【毎週月曜17時配信!】TBSラジオ記者澤田大樹と選挙ライター宮原ジェフリーがお送りする「政治を道楽として楽しむ」番組。 「なんとかしてもう少し国民に元気を付けて、そうして政治の趣味を付けることが急務である。」 ーーーーーーーこれは内閣総理大臣を務めた大隈重信の言葉だ。 特撮好きが特撮を語るように、K-POP好きがK-POPを語るように、必ずしもタメにな...
発売日: 2023-03-27
■産経Podcast オススメの歴史番組 ・『教科書検定「侵略→進出」は大誤報だった/歴史の真相~本当はこうだった』:学校の教科書には決して載っていない、歴史の暗部。歴史上の転換点や人物について、史実を掘り起こしていきます。 ・『戦後史開封』:戦後の日本の歴史を織りなす様々な出来事を再取材し、知られざるエピソードを発掘します。 ・『宮本雅史が語...
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. 新聞との連携を - もう少し産経新聞の記事と連携しないと、ワイドショーと同じレベルになってしまうのかなと思います。紙面での報道の深化を正論で述べているという分かりやすいモノにして欲しいかな。産経新聞 正論となっている。
2. 良識 - 良識的な話です。
Listen to "NBC Nightly News," providing reports and analysis of the day's most newsworthy national and international events. This audio podcast, updated each weekday evening by NBCNews.com, brings you the day's show in its entirety. For more from "Nightly News", visit http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news
発売日: 2023-03-26
1. Personally his voice is easy to listen. - I like this tune. For personally his voice I mean Lester’s voice is so easy to listen.
This tune has a good atmosphere and I can feel detail about recent situation of USA.
I guess this tune has not much bias. Thus it helps me to think about in wide sight of scene. We better thought about a things from both side. For instance we need to consider about both such who injured victim person and aggressor. Anyway this tune is easy to listen for me.
Wake-up with America's first news - Host Gordon Deal goes beyond the headlines with the day's first look at news and business news from the U.S. and around the world; bringing a lively blend of intelligent information, humor, and expert analysis to morning radio.
発売日: 2023-03-25
1. 始まりの女性アナウンスメントは何と言ってます? - 通勤で聞いてます。分ぐらいで毎日聞いていたらリスニング力伸びそう。ゴードンさんの話すテンポもユーモアも入りとても良いです。年代〜年代音楽も各トピック毎に入り、イントロのギターリフカッティングはなかなかワクワクさせます。 ※始まりのスポンサー紹介⁈時にアナウンスは【レイォ】と言ってるかな?
2. テンポの良さとゴードンのアメリカ人らしいウィットについほくそ笑んでしまいます。 - ピックアップするトピックが無駄なく、テンポ良く進んで行くのですが、ゴードンさんの茶目っ気のあるユーモア、アメリカ人らしくっていいですねー。いつも電車の中で聞いているのですが、ほくそ笑んでしまいます。又、間奏のBGMもトピックに合わせて選曲されていたりで、アド街ック天国のBGMネタのノリで曲当てをしてるリスナーの方も多いのでは?
3. 毎日聞いています - 非常に良質。キチンと毎日アップデートされており、分かりやすい英語でしゃべっていますので、 勉強ツールとしてもお勧めです。勿論、米国最新経済・ビジネス事情をおさえていますので、 私は興味を持って聞いています。
政治や外交、時には生活に関する話題まで独自の目線でニュースを斬る! 読売テレビ高岡解説委員長による「かんさい情報ネットten.」の解説コーナー「タカオカ目線」 読売テレビで月~金夕方4:50放送中 テレビ本編の音声編集の配信となります(週2回) 尚、都合により配信を休止する可能性がございます
発売日: 2023-03-22
"This Week with George Stephanopoulos" is ABC News’ pre-eminent Sunday morning discussion program, featuring newsmaker interviews and panel discussions and debates on a wide range of global issues and commentary, putting into unique perspective the preceding week’s news, and often setting the stage for the week ahead.
