Release date: 2011-05-15 Genre:History $1.99
Release date: 2017-11-07 $1.99
Release date: 2019-01-15 Genre:History $1.99
1. Loved It - I was engrossed in this book! I have it in paperback but thought I’d stop by and write a review. I finished it in two days. The outcome was not what I expected it to be, but I suppose that’s what life often is. I recommend reading Sarah Helm’s “Life in Secrets” and “Ravensbrück / Is This A Woman?” if you want to learn more about the other women in the SOE.
Release date: 2009-11-03 $1.99
Release date: 2023-02-28 Genre:History $11.99
Release date: 2020-02-25 Genre:History $13.99
1. One Terrific read. - A Fantastic historical read. I hated to put the book down each night as my old tired eyes could not read anymore. The author managed to keep my interest constantly. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in WORLD WAR II HISTORY. I am sorry I have come to the “finis” of the book. .
2. Wonderful Read - I read a lot of history and this struck me as one of he most intimate and well written portrayals of Churchill and his family in his first year as PM. Larson acutely describes the horrors of the bombings of London, which is often not emphasized in history volumes. Most endearing were descriptions of Churchill weeping in times of great sadness. Well done.
3. Fascinating Book - Fascinating history. Wasn't so interested in reading a book about Winston Churchill and WWII, but have read Devil in the White City and In the Garden of Evil, so I know how Erik Larsen can expertly weave many facets of a story together. He does the deep research and writes in a novel like narrative that makes this history lesson a real page turner.
4. Fresh Insight on Churchill - I found Larsen's new book, "The Splendid and the Vile", well worth reading. It gave a personal context to the immense challenge which faced England and Churchill when they alone were standing up to Hitler. We see the events through the eyes of those who worked for the prime minister as well as the family and friends he had. A sense of the German actors and their strategies are touched on in a readable way. I thought it ironic that as everyday items came into short supply, King George asked his ambassador to the US to send the Palace toilet paper! Alas, echoes of today's pandemic!
5. Enamored - My first book on Churchill and Erik Larsen provided me with a vivid story about the man, his family and his staff I feel like I now know them all personally. Frightening years that but for his leadership may have changed the world forever. Thank you for letting these historical figures introduce themselves through their own words and actions. Oh how I wish I could experience a night at Chequers!
Release date: 2020-08-11 Genre:History $1.99
Release date: 2021-11-16 Genre:History $1.99
Release date: 2023-03-07 Genre:History $14.99
Release date: 1994-02-11 $12.99
Release date: 2007-06-12 Genre:History $11.99
1. Seriously a good read. - I can not express the fact that I am sitting here and wishing I had made a more serious effort to pursue special forces when I had the chance. Unlike Marcus, I chickened out. Reading this book though, I have come to appreciate these great warriors and to never doubt what our men and women in service sacrifice for us daily. Love this book!
2. RESPECT - Every American owes these men the respect and gratitude their selfless acts of patriotism duty and dedication demand. Honor their legacies lives and sacrifices by reading this story. Freedom isn’t free by no means God Bless these men and their family’s! I only wish there were more we could do to thank them and pay tribute to their selfless acts.
3. Lone Survivor - I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It made me feel that the military is saving someone’s life every day in some part of the world. Thank you Marcus Luttrell for writing this account of your time in the Navy! It opened my eyes to the incredibly difficult, scary, lonesome days you endured. Thank You.
4. Must read - A warriors story that details what the finest we have may he called upon to do. It’s easy to read of our successes in the war on terror. Seldom, however, do we know of its price. Marcus’s story will tell you that price. The sacrifice these people make on our behalf is incredible. The least we can do in return is to learn what they’ve given. For far too many, it’s everything and it’s not pretty how they go. Read this, then thank God for these men and make sure we always remember their sacrifice. It’s our duty and responsibility to remember. This book will help you do exactly that.
5. Fiction, sold as fact, without the quality of a Lee Child novel - I enjoyed the story but many parts did not ring true. A bit of digging has me convinced that the narrative is false in most ways that matter. The account of Gulab, the man who saved Luttrell, is far more credible (Newsweek published an article in June of summarizing interviews with witnesses, including Gulab). For readers of fiction, Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels are far better. History buffs should definitely look elsewhere for facts.
6. Amazing book - This is the third book I've read about The Seals, all have been beyond enjoyable to read. I'm amazed at what these true patriots go through to serve and protect our country. I was more than overjoyed that Marcus wrote several times, in length, about the ROE and how hindering they are to those out in the battlefield. I think 'war rules' should be left up to the military and those out there doing the fighting. Not the politicians sitting in their cushy offices in DC. I read this book in less than one week, it's THAT good!
7. Had me laughing one moment and in tears the next - A true hero and true Texan. This book sent me through a whirlwind of emotions I was a proud Texan reading Marcus Luttrell's perspective which was relatable to the point it had me laughing, in a panic and also crying but ultimately I couldn't put the book down. My heart really goes out to all the men and women who fight for our country by putting their lives on the line with courage and dignity. God bless America and God bless Texas!
8. Intense and inspiring - This was hands down one of the best books I have ever read. It was an intense and powerful story that kept me from putting the book down. Being able to see war from Marcus Luttrell's eyes was intriguing. The Book started off slow when Marcus was introducing the rest of the Navy Seals that were mentioned in the story, but as you get deeper into the book the mood shifts and your entire perspective on military training and war changes. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys an emotional read. The book is a rollercoaster of emotion; One minute you are smiling at the teamwork and hard work the Seals face, then the next page could be Marcus explaining the tragic loss of his loved friends. This book would be better for entertainment rather than being used in a school curriculum because it could be sensitive for some readers. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone who knows people in the Military because it could make them panicked and upset at the hard truth these men go through. The book was more intense than the movie because Marcus was able to explain more about his friends and how much they meant to him. The book went more into depth about the characters and their families which made the story more emotional. Marcus’s writing style also keeps the book interesting by using flashbacks to his childhood and telling the story about his life. I would rate this book five stars because it kept me entertained while opening my eyes on the truth about war and the respect I have for then men in the military.
9. Hard To Imagine - "Lone Survivor" provides far more detail about young Americans at war than one can possibly imagine. There are many disturbing parts, not the least of which are how our warriors need to consider how the media and lawyers have such a profound and life-threatening effect on their ability to protect themselves while waging war for the U.S.
10. Disappointing - Skip the first chapters if you have other books detailing the grueling training seals go through. The story itself is great but the author is highly opinionated, full of himself. This takes away from the story. By the end if the book I had trouble telling what was real vs hot air from a "good o'ld boy" from Texas. If you like this sort of subject, hours in Benghazi is a far better book
11. A story of American values - It seems too small to ever say "Thank you for your service to our country. " but God Bless you, your family, the true Patriots who gave their last full measure. Thank you for reminding us through this book of the sacrifices The Seals and others have made and still make every day. Our Country, including Texas, is a better place for your Service.
