Release date: 2023-03-24 $7.99
Release date: 2021-11-04 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $0.99
Release date: 2023-03-07 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $11.99
Release date: 2023-03-07 $14.99
Release date: 2021-08-10 $11.99
1. Engaging and joyous. - I basically binged these books like a tv series I couldn’t put down. The story grabs you in the first book and never lets you go. The magic style that is described is fascinating and leaves me with nothing but curiosity I cannot wait to read about Al and bucks next adventure.
2. Kevin Hearne leaves you cackling - The last time I laughed this much at a book was when I read the first book in this series, Ink & Sigil. This one has a lot more action, and an even crazier new mystery that I hope we get to the bottom of and aren't just left hanging. The original mystery of who/what cursed Al MacBharrais is still unsolved, but I'm hopeful that by the end of the series we will learn at least why it happened. All of the characters were still incredibly nutty and we got to see a lot more of Atticus and his show stealing dogs Oberon and Starbuck. If Kevin Hearne just wrote books about Oberon and Starbuck alone I would read those all the time! Highly recommended!
Release date: 2003-05-27 $2.99
Release date: 2020-03-17 $12.99
1. Simply the Sweetest - I will be honest, the book started off a little slow for the first few chapters. However, the second you get to the island you become entrapped and enamored by the plot line. The story has so many parallels to today’s issues for those who feel marginalized. The book is extremely heartfelt and I am glad I took the time to read it!
2. See something say something! - Amazing book! Definitely a favorite, I love all the characters, especially the kids. Not because of their powers but how each of the kids follow their passion, like Talia with her garden and how sal starts to write. The story is amazing, and the plot fantastic! An overall great story! I would love a sequel!
3. This book has my heart - It has been a really long time since I have fallen in love with a book, I laughed, I cried, and was totally entertained the whole time. He describes the characters in ways that you can picture them in your head. His attention to detail is amazing. I would recommend this book to everyone!
4. Don’t you wish you were here? - This says it all. I cried at the end. I needed to be reminded of goodness and love. I needed to be reminded what is truly important in this world. “I am but paper. Brittle and thin. I am held up to the sun, and it shines right through me. I get written on, and I can never be used again. These scratches are a history. They’re a story. They tell things for others to read, but they only see the words, and not what the words are written upon. I am but paper, and though there are many like me, none are exactly the same. I am parched parchment. I have lines. I have holes. Get me wet, and I melt. Light me on fire, and I burn. Take me in hardened hands, and I crumple. I tear. I am but paper. Brittle and thin.”
5. Mesmerizing in every way imaginable - You’ll want for nothing less than to hop a train to the last stop in hopes to take a ferry to an island which houses a home filled with magical children. Your heart will yearn for the story to continue. You’ll find yourself believing yet again in the hope for humanity and you’ll be warmed by the reminder that love and kindness comes in all forms. By far the most beautiful book I’ve read in years.
6. Heartwarming Gem - This is a beautiful book of unconditional love and trust. Easy in prose, difficult in life. The book begins when Linus Baker is tasked to investigate and make recommendations for the House on the Cerulean Sea, an orphanage, on a remote island. However, no one ever goes there to adopt children and so Mr. Baker’s trip is a challenge. Mr Baker lives alone, the same job for years, likely the same house, nothing changes day-to-day. He’s happy this way, or is he? Upon arrival, he is overwhelmed with the beauty of the island. In fact he’s overwhelmed by many things that aren’t the norm. An here begins the story. The story in itself isn’t really new per se, nor are the prejudices and responses of people when something is different and we don’t take the time to understand for ourselves. However, there is a delightful twist in the story that really emphasizes prejudgment, without understanding. This is a magical and enchanting tale. It feels like home where there should be true love, hope, loyalty and trust. Trust was difficult for the children at the orphanage because of previous broken promises, trust and abuse. But one step at a time for all of them brings change that starts quietly and slowly. After all that reading and focus, my allergies flared up and I found my eyes watering uncontrollably, then my sinuses kicked in and I was forced to finish the book with a wad of Kleenex. Sigh ... let’s hope if you read his your allergies don’t flare up.
7. A wonderful comforting and loving read - I have not been moved like this by a story for a while. It is easy to read and follow, while still dealing with some important topics. It’s a comforting and emotional book about acceptance, love, and family, with a twist. I have not cried, screamed, and laughed out loud like this, and I hope you will too.
8. I didn’t want it to end! - I can’t remember the last time I was so enthralled and captivated by a book. The deeper I got into the story, the slower I read because I didn’t want to say goodbye to these wonderful characters. I’ve read several of TJ Klune’s books and loved them all, but this one penetrated my heart so deeply. I enthusiastically recommend it! (And really hope we get a sequel!)
9. What a beautiful story - This was wonderfully sweet, and such a heartwarming story. I fell in love with the characters, especially the children. A huge reminder that looks can be deceiving, and never to judge a book by its cover! Beautiful, lavish descriptions as well, I want to live on that island myself! What a great story!
10. Favourite Book of - This is my favourite book of , hands down. It had me nearly in tears at times, in stitches at other times, and in the end it was so heartwarming, I didn’t want it to end. When I finished the last sentence, I just say there and smiled. This is a beautiful book, so relevant to so much of the current climate of our world. We all need a Marsays Island to escape to, where we are safe, loved, and allowed to be ourselves.
11. New favorite book - This was so wonderful to read, the amount of joy I got at the end of this book is truly amazing. The main character Linus is a year old who’s been in the same job for years. Despite it being a monotonous life he leads, he is still very serious and strangely optimistic in regards to his work. The very fact that he’s so “normal” is what leads him to a journey of self discovery and love. Linus’ point of view was very interesting, especially in the contrast of what he truly believed and in what he did. The other characters were also fun to read, they all brought something to the story from the children to the cranky cat.
Release date: 2017-07-25 $4.99
Release date: 2015-03-03 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. The Alpha and Omega series continues to be a fantastic read! - I greatly enjoyed this book. Charles and Anna's action packed story continues, where they deal with a strange and dangerous fae, werewolf hierarchy, loss and love. I like the way Briggs overarching theme of family, with all the joy and pain it can bring, makes her characters incredibly relatable.
I'll be looking forward to the next book in the series, for sure!
