Release date: 2022-07-21 $3.99
Release date: 2023-01-17 $4.99
1. Children - Excellent story of children who need help and know how to get it. Kate and Curren’s son has a friend who needs help. It involves a kidnapping and an unusual rescue. Be prepared to meet vampires and a variety of sea creatures and some monsters. You will learn about past events and Kate’s past. Excellent short story!
2. Oh how I missed this series! - This was amazing! I was soooo freaking stoked to be back in the KD world, with Kate, Curran and Conlan! I absolutely loved these new dynamics with Kate and Curran worrying about each other and Conlan, but also trusting each other to take care of business, and Conlan growing up and learning from all the different angles of everyone around him. Can’t wait for more!
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $5.99
1. Kim’s Hollows series is the one that introduced me to the Urban Fantasy genre. - Loved every minute / page of this book. There’s hot tension and vampire action, not to mention all the classic signs of a great PI novel. I am the first to recommend The Hollows to anyone looking to start in with the Urban Fantasy style.
2. Very moorish! - I started reading this series a month ago, am now waiting for the final book to be released next month. As a True Blood fan (books, not the terrrible show) I can honestly say that The Hollows books are far & away a better read. Rachel Morgan is much more likeable than Sookie & Ivy has to be the coolest vamp ever. And don't forget Jenks! Best Book of the Week thus far (except that I already own it...)
3. Great read!! - This is my second time reading this series. Rachel is a strong willed and determined woman and pair that with Ivy's ability to plan, plan, and plan again the two make a good team. Add in Jenks and the trio is awesome. The book is fast paced with lots of action. Add in Trent and his air of mystery and this story line just keeps going strong.
4. slow burning series that is one of my favourites - This series is one of my favourites up there with True Blood and the Blackdagger brotherhood. Found the world of Rachel Morgan unique and exciting. Have become obsessed with waiting for the next book release. The first book is a little slow and sets up all the structure for the series. Dive in and you will enjoy Rachels world.
5. Dead witch walking - I loved this book. I'm an adult that is mostly into teen books like the Percy Jackson books and the twilight saga. The only adult books I had grown to love were the Alex cross books from James Patterson. I didn't think I would like this book in the first pages of it, but as I kept reading I fell in love with it, and wanted to know how Rachel would get out of her "between wall and sword" situation... I loved her decision making, and her reactions... And pretty much all of it, great ending and can't wait to read the rest. Thanks deeply to the author.
Release date: 2017-06-06 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2014-02-18 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2021-01-12 $6.99
1. Not a strong start to the reboot - I love this series, and was so excited two see the universe keep expanding through Julie’s stories, but this book was thin on new material. Much of the book was dialogue X position, reestablishing information from previous books. It felt heavy-handed, compared to the universe building in Kate’s books, where things are revealed slowly through the heroines observations as narrator. I will keep reading, in hopes that the next story builds on Julie’s background, magic, and what has happened to Derek in the last eight years.
2. Adventure - What I liked about this book is it takes you into another world. This world has scary things and wonderfully kind things. Just enough to blend into a balanced story. You care about the characters and watch them grow into people you’d call friends. Life is full of choices and each choice can be for good and bad. Come take the adventure and pick up this book. Reimda
3. Fantastic - BDH strikes again! We want more of Aurelia and Darren ! This was fantastic and left me wanting more ! I hated the closer I got to the end of the book, because it’s never enough! Read it, love it, review it, share it ! So we can maybe have more of this story from these amazing authors !!!
4. This book is a gift and hopefully the start of a new arc in the Kate Daniels universe - This book delivered everything I was looking for in my return to the KDU. The writing duo that is Ilona Andrews done an excellent job building a world that is rich and full of possibility. Loved the MOT with AR and DG towards the end. Looking forward to the journey with these characters.
5. Loved it! - This is a story of Julie after she left Atlanta and came back. Sometimes being the adult can be both rewarding and painful at the same time. While you could read this as a stand-alone book it is better to read the Kate Daniels series first. I really enjoyed it and sorry I read it to fast.
