日本は圧巻の「美術王国」だ! 日本美術を知らずして世界は語れない。 学生、ビジネスパーソン、アート好き…… すべてに贈る、知って役立つ美術入門。 ■銅鐸絵画が日本絵画の始まり ■シルクロードの終着点といわれる正倉院 ■物語的絵巻の最高峰《源氏物語絵巻》 ■雪舟の型破りな水墨画 ■大量制作システムを導入して大躍進した狩野派 ■織田信長の保護で育ま...
発売日: 2019-11-27 ¥1,700
■見どころ: ミステリアスな“国宝”の謎に迫る! ■目次: 目次 鳥獣戯画の世界 ─全四巻 徹底解剖─ 鳥獣戯画とは?(特別展「国宝 鳥獣戯画のすべて」紹介) 【第一特集】鳥獣戯画のすべて 甲巻 乙巻 丙巻 丁巻 【第二特集】5つのテーマで読み解く鳥獣戯画の魅力 2 筆致 3 筆者像 5 平成の大修理 【column】鳥獣戯画に使用された料紙 杉原紙を知る 【第三特集】高山寺、神護...
発売日: 2021-04-08 ¥1,100
発売日: 2016-07-11 ¥1,100
発売日: 2018-11-15 ¥880
萌絵の発祥から美青年との男色まで。乙女目線で読み解けば、日本の美術はこんなにディープで面白い。歴女から圧倒的な支持を集めた大人気シリーズ!春画コラム・猫絵の歴史を豪華書き下ろし! 本書には、紙版に収録されていた図版の一部が収録されておりません。
発売日: 2016-07-23 ¥730
Cuốn sách nhỏ là tập hợp hàng trăm m ẩu truyện cực ngắn, cực hay về tình yêu.
発売日: 2019-07-31 ¥100
One of USA Today' s “ 100 Books to Read While Stuck at Home During the Coronavirus Crisis ” A dazzling gift, the unforgettable, unknown history of colors and the vivid stories behind them in a beautiful multi-colored volume. “Beautifully written . . . Full of anecdotes and fascinating research, this elegant compendium has all the answers.” —NPR, Best Books of 2017 The Secret Lives of Color tells the unusual stories of seventy-five fascinating shades, dyes,...
発売日: 2017-10-24 ¥1,500
■見どころ: アメリカ、イギリス、オランダから名画が来日! ■目次: 目次 大人が観たい美術展2022 メトロポリタン美術館展 西洋絵画の500年 誌上展覧会 美術展カレンダー2022 【特別寄稿】大人のための美術鑑賞 2022年西洋美術への誘い 第一特集 ルネサンスから20世紀初頭の傑作が集結 西洋美術 1「メトロポリタン美術館展」より 世界有数のコレクションを誇る THE METの至宝...
発売日: 2022-02-02 ¥1,100
■見どころ: 今、見ておきたい! 2021年美術展65 ■目次: 目次 【巻頭ルポ】世界に誇るエジプトコレクション 2021美術展カレンダー 大人が観たい美術展2021 [第一特集]絶対に見逃せない 美術展8 【特別寄稿】鳥獣戯画のここがすごい! 1 「特別展 国宝 鳥獣戯画のすべて」より 史上初、四巻 全場面を一挙公開 2 「テート美術館所蔵 コンスタブル展」より コンスタブルが描く愛...
発売日: 2021-02-12 ¥1,100
Đến sau, lau nước mắt! Cô gái bé nhỏ ngồi lặng yên bên cửa, đưa ánh mắt về một nơi xa xăm vô tận…Trời đêm nay đẹp lắm, nó khiến cho con người ta có cảm giác thật yên bình, tĩnh lặng. Nhưng trong lòng cô là cả một cơn bão tố đang quằn quại nhưng âm ỉ, đau đớn đến cồn cào mà không thể nói ra, không thể giãi bày…
発売日: 2019-07-31 ¥100
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 茶道界の歴史を切り開いた人物(トータル33人)をピックアップし、その事跡や所蔵道具、好み物や茶室、交友録、知られざるエピソードなどを紹介。400点に及ぶイラス...