Release date: 2013-03-05 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $8.99
1. Another Stunning Series Debut by Ms. Anne Bishop - blockquote strong No one creates realms like New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop. Now in a thrilling new fantasy series, enter a world inhabited by the Others, unearthly entities—vampires and shape-shifters among them—who rule the Earth and whose prey are humans. /strong As a em cassandra sangue /em , or blood prophet, Meg Corbyn can see the future when her skin is cut—a gift that feels more like a curse. Meg’s Controller keeps her enslaved so he can have full access to her visions. But when she escapes, the only safe place Meg can hide is at the Lakeside Courtyard—a business district operated by the Others. Shape-shifter Simon Wolfgard is reluctant to hire the stranger who inquires about the Human Liaison job. First, he senses she’s keeping a secret, and second, she doesn’t smell like human prey. Yet a stronger instinct propels him to give Meg the job. And when he learns the truth about Meg and that she’s wanted by the government, he’ll have to decide if she’s worth the fight between humans and the Others that will surely follow. /blockquote An incredibly original spin on a well trodden path, this book turns the idea of paranormal creatures and humans on its ear. In a world where humans are considered prey/meat/monkeys, and they know it, there is one group of the Others, known as the em terra indigene /em that are slowly testing the waters of treating the humans slightly better. The Lakeside Courtyard is home to numerous different types of em terra indigene /em (means earth natives), including Wolves, Elementals, Coyotes, Corvines, Hawks, a Grizzly Bear, Sanguinati (vampires), and one that the rest know is a em terra indigene /em but not what she is specifically. And frankly they're OK with not knowing, for she scares even the top of the predator food chain. Courtyards exist within cities for groups of the Others who have the task of keeping watch over the city’s residents to ensure that they stick to the original agreements and treaties. Lakeside Courtyard is the only one in all of Thaisia that has a section with shops that both employees a small number of humans and has a few select shops that allows the humans to shop there. It is a rigidly controlled environment, and one where human laws do not apply; if and of the Others take offense from a human they have the freedom to do whatever they desire, from biting off the hand of a first time shoplifting offender, to killing and eating the offender. Regardless of how many times the humans have tried to expand the territory allowed them, they never seem to grasp that they will never prevail and so they continue to try. Each uprising usually ends with the loss of an entire town or city. The day Meg Corbyn shows up in the Courtyard, wet, cold, and frightened, marks the beginning of changes for the Lakeside Courtyard community and possibly the human communities near it. On something of a whim Meg is hired by the community leader, Simon Wolfgard to fill the Human Liaison position, which equates to accepting deliveries, sorting mail, and delivering packages too large for the boxes in her office. Right away Meg puts Simon on edge, and he soon figures out it is because she doesn't smell like prey. But as she settles into a tentative routine, so to do members of the Courtyard community. Eventually Simon and a few others discover that Meg is a em cassandra sangue /em , or blood prophet. It is likely this is why she has survived the job as long as she has, and even begun to make friends. The problem is that Meg's former owner wants his property back. So the question is, does she mean enough to the em terra indigene /em in Lakeside Courtyard that they will grant her their protection, or will they simply give her back? This book is an incredible read, full of suspense, adventure, and rich characters that grow and change throughout the story. The pacing and arc of the story are spot on, eliciting unexpected emotional responses from the reader. Multiple threads of smaller stories are woven together to create a whole tapestry that provides enough material to ponder for days. The hint of a possible romance between predator and prey is by turns, amusing, confusing, tender, confounding, and vastly entertaining, made more so because it appears to be one-sided thus far. The book will leave you beyond anxious for the next installment in the series em Murder of Crows /em .
2. Great read - Really liked both the character development, the world building, and some good tension in the plot. It's not often that you see this distinct a twist on some common themes. I'm looking forward to a sequel, there seems to be plenty of opportunity for more conflict based on what this book sets up. I did find the mechanics of how prophecies are created a bit disturbing, I'm hoping it doesn't romanticize cutting for anyone. I guess that's the parent in me coming out; probably wouldn't have that worry before...
3. Written in Red must be Read! - Bishop writes another captivating world into existence! But this time it's more real than her other series. Somehow this time Bishop has created a world and characters that you forget aren't living just down the street! Yes, it's still an amazing fantasy world with strong, non-human heroes, but it feels and reads like its happening here, now! The characters are so well developed and created that they are more than realistic they are alive, and you will love them, or if necessary love to hate them. The action and plot will keep you entertained throughout. Hopefully this is the first book of many about this new place and people.
4. Innocent Ambassador - A story involving many characters isolated by fear, loneliness & greed. Meg's innocence brings out the best & worst in the other characters as some strive to let go of their fear & loneliness, while others just see an opportunity for profit. An excellent second read as many throw away sentences take on new meaning after the reader knows of the secrets revealed during the climax & epilogue.
Release date: 2012-07-31 $7.99
1. Chances - Andrea and Raphael have an interesting story to tell. In a previous book , Kate is giving Raphael advice on how to win Andrea. Does it work? Yes and here is the but the two of them need to be honest and sometimes have lots of patience. What happens kind of remind me of the troubles that Kate and Curran had before they worked it out. Now this excellent book has an interesting story with lots of action, romance and bits of humor. I like the way some of the shapeshifters have for romancing/courting. In this case you will have to read about how Andrea has help from Kate and others do her courting/revenge on Raphael. Try not to laugh too much. Read this excellent book which I highly recommend!
2. Good, but not great - I love the Kate Daniels series, and this is a nice addition to it, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the Kate books. The voice of Andrea is too similar to that of Kate (less sarcastic, but the same tough-girl, must save the world even though I claim I'd rather let it burn attitude) but doesn't quite have the emotional connection that comes through Kate's voice. Overall, I'm glad I read it, but it's not one I would re-read.
Release date: 2016-08-30 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy $13.99
Release date: 2020-03-24 $10.99
1. The novel which never became - Very disappointing work of absurdist fiction. / of the book is prelude, and flowery exposition, which never amounts to anything. The rules of the novel are never explained. A handful of ordinary people become the boroughs of New York City, to fight off an inter dimensional ‘woman in white’. Really. That’s it. It never makes any sense. I was born and raised in NYC. Nothing about this work rings true.
