There is a reason why Stephen King is one of the bestselling writers in the world, ever. Described in the Guardian as 'the most remarkable storyteller in modern American literature', Stephen King writes books that draw you in and are impossible to put down . Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time , this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writer's craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have. King's advice is groun...
Releasedatum: 2001-09-01 € 6,49
Kranten en tijdschriften kunnen zich in het internettijdperk niet meer onderscheiden met nieuws dat kort, snel, mobiel, amusant en ook nog gratis moet zijn, maar wél met eigen verhalen die grondig zijn onderzocht en bovenal meeslepend geschreven. In het Handboek verhalende journalistiek maken Henk Blanken en Wim de Jong beginnende en gevorderde journalisten vertrouwd met de technieken van de literaire non-fictie. Beide auteurs putten niet alleen uit hun lange ervaring als journalist en docent j...
Releasedatum: 2014-09-06 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Na De wil en de weg, volgens Mark Schaevers in Humo het interessantste schrijvershandboek dat in ons taalgebied op de markt is, richt Jan Brokken zich in Het hoe tot de meer gevorderde schrijvers. Het componeren van een boek staat centraal in Het hoe, waarbij het Brokken niet uitmaakt of het een roman, een novelle, een thriller of een non-fictieboek is. In alle literaire genres moet het verhaal pakkend verteld worden en het drama een dwingende intrige krijgen. Brokken plukt zijn voorbeelden uit ...
Releasedatum: 2011-09-16 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Het essay is de minst bekende van de vier grote literaire genres (naast proza, poëzie en drama), maar wordt het meest beoefend. Van filmrecensies tot de biografie: allemaal behoren ze tot het genre dat in de zestiende eeuw door Michel de Montaigne werd uitgevonden. In zijn meest zuivere vorm is een essay een persoonlijke bespiegeling die de lezer uitdaagt om mee te denken, tegenargumenten en -voorbeelden te verzinnen en in debat te gaan met de essayist. Hoe je dit moet doen, en welke handgrepen...
Releasedatum: 2009-10-31 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Poëzie mag de naam hebben verheven, zwaarwichtig en complex te zijn, volgens Ellen Deckwitz is dat allemaal van geen belang als je zelf gedichten gaat schrijven. ‘Als je poëzie gaat schrijven probeer je een moment te vangen in woorden, met behulp van beelden en ingedikte taal. Die woorden moeten precies gekozen zijn, zodat het iets oproept in het hoofd van de lezer.’ In Zo word je een geweldige dichter geeft Deckwitz de beginnende en gevorderde dichter inzichten en instrumenten om van een ...
Releasedatum: 2015-09-09 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
A concise introduction to writing as an effective means of communication.
Releasedatum: 2011-01-26 € 0,49
Vijftienduizend gedichten kreeg de jury van de Turing Nationale Gedichtenwedstrijd eind 2009 te verwerken. Gedichten schrijven lijkt dan ook een nationale bezigheid geworden. Toch tobben vele dichters en dichters-in-spe met grote vragen. Rijm je, of rijm je juist niet? Waar breek je een regel af en waarom? En wat kun je in een gedicht met verhaaltechnieken als perspectiefkeuze, ruimtebeschrijving en tijdbehandeling.
Releasedatum: 2011-02-14 € 9,99
Hoe komt het dat mensen de ene tekst geïnteresseerd lezen en bij de andere tekst in slaap sukkelen? Waarom wordt het ene rapport enthousiast gelezen terwijl het andere direct in de onderste la verdwijnt? Waarom sorteert de ene reclameslogan effect en de andere niet? Waarom wordt de ene roman een pareltje genoemd en de andere een aanfluiting? Het antwoord is stijl: een goede stijl versus een slechte stijl. Stijl is de presentatie van de inhoud. Tekstsoort, tekststructuur, woordkeuze, zinsbouw, s...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-02 € 13,99
‘Dialogen schrijven’ van Don Duyns gaat over hoe je dialogen opschrijft en over methodes om goede tweegesprekken te maken. Onder het motto van John Gardner: ‘Een goed schrijver kan alles duidelijk maken door middel van handeling en dialoog.’ Dialogen vormen de essentie van allerlei fictie: van toneel tot romans, van televisiescenario’s tot essays. Wat is het geheim van een goed tweegesprek? Duyns verzamelde voor dit boek de beste artikelen en teksten over dit onderwerp van uiteenlopend...
