大陸を舞台に繰り広げられる、激動の時代と人間ドラマを描いた大スペクタクル「三国志」。 この本では、数多い魅力の中から「戦い」と「軍師」にスポットを当て、戦闘や勢力の相関図、諸葛孔明を中心にした人間関係図などもオールカラーで解説。 ちょっとややこしい時代の流れやカギとなる合戦のストーリーも、「そうだったのか!」とスイスイ頭に入ります。 口...
発売日: 2010-03-01 ¥1,500
発売日: 2015-10-20 ¥1,900
発売日: 2014-09-12 ¥1,200
世界を立体的に理解しよう!世界の歴史を知ることは、世界のたどった道を理解することです。 各国、各地域は決して単独で歴史を歩んでいるわけではなく、 文化的、経済的な交流があり、いろいろなところで影響を与えたり与えられたりしながら、現在の世界の形になりました。 本書は、日本テレビ「世界一受けたい授業」で活躍中の増田ユリヤ先生が監修。 その世界...
発売日: 2010-03-01 ¥1,600
発売日: 2012-11-16 ¥700
発売日: 2017-12-13 ¥800
中国が主導するAIIB(アジアインフラ投資銀行)に、なんとイギリス、ドイツ、ロシアなど世界57カ国が参加! いまのアジアを象徴するかのような出来事がこの事件である。すなわち、いま経済の重心はアメリカやヨーロッパから、アジアにシフトしつつある。経済成長著しい東南アジアでは、ASEAN10カ国がAEC(ASEAN経済共同体)の創設を予定しており、もし実現すればEUや北米以上...
発売日: 2015-05-13 ¥1,200
発売日: 2013-05-31 ¥850
発売日: 2012-09-30 ¥1,800
中国は本当に「大国」になったのか? 世界的な影響力の浸透度は? グローバル・ガバナンスへの貢献、ソフトパワーやハードパワーの現状も含め、広範な資料を駆使し、外交、経済、文化、安全保障など多角的に中国を解き明かす。
発売日: 2015-06-10 ¥1,900
This important report from the American National Intelligence Council (NIC) was released in December 2012. Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is the fifth installment in the National Intelligence Council's series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about the future. This report is intended to stimulate thinking about the rapid and vast geopolitical changes characterizing the world today and possible global trajectories during the next 15-20 years. As with the NIC's previous Global Tr...
発売日: 2012-12-11 ¥1,000
イラク・アフガニスタン戦争の暗部をえぐる全米ベストセラー! 統治機能を失ったイラクの治安回復という難題を背負って国防長官に就任。自らの命を犠牲にして戦地で任務につく兵士たちのために働き、信念を貫きとおした4年半の記録。
発売日: 2015-11-20 ¥4,000
なぜこうも中国は「怖い」のか? 突き詰めると「何を考えているかわからない」からだ。拡大する軍事力、ケタ違いの環境汚染、血塗られた粛清史、ルール無視の国民性。豊富な事実を武器に、怖さの「核心」に迫る。中国の全リスクを網羅。
発売日: 2013-05-30 ¥800
やっと言える ホンネの国防。 「安保」の現実。 国防と世界秩序の維持をめざす「新しい9条」をつくろう! 国際紛争の現場で武装解除に携わってきた"紛争解決人"が、 安保関連法成立後の日本の国防の在り方を提言。 さらに、自衛隊の根本的な法的地位と「新しい9条」づくりを国民に問う。 9条はこれまで、アメリカの戦争に付き合わないための「ブレーキ」として、見...
発売日: 2015-11-27 ¥1,500
'An unburdening, a witness statement and a thriller all at the same time ... electrifying.' The Times I have to assume that there is a very real chance that Putin or members of his regime will have me killed some day. If I'm killed, you will know who did it. When my enemies read this book, they will know that you know. A Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller. A true-life thriller by one of Putin's Most Wanted. In November 2009, the young lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was beaten to death by eight ...
発売日: 2015-02-05 ¥1,200
発売日: 2021-03-18 ¥1,600
The defining geopolitical contest of the twenty-first century is between China and the US. But is it avoidable? And if it happens, is the outcome already inevitable? China and America are world powers without serious rivals. They eye each other warily across the Pacific; they communicate poorly; there seems little natural empathy. A massive geopolitical contest has begun. America prizes freedom; China values freedom from chaos.America values strategic decisiveness; China values patience.America ...
