Release date: 2022-05-24 Genre:Fiction & Literature $1.99
Release date: 2022-01-27 $0.99
Release date: 2023-03-21 $11.99
1. A sweet and tender romance at the beach!! - Sadie had never been in love before and when her editor told her that she needed to write a romance novel, instead of another western, she had no idea what to do! Her parents weren’t good role models when it came to having a loving relationship and she just hadn’t met the right guy yet. Sadie wanted a magical romance with walks on the beach, romantic dates and a man that loved her with his whole heart. Was that too much to ask? To accomplish this, Sadie needed a quiet place to write so she escaped from the big city and drove all night to the beach with her dog Rio, and a big box of romance novels she was using for research. If she could just envision herself as the heroine in one of those books then perhaps it would help with her own happily ever after. Fortunately for Sadie, her next door neighbor at the beach was the perfect book boyfriend even though he was a bit grouchy. Sam was tall, dark and handsome with dreamy eyes and a sexy smile. He made her heart flutter whenever they were together and Sadie had feelings for him that she never had before. Sadie wondered if this was what it felt like to be in love. If so, then maybe writing about how Sam made her feel would be a good way to plot out her book. Sadie had to finish writing her book by the end of the Summer and she hoped that her time spent with Sam at the beach would fill her with memories that would last a lifetime.
Release date: 2023-02-14 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
Release date: 2007-10-15 $1.99
Release date: 1991-11-01 $12.99
1. Redeeming Love - I can’t express how much I love this book! It is so eloquently written and has captivated me from start to finish. It has inspired me endlessly and has brought me to tears multiple times. I have encouraged others to read it as well and pray they feel God move them like I did, and more.
2. What did I just read? - So many things wrong with this book.
Only care to list a couple; loser and moocher Paul using her on the side of the road for a ride back to town, but for some reason the author sets this guy up as judge and jury and main character for some reason needs to convince him that she’s not garbage. ..She finally goes back to her husband, and walking towards him in a field stripping down naked for some sort of humble romantic reunion. All swimming in scripture and inspiration.
As they say - sex sells, and here it’s wrapped in a big red Christian conversion bow.
3. A book that brings reflection - Redeeming Love is a book that will take you back in time and capture your heart with it. It grabs your attention with its rich characters and their struggles and triumphs. It makes you question the way you see others and allows you to reflect on your own past as well. Beautiful and deeply written, Redeeming Love is a book I would recommend.
4. I know women, just like this. - This book reached deep places in me, I have known women, just like Angel. Women who pull their homes down around their ears because they feel so unworthy of their husbands love. Abuse, that they can handle. They long for that, they are armored against it, but love, they feel so unworthy …no, frightened, frightened that it is only temporary and losing it will hurt, so they stomp the life out of it, is the only safe choice. This book really tugged at my heart. Of course there are all kinds of deeper levels, the way we run from the love of God, they way we turn to the familiar, the worldly, the destructive and away from, Him. I did love this book.
5. Amazing read! - I picked up this book during a Bible study of Hosea. This book was more than I had ever hoped for. At times hard to read, it was such an amazing book. I pray for all who find themselves in Angel/Sarah’s position. Thank you Francine Rivers for such a beautiful story of God’s redeeming love.
6. Redeeming love - I usually never write a review for a book, but for this one it’s a must. From the first page to the last it was simply amazing, I could not put the book down. It reminds us that we have such a loving/forgiving God and that God has a plan for every. single. one. of. us. If you need a reminder that God is faithful, read this book!!! Also Michael is absolutely AMAZING, I want a man like him one day! And I admire Sarah’s strength throughout the book, with everything that she has been through.
7. Second time to read it through. - This is my all time favorite book. I love it so much, I bought - copies of it to give away to friends and my sweet junior/senior youth girls at church. Rivers is beyond gifted. I have read of her other books, and was captivated and encouraged in the Lord in each of them. Her writing stirrs my affections for the Lord, and I eagerly await with hope that she will continue to write more.
8. Revelation - Dear reader, i have a little testimony for you! so my cousin bought me this book and she mentioned how it changed her life. i wondered how a book could do so much only being a book of course. tonight i was reading and nearing the end i arrive upon a quote. (one of the ones from the beginning of a new chapter.)i heard this from a show i’m watching “the chosen” check it out it’s a very well made show. anyways i broke down as i continued reading after that verse. i knew God wanted me to pray so i prayed and i surrendered myself to him more in that moment then i ever had before. i’ve been struggling with some things but in that moment all i knew was to hand it all to God. it took a lot of faith to pray of the things i did tonight. i asked to see and hear him clear as day and by his grace he spoke to me and told me to wake my cousin and pray with her. tears still streaming down my cheeks i asked God if we were meant to pray wouldn’t he please wake her. i continued to pray and about minutes later she woke from her sleep. she left the room a moment and i broke down into tears once again thanking God i’m so much shock. she came back and we prayed. all i can say is God is so good. This book truly changed my perspective and i see what my cousin had meant now. “Do not fear, for i have redeemed you; i have called you by your name; you are mine!” (the quote) so reader i say to you today that the Lord is the same today, tomorrow, and forever so by the power he has given me in his name i say Lord i am yours forever and always and you have made a way where there was now way.
