発売日: 2019-12-06 ¥450
2014年にデビュー30周年を迎えたTM NETWORK。そのアニバーサリーイヤーに向けて進み出そうとした2013年3月26日、16時27分。木根尚登のケータイはある1通のメールを受信した。メールの送信者は宇都宮隆。そのメールは“事実”だけを伝えていた…。2013年7月のさいたまスーパーアリーナ公演から、アルバム『QUIT30』を引っ提げて展開した“QUIT30”ツアーまで。TM NETWORKの舞台裏...
発売日: 2015-02-06 ¥1,100
1. あの時のこと - お試し読みがウツのメールの話だったので、暗い気持ちになるかな?と思ったけれど、すごく良かった!
ところどころ誤植ありで、 つ。
読んだ後には、やっぱり三人の絆を再確認し、そして今までで一番TM NETWORKが大好きだと再確認できました!
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』の名言集が満を持して登場ッ! 「フシギな力」を持った言葉の数々は、第四部以降、さらなる新境地に。「人生の痛み」「他者への敬意」...
発売日: 2012-04-22 ¥770
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 年齢・性別を問わずファンに愛され「ジョジョ語」と呼ばれる数々の名言を生み出した『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』。その全てを網羅した名言集が満を持して登場ッ! ...
発売日: 2012-04-22 ¥770
激熱注意! 輪入道の自叙伝。 突発性難聴、両親との関係、いじめ、やさぐれた日々、フリースタイル……輪入道の魂全開の1冊! 千葉出身のラッパー輪入道。10 代からフリースタイルバトルで頭角を現し、様々な大会で優勝。こめかみに血管が浮かび上がらせ、気持ちをバチバチにぶつけるスタイルは、年齢性別を問わずに多くのファンからの絶大な支持を集めている。 「...
発売日: 2020-09-03 ¥1,500
自他共に認めた“世界最高のベース・プレイヤー”の光と闇 フレットレスのフェンダー・ジャズ・ベースという愛器を操り、これまでの概念を覆す唯一無二のプレイで、ベースという楽器の可能性を広げ、その後のミュージシャンたちにも多大な影響を与えた伝説のベーシスト、ジャコ・パストリアス。彼の音楽の原体験から、ベースという楽器との出会い、ミュージシ...
発売日: 2016-07-07 ¥950
They called for a break, and Gambon magicked up a cigarette from out of his beard. He and I were often to be found outside the stage door, having 'a breath of fresh air', as we referred to it. There would be painters and plasterers and chippies and sparks, and among them all would be me and Dumbledore having a crafty cigarette. From Borrower to wizard, Tom Felton's adolescence was anything but ordinary. His early rise to fame saw him catapulted into the limelight aged just twelve when he landed ...
発売日: 2022-10-13 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,900
Calling all One Direction fans! This is the only official book from 1D, charting their journey over the last year and a half – from the places they’ve visited and fans they’ve met, to their thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams, highs and lows. It has been a phenomenal year – and this is a phenomenal story. This Christmas, there will be no other book that true One Direction fans will want! They’ve won dozens of awards. They’ve had a bigger US debut than the Beatles. They’ve playe...
発売日: 2013-08-29 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥750
全身から鳥肌が立った。 時々目と目を合わせて呼吸を確認する。 演奏を通じて学校での短い会話の何百倍ものコミュニケーションをしていると思った。 音を通じてお互いまだ知らないそれぞれの音楽や人生や家族の話をしているかのような 楽しいやり取り。スティーブも頬を紅潮させて汗びっしょりだった。(本文より) 東北で大きな地震があった年の夏、 「NYのみんな...
発売日: 2014-08-22 ¥250
「僕は今までの人生でこんなに握手だけで物を語りたがる人に会ったことがない。 それは詩と言うよりはむしろ自叙伝の域に達していると思う。 だが、不思議とそれが嫌じゃないと思った。こういう人に会うのを長年待っていたとも思った。年齢も国も職種も違う2人が詩というキーワードで大学のクラスの中で出会ったのだ」――本文より。 NYのジャズ大学ニュースク...
