendship with Gwendolyn, Fiona, even Rowena and Orrick’s brothers Alastair! Tormad, Calum and even warrior Graeme, and their ghost of a mother Janet MacLeod and she adores Emlyn like a daughter. She is filled with sadness and regret, plus was hoping she and her brother and her sister-in-law Sarah could reconcile and she could have a relationship with her niece Brea and visit the Nicolson’s Scorrybreac castle. She still felt she being watched while she was here too. What will Isolde and Orrick do as she has truly won this highlanders heart and has changed his way of thinking about everything! Will Orrick and Isolde reunite or be separated forever? Read and find out!
Release date: 2020-02-18 $7.99
1. REVELING IN DIFFERENCE - A wonderfully written book with an ultimate message for the appreciation of the ways love shapes and embraces difference. Cassandra and Tom could not be more difference from one another - work views, ability to express feelings, and life goals. Yet, they manage to challenge each other and in the process grow and learn from each other. Tom appears to exhibit Aspergers like traits - brilliant, detailed, orderly, and struggling with social skills. Feelings for Tom are to be ignored for they cause confusion and keep him from hurting from his past rejections. It takes Cassandra and Basil (adopted son) to help him a side of himself closed off and buried. It is well worth reading - the historical setting adds clarity to the story line and brings the characters to life.
2. Wonderfully Perfect - What can I say but I loved this book hard! Tom is one of my top favorite hero’s ever!! He was perfectly imperfect in every way! Cassandra is a twin & wants to marry but is afraid her time has passed. She’s also worried about her weight seeing as she gained some and ladies have noticed. Tom is guarded with is feelings, claims he only has of them, and is a ruthless businessman. When he lays his eyes on Cassandra the first time, he knows he must have her! Tom loves every curve inch that is Cassandra. Watching these two was an absolute honor! They were perfect for each other in every way! Even though Tom tried to fight his feelings almost every step of the way. Cassandra knew Tom was capable of so much more. She also loved that Tom believed she was more than a pretty face! This was a great ending to this series & I already plan to re-read this book! So really just READ this book! No disappoint here, only LOVE!
3. Lacks the luster of previous books. - The plot struggled to find traction for the first half of the novel. The stakes were low and there was no chemistry, which mirrors my feelings about West and Phoebe’s story too. Even when a plot becomes clear it lacks any real bite. I feel like the problem with this novel and the previous one is that the characters lose a lot of personality and just became “tortured souls”, which is disappointing because these characters were so beautifully developed in previous books. I would have liked to have seen Cassandra act with more assertiveness and energy. Tom was just a whiny and pretentious douche and became interchangeable with every other brooding male lead in the genre. I think it was formulaic, too. This family can’t stop adopting kids; there could have been other plot devices to explore. This novel still contains the author’s lovely prose and eye for detail, as always.
4. Enchanting and Magical - Magical.
Just some of the words that describe this Historical Romance. Well I've been processing and just relishing in the aftermath of finishing this wonderful book. I've been wrestling with how I wanted to write my review for this. I'm going change things up as I don't want to give too much away. So this will be a little different from my normal reviews. Characters, both were wonderful!!!!! Tom Severin was complex and evolved into this wonderful character. He's very intelligent, logical and somewhat eccentric. No warm and fuzzies for him. He's very wealthy and creative. People relationships and emotions, foriegn to Tom. Cassandra was sweet, loving and strong. She had a tender heart and just wanted a family of her own to love (I can so relate to that).Quick side note. I loved that LK wrote a heroine that wanted a normal life as a wife and mother. It's a nice and refreshing change. She also wanted love for herself but was finding that no man she had met really attracted or pulled at her emotions. She loved her family!!! She also had a desire to help those in need. The story line is well done. We open with how Severin and Cassandra meet. It was so cute and Severin just melted my heart and also made me smile. We have several "meetings". What I mean is as the story unfolds we have situations were the two are thrown together and what transpires is sweet, heartfelt and romantic. Without giving too much away I want to say that several touched me.
Severin working on something that malfunctioned and Cassandra helping him. Tender.
The two and their dance can I just say DREAMY and LOVELY and CHEMISTRY!!! And Severin takes a orphan boy under his wings and a scene when the two of them help the little guy is funny and sweet as well.
Severin being a night in shining armor for Cassandra when she needed him the most. Beautiful!!
Cassandra stands up for Severin against her family. You go girl.
And then the "negotiations" and "contract" the two made for their marriage. Loved that, heart warming and funny. Okay maybe it was more than several that I shared. But really I loved the development of their relationship. The multi layers of Severin, his thought process and him getting in touch with his feelings was so well done and beautiful too. And Cassandra and her tender and loving heart. Her determination to not settle for anything but love. And how she dealt with Severin and melted his heart was perfect. I loved the family dynamics and seeing everyone again. Loved the protectiveness of Devin and West. But yet in the end trusted Cassandra as well as seeing the change in Tom. This was a beautiful end to this series. I found it to be the most romantic and second in line was Marrying Winterborne. I hope we see another series. The Marsden brood PLEASE!!!
5. Kind of Disappointed - Pre-ordered and was excited to finally receive, but, Just as I was beginning to enjoy the book, it ended. I wanted more, wanted to see Cassandra’s benevolent efforts come to fruition: the home for the homeless and less fortunate; wanted to see the Severins come face-to-face with the Ripons at a ball or soirée; and last but not least wanted to enjoy more of their married life. Although, always love the way LK brings back favorite characters into her books-especially adored the interaction between the twins, the Family Wall of Protection, and loved the humor—-LORL! PUNYIAM
Release date: 2009-10-13 $4.99
1. Funny and beautiful - I love all of Julian Quinn’s books but this one is my favorite. I love a story that makes you laugh when you read it and your heart ache as well. The cook and butler were just fabulous and the plot kept you reading more. I usually don’t write reviews but this book has to be at the top of my reading list. And by the way, I have most of Ms. Julia Quinn’s historical romance books and recommend them all!
Release date: 2023-05-09 $14.99