ラジオ日本(FM92.4MHz、AM1422kHz)が毎週土曜18:00~お届けしている歌謡曲番組の決定版!60~70年代、音楽の黄金時代のグループサウンズ、フォークソング、ムード歌謡など、当時全盛を誇った昭和歌謡曲からタブレット純が選曲。歌謡曲ファン必聴の番組です! 番組の一部やアフタートークなどをお届けします。
発売日: 2023-03-27
1. 嬉しいです。願わくば全ての回のアーカイブを… - 大好きな番組なのでポッドキャスト配信してくださって凄く嬉しいです。
2. 豆腐のない湯豆腐みたい - 音楽の黄金時代大好きで毎週、何回も聴き直してますヘビーリスナーの人です。 この頃、radikoでタイムフリー期間も短くなってきていたのでポッドキャスト登録のニュース聞いて、喜んでテスト放送ききましたががっかしです。 豆腐の入ってない湯豆腐みたいです。
リンゴミュージックに所属するアーティスト情報満載の1時間。りんご娘、ライスボールをはじめ、リンゴミュージックの情報はもちろん地元弘前を応援してくださっている皆さんの情報もお届けします。 地元弘前を元気にするための情熱プログラムをお送りします!
発売日: 2023-02-21
この番組は、同じ音楽大学を卒業したゆとり世代の三人がクラシック音楽について日本一ゆる〜く学びながら、クラシック音楽の楽しみ方を広げていくコンテンツです。 毎週(水)20:00 更新!
発売日: 2023-03-22
A focused look at some specific moments in recorded Jazz history Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/john-clark49/support
発売日: 2023-03-20
Ever wanted to take a closer look at the music of Beethoven? The Beethoven Files might make that a little easier.
発売日: 2023-02-28
Vibin Kenya podcast is all about what the Kenyan audience is listening to. (songs, trending topics, albums reviews and other fun stuff...) Instagram/FB/twitter: Vibin_Kenya
発売日: 2022-07-09
Walking in the Beatles’ boots sixty years ago every month. Pod hosts Andy and Larry trace the Fabs' experiences in real time. Our study group (across social media) is unofficial and independent. Contact https://beatles60.group/contact
発売日: 2023-02-03
Noisextra is a weekly deep dive into the world of noise in all of its forms and features album spotlights and in depth conversations with those residing in the noise world. Hosted by Greh Holger, Tara Connelly and Mike Connelly, the podcast takes a historical look at the many tentacles of noise, industrial, and experimental sounds from their distant roots to everything in between and beyond, predominantly from the pre-millennium era.
発売日: 2023-03-15
Just a jungkook cover
発売日: 2020-06-06
What makes a song a smash? Talent? Luck? Timing? All that—and more. Chris Molanphy, pop-chart analyst and author of Slate’s “Why Is This Song No. 1?” series, tells tales from a half-century of chart history. Through storytelling, trivia and song snippets, Chris dissects how that song you love—or hate—dominated the airwaves, made its way to the top of the charts and shaped your memories forever.
発売日: 2023-03-11
1. Great Dive into Great Musical Memories - A whole episode on Red Red Wine? No problem. Chris sheds light on the conditions that made this hit possible. From the growing influence of Reggie to the seemingly random trend of top disk jockeys giving overlooked songs a second chance, we can re-appreciate not only this song, but this moment in music history and all that went into and came out of it. Chris reminds us that culture doesn’t happen in a vacuum and that none of the songs or trends he discusses could either. This is a fascinating podcast with a great dose of nostalgia that doesn’t just bring us back in time, it helps us to understand the music and the time it was born in.
In this intensely divided moment, one of the few things everyone still seems to agree on is Dolly Parton—but why? That simple question leads to a deeply personal, historical, and musical rethinking of one of America’s great icons. Join us for a 9-episode journey into the Dollyverse. Hosted by Jad Abumrad. Produced and reported by Shima Oliaee. Dolly Parton’s America is a production from OSM Audio and WNYC Studios.
