Release date: 2023-04-05 $0.99
Release date: 2017-10-17 $2.99
1. Just okay... - I wanted to love this book. Instead, I merely liked it. Even that was a stretch at times. It’s a collection of short fiction stories. Some are better than others. Some are really good. Others really not. In the end many of the stories felt like they were over just as they were getting interesting, which is sad as the ones that were getting interesting were getting very interesting. I enjoyed how Hanks tried to incorporate the typewriter, something he is famous for enjoying so much, into his stories, without overdoing it. Sure, at times it felt a little forced, but it was an interesting common thread spread throughout stories that don’t have any real commonality between them. If you’re a fan of Tom Hanks, you’ll want to pick this up. It shows his abilities are not limited to just acting. Which is enough. His writing style shows he is multi-talented and a decent writer, I just wish the stories didn’t feel cut off at the knees.
Release date: 2023-03-19 $9.99
Release date: 2022-05-31 $12.99
1. Threefer - Very well done three short stories. A nice follow up to a character introduced in a previous book. An interesting look at death row. Lastly a story of greed and family disfunction at a high level. I felt as if I knew the characters. I laughed aloud while reading about one of the characters using a snake to murder his wife. That is a true skill to make the reader laugh about a character doing a heinous act.
2. Want my money back! - I understand an author wants to delve into new territory and not write the same formulaic drivel. BUT- this work is actually three totally unrelated novellas. And, for that matter, none of them came to a conclusion! So, I guess there will be a sequel to bring each to a denouement. Very, very, disappointing work. I pre-ordered this before reviews came out- hey, it’s Grisham, it’s gonna be good, right? Learned my lesson. Won’t pre-order again.
3. Sparring partners - Have been a long time Grisham fan but this book was awful and I’m mad I wasted money. Didn’t realize it was short stories that never fully develop. It’s almost like he started stories and couldn’t find a good way to develop them so he just writes an abrupt careless ending to each w characters you can’t find a way to care about. Super super disappointing
4. Sparring Partners - I have read many John Grisham ‘s books and liked all of them, except Sparring Partners. The stories didn’t develop well, the plots leave you with the feeling that they did not conclude. Also, the stories do not flow well, l felt like several events were happening,but the connection among them was not clear.
5. Unconnected novellas and all disappointing - In total, I kept wondering how or if to connect these three stories. Then realizing they don’t connect, I was disappointed in all three individually. Grisham has been a master but this felt like a commercialized money grab as some other famous authors have done. Let’s all hope that he puts more time into his craft and does not become so greedy to begin licensing his name to novels written by others as so many other great writers have done. This attempt is an early warning of Grisham’s future attempt to sacrifice his quality for quantity and money. I was disappointed
6. Sparring Partners - short stories instead of one novel like the title implies. The endings are like tv series cliff hangers. The readers are left with guessing what happens next. I kept hoping the stories would be brought together in some intertwined way in a great ending as his many past books I’ve loved have done.
Release date: 2023-03-15 $9.99
Release date: 2023-03-07 $14.99
Release date: 2023-10-19 $9.99
Release date: 2023-04-06 $9.99
Release date: 2013-06-25 $1.99
Release date: 2022-07-05 $9.99
Release date: 2007-11-01 $16.99
Release date: 2017-10-03 $9.99
Release date: 2019-04-02 $4.99
Release date: 2016-03-29 $11.99
Release date: 2014-03-18 $4.99
Release date: 2015-02-24 $4.99
Release date: 2009-11-03 $9.99
1. Ford County: Stories - Though I enjoyed each story, as well as the characters, this is not John Grisham's normal style of writing. There were no surprises at the end of the story and the end was somewhat predictable for each one.
I liked seeing other familiar characters from other books. It took me much longer to read through these short stories then his average book. Normally I read his books in two sittings. Sometimes one. John Grisham has a way of grabbing your attention and wanting to finish the book quickly. This does not happen with the short stories.
Release date: 2014-02-04 $2.99
Release date: 2012-06-03 $0.99
1. Cool book - I have to say, I think Edgar Allen Poe and lovecraft are tied for my favorite horror writers. H.p.'s wording makes you really have to imagine Cthulhu and r'lyeh. Unfortunately some parts were pretty boring, but overall it was a creepy story (don't try to imagine r'lyeh to much though, it'll drive you mad!)
