Release date: 2023-03-21 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2012-02-07 $11.99
1. Primordial Depravities - It’s disquieting that humans can regress into barbarism so long as civilization deems it permissible. Almost a century removed, people still struggle with urges to humiliate, emaciate, and incinerate brothers and sisters. We like to think sane people as incapable of acting on these impulses, yet the crimes recounted in Night were carried out by sane people. So, while it has been a century, it will be many centuries - if not all of human history to come - before humanity can close the book on its primordial demons. The best bulwarks against this dark nature are love and memory. Elie Wiesel contributes to that bulwark with his body of work.
2. A must read for all humanity. - I recall reading this years ago in grade school. As young as I was I don’t think I was truly able to grasp the horror of these camps. Since then I’ve grown up and out of seemingly nowhere felt the need to revisit this book. With years behind me it allows me a totally different perspective on this story. I implore everyone to read this on your own accord. Not due to a school reading list but simply to learn the history and remind ourselves that these horrors happened.
3. Better than Amazon’s audio book - This was a great book for my kids to read. How the people excepted progressive socialist democrats. Then all this happened in detail. Apple book so much better than audiobook! I don’t like paying monthly I would rather read it or audio but I want to buy the book not rent for $ a month. Just to use it!! Hate audiobook from Amazon.
4. Please understand - I found a lot of reviews saying, “it’s scaring and horrible.” To some people that may be the case, but for a year old kid that had to read this book, it really opened my eyes to the holocaust. It helped me understand the pain and suffering. This book is not about how great of an author Elie is. This is how about his story and his suffering through the Holocaust, losing everyone and everything he loved. Please try to understand this before leaving a bad review because you can’t understand.
5. Touching Book - This book is wonderful! It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. It was very intriguing, and gratifying. You get to see all of the trouble Elie went through during the Holocaust, and how he came out stronger than ever. Throughout the book you see how caring he is to his father and majority of the people he comes across. I recommend this book for everyone to read. The messages delivered through this book are strong, and deserve to be heard.
6. Fascinating! - This book has cause so many emotions throughout. You never really understand what these people went through. There were multiple times I had to stop and think about what I had just read. It was hard to comprehend how something so cruel happened to people still alive today. This book really show the view of a survivor and how they were degraded to animals. It is an excellent read!
7. Outstanding! - I never did read Elie Weisel’s book “Night,” like so many did during their high school years. This book gives such a great perspective and insight of what a child had to endure while being a prisoner in the concentration camps. After I started reading, I could not put it down and ended up finishing the book in a couple of hours.
8. Everyone must feel this book. - A history of a person that will place you in the middle of one of the most disgusting atrocities perpetrated on the world. In this book, you are hurt and broken with the people. You feel the misery and the torn identities of good people. The saddest part of this story is that it has not been read by every person in the world and in every language. I appeal you to read and feel the pain, and NOT just know the history.
9. Intense, heart wrenching - This is a great document for our day. A reminder of how dark the world can turn in such a short amount of time, and how much impact one man can make on the world, for bad or good. One of the few books that can actually make me sympathize with the writer and feel the scenes and emotions. Beautifully described.
An important historical document for all ages to come. We must be aware of the tragedies endured by millions so that we might prevent this from happening again.
Release date: 2021-05-04 $11.99
Release date: 2020-06-19 $2.99
Release date: 2017-02-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $2.99
Release date: 2022-10-18 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $16.99
1. A Dedicated Life to Israel - Bibi is clearly a very talented politician who has navigated the challenging Israeli electorate system for decades, most of the time coming out on top. He is equally a talented writer, as the book moves interestingly along through decades from his childhood growing up in Israel and America, time spent in elite IDF units and then to his political career. There are a number of skippable chapters which cover internal Israeli politics squabbles but Bibi does present interesting details on some of the most notable events in history which he was either directly or peripherally involved in; such as Entebbe Rescue, various peace agreements, Israel economy. From this memoir it does seem that Netanyahu predicts and credits himself for a lot of the good and very little of the bad over the last years of Israeli development. Reading memoirs ( Kushners included) of politicians who faced endless investigations and came out basically unscathed, it does make one wonder how opposing forces use the media as a weapon. Overall, an insightful, enjoyable read.