Release date: 2023-03-21 $10.99
Release date: 2012-05-18 $11.99
Release date: 2007-09-14 $1.99
1. Amazing! - I could read this book again and again! The characters are so well developed. I've worked with special needs children, and this book truly captures how special they are, and how much they offer to this world. The sequel was amazing! I would love to read more with these characters! Must read!
Release date: 2020-05-05 Genre:Fiction & Literature $1.99
Release date: 2020-02-16 $3.99
Release date: 2022-02-08 $11.99
1. An instant favorite! - I loved this book from start to finish. Once I started, I had a hard time putting it down. I finished it in one day and laughed and grimaced and cheered the whole way through. Full of life lessons, well-written characters, and historic imagery, this book instantly became a favorite of mine.
Release date: 2018-02-06 $9.99
1. Two broken people made whole through Christ! - The story of two broken people, Roman & Grace is a similar story to many of God’s people. Francine truly brings a hope and allows the reader to feel empathy for the life Roman was exposed to. Grace who strives to be obedient but is taken over at times by temptation is definitely relatable. We simply are not perfect people. With our love for Christ, our striving to hear from and being obedient to the Holy Spirit; He can begin to change us from the inside out (no matter where God pulled us out from). I absolutely love Grace’s friends and how Francis portrays them as imperfect people just trying to get through life with Christ. If you are just a sinner saved by God’s grace you will enjoy this read, and when you are finished you will have a renewed hope!
2. Masterpiece is a MASTERPIECE! - I love Francine Rivers books — I was originally introduced to her as an author through The Mark of the Lion series (still in my top favorites)! I believe I’ve read everything she has written as a Christian writer. I started this book late last night and finished it today — I could barely put it down! No matter where you are on your Christian/faith walk you will get something out of everyone of her books. She introduces you to relatable, flawed — seemingly real life people and reminds you — that no matter where are it’s never to late to turn your life over and/or back to God. For by grace you have been saved by faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are his workmanship/masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk with hm. — Ephesians :- Never think you are too far gone — or that God cannot save you. It’s never too late — even if/when you have to turn your life over to Him each morning — he gives us free will — we have a choice. Do yourself a favor and read this book — or read all of them. My top in alpha order:
The Atonement Child
Leota’s Garden
The Mark of The Lion Series
Marta’s Legacy Series
3. Read it twice! - This book is so good, I’ve read it twice. It’s been A couple of years in between, and it was like watching my favorite movie all over again. I’ve come to expect nothing but riveting page turners from Francine rivers that make me love God more. I recommend this book to all of my friends and family.
4. Another “masterpiece” by Francine Rivers - I am OBSESSED with Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. When she released this book, I bought it and decided to give another one of her novels a try. I couldn’t put it down! The story is compelling and she does an excellent job of developing the characters. I was hooked on finding out how the story would end for Roman and Grace. She did a wonderful job of hitting real world topics and obstacles that Christians face today. There were times I felt that the writing was kinda cheesy though, and this is why I decided to give it stars. Overall, I recommend this boom if you’re looking for an uplifting story that has some thought provoking messages in it! We are all a Masterpiece of God no matter our background or where we come from
5. Another great book. - I have been a fan of Francine Rivers for years. Redeeming Love has been my favorite book since I was a teenage. Masterpiece is a lovely story of forgiveness, and the struggle of finding acceptance within yourself. Life has a way getting messy and especially if you have a less than perfect childhood. All those hurts get carried into your adult life. It appears one is Trying to navigate through life with a broken compass and disillusionment about what true happiness actually is. Once both protagonists find their worth in Jesus. The Master-craftsman can truly create his masterpiece in them. Ephesians :
6. Faith More Ideal - This book is an enjoyable and interesting read that looks at how God can change broken lives. The plot with its series of events and encounters is too staged to be realistic, but that’s all right—it’s fiction after all. A unique literary approach is that there are two main characters. We get to listen in on what both Grace and Roman are thinking. A disappointing aspect for me is that Grace insists that believing in God is only about faith, but then we find out that she had a face-to-face encounter with a divine being early in life. Likewise, Roman needs to face—in fact, be attacked—by the supernatural before he believes. Jesus told Thomas that more blessed are those who don’t see and yet believe. We can have faith that God is working in our lives even if there’s nothing to see with human eyes. Through God’s Word and in prayer we can have confidence in Him.
7. The Masterpiece - Until I read The Masterpiece I would reread Redeeming Love every year or so. Since I read The Masterpiece, I can’t stop rereading it. While my story is not as interesting I am beginning to think maybe it is worth telling. I love The Masterpiece and will recommend it to everyone. Thanks Francine Rivers. When is the next one going to be on line?