12. MAGNIFICENT - iv finished the book. magnificent and tragic and magnificent honor and gods blessings to SEAL TEAM , their family and friends. you live in theirs AND my memory till death. i cant watch the movie and eapecially the end credits without tears. GOD bless america and GOD DOES BLESS THE NAVY SEALS
13. When I get to Heaven I will know this book helped me get there! - Thank God for our military!
As one song says, "My boat of life sails on a stormy sea...", I've often found myself in a spiritual storm and battle on the sea of life. As a pastor, husband and father of three, I have never been in the honorable military like this great book's author has. I have, however, been enlisted in the army of my Lord. I have been attacked by the unseen enemy of the soul and have been faced with the ultimate decision of fighting on or giving up! I have never wanted to give up nor fail. "Perseverance" has been the battle-cry of the ministry since long before I came along. In the middle of a great battle in my life, I encountered this book. I must say, the pastor in me had to "skim" over some "colorful" words in the book but, that not withstanding, I found the relentless tenacity of the SEALS described in this book to be transcendent from letter to life and, as I read, their strength gave me strength! I was reminded and assured, as they endured, that I can "endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ". I am forever grateful that God allowed me to know of this book. According to Romans :, all things work together for the good. "All things" are NOT necessarily good...but they work for the good. Not everything that happened during operation Redwing was good. Much of it was very bad. But, it still worked together for the good. As he falls down the mountain and wonders how or why God allows his rifle to stay by his side, I feel the Holy Ghost minister to me that He will always be with me; especially in adversity!
Mr. Marcus Luttrell is a hero! They're all four heroes! I thank God for ALL our brave men and women in uniform, fighting for our freedom! I thank God for Marcus Luttrell and this book. When I get to heaven, I will know that God used this book, it's author and its contents to help me get there! I'm eternally grateful. In Him,
Pastor Daniel Carter
Solid Rock Apostolic Church
Release date: 2015-08-23 $3.99
Release date: 2016-10-04 Genre:History $9.99
Release date: 2012-09-18 $14.99
1. Fun science - For a science history enthusiast this book has it all. Short but detailed biographies of the most prominent and important minds of th century physics, gripping narratives of competition for power and influence, and the fullest telling available in layman’s terms, of the development of the most important weapon in history.
2. Extraordinary scholarship, research, and writing - If you are a techno-geek; or, a physics or history student, you will find no finer book about the effort that and people who built the atomic bomb. I’ve worn out the first hardback copy of the book I purchased and the second is filled with hand-written notes. I highly recommend this.
3. Outstanding scholarship, wit, and insights into history of Manhattan Project and physics. - Rhodes seminal publication provides an in-depth look into history and scale of US Manhattan Project and principal characters. Wonderful background Into genesis of World War II atomic bomb project and giants like Einstein, Oppenheimer, Bohr, Bethe, Szilard, Teller, Fermi, Ulam, Von Neumann, etc., Great background information on personal lives and motivations of scientists, politicians, and military leaders of the time. I really liked photographs and descriptions of educational, military, and scientific installations, and the enormous effort to win the race to develop atomic bomb. This book is written for the layman, historian, and scientist. Pulitzer Prize Winner - Highly Recommended!
Release date: 2022-04-26 Genre:History $13.99
Release date: 2017-04-25 $13.99
1. Great Book - Gives details about not only the op on OBL but what Mr. O’Neill went through to get to that point. His childhood, teen years, young adulthood and his decision to join the navy to try out for the seals. What the training is really like, from someone who went through it’s perspective. A taste of the hundreds of missions he participated in. Can not recommend it more.
2. - Wicked good book read all the way from Maine. lobster on me if u ever come to the Maine me and my cap will take u out to haul , read it in days. Seal team books are my favorite reminds me of playing sports being on a team creating bonds that last forever. Thank you for your heroism, u and every other soldier/warrior in all branches of military serving now or having already served u are all fn animals I wish I was as brave as u and fought for my country. It is because of u mr O’Neill and ur military brethren that makes me most proud to be American
3. Great Read - This book was very interesting and held my attention all the way through. What really stood out was that the book didn’t end with the Bin Laden mission, which was a good. It also packed a few lessons that people can apply to life as well. If you’re into hearing war stories as well as personal attributions to them, this is the book for you. I was not disappointed.
4. “The Operator” - From Butte, Montana to Coronado, California all the way to Bin Laden’s Pakistani compound, this book goes to show if you never quit on your goals and dreams your opportunities are limitless. O’Neill says he never saw the kid from Montana becoming the man who took out the world’s most wanted terrorist. This book is an excellent insight into the SEAL community including the highly secretive SEAL Team Six and covers multiple deployments to the Middle East, the Maersk Alabama hijacking and rescue mission for Captain Richard Phillips and finally the Bin Laden Raid and the aftermath. Overall an excellent book for the interested reader, potential SEAL candidate or anyone just looking for motivation to get out and accomplish their goals.
5. YES READ IT!!!!! - This book is inspirational, educational, enjoyable, and downright funny. Robert Oniel not only writes amazing stories but he writes them in a way most authors will never capture. I read TONS of military books and this is definitely my favorite. PS: The audio book is great also and its read by Robert Oniel.
6. A MUST READ - I was looking at some videos about the author Brad Taylor and discovered a video interview on SOFREP radio with Robert O’Neill. I got the book from the library and loved this book. O’Neill is a true American hero and excellent story teller. I trained in Little Creek, VA in the Navy for a position as a Chaplain’s Assistant headed to Chu Lai, Vietnam. The buds/s were next to our unit and I saw them swimming and carrying their boats to the chow hall. what stamina they had. Get this book. Jim Ronan E USN-R
7. stars to a true American Patriot and Hero - Rob tells his amazing journey from growing up in Butte, MT to BUD/S and his many missions as a Navy Seal. There are some hilarious moments as well as tragedy and triumph. You cannot put this book down, and I truly believe it is a must read for every American. Put this on high school reading lists!
8. One of the best! - Robert O’Neill has written one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I can’t wait to see what else he will write. I am now a fan and have found this book to be informative, entertaining and inspiring. Mr. O’Neill, you have no idea how much you have made me laugh and feel such much pride to be an American. You are truly an American hero, you’re parents raised a great son. You have a very beautiful life, full of adventure, sometimes heart wrenching, but nevertheless a courageous one and full of positives outcomes. Thank you for your service, Sir. I am so glad to know that you and so many others in your company were in our side. I hope to read many great books. You are a great writer. And I hope to someday meet you, hopefully in one of your book signings. AND THANK YOU AND YOUR NAVY SEAL BROTHERS, SO MUCH FOR GETTING RID OF THAT SOB.
9. Another SEAL book, again, again.... - Ever been such a "silent warrior", that of the books on a shelf in an airport are books written by SEALs? Look no further, another book talking about how much of a silent elite group of warriors the SEAL community is. Jesus Christ, do you guys get a publisher after you check in at the Teams, or right after Hell Week....?