発売日: 2015-11-11 ¥1,100
発売日: 2002-05-01 ¥610
The Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch is considered one of the most notable representatives of the Early Netherlandish painting school. His work is renowned for its fantastic imagery, ethereal landscapes, original religious concepts and, most famously, his macabre, nightmarish depictions of Hell. Though almost forgotten for centuries, today he is held as an innovative visionary, whose works offer a rare insight into humanity’s desires and deepest fears. Delphi’s Masters of Art Series presents th...
発売日: 2017-07-31 ¥350
発売日: 2017-03-13 ¥880
Guarda, ascolta e scopri il capolavoro di Piero Della Francesca! La “Flagellazione di Cristo” è uno dei più famosi dipinti del maestro rinascimentale. Il quadro è avvolto dal mistero, sia da un punto di vista tecnico sia simbolico. Non si conosce il committente e il soggetto è tipico ma proposto in modo strano e innovativo per l’epoca. Al di là di questi misteri, tuttavia, ci troviamo di fronte a un quadro sì piccolo ma con un grande messaggio e una profonda intellettualità. “C’...
発売日: 2016-04-14 ¥100
東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会に向けて、インバウンドが急加速中。いま世界が日本に注目しています。政府は2030年の訪日客の目標値を6000万人に掲げました。短期移民・移民が増加し、多様化がますます進む中、私たち日本人は、自国のことをどれほど外国人に向けて語ることができるでしょうか? さらに、今年はニッポンの美をテーマにした企画展が、...
発売日: 2020-03-06 ¥800
An epic quest exposes hidden truths about Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi, the recently discovered masterpiece that sold for $450 million—and might not be the real thing. In 2017, Leonardo da Vinci’s small oil painting the Salvator Mundi was sold at auction. In the words of its discoverer, the image of Christ as savior of the world is “the rarest thing on the planet.” Its $450 million sale price also makes it the world’s most expensive painting....
発売日: 2019-06-25 ¥1,700
Today Berthe Morisot is recognised as the first lady of Impressionism, who left behind her an exceptional body of work, including oil paintings, pastels, watercolours, prints, sculptures and several hundred drawings. The only woman to join the "rejected" Impressionists in the first of their exhibitions, she was also a close friend and colleague of Édouard Manet. Her paintings are celebrated for their delicate and subtle quality, brimming with exquisite colour, winning her the admiration of her ...
発売日: 2018-10-08 ¥350
新聞記事からたどる群馬の地域美術史。 群馬県立近代美術館で長く学芸員を務めた著者が、明治から平成まで130年間の上毛新聞を読み解き、時代ごとに35のトピックスにまとめた。 山口薫や福沢一郎ら群馬を代表する著名美術家に加え、1960年代を代表する前衛美術家集団「群馬NOMOグループ」の活動など、群馬美術界の動きを紹介している。 「この種の読み物はこれまで...
発売日: 2018-03-31 ¥550
Doménikos Theotokópoulos, widely known as El Greco (The Greek), was a leading painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance. El Greco’s style was enriched with elements of Mannerism and the Venetian Renaissance, adopting a dramatic and expressionistic style that was met with puzzlement by his contemporaries, but gained widespread appreciation in the twentieth century. Delphi’s Masters of Art Series presents the world’s first digital e-Art books, allowing readers to explore t...
発売日: 2017-09-08 ¥350
発売日: 2017-08-09 ¥2,000
'An endlessly fascinating and enjoyable book' Neil MacGregor 'Full of delights' Tom Stoppard An extraordinary exploration of the medieval world - the most beguiling history book of the year This is a book about why medieval manuscripts matter. Coming face to face with an important illuminated manuscript in the original is like meeting a very famous person. We may all pretend that a well-known celebrity is no different from anyone else, and yet there is an undeniable thrill in actually meeting an...
