Release date: 2011-08-15 $4.99
1. History - My mother read me this book every night when I . This was my lullaby. When I had my baby nephew I would visit them and read my brothers son this book and I never really put thought behind this book after knowing it for so long, but now I realized that I should not be reading this book to him but his mom was so pleased that I gave her the copy and have her read it to him. Because I never realized that it’s about mothers of no matter how obnoxious kids can be moms will love them till the end.
2. It just does something to you - I’ve heard bits and pieces of this book but never thought much of it. I just read it for the first time to my baby in my belly and I started sobbing when he turned yrs old. I can’t imagine my baby growing up and he’s only months along. Maybe I should pick a different book to read to my belly.
3. Perfection - My mom and dad read me this book when I was little and now that I’m about to be a mom it means so much! I just read it for he first time as a mom and it made me cry. This book truly showed me what unconditional love meant and it still reminds me today that no matter how much I “grow, and grow and grow” I’ll always be my parents little baby girl.
4. A book to be passed down for generations.. - This book is amazing. Would make a great gift. On the day to day basis sometimes it can be easy to forget that your children with never be as little as they are today again. Everyday they grow a little. They are rambunctious and can drive you nuts. But just remember when your cleaning up after them. When your fixing what they broke. When your so frustrated you wanna say something you would regret. They wont stay this little forever. Cherish every moment. “Devin, ill love you forever, ill like you for always, as long as im living, my baby youll be.”
5. Slightly Emotional For My Wife, But I Wasn’t as Moved - Love You Forever is a short book written by Robert Munsch and was published nearly years ago. In December of , it ranked fourth on Publishers Weekly All-Time Bestselling Children's Books (paperbacks). The story begins with a mother gently rocking her baby son singing "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.". We see the boy grow up until he becomes an adult, and over the years, the mother continues to sing the song to her son as she rocks him during his sleep. When the mother becomes elderly, the roles reverse, and her son rocks his mother while singing the same song. At the end of the story, the boy is now a father, and he rocks his daughter as she sleeps while singing I'll Love You Forever. Although my wife finds this story touching, I found it odd when the mother puts a huge ladder on top of her car and drives across town to her son's home. She climbs into the window of son's bedroom, puts her adult son in her lap and rocks him as she sings I'll Love You Forever. I have read that this story makes many cry and is probably more popular with mothers. Those who criticize this book feel it is too deep for little children. Many do not like how the mother is old and sick at the end of the book and needs to be taken care of by her son. I have absolutely no problem reading this book to my girls (ages four and seven), but I don't plan to unless my girls make that request. I can see why so many like it, but I thought it was just okay.
6. The first time I had my phone on my computer and it took was no - I The was a good day to get to some point in the afternoon with the boys to iodidiididid hdhfufhfidjddidjdj jxkdjdjfjdjfdkcuucchcjckuchcufhdhxhzhxjxjcjckckckckckcjjcxidideiduxhrkowduycujcjdieuielchcicpfic denwowowkerbjuuuhuuuuhh birthday u
7. Wonderfully Touching - This book is great for family read alouds and for family workshops. It touches on the relatinship that parents have with their children as they grow. It always brings we to tears when it comes to the end. I recommend it highly as I have used it personally and professionally. I even sang this to my baby boy when he was little. Love it!
8. Love it! - My mother used to read this to me as a child all the time. Now, as a year old in college, there are times I am not as respectful as I should be to her. However, I immediately think of this book and I instantly regret my actions after realizing time goes by fast and she won't be here forever. This book has definitely stayed with me and will always be a part of my life.
Release date: 2020-10-27 Genre:Kids > Fiction $6.99
Release date: 2002-09-10 $8.99
1. Recommend (And Not) - It’s a amazing book,I would recommend this book to people who don’t read bored easily with the art,art,thing and running away so many times,But I do not recommend this book to people who get bored easily with art art art and running away thing (It happens a lot mostly)
But Overall a great book!