Release date: 2018-01-30 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $11.99
Release date: 2023-03-20 $9.99
Release date: 2022-09-06 $11.99
1. An amazing book that should be read by all - This book is truly unique and should be required reading by anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the holocaust. It is extremely well written and describes, through the eyes of a very young Jewish child, what it was like to live through and survive ghetto and holocaust imprisonment.
Release date: 2022-05-10 $9.99
Release date: 2021-03-23 $14.99
Release date: 2022-09-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2003-04-01 $15.99
Release date: 2023-02-28 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2017-11-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
1. Story of triumph - I cannot begin to even imagine what Rachel went through, but this story is an amazing and often heart breaking view of her struggles. It is % worth the read. It will make you angry as hell at the people in her story while also allowing you to laugh alongside her and her sisters. It made me cry and some parts as well, both happy and sad tears. It’s a testament to a mothers love and fighting for what is right.
2. Brave and strong - What a story. How Rachel was not consumed by her anger escapes me. I was so furious reading about how she had been separated from her family, her children, her husband. No one should have to live like that. But still she persevered and kept turning towards the light. She finally took control of her life and did what was best for her children. Rachel is my hero!
3. I can’t get book to Open - The book is still saying it is in pre order and it was released on November , however I cannot open this book to read it. I cannot read it on my iPad or my iPhone. Please correct this problem as I do want to read this book. Thank you This book now shows it was purchased but I still can't open it to read. I also can't delete it and restore. It does nothing! Please help fix this issue or give me my money back!!!!!
Release date: 2022-08-23 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2017-09-05 $11.99
Release date: 2023-06-20 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $9.99
Release date: 2022-10-11 $14.99
Release date: 2022-09-06 $13.99
Release date: 2011-10-11 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $15.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 $11.99
Release date: 2017-07-15 $29.99
Release date: 1995-03-31 $9.99
1. Hope is everything - Whereas I loved her memoir, it was horribly edited. Her perseverance and honesty about her hopes and dreams and how she knew in her heart that she couldn’t settle for less than that was very inspiring. Trusting her gut ended up being her salvation. It’s definitely something I will think about for quite a while.
2. Best book I've ever Read - I liked this book, and being around her age really connected me to how she felt during that time with love and her decisions to do what she thought was best. I would really recommend anyone interested in this topic to read this book cause it changed me, and I'm sure anyone else who read this book.
3. Best book I've ever read - Most saddest but yet meaning book I've ever read. The story behind this women is absolutely unexplainable,she describes everything so well, by the end of the book I felt like I witnessed everything with her and was he best friend. You will not regret paying $. for this book because it is so worth it!
4. All but my life - I heard a friend talk about meeting Gerda and the impact that she made, her writing was spellbinding. I so enjoyed reading her addition to her book some years later describing what has been her motivation to her wonderful legacy. I am so happy I picked up this title and will refer back to it often.
5. All But My Life - I could not put this book down! Her bravery, strength and determination were given to her by her parents and their words to her on "those boring evenings by the fire". I am a Christian but have always enjoyed reading personal stories of the Hollocaust and Jewish survival. Patricia Matthews
Release date: 2021-05-11 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $35.99
Release date: 2023-03-21 $12.99
Release date: 2010-10-12 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Unique Insight from a Unique Perspective - A modern personal view of the most prominent spiritual figure of the modern world other than the Pope. Unlike other religions Buddhism does not offer any opinion or view of God, rather it focuses on a more productive approach to living via an alternative to the ubiquitous material and religious perspectives that permeate modern society. It is ironic that China's leaders view the eminently peaceful path of Buddhism as a threat. Unlike some other religions, Buddhism is the epitome of a non-violent world-view. Their 'threat' to China is purely a spiritual one. It is very telling that China puts so much energy into suppressing and oppressing the peaceful Buddhists monks in Tibet. The Dalai Lama's spiritual journey as a pre-destined leader of the most peaceful world-wide faith is unlike any other.