発売日: 2023-03-19
1. リスニング教材としては最高レベル - 内容は著名人のインタビュー(最近ではゴア元副大統領、ライス国務長官など)、討論と続き、最後にコメディアンのお笑いと盛りだくさんです。全体で分くらいあり、かなりのボリュームです。しかも話されている内容は、NHKの日曜討論などの討論番組を英語にしたようなレベルで、専門用語も多く登場するほか、言い間違いや人が同時に発言することもあり、超本格的です。英語上級者向けであることはまちがいありませんが、ここで話されている内容がきっちり理解できれば、お墨付きでしょう。ただありがたいのは、毎週月曜日の午後二時過ぎからNHK-BS1で放送があり、それをあらかじめ見て、内容をある程度つかんでおけば、聞きやすくなることです。videoのものがよければ、同じABCのWorld News Nowの方をお勧めします。そちらではこの司会者のステファノプーロスもたまに登場します。
発売日: 2023-03-18
Foreign Affairs invites you to join its editor, Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, as he talks to influential thinkers and policymakers about the forces shaping the world. Whether the topic is the war in Ukraine, the United States’ competition with China, or the future of globalization, Foreign Affairs’ biweekly podcast offers the kind of authoritative commentary and analysis that you can find in the magazine and on the website.
発売日: 2023-03-23
《404档案馆》讲述中国审查与反审查的故事,同时以文字、音频和视频的形式发布。 中国数字时代(CDT)是一个中英双语的网站,致力于记录和传播中文互联网上被审查的信息,以及人们对抗政治压迫的努力。 欢迎访问我们的网站:https://cdt.media 在电报(Telegram)平台投稿:https://t.me/cdtmedia_bot
発売日: 2023-03-23
Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washington and the campaign trail. They don't just tell you what happened. They tell you why it matters. Every afternoon. Political wonks - get wonkier with The NPR Politics Podcast+. Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/politics
発売日: 2023-03-24
Hear our take on the news and enjoy sharp reporting on the big stories every weekday. Tune in as our guest panel reviews the day’s events in Europe, follows developing stories in the Americas and welcomes early risers in Asia and Australasia. Plus: reports and analysis from Monocle’s correspondents and bureaux around the world. Nominated for ‘Best Daily Podcast’ in the 2022 British Podcast Awards.
発売日: 2023-03-23
Four former aides to President Obama—Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor—are joined by journalists, politicians, activists, and more for a no-b******t conversation about politics. They cut through the noise to break down the week’s news, and help people figure out what matters and how they can help. You can listen to new episodes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
発売日: 2023-03-20
1. Lovett on Fire in Debate Review - Some great concrete suggestions from Jon on how each candidate can pursue the nomination without undermining the eventual nominee! The other guys chipped in, but somehow it’s Jon’s comments that blew me away. This is really unusual; you guys should get a Poddy for this, standing out among all the complaints-only “I wish you had not done that” pods.
Also recommended on the next podcast over (Bulwark) is Will Saletan “Thursday Fight Night” for the conservative viewpoint. You guys should get together with him, he has strong and IMO useful insights. Sadly I can’t think of any usual suspect NeverTrumper who contributes more than complaints about “circular firing squads”, but Will is the real deal. Re: Jason Isbell might save America!
Classic interview! Not too heavy on politics, with some excellent guitar talk! (Total wannabe myself but it’s encouraging to know that there are people out there who have the guitars of their dreams.) It was fun to hear him talking about the musicians who’ve been my heroes (Steve Earle is another good one for that). One tiny problem I got: in talking about how critical musical patriotism is the best patriotism, how could you not mention John Prine!!?! I have a bone to pick about “conservatism” though: Barack was right, because words should have a meaning. Conservatism doesn’t mean “right-wingnut plutocracy,” at least not among my follows: RadioFreeTom, TheRickWilson, greg_doucette. Lots to disagree with there but food for thought too.