2. So thrilling and so much fun - What an adventure. As a Jersey boy living on the Northern Left Coast, it was a delight to see so many of the tri-state metro area’s quirks hailed and glorified as heroic power. Goosebumps and edge of my seat reading were part of the reading. PLEASE turn this into a graphic novel.
3. Couldn’t put it down - I love this author. So far I’ve only been fortunate enough to read the Broken Earth Trilogy (HIGHLY recommend btw) but hey books are expensive. It was just chance that I searched her name and found this new one. So exciting!! I’m from New York so it was especially exciting. I was surprised she wrote about a real city but I think she nailed it. I feel like this author is so talented. She writes soooo weeeeeell and different than anything else I’ve read. Just even the way she writes her sentences, it’s hard to explain, but it’s just really impressive. I don’t want to give anything away, but definitely read this author if you love a fascinating imagination and content that has meaning. It makes you think and feel a lot of stuff.
4. Jemisin has done it again - Truly a master at her craft, this story is a fun romp through New York and other dimensions that was a ton of fun to read. The world building is unparalleled. And where most fictions set in New York feature nothing but white people, it is refreshing to see a cast of characters actually reflect who actually lives in the city. I can’t wait for the next one!!
Release date: 2021-09-21 $12.99
1. Amazing yet again - I don’t even have words to say how TJ Klume manages to tug on my heart strings. Between this and House on the Cerulean Sea I am now this author’s biggest fan. This book will make you fall in love with humanity and with the main characters - just as hard as they fall for each other.
2. This is an uplifting and, at times, heartbreaking story - Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune Wallace is told he has one week to cross over to the afterlife, so now he decides he must try living an entire lifetime in just seven days. He meets Hugo, the owner of a tea shop, Charon's Crossing, who promises to help him cross over. This is an uplifting and, at times, heartbreaking story about a life spent barely living at the office and a death spent building a home. This is a standalone LGBTQIA paranormal fantasy novel. I have not any other novels by this author. Check out Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune and be sure to get this standalone wherever you buy books! TAGS: fiction, LGBTQIA, paranormal, fantasy, death, dying, grief, loss, afterlife, cancer, suicide, suicidal thoughts, childhood death, adolescent death, depression, mental health MY RATING: / stars MY RATING SYSTEM:
star I don't recommend the book
stars I would not read the book again
stars I enjoyed the book stars I liked the book and would recommend to others
stars Everyone should read the book; I would read the book again & again Thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan-Tor/Forge, & TJ Klune for providing a free eARC in exchange for my honest review UndertheWhisperingDoor NetGalley @NetGalley Macmillan MacmillanTorForge @ForgeReads TJKlune @tjklune @tjklunebooks
3. Love Transcends Death - I hadn’t realized death could be infused with such great vibrancy until TJ Klune’s “Under the Whispering Door.” It faces bereavement with a wit, charm and whimsy which softens the harsh truths it examines. As a psychologist of forty years, I was with many people in their last moments and with others who mourned. Only a few approached death like TJ Klune, running towards it with a gentle glee that lit their transition with hope, decreasing my own fears. For the rest, I wish I’d had this romance to offer them … Because it is a romance through and through. Here’s the premise. In life, Wallace was an unkind lawyer who believed the ends justified the means. After sudden death, he’s taken by a reaper, Mei (a human who can physically interact with ghosts) to meet his ferryman, Hugo. A ferryman helps the newly dead come to terms with unfinished business and get ready to enter the door to their afterlife… a door that is on the top floor of Hugo and Mei’s tea house. They’re human, after all, and need to earn a living, so they own a real bakery, which grows its tea leaves on the grounds. Also present are two ghosts who haven’t transitioned, Hugo’s dog and grandfather, Nelson. Wallace is so busy recapturing human decency that he feels more alive in death than he did before. But change is hard and slow. “Honesty was a weapon. It could be used to stab and tear and spill blood upon the earth. Wallace knew that; he had his fair share of blood on his hands because of it. But it was different, now. He was using it upon himself, and he was flayed open because of it, nerve ending exposed.” Throughout this process, Wallace’s conversations with Mei, Hugo and Nelson examine the unfairness of living past those we love, or of facing our own ultimate unknown. “Time. We always think we have so much of it, but when it really counts, we don’t have enough at all.”
Yes, I depleted a travel size tissue box while enjoying “Under the Whispering Door,” but didn’t mind or feel uncomfortable. Because as snot dribbled, I was either pondering a really wise throwaway line (“A river only moves in one direction”) or hungry, as tea and delicacies were passed out. Often I was swooning at these men’s love. Though Hugo and Wallace are unable to touch, their affection transcends sensory intimacy. What makes a novel on the dreaded topic of mortality so damned approachable? First is Mr. Klune’s vivid imagination – a tea shop to the other side, indeed! Then, he paints people with a nuanced delicacy. I recognized and loved (or love to hate) them. The plot builds until my whole world became irrelevant in my urgency to learn Wallace’s fate. And finally, Klune’s phrasing, his small details and observations, are as heady a brew as the tea Hugo serves, tea I could almost taste. I full-heartedly endorse “Under the Whispering Door,” whose great care for, and respect of its audience, proves love continues on, rescuing the living, so that we may love again. Try it and you might just to lose a little fear of death, yourself.
Release date: 2021-08-19 $4.99
Release date: 2018-02-01 $7.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
1. what missing “chapter?" - So far as I have seen, most of the Discworld books are not written in chapters. Can anyone tell me what part is supposedly missing? (Page numbers are also not useful because people read iBooks in different font sizes.) I just read this book for the first time a few weeks ago (I’ve been bingeing on Discworld novels; just started i Small Gods /i ) and I didn’t see any sign that something was left out. Maybe they’ve corrected the problem?
2. Confirmed, chapter missing - Let me just reiterate what's already been said: a full chapter is missing right from the middle of the book, and then some more. I'm now very wary of buying anything from this store, lest i have to spend the same amount a second time on the Kindle store just to learn who's that Cohen they're… Terrible disappointment.
3. Missing a chapter! - The actual book is really, really good, a star literary adventure of epic hilarity, wisdom, and wit. But the version I downloaded is missing a big chunk of the book! Luckily, I had the real hardcopy to compare with and it didn't take me long to realize what was going on. It's weird because they both have the same number of pages () but the pages aren't "in synch" at all.