10. Couldn't put it down - I bought the book because i saw Rob O'Neil on a fox tv program. He was fearless, his demeanor was quite, well mannered and witty. There was just something about Rob being from Butte Montana and roughing it out in BUD/s school, then killing osama bin. The commentary on emotions and events kept me reading, from beginning to end nonstop. I'm so grateful for men like Rob O'Neil, and finally a book about being a man, taking on the challenges and realizing the reality of your purpose. I will recommend this book to all my friends. Billie Jo D'Agosta
11. Review of 'The Operator' - Excellent read. Easy to understand and never a dull moment. Read it in one day. Just couldn't put it down. Robs dedication, loyalty, and many many skills are inspiring. I've seen him on several news outlets, and find him to be very easy going. That's how his book revealed him as well. You are a hero in my mind, and I know millions of people feel as I do. Thanks you so much for your life changing service, and protecting myself and my family.
Release date: 2007-05-01 Genre:History $8.99
1. Old Breed - Great book-glad I was not part of the action- this book is why they describe the marines and other veterans as the Greatest Generation. I doubt that the current crop of teenagers could even come close to what they endured and accomplished in the war and then came home and started a new life. I saw the series “Pacific” and still don’t know how they made thru and were still sane.
2. All that served. - I served in submarines for twenty years. I know the brotherhood of which he wrote. He is correct today as then training is everything. We are the best military in the world because of our military training. This book is a fantastic read. I only wish I could have shaken the author’s hand. Semper Fi my bother. We are all brothers.
3. Amazing - As a Marine that served with / (attached to th Marines) I know its history very well. I’m a Iraq/Afghanistan veteran and I’m a huge WW history buff I have read many book about the Pacific Campaigns but this is by far one of the best. In my opinion personal accounts are always better then historical event books. It’s more graphical and less blurred for the average reader. Sledge did a outstanding job making you feel like you where next to him. Thank you to all Marines of WW and Semper Fi Marines
4. With The Old Breed - This book is by far the best war memoir ever written. To read and try to understand the brutal hellish conditions these Marines faced on a day to day basis in combat on Peleliu and Okinawa is something that should be remembered and shared for generations to come. For, they are the greatest generation. Semper FI!
5. Powerful narrative of the Pacific War and the limits of Endurance - This is not a polished work, crafted by a professional writer. It's a straight forward narrative, stripped of all glamour, concepts of glory, and of all similar notions. Full acknowledgement should be given to the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but no one should condemn the decision to drop the bomb without first reading and fully considering the implications of this book. As awful as it was, the bomb might have been a mercy to both sides.
6. With the Old Breed - The horrible, indelible memories of an intelligent young man serving as a 'lowly' line Marine during the battles for Peleliu and Okinawa are vividly captured in this book for future generations. The memories are poignant, yet matter-of-factual as they convey the depth of madness inherent in the hand-to-hand combat conditions of the Pacific. Sledge describes the psyches and often inexplicable yet somehow understandable behaviors of Marine infantrymen whose senses are hammered jolted and pummeled by the incessant shock of enemy assault and the putrid conditions of Pacific battlefields. A must read.
7. A gritty must with "The Pacific" or WW II studies. - After reading & watching The Pacific along with other non-fiction novels concerning the Pacific war and war in general where E.B. Sledge is mentioned, I had to read his book. This book puts the reader on the battlefield with total empathy for any combatant in any such conflict. Being an experienced professor in his post-war years, Sledge's vocabulary and descriptive abilities are incredible.
8. With The Old Breed - Short and simple my answer is. This book is my favorite book ever it made me laugh,cry, I was disbelieved by all the things at one point I HATED Japanese but learned this was years ago. This book taught me so much and also how back then America's leaders weren't the smartest. I've read this book at least times and will still read it over again. I've always wanted to go back In time and serve in ww but I know i can't do that's why I am being a Marine when I'm older. Thanks Eugene Sledge an god bless.
9. An incredible account - I found this to be one of the most heartfelt, well written books I've ever read. Eugene Sledge invites us to share in the cruelty of war. His writing is exquisite and brings you into the hell of Peleliu and Okinawa. You feel their suffering, their pain and their privations of an infantryman. You see and smell every corpse while feeling the anxiety of all the missiles of death around you, Japanese night infiltration and fighting hand to hand in their fox holes. It gives you an appreciation of what these men endured for the sake of our nation and for the world. As an American, it is a privilege to live in a democracy. With privilege, comes responsibility.
10. Easy read - This book, first of all, is at a great price point, especially for its length. I looked into it after watching The Pacific (HBO Series) in which this author is a main character. The book is a simple read. It doesn't get bogged down in too much militaristic detail, and it also doesn't insert the author's political feelings - something that happens far too much. It's just a story from the eyes of a fighting man and gives us a window into a world that most generations (mine included) can never truly know.
11. A rare account - As a Marine, I can say its rare to find a veteran who can articulate their story as well as E.B. Sledge, let alone a story this gruesome. What is told in this book is rare, raw, and right. I hope many will read it and realize what our freedom cost, and that one must have the stomach to fight an enemy with matched vigor. Not a book to enjoy, but one that deserves to be read.
12. Haven't read anything better - This book is by far one of the best I have read on the Pacific Theatre of War. The viewpoint of the down and dirty Marine from the trenches is what makes this book so incredible. The other books I have read show a broad range view of the war from an officer or rear echelon over view. This book made me feel like I was in the coral reefs of Peleliu and the mud of Okinawa with the Marines. I felt the losses as friends became casualties. Many thanks to "Sledgehammer" for this book and reliving his nightmares to share this with the world. Thanks to all veterans of any war or peace time for the freedom the best country in the world has. Freedom never has been and will probably never be free. Thanks.
Release date: 1998-07-01 Genre:History $9.99
1. Excellent book... however, about the iBooks edition - I love me my Mac and I have loooong been an Apple-only customer... however, the pictures from the book in this iBooks edition, as with other iBooks editions of historical books with pictures, looks like they we're photocopied on an old library photocopier in and then photographed and scanned and pasted into the book... Utterly ridiculous for a cutting edge technology company trying to provide an electronic edition to replace the physical book... for those of you old enough to remember 'mimeographed' copies from grade school, that's exactly what these looked like: mimeographed copies of pictures...
2. Very poor rendition into Ebook - My on-star rating applies to the quality of the conversion of the text into an Ebook. It appears that a temp worker simply scanned the pages into PDF format (or something like that), and as a result, very few footnotes make it into the text, and none link to the end notes. Also, apostrophes and em dashes are consistently omitted or erroneously reproduced. There are many other such errors throughout. The publisher, Penguin, should be ashamed. The overall effect of the utter lack of attention to detail in converting this book to an Ebook is one of distraction: I kept asking myself as I read this, what kinds of errors am I not able to notice, and is this book, in its printed form, as loose and error-filled as the Ebook version? I strongly advise against buying this in Ebook version if you care at all about reading the book the way I presume the author intended it to be read.
Release date: 2016-09-13 Genre:History $9.99
1. Great Killing Book - I greatly enjoyed this book, much like I have all of the “Killing” series. The detail these authors include make the story visual, and allows the reader to picture in the mind exactly what is being described. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting an in depth look into the inner working of the war in the pacific. A side note, I wholeheartedly agree with those in this book that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were warranted and necessary. History has shown us as much.
2. Understanding, thought provoking, and insightful. - Growing up in NYC, then in Miami, Fl I had many teachers, neighbors and friends who fought during WW in the Pacific theater.