Breaking Points is a fearless anti-establishment multi-week Youtube and Podcast which holds the powerful to account hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti
発売日: 2023-03-23
Du lundi au vendredi, Amandine Bégot accompagnée de la rédaction de RTL, donneront des éclairages différents, opposés ou complémentaires sur une question d’actualité.
発売日: 2023-03-24
Checks and Balance unlocks American politics by taking a big theme each week and digging into the data, the ideas, and the history shaping the country. Join John Prideaux, Charlotte Howard, Idrees Kahloon and Jon Fasman as they talk to politicians, pollsters, academics and people across the country about the great experiment of American democracy. Join the team every Friday. For more from Checks and Balance, sign up at https://www.economist.com/newsletters/checks-and-balance to receive our week...
発売日: 2023-03-24
Guardian political columnist John Harris hosts a cast of voices from up and down the country as well as across the political spectrum to analyse the week’s political news. For US Politics with Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland, make sure to search 'Politics Weekly America' wherever you get your podcasts
発売日: 2023-03-17
【聽天下】天下雜誌精闢觀點、深度解析,不只用看的也可以用聽的! 提供聚焦財經、國際、趨勢的優質新聞、訪談與評論,天天更新。 【天下零時差】早上8點聽天下,掌握國際、財經趨勢零時差。 【決策者・聽天下】天下總編輯對話決策朋友圈,導讀天下封面故事。 【阿榕伯胡說科技】科技輕鬆聊,天下總主筆陳良榕暢談半導體產業趨勢與科技時事。 【經濟學人@天下...
発売日: 2023-03-27
The United States will no longer play global policeman, and no one else wants the job. This is not a G-7 or a G-20 world. Welcome to the GZERO, a world made volatile by an intensifying international battle for power and influence. Every week on this podcast, Ian Bremmer will interview the world leaders and the thought leaders shaping our GZERO World.
発売日: 2023-03-23
Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably. Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Instagram: @restispolitics Email: restispolitics@gmail.com Hosted...
発売日: 2023-03-22
1. Very interesting podcast - This is a really good podcast. The fact that Campbell is highly opinionated and overly aggressive is at the same time a strength and a weakness: It creates an interesting contrast between him and the courteous and thoughtful Rory Stewart; at the same time, it means we can never get more than a sentence or two of Stewart’s thoughts at a time because Campbell is always interrupting him. Another small weakness is that, as noted by another reviewer, it is getting a bit self-referential. It’s also shorter than I would like, but I appreciate that that’s a strength for many. Overall, this is well worth a regular listen.
Inside Europe | Deutsche Welle
発売日: 2023-03-16
Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, hosts of Britain's biggest podcast (The Rest Is Politics), have joined forces once again for their new interview podcast, ‘Leading’. Every Monday, Rory and Alastair interrogate, converse with, and interview some of the world's biggest names - from both inside and outside of politics - about life, leadership, or leading the way in their chosen field. Whether they're sports stars, thought-leaders, presidents or internationally-recognised religious figures, A...
発売日: 2023-03-20
兩個民代跟一個政治圈邊緣人 三人間的閒聊 討論台北市議會日常、新聞時事 歡迎提問互動 Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-15
1. 吳崢加油! - 原本就因為年的期中選舉結果而心情低落,聽了EP更覺得難過了。
Michael Cohen, the former attorney and personal fixer for Donald J. Trump, once vowed to take a bullet for the President. But that was before the country was brought to its knees by the President’s own lies and personal madness. Now, imprisoned in his home, his life, reputation and livelihood destroyed, Cohen is on a mission to right the wrongs he perpetuated on behalf of his boss. Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen, is a raw and unfiltered shining a light into the dark corners of our current Americ...