発売日: 2016-09-22 ¥1,400
The Bauhaus movement (meaning the “house of building”) developed in three German cities - it began in Weimar between 1919 and 1925, then continued in Dessau, from 1925 to 1932, and finally ended in 1932-1933 in Berlin. Three leaders presided over the growth of the movement: Walter Gropius, from 1919 to 1928, Hannes Meyer, from 1928 to 1930, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, from 1930 to 1933. Founded by Gropius in the rather conservative city of Weimar, the new capital of Germany, which had just...
発売日: 2015-09-15 ¥2,200
Think Like an Artist by BBC Arts editor Will Gompertz - wisdom and smart thinking from Da Vinci to Ai Weiwei Why do some people seem to find it easy to come up with brilliant, fresh ideas? And how do they turn them into something worthwhile? Will Gompertz, the BBC's Arts Editor and a former director at the Tate, has spent years getting up close and personal with some of the world's greatest creative thinkers. And he's discovered a handful of traits that are common to all successful people, from ...
発売日: 2015-07-16 ¥1,200
The Baroque period lasted from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century. Baroque art was artists’ response to the Catholic Church’s demand for solemn grandeur following the Council of Trent, and through its monumentality and grandiloquence it seduced the great European courts. Amongst the Baroque arts, architecture has, without doubt, left the greatest mark in Europe: the continent is dotted with magnificent Baroque churches and palaces, commissioned b...
発売日: 2014-05-10 ¥1,600
An engaging account of today’s contemporary art world that features original articles by leading international art historians, critics, curators, and artists, introducing varied perspectives on the most important debates and discussions happening around the world. Features a collection of all-new essays, organized around fourteen specific themes, chosen to reflect the latest debates in contemporary art since 1989 Each topic is prefaced by an introduction on current discussions in the field and...
発売日: 2012-12-06 ¥6,400
Hello World is Alice Rawsthorn's definitive guide to design and modern life Design is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. When deployed wisely, it can being us pleasure, choice, strength, decency and much more. But if its power is abused, the outcome can be wasteful, confusing, humiliating, even dangerous. None of us can avoid being affected by design, whether or not we wish to. It is so ubiquitous that it determines how we feel and what we do, often without our noticing. Hello World e...
発売日: 2013-03-07 ¥1,200
About Modern Art is the long-awaited collection of David Sylvester's essays on twentieth-century artists. This is not dry, remote, academic criticism: it has an immediacy and passion which leave one with an inspiring sense of the relevance and importance of art to life.
発売日: 2012-06-30 ¥2,000
For skeptics, art lovers, and the millions of us who visit art galleries every year—and are confused— What Are You Looking At? by former director of London’s Tate Gallery Will Gompertz is a wonderfully lively, accessible narrative history of Modern Art, from Impressionism to the present day. What is modern art? Who started it? Why do we either love it or loathe it? And why is it such big money? Join BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz on a dazzling tour that will change the way you look at moder...
発売日: 2012-10-25 ¥1,300
An instant success upon its publication in the mid-sixteenth century, Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists remains one of the principal resources for study of the art and artists of the Italian Renaissance. Nothing of the scope and magnitude of this work had ever been conceived; the first complete history of modern art, it is widely regarded as the most influential art history book ever written. The Lives' colorful and detailed portraits of the most representative figures of Italian painting an...
発売日: 2012-03-08 ¥780
In this vivid and captivating journey through the colors of an artist’s palette, Victoria Finlay takes us on an enthralling adventure around the world and through the ages, illuminating how the colors we choose to value have determined the history of culture itself. How did the most precious color blue travel all the way from remote lapis mines in Afghanistan to Michelangelo’s brush? What is the connection between brown paint and ancient Egyptian mummies? Why did Robin Hood wear Lincoln gree...
発売日: 2003-01-01 ¥540
This beautiful book brings you the very best of art throughout history - using a truly innovative timeline-led approach. Savour iconic paintings such as Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper and Monet's Waterlilies, and discover less well-known artists, styles, and movements the world over - from Indigenous Australian art to the works of Ming-era China. And explore recurring themes, such as love and religion, and important genres from Romanesque to Conceptual art, along the way. Timelines of Art provi...
