名作アニメ動画がみれる電子書籍「なつアニ トゥイーティーvol.1」 幻のアカデミー賞作品も収録。 ※動画コンテンツを収録していますので400メガ近くありますので、wifi環境下でダウンロードしてください。 ■収録コンテンツ ※全編動画&対訳セリフ 1.A Tale of Two Kitties ネコたちの大作戦 2.A Gruesome Twosome かわいいあの子をつかまえろ 3.Tweetie Pie 部屋の中で大バトル 4.I Taw a P...
発売日: 2013-05-09 ¥300
桜の立体写真を撮っていたら、ゆうれいが写っていた!? ゆうれいも花見を楽しんでいるのかな? 写真をそのまま見てもわからないけど、 重ねて立体的に見ると浮かんでくるよ。 41枚の写真の中から 全部で7体のゆうれいを見つけられるかな? iPhoneやiPod touchでは画面が小さくて見えにくいので、iPadで楽しむ事をおすすめします。
発売日: 2013-07-08 ¥100
ゴーバスターズの全てが分かる、究極本だ! みんなが大好き、特命戦隊ゴーバスターズの全てがつまった最高級のずかんが登場だぜ! ゴーバスターズの戦士のひみつから、最新最強ロボ「ゴーバスターキング」のひみつまで、74ページ分、ギ~ッシリ知りたい情ほうがつまってるぞ!! さらに、ゴーバスターズの敵・ヴァグラスのひみつも完全解説! ゴーバスターズパワードカ...
発売日: 2012-11-20 ¥1,000
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ツムツムたちが今日のあなたに贈るメッセージ本! たとえば……落ち込んでいるときに大事なことは決めない。明日にしよう/言葉にできないところにホントの本音が...
発売日: 2016-06-23 ¥880
Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if you could DRAW your favorite Undertale characters with EASE? Well now you can! In this wonderful drawing guide, you will find step by step instructions that will teach you exactly how to draw your favorite characters from Undertale. Pictures are included to help you with each step. Drawing has NEVER been so EASY! Download now and get started!
発売日: 2016-12-01 ¥300
■内容 第2回クリエイティブメディア出版「えほん児童書コンテスト」準大賞受賞作品 『まめちゃんのぼうけん』 まめちゃんはあたまのよいサスケにいちゃんがだいすきです。 あるひおひさまがかおをかくしてしまいうすぐらくなったままもとにもどりません。 こまったふたりはむらのちょうろうさんにどうしたらいいかそうだんにいきます。 ちょうろうさんはふたり...
発売日: 2017-09-01 ¥700
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 年齢で選ぶ「うたとおはなし」絵本の決定版! 赤ちゃんの好きな顔やオノマトペを豊富に盛りこみ、音の楽しさから発語を促します。大好評「年齢別えほん百科」の...
発売日: 2019-06-20 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥850
ハワイ島で、 空の世界の星や太陽と出会う。 海の世界に入ってイルカと出会う。 地上の世界の砂浜やパパイヤと出会う。 地中の世界のマグマと出会う物語。 4つの世界を自由に泳ぐイルカのような、クジラのような……「てんさん」「くうちゃん」。 詩は音符のようでもあり、背景は、地球・星・宇宙のようにも見えます。 自然に「マハロ」という言葉があふれます。...
発売日: 2021-11-18 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > アート ¥100
The only 100% fully OFFICIAL Annual - written in collaboration with the boys. This is THE book of the year for all 1D fans! Check our what the boys have been up to in the past year and their plans for the future. Written in collaboration with the boys, this is the only annual to include exclusive interviews, up to the minute news and info, and never before seen photos. Find out straight from the band themselves what they think about success, touring, their fans and much more! This is a must-have...
発売日: 2012-11-22 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥600
「すみっコぐらし」の大人気アイテム・てのりぬいぐるみ関連商品=「すみっコぐらしコレクション」(以下・すみコレ)の本。 本誌オリジナル撮り下ろし写真はもちろん、すみコレアーカイブ集、SNS映えする撮影背景、さらには開発秘話など、内容もりだくさん♪ 見て、読んで楽しい「すみっコぐらし」ファン必見の一冊です。 ★もくじ★ すみっコぐらしコレクションと...