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. No idea how I ended up here but love it - I’m a Japanese person in Tokyo who had no interest in Mr. Trump or American politics until Jan. of last year. Now I’m here and I learned many things from this very entertaining (makes me laugh despite my less than perfect English skills) show, including Mr. Cohen’s history, the many issues and topics surrounding the characters in US politics, stories that aren’t told in Japanese media, and many English swear words. Very much respect to Mr. Cohen for his comeback and thank you for this show. I especially enjoy the excellent interviews all the time.
2. Scaramucci could be a great cohost - I am writing this after listening to the Scaramucci episode. This is an excellent podcast to gain insight about how Trump’s brain “works”. Having said that, Cohen has a story to tell and Scaramucci did an excellent job asking the very questions that listeners want to know.
Join The New Yorker’s writers and editors for reporting, insight, and analysis of the most pressing political issues of our time. On Mondays, David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, presents conversations and feature stories about current events. On Wednesdays, the senior editor Tyler Foggatt goes deep on a consequential political story via far-reaching interviews with staff writers and outside experts. And, on Fridays, the staff writers Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos discu...
発売日: 2023-03-23
“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday.
発売日: 2023-03-17
1. Do better guys: help your guests - The news part was great as usual, but you did Rula Jebreal no favors by letting her sound like a conspiracy theorist. There were a spate of inaccuracies (“Israel the only occupying country” ignores Crimea; the Palestinians are not “slaves”, they are an oppressed occupied people whose economy has been destroyed by the occupation) and many unsubstantiated accusations. Not what I expect from PSTW. Push back on (or clarify) the BS, do some homework and back up the guest’s statements with facts, slow them down and let them tell the facts their way. You could even put on the sackcloth and ask how your administration could have done it better.
P.S. Let me be clear: this was your bad as hosts, not hers.
2. Japan-Korean trade spat - Given I have listened to possibly all episodes of Pod Save the World, you may understand I nearly fell of my tread mill when Ben explained this trade spat is linked to the dispute over “comfort women”. It’s not close guys. This is about the S.Korean Supreme Court ordering Nippon Steel to pay war reparations in Oct, which was actioned by another court in Jan. This is seen as a direct challenge to the diplomatic understanding that all claims were settled in a agreement to establish diplomatic relations. Both sides do not want to reopen this can of worms as it involves a military dictatorship, misuse of reparations, complicit LDP backed by the US. This is the real issue which deserves a much need reckoning, but no, in the current global environment of weaponizing trade, we get this familiar escalation with no apparent off-ramp. This would not have happened in the previous US administration, but now Abe’s right wing tendencies get the freedom to blossom- which is not good for the world. Do better guys, as us “worlddos” need you.
No Lie covers the most important and breaking political stories of the week, hosted by progressive commentator Brian Tyler Cohen. He sits down with major players in the world of politics, bringing you right into the heart of the action. No bad faith talking points, no disinformation, and no lies.
発売日: 2023-03-26
Chaque matin, à 8h13, une personnalité au centre de l'actualité est l'invitée de Sonia Mabrouk. Un moment d'échanges et de vérité... sans concession ! Le vendredi, c'est Dimitri Pavlenko qui reçoit un invité au cœur de l'actu.
発売日: 2023-03-27
Join Thomas for some critical thinking on questions of science, philosophy, skepticism and politics. These serious topics are discussed with some serious guests, but in an entertaining and engaging way! This is not your typical interview podcast; it’s a friendly dialogue, conducted thoughtfully and with plenty of humor. It's Serious Inquiries Only; but like, not boring or anything.
発売日: 2023-03-26
A podcast about propaganda, digital disinformation, politics, corruption, hybrid warfare, weaponised conspiracy theories, social echo chambers and digital dystopias. 1984, Authoritarian, Autocracy, Autocrat, Big Brother, Brainwashing, Cold war, Cold war propaganda, Communism, Conflict, Conspiracy theories, Control, Cults, Cyber warfare, Deception, Dictator, Dictatorship, Digital dystopia, Digital media, Disinformation, Echo chambers, Economic sanctions, Fascist, Fake news, Foreign correspondent...
