夢や願いがかなう人と、かなわない人の違いってなんだろう? うまくいく人とうまくいかない人の違いってなんだろう? 才能? 環境? 運? 実は、それよりももっと大切なことがありますと、ベストセラー『自分を変える魔法の「口ぐせ」』(かんき出版)の著者が、中高生に語りかけます。未来はいつも使っている言葉しだい。いい口ぐせを使って楽天的にものを考えられる人...
発売日: 2012-11-17 ¥950
発売日: 2012-11-17 ¥950
発売日: 2008-11-18 ¥1,200
We use water, electricity, and the internet every day--but how do they actually work? And what’s the plan to keep them running for years to come? This nonfiction science graphic novel takes readers on a journey from how the most essential systems were developed to how they are implemented in our world today and how they will be used in the future. What was the first message sent over the internet? How much water does a single person use every day? How was the electric light invented? For every...
発売日: 2023-03-14 ¥1,300
2010年に精神を病んだファンを騙る男に刺殺されて亡くなった、 元祖「鬼畜電波系ライター」村崎百郎の処女作にして唯一の単著であり、サブカルチャーの アンダーグラウンドな一冊『鬼畜のススメ』。長く絶版となっていた本書が大幅なボリュームアップ(特典付録付き)を加えた電子書籍版で復活!
発売日: 1996-07-30 ¥1,100
中学・高校で習う古典学習にも役立つ! 3大随筆の「枕草子」を楽しく読み解こう! 2018年4月から19年3月に朝日小学生新聞で連載していた「枕草子 いとめでたし!」が本になりました! 枕草子は日本3大随筆の一つ。天皇のきさきである中宮定子をお世話していた清少納言が、平安時代の宮廷の生活や自然のようすなどの感想を約300の短い文章(章段)でつづったものです。その中...
発売日: 2019-09-30 ¥1,200
===キャンペーン情報==== ★☆1,000冊限定☆★ 定価500円が300円で買えるチャンス! この機会にぜひご一読下さい =============== 【内容紹介】 『親という名の暴力』(高文研2012年10月刊)と 『私は親に殺された!』(朝日新聞出版2015年1月刊)の著者が、 今回初めて電子書籍に挑戦しました。 2つの紙の本に詳しく述べられている通り、 著者は乳幼児期からつい最近に至るまで、 50年余...
発売日: 2015-02-27 ¥300
2010年に精神を病んだファンを騙る男に刺殺されて亡くなった、 元祖「鬼畜電波系ライター」村崎百郎の処女作にして唯一の単著であり、サブカルチャーの アンダーグラウンドな一冊『鬼畜のススメ』の第2巻!
発売日: 2021-02-27 ¥650
"The Diary of a Young Girl" (also known as "The Diary of Anne Frank") is a book of the writings from the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family was apprehended in 1944, and Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. # Audio Sound Included Beautiful fairy tale and story for imaginative children 01 _ Hansel and Gretel 02 _ Rapunzel 03 _ Jack and the Beanstalk 04 ...
発売日: 2015-06-01 ¥350
Feelings and Emotions is part of the Copy Cats: SENTENCES series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce simple sentences, grouped by type or theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn how to express feelings and emotions, using sentences such as I'm happy, I'm angry, I'm hungry, I'm cold and I'm surprised . • 24 individual sentences • enhanced with authentic audio • dual mod...
発売日: 2014-01-25 ¥350
「箱根駅伝」 あなたはこの言葉から何を想像しますか? 山上りの5区、花の2区、東洋大学、駒沢大学、山の神柏原、留学生ランナーetc. あなたはどんなことを思い浮かべたでしょうか? 箱根駅伝は毎年お正月に行われる伝統の駅伝です。近年では知名度も上がっていて、多くの人が知るスポーツイベントとなりました。 しかし「箱根駅伝について何か...
発売日: 2014-11-05 ¥300
発売日: 2017-12-18 ¥1,100
発売日: 2004-04-19 ¥950
Wild Animals is part of the Copy Cats: WORDS series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce individual words, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn the names of animals such as elephant, lion, monkey, bear and zebra . • 26 individual items of vocabulary • enhanced with authentic audio • dual mode – with or without written words • compatible with leading Yo...
発売日: 2013-08-14 ¥300
発売日: 2018-11-16 ¥1,100
An adaptation of the business classic Getting Things Done for teenage readers The most interconnected generation in history is navigating unimaginable amounts of social pressure, both in personal and online interactions. Very little time, focus, or education is being spent teaching and coaching this generation how to navigate this unprecedented amount of "stuff" entering their lives each day. How do we help the overloaded and distracted next generation deal with increasing complexity...
発売日: 2018-07-10 ¥1,000
I Can … is part of the Copy Cats: SENTENCES series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce simple sentences, grouped by type or theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn to talk about things they can do with their bodies. Common verbs are taught within the context of sentences such as I can jump, I can see, I can dance, I can push and I can shout . • 24...