Release date: 2018-05-29 $0.99
Release date: 2000-05-08 $13.99
Release date: 2010-11-09 $11.99
1. Masterpiece - I’ve read many Stephen King works - and I own many as well - but Full Dark, No Stars is definitely one of a kind. It challenges your mind and your attention, pulling at every crevice and cavity of humanity you posses. The novel will reel you in like tuna, and spit you back out into the ocean, senseless, with its twists and turns. I always know King will deliver - and so he did. Absolutely remarkable.
2. Full Dark, No Stars - I've been a far of Stephen King ever since I was a little girl, and I snuck my mom's copy of Night Shift. I read everything he wrote for YEARS, devouring epic tomes like IT and The Stand in little more than a day or two... I couldn't get enough. But I've begun to cherry-pick in more recent years, because I have found myself disappointed with some of his newer work. For this reason I have missed a few books that I was reconsidering and preparing to read... Like this collection of stories , Full Dark, No Stars. That is, until I read the reviews of the politics that Mr. King is apparently injecting into his writing. Now, sadly, I have to regard him the same way I do Brad Pitt or George Clooney... As an over-opinionated celebrity who would be better off remaining neutral if he wants to keep collecting my money.
3. Full Dark No Stars - Mr. King, why do you have to give us your political views? We don't want to hear that crap. We want to read your stories, that's what you are the best at. If you insist on giving political views, at least once in awhile take a shot at the liberals, God knows there is enough crap, they have done. I really don't expect you to do that, cause liberals never think they are wrong and ALWAYS, blame someone else for the crap that they have caused.
4. Full Dark--- - I'm disappointed that Steven had to make an inappropriate political comment about Sarah Palin. I've lost alot of respect for him. He should only write a stay away from politics, as should all of Hollywood. Keep your opinions to your self. By the way, the head if H&HS's (Sabilious -- sp?) had already put her self into the "Death Panel" debate re: the year old that needed the lung transplant. So please tell Steven to stick to writing and stay out of politics. I for one don't want to hear his opinion
5. Can't put it down - I gave up reading King books for a while. I started in the 's with Cujo, Carrie and The Stand and was hooked. The Green Mile series had me waiting with anticipation for the next book to come out. Then I had a time where I just couldn't finish a book. I don't know why, but I lost interest after reading about / of the book. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't want to carry around a big hardcover book around with me, Now the iPad has come into my life and I thought that i would try downloading an ebook. I was a book snob that only wanted to hold the hardcover edition, no paperbacks for me! I didn't think that I would like it, but I was wrong. My first download was Under The Dome. I now carry my iPad with me everywhere so i can read anytime i have a free minute. After finishing Under The Dome, I needed another King fix and fast! Full Dark, No Stars satisfied me totally. It is King at his best. Stories that make you cringe and cry out loud. Very entertaining, exciting and will keep you turning those pages to see what will happen next. Thank you, Steve!
6. Congratulations!!! You never cease to scare the daylight out of me!! - I have always loved to read, (even though I quit school at because I was pregnant and got married; therefore, giving up my dream of ever being a writer). And In my years, I've read a lot of books. But of all the books I've ever read, and all the writers of those books, none have ever turned my head or my page like the writings of Stephen King, and this book is no exception! You are the master of your craft Mr. King!! And once again, I will go to sleep tonight knowing that I am not alone in my thinking that the workings of this world and those who dwell amongst us here are what fiction writing is all about. Now that my children are grown, I may dare to recapture my dream of writing, you do so inspire me sir! And would love nothing better than knowing I may someday (before I leave this world for the next), write a book that you may or may not read. I guess I'll see where my new found inspiration will take me....... Or not.....
Release date: 2015-04-01 $0.99
Release date: 1994-11-01 $9.99
1. Good Bones and Simple Murders - Trite. Facile. Irritating. I expected at least interesting or imaginative from Margaret Atwood. What I got was a predictable feministic take on old tales. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for feminism in most of it's incantations, but these short stories- certainly not worth the $ I paid!