発売日: 2023-12-07 ¥1,200
Take a guided tour through history and discover the most precious, iconic, and celebrated objects ever created. Revered, admired, and protected - every country and culture has certain artefacts that are prized above all others. Cultural Treasures of the World brings together more than 200 of these objects, exploring the fascinating and unique stories behind each of them. From the Bust of Nefertiti to the Benin Bronzes, and the Altamira cave paintings to Van Gogh's Sunflowers, these artefacts and...
発売日: 2022-09-01 ¥1,300
A classic treatise on art theory from the collected writings of Robert Henri. "Many students have asked for this book, and that is the reason the fragments which are its composition have been brought together. No effort has been made toward the form of a regular book. In fact the opinions are presented more as paintings are hung on the wall, to be looked at at will and taken as rough sketches for what they are worth. If they have a suggestive value and stimulate to independent thought they will ...
発売日: 2021-12-17 ¥350
George Bridgman's art instruction books are a compilation of his life's work as an instructor at the Art Students League of New York. His book "Bridgman's Life Drawing" provides a complete course in figure drawing. He begins by explaining his method of building the human figure as a scale model out of wire and wood that can be manipulated and drawn from to see how the bending, twisting or turning of volume gives the sensation of movement held together by rhythm. The interlocking and distribution...
発売日: 2021-11-28 ¥350
George Bridgman's art instruction books are a compilation of his life's work as an instructor at the Art Students League of New York. In his book "The Book of a Hundred Hands" Bridgman has devoted an entire volume solely to the depiction of the hand—its history in art, construction, mechanisms, and nuance details. Hands are considered among the most difficult things in art, and artists are often judged by their ability to depict hands. George Brant Bridgman (1864-1943) was a Canadian-American ...
発売日: 2021-08-05 ¥350
In this book, Mrs Henry Ady has amended and extended the official biography of the great peasant painter Jean François Millet that was started during his lifetime by his friend Alfred Sensier and completed by M. Paul Mantz, in the year 1881. The original work consisted of a large number of letters and recollections from Millet's own pen to Sensier. While these letters are of the utmost value and interest, many other important contributions to the subject have been made since its publication by ...
発売日: 2018-06-30 ¥350
In the splendid tradition of Kenneth Clark's Civilisation and Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man, here is a magnificent account -- authoritative, lively, richly and beautifully illustrated -- of the hundred-year history of modern art. Written by one of the most widely read and respected art critics of our time as an outgrowth and expansion of his major eight-part BBC Time-Life television series, it recounts the origins of modern painting, sculpture, and architecture; discusses the careers of th...
発売日: 2020-10-29 ¥1,300
■見どころ: 戦国武将と桃山美術の関係性を紐解く! ■目次: 目次 桃山美術 ─天下人が愛でた美の世界─ 【巻頭寄稿】桃山時代とは 年表で見る 桃山時代の美術 【第1特集】特別展「桃山―天下人の100年」より 美術館で作品鑑賞 日本史上最大のバブル景気に誕生した桃山文化 特別展「桃山―天下人の100年」より 織田信長・豊臣秀吉・徳川家康 天下人が愛でた美 織田信長 ...
発売日: 2020-10-09 ¥1,100
A new book by Boris Groys acknowledges the problem and potential of art's complex relationship to power. Art has its own power in the world, and is as much a force in the power play of global politics today as it once was in the arena of cold war politics. Art, argues the distinguished theoretician Boris Groys, is hardly a powerless commodity subject to the art market's fiats of inclusion and exclusion. In Art Power , Groys examines modern and contemporary art according to its ideological functi...
発売日: 2008-02-08 ¥2,000
In today’s tutorial, we’re going to embark on a creative journey into the land of Minecraft and learn how to create a cute little character using Affinity Designer’s handy Isometric Grid. So assuming you’re a fan of the game, quickly get a coffee refill and let’s jump straight into it! Also, don’t forget you can always expand the project by heading over to GraphicRiver where you’ll find a great selection of vector pixel art.