2. I love all the authors books - Book is amazing the author deserves to be way more popular and I love all her books I wish I was just as good she is my role model she inspires me so much I also love how her stories are so meaningful and not just some boring children book for - year olds but every I have told about the book loves it most of my teacher wished they sooner they said
3. Pictures of Hollis Woods - This story was amazing!!!! I couldn't put the book down because it made me die of thirst in what will happen next. My favorite parts has to be the flashbacks of Steven, Izzy and the old man. But I have to say the end was surprising because of Steven's return. The author did a great job by using Hollis's art to back her realize things she never realized. I think everyone should read this book because it teaches a amazing lesson that if you look closer you might just find what your looking for.
Release date: 2019-06-04 Genre:Kids > Fiction $4.99
Release date: 2015-07-14 $7.99
Release date: 2012-10-11 $8.99
Release date: 1966-09-01 $5.99
Release date: 2006-07-01 $9.99
Release date: 2012-01-24 $5.99
Release date: 2016-10-18 $6.99
Release date: 2020-08-04 Genre:Kids > Fiction $10.99
Release date: 2023-08-08 Genre:Kids > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2008-09-01 Genre:Kids > Fiction $1.99
1. I love this book - I look this book because I read it in class and it had everyone in my class all interested in the book(only people in my class likes books) so that was surprising but i personality like autistic and Down syndrome because I want to be a person who helps those type of children in school I had this one kid in my class let’s call him… Ivan ( Not his real name) he could not stand up without these things at the back of his shoe he could not control his actions or words so when he was bullied in class all his friends aka our classmates came to help him everyone made fun of him so yeah. But this is a good story
2. This book Rules (except for the ending) - I read this book with my nine-year-old twins. We enjoyed the writing and appreciated the honesty of Catherine, a character who has a good heart and shows what real life can be like both trying to fit in and living with an autistic brother. However, we were all very disappointed with the ending. While we appreciated the concept, we would’ve liked more description and closure.
3. My Brother - My brother today is . He has autism and I was going through a hard time because he was being made fun of. So I decided to get a book that would understand me and my feelings. My little brother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don't make fun of special needs kids because you don't know what they go through in their day to day lives. Help someone with autism
4. Wow! - This book is a great book... I totally recommend it you will always want to see what will happen next... It really keeps your attention. I recommend reading it... It is about a girl who has a brother with autism... She wishes him "normal" but that is how he is... A new neighbor moves in... Doesn't go the best and another boy Ryan who is mean and picks on David thinking it is funny... What will happen? It is a great story... SPOILER NEXT (NOT A HUGE SPOILER Though) she meets another boy who can't walk or talk she becomes good friend with him... This book has DRAMA in it and things we may be able to relate to... This book is realistic Fiction.:) XD so if you Like Realistic Fiction books you will DEFINITELY like this book...have fun reading... You will wish that there is a part ! Or more and more books... To bad there isn't one The writer should make more! The writer is great at writing and she describes everything so well! This book is worth the money!:) -Rules Fan!!!
Release date: 2009-03-17 $3.99
1. Great read for late elementary and middle school kids - My daughter is headed to th grade. We read this together so we could discuss it. I love the vocabulary used (those defined and those not). It also gave us good opportunity for various life discussions. I would definitely recommend this book and series.
2. Captain of sea - Captain me, captain he, for he sails the sea, looking for thee, thee treasure, o’e. By thee, he sees, a land by the see. Lemony Snicket, captainy, captainy, he sails the sea, looking for thee, that count Olaf shall seek. Maybe thee, maybe tho, maybe fee fy foe. Lemony Snicket, silent like a cricket, to never be Hurd, by thee.
3. Wow is all I had to say - My writing teacher talked about these books in class once, and I decided to start reading them a few weeks ago. OH MY MERCY. THANK YOU TO MY WRITING TEACHER!!! I’m a writer, and these books have influenced my writing style, in a positive way. Lemony Snicket (also known as Daniel Handler ) tells these tales in such a delightful narration, even though these are sad stories. Snicket portrays the characters in a real way, and he lets you into the lives of orphans who are miserable, but set an example for us all by persevering in the hardest of times. Beautifully written, delightfully amusing, and oddly weird, are the words I would use to describe them. Those are good things tho
4. I love this book!!!!! - This book is amazing I just finished watching the Netflix series and I've seen the movie numerous times. I thought it would be cool to read the books and compare the series to it. So far, Netflix has done an amazing job at staying true to the book. This book has great illustrations and a great storyline. Please read this book and the rest of the series!!!