Apple, please fix this now, This is the first book I bought from here and so it's hard for me to trust reading books you scan in... I love the interface but no interface can make up for missing content!
So, the real book gets stars, but this version only gets ... I'm sorry Terry, but I'm sure you understand!
Release date: 2019-09-24 $9.99
Release date: 2010-05-25 $7.99
1. Best of the series so far! - Best. One. Yet. So so good. I stayed up in the middle of the night because I was hooked. I love that we finally get a full background on Kate. I loved Curran in this book too. Not a typical alpha male. Typical in his tendencies but not typical in that he tries really hard to stay respectful of Kate and recognize her as an equal. I just can’t say enough good things about this one. Loved everything.
2. Family - How do you write an interesting review but not spoil the story? Well, I say this is an excellent book! The action is awesome, the romance bears fruit and the humor had me laughing! His furriness will get some cooperation from Kate but there will still be the usual banter. Love is grand and very strong. Curran will meet part of Kate’s family and lots will come to light. There are plenty of plot twists and sorrow so have the Kleenex handy. I highly recommend this excellent book and series!
3. Great series continues to hit its stride - Kate Daniels is an action packed urban fantasy series with superb writing, great character development in a fantastically gritty, wonderfully detailed post-apocalyptic urban setting. This fourth installment for the series incorporates satisfying story lines for the Kate/Curran romance as well as Kate's family and past. The supporting characters continue to hold their own, both in terms of characterization and plot involvement. I love that Ilona Andrews keeps the plots rich and still gives plenty of time to the relationship between Kate and Curran without letting it overwhelm the story.
4. Awesome series - This is the latest installment of the Kate Daniels series and it's the best one yet. I highly recommend starting with the first book Magic Bites, but it is not absolutely necessary. This is an Urban Fantasy set in a world where magic and technology collide and mercenary Kate Daniels is doing her best to survive. She's facing her biggest enemy yet in this book and she's not holding anything back. Also, she and the Beast Lord, Curran, finally determine where they stand. A must read for fans of the series and an interesting story for the uninitiated.
Release date: 2015-04-07 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. WOW! They keep getting better! - Absolutely AMAZING! Faith Hunter has done it again! Jane continues to learn more about herself and her abilities, while taking care of others. She still wants to keep the innocent safe while catching the bad guy. As we know, vamps keep secrets for decades, and some of those secrets are finally revealed! The thing in the didn't really think it would stay in the basement.....did you? Nope..... The action starts on the first page, and doesn't stop! There are also a couple surprises that make you say "I didn't see that coming"! I couldn't put it down! I LOVE the Jane Yellowrock series!
Release date: 2016-04-05 $11.99
1. Captures that longing to belong somwhere - On a whim, I picked this up in audio because I wasn't sure when I'd get to it on the page. Given how late I am to the party, I'm aware that there's now an entire series of the "wayward children" stories, involving those who have gone through portals to another realm...and now can't find their way back. But this first story is less a classic portal fantasy than it is a classic murder mystery. And when all the inhabitants of the mysterious spooky mansion are more than a little odd, sorting out the suspects can be a problem. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding behind McGuire's version of portal fantasy. And the protagonist captures the desperation and angst of being a Strange Child doomed never to find her way to the place she belongs. (Been there, though a different flavor of Strange.)
2. Fantastic - I've read this book several times and have yet to review it? Let's just say this is one of my favorite books! I love the diversity and I love the characters. Nancy might be my favorite character in this whole series. I love that I want more from this story but at the same time, it's complete. I don't need anything more for completion. I need more because it's just so freaking good!
3. Fairytale gold - I wonderful little fairytale that I adored. The misfit Wayward children all have one thing in common, they want to belong. And I think amongst each other, they will finally have that place. For as short as this was, there was ALOT to sink your teeth into and I was blown away. This one I will be rereading for years to come and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the Wayward children have in store.
4. New favorite series - Peter Pan School for Good and Evil And Then There Were None Seanan McGuire Have you ever wondered what happened after “The End?” If YOU were Alice, would you really want to leave Wonderland? This is a story of those that were sent back to their worlds, kicking and screaming. They want nothing more than to find their door (rabbit hole/window/cyclone/etc). Eleanor, headmistress of Wayward School wants nothing more than to take them into her care, away from parents who will never understand) and help them find their doors. But when new student Nancy arrives, tragedy strikes..and again..and again.. I ABSOLUTELY adored this book! I gave -stars to Over the Woodward Walls and EHaH blew it out the waters! I don’t know how Seanan does it! She is able to tell THE best stories in less than pages! And her language and world-building is second to none! This book was gorgeous, creepy, mysterious, funny, scary, and inclusive!! This is my favorite read of the month and have already ordered for January! One note: I have seen some reviews saying this is MG. I would just be careful about letting younger ones read, as there are f-bombs and talk about adult toys. I would say this is more a fairy tale for teens or adults. Buy this for yourself or someone who has always wondered what happens after “The End.” Or, if you’re twisted, get it for someone who believes fairy tales only apply to children.
5. For all the Girls Who Came Home - Seanan McGuire is amazing as always. I admit my first thought in hearing about Every Heart was but I want more Toby or Antimony, but I still knew it had to be good. And I wasn't disappointed! I could have happily read a coming of age story for Nancy. The characters were exciting and compelling and the school as a setting is one I'd love to sink my teeth more deeply in to. But the plot twist that drives it into intrigue brought the book to a new level. This book is full of surprises, and creates a universe ripe for future adventures.
Release date: 2016-04-19 $7.99
Release date: 2023-07-04 $7.99
Release date: 2010-05-11 $8.99
1. Slow - My biggest complaint is the lack of interest this book inspires. Read this if you desire to find the perfect example of "slow". Also, the actual story is somewhat less then exciting. But for all that it for the most part is well written. The tendency to over explain with redundancy takes a bit away from the writing quality, but all in all she knows how to write, she just doesn't know how to tell a story. If that makes any sense :)
2. Good read - Great read, really enjoyed a book that didn't follow a norm of some evil tyrant to be vanquished. The character development was good, interactions seemed genuine and the predictability was low. Priced to high? Get over it people, it costs more for ticket to go to the movies these days. Everyone takes their hits starting off, robin hobb will eventually demand the share her talent deserves if she isn't already.
