プーチン・ロシア暴走!――2022年2月、ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻は、世界のパワーバランスを大きく変えた。20世紀の時代に歴史の針が逆戻りしたかのような世界。ロシアVS欧米の対立構造は、「新・東西冷戦」の到来ともいえる。そして、もう一つの大国「中国」はどう動くのか? 混沌とした世界がどこへ向かっていくのか、歴史的背景を交えながら“世界のいま”を池上...
発売日: 2022-06-10 ¥1,000
衰退途上国から脱け出すために――。 なぜ、いつも頭(トップ)から腐るのか!? 不正で、無能で、腐敗した組織が続く構造的理由を、レジーム分析を続ける政治学者が剔抉する。 悪徳の三拍子がそろった時代。 不正=間違った政治理念を追求。ないしは、その理念に動機付けられている 無能=統治能力が不足している 腐敗=権力を私物化し、乱用している 第二次安倍政権以降...
発売日: 2022-06-10 ¥1,100
A LANDMARK WORK OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. A GLOBAL BESTSELLER. STILL AS RELEVANT TODAY. With the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 the threat of the Cold War which had dominated the second half of the twentieth century vanished. And with it the West looked to the future with optimism but renewed uncertainty. The End of History and the Last Man was the first book to offer a picture of what the new century would look like. Boldly outlining the challenges and problems to face modern liberal democracies, F...
発売日: 1993-01-28 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,400
2022年で第13弾となる新書『知らないと恥をかく世界の大問題」シリーズ。このシリーズと連動する形のテーマ別・ベストシリーズ刊行開始! その第1弾のテーマは「中国」。厄介な隣人ともいわれる中国は、日本にとってはもちろん、世界にとっても無視することのできない大国となった。この厄介な隣人とうまく付き合うためには、相手をしっかり知る必要がある。大明...
発売日: 2022-06-20 ¥1,800
Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars, outsourcing inmates to for-profit prisons, auctioning admission to elite universities, or selling citizenship to immigrants willing to pay? Isn't there something wrong with a world in which everything is for sale? In recent decades, market values have crowded out nonmarket norms in almost every aspect of life-m...
発売日: 2012-04-26 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
「抵抗する者はその場で殺せ」。麻薬撲滅戦争で6000人以上殺す一方で治安改善、経済発展を成し遂げ、支持率82%を記録。なぜ強権的指導者が歓迎されるのか? 現地在住記者が綴った、フィリピンの実像。 【目次】 序 章 いままでにない大統領 第1章 ドゥテルテの町ダバオ 第2章 麻薬戦争 第3章 左派的だった国内政策 第4章 親中に転換させた外 第5章 高度経済成長と新型コ...
発売日: 2022-11-10 ¥1,100
2022年で第13弾となった新書『知らないと恥をかく世界の大問題』シリーズ。この新書のテーマ別ベストシリーズの刊行を開始。第2弾のテーマは「アメリカ」。 第2次世界大戦後、覇権国家として君臨してきたアメリカも変容しつつある。しかし、世界の今を把握するには、やはりアメリカを知ることが重要だ。中国との対立の激化、ウクライナ危機後のロシアとの新たな...
発売日: 2022-10-28 ¥1,800
「彼が生きていれば、太平洋戦争は起こらなかった」――近年再評価が進む、帝国陸軍の至宝・永田鉄山(1884-1935)。これまであまり世に出てこなかった永田自身の文書や発言録から、戦間期に残した論考6編を収録。その冷静かつ合理的な分析が訴える、あるべき国家の姿とは? 詳細な解説を加え、昭和の大日本帝国を支えた理論・思想の背骨を明らかにしてゆく。
発売日: 2017-08-09 ¥2,200
SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER ‘The most important book of the year’ Daily Mail The brilliant and provocative new book from one of the world’s foremost political writers ‘The anti-Western revisionists have been out in force in recent years. It is high time that we revise them in turn…’ In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Weste...