5. In my opinion, this is a bad book. - I don’t want to in any way ruin anybody elses love for these books. Everybody is allowed their opinion. But, in my opinion, this is a really bad book.
It bored me!
It was nothing more than boring, cringy, and stupid, to me.
To me, these are not the great books everybody says they are.
6. Awesome Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I love these books! Once you start reading them, you can never look away. It would always get you in the book. I would sometimes say, “No dont do that, Voilet!” or “Run,Run,Run while the little legs of yours can carry you!!!”They are so emotional too. Who ever reads these and manage not to get nightmares, you will do fine. You just have to make sure that you are not scared of people that have one eybrow and an eye on their left ankle. ;)
7. A Series of Unfortunate Events - I love the series so much! I have read them all times and I plan on doing it again. I like how all the books describe the author talking to you in different parts of the story. I also like how Lemony Snicket tells us what difficult words mean in the context of the story instead of a definition. All in all I love the series a lot and I think you should read it to.
8. Hooked!! - The person next to me in school was reading these. I was a tiny bit nervous to try the series, but intrigued anyway. Then my sister, who is came home going on and on about " The Best Book Ever!!!". I was now more tempted than ever but was still holding back. She finally forced me to at the library. I was like, WHAT THE HECK IS THIS AWESOME STUFF!!! I kept reading the books and halfway through the "The End" when I thought wow, this went by too fast. I am still reading and enjoying!!! I have read " The Bad Beginning " four times!!
9. I love it - Me: reading book at desk in living room
Count olaf: hello
Me: WHAT!! desk flip
Count olaf: troll face Me: prepare to die!
Count Olaf: Nooooo
Me: throws sharp dagger Loleeladeedadadedadadeda, loleedadeda Me: captured by count Olaf.
Me: just kill me now
Olaf: falls asleep on top of Bomb
Bomb explodes in a pile of pudding
10. A series of unfortunate events the bad beginning - This book is sad but in a humors way, it is about three children who lose there parents in a terrible fire and they get sent to count Olaf by mr.poe, count Olaf is a terrible greedy man who wants to steal the children's parents leftover fortune they use their intelligence an ideas to help them read the rest for yourself -Do not say I did not warn you Lemony snicket
11. Great book great read! - I read "The Miserable Mill" to my students the past year and they ranked among one of their favorites. They were truly engaged from beginning to end.
This book takes you through the series of unfortunate events of the Baudelaire orphans. The book does not hesitate to tell you up front stop reading this book if you like happy stories. From that moment forward, I along with my students, we were hooked.
The book begins tragically, with the death of the Baudelaires' parents and continues to spiral into tragic event after tragic event with moment of shimmering hope.
In addition to being a great read, this book has excellent vocabulary, which is explained right after the word. He author does a great job switch between first person and third person; it is as if he is watching the events unravel before your very eyes.
Great book great read.
12. Breath Taking - This is by far one of the most amazing books I have ever read. Not only is it a fast paced thriller that is sure to keep your heart pumping it has secrets that are still waiting to be discovered. What I mean by that is that there are so many secrets that their secrets have secrets. Anyways this is one amazing book that you should definently read
Release date: 2013-11-14 $6.99
Release date: 2001-01-01 $7.99
Release date: 2018-10-30 $8.99
1. Wow. - I feel like it’s a bit too easy for a seventh grade reading level but that’s just what I think.I feel that this is however,not specifically what a rd grade me would want to read.The book does tackle racial world problems but seriously I think this is more for - grade reading level.Over all I like that there is actually a character in a children’s book who describes how it is to live life being BLENDED .
2. Ok - I started this book right before meeting the author, I just could not bring myself to finishing it until today. As I sit here, I am still going back and forth with the number of stars to give it. While I’m proud of the author and her hard work that went into the book, I have a hard time with a lot of the racial issues that overshadowed the book. I’m thankful that my own children will never have to read this book and as an educator in an urban setting, I’m not really sure how I feel about this book being in the libraries.