発売日: 2019-05-24 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > クラフト ¥1,100
貧しい村に生まれた男の子の願いは、大きくなったら村を豊かにしてみんなを幸せにすること。 男の子が出稼ぎに出発するという朝、お母さんは男の子のために大きなリンゴをひとつわたす。 リンゴを食べる途中で出てきたリンゴの種を道端に埋めていく。 大人になって村に帰った男の子が見たものとは……? 子どもから大人まで読める心に残る物語。
発売日: 2018-09-30 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > アート ¥500
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ★★すぐにまねしたいイラストがいっぱい!!★★ オールカラーで、配色の仕方やマンガの書き方などをわかりやすく紹介しました。上手に描けちゃうコツも満載です!...
発売日: 2016-06-06 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > クラフト ¥950
発売日: 2014-11-25 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > クラフト ¥800
Alfred's Basic Prep Course , Lesson Book A is specifically designed for beginners who are five years old and up. Through the use of appealing music and attractive illustrations, it is no wonder that Lesson Book A is the most widely used young beginner's piano book now available. This course takes into consideration the normal attention span, as well as the small-sized hands of the young beginner. Shortly after beginning, the young student will be able to play "Merrily We Roll Along." Companion a...
発売日: 2014-05-23 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥850
The only 100% fully OFFICIAL Annual - written in collaboration with the band. This is THE book of the year for all Little Mix fans! This is the only annual to include exclusive interviews, up to the minute news and info, and never before seen photos of Little Mix. Straight from the girls themselves, find out all about their fashion tips and disasters, what it was like to win the X Factor, all the embarrassing tour moments and crazy behind-the-scenes stories. This is a must-have for all Little Mi...
発売日: 2012-10-25 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥630
The #1 bestselling chapter book series of all time celebrates 25 years with new covers and a new, easy-to-use numbering system! Getting the facts behind the fiction has never looked better. Track the facts with Jack and Annie!! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House Merlin Mission #10: Monday with a Mad Genius, they had lots of questions. Why was Leonardo da Vinci interested in flight? What are some of his most famous painting? Did he really keep...
発売日: 2009-01-13 ¥430
How did Jackie Chan become one of the most recognizable and beloved actors in the world? Find out in this exciting biography of this martial artist turned international film superstar. When Kong-sang was a young boy in Hong Kong, he enjoyed practicing martial arts with his dad but hated going to school. He was eventually enrolled in the China Drama Academy, where he improved his martial arts skills and became a stuntman. That training led to a successful career as an actor. Kong-sang, now known ...
発売日: 2020-02-04 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥760
Did you know that the Vatican is a country--the smallest in the world? Find out the amazing history of the headquarters of the Catholic Church. It's time to elect a new pope. Hundreds of thousands of people gather in front of St. Peter's Basilica to learn who will be the next leader of the Catholic Church. A white puff of smoke from a chimney signals the cardinals--the "princes" of the church--have elected one of their own who will continue to be the leader of the faith that has been around for ...
発売日: 2019-12-24 ¥650
The story of how a young Southern girl who was raised on a pig farm became one of the most influential and inspiring people in the world. We all know Oprah Winfrey as a talk-show host, actress, producer, media mogul, and philanthropist, but the "Queen of Talk" wasn't always so fortunate. She suffered through a rough childhood and went on to use her personal struggles as motivation. Oprah's kindness, resilience, and determination are just some of the many reasons why her viewers--and people all a...
発売日: 2019-07-02 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥650
[巻頭特集] キラキラ☆プリキュアアラモード:メインキャスト6人による座談会の他、シリーズディレクター暮田公平&貝澤幸男、キャラクターデザイン井野真理恵、プロデューサー神木優、バンダイガールズトイ事業部長谷川歩のインタビューを収録。シリーズディレクターのコメント付きストーリーガイド、井野真理恵によるキャラ設定や修正原画ギャラリー、秋の劇...