Releasedatum: 2011-02-14 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Hoe begin je een verhaal? Door eerst maar raak te schrijven, of pas na eindeloos mijmeren, kijken en kiezen? Aan het schrijven van een verhaal, novelle of roman gaat veel vooraf. Idee rijpen traag, personages komen weerbarstig tot leven, intriges blijken ingewikkelder dan gedacht. In dit boek laat Pim Wiersinga de voor de hand liggende tips en trucs voor wat ze zijn; in plaats daarvan erkent hij dat de sleutel ligt bij het temperament van de schrijver. 'Vorm' en 'vent' zijn . Pim Wiersinga is me...
Releasedatum: 2009-10-31 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Written on the brink of World War II, Rebecca West's classic examination of the history, people, and politics of Yugoslavia illuminates a region that is still a focus of international concern. A magnificent blend of travel journal, cultural commentary, and historical insight, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon probes the troubled history of the Balkans, and the uneasy relationships amongst its ethnic groups. The landscape and the people of Yugoslavia are brilliantly observed as West untangles the tensio...
Releasedatum: 1941-05-15 € 3,99
Explore different forms and genres by writing fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Discover effective writing concepts and build your skills. Create your own writing projects with fresh ideas. You’ll learn a lot by simply reading these exercises, which impart literary and storytelling devices. Each chapter focuses on a different form or writing concept: freewriting, journaling, memoirs, fiction and storytelling, form poetry and free verse, article and blog writing, characters, and dialogu...
Releasedatum: 2012-02-15 € 3,99
Sinds de eerste editie uit 1996 is het Handboek voor schrijvers een begrip geworden voor schrijvend Nederland en Vlaanderen. Tienduizenden schrijvers van verhalen, romans, essays en gedichten gebruiken het om te ontdekken waar ze terechtkunnen als ze beter willen leren schrijven en dichten, hoe ze een uitgever kunnen vinden voor hun manuscript en wat ze kunnen doen om hun boek te promoten. Hoe gaat het eraan toe bij een uitgeverij? Waar moet je aan denken als je je boek zelf uitgeeft? En hoe maa...
Releasedatum: 2014-06-06 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
When you combine the sheer scale and range of digital information now available with a journalist’s "nose for news" and her ability to tell a compelling story, a new world of possibility opens up. With The Data Journalism Handbook, you’ll explore the potential, limits, and applied uses of this new and fascinating field. This valuable handbook has attracted scores of contributors (a who’s who of data journalism) since the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-19 € 4,49
Om als schrijver, regisseur, acteur – of wat voor storyteller je ook bent – dynamische en authentieke karakters te creëren is het gebruik van archetypes van onmisbare waarde. Archetypes vind je in bijna alle vormen van literatuur, in mythen, sprookjes en filmscripts. Het zijn herkenbare, universele karaktertypes en symbolen die van alle tijden zijn, steeds weer in unieke vorm opduiken en die verhalen urgentie en diepgang verlenen. Dit boek behandelt de 12 archetypes – zoals magiër, nar, ...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-11 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Has writer's block crippled your creativity? Beat writer's block forever with five books jam-packed with thousands of inspiring creative writing prompts! The 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts Box Set has over 150 five-star reviews across all books and platforms. This comprehensive collection contains over 800 pages of prompts to get your creative juices flowing. The massive and innovative box set includes the following five full-length books: - 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts - Four Seas...