Release date: 2009-10-13 $7.99
1. Series of unfortunate events - I enjoyed this book and I am recommending that you read it. But like all the other books in this series it has a sad ending the end is disappointing but still happy at the same time. If you do read it read books and first since it is book three. You really must read it , I believe the series are wonderful .
2. LEMONY SNICKET - I have read the first books of it with uncle Monty And aunt joe so it's a really good book. If u r into bad endings then this is the book u! Lemony Snicket is a great author I wish he would write more books on this. Me and my sister plan on reading all of the books in only to years!
Release date: 2014-08-05 $6.99
1. “Death by Toilet Paper” Review - I love this book so much. It’s something that could happen in a child’s life and it can teach kids not to give up on life and keep ur head held high. Ben is so inspirational and a good roll model for kids. This story is so heart touching and amazing this is the best book i have ever read and very funny!
Release date: 2009-07-14 $8.99
1. Amazing - I read this book when I was in th grade and didn't understand it very well, but it stayed in the back of my mind because of the amazing ending. I remembered it and re-read it and I am so glad I did. It is an amazing book by an amazing author. I find it spectacular how the small details that you usually wouldn't pay attention to are the details that shape this story and the details that you have to look out for. Incredible.
2. It gets better and better - When you first start its confusing but that is why it's cool and as you go on it gets better and better and you feel all these different emotions I have a real copy and I wouldn't have found this if it weren't for my cousin or my aunt... Confusing story, but this book is amazing.
3. This is an awesome book - This book is a little slow at first but it gets really interesting...
The book talks about the impossible in a way that makes it seem real.
At the end, the laughing man is not who you think it is at all.
WHEN YOU REACH ME will keep you on the edge of your seat for sure
It is a got to read so I recommend it.
4. Book - A great book! It is mysterious and thought-provoking with many themes that seem out of place until you read the end. Good for book discussions! Also it is a tribute ( kinda I think...) to A Wrinkle in Time. Stop looking at the other reviews (they're probably good, don't get me wrong) and READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Amazing - This book looking from the cover this is definitely not a book I would read but, I had to read it in school. I am a fifth grader I am amazed of how well Rebecca stead put this book together. This book will blow u away. The book clearly states everything so well I was just amazed. I would definitely recommend this book for fifth graders its vocabulary is astonishing. At first the book is kind if slow but please don't put it down it is so good If u just keep reading. This is my favorite book by far. Thank you and please please read this great novel by Rebecca stead!
Release date: 2009-10-13 $12.99
1. EXCELLENT!!!!!!! - I absolutely LOVE these books!!!! Every single one is well written! I am years old and read all books in weeks. Although, the events in these books are pretty bad, from slowly climbing down an abandoned elevator shaft to getting a leg broken by a stamping machine to getting infected with fungi that could close up your airway.
Release date: 2002-04-29 $4.99
Release date: 2012-04-24 $7.99
1. Book movie - Much better than the movie. Your imagination can run WILD in parts and that’s somethings that’s rare to find in recent literature. I watched the movie first fell in love with the story and started reading the book on a whim one day and who’da thunk that it just made me love the story more
2. Great! - I love this, I mean- I cannot put into words how amazing this book is. The movie anf book will always have a place in my heart as my favourites, my mom absolutely loved them- she bought me the book for my birthday and read it to me before bed. Great memories, great story, great vibe to it :D
3. Great book overall / - This book is so much fun and it is so interesting I received it as a gift from my mom and I have had it for years now so it is so much fun to read it is definitely a little creepy for younger generations so I recommend this book to anyone who loves creepy books that would definitely give you a good chill
4. Inspiring and suspenseful - One of the first Niel Gaiman books my dad gave me to read. That was a special edition with Chris Riddell drawings! Doubly scary and totallaly recommend! Read it when I was maybe years old and absolutely loved it. Always enjoy all of Niel Gaiman‘s books. I especially liked the messages of bravery and love. Really well thought out and suspenseful.
5. Best Book I’ve Ever Read!! - This has always been my favorite movie! Reading the book definitely was different, there was a lot of parts that weren’t even in the movie and that’s a letdown. I liked reading this before bed to help me sleep, I was reading the part where Coraline was in the cellar with the “other father”. I had a hard time sleeping let alone putting the book down. That bit was very suspenseful especially when he was tipping his head to the side listening. Altogether this book was amazing and I’m looking forward to getting a couple new books from Neil Galman!!!