発売日: 2017-08-10 ¥880
■作品について ショウくんの携帯電話にすけすけアプリという かざすと相手の気持ちが読めてしまう アプリが使えるようになります。 ショウくんはそのアプリで、友達やおとうさん、 おかあさんの気持ちを調べてみます。 インターネットを通じて相手の顔を見ないで 言葉をやる取りできるようになりましたが、 相手の表情や語調で言葉を選ぶことがない分、 無神経...
発売日: 2017-03-07 ¥350
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 マネするだけで、可愛い少女まんがキャラが描けちゃう!少女漫画雑誌で人気の漫画家や、イラストレーターによるイラストがたっぷり400点以上。「顔の描き方」「体...
発売日: 2014-07-08 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥1,000
When his friend Victor suddenly dies, composer Mussorgsky is deeply saddened. But, with the help of his friends, and through his own music, Modest finds a way to keep Victor's spirit alive. Readers of all ages will enjoy the inspirational story behind the composition of Pictures at an Exhibition. Bright, colorful illustrations incorporate elements of Russian folk art and traditional symbols. View pages from artist JoAnn Kitchel's notebook for explanations of the symbols and see her pencil-sketch...
発売日: 2003-02-01 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥1,300
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ★★かわいいおりがみがいっぱい!★★ パティシエ、アイドルなど憧れの職業のごっこ遊びができるアイテム多数! おしゃれなアクセサリーや小物など、女の子の大好...
発売日: 2015-12-03 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > クラフト ¥880
Discover the power of art and be inspired by cultures from all over the world with the Children's Book of Art. You'll find out how instruments are made and played, and learn about the fascinating lives and achievements of great artists and sculptors, from Leonardo da Vinci to Tracey Emin and Henry Moore. The book is packed with facts and photos highlighting artistic styles from across the globe, from the very earliest cave paintings through to Renaissance art and surrealism, via China's terracot...
発売日: 2023-08-03 ¥850
Features a giant, lavishly illustrated timeline of more than 500 images that showcases a glorious gallery of art from all around the world. Art movements such as the Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Impressionism, and Pop Art are explored and explained. There are biographies, too, of key figures behind some of the world's best-known artworks, from Botticelli and Hiroshige to Goncharova and Morisot. With every story plotted on a timeline, the pages give a snapshot of each era, and reveal the influence...
発売日: 2022-10-06 ¥850
発売日: 2022-02-15 ¥3,800
Unlock your creativity with this fun and inspiring book! Clear step-by-step instructions make the tangles easy to master and fun to do, and the book is filled with beautiful illustrations and scenes that young tanglers can make their own. Special project pages also show readers how to use their tangle artworks to create gorgeous decorations, cards and gifts. Perfect for creative kids aged 8 and up.
発売日: 2016-02-15 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > アート ¥400
From lions and tigers to parrots and penguins, you'll be amazed at the animals you can make with a few sheets of origami paper. Clear instructions and step-by-step illustrations are easy to follow, even for complete beginners. So pick a project and have a go-you will soon have folded a whole zoo of gorgeous origami animals!
発売日: 2020-03-04 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > クラフト ¥200
You'll be a Zentangle® master in no time with this brilliant book! Learn how to draw a fantastic collection of tangles before bringing these together to create your own spectacular Zentangle® Inspired Artworks. Illustrated by a Certified Zentangle® Teacher and packed with tips, techniques, and simple step-by-step instructions, this book contains everything you ever wanted to know about this fun and creative art form.
発売日: 2020-04-03 ¥350
Take your seats, because Where Is Broadway? is ready to take center stage! In a lively and engaging style, authors Douglas Yacka and Francesco Sedita cover the development of the first theaters and the birth of the American musical, as well as the shows and stars that have become Broadway legends. Readers will get the inside story on their favorite shows and may even discover some new ones.