I would ask them of there experiences during the war of which they would kindly deflect interest and changed the topic. Out of respect I would never again ask. Thanks you for helping understand the enormous contribution made by a very amazing and truly greatest who walked among us.
3. Lest we forget... - Bill O’Reilly & Martin Dugard bring back points not (always) shared in history but are essential facts of how truly bad the Japanese truly were in WW. I am disappointed that there were (US) decisions and policies made to not fully hold the Japanese more accountable (and punished) for their crimes. The brutality and horrors were captured in a compelling and well written insight of the main characters during America’s worst and greatest moments. Bought it Monday and finshed it Wednesday. Well written and yet very sobering.
4. Can't put down AGAIN - As a granddaughter and great niece of ww vets, and a lover of history, this book is not only riveting, but it allows readers to feel and understand the gravity of IS HELL, and people do not understand how horrifically the Japanese leaders and soldiers behaved during this time. This explains why my grandfather wouldn't speak of the war and viewed the Japanese so negatively!now, the country is peaceful, rich w culture and technology, but to the men who fought in ww, it was a different place!well written and could not put down!
5. No spin zone!!!! - Page one, attacks Obama by proximity through his spin zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! History is history; biased history is a tabloid. You're reading a tabloid. I am sure your pen never touched paper Bill but stop writing please. If you're looking for a real history book read a real history book.
6. A history book that reads like a page-turner novel - I continue to be impressed with the O'Reilly writing team. This is a great book that I read over two cross-country flights. While we all know the outcome of the war, this novel tells the intriguing story that doesn't get told in schools or documentaries. What this book does, besides connecting "the historical dots" succinctly, is provide the reader with insight into the personalities of the people in power making a well-known moment in history personal and intimate. Can't wait for the next book!
7. A masterful journey that was unexpected. - This book is awesome. The detailed research is eye opening. I, like many Americans was fed a bunch of deceitful lies. I can't believe the garbage they taught us in High School and College. I literally waited my time listening to cookie cutter rubbish that painted the Japanese(during WWII) as victims, thereby allowing many Japanese leaders to go free.
Their atrocities betray any moral conscious.
I thank both authors for their truthfulness and attention to detail. I especially enjoyed the "What happened to them" summaries at the end. Thanks again, very enlightening.
8. Another great book Mr. O'Reilly - I have always been interested in World War . My grandfather helped to build the Burma Road. His plane was shot down shortly after and he was found by a local farmer and saved. I did a report about his activities in the war for my American history class in high school. My husband's father was in the first troops to hit the beach on D-Day. He was awarded the bronze star for bravery in keeping the lines of communications open that first night. This book took me to the South Pacific as if I had been there during this time. I felt sadness for the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, however I felt relief for the American troops who surely would not have returned from the war. You have a way with words sir! A way of taking us to the front lines of history!
Brenda Weber
9. Killing the Rising Sun - I'm a year old. I have read just about every WWII book ever written.
Your book is enormously interesting and covers important detail and perspectives I had never seen.
Very enjoyable!
I too agree that dropping the A-Bomb on Japan was the right thing to go. My father was XO on an LST slated for the Invasion of Japan. Glad we dropped it as I probably owe my existence to that action. My uncle Roger had been killed in Feb due to a Kamakazi attack on the USS Franklin a few months before the war ended. The danger was real!!
10. Didn’t learn this in school - I graduated high school in and I can recall learning A LOT about WW II in school…well, the European Theater and some about North Africa. What happened in the Pacific Theater was not taught except for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thank you, Bill and Martin, for writing this book. I learned A LOT. Easy to read, full of information! I felt like I was there! Powerful. Highly recommend this book!
11. Killing the Rising Sun - Well, what's the next "killing" book. I've read them all. This was very informative. Finally understand why one of my Uncles would never discuss his service in the Pacific. He was a POW of the Japanese. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in our country's military history. Especially Millennials and younger.
12. Killing The Rising Sun - This is the best of the Killing series in my opinion. Could not put it down. It brought to life the bravery of the American GIs, flyers and sailors as well as the brutality of the Japanese and their leaders. The vivid description of the atomic bomb test placed me at the scene. The depiction of the aftermath of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki paints a graphic picture of the terrible devastation of these weapons. Most importantly it gives an understanding of the mindset of the Japanese and their leadership. This allows the reader to know why President Truman made the decision to use these terrible weapons. Dropping the bombs no doubt ended up taking less Japanese lives then an actual invasion would have. It also certainly save American lives. A great read I highly recommend it.
BM Moore, OK.
13. Wonderfully written - As a year old Navy Veteran whose father served in the Philippines during WWII this book brought back a lot of memories. I followed the Truman-MacArthur saga as a young man and found it one of the most intriguing events of the post war. As a young sailor stationed on the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea CVA I was able to visit the Missouri when it was in mothball status in Bremerton, Washington and stood on the very spot the Japanese surrendered. I later visited Japan as a member of the crew of the Coral Sea and found the Japanese a gracious, kind and gentile people. I concur with Truman's decision to use the Atomic we could have taken that Nation by a land invasion. In conclusion, my father passed away at age in Los Alamos , New Mexico. Bomb as there was no way
14. Stop; just stop! saved a million lives end of story - These anti-everything modern morons who refuse to acknowledge real history instead of embracing revisionist history, please stop offering advice! Great book, authentic and historically accurate. A decision that saved over a million more lives can only be taken on by those willing to acknowledge the over fifty million who lost lives in this war battling the evil of the axis powers. Takes greater force to subdue force, its math moron, go back to common core.
Release date: 2023-03-07 Genre:History $14.99
Release date: 1982-12-01 Genre:History $4.99
1. The Progressive March to War - Barbara Tuchman is one to the greatest writers in the English language. Full stop! She has eludicated history is a series of books in a way that we can learn and - hopefully - become wiser. When I taught history, the course reading always including at least one of her books. And, at times, I only used her work for the required reading. No one should go through life without learning from her, and The Proud Tower is an amazing example. Using events as stepping stones, she takes the reader from the first of three European wars, which ended with World War II. Through this, we learn the history is life marching towards a future, which we may control and steer if we act wisely.
Release date: 1994-03-08 Genre:History $8.99
1. Title good - The Author continuously inserts untranslated French and Latin into the book, almost every page, sometimes many on one page. I do not speak or understand French. After reading pages I can see this is a very interesting book but I’m continuously saying, "I wonder what that means and reaching for a dictionary. pages is enough.
Release date: 2022-09-13 Genre:History $14.99
1. Might have made a magazine article. - The pre-war historiography here is gibberish lazily researched and written and full of filler. This book is too typical of modern historical narrative cobbled together with an eye towards Hollywood and a plush film contract. Save some money and just read the Wikipedia entry about the event. A scandalous example of publisher and author collusion to bilk a reading public hungry for good history.
2. Tears Shed - A very interesting recount of the people lost in World War II as somewhat a collection of short biographies of those teenage and twenty-something star athletes of the time and a brilliant presentation of the unimaginable horror or war — i.e., so much loss of young lives referred to as “waste.”