Release date: 2009-03-17 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $9.99
1. . stars, but not or higher - Neverwhere is an intriguing fantasy of a parallel world, London Below, beneath the real place that is dank, dirty and dangerous, filled with an amalgamation of odd characters and bizarre settings. Richard Mayhew, a young London businessman, inadvertently intersects with this world and thus falls out of London Above. The book follows his quest like journey to help the woman who got him here, Door, so he can return to his world. The book is engaging with fantastic illustrations. Yet, the two main characters were too wooden for me to really care what happened to them. And much of the story is a pastiche of overused tropes. Definitely an enjoyable read, just not as well done as some of Gaiman’s other work.
2. I will forever remember this book. - It’s magical and unexpectedly unique. I’ll continue to tell everyone about this book. I’m not usually a fan of magic or fantasy novels but decided to try this out after someone recommended it to me. It’s so deserving of a limited series and you’ll see why. It will never be enough...
3. Fresh Life Breathed into an Old Concept - This Review was first published on Kurt's Frontier. Synopsis: If you live in London, there is place so close you could reach out and touch it, yet could walk for a thousand miles and never reach. Under London, there is a place most of the citizenry of the city could never dream of. A place of monsters, saints, creatures of legend, and people who have fallen between the cracks. Richard Mayhew finds out more than he ever wanted to know about London. A simple act of kindness pulls him out of his everyday existence. He is now following a girl named Door and the Marquis de Carabas on a quest of discovery and revenge. A strange destiny awaits him. A battle against murderers and monsters. Review: What if there were a world that existed alongside our own. Suppose that a simple act could send a person in our world careening into the other. Richard Mayhew worked in a London office. He planned to marry a girl named Jessica. He could best be described as a doormat. Then he helps a girl from the other world. This simple act takes him into a world of magic and darkness but makes him a stranger to his own world. Neil Gaiman takes the reader into the magical world under London and somewhat out of phase. Richard finds that he no longer exists in his own world. To have any chance of getting back, he has to help Door on a quest of her own. Door is the oldest daughter of Lord Portico. She is the last survivor of her family, and she wants to find out who ordered them killed. The concept, while not entirely new, has had fresh life breathed into it. The imagery has a dark nature, but the pace is relatively modest. The story was quite enjoyable.
4. Hold up! - If you are a fan of Sandman or of American Gods....keep reading. If not, I really don't care what you do (in the nicest possible way, of course). This is NOT the book you are looking for. Sorry Mr. Gaiman. Wow. Disappointment. Bad spin up on Alice in Wonderland, predictably set up on the darker side of things. Can't recommend it. At all. PS - loved Sandman and American Gods. Disappointed with all the rest of his work. Happy trails!
5. I was in Neverwhere - A week ago, I had never read anything by Neil Gaimon. After stumbling onto "Ocean at the End of the Lane" and devouring it, I next chose "Neverwhere" and could not put it down. Mr. Gaimon created an enchanting, albeit disturbing, world in London Below. I cared about the characters throughout and was thoroughly satisfied with how the story wrapped up. I'm a fan!
6. Great book, damaged product - This is one of my favorite books. I decided to get the download for my iPad, thinking to read it again, only to discover that the first and second chapter (so far) are completely missing, and I can't seem to find any way to fix it. I'll keep trying, but it's very disappointing.
7. Absolutely Enchanting, Start to Finish - This was my second time readig Neverwhere, and I love this book! It's dark and thrilling and has wonderful characters. Gaiman's voice is descriptive and enticing, and builds momentum until I found it increasingly harder and harder to pull myself away. If you like dark fantasy, and the idea of a hidden world thriving off the underbelly of a modern urban setting, this book is definitely for you!
8. Kinda boring - Did I read the same book as everyone else?? I can't believe this book received so many good reviews. It was interesting and had potential with the plot and unusual/interesting characters (except for richard, his character was flat) but it kinda slow and just wasn't good. The author never explained y there was a London Below, how richard even got there, why the London below people had powers, why they were able to speak to rats - just so many questions left unexplained. Also Richard never asked these questions himself either which is just not a normal reaction to what happened to him.