発売日: 2014-12-02 ¥250
発売日: 2020-08-26 ¥1,500
The full story of Taylor Swift’s stratospheric rise to fame; all any dedicated Swifty needs to know about the pop superstar who’s taking over the world. A small-town girl with an incredible talent, and the strength to realise her dream, Taylor has grown into an award-winning, chart-topping artist and worldwide star, as well as a strong and stylish woman. But how did she get there? And what lies in store for her in the future? From childhood dreams of a musical future in Pennsylvania, to dete...
発売日: 2013-12-30 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥300
PARIS: A MILLION MEANINGS IN A SINGLE NAME Heiress. Party girl. Problem child. Selfie taker. Model. Reality star. Self-created. The labels attached to Paris Hilton. Founder. Entrepreneur. Pop Culture Maker. Innovator. Survivor. Activist. Daughter. Sister. Wife. Mother. The roles Paris embraces as a fully realized woman. Paris rose to prominence as an heiress to the Hilton hotel empire but cultivated her fame and fortune as the IT Girl of the aughts, a time marked by the burgeoning 24-hour entert...
発売日: 2023-03-14 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,600
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 生き方上手なあの人は、死に方上手でもあった。祝儀・不祝儀は3000円。荷物が増えるから贈り物はもらわない。がんになっても慌てず、最期まで前向きに。死後の手...
発売日: 2019-04-26 ¥1,000
This international bestseller features a new chapter and never-before-seen photos! In this groundbreaking debut essay collection, featuring never-before-seen photos, actress Lily Collins - star of To the Bone and Emily in Paris - is opening a poignant, honest conversation about the things young women struggle with: body image, self-confidence, relationships, family, dating and so much more. For the first time ever, Lily shares her life and her own deepest secrets, proving that every single one o...
発売日: 2017-03-07 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,400
発売日: 2016-01-20 ¥1,200
For the first time EVER, global superstars One Direction are releasing their 100% official autobiography, offering a new, intimate insight into their lives as never before seen or heard! In their first in-depth autobiography, pop sensations Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis tell the story of their lives. From nervously auditioning for the X Factor and meeting each other for the first time, to filming their hit movie This Is Us and releasing their bestselling third album, Midnight Memories, it r...
発売日: 2014-09-25 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,500
In the space of just five years, Twice have taken the K-Pop world by storm. With hundreds of millions of views on YouTube, a sell-out world tour and record-breaking album sales under their belts, Twice have well and truly earned their place in the K-Pop hall of fame. And they’re only just getting started. Twice: The Story of K-Pop’s Greatest Girl Group tells the amazing story behind one of the most-loved groups of our time. Covering their triumphs and setbacks, the making of everyone’s fav...
発売日: 2020-10-01 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥800
発売日: 2018-01-31 ¥1,700
京都祇園の料理屋に育ち、歌舞伎役者と親戚で、幼い頃から芝居に親しんだ著者。早稲田大学で演劇を学ぶうち、稀代の演出家にして昭和の怪人、武智鉄二に出会う。やがて“跡継ぎ”と見込まれ、弟子として武智の演出助手を務めるようになるが……。毀誉褒貶ありながら鬼才として名を馳せた反骨の師が、全身全霊で教えてくれた人生の闘い方とは! 恋愛に似た師への...
発売日: 2017-10-25 ¥650
***NOMINATED FOR THE NME BEST BOOK AWARD 2017 *** The first and only OFFICIAL book from ZAYN, for his ultimate fans. Zayn's autobiography features exclusive, never-before-seen photographs alongside his story. -------------------------------- 'This book is my diary of a period that I would like to share with you all. I hope that there are things in the book that contextualise some of the moments and memories we have all shared together. There are things I address in the book that are very persona...
発売日: 2016-11-01 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,600
It seems excessive…but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The mass of black curls. The top hat. The cigarette dangling from pouty lips. These are the trademarks of one of the world’s greatest and most revered guitarists, a celebrity musician known by one name: Slash. Saul “Slash” Hudson was born in Hampstead to a Jewish father and a black American mother who created David Bowie’s look in The Man Who Fell to Earth. He was raised in Stoke until he was 11, when he and his mother move...