8. Timely - Reading this book was timely for me. I saw myself in the character of Grace and sometimes Roman. I felt Francine’s ability to capture the essence of a longing to be loved by someone was incredible and how it was the Fathers love that ultimately what the both needed and what I so desperately needed. It was timely because I needed to really see the struggle they went through to see that it was exactly my struggle. Loved it and will be able to transfer my hope to Jesus instead of a person. So thankful to you for your gift of writing.
9. I am changed...again. - Beautiful, relevant and an incredible portrait of the protecting, guiding, transforming love of Jesus Christ. “The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” PETER : AMP “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” JOHN : AMP
10. Everything’s going perfect until... - SPOILER ALERT!!!
I’ve noticed in Rivers books that she keeps the reader in very long periods of climax and towards the end usually the last chapters and epilogue becomes extremely underwhelming and weak. We all wanted Roman to grab Grace and kiss her and for them to have a dramatic and intense reunion. I also understand it wasn’t about the physical part, but seriously, they’re chemistry was much more better and intense when they hadn’t even touched hands. It’s not the first time the ending becomes a disappointment and is weak.
Release date: 2010-08-03 $3.99
1. A MUST HAVE!!! - I was given The Book Of God years ago when it was in audio cassette format. My mother and I listened to the stories at night and got hooked instantly! The story telling is just amazing, the narrator draws you completely in and you feel like you're right there! Walter brings the bible to you in a whole new light, this work is truly inspired by God Himself! I have been looking and looking for this and I'm so glad it's on MP format now so I can download it on my phone and daughters iPad. This is a great way to get kids and adults to fall back in love with the bible. Turn off the tv & radio, play these audiobook stories and be far more entertained. I promise you will LOVE THIS!!!!! Thank you Walter for your vision!
2. Amazing book!!! Loved it. - Was always in religious studies when I was younger, but never learned anything. This book is of course missing a few details, but it is amazing. Basically the Old Testament, and New Testament in chronological order. I recommend if you don't want to actually read the bible in its entirety with psalms included. This novel kept my attention, and I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to learn about Jesus Christ.
Release date: 2023-03-21 $10.99
Release date: 2023-01-03 $11.99
1. He made a choice. - Killing wasn’t a game. It was very serious business. Supervisory Special Agent Grace Billingsley, works with the Behavioral Analysis Unit as a profiler, particularly in crimes against adults. Unfortunately these can be quite horrific and at times, very difficult to profile as well as to solve. Why has the threat suddenly arrived on her doorstep? Will the perpetrator or perpetrators be caught before more must die? Sam Monroe is a prison psychiatrist with a very interesting family background. Does this in any way connect to the current killer? Will the agents find the connection before it is too late, especially as Grace appears to also be a target? This ARC was received through Revell and Baker Publishing Group. The impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.
2. EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT SUSPENSE! - Lynette Eason is known for her dynamic writing of bestselling romantic suspense novels. In Critical Threat (Extreme Measures, Book ) Eason has devised a plot that is loaded with edge-of-your-seat suspense! Her characters are crisp and relatable and draw you into the story. Eason based her plot on psychiatrist and behavioral analyst FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley and her ability to recognize the signs of a serial killer. It will require all of her skill, hard work, and some luck to find the serial killer that is presently terrorizing the local older women. As she begins to build her profile, the FBI decides to loop in prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe, who adds a unique perspective because he is the son of a notorious serial killer. He knows how serial killers work while they are still incarcerated. As the story develops, so does the suspense when Grace becomes one of the hunted as well! Will Grace and Sam’s growing attraction to each other be a help or a hindrance as they race to solve the identity of the serial killer? This book deserves more than Stars! I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Revell. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and without influence.
Release date: 2019-05-14 $2.99
1. LOVE, FRIENDSHIP & FAMILY! - Katherine Reay has provided readers another outstanding novel with THE PRINTED LETTER BOOKSHOP! It is exploding with the themes of love, friendship and family. Many people will be drawn to this novel because it’s main setting is a small, independent Bookshop. Lots of love and living went into the establishment by its original owners and continues through the ladies who subsequently joined in to help. A surprised heir is given the Bookshop and suddenly the lives of three generations of women are tested - What do they expect from each other? What do they really want out of life? And the biggest question of all - Who am I at this stage of my life? They are able to find the answers to these questions and so many more by working together and following the instructions left them in individualized letters and by following their attached Reading Lists. I was provided an ARC of this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers and NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are completely my own and without influence.
