In this gorgeously illustrated collection of airline route maps, Mark Ovenden and Maxwell Roberts look to the skies and transport readers to another time. Hundreds of images span a century of passenger flight, from the rudimentary trajectory of routes to the most intricately detailed birds-eye views of the land to be flown over. Advertisements for the first scheduled commercial passenger flights featured only a few destinations, with stunning views of the countryside and graphics of biplanes. As...
Releasedatum: 2019-11-21 € 12,99
This unique book, a milestone of graphic reporting, has become a trade reference classic since its first publication in the 1970s. Completely revised and updated, the new 9th edition of this groundbreaking ‘atlas with attitude‘ keeps pace with the speed of change, using over 100 thematic world maps and vivid graphics to break down hardcore statistics into accessible, compelling form. Widely praised for its ingenious design and statistically meticulous presentation of trends, The State of the...
Releasedatum: 2013-03-12 € 14,99
Which nations have North Korean embassies? Which region has the highest number of death metal bands per capita? How many countries have bigger economies than California? Who drives on the 'wrong' side of the road? And where can you find lions in the wild? Revelatory, thought-provoking and fun , Brilliant Maps is a unique atlas of culture, history, politics and miscellanea, compiled by the editor of the iconic Brilliant Maps website. As visually arresting as Information is Beautiful and as full o...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-01 € 8,99
Manhattan, Brooklyn Downtown, Williamsburg, Long Island City, subway full system It is laminated and durable, waterproof if you have iPad waterproofed. New York City Map Guide will make you like a resident. detailed streets of Manhattan, downtown Brooklyn, Williamsburg, the map also includes a complete 5 boroughs Subway Map, Landmarks Museums, points of interest, and getting to and from the city s airports. Ask me for a promo code, for reviews, bad or cute Who we are: A project started in ...
Releasedatum: 2019-02-19 € 1,99
¿Sabías que Oimiakón es el pueblo más frío del mundo, donde los teléfonos móviles se congelan y las neveras calientan? ¿Y que en Svalbard está prohibido, por ley, morir? ¿Habías oído hablar de Centralia, un pequeño pueblo de Pensilvania que lleva medio siglo ardiendo y que inspiró una conocida saga de videojuegos? Entornos extremos, lugares inhóspitos, comunidades aisladas... Las personas curiosas y con interés en los rincones más lejanos del planeta se preguntarán a cada paso:...
Releasedatum: 2022-10-19 € 8,99
The State of the World Atlas is an accessible, unique visual survey of current events and global trends, highlighting the international scope and complexity of many challenges facing the humanity today. With a bold new design, this distinctive atlas presents the latest statistics on international trade and migration, the globalization of work, aging and new health risks (up to and including the COVID-19 pandemic), food and water, energy resources and consumption, literacy, gender equality, wars ...
Releasedatum: 2021-02-09 € 8,49
For nearly 20 years, Explorer’s Abu Dhabi Residents’ Guide has been the handbook for living and working in Abu Dhabi. From arriving in the capital to moving on and everything in between, this new-look and fully revised 2017/18 edition includes all the latest info. Whether you’re considering the move, you’re fresh off the plane, or you’re a seasoned local, this is the one resource that you won’t want to be without. From finding work to making the most of your weekends, enrolling in sc...
Releasedatum: 2018-08-01 € 34,99
Cet atlas géopolitique des conflits armés contemporains jette un éclairage sur les évolutions de la nature de la guerre : privatisation, rôle croissant des civils, nouvelles cibles militaires, combattants privés, trafic et mutation des armes, abandon des champs de bataille en rase campagne au profit des villes, dimension écologique, etc.
Releasedatum: 2017-02-22 € 15,99