Release date: 2007-05-15 Genre:History $13.99
1. Fills a void in US WWII history - must read - Without a doubt this is a must read for anyone who claims to be a WWII history buff, or anyone who just loves to read about WWII. It is by far the finest of Rick Atkinson’s trilogy series books, and the two later books will disappoint after reading this one. Having said that, this book really sets the stage for understanding the weak status of the US military machine before and during the initial years of WWII in the African campaign. There are few, if any, books that tell this less glamorous part of US army history. By reading this book, you will appreciate how much the US army grew in a short time to take its place a a military powerhouse.
2. Great writing, maps need improving - As someone in his mid-twenties this was an important read for me. My knowledge and view of WWII has greatly expanded through such a well written narration of the war in Africa. What fell short for me was the resolution of the maps. They did not hold up well on the retina display making them difficult to study.
3. As good as it gets - The American Army's drive across North Africa in the early days of World War II is a tale of an inexperienced army stumbling its way from blunder to blunder at the cost of thousands of lives before finding the strength to regroup and drive the German and Italian armies out of Tunisia. No one could tell it better than Rick Atkinson, who uses official records and the letters and memories of the soldiers to tell this great story, the first of a series on the American Army in the war.
4. An Army at Dawn - I am a WWII junkie. I totally loved reading this book. I already knew about the North African Campaign but never in such detail. If you want to read in depth about the ground campaign of WWII in Europe and Africa, this is the first of a three volume set you should read. I have read both volumes and I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the third.
5. Great read! - Knew the basics, but Rick really brings out the detail in a very readable way. Shocked to learn we had to fight the French before we could fight the Germans! Rommel was a genius and we were lucky he didn't have a higher priority from Berlin for men & materials. His style is so engaging, you catch yourself wondering the outcome of battles even when you knew ahead of time the results. The way school history books should read....engagingly!
Release date: 2019-05-14 $15.99
1. Surprise, Kill, Vanish - The writing is America from a different angle. I will recommend it highly. Minor detail misguidance kept the rating to four stars. In reference to the billboard celebrity of Che, the lack of explanation of why Fidel is noticeably missing but from decades old side street murals needed to be explained.
2. Mostly about Billy W. — and that’s plenty - I was lucky enough to talk with Billy in his home on my th birthday, something I’ll never forget. As the author notes, it’s wall-to-wall with awards and personal notes from VIPs, including Bush . I’d visited with him twice before, but that time I soaked it all in for hours. We’d had coffee together earlier at a nearby McDonald’s. I’ll always cherish that receipt :) This is an important book, the first of its kind as far as I know. The OSS and SOG guys—the pioneers of American black ops—surely have a modern equivalent, but John Plaster’s books, Billy’s own memoir (Hunting the Jackal), and this outstanding inside look, prove those men, as far as recorded history is concerned, were peerless.
Release date: 2023-03-02 Genre:History $20.99
Release date: 2016-03-09 $0.99
Release date: 2022-11-15 Genre:History $14.99
Release date: 2012-12-19 Genre:History $13.99
1. War and Honor in the skies - Excellent narration of plots on both sides during WWII
Told mainly about the life of a young German who becomes a pilot and his eventual encounter with a young American who also becomes a pilot and their encounter over the skies of Germany, and the subsequent life of the German fighter pilot in the waning years of WWII. And leading to the reunification of the two pilots over years later
2. Just.....WOW!! - I literally could NOT put this story down! Incredible account of WWII aviation. You don’t need to be a fan of the subject matter to appreciate this book. The story will impress and appeal to anyone. Tho, fair warning, this book ignited a serious passion to dive headfirst into more WWII aviation books. I’m beyond impressed how the author painstakingly pieced together all the elements surrounding these pilots.
3. This gave me chills - I stumbled upon this book and despite the old adage about not judging a book by its cover, I purchased the e-version through the Apple store because the picture on the front cover intrigued me. What a great story and a great week spent finding or making time to get back to the book to read a few more pages or a few more chapters. This was an uplifting story about a horrific time in our world history. I highly recommend A Higher Power to WWII buffs or those who want to learn more.
4. Superbly written and researched story - There was no shortage of research that went into this book. But rather than being dry and emphasizing facts, the author conveyed the tragedy and beauty that these airmen experienced. I expected to read about a mission, but gained insight into the background that shaped the men who were foes over the battlefield and who found the strength to be human.
5. A Higher Call - A well researched account of two WWII exceptional human beings. The author has written a compelling book that draws the reader into the times, conditions, and emotions of the war. Reading this book has increased my knowledge of and appreciation of my father, a B- bombardier, and my father-in-law, a B- navigator, and what they went through on behalf of their families and the nation. Truly, the Greatest Generation!
6. A Vibrant, Riveting Story - As a fan of WWII history, this was a must-read book for me. Adam Makos weaves a fascinating, richly colored narrative about a fateful encounter between a Luftwaffe ace and a green bomber crew out on its first mission together over Germany. Makos paints the backdrop and characters with vibrant detail, leading one to wonder at times if the work is one of historical fiction or a historical account. The technical aspects of the book in terms of the units described and the aircraft being flown are all credibly documented as well. The story has great pacing and the action is exciting! Overall, this is an excellent merger of great storytelling and historical study that I'm sure even the most avid WWII buff will find enlightening and even the most casual history fan will find intriguing. Highly recommended!
7. A higher Call - This is a definite read for any aviation or WWII enthusiast. I find it very interesting to read and hear the "other side's" thoughts and insight. This did not disappoint. Furthermore the author lays out the human side. I think we all forget that "they" had the same emotions and fears that our young men had at that time. It would have been an honor to have met anyone of the brave men in this book.
8. a higher call - i was sitting at an airport waiting to pick up a friend with tears streaming down my face as i read the last few chapters. i did not care what others thought of me at that time--this book moved me to tears because of the understanding of how one persons decision affected so many lives. what a great thing to read!!!!!!
9. Great read - another war view - As another review pointed out, you should not expect a long story about the battle itself. This is a great biography of the people leading up to the battle as well as their life following the battle. It gives a rarely documented view of the war through new pairs of eyes both American & German. It is hard to believe this story was forgotten for so many decades.
10. Incredible story that gave me new insights into war. - I've never read much about WWII, and wouldn't have picked this up had a friend not recommended it. This story is so amazing, it will stick with me for life. The author did an amazing amount of research on this, and the book is quite a history lesson about the war, and aviation technology at the time. But, the stories of bravery and suffering documented here are the most amazing part. War is truly hell.
11. A higher call - One absolutely amazing story!! This book is just a terrific read. Gives one great insight into what real men are like. If you have any interest in what happened to combat veterans , read this book . You will not be disappointed . The author did a truly great job writing this book. The research was just the best.
12. Destined To Be a A Classic - The depth of research about the daily wartime lives of an American and German pilot and their fateful encounter makes every moment come alive in this page turning history. My late father, an A- pilot in North Africa, had deep respect for his pursuers, and as an active duty USAF officer, enjoyed get togethers with German pilot reunion groups in Germany in the early s, even though he lost a brother whose P- was shot down strafing the Me base at Leipham. Through the experiences of these gentlemen so well told here, it is easier to appreciate the level of professional respect these men had for one another.