Releasedatum: 2015-09-15 € 8,49
With an introduction by Geoff Dyer and personal insights into how some of the most internationally known authors have crafted their best loved works, How to write fiction is a must-read for every aspiring fiction writer. Comprehensive exercises by Kate Grenville to accompany each stage of the writing process will help to embed your learning as your novel progresses. Chapters are: Jill Dawson on Getting started Andrew Miller on Character Rachel Cusk on Point of View Meg Rosoff on Voice DBC Pierre...
Releasedatum: 2011-10-14 € 2,99
Author Steve Sharp tells his students that the thesis statement is the sun around which EVERYTHING in their paper orbits. Every sentence must fall within its gravitational pull and obey rational orbital laws. Otherwise chaos ensues. If you really want to succeed in the academic world, you simply can't afford to leave your readers scratching their heads after they've read your paper, wondering, "What's the point of this? Why was this written?" MASTERING THE THESIS STATEMENT teaches you just about...
Releasedatum: 2011-04-03 € 0,99
2 Bestselling Guides Packed With Tips to Help You Brainstorm and Plan Your Best Story From Award-Winning and Internationally Published Writing Mentor K.M. Weiland With over 300 pages of step-by-step guidance, these two individual books have 440+ five star reviews on Amazon and have helped thousands of authors write better books. Can Outlining Help You Write a Better Story? These bestselling guides will help you choose the right type of outline to unleash your creativity, guide you in brainstormi...
Releasedatum: 2016-02-11 € 6,49
Wat is een kort verhaal? Een artikel van Carien Touwen met daarin een overzicht van de belangrijkste eigenschappen van een goed kort verhaal. Onmisbaar voor iedere schrijver. Carien Touwen is hoofdredacteur van de website Ze was jarenlang uitgever bij Parelz, een uitgeverij gespecialiseerd in korte verhalen, en was hoofdredacteur van Azra Magazine.
Releasedatum: 2014-02-04 € 0,99
YOUR MIND MOVES AT LIGHTNING SPEED -- YOUR WRITING SHOULD, TOO. In this dynamic bestseller, author Jeff Bollow walks you step by step through a breakthrough 4-part writing process to write anything (books, novels, screenplays, emails, blogs... even a doctoral thesis) better and faster than ever before. You'll demystify the writing process with a friendly guide and simple steps that take you from idea to polished writing the reader can't put down, at nearly the speed of thought.
Releasedatum: 2012-01-24 € 5,49
Can you write? If you can, you can grow rich. This book shows you how and you get $5,000 of author resources when you go to and submit your order number. Have you tried all the entrepreneurial tricks only to end up back where you started? Are you passionate about an idea that you want to share with the world? Do you wish you could turn a single book into something more? Bestselling author Alinka Rutkowska started with one book and transformed it into a successful...
Releasedatum: 2018-10-02 € 2,49
Zonder vorm geen inhoud. En zonder stijl geen verhaal. Om een tekst een gebeurtenis te talen worden is dynamiek nodig, en die is alleen voelbaar door een strak gedoseerd ritme. Schrijven is, los van het verhaal, vooral ritme: het ritme van zinnen, passages en personages - de afwisseling van rust en handeling, van snelheid en traagheid. In dit boek schetst Verbogt hoe ritme afhankelijk is van het doel van passages, van sfeer, stemming, motieven en plaats van handeling. 'Alles heeft een ritme.
Releasedatum: 2009-10-31 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
Planning, writing and referencing high school, college or university business reports is made easier with this step by step process. This iBook is written in a easy to read format, and helps students to understand exactly what is required in business reports, by looking at different types of reports, how to analyse the assignment question, how to use brainstorming techniques, what to include in the introduction and body of the report, and how to write conclusions and recommendations. ...