Release date: 2014-10-01 $21.99
1. Left behind series - I read a review in here and I really don’t understand it I love this series I read most of it as my kids were growing up didn’t know there were more books but what I’ve read so far has kept me on the edge of my seat and I know this is supposed to b fiction but what’s going on in the world right now it’s so close to the series
2. A series that lost control of itself - It wasn't long after becoming a Christian that I read the Left Behind series, when there had been three or four books released at the time. I remained a faithful reader (no pun intended) up until the end. And though I can appreciate the sincerity that LaHaye and Jenkins made in this effort... ...well, just no other way to say it. This series has NOT aged well. Left Behind took an enormous concept to tackle, speculated on how it would unfold through the lens of then-current politics and technology, and did so with moments of real drama, horror and even a few instances of legitimate humor. But shortly after Carpathia had resurrected it was glaringly obvious: the authors were stretching the story way past the point of when it should have been wrapped up. Then came the young adult novels and the "side series" and the prequel trilogy and it became clear: Left Behind had turned into a FRANCHISE, and the publishers were going to milk it for as much as they could. So it is that what SHOULD have been a story completely enclosed in perhaps seven volume - one per each year of the Tribulation - became a monstrous thirty-some books trudge through tedium and repetition. It became so bad that by the time the final book of the main series had arrived the Bible was being cut and pasted wholesale into the text. No sense of drama or plot, just mushing scripture into the eyes of readers who had seen it before and were only holding on out of some sense of completion. Left Behind the original novel reached many with a message about Christ. By the end of the series it was preaching to the choir, not to anyone new... and the choir was almost asleep with boredom. Not condemning the series or the intent of the authors. As noted earlier, theirs was a sincere motivation. But be aware: Left Behind can and probably will become a struggle to wade through if you're eager to see the end of the world.
Release date: 2012-02-14 $7.99
1. This Present Darkness - Wow! I did not want to put this book down! It has opened my eyes to the way this world is turning to evil… but hope in overcoming & victory! It has awakened me in how little I sincerely pray like I should. And how I need to be praying. Lord, draw me closer to You! The characters were truly alive…those who believe, those who do not, how evil can overtake one’s mind, but then the power of God moves in! Looking forward to reading “Piercing the Darkness”.
2. THIS IS NOT AN AUDIO BOOK. - Apps, and more apps, i am a fan of audio books and if I wanted to actually read this I would have picked up a kindle. This is NOT an audio book. Just an FYI so others don’t navigate too expeditiously to purchase. I assumed like every other book in my app that I would have the chance to listen to this while working on classic car or something. NOPE!!
3. Terrific book - I've became intrigued with Frank Peretti's writing after I read a book of his for the first time. It's called "The Oath". Got it in paperback from a Christian bookstore. Lifeway, I think. And that book was great so I went on to the next book of
his, which is the "Monsters". It's pretty good, too. Then a lady from my bible study group asked another lady for a book that she'd recommend. She mentioned that book "This Present Darkness" and told her who the author is. I was stunned when she first mentioned the name. Had to double check with her on the name. Indeed it's the same one I was thinking of. Then she mentioned how great that book is so I looked it up and got it. Now I'm glad I did.
4. Great read - This is probably the third time I have read this book. The digital format is quite good with very few editing glitches. As to the book itself: several years ago, this was the book that brought home to my heart the power of prayer - and the need for prayer and praise. So many times we pray and grow discouraged because we cannot see the effect of prayer: though this book is fiction, the imagery of how prayers work brought a breakthrough in my prayer life, and I return to this book from time to time for both enjoyment and encouragement. This book is written appropriately for a mature teen, young adult, or adult. I have given it as a gift a few times, to assist young believers (young in Christ, that is) in igniting their prayer lives.
Release date: 2021-06-22 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2013-09-02 $2.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
1. Funny Spin on Christ’s childhood - Have you ever wondered what Christ was like as a child? This book has your answers. This is not a factual book but is hilarious all the same! If you are familiar with the author Christopher Moore then the reader knows what to expect. If you are not familiar with the author you should get familiar! Love this book and author!
2. Required Reading.! - I have read several books by Christopher Moore. I love his style and I love his sense of humor. Lamb has been on my list to read for quite a while and I finally decided to do it. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I cannot stress that enough. Since I was a child I have been a student of mythologies, including those based on the bible. If you are even minutely interested in christianity, judaism or any religious teachings; either as a practitioner or observer; you need to read this book! Walk with Joshua (Jesus) through his formative years as he travels the world learning how to be the messiah. You will laugh, cry, roll your eyes and nod your head in agreement throughout the story. And when you are done you will wish for more. Good news is there is Moore! (couldn't resist) - Get his books and enjoy!
3. Great premise wasted - This could have been so much more. If you want to tell a story of Jesus' unknown best friend, telling it like it was so to speak, then it seems like there are three natural paths. One is you totally believe he was the son of god and then you might convey the incredible awe of knowing such a person in a personal way the bible does not. Another is that Jesus was a bit of a charlatan or maybe just a normal guy that history made up a lot of stuff about for various reasons. The other was that he was a deeply spiritual, amazingly aware individual that history made up a lot of supernatural stuff about. This book traded any attempt to expand on any of these and basically was a light hearted romp along with J like it was a sitcom. Wacky hi jinx and all. The central character conveys with total matter of fact ness the son of god thing. He shows no awe, no real understanding, and no passion other than telling a fairly boring buddy story told in biblical times. The only interesting parts that had the makings of a good story were the present day moments that occupied % of the book. For that it gets stars instead of one.