Release date: 2022-03-22 Genre:History $14.99
Release date: 2022-06-07 Genre:History $9.99
1. A great read - Being a USMC, Vietnam veteran, and having been a rifleman in battle, I found this book disturbing. The way the USMC turned on their own upset me immensely. Actually, it was a disgrace. Never trust the media or the political system. And if you are in the middle of a war and form the thought that if you survive and make it home that the rest of your life will be roses, I have bad news for you. It won’t. Read the book!
2. Semper Fidelis, Interdum - Great telling of Major Galvin’s MARSOC . Beginning to end, this is an example of what the opposite of faithful looks like. A great injustice has been done here by the Marine Corps. It’s unfortunate that senior leaders are merely cowards in uniform. Worth the read. Do it.
Release date: 2007-09-04 $13.99
1. Needs to be on every Commander’s Reading List - Only a joe could tell a story like this. I laughed, I cried, I felt proud to be an American Soldier. It’s an unbelievable story of courage. It’s witty yet raw. It’s action packed yet reflective. Its brutally honest but honors those that sacrificed their lives. It’s everything a war novel should be but usually isn’t.
2. Glory to the true ground gods!!! - Remarkable accounts of the men in Fallujah. If the Marines had their way, it would have been another battle in which the memory of other fallen service members would have been unnoticed due to their hubris and need for glory or recognition. Next generations warfare will require a culture change, one in which acknowledges the success in interdependency and seamless interoperability with all branches of the military!
3. Great Read!!!! - This was a great book to say the least. There were a few times that I had to force myself to put the book down so I could go to bed. The Heroes in this book went through hell and I appreciate all of their sacrifices. I sure the words can't begin to capture how nasty it was over there. Read it - you won't regret it! Thank a veteran today! Thank you.
4. Deserves a read - I read House to House after watching the HBO documentary, "only the dead see the end of war".
I felt the Mike Ware's documentary was sterile and lacked the integrity of point of view that only an actual solider could portray and looked up more about SSG. Bellavia's experience as one scene in the documentary showcases his heroics. This is a must read! If you want to understand the day to day of a modern US Army Infantryman then You Have to Read This Book!
Amazingly detailed and incredibly intense. The sacrifice these guys made to take Fallujah cannot be forgotten. Their losses are only overshadowed by the current political leadership in DC (the Whitehouse) and their total lack of regard for the mission in Iraq and what we were trying to accomplish there. Hats of to the author and my deepest heart felt appreciation for his service from one B to another.
5. Mr - This is an awesome book. I've read many many nonfiction combat related books from all different eras. This is one if the best. What really got me was the author lets you in his head just as he's at the peak of an emotional charge while under fire. He starts screaming at the enemy like a madman, when something very surprising happens. The readers emotions are taken from an intense buildup of excitement to a sudden burst of laughter. A very good book. Highly recommended.
6. True American Heros - I am so impressed with the grueling job the infantry troops our US ARMY performed in Fallujah . Thank you for sharing these amazing stories and giving readers a glimpse of the dangers our troops endured as well as the bonds formed during their service for our country. Thank You to all those that have and continue to serve our country.
Release date: 2001-10-26 Genre:History $13.99
1. Excellent - This book is a great read. It is well versed with battlefield language that can be challenging to understand but allows the reader to be pulled into the real life action. These men will always be hero’s. I highly recommend this book to any reader who craves WW history. The letters, stories, and backgrounds of these men is something I will never forget. Thank you Easy Company!
2. An extraordinary read - This was a great, fascinating telling of some of the USA's greatest heroes... It is thrilling, frightening and touching in parts. More importantly it introduces us to men we have mostly now lost to old age, when they experienced three amazing years, volunteering to serve their country and watching each other's backs. The only regret I have have after reading this is that I cannot thank most of the men in this book (and believe me I'd love to send a number of letters) because I discovered their story too late. But I can at least carry the memories of what they did for me, you and our great nation forward. I'm in the debt of their service, and the great service done by the author in telling their story so it isn't lost to the ages. The Band of Brothers HBO miniseries led me to this book; both the TV eppisodes and the books are extraordinary and highly recommended. Thank you Easy Co., for your service and sacrifice in WWII!
3. Great book well recommend - Read this when I was , after watching band of brothers in . I can't explain this, this book is amazing. Mr. Winters was a great leader and this book just proves it. It is a small thank you for what these men went through to protect something bigger than them. I love this book and the miniseries. Read this if you love world war II or history at all. You won't regret it!
4. Excellent book - I read this years ago as I was a young cadet officer. Tried to model my leadership style off of Richard Winters. I don't if I succeeded. This is an outstanding book. A must read. Just be forewarned the publisher did a lousy job formatting it to the ePub format. Yet it is a worthy book
Release date: 2001-08-14 Genre:History $15.99
1. Books like this should be standard issue in school! - The author is excellent, he has the gift of drawing mental images that are so vivid you truly feel the emotions within the text. As far as the content, truly humbling. WWII provides countless stories of unimaginable adversity, courage, luck, grit, mental fortitude,terror and honor (to name a few concepts). This book provides a masterful illustration of the reality of Bomber Crews over Europe that are mostly unknown by the American Citizen. After reading this book, you will no doubt have a greater appreciation for the sacrifices these men made for us, and for the freedom they provided. Hopefully, it provides a reference of the true terror of war that is not glamorous as Hollywood depicts. It is pure hell and unnecessary.
Great read for anyone, but especially brilliant for those interested in war stories.
Release date: 2011-11-01 Genre:History $14.99
1. Brilliant Hard To Stop Reading - This is the first iBook I have ever read and reading it on a computer screen is a great help. The book is written in a pleasantly tight way. No urge to impatiently skip parts. Easy to read every word because the prose is so well done. Hastings use of letters from people from all sides, civilian and military alike bring the history to life. This is no dry history. It is visceral yet not sensational. It is unbiased in how he views all sides of this war. His projection of history as PEOPLE makes the book come alive and make a long book seem like a chapter so hungry does it make the reader to continue and read more and more. A truly brilliant history of WWII.
2. Enlightening - This book was actually recommended by a stranger that I met on a flight to Washington DC. A great book for those who appreciate an unclouded view of fact. At no point is this book yielding to PC view or opinion. This is the first book I have read since high school and because of Hastings, I now enjoy reading again.
3. Always Something New With Hastings - I've read Retribution, Armageddon, Winston's War and now Inferno by Max Hastings. I learn something new about the subject in each of his books and I have read a ton on WW. This book is a very good read but the entire war is too big a subject so Max can't cover everything in the detail I was accustomed to from Retribution and Armageddon. Winston's War was the best of the bunch and this is the weakest but still worth stars. Read them all if you can
Release date: 2022-04-19 $14.99
Release date: 2022-06-07 Genre:History $14.99
1. The Pope at War - This is easily one of the best books I have ever read. It is very well written. I could not understand some of the parts though, like what was going on. (Because of the complicated words) But overall I liked it, and it was a good book. I recommend this to anyone who likes historical fiction.