Releasedatum: 2012-08-01 € 2,49
Science journalism has perhaps never been so critical to our world—and the demands on science journalists have never been greater. On any given day, a science journalist might need to explain the details of genetic engineering, analyze a development in climate change research, or serve as a watchdog helping to ensure the integrity of the scientific enterprise. And science writers have to spin tales seductive enough to keep readers hooked to the end, despite the endless other delights ju...
Releasedatum: 2020-02-01 € 8,99
There is one sure-fire way of improving your novel… You may know the fundamentals of how to write fiction. You may be more than competent in plot, structure and characters. But if your dialogue is dull it will drag the whole story down. On the other hand, if your dialogue is crisp and full of tension it immediately grabs the reader. And if that reader is an agent or editor, sharp dialogue will give them instant assurance that you know what you're doing as a writer. Writing a bestseller or hot ...
Releasedatum: 2017-01-16 € 5,99
2 Bestselling Guides Packed With Tips to Help You Brainstorm and Plan Your Best Story From Award-Winning and Internationally Published Writing Mentor K.M. Weiland With almost 500 pages of step-by-step guidance, these two individual books have 340+ five star reviews on Amazon and have helped thousands of authors write better books. Is Structure the Hidden Foundation of All Successful Stories? These bestselling guides will teach you the secret to creating consistently good stories, show you how to...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-13 € 7,49
Acclaim for Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success: “Not into outlining? Then someone did not demonstrate it for you the way Weiland has in her book. If you can make a quick trip grocery list, you can outline your next manuscript to benefit your process, using Weiland’s guide.”—Leslie Hultgren “…this is one of the few writing craft books I have read start to finish, was easy to apply to my writing immediately, and helped me follow through on my first draft.”—F. Colley “M...
Releasedatum: 2013-02-15 € 4,49
This book provides comprehensive advice on what to write about for children, how to write it, and how to present the work professionally for publication. It includes an easy-to-use picture book layout plan and tried and tested examples of title sheets and covering letters. It also includes everything a writer needs to know about the international picture book market and how to sell to agents and publishers. This new edition contains advice on enhancing your text for the ebook market.
Releasedatum: 2016-02-18 € 3,99
Get inspired...stay inspired. Write faster...write more! MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS makes “show, don’t tell” much easier and helps you figure out your story more quickly. In this book, you’ll find: • lists of phrases for describing facial expressions, body language, gestures, physical appearance, and emotions • 175 master plot ideas, including romance, high-stakes, family, and workplace stories • lists of words for writing action scenes and love scenes...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-25 € 4,49
Aspects of the Novel is a unique attempt to examine the novel afresh, rejecting the traditional methods of classification by chronology or subject-matter. 'His is a book to encourage dreaming.' Virginia Woolf Forster pares down the novel to its essential elements as he sees them: story, people, plot, fantasy, prophecy, pattern and rhythm. He illustrates each aspect with examples from their greatest exponents, not hesitating as he does so to pass controversial judgement on the works of, among oth...
Releasedatum: 2016-02-04 € 1,99
The 90-Day Screenplay was workshopped at L.A. Writers' Lab over the course of ten years and has helped hundreds of screenwriters complete their work. Many graduates of the Lab have gone on to major careers as screenwriters and producers in TV and film. The 90-Day Screenplay method of structuring your story is organic, involving a rigorous inquiry into the dilemma besetting your characters. This inside-out approach avoids the distractions that frequently occur when one's focus is placed squ...
Releasedatum: 2014-02-20 € 7,99
WHAT IS THE STORY GRID? The Story Grid is a tool developed by editor Shawn Coyne to analyze stories and provide helpful editorial comments. It's like a CT Scan that takes a photo of the global story and tells the editor or writer what is working, what is not, and what must be done to make what works better and fix what's not. The Story Grid breaks down the component parts of stories to identify the problems. And finding the problems in a story is almost as difficult as the writing of the s...
Releasedatum: 2015-04-27 € 11,99
Schrijven is schrappen is een bekend schrijfdogma, maar hoe werkt dit in de praktijk? En hoe ver strekt deze regel zich uit? Heel ver, betoogt schrijver en schrijfdocent Hans Hogenkamp: niet alleen op het gebied van woorden, zinnen en alinea's, maar ook op het gebied van scènes, tijd, personages, verhaallijnen, locaties en thema's. Door te suggereren, te doseren en je vertelmiddelen zo functioneel mogelijk in te zetten, kunnen schrijvers de zeggingskracht van hun verhalen en romans sterk vergro...
Releasedatum: 2014-05-21 € 9,99
If you’re looking for writing ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Perfect for writers who are feeling uninspired or who simply want to tackle a new writing challenge, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts has something for everyone. Whether you write fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction, you’ll find plenty of fresh ideas inside this book. The fiction prompts cover a range of genres, including literary, mystery, thriller, suspense, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, horror, romance, histor...
Releasedatum: 2014-01-03 € 3,99
By adopting simple but effective habits that strengthen your writing skills, you will master the craft of writing. All it takes is dedication and self-discipline. Each of the 10 practices presented in this book grow your skills and promote excellence. You'll find inspirational quotes, questions for thought and discussion, and activities peppered throughout. 10 Core Practices for Better Writing is ideal for writing groups, classes, and workshops as well as individual writers who are ready to take...
Releasedatum: 2013-07-30 € 2,99
This book is for you if one of these scenarios fits: (1) you just inherited the PR function on top of your other responsibilities; (2) you are headed back into the PR job market after several years; (3) you want to acquire some PR savvy for a prospective new job; (4) you have a communications degree, but never have worked in PR; or (5) you are new to PR and want a few tips from a veteran. It is a practical handbook that includes strategies for achieving good writing in a fast-paced environment, ...
Releasedatum: 2011-09-28 € 0,99
“Questo è un libro ottimista, e ha un obiettivo dichiarato: aiutarvi a scrivere in maniera efficace (un’email, una relazione, una tesi o un breve saggio: la tecnica non cambia). Si parte dal Decalogo Diabolico e si arriva ai Sedici Semplici Suggerimenti. Ogni capitolo si chiude con un test o un quiz: una forma blanda di sadomasochismo, che certamente apprezzerete. Scrivo per mestiere dal remoto 1979 – avevo ventidue anni, i capelli neri e l’avverbio facile – e penso di conoscere alcun...
Releasedatum: 2010-10-05 € 6,99
This short, ten-page, article derived from bestselling author Julie Hyzy's popular presentation on writing dialogue, is available now. New and seasoned authors have paid up to $50 to hear Julie's tips on how to make your character's conversations zing. If you're interested in crafting dialogue that is both realistic and snappy, don't pass this up. Better cover coming soon!
Releasedatum: 2011-04-22 € 1,99
Every story starts with a character who is motivated by a need and has a goal that can resolve it. Whether their objective is to find a life partner, bring a killer to justice, overthrow a cruel regime, or something else, conflict transforms a story premise into something fresh. Physical obstacles, adversaries, moral dilemmas, deep-seated doubts and personal struggles...these not only block a character's external progress, they become a gateway for internal growth. The right conflict will build ...
Releasedatum: 2021-10-11 € 4,99
'Voor iedereen die een autobiografie wil schrijven.' - Wall Street Journal Als je wilt weten hoe je het schrijven van je levensverhaal aanpakt, dan is Memoires schrijven een onmisbare gids. Mary Karr laat zien wat je wel en niet moet doen als je je persoonlijke verhaal wilt schrijven en ondersteunt dat met voorbeelden van belangrijke schrijvers op dit vakgebied. Ook vertelt Karr over haar ervaringen als memorialist en schroomt daarbij niet haar eigen fouten te delen met de lezer. Karr beschrijft...