4. Worth every penny! - This book is extremely funny with many laugh out loud moments! At the same time, I didn't find it offensive or sacreligious at all. (I know it's misspelled). I've read a few of Moore's books and this one is the best of the bunch! If you've ever wondered what happened during all the years when nothing was heard of Jesus' life, go no further...this will answer all your questions!
5. Refreshingly Entertaining - An amazingly fun, touching, relatable, and still very respectful imagining of Jesus Christ's life and the beginnings of Christianity beyond what the Bible--and men in goofy hats and robes--have presented to us. It offers to fill in some of the gaps. As a Christian I was a bit hesitant to read Lamb. If you're like that, relax. Aside from some language, this FICTIONAL rendering of Christ in no way diminishes him as a savior or his sacrifices and struggles in that capacity. Aside from being infinitely easier to read than any KJV Bible, it's also very entertaining and well researched (for context).
6. I've recommended this to everyone. - Friends, clients, people I barely know. This book is hilarious. If you're terribly religious and take religion too seriously, you might not enjoy this. However...this truly is brilliant, and WELL worth a read. Bart reminds me of Mungo, from, "Blazing Saddles," such wisdom... Christ's buddy's name is, Biff; so named for the sound it made when Biff's mother hit him on the head. There is so much goodness in this book--Biff meeting the Stupidest Angel, writing in the modern day world about his pal, Joshua, back in the day. Fabulous antics, and the story of Jesus like you haven't quite expected.
7. Too Good - This is one of the best books that I have ever read. The amazing thing is how it manages to put a humorous light onto situations that should be serious. It really humanizes Jesus and makes me feel like he could be my friend today. It's amazing how Moore manages to make an idea that has the potential to be extremely disrespectful into one that is humorous yet gives puts Jesus into a higher regard than what you would think is possible. This is a book that I would recommmend to anyone other than the most crazily strict adherent to religion who can't take a joke (I consider myself Christian).
8. super funny and a great read - I loved reading this book. the conversation between josh and biff was like that of our current conversations. biff added a human side to jesus that made you want to be around him today. their friendship is one that you would want today. the stories were weirdly believable but this is a great work of imaginative fiction. I recommend this highly!
9. Iconoclastic and reverent at the same time - It's a tough job to poke fun at so many religious and social stereotypes, but still show tenderness and spirituality at the same time. I don't know any writer who does it as well as Moore. Lamb is full of the sort of satire that would have been banned or burned years ago. However, his portrayal of the Christ figure as God-in-Training makes him all the more engaging and sympathetic. I am a firm atheist and Lamb won't change my mind, but the book did more to teach the christian lessons of charity, tolerance and sacrifice than I ever got out of eight years at Our Lady's School of the Holy Mount...and Moore's amazing wit is sooo much easier to take than Sister Mary Annunciada's catechism classes. Sister Mary was a wonderful, generous soul, but there is no narcotic known to man so powerful and fast-acting as one of her : PM lectures on the divinity of the body and blood. Imagine a warm classroom full of th graders an hour after lunch listening to a -minute monologue about the consecration of the host. The only kids whose eyes were actually open were the ones who were doing the full-bladder fidget because they had drunk too much water at recess. But I digress. Lamb is a special work. There is a seriousness underlying the ribaldry that makes it a rewarding read two or three times over.
10. Moore's Best Book, Hands Down - Simply and truly brilliant. This is a masterpiece of whimsy and satire. Moore has filled in the blanks of Christ's life with The Savior and his best friend Biff taking a magnificent odyssey through Asia on a voyage of enlightenment and debauchery. This is a "laugh out loud" "multiple reads" text that will both split your sides and force you to seriously ponder the idea of faith. I just LOVE this book!
11. Brings new meaning to WWJD! - Caution: Do Not Read If You Are Wound Too Tight! Wow, what a great, funny, and imaginative story. Moore takes on a journey that will change your perspective on the story of Jesus. Bif was to know who that is. I could not stop laughing. I have heard the Bible stories all my life and that only makes it funnier. I think Jesus would get a kick out of this. )
Release date: 2011-04-05 $12.99
Release date: 2021-03-09 $0.99
Release date: 2019-02-05 $3.99
1. Betrayed - Excellent book. Enjoyed it to the end! I’ve been reading several of Dees books. She is an amazing writer, far by my most favorite author.
I love suspense novels with God involved. The biggest challenge in reading her books, is it is very difficult to put down and read more later. I have spent a day from early morning until am until I finished the novel. And still had to work the next day. Lol So warning is make sure you give yourself plenty of free time to read.
Release date: 2021-08-25 Genre:Fiction & Literature $4.99
Release date: 2023-04-04 $11.99
Release date: 2020-03-31 $5.99
Release date: 2020-02-25 $5.99
Release date: 2017-05-05 $9.99
1. Nice story - I liked the book but somehow the constant use of her straitened tight lips, or his upturned lips, tended to be redundant and lead me to skip parts not wanting to read the description of their face or fidgeting fingers again. I know it must be a fine line bringing the reader into the story. You are a good writer.