Release date: 2012-03-06 Genre:History $14.99
Release date: 2022-05-03 Genre:History $14.99
1. . Not a bad read. I think it could have been better. - This book contains some very interesting and disturbing information that is currently and historically valuable. I was waiting for an in-depth narrative as to what really makes these muslim fanatics tick, how do they see the world and why. That would have added greatly to the value of this book.
2. Outstanding - Another brilliant Killing book by O Reilly. This book goes into great detail describing the effort put into hunting the terrorist animals of this world. It leaves no doubt about just how effective the Trump administration was in combating theor evil. It also sheds incredible light on the shortcomings of the prior, and following administrations. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for the truth about the war on terror.
3. Not up to par - Poorly written. No cohesive narrative. And littered with Left-leaning ideology. (Obama’s inaction good. Trump bad.). One example: “American president Donald J. Trump fans the flames of US-Iran conflict with his personal response to the attacks: “We grieve and pray for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Iran, and for the Iranian people”. Fans the flames? By condemning a terror attack? Yet Obama’s inaction and appeasement is ignored, excused or praised. Overall, not particularly enjoyable, unlike some of their previous “killing” books.
Release date: 1960-11-11 $8.99
Release date: 2018-10-09 Genre:History $16.99
1. Killing the SS - The authors did an excellent job of weaving the individual stories together to make the transitions in this book easy to follow. I did feel the ending to the book was somewhat abrupt but the in-depth Prologue did a nice job of filling in the gaps. This book also does a nice job of leading the reader to other sources, so if the reader wants to dig deeper into one of the subjects written about in this book, I would start by reading the books used as sources for this book. This was the first book in the “Killing series’’ I have read and based on this book, I do plan to read “Killing Patton”.
2. A disappointment - A fan of WWII history, especially the rise and fall of the Third Reich, I was excited to read this book based on mostly positive reviews. I have read books and articles about the hunt for Nazis, and thought this would be a good addition, especially considering the focus on the SS. I learned a few new things, but found the book poorly written and sometimes hard to follow, as it seemed to be thrown together quickly without creating much suspense around the hunt and capture of these criminals. The stories of the famous Nazis such as Eichmann, Mengele, Borman and Barbie did not add much new material, especially around the network of groups who aided and abetted their escape, such as the Catholic Church. There was some new information, such as the stories of female camp guards that might make the investment worthwhile.
3. Duped - I have read all the Killing books. I enjoyed them all. Bought this one as soon as I saw it. Very disappointed. I don’t feel the topic or maybe how it was written warranted a Killing book. Kept wanting more and then it just ended. I have missed O’Reilly on Fox, but I won’t be so quick to buy his next book. Just didn’t work for me. Sorry. Maybe it should have been Killing Hitler and The SS
4. Reads like a US News article - I have enjoyed almost all of the “Killing . . .” Books. This one, however, is based on hear-say, rumor, and propaganda. Some of the stories — such as the actions of the dogs at the women’s camp — sound like a bad movie script, made up. The book is only fair, not up to the “Killing . . .” Standards.
5. The Best About The Worst - A terrific and most necessary read. O’Reilly, again, has researched and put together critical historical information in a way that is at once riveting, informative, educational and enjoyable. This book should be a must read in high school history class....but it will not be. Young people of today are being taught by omission, to think of the world as a potential global fantasyland. That a strong America is a deterrent from that fairy tale. They are being led to believe evil of the nature outlined in this book no longer exists; and in fact, our clueless youth don’t understand that this sort of evil ever existed and is in fact ready to raise its ugly head wherever weak and naive people close their eyes and ears. This book is so very important as it lays out how these monsters managed to gain control and what they were willing to do to keep it. And shamefully how western countries refused to see and act on the problem until six million perished and even then did not totally commit to eradication of anti semitism even today.
6. Excellent Historical Reference - This latest in the “killing series” is a very easy read even though the subject matter is disturbing. The authors style, detailing the location and time at the beginning of each chapter, puts the reader in an “at the moment” state which is where one wants to be when absorbing the information. I’ve read all the “killing” books and would rank this one somewhere mid-pack. A T Russo
Clifton Park, New York
Release date: 2014-09-23 Genre:History $9.99
1. An American Soldier - Patton was the greatest wartime General of all time. This book really gives the reader terrific insight into the man, his understanding of warfare and the enemy. It’s too bad his bosses didn’t let him do what needed to be done; it would be a very different and safer world today if they had let him win the war(s). Great read, very well written. -Brad
2. MAGA GK - What a great book! How concurrent is the story of Patton as a military genius and a establishment disruptor to that of US President . Fearing Patton’s ability to act and accomplish, the WW II military political infrastructure defaulted to equivocation and political correctness, thus neutering one of the great American heroes. The swamp/media treatment of Prez is strikingly similar. But what could one expect from the people Patton would would describe as cowards.
3. Fact not speculation - I enjoyed the book immensely. The writings, the interviews, and the Hollywood treatment could't begin to provide the narrative presented here. The only area detracting from my enjoyment was the "conspiracy" element. It was certainly spun that way. I understand the repeated close calls would have led anyone to question why. O'Reilly took it several steps beyond that. Was it a conspiracy or simply not researched deeply enough?
4. Riveting Read About the End of WWII - I couldn't put down this enjoyable and easy to read account of the conclusion of World War II. While the title suggests a singular focus on the colorful and beloved George S. Patton, the authors provide interesting context on every major figure in the war effort. Am I the only one that envisions George C. Scott's face when I read about Patton?
5. A book that all Americans need to read! - Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard do it again, tell a great story with facts as a thriller. Very hard to put this one down. I've considered myself well versed in history and about General Patton, but this book opened my eyes. Every American needs to read this book, our schools do not teach history anymore so it's up to us to know the facts.
6. Killing Patton: Authentically Awesome - Killing Patton, the book by O'Reilly and Dugard: Simply Awesome! - Read as an iBook since Christmas. Available as a Kindle book and in print. - My Dad and Mom used to talk about some of the nuances of WWII, which they knew of first hand while Dad served on General Eisenhower's Headquarters staff in Europe, which are captured in this book. - Writing style riveting and easy to read. Many thanks to Wife for gifting this iBook from her Apple account to me for Christmas! Enjoy!
7. Killing Patton - This book is a collection of weakly written accounts of the battles of WWII with only the end section devoted to the conspiracy theory about Patton's death. I enjoyed Killing Lincoln but the formula being used is being diluted as each Killing book comes out. It is worth a read I suppose but may be the last book of O'Reilly's that I buy. I enjoy Bill on television but I studied history and this book asks more questions than it answers.
8. The General himself would approve! - Superb book, I couldn't put it down. This book was so much more than a book about the circumstances surrounding General Patton's untimely death. Everything was extremely well researched and brilliantly tied together. I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in history.
Release date: 1987-05-12 Genre:History $8.99
1. If You Survive - George Wilson’s work here is the most riveting account of infantry combat that I have read. His portrayal of the pain and heartache of battle is graphically displayed here. All the contradictions of command in small unit engagements are shown clearly in this stupendous work. Bravo! Lieutenant Wilson.
2. Insightful and thought provoking - This is an outstanding book and very readable. One of the best WWII books I've read. This book makes it abundantly clear why they call this group "the greatest generation." The clarity of the depiction of war is excellent. This is a must read. My thanks to the author for serving our country and for writing this great book.