発売日: 2022-04-28 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,600
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (simplified Chinese: 毛主席语录; traditional Chinese: 毛主席語錄; pinyin: Máo Zhǔxí Yǔlù) is a book of statements from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong (formerly romanized as Mao Tse-tung), the former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution. The most popular versions were printed in small sizes that could be easily carried and were bound in bright red ...
発売日: 2020-04-24 ¥100
Demystifying the key ideas of the world's greatest philosophers, and exploring all of the most important branches of thought including philosophy of science, philosophy of religion and feminist philosophy in a uniquely visual way, this ebook is the perfect introduction to the history of philosophy. A clear and accessible guide to philosophy, How Philosophy Works combines bold infographics and jargon-free text to demystify fundamental concepts. Covering everything from ethics to epistemology and ...
発売日: 2019-07-04 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥950
Friedrich Nietzsche (Born: 15 October 1844 – Died: 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24. Nietzsche resi...
発売日: 2020-10-06 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
Plato All works in one Book Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Cratylus. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Parmenides. Philebus. Symposium. Phaedrus. Alcibiades. Second Alcibiades. Hipparchus. Rival Lovers. Theages. Charmides. Laches. Lysis. Euthydemus. Protagoras. Gorgias. Meno. Greater Hippias. Lesser Hippias. Ion. Menexenus. Clitophon. Republic. Timaeus. Critias. Minos. Laws. Epinomis. Letters. Definitions. On Justice. On Virtue. Demodocus. Sisyphus. Halcyon. Eryxias. Axiochus. Epigrams.
発売日: 2020-09-14 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
大正十三年十二月三十日印刷 大正十四年一月五日発行 発行所 大村書店 ヴィルヘルム・ヴィンデルバント 著 戸坂潤 訳 訳者序 原著序文 第一及び第二版序文 第三版序文 第一講 問題の分析 第二講 行動の自由 第三講 選択の自由 第四講 選択の自由(続き) 第五講 選択の自由(結論) 第六講 道徳的自由 第七講 意欲の自由 第八講 意志の自由(続き) 第九講 意欲の自由(続き) 第十...
発売日: 2022-04-22 ¥1,000
カール・マルクス 著 西 雅雄 訳 昭和二十四年二月十日印刷 昭和二十四年二月二十五日第一刷 発行発行所 岩波書店 訳者序 エンゲルスの序文 ブラッケ宛のマルクスの添手紙 ドイツ労働者党綱領評註 ゴータ綱領に関するエンゲルスの手紙より ベーベル宛の手紙* ブラッケ宛の手紙 ベーベル宛の手紙 カウツキー宛の手紙* 付録 ロンドン、ロング・エーカー、セント・マル...
発売日: 2022-04-22 ¥1,000
『イスラエルとユダヤ人』 世界の鍵となる国を第一人者が徹底解説する。 「全世界に同情されながら死に絶えるよりも、全世界を敵に回しても生き残る」 これがイスラエルの国是だ。 世界の政治・経済エリートへ大きな影響力を有す情報(インテリジェンス)大国。 中東と世界情勢を分析するには避けては通れない国だが、その実態はあまりにも知られていない。 「イス...
発売日: 2022-03-25 ¥3,000
尖閣から日本漁船が消える日。 最前線では毎日なにが起きているのか? 漁業から日中台の国境紛争の現実が見える。 現地調査を続ける漁業経済学者による、渾身の論考! 漁業は国際情勢を映し出す鏡だ。 尖閣諸島での「唯一の経済活動」、それが漁業である。 海の上に線は引けない。漁業活動は食糧安全保障に直結しているばかりか国土維持活動ともなっている。 日本...
発売日: 2021-12-10 ¥1,000
Aristotle: All work in one Book 1. The Athenian Constitution 2. Categories 3. On Dreams 4. On the Gait of Animals 5. On Generation and Corruption 6. On the Heavens 7. The History of Animals 8. On Interpretation 9. On Longevity and Shortness of Life 10. On Memory and Reminiscence 11. Metaphysics 12. Meteorology 13. On the Motion of Animals 14. Nicomachean Ethics 15. On the Parts of Animals 16. Physics 17. Poetics 18. Politics 19. Posterior Analytics 20. Prior Analytics 21. On Prophesying b...
発売日: 2020-09-19 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
'People can only be free in relation to one another.' Three exhilarating and inspiring essays in which the great twentieth-century political philosopher argues that there can be no freedom without politics, and no politics without freedom. One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists.
発売日: 2020-09-24 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥650
Charles Handy is one of the giants of contemporary thought. His books on management – including Understanding Organizations and Gods of Management – have changed the way we view business. His work on broader issues and trends – such as Beyond Certainty and The Second Curve – has changed the way we view society. In his new book, Handy builds on a life's work to glimpse into the future and see what challenges and opportunities the next generation faces. How will people cope with change in ...
発売日: 2019-06-27 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
In a divided world, empathy is not the solution, it is the problem. We think of empathy – the ability to feel the suffering of others for ourselves – as the ultimate source of all good behaviour. But while it inspires care and protection in personal relationships, it has the opposite effect in the wider world. As the latest research in psychology and neuroscience shows, we feel empathy most for those we find attractive and who seem similar to us and not at all for those who are different, di...
発売日: 2017-02-02 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
A new translation of Voltaire's Treatise on Toleration, one of the most important essays on religious tolerance and freedom of thought A powerful, impassioned case for the values of freedom of conscience and religious tolerance, Treatise on Toleration was written after the Toulouse merchant Jean Calas was falsely accused of murdering his son and executed on the wheel in 1762. As it became clear that Calas had been persecuted by 'an irrational mob' for being a Protestant, the Enlightenment philos...
発売日: 2016-08-04 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,000
Where do you stand on the junior doctors' strike? Is the NHS in danger of sliding away from us? If so, what can we do to save it? An ebook short. Originally published in Zoe's election 2015 book, Get It Together: Why We Deserve Better Politics, this fully updated digital short tells you everything you need to know about why the NHS is so important. Why since its inception the NHS has been vital to election wins, the reasons why junior doctors are now striking and why we really do have one of the...
発売日: 2016-03-09 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥200
What would the ancient Greek philosopher make of the twenty-first-century Google headquarters? A dazzling exploration of the role of ancient philosophy in modern life from the acclaimed writer and thinker. Imagine that Plato came to life in the twenty-first century and embarked on a multi-city speaking tour. How would he mediate a debate between a Freudian psychoanalyst and a 'tiger mum' on how to raise the perfect child? How would he handle the host of a right-wing news program who denies there...
発売日: 2014-07-03 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,100
In Trouble in Paradise, Slavoj Žižek, one of our most famous, most combative philosophers, explains how by drawing on the ideas of communism, we can find a way out of the crisis of capitalism. There is obviously trouble in the global capitalist paradise. But why do we find it so difficult to imagine a way out of the crisis we're in? It is as if the trouble feeds on itself: the march of capitalism has become inexorable, the only game in town. Setting out to diagnose the condition of global capi...
発売日: 2014-11-27 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
In one of the most influential philosophical works ever writer, John Stuart Mill explores the risks and responsibilities of liberty. Examining the tyranny that can come both from government and from the herd-like opinion of the majority, Mill proposes a freedom to think, unite, and pursue our pleasures as the most important freedoms, as long as we cause no harm to others. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each...
発売日: 2010-08-26 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥550
Already a classic, this landmark account of early Western thought now appears in a new edition with expanded coverage of the Middle Ages. The Dream of Reason takes a fresh look at the writings of the great thinkers of classic philosophy and questions many pieces of conventional wisdom. The book invites comparison with Bertrand Russell's monumental History of Western Philosophy , "but Gottlieb's book is less idiosyncratic and based on more recent scholarship" (Colin McGinn, Los Angeles Times ). A...
発売日: 2001-09-27 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
'Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.' To this 'one very simple principle' the whole of Mill's essay On Liberty is dedicated. While many of his immediate predecessors and contemporaries, from Adam Smith to Godwin and Thoreau, had celebrated liberty, it was Mill who organized the idea into a philosophy, and put it into the form in which it is generally known today. The editor of this essay, Gertrude Himmelfarb records responses to Mill's books and comments on his...
発売日: 2003-07-31 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥850