This comprehensive encyclopedia of small arms is both an authoritative reference work and stunning visual directory. The chronological survey of arms development looks at the origins of firearms, beginning with gunpowder and developing through handguns, matchlocks, wheelocks and flintlocks. The 20th century era and beyond is dominated by the manufacture of arms for major worldwide conflicts, and the development of submachine guns in the period between the World Wars. Modern arms are explained in...
Releasedatum: 2012-01-15 € 3,99
Vegetariërs laten meer winden dan vleeseters. Het zand dat wordt gebruikt om Zuid-Arabië om de nieuwe supersteden te helpen bouwen, komt uit Europa (Arabisch zand is te glad voor beton). Gandhi had een kunstgebit. De machtigste man ter wereld, de president van de Verenigde Staten, mag niet in een korte broek lopen. De Belgische koning Leopold II heeft evenveel mensen vermoord als Hitler.Zo kunnen Hein Meijers en Simon Rozendaal nog uren doorgaan. En dat doen ze ook, hun hobby - het verzamelen ...
Releasedatum: 2012-12-14 Genre:Naslagwerken € 6,99
Impossible ideas, invisible patterns, hidden connections—visualized Deepen your understanding of the world with these mind-blowing infographics from the bestselling author of The Visual Miscellaneum
Releasedatum: 2014-11-25 Genre:Naslagwerken € 24,99
De Nederlandse biercultuur bruist en gist op ongekende wijze. Momenteel produceren ruim 400 brouwerijen allerlei tripels, pale ales, stouts en andere bieren. Dit grote aanbod bestaat nog slechts kort, maar is niet nieuw. Bier kent in Nederland een lange geschiedenis. Vroeger al maakten én exporteerden de brouwers vele eigen biervariëteiten. Bier in Nederland brengt deze (soms onbekende) verdwenen bieren voor het eerst in kaart, vanuit historisch én internationaal perspectief. Naast die eigen ...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-20 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,99
The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition is a 29-volume reference work. It was developed during the process of transitioning from being a British to an American publication. Many of its articles were written by the best-known scholars of that time. This edition of the encyclopedia is now in the public domain, and has been used extensively by Wikipedia.
Releasedatum: 1911-01-01 € 2,99
Today, there is hardly any workpiece whose form parameters cannot be measured by means of coordinate measuring machines. The universal use of these machines allows a wide range of application of this technology which, however, increases inevitably the complexity of its handling. The numerous options of the machine-specific operating software on the one hand and the various theoretical considerations regarding a target-oriented treatment of measuring jobs on the other hand result in the fact that...
Releasedatum: 2014-10-24 € 14,99
'I love these books ... the best books ever. Brilliant' Chris Evans 1,399 QI Facts To Make Your Jaw Drop by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin is packed with even more fascinating facts. Whilst you're bending over to grab your socks following the succes of 1,227 QI Facts to Blow Your Socks Off, don't forget pick up your jaw as the QI team returns with a fresh stack of facts to astonish and enlighten. Did you know that: Pigs suffer from anorexia. It is impossible to whistle in a spacesu...
Releasedatum: 2013-11-07 Genre:Naslagwerken € 8,49
The Apple Watch is Apple's fourth generation smartwatch, and comes with many useful features that make it the perfect companion for your iPhone. However, some of the features on the watch are somewhat difficult to grasp at first. This guide will introduce you to the Apple Watch and how it works with your iPhone. The Apple Watch Survival Guide gives task-based instructions without using any technical jargon. Learning which buttons perform which functions is useless unless you know how it wi...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-01 € 3,49
Encyclopaedia Britannica is a well-known general encyclopedia that has been published since the 18th century. There were 15 print editions; the current edition is electronic. Encyclopaedia Britannica was developed during the encyclopaedia's transition from a British to an American publication.
Releasedatum: 2016-04-13 € 0,99
This encyclopedia is full of fascinating information and amazing colour photographs that can answers to thousands of intriguing questions about the animal kingdom. It offers informative descriptions and interesting facts of animals that live in North Africa, North America and Eurasia. From bisons to eagles, padas, alligators and many more. Each entry describes the animal's characteristics and behavior.
Releasedatum: 2015-03-25 € 4,49
From big cats to great apes, from alligators to boa constrictors, and from giraffes to orangutans, The Encyclopedia of Animals is a celebration of the immense diversity of life on Earth, from all creatures great and small. All animals are featured in this full-color encyclopedia. Each entry describes the animal's characteristics and behavior. This encyclopedia is full of fascinating information and amazing colour photographs that will take you on a breathtaking trip through the animal kingdom.
Releasedatum: 2015-03-25 € 10,99
The Visual Miscellaneum is a unique, groundbreaking look at the modern information age, helping readers make sense of the countless statistics and random facts that constantly bombard us. Using cutting edge graphs, charts, and illustrations, David McCandless creatively visualizes the world's surprising relationships and compelling data, covering everything from the most pleasurable guilty pleasures to how long it takes different condiments to spoil to world maps of Internet search terms.
Releasedatum: 2014-10-21 Genre:Naslagwerken € 21,99
A completely updated, revised edition of the classic, outfitted with a whole new arsenal of indispensable knowledge on global affairs, popular culture, economic trends, scientific principles, and modern arts. Here’s your chance to brush up on all those subjects you slept through in school, reacquaint yourself with all the facts you once knew (then promptly forgot), catch up on major developments in the world today, and become the Renaissance man or woman you always knew you could be! How do yo...
Releasedatum: 1997-04-22 € 9,99
This landmark piece of reference publishing offers a reliable, visually stunning, and family-friendly alternative to online information sources. Includes carefully curated content, the pages of this illustrated encyclopedia are designed to be accessible and illuminating to a wide range of readers, and parents and teachers can be confident that children won't see any unwanted content. Featuring accessible and authoritative information, this book is a comprehensive guide to a wide range of human k...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-01 € 11,99
La littérature française en 200 notions clés ! La poésie épique, la querelle des Anciens et des Modernes, l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alambert, le Nouveau collection pour les Nuls propose un tour d'horizon de" la littérature française à travers 200 notions clés illustrées !
Releasedatum: 2018-09-13 Genre:Naslagwerken € 7,99
Explore the rich history of Doctor Who like never before, through colorful and creative visualizations and infographics in this captivating, intriguing, beautiful, and strange compendium. The Doctor’s family tree, the strangest weapons in the whole universe, the frequency of the letter "A" in the names of companions—these curiosities, and many others, are explored in detail, complete with visually-stunning infographics in Doctor Who: Whographica. Each double-page spread presents a fascinatin...
Releasedatum: 2017-02-07 Genre:Naslagwerken € 16,99
‘There is no one-volume book in print that carries so much valuable information on London and its history’ Illustrated London News The London Encyclopaedia is the most comprehensive book on London ever published. In its first new edition in over ten years, completely revised and updated, it comprises some 6,000 entries, organised alphabetically, cross-referenced and supported by two large indexes – one for the 10,000 people mentioned in the text and one general – and is illustrated with ...
Releasedatum: 2011-09-09 € 12,99
The must-have guide to pop culture, history, and world-changing ideas that started in New York City, from the magazine at the center of it all. Since its founding in 1624, New York City has been a place that creates things. What began as a trading post for beaver pelts soon transformed into a hub of technological, social, and cultural innovation—but beyond fostering literal inventions like the elevator (inside Cooper Union in 1853), Q-tips (by Polish immigrant Leo Gerstenzang in 1923), General...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-20 Genre:Naslagwerken € 19,99
Wer war bei der Polizei der geheimnisvolle Buddha? Was macht eigentlich ein "Flattermann"? Wie schmeckt Berliner Luft? Diese und viele andere Fragen beantwortet das Babylon-Berlin-Filmlexikon. Und nicht nur das: es werden Hintergrundinformationen zu den Drehorten gegeben, historische Personen wie Stresemann oder Hindenburg näher vorgestellt, die politischen Ereignisse der Zwanziger Jahre beleuchtet. Themen wie Prostitution, Sucht und Verbrechen kommen nicht zu kurz, denn die "Golden...
Releasedatum: 2020-03-12 Genre:Naslagwerken € 4,99
Risk has been published since 1957 and is one of the most commercially successful games ever produced. For the first time, there is an opportunity to learn about the 60 plus published versions of the game and the history Risk. It is an opportunity to examine many aspects of Risk that have been debated for decades by players around the world. Every one of the published versions of the game has been examined from Risk in North America to Risiko! in Italy; from War in Brazil to TEG in Argentina. Th...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-29 € 4,49
Meet the women who run the Whoniverse. From Sarah Jane Smith to Bill Potts, from Susan Foreman to the Thirteenth Doctor, women are the beating heart of Doctor Who . Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, these women don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, they don’t let anything hold them back. Featuring historical women such as Agatha Christie and Queen Victor...
Releasedatum: 2018-09-27 € 12,99
General Knowledge MCQs: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (Quiz, MCQs & Tests with Answer Keys) PDF, (General Knowledge Question Bank & Quick Study Guide) includes revision guide for entry tests prep with hundreds of solved MCQs. General Knowledge MCQ book with answers PDF covers basic concepts, theory and competitive assessment tests. General Knowledge MCQ PDF book helps to practice test questions from exam prep notes. General knowledge quick study guide includes revision guide with...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-29 € 4,99
Is your child interested to know what's out there? Well, let him see for himself! This beautiful book features the universe with all its twinkling stars and pretty planets. Use this book to encourages your child to like space science because it provides a memorable visual experience. Don't forget to grab a copy today!
Releasedatum: 2015-12-20 € 4,49
This encyclopedia is full of fascinating information and amazing colour photographs that can answers to thousands of intriguing questions about the animal kingdom. It offers informative descriptions and interesting facts of animals that live in Africa. From okapi to lions, rhinoceros, giraffes and many more. Each entry describes the animal's characteristics and behavior.
Releasedatum: 2015-03-25 € 4,49
La nouvelle édition du best-seller qui a déjà conquis 100 000 lecteurs ! " Mignonne, allons voir si la rose ", les amours de Rodrigue et Chimène, la madeleine de Proust... Cela évoque-t-il pour vous de bons souvenirs ? Peut-être vos premiers cours de français au collège ? Ou encore des aventures à couper le souffle, des histoires d'amour inoubliables, les destins des héros de romans que vous dévoriez lorsque vous étiez enfant ? Avec La Littérature française pour les Nuls , retrouve...
Releasedatum: 2014-10-09 € 16,99
It’s quite fascinating how a simple piece of cloth narrates the story of a nation, giving its people a global identity. Through Flags and Anthems of the World, our intention is to deliver the meaning of each flag while making the journey both informative and interactive. In addition to how the flag came about to its current state, the interactive features such as national anthems and maps make the process of discovery a complete one. It’s much more than a book on flags, making it ideal refer...
Releasedatum: 2014-07-20 € 4,49
Les 188 entrées de ce dictionnaire original " racontent " toute notre gastronomie : petite et grande histoire des aliments et des mets, recettes et tours de main inattendus, précisions nutritionnelles, extraits d'œuvres d'écrivains, références picturales, musicales, cinématographiques... " Ce Dictionnaire gourmand est la somme de passions. Passion de cuisiner des plats sophistiqués comme des plats simples pour faire de tout repas un moment de plaisir. Passion de choisir des produits de q...
Releasedatum: 2014-05-28 € 22,99
À l'occasion du centième anniversaire de la naissance d'Albert Camus, en novembre 2013, " Bouquins " réédite le premier et seul dictionnaire qui lui soit consacré, aujourd'hui considéré comme l'ouvrage de référence. Romancier, dramaturge, essayiste, journaliste, Albert Camus (1913-1960) a été le plus jeune lauréat français du prix Nobel de littérature. Aucun de ses compatriotes, au XXe siècle, n'a obtenu une audience aussi universelle. Ses éditoriaux de Combat en avaient fait le ...
Releasedatum: 2013-10-17 Genre:Naslagwerken € 19,99
Franklin, Benjamin , philosophe et homme d’Etat américain, un des fondateurs de l’indépendance des Etats-Unis et l’un des hommes qui ont fait le plus d’honneur, non seulement à leur pays, mais à l’humanité toute entière, né à Boston en 1706, mort à Philadelphie le 17 avril 1790. Il était fils d’un simple artisan qui, chargé de famille, ne pouvait lui faire donner une éducation un peu soignée. Il apprit à lire à peu près seul, et il annonça des goûts si prononcés po...
Releasedatum: 2012-12-15 € 1,99
Pour la première fois, un dictionnaire est exclusivement consacré à l'univers de la gourmandise, à cette facette de notre patrimoine gastronomique qui ne cesse de s'enrichir au fil du temps, alliant harmonieusement traditions et innovations. De l'Antiquité à nos jours, l'histoire des pâtisseries et des friandises – à partir du miel, du sucre, puis du chocolat – s'est construite peu à peu. Cette évolution et son universalité se décryptent à travers les témoignages des chroniqueu...
Releasedatum: 2012-10-18 Genre:Naslagwerken € 24,99
Concise encyclopaedia of mathematics (152 pages) - from basics (age 9) up to GCE Advanced Mathematics (age 18), is comprised mainly of material extracted from our comprehensive revision Maths course material. Over and above material extracted from our existing courses our author designed more specifically for inclusion in the Encyclopaedia. This book is ideal as a ready reference for examination revision.
Releasedatum: 2012-03-17 € 5,99
It's common knowledge that Eve gave Adam an apple. Everyone knows that George Washington was the first president of the United States. And when your mother told you not to go swimming right after you ate, you took it as a matter of life and death. But you've been myth-informed by legend, by history . . . even by your mother! The truth is: * Milk chocolate may actually help prevent tooth decay! * If you "eat like a bird," you may eat up to one-half your body weight every single day! * The largest...
Releasedatum: 1989-10-14 Genre:Naslagwerken € 9,49