Release date: 2020-07-30 $4.99
Release date: 2023-01-24 $13.99
Release date: 2012-10-30 $0.99
1. Good read but be warned... - Great read but I didn't pay attention to the page numbers indicating it was a short story. Does anyone know if this short story was made into a novel? Is it picked up later or concluded in one of the Sanguine series? Beware of reading this as you will be left hanging wondering what happens next.
Release date: 1971-01-01 $12.99
Release date: 2012-02-06 $9.99
Release date: 1996-01-16 $4.99
Release date: 2013-06-28 $9.99
Release date: 2017-07-03 $0.99
Release date: 2011-08-02 $0.99
Release date: 2021-08-03 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
Release date: 2002-07-25 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2013-01-08 $13.99
1. Tenth of December - This the first book by this author I have ever read. I stayed up all night to finish it. I found it absolutely compelling, fascinating, and re-read each short story as I finished to be certain I really understood what I had just read. I am a voracious reader, have read for more than fifty years. This is as great a book as I have read, ever. I will think about the Tenth of December for a very long time. Fabulous!
2. Who edited this? - Not a single "quotation mark" around conversations. Random ? Question marks in the middle of sentences. It is HORRIBLE. The absolute worst editing job I have ever seen, impossible to read smoothly. I had to re-read everything because nothing made sense. Don't waste your money, I want a refund. If you want a good laugh on what NOT to do, check out the sample.
3. Just enough. - I downloaded a sample of this book from iTunes, came to the end of the first story, Victory Lap, and thought, No! Tell me that's not how the story ends! I immediately hit the Purchase button and downloaded the rest of it. Phew; there was more to that story after all. Every one of these stories is a peculiar gem that leaves you wanting more, but more would be too much. You'll find yourself, days later, mulling over what might happen after that last page is turned. That's part of Mr. Saunders' genius. He tells you just enough.
4. Genius brain - What kind of brain can think this stuff up!!?? Not having a genius brain myself, at times these stories were difficult to "track", but it was so, so worth the effort. To go into ANY detail about any particular story would be a spoiler. Think "mushroom tripping" to describe the experience. This from someone who has never mushroom tripped or has ever even SEEN an illegal drug (other than marijuana, in the ,s). So, take into consideration my life experience filter in evaluating this review, but these stories were super, super good.
5. Quick and Engaging - Rented this from the Library, not sure how my feelings would be different had I paid the $. for it. Stories are all interesting and different. Home, Tenth of Dec, Victory Lap, and Diaries were my favorites, but all were good. I've never read anything from Saunders, but will definitely checkout his other books. Book flew by, short at pages and relatively large print. Very enjoyable and thought provoking. Author is very effective at getting you into the mind of the character and then twisting and turning (nearly impossible to guess where any of the stories are going). He also had a tendency to throw in "SciFi" elements that are very plausible. I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a fast, engaging read filled with different perspectives.
6. Tenth of December - Just finished reading George Saunders' Tenth of December. Book has received praise reviews and deserves it. A collection of short stories it's range is stunning. I particularly liked the different voices he creates. This an -year-old man whose imagination has only matured and strengthened with time. Ron Lytle
7. Tenth of December - You either love this book or hate it. Note the people who hate it want to lump us love-its into a category dismissed as intellectual. Is that a disease you get in libraries? I could not put down this brilliant work. The loose text makes it look skimmable, and those who bought it with that in mind must feel cheated. Saunders has folded an opera into drugstore CD rack format. Genius! A five-star collection. Even though it has no pictures.
8. Tough sledding with the occasional smooth patch - Some of the negative reviews seem to indict the reviewer more than the author. One's inability to comprehend a piece of literature doesn't necessarily render it inferior. I don't think Saunders is writing to entertain the literati or befuddle the rest of us, but some of these stories are brilliant. Three stars though, because some I just didn't like.
9. Brilliant - Not easy to read in some spots but I think that was the point. At least that's how I perceived. Vivid characters and realistic situations made for fantastic story telling. Welcome to a New Age in writing. Brilliant! Best book I've read so far this year. Yes I know, the year is new but something is telling me this book will reign supreme, for me, a long while yet.