発売日: 2014-07-09 ¥350
Fruit and Vegetables is part of the Copy Cats: WORDS series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce individual words, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn the names of fruits and vegetables such as apple, banana, tomato, potato, onion and lemon. 24 individual items of vocabulary enhanced with authentic audio dual mode – with or without ...
発売日: 2013-08-28 ¥350
発売日: 2009-10-13 ¥1,200
This “Sign of the Beaver” activity guide is set up so it can be used as a unit plan for the teacher, or used by students in literature circles. It is broken up into a 14 day plan, and includes chapter questions, vocabulary, writing prompts, reading comprehension questions, and projects. This would work great for a homeschooler following along with the book!
発売日: 2012-03-16 ¥450
博報堂スピーチライター・ひきたよしあきからの84の手紙。「今」に生きる子どもたちへ贈る言葉を通して育む、読解力、思考力、文章力、表現力。 『大勢の中のあなたへ2』は、リアルな子どもの悩みがたくさん出てきます。朝日小学生新聞で2017年4月~18年3月に連載されたものですが、子どもたちの喜び、悲しみに応えてきた歴史がつづられています。子どもたちと作...
発売日: 2018-07-25 ¥1,200
Infunde una gota de magia en tu vida diaria. La nueva tendencia sobre la brujería como método para el autoconocimiento. Nos estamos despertando. Y con nuestros ojos mirando la Luna, recordamos la verdad eterna. Eres una bruja. Estás hecha de magia. Es hora de recordar. Guiada por la escritora, alquimista de la moda y bruja moderna Gabriela Herstik, descubrirás el antiguo arte de la brujería para que puedas encontrar una marca de magia que funcione para ti. Desde trabajar con cristales, taro...
発売日: 2018-10-18 ¥1,100
発売日: 2015-05-31 ¥700
小学生のうちに覚えておきたい77個のことわざを、簡潔なストーリーと楽しいイラストでわかりやすく解説する、朝日小学生新聞が贈る質の高い学習読みものです。クイズなどのお楽しみ要素ももりだくさんで、朝の10分読書にもオススメです。すべての漢字にふりがながついているので、低学年のお子様でも無理なく読めます。 ■生物にまつわることわざ 虻蜂取らず、...
発売日: 2015-03-31 ¥700
How Many? is part of the Copy Cats: PHRASES series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce short phrases, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn how to form plurals and describe quantities, using phrases such as three sheep, eleven paintbrushes, thirteen leaves and a lot of people. There is a guide to forming plurals, as well as a list of irregular plurals, at the en...
発売日: 2015-03-06 ¥350
発売日: 2005-12-19 ¥950
Baden-Powell's ideas in Scouting for Boys led to the formation of the largest, most widespread and longest enduring young persons’ movement in history. This ebook reproduces the text and images of the Australian edition, printed in 1982 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Scouting. A lively read, you'll see why the spirit of Baden-Powell's inspirational and common sense wisdom lives on today.
発売日: 2015-01-07 ¥250
Clothes is part of the Copy Cats: WORDS series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce individual words, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn the names of clothes such as skirt, T-shirt, pants, gloves, socks and belt . • 24 individual items of vocabulary • enhanced with authentic audio • dual mode – with or without written words • compatible with leading ...
発売日: 2014-04-01 ¥350
Transport is part of the Copy Cats: WORDS series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce individual words, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn the names of means of transport such as car, plane, ambulance, bus, motorbike and van . 24 individual items of vocabulary enhanced with authentic audio dual mode – with or without written words compatible with leading You...
発売日: 2013-12-29 ¥350
Free Time is part of the Copy Cats: WORDS series for children learning English. The books in this series introduce individual words, grouped by theme. All titles feature native speaker audio on every page. In this book, fabulous photographs and clear audio help children learn the names of things they might use in their free time such as camera, football, CD player, tent, bike and guitar. 24 individual items of vocabulary enhanced with authentic audio dual mode – with...
発売日: 2013-08-28 ¥350
500 Writing Prompts for Kids is a book full of story-starters catered to the elementary school age group that is perfect for your language arts curriculum! Writing on a variety of topics (50 topics in total) can help to improve your students' imagination, creativity, reading skills, vocabulary and comprehension. These 500 prompts are open-ended questions that stimulate the imagination even in the youngest learner, and they can help students to become independently literate. Teachers (and parents...
発売日: 2011-03-29 ¥350
Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know serves up classic tales from classic stories. One Eye, Two Eye, Three Eye The Magic Mirror The Enchanted Stag Hansel and Gretel The Story of Aladdin; or, The Wonderful Lamp The History of Ali Baba, and of the Forty Robbers Killed by One Slave The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor The White Cat The Golden Goose The Fair One with the Golden Locks Tom Thumb Blue Beard Cindrella; or The Little Glass Slipper Puss in Boots The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood Jac...