Release date: 2020-07-28 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. Sadly disappointing. - I loved the first book in this series as a completely fresh take in fantasy worlds. Sadly, the freshness has steadily declined with each addition to the series and has hit rock bottom in this book. The quality of the writing and editing is far below what we expect from this author with excessive repetition and a lot of excess wordage to fill pages with a minimal plot.
Release date: 2022-07-07 $2.99
Release date: 2012-01-31 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $1.99
1. Great read - This was a great short story that just wet my whistle for the next full length novel in February. I can hardly wait. I look forward to reading about that jerk Donovan Caine and hope he is regretting leaving Gin. I just hope that she doesn't ruin what she has with Owen for that jerk. I also look forward to finding out Owen's past with Phillip Kincaid. I can't imagine that it's anything that would be unforgivable to Gin. After all he accepted her for all her flaws, never judged her just gave her love and support. I am looking forward to the next novels in the series with I hope more to follow.
Release date: 2012-12-02 $4.99
Release date: 2012-11-06 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
Release date: 2019-07-19 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $2.99
1. City of Wishes - Fantastic retelling of Cinderella. Very modern but had so many elements of the old classic, it was blended together so well I hardly put it down until I was finished with it. Elle and Dex are such likable characters you pull for them and you really grow to detest the wicked stepmother who certainly lives up to her name!
2. Happily Ever After - To start with I’d just like to warn fellow readers that this is the sixth and last part in a serialized story, so you should have read all the others before this one for the story to make sense. Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get on with the review.
The sixth installment of City of Wishes, The Everafter Wish, finds Elle, Dex, and their friends returned from the quest that granted Elle magic and served as payment for the wish granted by the Godmother. Next, it is time to confront the King with the fact that humans can also have magic and should be treated equally to the other High Races. That doesn’t go exactly as planned but I don’t want to spoil it by going into detail.
Elle and Dex are still the cutest, the Godmother is still the worst… But the plot still came with plenty of twists and turns! I have to say that the ending of the main storyline was tied up much more neatly than what I’ve come to expect from Rachel Morgan and I honestly don’t know how I feel about that… Apart from that, the author left plenty of storylines unfinished when it comes to secondary characters, so I suspect this isn’t the last of her stories we’ve seen in this universe.
Release date: 2018-07-30 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $3.99
Release date: 2017-10-31 $2.99
Release date: 2019-08-22 $3.99
Release date: 2020-09-21 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $0.99
Release date: 2023-03-17 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $2.99
Release date: 2020-09-16 $4.99
1. epic. - EPIC FINALE! We finally get some resolution to Chancery's love story (WHO DOES SHE CHOOSE!?!?) and then just when you think it's over, you find out that there is SO MUCH MORE to her mission than we all previously thought. This was the perfect ending to one of my favorite book series of all time. ALL HAIL BRIDGET E BAKER!!!
2. What an ending - I loved this series and the narrator is awesome. I was disappointed at first because the book wasn’t going the direction I had hoped. There is a lot of tragedy in this series. But spoiler. There is a happy ending. It is bitter sweet. I wasn’t ready for the series to be over. I am not saying more. You have to read the book.
3. Riveting, poignant conclusion - Chancery has finally collected all of the rings to fulfill the prophecy of rejoining the staridium stones. Along the way she has made enemies and allies, winning the respect of both. Her two strongest supporters, Edam and Noah, are vying to take a place at her side. And her sisters are working with her to help her bring order to the world and save the humans from the Sons of Gilgamesh. But when she is betrayed by family, and when fulfilling the prophecy means a sacrifice she never expected, can Chancery find the strength to do what’s right? The previous six books have introduced so many details, so many mysteries, and this one brings them all together for a shocking but deeply satisfying conclusion to the saga. I loved how things came full circle: from Mahalesh’s daughters quarreling and the staridium splitting to Enora’s daughters coming together and the stone rejoining. I loved seeing the growth of each character throughout. Chancery grows from insecure teenager to confident, wise woman, but slowly. She knows the value of depending on friends and family rather than trying to run the world by herself. Edam and Noah also mature, growing less selfish and more noble, until they are able to work together to protect Chancery. This book is full of hope and joy and devastation and grief and rebirth. It beautifully completes the journey, going beyond expectations to deliver a masterpiece of woven details, and leaving the reader with the sense that there may yet be hope for this world.
Release date: 2020-03-14 $4.99
1. The plot thickens - This is a good story on its own but won’t make as much sense without reading the rest of the series. It ends in a bit of a cliff hanger and so do several others in the series. I’m anxious to get to the end of the story to figure out what is going on. It is an intriguing series.
2. The misunderstood sister may hold the key - Evians are like no other species. With superhuman strength, ability to learn and retain perfectly, and capability of healing within minutes from almost any injury, they are the leaders of the world. Among evians, the royalty—the closest descendants of Eve—are even more skilled and live in luxury as they run the world. Yet life as a royal is far from peaceful. The six royal families are filled with backbiting, treachery, and plotting, both between families and even in their own ranks. Millennia ago, a prophecy foretold that one of Eve’s daughters would be the “queen of queens” who could bring harmony to the fractured evian society. From a young age, Melina, daughter and heir of the most powerful of the six empresses, has known that she is different. She does not crave power. Her mother doubts her ability to make the ruthless moves necessary to hold the kingdom together. Her father hopes that she can be the one to bring about a better world: one in which all have equal opportunities. Although she seriously doubts her ability to do that, Melina accepts it as her life’s calling. She believes that “we must choose good, no matter the sacrifice.” Putting her own desires behind her, her yearning for a peaceful life and true love, she begins to push for changes, to let her voice be heard, and prepares for the day she will step into her mother’s shoes. And then…her mother gives birth to twin daughters and Melina is moved to third in line for the throne. Further, when she fulfills a promise she made to her mother to protect the throne, she is banished from the island. Far from her family and her kingdom, Melina wrestles with her destiny. What is her purpose? Why did she work so hard to fulfill it, only to have it taken away before she could effect any real change? Does she even know who she is anymore…and did she ever know? As she ponders the meaning of everything, she remembers her father’s life. Always in her mother’s shadow, all but forgotten after his death. Yet because of him, Melina overcame her uncertainty and was ready to lead her people. She realizes that one’s purpose in life doesn’t have to be obvious greatness. Melina’s father believed that his was simply to prepare her for her purpose. Melina slowly comes to believe she may also have the role of preparer and protector. It’s not what she expected but it just might be her true calling. While she may never rule, her kingdom still needs her…every ounce of courage and wisdom that she has acquired through her royal training as well as her years of solitude. As her father told her, “You may be inspired to act by a feeling, by attraction, but love is something you do.” Can Melina show her love for her family and her people…and even herself? This book added a new depth to Chancery’s saga. Melina is seen earlier as not only a villain, but mentally unstable. Now we can see how each move was a deliberate act, committed in the firm belief that she was doing what she believed was best, not only for her people but for the future of humanity. And how she may be instrumental to Chancery’s ability to fulfill her own destiny. As always, Bridget Baker's writing is both action-packed and beautiful. Her ability to capture emotion without long, boring descriptions, her realistic and varied characters, and her cleverness in weaving in real-life events (Pearl Harbor, -, etc.) make this series a delight.
Release date: 2021-09-28 $9.99
1. A Solid First Two Acts - Overall the book is a good character-driven story that sets itself up with interesting main characters, an intriguing premise, and a delightful mystery. Once that mystery is fully unraveled, however, the story quickly loses its luster with the final twist being entirely out of left field and not nearly set up enough to be satisfying.
Release date: 2020-08-25 $11.99
1. What a lovely book! - It’s easy to read, great pacing, I like all the characters, and it even has some suspense in there too. The best part about it though is it reads in Glasgow Scotland accent, and as an American I thought that is so charming and creative I am writing this review. If you love the Scottish accent (Glasgow) pick up this book and try reading it out loud to yourself- it will make you smile.
2. A Terrific New Character in the Iron Druid Universe - I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review. Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne is a rollicking good read set in the same universe as was the Iron Druid series by the same author. You don’t need to read the Iron Druid series to thoroughly enjoy Ink & Sigil.
The Pantheons are the same, and the Sigil Agents came about because of a shortage of druids. Aloysius MacBharrais is one of global Sigil Agents, and the protagonist of Mr. Hearne's story. The agents exist to maintain the treaties between the various gods and humankind, at times having to kick the buttocks of demons, minor fae and the like, if they take advantage of (or dine on) humans. Al finds that his recently deceased apprentice was involved in a fae-trafficking ring, and it’s his job to set things right. This is a well-imagined world, and, unsurprisingly, given Mr. Hearne’s past work, the writing is spot on. Mr. Hearne throws in a wee bit of a challenge by writing the Scotland-based dialog like it sounds in Glasgow. It took a couple of chapters to get used to the dialog, but it totally worked in the story, and I’m now convinced I could order a whisky in any bar in Glasgow. Thanks to the writing and the characters living inside, this book was a joy to read. I highly recommend it. (Actually, I've already read the book twice!) Oh, did I mention the hobgoblin…
3. Fun read! - This was a super fun read! It’s set in the same world as the Iron Druid books but you don’t need to have any familiarity with them to enjoy this book. (You should read that series too though, Oberon is a very good dog )
I was lucky enough to get my hands on an eARC of this title and it’s been an awesome quarantine read. The author really excels in writing light escapist fantasy. They’re the equivalent of a silly action movie, no great classic of literature, but I’ve had a genuinely good time reading them all and they’ve all put a smile on my face.
Put this on your to read shelf and preorder a copy!!
4. Wonderful start to a hopefully long lasting series! - received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I have not read nearly enough books by Kevin Hearne, but I will definitely be rectifying that situation shortly. I first read Hounded (Iron Druid Chronicles) many years ago after it first came out and I absolutely loved it, but for one reason or another never had a chance to finish the rest of the series. I was fortunate to get my hands on an early review copy of Ink & Sigil, which happens to be in the Iron Druid universe and has a quick nod to Atticus and Oberon, but otherwise holds its own quite nicely. I was drawn in from the first word. This book had awesome action, an intriguing plot, a mystery that will hopefully be solved as the series progresses, and most importantly amazingly nutty characters. I haven't laughed that long at a book in a long time! Can't wait for more.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $6.99
Release date: 2022-05-04 $7.99
Release date: 2012-11-27 $11.99
1. Awesome - As per my usual expectations of Kevin Hearne he has more than exceeded what i expected out of this book and I loved it so much. I bought it yesterday and already finished it today. I was sad that i didn't spread out the enjoyment of reading it, but i think that points to just how entrancing his writings are and the inevitable wait for Hunted.
2. Reviews Before Release - The reason there can be reviews before the book is released are numerous - it may have been released at an earlier time in other countries (happens quite often), people are reviewing it based upon having the good fortune to get Advanced Reader Copies (ARC), among other things. So not all reviews posted prior to the release date are fakes. Most are authentic as the publisher specifically targets reviewers for ARCs.
3. How can anyone rate an unreleased book??? - This is incredibly annoying. The book isn't even out yet and it's already received several ratings. You shouldn't be able to rate something that you haven't purchased yet! I am giving this book a star rating, just to try and offset some of these spurious ratings.
Release date: 2005-08-30 $7.99
Release date: 2012-07-03 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. . Star - Well Crafted Action - Alex Craft is a really intriguing character and the world building of the author continues to hold interest three books into the series as it unfolds. The only ding of / a star is the fey world stuff seems a bit off pace with the rest of the story. However it does appear as it might be setting up something for the next book. I was glad to see Death get some equal time in "Grave Memory" (I kind of expected it last book so author keeps it fresh by making us wait), giving the love triangle more tension. Warning there is a cliffhanger ending. Absolutely love the running toothbrush joke and was glad to see it got in there again!
Release date: 2020-11-24 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
1. Absolutely Adore this Great Book Series! - I absolutely LOVE this book series by Benedict Jacka! And eagerly anticipated the release of each and every book and audiobook - often waiting impatiently, yet gleefully, to purchase BOTH. I adore the narrator Gildart Jackson, and often forget that it’s just one person helping to make all the different characters come to life in my imagination. I’m absolutely heartbroken that the next book and audiobook will be the last in the series, but eagerly await their release all the same. Finding such a Great Series so consistently engaging, with characters that I’ve come to embrace so heartily, is not something to be discovered so easily, at least not for me. Thank you Mr. Jacka for creating such wonderful books and characters in this series, and thank you Mr. Jackson for lending your wonderful voice to us over the years.