Releasedatum: 2017-09-06 € 14,99
What’s a story? Is it character? Plot? Conflict? Change? Why do some stories fall flat with audiences while others sweep the globe, captivating people in every corner of the world? Stories are made up of many moving parts: action, dialogue, description, and exposition are just a few components of a story. These, and many other building blocks, are woven together to create a compelling and entertaining narrative. What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Storytellers parses the elements that work...
Releasedatum: 2016-07-17 € 2,99
"I loved this book! So helpful!" -- Courtney Milan, New York Times Best Selling author of The Governess Affair "Have you ever wanted to double your daily word counts? Do you feel like you're crawling through your story, struggling for each paragraph? Would you like to get more words every day without increasing the time you spend writing or sacrificing quality? It's not impossible, it's not even that hard. This is the story of how, with a few simple changes, I boosted my daily writing from 2000 ...
Releasedatum: 2012-10-07 € 4,99
This book provides professional tips and techniques for those wishing to break into writing for TV whether it's a soap, series drama, or situation comedy. It covers all aspects of script writing such as structure, plotting, characterization and dialogue and is packed with advice on presenting and selling scripts. It also includes a chapter specifically on writing for radio.
Releasedatum: 2016-02-18 € 3,99
Can't finish your written work? Can't start it? Constantly missing deadlines and opportunities? The 7 Secrets of the Prolific has the solutions you need! In it, author Hillary Rettig shows how fear, scarcity, ambivalence, and other inner obstacles trigger a Disempowerment Cascade that can derail even the most dedicated and experienced writer. How perfectionism plays a more serious role in underproductivity than most writers realize. And how some criticisms and rejections can linger, hidden, for ...
Releasedatum: 2011-11-17 € 8,99
This is not about writing technique. "Violence: A Writer's Guide" is an introduction to the world of violence. To the parts that people don’t understand. The parts that books and movies get wrong. Not just the mechanics, but how people who live in a violent world think and feel about what they do and what they see done. “Novelists need to be experts on storytelling. For everything else, we need to fake it convincingly. If you want to become a real expert on violence, you can spend years in a...
Releasedatum: 2013-05-19 € 4,49
There is a saying that 'everyone has a book in them'. But not many people are able to get it out. This practical and inspiring guide, written by a successful author whose novels are published by Bloomsbury, will help guide you through every step of the process, including: * First thoughts - Why do you want to write, and how can you do it? * Genres - Understanding the conventions of writing * Generating ideas - Find a concept that makes your book stand out * Structure - Create a compelling story ...
Releasedatum: 2013-01-18 € 4,49
Wie alle richtlijnen en adviezen van De Schrijfbibliotheek netjes heeft opgevolgd, zou in staat moeten zijn de ideale tekst te schrijven. Toch valt er nog altijd aan een manuscript te sleutelen om het beter te maken. Veel mensen laten hun teksten door vrienden of bekenden becommentariëren, maar op een dag ligt je manuscript dan eindelijk op de uitgeverij, bij de redacteur. Wat moet je je bij zo iemand voorstellen? Is hij, of zij, de lieve moeder die je schouderklopjes geeft, of is hij een vlijm...
Releasedatum: 2011-04-20 € 9,99
Practical advice by an assistant professor of English and Rhetoric at Penn State College, first published in 1909. According to the Preface: " The author's aim has been to produce a book that is practical,-- practical from the student's standpoint, and practical from the teacher's standpoint. The study of Argumentation has often been criticized for being purely academic, or for being a mere stepping-stone to the study of law. It has even been said that courses in Argumentation and Debate have be...
Releasedatum: 2009-02-01 € 0,49
"The Strunk & White of academic writing."—Richard Bullock, Wright State University As employers, politicians, parents, and other citizens lament the decline of writing skills among Americans, this little book comes to the rescue. An instant bestseller when it first appeared as a college textbook, "They Say / I Say" gives writers precisely what they need to know in the all-important domain of persuasive writing. Cutting through the clutter of educational diagnoses and nostrums, it goes ...
Releasedatum: 2007-08-17 € 16,99