2. In His Eyes - I have read a lot of Christian Romance novels but this is by far the best I’ve ever read. It is captivating from the first page. It had me laughing and crying. I found myself wanting the story to continue. I fell in love with the characters and their stories. Full of romance, mystery and the true meaning of just how much Christ loves us. A must read!!
Release date: 2017-11-14 Genre:Fiction & Literature $2.99
1. So familiar it hurts... - Confession? I don’t even like flowers in real life. Or yoga. Or general outdoorsiness. I don’t even have a sister. In spite of all that, Perennials by Julie Cantrell still felt so familiar that, at times, it hurt. Like, you know that feeling when you visit your hometown or spend time with your parents or extended family or even old friends? How in some ways you kind of subconsciously revert to the version of yourself that you were with them? You all just seamlessly fall back in to old rhythms and roles as if months or years of time and life and experience haven’t unfolded since you were last part of each others’ daily lives. And, even if you snap out of the haze long enough to remind yourself that you are an actual adult with bills and children and accomplishments, it doesn’t mean that everyone else won’t still be holding on to and expecting you to behave like the old version of you that lives in their memories. It can be both supremely comforting and incredibly maddening at the same time. Cantrell does a beautiful job of putting words to this experience. Probably one of the best depictions I’ve ever seen. I especially liked the subtle touches that further exaggerated this depiction. For example, the main character’s name is Eva. Everyone in her adult life, the life she has created for herself in Arizona, calls her Eva. When she returns to her hometown in Mississippi, not only does she feel like she’s gone back in time to her childhood and to all of the roles & relationships & memories she had tried to leave behind, but to add insult to injury, everyone there calls her by her childhood nickname, Lovey. Another subtle piece of authenticity that I noticed (and appreciated) because, full disclosure, I listened to the first few chapters via audiobook was the way the narrator’s accent ebbed and flowed depending on who the character was talking to. I don’t know if this was the author’s coaching or the narrator’s own artistic direction but kudos to whoever came up with it. I guess I should back track a little because this probably doesn’t make much sense to any one that doesn’t have an accent that differs from the region where they currently live or hasn’t witnessed an accented friend or family member be back amongst “their own”. Perennials starts with Eva/Lovey in Arizona talking to Arizonans. Her southern accent (as portrayed by the narrator) is definitely still noticeable but not an all out drawl. When she takes a call from her parents, a little more slips out and when she gets upset or worried it intensifies all the more but goes back into the closet once she’s off the phone and talking to her Arizonan coworkers. By the time she’s been back in Mississippi for a week or so? Full on Gone With the Wind. Even still, it ebbs a bit when she checks in with the office. If that isn’t real life, I don’t know what is. Anyway, I could say so much more about this book but it seems I’ve nearly written a book of my own already. There’s a ton of buzz surrounding this book & it is well worth every bit. With all of the press Perennials has received, you can read about some of the more central themes and plot points all over the internet but these were just a few of the things or themes that really stood out to me that I haven’t seen discussed or recognized yet. Julie Cantrell really is a beautiful story teller. Perennials will have you crying, laughing, wanting your mama and reevaluating your entire life all at once.
2. PERN IALS - Eva finally fleeing from being under her sister Bitsy to Arizona. Now awaiting a big contract, a success in her career at ,wonders about her choices. Her dad summons her to come home for their anniversary, for three weeks., to build a memory garden. They never visited her in Arizona so she didn’t know what to expect. Is what she had thought all though years as true today. Her sister married and has two children, would she even be welcome. A love of doing the garden, becomes so much more, and readers will delight in them, and this story.
Given ARC. by ?Thomas Nelson for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.
3. A new novel by Julie Cantrell - Perennials is a new novel by Julie Cantrell. Eva “Lovely” Sutherland grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. Thanks to her sister, Bitsy and her lies, Eva was quick to move to Phoenix when she turned eighteen. Laurel and Chief Sutherland will be celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary soon and they would like Eva to return home early. Eva just landed the account of her career with a tight deadline, but she agrees to return home. Unfortunately, Bitsy has not changed and is antagonistic (bitter, nasty, jealous). Eva helps her father plan a special memory garden as a surprise for her mother. It gives Eva a chance to work with her friend and former boyfriend, Fisher Oaklen as well as remember her dream of becoming a flower farmer. Eva is given an opportunity to look back on her life and decide what she wants for her future. Is it possible to go home again? Can Bitsy and Eva get past their differences? Perennials is a spiritual novel (not Christian) with focus on Buddhism. Yoga and Buddhism are frequently mentioned throughout the story (Buddhist prayer wheel, yoga poses, etc.). The one Christian thing mentioned repeatedly is “Judas has a story” (two sides to every story). Julie Cantrell is a descriptive writer. She paints a picture with words. Ms. Cantrell describes nature (flowers, trees, birds) and the town in detail. Some of the flower descriptions are lovely (people who enjoy gardening will appreciate it). I found Perennials to be a slow-paced story that failed to capture and hold my attention (it actually put me to sleep which is hard to do since I suffer from insomnia). It is basically a story of sibling rivalry (I could go down the street to my sisters to experience this type of behavior) with a predictable ending (it turned out exactly as I predicted when I started reading it).