発売日: 2023-03-24
政治ネタを眠たくならずに聞き流すことができる番組を目指します。 朝の政治ニュースはVoicy→ https://r.voicy.jp/pvmbgAxZ9eA 質問は→ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE2gekgrw2FqZcqq4vJsJAxBHVzUdhmqnhoCNOkl5XWJJ0LA/viewform Twitter(Podcast専用)→ https://twitter.com/goshiandmusume Twitter(本人)→ twitter.com/hosono_54 YouTube→ youtube.com/channel/UCz85l1MGXyujifaXh9yf5SA
発売日: 2023-03-20
1. いいですね。 - 楽しいポッドキャストキャスト見つけてしまった。議員の先生と環境に関心のある娘との雑談。頭の回転が早いのは親譲りのようですね。取り上げるトピックも面白いです。そこでお願いがあるのですが、時間を気にされて腹分程度に毎回コンパクトにまとめられてるようですが、コテンラジオのように数回に分けて配信されてもいいように感じました。こちらがもっと深掘りした話が聞きたいという我儘を申しているだけではありますが。ご検討いただけると助かります。これからも配信楽しみにしております。
The Financial Times takes you into the corridors of power to unwrap, analyse and debate British politics with a regular lineup of FT correspondents and informed commentators. New episodes available every Friday. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
発売日: 2023-03-17
Geostrategy360° is the Council on Geostrategy’s weekly podcast hosted by Viktorija Starych-Samuolienė. On the podcast we discuss UK foreign policy as well as contemporary geopolitical and environmental issues from a British standpoint alongside a wide range of guests.
発売日: 2022-07-18
The Japan Memo is a monthly podcast series that unpacks why Japan matters in today’s regional and global geopolitical landscape. In each episode, the co-hosts, Robert Ward and Yuka Koshino of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Japan Chair Programme, will bring in strategists, experts and practitioners from around the world to examine how Japan is using its diplomatic, economic and military tools to achieve its strategic goals, and what lessons it offers to other countries...
発売日: 2023-02-14
The Bridge reflects on the issues of the day, covering topics such as politics, public health, technology, and more. Find out more at https://www.thepetermansbridge.com
発売日: 2023-03-23
「US Taiwan Watch 美國台灣觀測站」要來和大家抬槓了。 蔥蒜爆香,新鮮料多,大火翻炒。每一集,小編們會和大家一起討論台美關係、國際政治的動態和最新發展。如果你平常就已經有收看觀測站的文章,那麼你應該來聽我們的podcast,因為我們會在內容加料、加辣! * 本站內容以 CC BY-SA 3.0 授權。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
発売日: 2023-03-14
The Inside Story Podcast -- where we dissect, analyse and help define major global stories.
発売日: 2023-03-24
Russell goes under the skin of guests from the world of academia, popular culture and the arts, to help us to understand and see the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality. And have a laugh!
発売日: 2023-03-23
Broadcaster, Jemma Forte, and political commentator, Marina Purkiss, scroll through Twitter so you don’t have to. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
発売日: 2023-03-24
The Irish Taoiseach is a series of 15 podcasts about each of the 15 men who have served as Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland since 1922. Political broadcaster Iain Dale interviews Irish historians, academics and journalists about each Taoiseach in sequence, starting off with W T Cosgrave and Eamon de Valera and concluding with Leo Varadkar and Micheal Martin. This podcast series follows Iain Dale’s hugely successful PRESIDENTS & PRIME MINISTERS podcast on British prime mini...
発売日: 2023-03-20
Os novos rumos da política, da economia e do desporto com a Deutsche Welle, a Voz da Alemanha. Informações sobre a Europa e África. Destaque para Moçambique, Angola, São Tomé e Príncipe, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, Brasil, Portugal e Timor-Leste.