6. Shudder... - I have watched the movie, and I am % sure I don't want to watch it again. Cos it's bad? No!! It's amazing, and so scary. You just have to watch it. But read the book first. So you will be prepared :D I recommend this book to anyone -up. Surprisingly it's very creepy, but interesting. The movie, - and up too possibly.
Release date: 2006-09-01 $6.99
1. Can’t Wait! - I’m sooo excited to read this book! (Author Jordan Sonnenblick came to our school yesterday) and I was amazed to hear how many of his books are based off of his students, whom he taught English to. Such as Emily (the girl who laughed at everything) who’s brother had cancer. It was a very heartfelt moment learning about his stories, and I hope he continues.
2. drums,girls,dangerous pies - before I read this book I thought it was just gonna be about a young boy struggling through school but never did I think that this would be a life-changing story. This is by far one of the best books I have read. It's really changed my perspective on assuming because you never really know what's going on in someone's life. This book was sad and even made me cry at some points. I recommend this to everyone, I enjoyed it so much and am glad to have read it.
3. Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie - We had to read this book for school. First I was thinking oh god another book I have to read through school and it's over pages long. But then I started reading it and I got hooked. It's one of the most amazing books I have ever read. I finished it before anyone else in my class. It took me days to read it (which is really good for me because I hate reading). I am onto reading After Ever After (the sequel). Both are amazing books and you should read them.
Release date: 1974-10-25 $6.99
Release date: 2010-12-21 Genre:Kids > Fiction $9.99
1. Wonderful! - I love this book- it's a great story, extraordinarily well written, and funny, with realistic, memorable characters. This is the sort of book that you can read over and over again, and enjoy every time. I've read it about four times, and it's definitely one of my all- time favorites. I also recommend reading other books by the author, in my opinion, one of the best.
Release date: 2009-10-13 $10.99
1. iLove iBook - This series makes u feel good about your life b/c your life is, hopefully, not as horrible as the poor Baudelaire orphans. I just wish I could rent the book b/c I don't like to read books twice b/c it's the same book and I would already know the story. I am almost done with the series and this was my favorite book of A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Lemony Snicket (sorry if my spelling is incorrect) is a genius and I am looking forward to see what happens to the Baudelaire children. My favorite character is Klaus b/c he reminds myself of me b/c I love reading, I am and I have a college reading level. This series is one of my favorite series b/c it is very interesting. I hope iBooks will put a renting button so I can rent books for a lower price, remember, just a suggestion. iLove iBooks
Release date: 2018-04-02 $8.99
Release date: 2011-09-27 $11.99
1. Wonderful!!!! - I've heard about this movie for some time but had missed it in the theatre...just finished watching it. Quite a beautiful film about learning to live with go let go on when you think it is all over. Great performances...visually amazing, truly stunning! I'm surprised it didn't get noticed more by the public. WATCH IT NOW! I dare you not to cry.
2. A Monster Calls - I got this book after I read the review of the movie. I hesitated as my sister passed from cancer and I am a survivor. What a beautiful story that made literally cry off and on all day. In a cathartic way....very thought provoking and could be applicable for anyone going through a life changing experience. Made me want to talk about it with others but I had to be satisfied with going online and reading what others thought which was all amazing for the most part. Take the cue in the beginning and read it so you can view the illustrations. I can't wait to see the movie but glad to have read the book first!!
3. The Monster Calls - Absolutely amazing book, absolutely amazing story. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath. I cannot wait to read this book again, I can't wait to watch the movie. I making my daughter read it. I wish both writers knew how much this book touched my heart. It makes me miss my dad so much. I'm so glad to make this book part of my collection.
4. A Monster Calls - Wow! As a teacher, mother, and single parent that had a debilitating illness, what an awesome read! I was very touched by this book. Great conversation starter for kids dealing with tough issues. Awesome message in the end. Fabulous use of storytelling, morals, truth, foreshadowing, and more writing/reading elements. Five stars!