発売日: 2020-03-31 ¥1,700
Anna Politkovskaya turns her steely gaze on President Putin and his early regime in this explosive book. From Putin's tyrannical grip on ordinary citizens to rampant corruption in highest ranks of the government, as well as Mafia dealings, scandals in the provinces and the decline of the intelligentsia, Politkovskaya offers a scathing condemnation of the President and his rule, revealing a shocking state of affairs: soldiers dying from malnutrition, parents requiring to bribes to recover their d...
発売日: 2012-12-31 ¥1,200
The growth of countries such as India, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa and Kenya is generating a new landscape. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, highest-grossing movies and most advanced mobile phones are now all being made outside Europe and the United States. Countries that previously lacked polotical confidence and national pride are finding them. Is this an opportunity, or a threat? Fareed Zakaria's acclaimed bestseller, now expanded with a new afterword and throroughly updated throu...
発売日: 2009-06-04 ¥1,200
A succinct, expert guide to how we got to Brexit After all the debates, manoeuvrings, recriminations and exaltations, Brexit is upon us. But, as Kevin O'Rourke writes, Brexit did not emerge out of nowhere: it is the culmination of events that have been under way for decades and have historical roots stretching back well beyond that. Brexit has a history. O'Rourke, one of the leading economic historians of his generation, explains not only how British attitudes to Europe have evolved, but also ho...
発売日: 2019-01-31 ¥1,200
ついに誕生するドナルド・トランプ米大統領。扇動家の顔に隠されたその正体は? 「有権者の反乱」はなぜ起こったのか? 世界は、そして日本はこれからどう変わるのか? 朝日新聞が総力を挙げて追った激動の2016年米大統領選挙全記録と今後の世界の行方がわかる!!
発売日: 2017-02-20 ¥1,700
2016年、5年目を迎えた金正恩体制は5回目の核実験を行い、国際社会を翻弄し続けている。瀬戸際外交を続ける理由は何か。粛清の真相とは? 対日米中の真の狙いは? 「何をするか分からない」脅威に潜む独自の合理性に、北朝鮮分析の第一人者・元公安調査庁幹部が迫る。
発売日: 2017-01-20 ¥1,900
The first major profile of Ukraine's courageous President Volodymyr Zelensky! Ukraine's most popular comedic actor was an unlikely president of his country. And now, even more improbably, Volodymyr Zelensky has become the world's most celebrated statesman. Who is he? How did he become the international hero of our time? Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World is a compelling account of this fascinating, enigmatic leader. Covering Zelensky's childhood, family h...
発売日: 2022-04-19 ¥1,300
発売日: 2021-01-29 ¥1,000
The Indo-Pacific is fast becoming the world's dominant region. As it grows in power and wealth, geopolitical competition has reemerged, threatening future stability not merely in Asia but around the globe. China is aggressive and uncooperative, and increasingly expects the world to bend to its wishes. The focus on Sino-US competition for global power has obscured "Asia's other great game": the rivalry between Japan and China. A modernizing India risks missing out on the energies and talents of m...
発売日: 2020-05-01 ¥780
Putin’s Playbook is urgently essential reading. A former U.S. intelligence specialist who was born and raised in the Soviet Union explains what Vladimir Putin wants and how he plans to get it. Russia’s ruler is following a carefully devised plan to defeat the United States. Rebekah Koffler came to America as a young woman. After 9/11, she joined the Defense Intelligence Agency, devoting her career to protecting her new country. Now she reveals in chilling detail Putin’s long-range plan—h...
発売日: 2021-07-27 ¥1,700
John Reed’s "Ten Days that Shook the World" represents one of the 20th Century’s greatest political-literary achievements, being one of the first book length eye-witness accounts of the great Russian October Revolution. If you've ever read about the Russian Revolution, you've probably heard of "Ten Days That Shook the World". Reed, a U.S. communist and journalist for Metropolitan , traveled to Petrograd (currently Saint Petersburg) in 1917 to investigate what was really happening in Russia a...
発売日: 2022-12-30 ¥100
A NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS ’ CHOICE • A gripping, behind-the-scenes portrait of the rise of Saudi Arabia’s secretive and mercurial new ruler “Revelatory . . . a vivid portrait of how MBS has altered the kingdom during his half-decade of rule.”— The Washington Post Finalist for the PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award • ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Kirkus Reviews MBS is the untold story of how a mysterious young prince emerged from Saudi...