10. Sample Read - Like a bored jazz musician, Saunders tends to indulge outside, which apparently thrills the hyper-literate and befuddles the uninitiated. The first story braced by {brackets} for no mere parenthesis will do, tumbles, monkey brain, as if brilliance is buttresses by the cleverness of it's confusion. He was, Suddenly, and then a bit of cohesion, briefly exposed, like a young ladies navel. I found the teaser, finally, interesting. Still, annoying. As if inaccessibility by itself is a measure of virtue. (Then again, I found infinite jest mostly unreadable, in spite of the tragic loss of it's gifted writer) I'll try again, but these words do the reader few favors.
11. Exquisite! - As a longtime Saunders' fan, I approached this book with excitement and trepidation. I mean, how could he outdo what he has already done so well? But that is exactly what he has done. Tremendous stories... Absurd, darkly funny, poignant, insightful, heartfelt... just breath-takingly, heart-breakingly excellent stories. Not that this book will be everybody's cuppa tea... Obviously not, as people have labeled it nonsensical or a complete waste of money... To each their own, but this could not be further from my experience of this book, or his work on the whole. Speaking of which, if you've only just found his work here in TENTH OF DECEMBER, and like it, but have yet to check out his other work, I can whole-heartedly recommend any of his other stories or essays. Truly. They're all great. But, my favorites (in addition to this, most recent book) would be IN PERSUASION NATION... CIVILWARLAND IN BAD DECLINE... and his book of essays THE BRAINDEAD MEGAPHONE. Do yourself a favor and dig up the essay "I WAS AYN RAND'S LOVER" in the New Yorker, too. Hysterical, and meaningful, with an incredible bite. If you've not yet read any of Saunders' work, then I envy you the state of grace you are about to enter into... If this review or others do not speak to you, but you see a big grinder on yonder table with a multitude of stories and essays and novels and poems about to go into the mix — work from Raymond Carver, Mark Twain, David Foster Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, John Berryman, Seamus Heaney... some material from Ron Currie, Jr., Lorrie Moore, Robert Schirmer, Ethan Canin, Tim Gautreaux, maybe some Russell Banks — and you're pretty sure you'd love THAT... then, chances are, you'll love THIS. I hope that you love this work as much as I do...
12. Tenth of December - I've never been so disappointed. Your View led me to expect great writing, humor, good story-telling, and there was none of that. Such a conglomeration of miscellaneous thoughts. I tried to re-
move it from my Library, but was unable to do so; I'm ashamed of wasting my money so badly
13. th of December - Quick read. Interesting writing style. Almost stream of consciousness. Sometimes difficult to follow but enjoyable with a moral at the end that reaches you in most of the stories. Some leave you wanting more. Reminds me of a poet I read in college, John Berryhill as I recall his name. I'll probably read some of Saunders other works as well. Overall well done and I will recommend to friends.
Release date: 2017-05-02 Genre:Fiction & Literature $0.99
Release date: 2022-03-11 $9.99
Release date: 2017-06-06 $0.99
Release date: 2013-05-21 $16.99
Release date: 2017-05-09 $13.99
Release date: 2005-09-13 $12.99
Release date: 2022-02-01 $9.99
Release date: 2012-03-13 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
1. Some of these are really great - But not all. The last one especially was difficult for me to get into. It felt unfocused and aimless and chaotic and it was hard to follow. But most of the book I enjoyed. I liked that the characters went through changes and reflected on their situations and desires. I liked that they had doubts about things and they engaged in the kinds of real relationships that you don’t see a lot of in mainstream fiction. This collection isn’t flawless but it does contain some gems and it has an original perspective and voice and I think it’s worth the time.
2. More than just "Secretary" - One of my very favorite collections of s short stories. Every character in the book lives left of center, making for an engaging venture into the off-kilter. I was brought to the book by "secretary". Ms. Gaitskill's voice is so honed. I've read these again and again. Definitely a true collection for those who like to read about the strange, exciting and beautiful with plenty of drugs/alcohol strewn throughout. I enjoyed and highly recommend.
Release date: 2019-04-16 $9.99
Release date: 2015-08-18 $11.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 $11.99
Release date: 2015-10-13 $7.99
Release date: 2007-03-13 $9.99