Release date: 2009-01-01 $1.99
Release date: 2023-02-14 $9.99
Release date: 2015-02-26 $4.99
Release date: 2006-04-02 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
1. Terrible Copy of a Great Book - I purchased a download of this book, one of my favorites from a favorite modern author, to keep on my iPod for frequent reading. But the text is so filled with errors that the story is almost ruined for me. I should've just bought a copy of the actual book to keep on my shelf - would've been a lot cheaper, too! I didn't have this problem with my Kindle purchases ... Will certainly not be purchasing another high-priced low-quality "book" here.
Release date: 2022-12-20 $0.99
Release date: 2021-11-24 $0.99
Release date: 2021-09-10 $3.99
Release date: 2015-01-04 $4.99
1. Umm... what? - Ok, the first book was incredible! The second one started out incredible, but I think the author got tired of writing it and finally said screw it, and wrote some short random ending THAT MADE NO SENSE!! What happened to Aaron? What about all of Julies friends? Did James come back like he said he would? Did Julie’s dad ever come find her? Like, report James to the police, dude!! I feel like this book was rushed and unfinished with too many flaws and questions that never got answered. The ending made me mad.
And I know that they both knew they were supposed to be together and everything, but getting engaged RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT?! They’ve known each other for literally like a week now! I feel like if the author took her time with this book like she was supposed to, the story would have been as amazing, if not better than the first. I’m upset I actually paid money to the second part.
2. Very serious issue - I have never reviewed a book in my life, but I feel very strongly that I need to review this one. The sucky part is that I really enjoyed the authors writing, and was hooked in right away which I appreciate. But the ending of this serious is in despicable. She spent the whole book showing the reader how manipulative, abusive, and frankly psycho the fiancé is (some of the story is even in his point of view). Then after he physically, mentally, and emotionally abused the main character (and attempts to murder a guy by pushing him off a boat, which she witnessed) she just decides nobody should call the cops, yet tells the guy she ends up with that she is scared he won’t stop coming after her!!!?!! And the main character tells her mom that she is leaving and doesn’t want to marry said psycho because “she doesn’t love him and she needs to live her own life”. Ummmm how about you don’t want to marry him because he tried to kill you? Why does every character in this book seem to downplay how dangerous this guy is, including the main character? I just feel like this is a very dangerous message to send to young girls. I really liked the authors writing, and I may read more of her books in hopes that this series was just a fluke, but I honestly can’t believe the author, editers, and publishers didn’t see the kind of message this book conveys. I’m just very sad and disappointed. This book should have ended with mark calling the police, and using his connections at the district attorneys office to help Julie make a case against James. If the author would have conveyed him as just a toxic person that would have been a different story, but she actually conveyed him as a dangerous sociopathic murderer. Hope the authors other books are better.
3. Waste of $ - The story leaves you hanging. The writing is ok, but the story line is very incomplete. She completely captured the narcissistic personality of the boyfriend and other characters but the story needed to be much longer and give a bit more finality. It's like all this detail and story development only to lead up to nothing. Don't waste your money on it.
4. Unforgettable Love - There are some typos and Mark's last name was Taylor in one chapter instead of Stewart. The right guy gets the girl but after being threatened by the "bad" guy, I'd like to see what happens next. I enjoyed this storyline even though it was a bit vapid at times. That she finally found the strength within herself was reassuring and as I said, it would be interesting to see where the characters go from here. I am interested in seeing what else this author has to offer and would read her again.
Release date: 2000-02-01 $4.99
Release date: 2009-10-06 Genre:Fiction & Literature $9.99
1. thought provoking - I really enjoyed this book. Without giving anything away, I enjoyed the way she tackled the topic of religion while being fair to different belief systems. I would’ve given it stars but I didn’t care for the ending, it didn’t make a lot of sense to me but maybe I just missed something.
2. So Good! - i really enjoyed this book! as i do usually for Jodi’s books. love her.
no spoilers (i’m the biggest advocate for that), but i felt all range of emotions while reading this book! anger, happiness, relief, wanting revenge for characters. not many books do that for me. i recommend this book for sure!
3. I believe in Picoult. - After stumbling across or Picoult books over the past years and remembering enjoying them, it was easy for me to take the recommendation to read The Storyteller. That book caused me to download other Picoult novels. I have read of those to date and don't intend to stop until I've read them all. Keeping Faith is the first book I've ever written a review for. It's not necessarily Picoults best book but in my opinion it is the best description of pthe human relationship with The mysterious spark of life that I have ever encountered.