9. Amazing book, horrible price point iTunes - Apple and the publishers need to work a little harder here. We have a book here that deserves more than stars, but I wish I could rate the store itself. Do yourself a favor and take a walk to your nearest brick and mortar bookstore and buy this amazing adventure for three bucks less and have in some sense actually own a copy. If there is no printer and all the copy editing, etc is done on a book, either someones getting greedy, or the authors are getting closer to what they deserve. Somehow I doubt it's the latter
10. Wonderful story of the flip side of London - Anyone who has ever wondered about what goes on behind the scenes of a city will find Neverwhere engrossing; it's a modern, urban fairy tale in the best sense of the term. Knights, damsels, beasts and quests... But in Gaiman's hands, nothing is EVER as it seems.
Release date: 2019-07-16 $5.99
1. I love this series!!! - Wow....just wow!!! This was an amazing addition to this series, and I loved that this writing team chose to tell us Maud’s story. The authors made me care for DeMile Family, and all of the supporting side characters so much that I feel like I am sitting down to visit with old friends; all while hearing about the trials, tribulations, and happy endings that they experience every time I start a new book in any series written by Ilona Andrews. They are masters at world and character building, and I didn’t find anything in this storyline that lacked their usual finesse. Thank you, Ilona Andrews!!! I can’t wait to move on to the next book in the series!!! Happy Reading!!!
2. Maud’s backstory, going forward - . . . and then the not-quite-cliffhanger Conflicts emotional, political, cultural, and physical are all attained. In spades. Maud’s daughter Helen reminds me of Dune’s Alia Atreides in her earlier-than-usually manifested skills, but I fervently hope that lacking Bene Gesserit and spice influences, that ends the resemblance! I am glad my son was never as scary a child to protect growing up. There is one priceless scene very late in the story involving a threatened Helen. In one single paragraph so much is accomplished it took my breath away. I bought the first three on sale as a bundle, but like another, realized I had better buy the next two, and hope another is due out soon. Wow. I don’t give at all often. Now for their “Magic” series . . .
3. Best one yet! - Ilona Andrews’ Innkeeper series is wonderful. If you like Urban Fantasy, you will definitely like the series. Each book is better than the last, and this Maud side story is soooo good. It’s action packed, well-researched, and the chemistry is sizzling! Helen’s cuteness is literally out of this world.
4. It’s fantastic. Full stop. - Olen ollut Ilona Andrewsin fani jo pitkään. Kirjoitustaidoltaan ja tarinoiltaan maailman huippua oleva pariskunta tietää mitä heidän lukijakuntansa haluaa - ja usein yllättää vielä positiivisesti. Innkeeper-sarjan alussa tutustuimme Dinaaan, ja edelliset kolme kirjaa kertoivat hänestä. Nyt pääsemme siirtymään hänestä eteenpäin Dinan kiinnostavaan ja rohkeaan sisareen Maudiin ja edellisissä kirjoissa esiintyneeseen Arlandiin. Tämä on kai romanttista scifiä, mutta hyvin pehmeää sellaista. Suosittelen lämpimästi, ja sen jälkeen kannattaa ostaa kaikki muutkin Ilona Andrewsin teokset.
5. Sweep of the Blade - Great story in the Innkeeper series. This story is about Dina’s sister Maud. We follow her struggle to make up her mind on marrying Arland and fitting in being human on a planet of vampires. New species are introduced the Tachi and old characters come back Nuan Cee. There are banquets, sparring with future in-laws and snarky conversations to be had. Great fun! While this book could be read as a stand-alone it is better to have read the other Innkeeper books first.
Release date: 2021-01-07 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $5.99
Release date: 2018-08-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2014-03-18 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy $24.99
Release date: 2011-10-18 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $12.99
Release date: 2014-08-26 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $12.99
Release date: 2010-10-05 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Taut series - A human returning from the gladitory arena in Hell for vengence on Earth? This Sandman Slim series is a gritty version of Butcher's and Huston's works with a little bit of McFarlane thrown in. A great spin of the (somewhat worn) 'Good vs Evil' plots. Lucifer tired of being 'Lucifer'? Corrupt angels working with Homeland Security? - great concepts. He gives all the Host/Immortals/Divinity human fallacies and weaves a great story around it. Action-packed with a unique cast of characters around Sandman makes it tough to put down. Every character has their own personal agenda and it's up to Stark to sift thru them to his own end. Going back to Hell's arena? We'll see.