発売日: 2019-04-30 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥650
Who HQ rolls out the red carpet for Where Is Hollywood?--the film capital of the world. Developed in the 1880s by Midwesterners looking for a sunny winter getaway, Hollywood was a small housing development outside still-small Los Angeles. But everything changed in the early 1900s when filmmakers from New York flocked to the area, where they could make movies without having to pay Thomas Edison's patent fee. It didn't hurt that the weather was perfect, too. Readers will take a journey from the Go...
発売日: 2019-01-22 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥650
Included in Publishers Weekly's Big Indie Books of Fall 2017 feature "Morse and Yi (the team behind What Is Punk?) highlight hip-hop's cultural hegemony via an impressively encyclopedic parade of rhyming biographies. Yi's meticulously styled clay figures are as magical as in the previous book, combining profound expressiveness with the playfulness of action figures. Her compositions are equally evocative, ranging from video snippets (the Beastie Boys strike a pose from 'Intergalactic') to formal...
発売日: 2017-09-05 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥1,100
The polo player with the raised mallet—everyone knows the Ralph Lauren logo. Learn the amazing story of the man who is a true American fashion icon. Born in the Bronx, even as a teenager Ralph Lauren was known for his distinctive fashion sense, having a taste for both classic preppy clothes and vintage looks like beat-up leather jackets. He got his start in the fashion business by selling ties that he designed. From ties he went on to create a global fashion empire. In this easy-to-read biogra...
発売日: 2017-10-17 ¥650
Learn about the love story behind the creation of one of the most beautiful and famous buildings in the world. The Taj Mahal may look like a palace, but it's actually a tomb and a lasting testament to one of the world's great love stories. In 1612, Mogul emperor Shah Jahan married Mumtaz Mahal. It had been love at first sight and for nineteen years they were so inseparable that Mumtaz even accompanied Shah Jahan to battlefields. When she died suddenly giving birth to their fourteenth child,...
発売日: 2017-01-24 ¥650
Who was the real Charlie Chaplin? Kids will learn all about the comic genius who created "The Little Tramp"! Charlie Chaplin sang on a London stage for the first time at the age of five. Performing proved to be his salvation, providing a way out of a life of hardship and poverty. Success came early and made Chaplin one of the best loved people in the United States until the McCarthy witch hunts drove Chaplin from his adopted country. This is a moving portrait of a multi-talented man—actor, dir...
発売日: 2016-12-06 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥650
歌舞伎ワークショップ主宰の塩崎博さんの歌舞伎解説をイラストレーターも~ちゃんが紹介する「も~ちゃんのマンガ歌舞伎レポート」シリーズ。 初めて歌舞伎を見る人にもとてもわかりやすいとご好評いただいているシリーズ第10弾では、前作ご紹介した「毛抜」と同じ歌舞伎十八番の一つで、続きの話でもある「鳴神」をご紹介します。 ストーリーから見どころまで...
発売日: 2016-03-09 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥250
いつもたのしいことをかんがえていてしあわせなハンペンメン。 いつもイライラおこっていてふしあわせなオコリン。 このいっしゅうかんハンペンメンとオコリンにまったくおなじできごとがおこりました。
発売日: 2016-03-05 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > アート ¥800
Unravel some of the riddles of Stonehenge, one of the most famous and mysterious monuments in the world! Where is Stonehenge? That's an easy question to answer. It sits on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England. But what is the meaning of these strange circles of stones? Was Stonehenge a religious site to honor the dead? Or a sacred place of healing? Or perhaps an astrological calendar? These are much harder questions to answer. However, in an engaging and easy-to-read account, True Kelley puts...
発売日: 2016-09-06 ¥760
LET'S DRAW CARTOONS!!! In easy-to-follow, step-by-step detail, How to Draw Cartoons teaches you all the tricks and techniques you’ll need to create your own amazing cartoons in a few minutes. You’ll discover how to draw all types of characters using nothing but a pencil. How to Draw Cartoons shows how to bring life to pets (like chicken, parrot etc) as well as some popular cartoon characters such as Tom & Jerry, Samurai, Angry Birds etc. It also contains special section titled “Can you...