発売日: 2012-02-02 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥700
The instant New York Times bestseller Supermodel and philanthropist Gisele Bündchen shares personal stories, insights, and photos to explore lessons that have helped shape her life. Gisele Bündchen's journey began in southern Brazil, growing up with five sisters, playing volleyball, and rescuing the dogs and cats around her hometown. In fact, she wanted to become either a professional volley player or a veterinarian. But at the age of 14, fate suddenly intervened in in the form of ...
発売日: 2018-10-02 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,400
The International Bestseller 'I can't help that my music shows who I am in this moment, what I'm drawn to, what I'm wondering about. I don't want to help it. What you hear in the words, what you feel in those songs - that's what I was feeling when I wrote them. I want you to see me, just like I want to see you.' - Justin Timberlake In his first book, Justin Timberlake creates a characteristically dynamic experience, one that combines intimate reflections and observations on his life and work, wi...
発売日: 2018-11-01 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,900
The Sunday Times Bestseller and Winner of the NME Best Book Award 2017 Few groups have had a bigger impact than The Smiths and few musicians are as celebrated as Johnny Marr. He is an icon who defined an era and influenced a generation of guitarists. His signature sound was crucial to the Smiths success, but tensions within the band led to his departure in 1987 and the end of the group after just four albums. He was twenty-three years old. Since then, Marr hasn’t stopped pushing the boundaries...
発売日: 2016-11-03 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
Beautiful. Willful. Charming. Blunt. Grace Coddington’s extraordinary talent and fierce dedication to her work as creative director of Vogue have made her an international icon. Known through much of her career only to those behind the scenes, she might have remained fashion’s best-kept secret were it not for The September Issue, the acclaimed 2009 documentary that turned publicity-averse Grace into a sudden, reluctant celebrity. Grace’s palpable engagement with her work brought a rare ins...
発売日: 2012-11-20 ¥1,700
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the pages of Vogue to the runways of Paris, this “captivating” ( Time ) memoir by a legendary style icon captures the fashion world from the inside out, in its most glamorous and most cutthroat moments. “ The Chiffon Trenches honestly and candidly captures fifty sublime years of fashion.”—Manolo Blahnik NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR • Fortune • Garden & Gun • New York Post During André Leon Talley’s first magazine job, al...
発売日: 2020-05-19 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥540
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'The book is meant to spread joy, personal acceptance, and most of all understanding. Each of us is living our own private journey, and the more we know about each other, the healthier and happier the world will be.' Growing up gay in a traditional South Asian family in South Yorkshire, Tan France could never have imagined he’d become part of a worldwide phenomenon. One of the few people of colour at his school, he experienced racist bullies, found solace at his gra...
発売日: 2019-06-06 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
With "virtuosic vulnerability" ( The Atlantic ), the iconic bassist and Red Hot Chili peppers co-founder pens a love letter to a youth spent wild in Los Angeles in his raw and riveting coming-of-age memoir. In Acid for the Children , Flea takes readers on a deeply personal and revealing tour of his formative years, spanning from Australia to the New York City suburbs to, finally, Los Angeles. Through hilarious anecdotes, poetical meditations, and occasional flights of fantasy, Flea deftly chroni...
発売日: 2019-11-05 ¥1,700
エンタテイメントの真髄・小池一夫が、数々のヒット作を生み出したトップクリエーターたちと語り合った、漫画・アニメ・ゲームの『キャラクター』創作秘話が詰まった対談集の第二弾。 小池一夫だからこそ聞くことができる豪華な顔ぶれのクリエーターたちの本音を知ることができる一冊。 第二巻では藤子不二雄(A)氏、高橋留美子氏とはキャラクター作りの真髄を、...
発売日: 2014-07-10 ¥450
Steven Patrick Morrissey was born in Manchester on May 22nd 1959. Singer-songwriter and co-founder of the Smiths (1982-1987), Morrissey has been a solo artist for twenty-six years, during which time he has had three number 1 albums in England in three different decades. Achieving eleven Top 10 albums (plus nine with the Smiths), his songs have been recorded by David Bowie, Nancy Sinatra, Marianne Faithfull, Chrissie Hynde, Thelma Houston, My Chemical Romance and Christy Moore, amongst others. An...