Release date: 2016-10-31 $2.99
Release date: 2015-07-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2022-12-13 $6.99
1. An Addictive Read! - I never write reviews but because I’ve loved this series so much AND I have sacrificed multiple nights of sleep, I felt it was due.
Absolutely wonderful storytelling on behalf of so many great characters! I loved this so much! My only complaint is that I must now wait in anxious expectation for the NEXT “chapter” of the Innkeepers series.
Release date: 2022-02-17 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $5.99
Release date: 2012-08-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $12.99
Release date: 2014-09-09 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Loved the ending? - First off I am a big fan of the series but, not sure I agree with everyone who loved the ending. I am not going to give anything away but, was the last chapter even necessary? Or a set-up for a new series? After books, I was really hoping that it would end with as big of a bang as the first book that started it all! Love and Respect Ms. Harrison!
2. I Love Kim Harrison!! - As far as final books go, this one fits the bill perfectly. Over years in the making and countless character later, Rachel has found her love, and the meaning in her life. There are the ups and downs, the highs and lows - of course. She has to deal with the Elves, the Goddess, the Demons - and herself. But she is not alone. This time she has Trent fully by her side, and of course there is still Ivy and Jinx. Satisfying, Harrison closed this series with a heartfelt goodbye, tying loose ends and giving us the farewell her fans deserve. A
3. Quite Possibly the Best Series Ever! - I've read a lot of titles in my years of living, most fantasy and mystery with a twist of paranormal. The Rachael Morgan series ended up being a hidden wonder. It serves the right mix of suspense, adventure, mystery, and paranormal with a love story on the side. It's the perfect story I've been looking for. I'm glad to have finally read the whole thing. And nice touch at the "beginning" Kim. Well done.
4. LOVE The Witch with No Name! - SPOILER ALERT: The Witch With No Name was EXCELLENT! As usual Kim Harrison does not disappoint! Although I'm truly sad to see the series end, it was a great culmination to an amazing series. There was plenty of fast-paced action as Rachel works tirelessly to thwart the evil machinations of the Elven faction trying to destroy both the vampires and demons, while simultaneously trying to convince the vampires that reuniting the undead with their souls was a surefire way to a fast death. I'm so happy that Rachel finally found her HEA with Trent. Personally, I think there could be another book ... I wanted to see Rachel and Trent finally get married. I wanted to see Rachel get pregnant. I wanted to see how daywalking demon and crime-solving, bounty hunter Rachel's life intertwines with business mogul, Trent's life. Thinking I need to re-read!
5. Beautiful - I cannot believe our beloved series has finally come to an end. I have followed Kim Harrison's "Hollow Series" since the very beginning. I have fallen in love with her world and especially her characters. Her final book was filled with hardcore action, adventure, humor and a fitting conclusion. Thank you for giving a loyal fan this remarkable creation to dive into. I expect more amazing books from Kim Harrison in the future! To those reading my review, please read this series in its entirety-for the love of Tink!!! ;)
6. Sad to see it go. - This is the second book series I have read by her, and she has ended it just as wonderfuly as the last one. As much as I would love for more books to come out about Rachel, I am happy to know how for the most part it has ended. Thank you for taking the time to write out this wonderful world, I look forward to what's next.
Release date: 2020-08-25 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
1. Great series but weak book - I love the series so far but this is easily the worst one so far. I am not a critic by any means but the problems were so obvious I couldn’t miss them. Everything felt forced and didn’t come together naturally. Like the author rushed this book out quickly or got tired of writing. The other books had great plot lines that came together in the end in a natural feeling way but definitely not in this book
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Had this been made in to a movie?? - If it has I really want to watch it! Love it! Don't know how she's gonna get out of that one... Personally I don't think that her kids will be demons, I think only if a demon seduced her then they will be but if she hooks up with another like her she'll be fine (kind of).