発売日: 2021-07-06
From "23 Beats Off" to "Walken's Syndrome," host Ian James Wright and a rotating cast of guests talk about every song by the band Fugazi, not chronologically, but in alphabetical order. Email: fugaziAtoZ@gmail.com
発売日: 2022-02-19
La mejor música del mundo está en Clásica FM. Descubre nuestros espacios, ¡y únete a nuestra comunidad de mecenas! Web: www.clasicafmradio.com contacto: contacto@clasicafmradio.com
発売日: 2023-03-25
Audio-lezioni integrative alla didattica in presenza - nate in tempo di #Coronavirus
発売日: 2023-03-04
From 1986-1992 The Cathouse was at the epicenter of the Hollywood Rock scene. Some of the biggest bands in rock would play unannounced shows at the Cathouse but it wasn't the performances by bands like Guns n Roses, Motorhead, Alice Cooper, Pearl Jam, Faster Pussycat, Black Crows (the list goes on) that put Cathouse on the map. It was the sleaze and debauchery, the raunch and roll. Riki Rachtman former host of MTV's Headbangers Ball owned the Cathouse. He opened it with his roommate Taime Down...
発売日: 2023-03-17
专辑作品大部分在行游参访各处静修道场、山水自然中现场即兴录制,适合安神,静心,静坐,睡前放松聆听。 欢迎关注订阅,收听直播助眠音乐不定期现场,也可关注公众号获取最新动态:空雨草堂古琴、南箫深远虚静,如沐春风。禅曲、颂钵空灵淡雅,如入仙境。听琴如修禅,用一颗宁静的心去觉知舒缓的琴乐、微妙的琴音和悠长的琴韵。在自然的大安详中休息吧...
発売日: 2021-01-07
Andrew Hickey presents a history of rock music from 1938 to 1999, looking at five hundred songs that shaped the genre.
発売日: 2023-02-21
Featuring the Golden Era of American Rock & Roll. The Rockin' Eddy Oldies Radio Show, brings you the widest selection of oldies anywhere on our planet Earth. All the hits and misses from the genres of Soul, Motown, Country, Doo-Wop, Folk and Rock 'n' Roll. We play the very first golden age of American Rock 'n' Roll. You'll hear all the charted hits from and beyond the Top 40. !
発売日: 2023-03-26
毎週最終日曜、夜8時から[Alexandros]のベース“磯部寛之”のナビゲートでお送りしています「Panasonic presents GORILLA RADIO!」
発売日: 2022-08-24
Radio Funk | Le Podcast (http://www.podcastfunk.com/) de Funky Pearls Radio 💜 ✅ http://funkypearls.fr Pour nous suivre sur les réseaux, c’est par ici : Instagram : @funkypearlsradio 🚀 Twitter : @Funkypearlradio 🚀 Funky Pearls Radio est le résultat d'une idée simple : partager notre passion pour la musique noire américaine avec le plus grand nombre de personnes possible. Après avoir découvert des centaines de joyaux dans nos greniers, nous avons réalisé que cette m...
発売日: 2023-03-13
Una suggestiva carrellata di brani di musica Country curata da Renzo
発売日: 2023-03-19
L’Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon lance le podcast C’est dans la poche ! pour accompagner votre expérience du concert et explorer la musique autrement. Anecdotes sur la vie du compositeur, contexte d'écriture d'une œuvre et extraits sonores sont réunis dans ce format court présenté par Clément Rochefort et Max Dozolme (France Musique), en partenariat avec Vialma. Ces clefs d'écoute vous accompagnent partout, à la maison, dans le métro ou à votre place en salle avant que les ...