Release date: 2018-10-16 Genre:History $14.99
1. History according to Military Industrial complex - Another biased and mostly pro-Western narratives. Yes, there are atrocities & sufferings on all sides. But the big question, why did US went there in first place to prop up faltering French occupation, instead of supporting independence of Vietnam? This is not history, this is a perversion of history to absolve US military industrial complex.
Release date: 2007-10-02 Genre:History $13.99
1. Best of its class - I have read several books by this author and it ranks among the best I have ever read . As a professional soldier I can say his work excels at letting the reader see the decisions and how they affected the personality of the conflict . Lots of authors try and give the strategic view then vignettes of the " man at front " experience and very few have the ability to blend it together . This author does . He's very good at bringing these people to life - the pivotal figures and the and the regular people as well . I've read a lot professionally and for the enjoyment on these subjects and in my opinion these are stand alone history's of the us army in World War Two . Reads like fiction actually but these events really happened . He really got me on the other level too . His first book ; " an army at dawn " . His beginning - I had to stop reading for a moment when he talks of the cemetery - " of saddest words in the human language " . I can't say enough . I've read both of these twice and am waiting with out much patience for the rd installment . His first - " An army at dawn " - I give a . out of . The second - " Day of Battle " - I give the same , . out of . I read a lot too . Last stand of the tin can sailors - a time for trumpets - Alamo in the Ardennes - the green mountain boys - etc. And his ranks among the very top of the class . Beats Tom Brokaw any day and dare I say - Ambrose . Band of Brothers was top shelf but these stand right there with it . Of course - all my humble opinion .
2. The Day of Battle - This is the second book of a trilogy. A spectacular blow by blow accounting of the invasion of Europe through Sicily and up the boot of Italy all the way to the capture of Rome. If you're into an in-depth read on WWII, you'll definitely be satisfied with this volume. You'll want to dive right into the third volume once you've conquered the first two.
Release date: 2015-09-21 $15.99
Release date: 2007-10-30 Genre:History $11.99
Release date: 2015-03-10 Genre:History $13.99
1. Much-Anticipated, but Disappointed - Bound up in personal details without much substantive geopolitical detail, other than some conspiracy theories, about the part the story played in America’s intervention in WW. Proved to be a decent read until the end, when I realized that the last third of the book was dedicated to epilogue, appendices, and marketing material for Larson.
2. Long Winded - Basically I love historical books and delve into them with passion. I loved Devil in the White City, full of interesting details about a city I truly love. Dead Wake was so full of non essential people and their names, I could not keep track. So much minutiae that my brain glazed over. I was so ready to see the boat sink and put an end to the over winded dialogue. Sorry Erik, you are a great writer, but this book could have been at least a third shorter.
3. Dead Wake - One of the most special characters was Captain Turner. I found him , at time being written as very rough and unfriendly, as a very warm and brave person. I feel that in the minutes, of the sinking, that with his orders and calmness , in this terrifying situation, saved many lives. I was not surprised by the actions of the Admiralty. They were, as are officials, in the United States, really trying to cover their own huge mistakes. As a history and government major, I found this book , very accurate and historically correct. I fully annoyed reading this work. I truthfully found it difficult to lay it down. I wanted to continue really without stopping. I found Eric Larson,to be an excellent writer and look forward to read his other works
4. Amazing story - Dead Wake shows what historian/writers can achieve at their height. Like Tuchman or McCullough, Larson finds both the fact and the humanity. He can explain just enough about buoyancy while firing a torpedo or pressurized steam coming into contact with cold water. He can introduce us to a family without being maudlin, and insert a bit of humor without breaking the narrative (particularly when qouting someone who loves exclamation marks!!!). He also shows the fallabality of “history’s greats” and the greatness of ordinary people.
5. Dead Awakining - I like many Americans my age were taught that war was declared right after the sinking of the Lusitania. The story told by Mr. Larson was compelling and spellbinding. A great history lesson. Very tragic but entertaining reading. It gave me a new insight of Sir Winston Churchill. I lost a lot of respect for him after this narrative. I enjoy Mr. Larson's work's and hope he keeps writing for a long time and say kudos to his writing abilities.
6. Dead Wake: History well researched - Dead Wake by Erik Larson is a well researched and interesting book for history buffs and readers of non-fiction. Larson brings to light a number of little known details about the possibly preventable loss of the great liner, her passengers and crew. A history of the U-boat crew was totally unknown to this reader until now. Larson's descriptive style paints a vivid picture of the events. The epilogue of the survivors lives is particularly fascinating.
7. Phenomenal... - Larson's finest work to date...and they have all been amazing books! The amount of research put into this book is astounding. I loved Larson's ability to weave in and out from story to story. He captures the audience early and never lets go. What a wonderfully written, yet horribly sad piece of history.
8. Fiction readers will LOVE as much as history buffs - I had to exercise restraint to not devour this gripping book in one sitting. Vivid stories-within-The-Story make the past feel intensely present, and awfully connected as if these people lived and died in the present century. A masterpiece of storytelling I'll be sure to read again.
9. dead wake - A grand read. He is such a skilled communicator. I kept wishing for pictures, and then I discovered that they could be found on the URLs quoted in the footnotes. Makes reading uniquely advantageous. One can find profiles of all the people aboard, and I found my father's nanny Agnes Crosbie who survived.
10. Lusitania Larsen captivates again - I enjoy the depth of all of his books. The Devil in White City being the most terrifying This one is no less engrossing. It covers what seemed to be a well-known story. Rather it is far more than that. I well eagerly await the next non-fiction story of his while I strongly recommend this one
11. Revealing & Interesting - It was difficult to chose between & stars for this book because although it was educational and emotionally charged, there were too many insignificant characters to follow (or not!) and I found the two maps lacking important locations noted in the narrative. One detailed and inclusive map would have sufficed. Larson reveals many facts about the Lusitania affair which I never knew so a good history lesson. An interesting read overall...EAF
12. Very good - I must admit, that as one who reads much history , even I learned a lot in this read. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but the Brits might be culpable here. In my discussions with Brits on the sinking, they too suspect that this conspiracy theory might not be mere theory. Also, this should be made into a movie given the year anniversary of WW and the sinking of the Lusitania. As much garbage as Hollywood puts out, Larson's book would be excellent subject matter. So Larson, what's the next book? I've read three.
13. Dead Wake - This is a detailed story of doom. Don't think I will take a cruise any time soon. Wonderful detail. I have always been Churchill fan and this book gave him a little smear that was new to me. Learning how politicians can play God is always sad but Dead Wake really gives a horrible picture of this process with great detail.
14. Did not disappoint - I have such confidence in Erik Larson’s talent as a good story teller that I pre-ordered Dead Wake. I was not disappointed. He masterfully weaves the elements of this event into the tragic human tapestry it is., Drawing upon primary sources such as U’s log, the inquiry after the fact, letters from passengers, correspondence through the British Admiralty, accounts from those who brought the victims ashore, Larson cements his historical credibility once again. It was such a good read. Be sure to read Sources and Acknowledgements.