発売日: 2010-11-09 ¥100
The Secret is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of people to live extraordinary lives. The Secret to Teen Power makes that knowledge accessible and relevant to today's teens. It explains the law of attraction in relation to teen issues such as friends and popularity, schoolwork, self-image, and relationships. It explains how teens can transform their own lives and live their dreams.
発売日: 2009-09-15 ¥1,400
Geometry? No problem! This Big Fat Notebook covers everything you need to know during a year of high school geometry class, breaking down one big bad subject into accessible units. Learn to study better and get better grades using mnemonic devices, definitions, diagrams, educational doodles, and quizzes to recap it all. Featuring: Logic and reasoningParallel linesTriangles and congruence Trapezoids and kitesRatio and proportion The pythagorean theorem ...
発売日: 2020-09-29 ¥1,700
SOON TO BE A NETFLIX FILM DIRECTED BY AMERICA FERRERA Instant New York Times Bestseller ‘ I fell in love with Erika L. Sánchez’ stunning novel... The depth, wit and searing intelligence of her writing, and her young Latina heroine, struck me to my core.’ America Ferrera ‘This gripping debut about a Mexican-American misfit is alive and crackling.’ New York Times ‘A perfect book about imperfection.’ Juan Felipe Herrera The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian meets Jane the V...
発売日: 2022-03-03 ¥760
発売日: 2011-01-18 ¥2,600
What is a ketogenic diet? Keto stray pieces The ketogenic diet is a special low carb, high fat eating schedule that confers various resemblances to the Atkins and low carb tallies calories. It incorporates unquestionably reducing sugar utilization and replacing it with fat. This diminishing in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Right when this happens, your body finishes up being staggeringly useful at burning-through fat for energy. It moreover turns fat into keto...
発売日: 2021-07-17 ¥450
発売日: 2014-06-24 ¥2,800
El libro se desarrolla a través de unos manuscritos creados por el propio protagonista, Harry Haller, los cuales son presentados al lector por un conocido de Harry en la introducción de la obra. Dentro de los manuscritos se narran los problemas, la vida del protagonista y su difícil relación con el mundo y consigo mismo.
発売日: 2021-04-29 ¥250
From probability to statistics and from algebra to geometry, this e-guide makes complex topics easy to grasp at a glance. Perfect support for coursework, homework, and exam revision. Each topic on the Maths curriculum is broken down into bitesize chunks, to make it simple to understand and accessible for all students. There are colourful diagrams and graphs to make each concept crystal clear and bring maths into focus for visual learners and even the most reluctant mathematicians. Information pa...
発売日: 2021-06-03 ¥700
Gramatică în imagini – de ce? Unul dintre motive îl reprezinți chiar tu și probabil motivația care te-a determinat să ții această carte în mâini! Cei mai mulți oameni care învață o limbă străină ajung la un moment dat să studieze și gramatică. Nu tuturor le este ușor, unii chiar se sperie de multitudinea de texte și de regulile imposibile și ... renunță. Multe dintre aceste persoane se încadrează în așa-numitul „tip vizual“, ceea ce înseamnă că învață mu...
発売日: 2016-04-12 ¥950
発売日: 2020-10-08 ¥1,200
発売日: 2019-11-30 ¥1,200
発売日: 2020-06-26 ¥1,200
In his latest graphic novel, Dragon Hoops , New York Times bestselling author Gene Luen Yang turns the spotlight on his life, his family, and the high school where he teaches. Gene understands stories—comic book stories, in particular. Big action. Bigger thrills. And the hero always wins. But Gene doesn’t get sports. As a kid, his friends called him “Stick” and every basketball game he played ended in pain. He lost interest in basketball long ago, but at the high school where he now teac...
発売日: 2020-03-17 ¥1,600
"If I could pick one book to hand to every teen—and adult—on earth, this is the one. True or False is accessible, thorough, and searingly honest, and we desperately needed it." —Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda A former CIA analyst unveils the true history of fake news and gives readers tips on how to avoid falling victim to it in this highly designed informative YA nonfiction title. "Fake news" is a term you’ve probably heard a lot in the last few years, but...
発売日: 2020-07-28 ¥1,200
This insightful and detailed guide will help middle schoolers and high schoolers survive adolescence . . . with style! Whether you're craving some advice on after-school snacks or what to wear to prom, looking for a bedroom make-better, or searching for ways to work what you've got to become your best self, get ready to celebrate all the things that make you you with a little help from The Fab Five!
発売日: 2020-05-26 ¥850
What is a bumbershoot? Or a moonbow? And what does it mean when someone absquatulates...? Find out all this and more in The Dictionary of Difficult Words . Test your knowledge with more than 400 words to amaze, confuse, and inspire budding wordsmiths (and adults). All of the words featured in this book are difficult to spell, hard to say, and their meanings are obscure to most children (and most adults)! You can master them with the simple, easy-to-understand definitions and pronunciat...
発売日: 2019-05-07 ¥1,800
発売日: 2019-05-31 ¥1,300
発売日: 2018-10-31 ¥1,300