4. keeping Faith - I enjoyed this book very much. I believed how the girl had "forgotten" what had happened. her religion was so strict that she could not think outside of that "world". I enjoyed the look of this girl, I liked her, I could see her because Jodi writes her characters so vividly. The end made sense to me, we take care of those we love. I would recommend this book.
5. Avid picoult reader - I love Jodi's books and lately have stuck to just getting through hers. I have read and skipped from older to newer and been able to figure out the twists at the end pretty early on in the stories but this book had me stumped even after I had finished. My friend got me into her books and after referring back to her even she decided to reread it because she didn't have clarity. Only a good book can do this to me. I'm still reeling.
6. I'm interviewing my baby-sitter - I liked it it was a very good book it wasn't really sad ( sad dish not worth crying over) I would recommend to people who want something different it is about FAITH HERE IS ENDING DO NoT ReAD IF NOT FiNISHED!! The grandma had a heart attack but faith cured her it was a miracle then everyone believed that she was a child of God all the character names are Faith Ann fletcher Jon Kandace Sarah Lorraine Angel Andrew Christies Larissa Angelica maximum ride fang faxness
Release date: 2014-04-22 $11.99
1. Bridge to Haven - Absolutely a delight to read this well written story about well developed Characters…their lives, doubts, fears, lives and the unchanging all-encompassing love and mercy of God. I’ll remember how this book touched my heart for a long, long time. Life changing, memorable books are far and few between anymore. Thank you for trusting God to use you to write a moving, beautiful but gritty story of real people in real situations and the God who never gives up!
2. A broken child turns into a broken adult. - From the beginning Abra was abandoned. Her whole life she was fighting to just be loved. This story is filled with suspense and romantic drama. What will Abra do or where will she go next? Will she ever come to the Lord? Will she ever know she is loved by many or will she continue to think she is not worthy of true love. Will she ever understand that God has been her protector her entire life? You’ll have to read the book to find out!
3. God is in the details - Francine Rivers develops her stories and characters with depth and insight to ours souls through her faith in Jesus. Her stories keep you engaged and wanting to know more. Thank you Francine for mastering the development of love, trust, faith and grace as your characters walk through life.
4. Thank you. - Francine Rivers writes in a way that draws us closer to GOD and our LORD Jesus by the characters she creates and the stories woven with scripture. GOD has blessed us through her writing and her books are able to touch people in a way that makes them want to know more about our Heavenly Father and seek the true answers to life through the written words of the Bible.
5. An Excellent Read - Abra, the main character was real. Her journey was believable and rings true for the path that many of us follow before we make our way into the arms of Jesus. I wish Joshua and Pastor Zeke's characters had been more developed and relatable. They were not human enough and their struggles did not appear to really be struggles at all. Overall, the story was excellent and I loved it.
6. Bridge to Haven - I have been reading Francine Rivers for years and have used her books in my ladies book club. I'm thankful for the spirit filled way you share the depths of Gods love and forgiveness in Bridge to Haven. We spend much time in reading I'm thankful for Gods direction in your life to write entertaining, thought provoking , Biblical novels. Allowing us to keep our mind and heart stayed on Him.
7. Wonderful! - This book was so great! It was a perfect representation of the emotions you go through as a person going against God as well as the person watching the ones you love make mistakes and patiently waiting for them to look to God! It shows us how the power of prayer works in our lives and how powerful God truly is! You will be sent through a roller coaster of emotions including sadness, anger, impatience, madness, joy, love, and my favorite, reflection.
Release date: 2023-02-21 Genre:Fiction & Literature $6.99
Release date: 2012-09-04 Genre:Fiction & Literature $7.99
1. A Simple Masterpiece - This is one my favorite works by Albom. The way he constructs the novel along with his excellent descriptions makes for a nice, quick read. No matter where you are at in your life, young or old, one can read this book and take away extremely valuable lessons. My life is different after reading this wonderful book.
2. Meh! - I honestly struggled to get through this. It dragged on and I kept wondering when that ah-ha, epiphany moment would finally arrive. That moment never came. I'm surprised so people thought this story was beautiful and enlightening. There was no real depth and I learned nothing that I didn't already know. Life is precious, every moment counts and choices have consequences. Yup, nothing new there. If you don't know that already, then this is definitely the book for you.
3. Incredible!!! - I think this book just intrigues your brain to think of the most wildest things about time. Before, time was just a clock on the wall ticking the moments down until the bell ring to leave school, or the alarm clock waking me up in the morning. Now, time is so much more and I love how just reading this book helped me understand the theme and morals. If you are looking for a book that keeps your attention throughout every page, this is the book for you. I highly recommend this to teenagers, and adults too. So I think before you tell yourself that you will buy it later, think twice and then reach over to the BUY button and click it. It's well worth your money!!!
Release date: 2016-12-10 $3.99
Release date: 2020-02-16 $3.99
Release date: 2001-10-01 $8.99