2. Both wish and don’t wish it were over - I’ve been enjoying this series, but it’s been going on forever. When I saw this book on its way out I foolishly thought it would be the end. Not leaves yet another annoying cliffhanger. With no next book in sight. The story is good, but stories have to end! Bottom line is I have no intention of continuing with this series right now. Honestly if the author had wrapped up one series at or books and started another one just as good, I’d probably keep going with the new one. But I feel like he’s really stretching to keep this set of characters interesting and appealing, and the stretch is starting to wear thin. Don’t be lazy; wrap it up and start something new!
Release date: 2014-06-03 $8.99
1. Well that sucked - One doesn’t read LKH and expect Hamlet or anything, but I definitely expect some good sex scenes. Nothing in this book was remotely satisfying. For some reason I just kept getting the feeling that she had a minimum word count she was trying to hit so she put a bunch of clothing descriptions in. I might be crazy here, but Doyle can heal people by licking them, however Merry’s vagina is too sore for sex? She’s had all manner of creature in her vagina (sometimes at a time), and Doyle couldn’t have fixed this problem with some “healing tongue”? But only men get any oral pleasures. She has orgasm simply by giving head. Oh yeah giving head immediately after birth is everyone’s dream. Everyone is crying all of the time. I don’t want to read about Doyle and Frost and psychotic auntie Andais breaking down in tears. It’s like everyone in the book had postpartum depression. I had some kind of depression after reading it as well. Bummer. Skip it folks! Let me know when there’s an actual book
2. So disappointed! - Reading this was actually difficult in some places because of the excessive description of clothing. Then you have to deal with all the rehashing of old books to catch up a new reader. No one will pick this up and start on book . As with her other books she hurries through the ending and deaths. There is no character development. This reads like a magazine. No story arch or development. She kills off a main character for nothing. There is no resolve or change. Why finally put out a new book when you don’t know where you want the story to go? I feel like this was just a way to get my money. It’s sad to think a writer would betray her fans just to pull in revenue. I seriously hate her endings she rambles about clothes, dedicates chapters to conversations, but only puts in a quick summary as an ending. All us series followers should get a new book with real story for free.
3. Literally too awful for words - I actually love the Merry Gentry books (as well as Anita Blake), but this book feels like she dashed it off with almost no thought. An extraordinarily unsatisfying ending to the series. I wish I had skipped it so I could have continued to imagine anything I wanted, rather than trying to forget this wretched entry instead. If I’d bought the paper copy, I’d burn it just so that no one else would ever be duped into reading it. It really makes me wonder - who the heck rated it stars? They must have been paid. Because anyone who read the book would have noticed it was almost entirely devoid of plot, thought or care. Shame on her. And shame on her publishers - from whom I most certainly want a refund.
4. Decent for rabid fans - Let me begin, with the fact that I have read all previous entries in the Merry Gentry series (which I love.) So, when I saw that there was another one as a fan I was super excited. So the question is should you buy the book? Absolutely, if you've read the other ones, if you haven't I would pass. Honestly, this book is really a rehash of previous story points, yes I know some things are furthered, but really not that far. It felt like an "in between" book. Catch you up, give you just enough to keep your interest, but really build for another book. Which I hope happens (fingers crossed.)
5. Complete Disappointment - Yes because of a new reader or just to refresh those familiar with the Merry Gentry books, it's great to give a brief refresher on the history of the series & what transpired in the last books. There is no reason that /rd's of this book should be that alone. The book was stagnant with repetition and the parts that seemed to move the book along then seemed to hold no real substance and just seemed to be throw aways. I'm not sure who's to truly blame here. Either way, whether it be the publisher or Ms. Hamilton herself, give your readers & fans a bit more Respect and put work out that seems to have a bit more care given to the the storyline. There's a reason a ninth book has been written in this series, your fans love Merry Gentry and her band of men. Please show us that you love them too!
6. Over it. - I have been a loyal LKH reader for YEARS. I'm done. Both series have the same issues of repetitiveness and over describing characters. LKH enough of your fans have complained about this and now you have lost one. You use to be a phenomenal author and I'm sure if you honestly cared about your characters like you say you do then maybe you would stop rushing through your stories and actually write some content instead of using fillers like the over use of character description.
7. What? - I love LKH and the majority of her books. I usually can't wait for one to come out, and then I devote myself entirely to the story until the end. But I am so disappointed. The ending was horrible, totally anticlimactic. The ending contradicts the rules that have played out throughout the rest of the series. And it was quickly pieced together without much thought. Another great series circling the drain.