発売日: 2020-03-10 ¥1,600
Japan, anchored by its traditions, transformed by American post-war Occupation, and globally recognized for its technological innovations, manufacturing prowess, and pop culture, faces powerful challenges from within and without. How Japan chooses to handle these problems and opportunities will determine its future for decades to come. In this book, Jeff Kingston – one of the most lucid analysts of Japan today – takes readers on a ...
発売日: 2019-01-18 ¥1,600
A National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist "Extraordinary...Sensitive and perceptive, Mr. Hessler is a superb literary archaeologist, one who handles what he sees with a bit of wonder that he gets to watch the history of this grand city unfold, one day at a time.” — Wall Street Journal From the acclaimed author of River Town and Oracle Bones , an intimate excavation of life in one of the world's oldest civilizations at a time of convulsive change Drawn by a fascination with Egypt's rich h...
発売日: 2019-05-07 ¥1,600
The Once and Future Hegemon In a world bristling with dangers, only one enemy poses a truly mortal challenge to the United States and the peaceful and prosperous world that America guarantees. That enemy is China , a country -that invented totalitarianism thousands of years ago -whose economic power rivals our own -that believes its superior race and culture give it the right to universal deference -that teaches its people to hate America for standing in the way of achieving its narc...
発売日: 2017-11-27 ¥1,300
発売日: 2016-11-18 ¥1,900
From the former New York Times Asia correspondent and author of China's Second Continent, an incisive investigation of China's ideological development as it becomes an ever more aggressive player in regional and global diplomacy. For many years after its reform and opening in 1978, China maintained an attitude of false modesty about its ambitions. That role, reports Howard French, has been set aside. China has asserted its place among the global heavyweights, revealing its plans for pan-Asian do...
発売日: 2017-03-14 ¥1,500
How can we explain the origins of the great wave of paranoid hatreds that seem inescapable in our close-knit world - from American 'shooters' and ISIS to Trump, from a rise in vengeful nationalism across the world to racism and misogyny on social media? In Age of Anger , Pankaj Mishra answers our bewilderment by casting his gaze back to the eighteenth century, before leading us to the present. He shows that as the world became modern those who were unable to fulfil its promises - freedom, stabil...
発売日: 2017-01-26 ¥1,200
The essential Pelican introduction to the European Union - its history, its politics, and its role today For most of us today, 'Europe' refers to the European Union. At the centre of a seemingly never-ending crisis, the EU remains a black box, closed to public understanding. Is it a state? An empire? Is Europe ruled by Germany or by European bureaucrats? Does a single European economy exist after all these years of economic integration? And should the EU have been awarded the Nobel peace prize i...
発売日: 2016-05-12 ¥1,000
" Wake Up America is a HUGE book. It will help to Make America Great Again." --Donald J. Trump The Instant New York Times Bestseller, by President-elect Donald Trump's National Security Adviser. A war is being waged against us by radical Islamists, and, as current events demonstrate, they are only getting stronger. Al-Qaeda has morphed into a much more dangerous, menacing threat: ISIS. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn is blunt and urgent. This book aims to inform the American people of the grave dan...
発売日: 2016-07-12 ジャンル:政治/時事 ¥1,400
An in-depth look at Japan's economic malaise and the steps it must take to compete globally In Japanization, Bloomberg columnist William Pesek—based in Tokyo—presents a detailed look at Japan's continuing twenty-year economic slow-down, the political and economic reasons behind it, and the policies it could and should undertake to return to growth and influence. Despite new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's promise of economic revitalization, investor optimism about the future, and plenty of poten...
発売日: 2014-03-19 ¥2,800
The story of global cooperation between nations and peoples is a tale of dreamers goading us to find common cause in remedying humanity’s worst problems. But international institutions have also provided a tool for the powers that be to advance their own interests and stamp their imprint on the world. Mark Mazower’s Governing the World tells the epic story of that inevitable and irresolvable tension—the unstable and often surprising alchemy between ideas and power. From the beg...
発売日: 2012-09-13 ¥1,400
We all want to help. Over the past fifty years $1 trillion of aid has flowed from Western governments to Africa, with rock stars and actors campaigning for more. But this has not helped Africa. It has ruined it. Dambisa Moyo's excoriating and controversial book reveals why millions are actually poorer because of aid, unable to escape corruption and reduced, in the West's eyes, to a childlike state of beggary. Dead Aid shows us another way. Using hard evidence to illustrate her case, Moyo shows h...
発売日: 2011-08-11 ¥1,200
The Chechen War was supposed to be over in 1996 after the first Yeltsin campaign, but in the summer of 1999, the new Putin government decided, in their own words, to 'do the job properly'. Before all the bodies of those who had died in the first campaign had been located or identified, many more thousands would be slaughtered in another round of fighting. The first account to be written by a Russian woman, A Dirty War is an edgy and intense study of a conflict that shows no sign of being resolve...
発売日: 2009-05-04 ¥1,600
Comprehensive and unique information with professional analysis of Indonesia, politics and history, economic, social, military, and national security systems and institutions, written by the experts at the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. This Country Study and Country Profile is an exceptional review of Indonesia and its history. Books in the Country Studies series describe and analyze "political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, and examin[...
発売日: 2011-02-03 ¥950
本書は2022年2月24日に起こった「ウクライナ侵略」の背景を描き、その原因や影響を考察したノンフィクションである。著者は読売新聞のべルリン特派員を10年近くつとめ(現在はフリー)、『ドイツリスク』(光文社新書)で山本七平賞を受賞しているドイツ通のジャーナリストである。 今回、戦闘地そのものには取材できなかったがウクライナ西部の国境の街リヴィウや隣国...
発売日: 2022-12-26 ¥2,200
ポーランド、ハンガリー、ルーマニア。 ロシアの侵攻後、ウクライナの人々をいち早く難民として受け入れた東欧諸国のしたたかな二面性とは? いま世界が最も注目する地域の現在・過去・未来を、戦争以前から各国で取材を重ねた記者がルポルタージュした1冊。
発売日: 2022-10-31 ¥1,800
An urgent analysis of the battle between Russia and the West and an exposé of Putin’s Russia, by a former Kremlin insider. "I'm a fairly calm fellow; I don't usually get wound up about things. But I was, let's say, concerned when I tuned into the Moscow Echo radio station and heard that the Kremlin had put a price on my head. The announcement didn't quite say 'dead or alive'. But it came close..." —Mikhail Khodorkovsky, March 2021 Mikhail Khodorkovsky has seen behind the mask of Vladimir Pu...
発売日: 2022-10-04 ¥1,700
Le 18 octobre 2019 à Wuhan, s'ouvrent les jeux sportifs militaires, inaugurés par le président Xi Jinping. Plusieurs militaires français, italiens, suédois, etc., tomberont malades pendant les épreuves. Exactement le même jour à New York commence une simulation de pandémie mondiale qui va réunir, entre autres, la Fondation Bill Gates, le John Hopkins Center, le World Economic Forum, Avril Haines (ancienne directrice de la CIA sous Barack Obama), George Fu Gao directeur du Centre Ch...
発売日: 2021-08-19 ¥1,600
Seneca talks about some of his concerns about the transcient features of life.
発売日: 2021-04-11 ¥100
Defying the Dragon tells a remarkable story of audacity: of how the people of Hong Kong challenged the PRC’s authority, just as its president reached the height of his powers. Is Xi’s China as unshakeable as it seems? What are its real interests in Hong Kong? Why are Beijing’s time-honoured means of control no longer working there? And where does this leave Hongkongers themselves? Stephen Vines has lived in Hong Kong for over three decades. His book shrewdly unpacks the Hong Kong–China r...
発売日: 2021-04-08 ¥2,200
A look at the Russian leader’s successful use of hard military and economic power and soft psychological power through information warfare, or “fake news.” Vladimir Putin has tightly ruled Russia since 31 December 1999, and will firmly assert power from the Kremlin for the foreseeable future. Many fear and loath him for his brutality, for ordering opponents imprisoned on trumped up charges and even murdered. Yet most Russians adore him for rebuilding the economy, state authority, and natio...
発売日: 2020-02-19 ¥1,400
This book draws on the author’s experience from 26 years of Ukrainian diplomatic service in, among others, Bonn, Berlin, Washington, and Vienna, and his work as a speechwriter to most Ukrainian foreign ministers for the last two decades. Scherba’s captivating essays reflect his views of international affairs from a Ukrainian perspective. His deliberations are presented in uncomplicated, plain language. The articles assembled here have repeatedly caused discussion in Ukraine and abroad. By hi...
発売日: 2021-04-30 ¥1,900
The United States and China are locked in a “cold tech war,” and the winner will end up dominating the twenty-first century. Beijing was not considered a tech contender a decade ago. Now, some call it a leader. America is already behind in critical areas. It is no surprise how Chinese leaders made their regime a tech powerhouse. They first developed and then implemented multiyear plans and projects, adopting a determined, methodical, and disciplined approach. As a result, China’s political...
発売日: 2020-03-31 ¥950