発売日: 2020-06-27 ¥300
미술에대한교양을쌓고싶은데어떻게해야할지막막한사람들을위한서양미술입문서 누구나알기쉽게읽을수있는3단계구성!시대별미술사조,대표명화,감상법순으로본다! 피카소,고흐,달리…서양미술사를대표하는이런화가들의그림을흔히명화라고부른다.“성의없이아무렇게나대충그린것같기도하고유치원생도그보다는더잘그릴것같은데,왜이런그림들이그토록높이평가되는것일까...
発売日: 2020-06-09 ¥950
« La matière demeure et la forme se perd », écrivait Ronsard. C’est partout, au XVIe siècle, la même fascination pour le transitoire et le protéiforme, la même effervescence vitaliste et naturiste, le même regard porté sur la gestation de formes issues du chaos, la même attirance pour les naissances confuses. La tache de Léonard, les grottes artificielles de Palissy, l’inachèvement programmé de grandes œuvres comme celles d’Erasme, de Rabelais, de Ronsard ou de Montaigne, di...
発売日: 2016-01-01 ¥2,400
Art theory has great prominence since bygone era. Many people are fond of art and in fact artists are taking the art form to portray their views on any particular situation, trend, or a topic. The art theory was refined in the twentieth century by adding many other art forms. This visual language has huge demand since ages. People are exhibiting interest in buying these arts by shelling out astronomical prices. Every remarkable art piece has something portrayed in-depth. Art theory accentuates t...
発売日: 2019-11-01 ¥350
TRUYỆN MA KINH DỊ: Bóng Ma Trường Áo Tím Bí Ẩn Lời Nguyền Bức Họa Trên Tường Mối Tình Âm Dương Bà Tám Bán Xôi Căn Nhà Trên Đường An Địa Căn Nhà Bên Kia Đèo Rù Rì Cái Đầu Búp Bê Yêu Nữ Lời Nguyền Hồn Ma Báo Oán Những Ngôi Nhà Có Ma Cô Gái Quá Giang Hồn Ma Bóng Quế, Hư Hay Thật? Ngủ Với Ma Người Trong Gương Ngôi Mộ Mới Đắp Ngôi Nhà Ma Ở Đà Lạt
発売日: 2019-07-31 ¥100
gặp gỡ và chia ly Điều tệ hại nhất cuộc đời này không phải là không có ai để yêu. Mà là đã tìm thấy một người đến với ta và khiến phần còn lại của cả thế giới trở nên dư thừa. Rồi người đó ra đi, bỏ ta lại với một thế giới mà ta chẳng còn thiết tha tìm hiểu gì thêm nữa. Nó vẫn nhớ chính xác thời điểm đầu tiên họ gặp nhau. Ngày đầu tiên nó biết đến sự tồn tại ...
発売日: 2019-07-31 ¥100
This is a book about how to read visual images: from fine art to photography, film, television and new media. It explores how meaning is communicated by the wide variety of texts that inhabit our increasingly visual world. But, rather than simply providing set meanings to individual images, Visual Culture teaches readers how to interpret visual texts with their own eyes. While the first part of the book takes readers through differing theoretical approaches to visual analysis, the se...
発売日: 2019-03-05 ¥3,200
発売日: 2016-06-16 ¥2,200
The first great artist of the Quattrocento period of the Italian Renaissance, Masaccio would have an incredible impact on the course of Western art, in spite of his untimely death at the age of twenty-six. He is noted for his skill in imitating nature, recreating lifelike figures and his unprecedented use of chiaroscuro and three-dimensionality. Preparing the way for Leonardo and Michelangelo, Masaccio transformed the direction of Italian painting, moving it away from the idealisations of Gothic...
発売日: 2018-12-02 ¥350
発売日: 2016-11-01 ¥2,800