Release date: 2014-10-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $2.99
Release date: 2022-10-26 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $3.99
Release date: 2016-06-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2011-02-22 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Pale Demon - I was sucked into Rachel's life from the first book. I waited with anticipation for each new book to come out and read them with relish. It's a wonderful escape and truly great reading. Hopefully this one will be followed by even more stories of Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks. I wish we all had friends like them.
2. Next please lol - OMG I love this series I can never get enough!
I always can't wait to get to the end to know what happens but then when I do....I am sad that it's the end. I love reading about Rachel and what kinda of Situation she's going to get herself into AND how she's going to get out of it!! Thanks Kim :)
Release date: 2011-07-19 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $1.99
Release date: 2014-02-25 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Love! - If you haven't picked up one of Kim Harrison's books, do yourself a favor and do it right now!! I have been reading this series since the very first year. Anytime her books come out, I prepare myself for a couple of days of reading. I can't put it down! And now Rachel and Trent!? Omg this book was fabulous! Buy it! Support this talented author!! You won't be disappointed.
2. Fave Series Just Gets Better!!! - This is the th book in The Hollows series! If you haven't read the series, I would recommend starting from the beginning - Dead Witch Walking. The Undead Pool can be read as a stand-alone book but you miss quite a bit of the backstory - especially around the relationships between all the characters. Each book in the series only gets better and better and The Undead Pool is the best of the entire series! Personal growth is one of the core themes in The Hollows and it all comes together here. Rachel Morgan is certainly not the same witch from DWW!! There's mystery, character development and we learn more about elven magic. The vampire veil is lifted and we learn what happens when living vampires are left to their own devices. Society is left in chaos and it's up to Rachel and her team to fix it.
3. Tinks dildo that was a great read! - I don't even know where to begin. This book was amazing! Truly the best one yet. I absolutely loved the romance between Rachel and Trent. And Rachel finally seemed to embrace what she is and take charge of her destiny rather than whining about it. I am however starting to get a little tired of Ivy. But love Jenks. Total comic relief and the real "super hero" of the series. The price was a little steep but totally worth it. I am so glad that I stumbled upon this series. I can't wait for the next one! She needs to hurry up and write it!
4. Left wanting more - I found myself constantly wanting more and couldn't put the book down to find out if I was going to get it. Throughout the whole book there was a ton of action and a good balance of story today and the lead to the next book. I wished the ending dragged on because I can't wait for the next book.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $5.99
Release date: 2010-04-06 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. Books of the hollows series - I have definitely enjoyed the characters in this "mixed" fantasy. Vampires and demons, witches, elves and pixies mix and rematch in this tale of courage, faithfulness, fury,deceit and motivations. and love. Much is written here about ignorance, fear and bigotry. more is said about finding your voice within, learning who you are willing to die to be. No character is entirely black or white; in essence, all seem to have something reachable inside, all have a need to be recognized as special. Oft times hilarious both in self depredations and pratfalls, the novels NEVER sit still. All rumination and despair must be done on the run. The biggest courage and selflessness comes from the tiniest and seemingly least likely characters from the first book. Thumbs up, Ms. Harrison, I'm hooked and anxiously awaiting for the book after Black Mountain Sanction.
2. Just ok - Not a great addition. Missed my favorite characters that don't really show up until the end. Pierce doesn't resonate with me and doesn't add enough conflict in a typical rachael relationship. I hope the next book gets back to weres or vampires. The elf/witch plots need a break in my opinion as they are getting redundant.
Release date: 2010-01-26 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $11.99
1. Excellent - Sandman Slim is what would happen if Christopher Moore, Neil Gaiman, and Tim Dorsey's novels all got together and had a baby. Well-developed characters, fast-paced action, and a beautifully designed fantasy world of angels, demons, and all the pixies in between. Enjoyed every minute and have already purchased the next in the series.