発売日: 2015-10-28 ¥150
Young readers will connect with the story of this National Historic Landmark--the Brooklyn Bridge! Building the Brooklyn Bridge was no simple feat. Despite a brilliant plan from a father-son team of engineers, the process was a dangerous and grueling one. Construction workers developed a mysterious illness (now known as the bends), several died, and the project had devastating effects on the engineers' lives. Still, after fourteen years, the Brooklyn Bridge was fin...
発売日: 2016-01-19 ¥760
Découvrez la vie et l'oeuvre de Renoir en lisant, jouant et dessinant ! C’est la Bohème ! La vie d’artiste… À Paris, Renoir et ses amis habitent dans un atelier. Avec Claude Monet, ils créent les premiers paysages impressionnistes. Visitez le Louvre avec Renoir. Dansez au Moulin de la Galette. Déjeunez avec les canotiers. Applaudissez à l’opéra. Voyagez au pays du soleil et peignez avec Renoir la douceur de vivre baignée de lumière... Le Bal du Moulin de la Galette , Le Déjeune...
発売日: 2015-07-15 ¥950
As a boy, Edward Hopper knew exactly what he wanted to be when he grew up: on the cover of his pencil box, he wrote the words EDWARD HOPPER, WOULD-BE ARTIST. He traveled to New York and to Paris to hone his craft. And even though no one wanted to buy his paintings for a long time, he never stopped believing in his dream to be an artist. He was fascinated with painting light and shadow and his works explore this challenge. Edward Hopper's story is one of courage, resilience, and determination. In...
発売日: 2014-08-19 ¥1,400
Known as one of the most influential filmmakers of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s unique vision in movies like Psycho and The Birds sent shivers down our spines and shockwaves through the film industry. His innovative camera techniques have been studied for decades and his gift for storytelling cemented his place in history. Many directors make great movies, but the genius of Hitchcock helped make movies great. Learn how a chubby boy from London became the “Master of Su...
発売日: 2014-12-04 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > パフォーミングアーツ ¥650
"When I think of what hip-hop means to me, I think of a culture of artistic expression that rose up in places where no one expected there to be art. Hip-hop, in all of its permutations, is the creation of something from nothing. It is the transformation of ugliness into beauty" - David Walker author of 'Reflections on Blaxploitation' Rap music was once considered a 'fad', just a 'passing phase'. Over 40 years later Rap music is a billion dollar industry. This book discusses the origins of one of...
発売日: 2013-11-22 ジャンル:子ども向け > アート/エンターテインメント > 音楽 ¥300
All manga, all the time, all the Chris Hart way! • Bumper book of 256 manga-packed pages • Learn to draw manga, step by step • One gigantic celebration of manga mania Kids are drawn to manga like magnets, and Christopher Hart's manga books are among the hottest sellers of all books, with more than 2.5 million copies in print. Now Watson-Guptill has gathered Hart's four best-selling Kids Draw books and combined them into one giant manga book. If they're out there in the world of manga, they...
発売日: 2009-02-03 ¥1,500
Parents, teachers, and caregivers looking for ideas on how to get children outdoors and instill in them a love of nature can find more than 75 creative crafts, games, and activities using objects that kids can collect from nature in this idea book. As children make race cars out of rocks, create paint from plants, and assemble funny grass masks, they learn to be environmentally friendly—absorbing information on recycling, reducing waste, and inspiring others to protect nature. Organized by the...
発売日: 2007-03-01 ¥1,500
Vincent van Gogh’s admiration for and departure from Impressionism and his relationships with the other enthusiastic, like-minded artists who ultimately formed the Post-Impressionist movement are explained and explored in this collection of art activities for kids. Debunking the persistent stereotype of the mad pauper who cut off his ear, van Gogh is revealed as the serious boy who loved nature and reading and spoke four languages; the young man who took great satisfaction in the study of art,...
発売日: 2011-05-01 ¥1,800