8. The Reverse Princess Bride - A Shiver of Light is basically a slice of life novel focusing on Merry and her court from the last moments of Merry's pregnancy through the first couple of weeks with the children. It doesn't make much effort to be anything else and that would endear it to me somewhat if it wasn't such a slough. I can respect a book that looks me in face by page or so and says, "Nope! There will be no plot. No mystery, no substance, no substantial story beats or character development whatsoever. I'm going to be pretty and pointless and when you put me down you'll never think of me again, but I shall at least be a pleasant, entertaining diversion while I'm here." Sadly, A Shiver of Light is less a pleasant diversion and more like the reverse Princess Bride. All the boring stuff and none of the good bits. So, what makes a book with some fairly graphic sexual content, a decent amount of violence and a cast of dozens a total bore? Well, as it turns out, when you slap a book together from a batch of largely disconnected scenes, bother very little with transition, spend an excessive amount of time describing all the characters and what they each look like and wear and then make, quite literally, every single solitary person in the book act like they have no idea what the hell they're doing, and don't bother to put together anything even vaguely approaching a story arc then it really just doesn't make for a very good or entertaining read. The story, what there is of it, comes in drips and dabs with very little in terms of transition and flow to the point that the book feels less like a complete whole and more like a bunch of bullet points that got together to spawn short scenes that are often bulkier than they need to be and loaded with repetitious exposition. And when I say repetitious exposition what I mean is that the same primary characters are described basically the same way in several chapters in excessive detail despite the fact that the chapters occur hours or sometimes only minutes apart and offer little to no new information. Basically, the book acts as if the reader somehow has NO IDEA who these characters are or what they look like regardless of whether they are major or minor characters or how many times they've been seen already in the book. By book's end, you get somewhere in the ballpark of / of the book (and I'm probably being overly generous there as it certainly seems like more) devoted to descriptive dialogue about the relatively small cast of characters. Characters who are also strangely forgetful and apparently allergic to rational thought as they spend much of the book dithering over options about what to do with a problem like Taranis (the primary villain of the piece) and almost no time actually doing anything or even making any actual decisions. As a result the main conflict of the book resolves itself in the last ten pages of the book primarily through the power of the characters being generally incapable of remembering important information from one moment to the next. This book does do a few things right. It doesn't feel like a dithering placeholder as did the last novel in the Merry Gentry series and thus progresses with at least a sort of general purpose and a comparative minimum of melodramatic shirt-wringing. Strangely the addition of children doesn't do much to change the overall vibe and dynamic of the character interactions, but they do a fair job of driving the narrative. Even if literally the ONLY time they're on page is when they're plot relevant which presumably explains the odd narrative pacing if you assume that every time it jumps about awkwardly it's because she had to go feed the babies. There are a couple of fun character moments in the book, but most of those moments are over far too quickly and it's back to business as usual. If you've read Hamilton's books (and the Merry Gentry books in particular) before then you know what to expect and most of the usual fobbiles are represented here including, but not limited to: vast amounts of exposition regarding events from previous books (and occasionally events that occurred literally two chapters ago), character overload, exposition and description repetition, long conversations about insecurities, random sexual interludes, excessive cuddling, so many feelings and a need to talk about them constantly. So, in conclusion, I strongly recommend avoiding this book like the plague. If you want to know what happens with the characters just read the inevitable wikipedia summary as pretty much everything that actually happens in this book can be summed up in a couple of paragraphs. Save your time, energy and money for something that's more worthy of it.
9. Severely Underwhelming - After the long hiatus since Divine Misdemeanors, I was hoping that Hamilton return to faerie would either bring the series to a thoughtful conclusion or show her commitment to continuing its earlier greatness with new mysteries, character development and story arcs. Regrettably, this book did very little of either. While it was great to finally meet the babies, there was too much backstory filler from previous installments, and very little plot or pacing. Those familiar with LLK knows that she will either use death or sex to advance her stories, but her use of death in Shiver of Light is abrupt and rushed in the last few chapters of the book. This book makes wish she had left well enough alone after Swallowing Darkness.
10. Refund please - I have been a fan for so many years, and I waited so long to find out about Merry and her babies but... Disappointed does not even begin to cover what I feel about this book. I want my money back. And Hamilton, I am sorry to say this, but you should be ashamed of yourself. My year old has more plot in the story he told me to explain why all the cookies were gone.
11. So glad Merri is back - I'm super happy the story line picked up again. Merri's post pregnancy persona is just fine with me. I don't have a problem with her emotional state, it doesn't overshadow the story and it allows us to see the kindness of her lovers. Love the queen's continued sociopathic, unpredictability. Makes all interactions with her an entertaining quick pro quo. Her perspective is deliciously skewed still. I would like to see her have a greater role in upcoming books. I read the book in two days and wished there would've been more development in the Frost injury story line. I'm not fully invested in the life altering outcome. There was a huge, life altering diagnosis concluded, but nothing really supporting the diagnosis except Merri's best guess. Could've built more into the assassination, perhaps more actually detective work from the main character, supernatural detective extraordinaire, rather than have her receive a confession from the killer less than a day of it happening. Looking forward to seeing how the powers of the babies develop, although I am kind of hoping the age really, really fast due to their supernatural genes - because I don't think I can sit through a book covering their toddler years. Just not interesting enough. Overall, I am giving it stars. A good return to a series long gone, all the characters came back to me with remarkable clarity without over doing the back stories and the ground work is laid for some very good story lines in the next installment. We'll done, Laurell K. Hamilton.
12. Reads Like a Draft - I've enjoyed Hamilton's books for years, and the Merry Gentry books are by far my favorites. Because of this, I was really looking forward to this book, and started to read it just as soon as my preorder became available. Which is why I'm sad to say that I was sorely disappointed. It had some major flaws that were pretty difficult to ignore. . I found many, many grammatical errors. In places it was actually difficult to read because they were so obvious and confused the prose. In a writer of this caliber, it boggles the mind that the copy editing was so poorly done. (I'm not blaming Hamilton for this....totally her publisher's fault for releasing a book that needs so much work.) . A frequent problem authors have when they get this far into a series is that they feel the need to constantly remind the reader of the who, what and whys. A certain amount of this is OK, but in a couple of spots it was as if Hamilton had forgotten that she'd just reminded us of that detail a chapter or two earlier. The exposition also felt very cut and paste - as if she'd lifted it directly from earlier books. . The plot was practically nonexistent and rushed. I get that many of Hamilton's books are more about the relationships, and that can be ok. In this particular book, though, it felt like a complete afterthought. I really wish Hamilton had ended the Merry Gentry books after the last one and had left the readers to their own imaginations as to what happened next. I wonder? Did she want to write this book? or was it a contractual obligation? Either way, it's a huge disservice to characters I love.
Release date: 2011-09-27 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $7.99
Release date: 2021-09-19 $9.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Sci-Fi & Fantasy > Fantasy $9.99
1. We all need some witches looking out for our lives! - Well thank goodness for the witches! Read it to find out the complicated plots and very funny way their not so real world reflects our very real world every day. The relationships between the towns folks the supposed royals and the witches all thrive one way or another. Everyone has a role to play even the actors. Fun, funny at times, confusing at times, but witches get it right no matter what the consequences
2. Fun Read - Found this in the "bargain bin" here a few weeks ago. I do a lot of waiting in my job and I use books on my iPad to pass the time. I also have a hard time paying bucks for something that doesn't include paper that can be passed along when I'm done. Anyway I always look for interesting books that may be in genres that I might normally pass over for a full priced book. This is one of those books, quirky, wyrd and very enjoyable.
I can't believe that with stars from readers no one has written a review.
This was a fun book with interesting characters. Tolstoy it ain't but who wants to read Tolstoy during your lunch hour! I look forward to other books from this author.