発売日: 2023-03-24
選挙情報をお届けする「センキョタイムズ」。 選挙をエンタメ的視点で楽しんでいただきつつ、選挙テック編集部が注目する選挙区情報や新人候補の初出馬に関するマメ知識など、 知ってるようで知らない選挙の世界を配信します。 #センキョタイムズ #選挙タイムズ #選挙テック #選挙スクール #選挙 #政治 #議員 #政治家 #世直し #SenxoTimes #SenxoTech ーーーー ★出演&Twit...
発売日: 2023-03-23
China’s rise has captivated and vexed the international community. From defense, technology, and the environment, to trade, academia, and human rights, much of what Beijing does now reverberates across the map. China Global is a new podcast from the German Marshall Fund that decodes Beijing’s global ambitions as they unfold. Every other week, host Bonnie Glaser will be joined by a different international expert for an illuminating discussion on a different aspect of China’s foreign policy,...
発売日: 2023-02-28
Unrivalled analysis of the latest in UK politics, with Anoosh Chakelian, Andrew Marr and the New Statesman politics team. New episodes Tuesday and Friday. Send us a question on anything related to UK politics, in Westminster and beyond, by emailing podcasts@newstatesman.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
発売日: 2023-03-20
1. If only Stephen Bush could finish a sentence... - This is a good podcast for hearing the Labour/Remain worldview, and Stephen Bush is very insightful, but my god his inability to finish a sentence knocks two stars off any review. Why doesn’t the editor do their goddam job and tell him to stop changing to his next point halfway through the preceding point?!
2. Very good podcast on British politics - This is really good, but be warned if you're not familiar with the New Statesman that it focuses heavily on the Labour Party. Unfortunately, the quality has gone down in recent months. The new co-host Stephen Bush is unable to speak in short, simple sentences, and keeps rambling off mid-sentence in random directions. He's an entertaining talker, and super-knowledgeable guy, but he needs to come in as a regular guest for minutes every week rather than taking over the show.
A discussion of the most important news and issues in international affairs through a uniquely Australian lens. Hosted by Allan Gyngell and Darren Lim.
発売日: 2023-03-19
Hosts Melanie Marlowe and Christopher Preble debate their way through some of the toughest and most contentious topics related to war, international relations, and strategy. This podcast is brought to you by War on the Rocks.
発売日: 2023-03-02
The Hot Room is a podcast by The Hill Times, Canada's all-politics, all-the-time newspaper in the heart of Parliament Hill. We talk to politicians, experts, and other reporters about the biggest stories of the day. Hot Room podcast theme music written and performed by Gavin Gardiner for The Hill Times.
発売日: 2023-03-17
Espacio dedicado a analizar qué es la Política Agraria Comunitaria o PAC, cuál es su historia, sus aspectos ambientales y cómo nos afecta como ciudadanos europeos. Podcasts realizados por Fundación Global Nature y producidos por la Agencia EFE. Acción cofinanciada por la Comisión Europea.
発売日: 2016-12-30
A podcast about sexual politics louiseperry.substack.com
発売日: 2023-03-19
Former CIA Officer Bryan Dean Wright is back! The Wright Report is a morning news podcast, with updates from America and around the world. Bryan tracks down current events that others don't, and helps us understand why these developments are so important. Plus, he provides analysis based on his experiences as an Intelligence Officer, leaning on facts and data. As always, he leaves listeners with the ultimate decision of what to think about the issues -- and what we ought to do about them. The Wr...
発売日: 2023-02-24
The 2020s will be America’s deciding decade, full of choices that will determine our entire future. While this decade’s first year opened with chaos and anguish, there is still reason to believe we’re on the precipice of a new chapter. Who are the thinkers and doers who are catalyzing action and paving the way for enduring change? What are the big ideas worth wrestling with and placing bets on? Join Pete Buttigieg as he engages leaders who are confronting our greatest challenges and whose ...
発売日: 2020-12-16