5. I love the idea.... - I love the story but the way it's written aggravates me... The writer seems to have an infatuation with italicizing every other word...which only annoys me because the monster's dialogue isn't in's just all italicized..... I like to read Italicized words a certain way in my head so they are emphasized...and have meaning. That's the whole point of italicizing....But this author's style ruins that for me.
Release date: 2009-03-17 $12.99
Release date: 2013-10-01 Genre:Kids > Fiction $9.99
1. You should definitely read this - It was a good book about how people should be different in their own way. I love it because it is about frozen and what I just said yeah. You should definitely look at it. I read it myself and then I did it with the voice it’s actually a pretty good book. And I am eight! PS I really do love frozen also that’s another reason :-)
2. amazing book dou - Love love love the book is amazing and I get a fire started late because I love it is so much detail in so much amazing but there's only one thing right another book I'd like to have another author that wrote the same because this one if you want to be amazing if you do because then I'd give it a star rating only ten stars.
3. How adorable sisters aww - The royal sisters are just as adorable as they are in the movie, and each and every sentence of this book is adorably written, too. For those who bought this storybook for his/her sons and daughters, please read this to them WITH YOUR OWN VOICE. The words are so rhythmical and carefully chosen. Half a storybook, half a poem. A Sister More Like Me is a wonderful storybook, wonderfully told.
Release date: 2012-04-24 Genre:Kids > Fiction $6.99
1. AMAZING - I admit at first I hated this book because I had to do it for homework but about the if not more the end I can guarantee you will get engaged in it I think it a little funny little not. A little blah and a little not. At the beginning I was even smack talking it like why would authors write meaning less books just to get people to die of boredom!! But I ended up loving it!!!
2. Truly Exceptional - I read this book some time ago when I found it in my local library, and it was truly a joy. It's relatively short, and an easy read, but don't take this as shallow nonsense! This book is touching, funny, and surprisingly empathetically written. Jake may come off as a vicious troublemaker, but we learn through his eyes that there is more to him than his rebel shell. E.D. wants orginazation and order––is that too much to ask? Her wild family drives her crazy enough, so why do they need this Jake kid to mess it up even more?
The Applewhites are a bit eccentric––part artist, part crazy. Though they seem very unusual, they end up teaching Jake some things that only the Applewhites could. Told through the eyes of both E.D. and Jake, this story will blow past any expectations. It is truly a gem––you will not regret reading it. K. A. Reid
Release date: 1998-09-01 $8.99
1. Incredible and lifelong!!! - When you get this book your childhood or late one has been made!!!! This book takes you through some of the most hilarious and meaningful (though mostly laugh out loud funny!) moments of growing up spending the summer with a trigger happy, no nonsense grandma! Though by the end of the book you'll wish you had her!check out the two other books that are sequels to this masterpiece: a year down yonder and A season of Giving, they get more and more funny as it goes on,!!!! Enjoy! :) ;) P.s. This is basically the soundtrack to a persons childhood!
Release date: 2013-05-21 $7.99
Release date: 2019-05-14 $7.99
Release date: 2015-05-05 $3.99
Release date: 2018-03-06 $6.99
Release date: 2019-10-08 $6.99
Release date: 2017-04-04 $9.99
Release date: 2019-04-02 $8.99
Release date: 2016-09-06 $8.99
Release date: 2020-04-28 $10.99
Release date: 2020-04-07 $7.99
1. I % recommend this book!! - I absolutely LOVED this book.
I couldn’t put it down from the second I picked it up!!
I was already a fan of Rebecca Stead before this came out, and when I heard about it, I quickly ordered it.
This book is all about change, growing, and the best and worst times of live.
I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
Have a great day!!
Release date: 1972-04-28 $7.99
1. Long time fan. - This book was the very first novel that I have ever read at the age of and I immediately fell in love with it. As well as her other works such as "Otherwise known as Sheila the Great" and her contraversial "Then again, Maybe I Won't". I'm now and I still consider Ms. Blume to be the J.K. Rowling of my time.
2. Best Book of the Fudge Series! - This book is a really funny read! I remember reading and laughing at this book when I was in the rd grade,and I'm so glad that iTunes put this book on here. I love chapter (the birthday party for Fudge), and the chapter when Fudge has to get new shoes. Those are really funny. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone at any age! stars up!