2. This was a good time. - This was a cent book with pretty good reviews, so I bought it on a whim. What I got was a really good time and a few morbid chuckles, to boot. Stark/Slim is a great antihero and he doesn't seem to have any illusions about himself. I'm hooked. I'll read more of this when I have time. Thanks for a fun read, Mister Kadrey.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. Keeps Getting Better.... - Even with a busy infant, I manage to squeeze in my "Rachel Morgan". Kim Harrison's descriptive writing creates a movie in my mind as I'm reading. I always have the next book in the series ready to begin when I'm halfway through the current one I'm reading. Splendid writing that keeps me wanting to read more!
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $5.99
1. The Whining Witch - My brother recently turned me on to this series and, overall, I really enjoy them. However the whining tone of Rachel in this volume was extremely grating. Every other page she is calling herself stupid and second- guessing her actions. She whines incessantly about the "black on her soul" even though Ceri has done much, MUCH worse and has shown she is still redeemable. Hopefully in the next book Rachel will make peace with herself and her actions and give up the soap-opera personality.
Release date: 2009-02-24 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Loved it! - When I started reading this series I thought I was going to read each book in a couple of months each, take it slow, but I find my self reading it with in a matter of a week or two, I couldn't help becoming completely infatuated with it, with the end of this book i'm happy and a bit sad too for Kisten and for her being shunned but I'm about to start reading the next one and I can't wait to find out what happens next :)
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
1. Emotional!! - This was a great book, her decisions are as always unexpected but I really couldn't stop crying when they found kisten in the end, I cried my self to sleep, something I had never done for any character in any book I'd read. This books need to be made into a movie or a show, or something, I'm sure it would be a big hit! I am mesmerized with this world :)
Release date: 2012-01-31 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $0.99
1. A fun peek into the Otherworld... - Anything Armstrong writes makes you glad you read it. Her characters are mostly strong women who can take care of themselves but she includes men who can appreciate a woman who takes care of herself. The Otherworld is a wonderful series and this novella is a fun peek into that world. Werewolves, witches, and demons, oh, my!
Release date: 2013-07-30 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $12.99
Release date: 2012-05-29 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
Release date: 2014-10-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $0.99
Release date: 2009-08-25 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $4.99
Release date: 2011-09-27 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. A great read. - My compliments to the author. It was a lot of fun. Very imaginative. Oh for the days when good books weren't split into three pieces so the publisher can charge twice as much. You would think an ebook minus paper,giant energy sucking printers and a host of employees to operate them would be cheaper than the printed word. Thank you for the cent books at least. My compliments to the author. It was a lot of fun. Very imaginative.
Release date: 2021-08-17 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $13.99
1. Woke - Unlike the the rest of this series the finale went woke. It’s a constant lecture about using the right pronoun despite the fact that sandman for books didn’t care about being politically correct or even polite. The story was more formulaic than the prior books so rather than going out strong the series ended with a whimper. Why? It’s almost as though a ghost writer wrote the final book. Without a doubt the least enjoyable book of the series. I really enjoyed the rest of the series but I cannot recommend the last book.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Highly recommended - Varian is the son of Lancelot and the evil right hand of Morgen le Fey. He has walked the line between good and evil for centuries so far always falling to the side of good. Merewyn made a pact with his mother hundreds of years ago to keep herself out of a marriage she didn’t want. Little does she know that the pacts made with the Adoni always have a catch. Now Varian’s mother wants him to join her and Morgan once and for all and she will use whatever means necessary to get his compliance. Will Varian be able to save himself and Merewyn? Will he finally fall to the pressure to join his mother and all things evil? I really enjoyed this book, and I especially loved the side characters of Blaise and Beau.
Release date: 2017-07-25 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $12.99
Release date: 2014-04-29 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
Release date: 2009-10-06 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
Release date: 2015-02-24 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
Release date: 2016-09-27 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. Loved the series but the Last book was disappointing - First, let me say that I loved the series and have re-read it more than once. The final book was ok. It tied up all the loose ends but felt disjointed. It jumped from subject to subject and I feel like it lacked the cohesion the rest of the books had. Still worth reading but I was hoping for a better ending. :(
Release date: 2012-04-10 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $2.99