発売日: 2013-10-17 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
The inside of Derren Brown's head is a strange and mysterious place. Now you can climb inside and wander around. Find out just how Derren's mind works, see what motivates him and discover what made him the weird and wonderful person he is today. Obsessed with magic and illusions since childhood, Derren's life to date has been an extraordinary journey and here, in Confessions of a Conjuror , he allows us all to join him on a magical mystery tour - to the centre of his brain... Taking as his start...
発売日: 2010-10-14 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
THE SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR Winner of Non-Fiction Book of the Year, British Book Awards (Nibbies), 2022 A self-portrait in 154 songs, by our greatest living songwriter 'More often than I can count, I've been asked if I would write an autobiography, but the time has never been right. The one thing I've always managed to do, whether at home or on the road, is to write new songs. I know that some people, when they get to a certain age, like to go to a diary to recall day-to-day events from th...
発売日: 2021-11-02 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥2,800
発売日: 2018-12-10 ¥880
★『乃木坂46に入ってから5年以上、悔し涙の先にようやく感動の涙の存在を知れました』【生田絵梨花】 ★『自分を犠牲にしてでも守りたいと思えるのが、乃木坂46のメンバーなんです。“こんなに大切な人を45人も作ってくれた乃木坂46が本当に大好きだな”――と、改めて思いました』【生駒里奈】 輝く未来へ向かって、全力で坂道を上り続ける彼女たち 華やかなス...
発売日: 2017-11-22 ¥1,500
Stephen Fry invites readers to take a glimpse at his life story in the unputdownable More Fool Me . 'Oh dear I am an arse. I expect there'll be what I believe is called an "intervention" soon. I keep picturing it. All my friends bearing down on me and me denying everything until my pockets are emptied. Oh the shame' In his early thirties, Stephen Fry - writer, comedian, star of stage and screen - had, as they say, 'made it'. Much loved in A Bit of Fry and Laurie , Blackadder and Jeeves and Woost...
発売日: 2014-09-25 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,000
There's only one book that ever truly got inside the Beatles and this is it. The landmark, worldwide bestseller that has grown with the Beatles ever since. During 1967 and 1968 Hunter Davies spent eighteen months with the Beatles at the peak of their powers as they defined a generation and rewrote popular music. As their only ever authorised biographer he had unparalleled access - not just to John, Paul, George and Ringo but to friends, family and colleagues. There when it mattered, he collected...
発売日: 2009-10-06 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,600
The final word on music’s greatest legend, in which Philip Norman reveals a John Lennon the world has never seen. With ground-breaking insight into the pain, beauty and frustration that shaped the genius of modern music, John Lennon: The Definitive Biography redefines a legend. John Lennon – the iconic songwriter, composer and one quarter of The Beatles – was a giant of the twentieth century. As the founding member of the world's most successful group ever, he changed lives. The popularity...
発売日: 2009-09-03 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,500
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A Daily Mail Book of the Year. A Mail on Sunday Book of the Year. Famed American actress Demi Moore at last tells her own story in a surprisingly intimate and emotionally charged memoir. For decades, Demi Moore has been synonymous with celebrity. From iconic film roles to high-profile relationships, Moore has never been far from the spotlight – or the headlines. Even as Demi was becoming the highest paid actress in Hollywood, however, she was always outrunning her p...
発売日: 2019-09-24 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,500
SOON TO BE A LIMITED SERIES DIRECTED BY DANNY BOYLE _____________________ Foreword by Chrissie Hynde Without the Sex Pistols there would be no punk rock, and without Steve Jones there would be no Sex Pistols. It was Steve who formed Kutie Jones and his Sex Pistols, the band that eventually went on to become the Sex Pistols, with his schoolmate Paul Cook and who was its original leader. As the world celebrates the 40th anniversary of Punk - the influence and cultural significance of which is felt...
発売日: 2016-11-17 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
The intimate - and surprising - autobiography of Britain's most adored band Prepare to meet the real McFly … In 2003, Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Harry Judd and Dougie Poynter came together and formed what would become one of the most popular and successful bands in the UK. Just teenagers at the time, they were catapulted into the limelight and had to adapt quickly to their new-found fame – and everything that came with it. Now, at last, they have decided to tell their story, in full and reve...