Release date: 2009-04-21 $10.99
1. Amazing story of human experience - Should be mandatory reading for anyone & everyone. An amazing story of survival against almost insurmountable odds. A tribute to the incredible spirit of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances of bravery in the face of such extreme cruelty. I couldn’t stop reading until the very end. Thank you Clara for sharing your story with the world.
2. OUTSTANDING - This was a captivating story that revealed the depravity of a society, a war without equal, and, at the same time, clearly identified the meaning of love, honor, and devotion. As an avid reader of this time period in world history I found this book so difficult to stop reading even for a moment. The tragedy of the community was so keenly captured and written about as to make the reader feel as if they were in the bunker right next to Clara. Truly ono the best books I have been fortunate enough to read. This book should be on every junior high school reading list. A truly sad story soi well told!
Release date: 2008-09-30 $11.99
1. Wonderful yet sad - This is such a powerful story of hope in the wake of such tragedy. As sad as the situation was the strength and love they found in each other and those helping them is an inspiration. Dear Socha the world must never forget the Holocaust and the despicable things that happened, but must also never forget the heroes such as yourself that risked so much to save as many as you could. To all these many heroes thank you and you will forever be in our hearts.
2. The Girl in the Green Sweater - Unless you lived it I don't believe any person alive could possibly understand the horrors of living in a sewer. Their lives were totally dependent on Socha. They survived because of their will to live and the help they received from Socha. The filth, terror, smell, hunger, cold, wet, worms and only heaven know what else lurked in the hell where they clung to life. Where were the other Sochas ? He risked the life of his entire family to help these people. Why? money? I hardly think so. This man gave the gift of life to so many only to lose his in such a tragic manner. Life is not fair. We have to do the best we can and try to have our lives count for something. I loved in the book how there were moments of laughter and happiness. This is not a bedtime story for the little ones but, it is a story which needs to be told over and over so it is never forgotten. I know I will never forget it.
3. The Girl in the Green Sweater - I could not put this book down after reading the first page...This is an unbelievable story of survival....Anyone who says they don't believe the extermination of the Jews ever happened should be ashamed of themselves ...God bless the courage of those who have lived through these terrible times but have shared their stories of triumph for us....
4. In the eyes of a child - I'm not an avid reader of books but this one I couldn't stop reading until I got to the last page in a day and wished there were more. Fascinating vivid description from the author on what took place. No accident that Krysha and others were preserved to bear a testimony that humanity will always rise up around the evils of the world. Writing was excellent as if experiencing the atrocities of the war in the eyes and heart of an innocent child. Brilliant and thanks for making me work harder to be a better person through you sharing your experience.
5. The green sweater - Excellent book. I still struggle with people who believe this atrocity never happened. It makes me want to put them in similar conditions the Jewisjh people endured. Then I remember they survived to make the world a better place and not to repeat the horrors of the day. Then I practice forgiveness as hard as it is to do. Yet I still practice the thought. Great book
6. Girl in the Green Sweater - While this is a rather unusual story line, that of a family spending over a year living in a sewer, viewed from the eyes of young girl, it reads quite well. Actually, the book is riveting in several areas. The interesting thing about these autobiographical holocaust books is, that you know that the author survives the atrocities. They live to write the book. However, on the journey, you do not know how many of the family and friends make it. This young girl clad in a green sweater, knitted for her by her grandmother, looses key members of her small clan. They moved to the underground world to escape the final sweep of the Jewish ghetto that they had been living in. As they were slipping down a secret hole into the city sewer system that they would call home, Nazi trucks were moving overhead capturing the last of the ghetto members and taking them to the extermination camps. The plan to move underground could have been short sighted for the daily need for food and supplies was crucial for the groups survival. How to obtain these needs ment to send someone "above" every few days foraging for needs and risking giving up their position. One day a unbelievable thing happened, they saw a lantern light while walking through one of the tunnels, and they knew that their light was seen by the holder of the other light. They figured that the Germans were searching the sewers for Jews that were hiding there. It just so happened that the lantern belonged to a couple men that were sewer employees. They befriended the Jews and were their lifeline for the next year. The were to continually supply them with food, heat and light supplies, and other day to day needs.The bond that developed between the Jews and the sewer employee became a central theme in the book. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to get a real feel as to the plight of the Jews in the WW lI era. It read real, it read compelling, and with feeling as only someone that lived throughout the hell of Hitlers Germany could write it. I have read several of these type books, I rate this as a " must read".