発売日: 2023-03-17
UNRELEASED / DEMO / ACAPELLA SONG's / © all rights reserved
発売日: 2020-07-21
Classic með Nönnu Kristjáns er nýr þáttur á Útvarp 101. Classic er afslöppuð og óhefðbundin nálgun á klassíska tónlist fyrir byrjendur og lengra komna. Farið verður yfir líf, störf og helstu verk stærstu nafna tónlistarsögunnar til að sanna að allir geta fundið eitthvað við sitt hæfi þegar kemur að klassískri tónlist.
発売日: 2020-06-22
Off the Record is a new in-depth music biography series that profiles the extraordinary life of an iconic artist over the course of each season. Music journalist Jordan Runtagh (People, Rolling Stone, EW and VH1) offers a revelatory look at the human behind the hits through rich, dramatic storytelling, extensive research, and interviews with those who knew them best. You know the songs, now meet the legends.
発売日: 2021-05-03
Underground House & Techno Music DJ Booking : djtekness@gmail.com Links: https://youtube.com/user/youness666b?sub_confirmation=1 https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/2021-house-tech-progressive-deep-defected-ibiza-uk/id1553828811 https://www.deezer.com/fr/show/2313652 https://dj-tekness-morocco.business.site/ paypal.me/DJTekness @ DJ TEKNESS on Youtube Deezer Amazon Music Apple Podcast itunes Spotify Tunein ... the best beatport's playlists, tracks & new releases My favourite Artists & source o...
発売日: 2023-01-15
K-POPの歴史は、とめどない破壊と融合による苦悩の歴史だった。 シーズン1「自由からの系譜」とは異なる視点から、時代時代に激しく入れ替わるK-POPの覇者の歴史を紐解く系譜シリーズのシーズン2。それぞれの時代に、意思とは関係なく変化を迫られ翻弄されるプロデューサーやアーティストたちのドラマが、もう一つの真実の物語として始まる。 #kpop #音楽 #歴史 #sinawe ...
発売日: 2022-10-17
The biggest and best rave selection featuring 360 degrees of the harder styles!
発売日: 2023-03-16
1. Episode - I loved all episodes but I liked more because you played the songs you would play at Creamsfield.
Sure, it wasn't the same thing if you had played at the festival, but your initiative to provide people who have been there a part of what they would have if the festival wasn't canceled was very good and awesome. ]
発売日: 2022-01-21
Why for Jazz 是 Y4 旗下的一档关于 近现代爵士乐 的音频播客。我们主张爵士不应该只是一种音乐类型,它更为当代都市生活提供了一种可以参考的可能性。我们的口号是:即兴即合理。
発売日: 2023-02-19
这是一份爵士乐的声音入门指南,以各大爵士名家为主线,一步步揭开爵士乐的真实面目,同时这也是一部关于爵士乐的声音纪录片,以当今视角回望那些离我们并不遥远的大师所在的黄金年代。本节目由米周主持,JustPod 出品。
発売日: 2022-12-08
Metronom is a podcast about Iranian music and famous Persian songs. Metronom talks about how the famous Persian hit songs has been made who are their creators and other stories about the music.
発売日: 2023-03-09
We compile hour long mixes of pure contemporary classical, and modern classical music with zero talking and zero ads.
発売日: 2023-03-23
FEELS LIKE HOME Radio presented by Kenn Colt is a weekly podcast on iTunes/Spotify! New music from well known and upcoming artists around the globe so you can enjoy one hour of the best and newest house tracks around the world. For more info about Kenn Colt please visit www.kenncolt.com
発売日: 2023-03-16
Met het ontstaan van de Sovjet-Unie veranderde het Russische muziekleven ingrijpend. Componisten moesten ineens muziek maken ten dienste van de nieuwe socialistische staat: eenvoudige melodieën die arbeiders en boeren tot grootse prestaties aan zouden zetten. Muziek als arbeidsvitaminen! Musici stonden voor een dilemma : netjes binnen de lijntjes kleuren of toch maar rebelleren? Dat laatste was niet zonder gevaar: een enkeling kreeg de kogel voor zijn werk, anderen werden getreiterd of gearre...
発売日: 2022-04-06 ジャンル:歴史
Musician and self-described Beatles fanatic Jonathan Pretus ranked the entire recorded catalog of the Beatles, because he's a big, big nerd. Then he decided to make a podcast to talk with other people and learn about their connection with The Beatles' music. Tune in as Jonathan and his guests, joined by his co-host/wife Julia (a more level-headed, casual fan) discuss the rankings, what they think makes each song so great (or not-so-great), and see if it really is a fool's errand to try and ran...
発売日: 2023-03-21
Exploring 80s European Disco
発売日: 2021-11-28
発売日: 2020-09-30
Ruta 89 es un programa que cuenta las historias del Rock & Pop de los años 80 y 90 con versiones inéditas, en vinilo, artistas en vivo y las canciones que hoy son ya, clásicos. Todo esto en un ambiente relajado, con los datos y anécdotas que realmente queremos saber. Cada episodio, trae un especial diferente dedicado a los artistas representativos del rock y pop en inglés y en español. Así mismo, tenemos episodios dedicados a los eventos que marcaron estas dos décadas (80s y 90s), tales...
発売日: 2023-03-08
Radio shows from the Golden Age of Radio. The time before television and the family all sat around the radio and listened to the shows of the time like ,The Shadow,Abbott & Costello, Amos & Andy,Dragnet and many more.
発売日: 2023-03-27
Big Band Bash is a show presenting the music, musicians, and era of the great Big Bands. Each show highlights a different aspect of the big bands, whether it be a show about a certain band or bandleader or a subject of the big bands anywhere from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. I hope to get your feet tapping with this great music.
発売日: 2023-03-25
A podcast about rock and/or roll. Part of Pantheon Podcasts
発売日: 2023-03-24
"Let it Roll" is a podcast about the history of popular music from the 19th Century to the 21st. Proud part of Pantheon - the podcast network for music lovers.
発売日: 2023-03-20
“The Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast,” the official Grateful Dead podcast, is a series devoted to exploring the music and mythology behind one of the most enduring, progressive, and influential bands in the history of recorded music. The podcast’s tagline is “For The Committed And The Curious,” as episodes will invite new fans to explore the band’s enormous mythology in digestible chunks and enlighten life-long Dead Heads about corners of the band’s history they never knew existed. No...
発売日: 2023-03-08
Programas Especiais da Rádio Cidade.
発売日: 2022-12-26
The House Principles is a selection of the most interesting, well known and inspirational tracks of a certain artist. We go deep into the roots of house, to the pioneers who stood at the basis of this genre, and explore their particular sound with more depth.
発売日: 2020-08-27
The worlds No1 Hardcore Podcast, 🙌 Featuring : Record of the week, 🏆 Three in a row 🎵 🎵🎵 and a Classic Power Mix 🔊 Now in its 14th Year and over 1.5 Million plays. Dj Bookings : Djezc@hotmail.com Breakbeat Hardcore, Uk Hardcore, Bouncy Techno, Freeform, Happy Hardcore and all in-between.
発売日: 2023-03-21
David Guzman repassa la història i els mites de la cançó italiana. Una gran declaració d'amor a les veus, els compositors, els intèrprets i les peces que han fet de la música italiana un patrimoni universal. Els dissabtes de 20 a 21 h.
発売日: 2022-08-27
A living, breathing sonic blender of a podcast. Over eight episodes, we’ll celebrate the re-release of The Black Album (“Enter Sandman,” “Nothing Else Matters”), and the incredible band that made it. This is more than a “Making Of” look at the album. It’s the story of James, Lars, and Kirk — not just how the album got made, but why.
発売日: 2021-10-22
Ongoing History of New Music looks at things from the alt-rock universe to hip hop, from artist profiles to various thematic explorations. It is Canada’s most well known music documentary hosted by the legendary Alan Cross. Whatever the episode, you’re definitely going to learn something that you might not find anywhere else. Trust us on this.
発売日: 2023-03-22