発売日: 2012-10-11 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,000
Everyone thinks they know the real Gordon Ramsay: rude, loud, pathologically driven, stubborn as hell. But this is his real story… This is Gordon Ramsay’s autobiography – the first time he has told the full story of how he became the world’s most famous and infamous chef: his difficult childhood, his brother’s heroin addiction and his failed first career as a footballer: all of these things have made him the celebrated culinary talent and media powerhouse that he is today. Gordon talks...
発売日: 2010-02-25 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥650
The biggest pop band in the world celebrate 10 years at the top – telling their full story in their own words for the very first time. 40 million albums 14 UK number 1 singles 7 UK number 1 albums Westlife have had more number ones than any other artist apart from The Beatles and Elvis and with songs that have become modern classics like Flying without Wings, they have ensured their place in the annals of pop history. Westlife – The Autobiography will chart the highs and lows of their phenom...
発売日: 2010-02-25 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥680
超人気! K-POPグループ『防弾少年団(BTS)』初の“発言&エピソード”BOOK!! 彼ら自身が語った“言葉”、日韓それぞれの側近スタッフが語った“バックステージエピソード”を独占収録!! 『ARMYには感謝してもしきれない。その感謝を自分たちなりの“形”で返すには、いつまでも態度を変えず、愛を裏切らない』―by BTS― 日韓の芸能メディアで活躍する著者が持つ豊富なネッ...
発売日: 2018-05-31 ¥1,500
(この本について) 原田光子著「クララ・シューマン、真実なる女性」(一九四一年、第一書房刊)を復刊したものです。 データは以下からダウンロードしたものを使用しました。 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1238845 章立ては以下のようになっています。 クララ・シューマン、真実なる女性(上) 第一章 幼女時代(一八一九年-一八二七年) 第...
発売日: 2018-01-09 ¥300
Celebrate Little Mix's first UK number-one album - Glory Days - by reading the full story of the girls' astonishing rise to pop super stardom. Our World is full of exclusive photos and inspirational stories about Jade, Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-Anne's unique friendship. Little Mix are the UK's most successful girl band. They first found fame - and each other - on The X Factor in 2011. Five years later they have gone from strength to strength, achieving huge global success. With three platinum-selli...
発売日: 2016-10-20 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,600
Where We Are, the hotly anticipated official 1D book, now combined for the first time in a single eBook volume with One Direction’s first ever official book, Dare to Dream. One Direction: Our Story: The Whole Story from Dare to Dream to Where We Are charts the boys’ full story in their own words, from X Factor to global superstardom, their own movie and a 133-date tour. A must-have for all fans that missed out on Dare to Dream the first time round. Includes never-before-seen images exclusive...
発売日: 2013-08-29 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥3,000
Number One Sunday Times Best Seller. For the first time Cheryl tells her full story, her way. Revealing the truth behind the headlines, this is the only official autobiography, giving the fans the true story they’ve been waiting for. Includes exclusive, personal photos. The nation’s sweetheart, Cheryl has achieved unrivalled success with Girls Aloud, as a solo artist, a judge on the X Factor, a fashion icon and as the face of L’Oreal. However, the path to fame is rarely easy and for Cheryl...
発売日: 2012-10-11 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥590
In this first major study of the captivating life of Audrey Hepburn, Ian Woodward uncovers the truly sensational story of one of Hollywood's most enduring legends. Ranked number 50 in Empire Magazine's 'Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time', her appeal as a screen icon is set to last for years to come. From her roles in such legendary films as Breakfast at Tiffany's and her Oscar-winning performance in Roman Holiday , to her lovers and the pain of losing a child, this revealing biography is essential...
発売日: 2012-05-31 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200
Join the world's hottest pop star on his rollercoaster ride to superstardom! His debut album has already gone platinum. He's sung for the President of the United States. His screaming fans have stormed TV studios and shut down shopping malls. Justin Bieber is a global superstar and now, for the first time ever, he's going to tell all in his very own book. Justin's story is the stuff that every kid dreams of. Growing up an only child in Ontario, Canada, Justin had a natural talent for music; he w...
発売日: 2010-10-14 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥700