2021 年度グッドデザイン賞受賞作品 漢字の読み書きを唱えて覚えるための学習教材です。 一般的な漢字ドリルでは漢字が覚えられない、定着しない、そんなお子様にぜひお試しください。 本書には下記のような特徴があります ・漢字の読み書きを音声ナレーションと一緒に唱えて覚える ・一字ごとに詳細な子ども向けの解説付き(3年生は一部に大人向けの解説あり) ・新...
Releasedatum: 2021-05-10 € 18,99
2021 年度グッドデザイン賞受賞作品 漢字の読み書きを唱えて覚えるための学習教材です。 一般的な漢字ドリルでは漢字が覚えられない、定着しない、そんなお子様にぜひお試しください。 本書には下記のような特徴があります ・漢字の読み書きを音声ナレーションと一緒に唱えて覚える ・一字ごとに詳細な子ども向けの解説付き ・新出漢字が使われる言葉集とイメージ...
Releasedatum: 2021-03-10 € 17,99
Avec ses 25 millions de visiteurs annuels, Paris fait assurément partie des lieux les plus touristiques au monde. Les Français ne manquent pas de s'y rendre aussi massivement.Un « P'tit doc » sur Paris, c'est l'occasion d'ouvrir les yeux aux petits Parisiens certes, mais aussi et surtout à tous ceux qui viennent visiter la ville.
Releasedatum: 2010-02-04 € 4,99
Viajaremos por el mundo, continente a continente, para conocer los animales más fascinantes que habitan nuestro planeta. Descubriremos las criaturas más feroces de la sabana africana, los bichos más exóticos de las selvas americanas, las fieras que habitan el continente asiático, los animales más misteriosos y sorprendentes del fondo marino y... ¡muchísimo más! Mi primer Atlas de Animales es un libro indispensable para consultar en casa o en la escuela y convertirte en un ...
Releasedatum: 2013-03-05 € 3,99
Do you fancy taking a spin around the globe? Go on an adventure with Amazing Atlas . The spectacular 3D spinning globe allows you to transport yourself to anywhere on Earth. Features include: - 3D spinning globe - Moving picture maps show you geographical and cultural highlights - Galleries of flags and features from around the world - Interactive quiz, testing your knowledge on the world we live in Ideal for the iPad, Amazing Atlas features fully interactive picture maps, galleries of flags to ...
Releasedatum: 2012-06-22 € 6,99
効率的に取り組める漢字学習教材です= 2021 年度グッドデザイン賞受賞= 部品の組み合わせを唱える音声が流れたり、解説を通して組み合わせの意味を理解して漢字を覚えられます。 言葉を理解するための写真も豊富な漢字図鑑のような学習教材です。一般的な漢字ドリルでは漢字が覚えられない、定着しない、そんなお子様にぜひお試しください。 本書には下記のような...
Releasedatum: 2021-08-15 € 19,99
Prima mea lectură este o colecție special creată pentru a-i ghida pas cu pas pe preșcolari și pe școlari în aventura cititului. Formatul accesibil, textele ilustrate și adaptate la nivelul de înțelegere al vârstei, succesul de care se bucură aceste cărți în lumea întreagă și premiile primite îi motivează pe copii să-și cultive interesul pentru lectură.
Releasedatum: 2020-06-22 € 8,49
PLEASE NOTE - this is a replica of the print book and you will need paper and a pencil to complete the exercises. Set the clock and off you go! Young learners excel in short bursts, so 10 Minutes a Day Spelling Fun from Carol Vorderman is the perfect introduction to spelling for younger children. Games and tests take a short amount of time so you get maximum fun for maximum effect. There are 10 minute activities on spelling rules, homophones and unusual plurals. Plus the "parents' notes" section...
Releasedatum: 2015-06-01 € 3,49
This title has been endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education Engage and inspire learners with an international and interconnected approach developed by experienced teachers and language specialists. The series offers full coverage of the learning objectives for the Cambridge Primary English as a Second language curriculum framework (0057) and is mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference. - Stimulate learners with model texts and activities. - Clearly address the key ob...
Releasedatum: 2021-04-05 € 9,99
Un récit historique raconté comme une histoire, riche en rebondissements et en suspense ! Une plume d'expert : celle d'un éminent spécialiste de l'aéronautique et de l'espace. Une approche documentaire innovante : un texte accessible, historiquement juste, et des illustrations de grande qualité ! Un prix très abordable pour une collection de prestige ! Autrement dit : tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour rendre l'Histoire attrayante aux yeux des enfants !
Releasedatum: 2018-11-14 € 6,99
Une visite de Paris avec ses spécificités, ses monuments, ses quartiers... pour tout savoir sur cette capitale extraordinaire. • Que va-t-on visiter aujourd'hui ? • Combien y a-t-il de stations de métro ? • Fait-il beau temps à Paris ? • Croise-t-on des gens de tous les pays ? • Peut-on se baigner dans la Seine ? • Pourquoi y a-t-il une pyramide au Louvre ? • Peut-on monter au sommet de la tour Eiffel ? • Où habite le président de la République ? • Pourquoi dit-on les Ch...
Releasedatum: 2016-03-23 € 5,99
Voici 100 quiz de culture générale. Attention ! La bonne réponse n'est pas toujours celle que l'on croit !
Releasedatum: 2015-12-04 € 4,49
- Un petit documentaire de 28 pages sur un thème qui fascine les petits : Paris, la capitale française ! - Le documentaire comprend 10 doubles-pages de contenu . Chaque double-page traite un aspect du thème. - Bienvenue à Paris - En bateau ! - Au pied de Notre-Dame - Dans le métro - Que c’est grand, le Louvre ! - Dans les rues de Paris - Des constructions rigolotes - Au jardin des plantes - Voyage au Parc Zoologique - En route pour la gare - La 11ème et d...
Releasedatum: 2015-01-07 € 5,49
Get to know all the fantastic characters and figures that populate the LEGO® Friends world LEGO® Friends Character Encyclopedia is your ultimate guide to the world of LEGO Friends , featuring your favourite Friends characters, animals and sets. You will meet Mia, Stephanie, Andrea, Olivia and Emma - and other cool LEGO Friends characters! From the Butterfly Beauty Shop to the Dolphin Cruiser, find out about their favourite vehicles, hangouts and pets. Learn about the LEGO Friends girls' likes ...
Releasedatum: 2014-07-01 € 6,99
THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS PRESENTS DINOSAURS is a photographic nonfiction companion book to the original bestselling title, THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS IN THE TIME OF THE DINOSAURS.IN THE TIME OF THE DINOSAURS from the bestselling Magic School Bus series taught thousands of kids about the T-rex, triceratops, and stegosaurus. MAGIC SCHOOL BUS PRESENTS DINOSAURS will expand upon the original title with fresh and updated content about all the incredible extinct creatures from millions and millions of years ago...
Releasedatum: 2014-12-30 € 3,49
THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS PRESENTS THE PLANETS is a photographic nonfiction companion book to the original bestselling title, THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS LOST IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM.LOST IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM taught thousands of kids about the planets, moons, stars, and everything else you'd want to know about outer space. MAGIC SCHOOL BUS PRESENTS THE PLANETS will expand upon the original title with fresh, updated, Common Core aligned content about the amazing planets in our solar system. With vivid full-color ...
Releasedatum: 2014-06-24 € 3,49
Tidels makes way for Exceptional Learners With over a million books downloaded worldwide, Tidels empower kids to learn, read and explore the world. My First Books is a fantastic book to help your kid learn the basics of Numbers, Alphabets and Shapes using the iPad with touch and learn interactive functionality. The book can be used by parents, teachers and therapists to lay an early foundation for fundamentals of Alphabets, Numbers and Shapes. The book is interactive with Quiz...
Releasedatum: 2013-12-01 € 0,49
For fans of The Spiderwick Chronicles comes the ultimate unauthorized guide to the facts behind Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black's world. This new book by Lois Gresh takes young readers beyond the creepy and captivating fairy world of The Spiderwick Chronicles and answers the burning questions kids have been aching to know. With illustrations, quizzes, facts, and mythology, The Fan's Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles will provide hours of fun. Digging deep into history, legend, and lore, this ma...
Releasedatum: 2008-01-08 € 10,99
In Christopher Paolini's thrilling Inheritance series, when a young boy named Eragon finds a blue gemstone in the middle of the forest, he has no idea what magic is in store for him. It hatches a sapphire-blue dragon, a member of a race thought to be extinct. Eragon bonds with the dragon and soon discovers that he is the first in a new line of Dragon Riders, fated to play a part in a war that is poised to sweep his land. The Ultimate Unauthorized Eragon Guide is an interactive book that looks de...
Releasedatum: 2006-10-31 € 10,99