Release date: 2013-04-16 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
1. Remarkable compendium - It is a remarkable compendium although not very balanced (it rings some bells with more emphasis than the opposing) In some issues, very revealing!
If you wonder who Father Bergoglio is and want to know what may happen in the Vatican during his papacy this book won't disappoint you.
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Amazing Grace by Eric Metaxas - I first learned about William Wilberforce from a lecture by Os Guinness who also introduced him to Eric Metaxas. Metaxas' biography is the third I have read about him and the best in many regards. By turns elegant, witty, and moving, Wilberforce's' life and work are told. I say witty because several people and events in Wilberforce's life, e.g., Granville Sharp and the Queen Caroline 'affair', are described with a comedic flair which adds an extra dimension to the telling. Finally, Metaxas has an insight into Wilberforce's life which can only come from one who loves the same Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. When I finished reading this book, I realized that had the American Revolution been delayed, slavery would have been abolished and emancipation completed without bloodshed here as it was in the rest of the British empire. The timing of God in this as in all things is indeed inscrutable.
Release date: 2011-03-22 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $14.99
Release date: 2015-05-05 $12.99
1. Captivating and Sobering Account of Survival - Wendy Holden wrote this research project beautifully and introduces the reader to the amazing lives of three extraordinary women who found themselves pregnant (by their respective husbands) and in Nazi concentration camps. Miraculously, each of their babies survived.
Release date: 2000-09-02 $9.99
1. What a excellent book! - This book has made it all its way from World War , to this era. And I’m happily able to obliged that it indeed tells one of the most notorious holocaust stories written by a human being. I can never in my life put myself in his hands, yet alone believe that such men had to endure the overwhelming amounts of tragical events. A truly wondrous book!
Release date: 2010-01-26 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Wonderfully thought provoking - I heard about this book when Dani did an interview with Oprah on super soul Sunday. I've loved it. Easy to pick up and put down again as the stories are vignettes. I really identified with the author as she struggles with her "religious identity" and trying to find her true self. I found this book helpful in my journey.
Release date: 2017-02-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
Release date: 2018-11-06 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $11.99
1. Personal and informative! - I enjoyed reading Ms Pagel’s life experience, varied and tragic as it was. The life of this favorite author was made so real to me and being close to her same age (and having also experienced the death of a spouse) made this book all the more meaningful. A great read. Also, she highlighted gnostic literature as an extra bonus!
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
1. Darma Punx - A client left this book in my salon. Called and said she would pick it up in couple days. I picked it up read a couple pages. And before I knew it I was hooked. I read it completely in couple of days. And bought it. I have given it to others to read. A great book of the journey of a young Gutter Punk. To enlightenment. And a path to friendships. Just read it. It's worth the time.
Release date: 2011-06-07 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
Release date: 2013-02-26 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99
1. Horribly written, and really rather creepy - If I could give no stars I would. This book seems to be more of a justification of a relationship with an obese man twice her age, married previously (more than once) than anything else. I suppose I expected more insight into Amish life and less of a "pervy" Harlequin romance. Shame on her editor!
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
Release date: 2016-06-14 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $23.99
Release date: 2017-09-12 $12.99
Release date: 2019-09-24 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $0.99
Release date: 2019-12-03 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $12.99
1. Page turner from beginning to end - Once I got into this wonderfully written book, I could not put it down! The details take you on this journey with the main character and you feel like you are right there experiencing her trials and tribulations every step of the way. What she went through and survived physically and mentally is an inspiration to all people.
Release date: 2013-08-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $13.99
Release date: 2020-01-07 $14.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Biographies & Memoirs $6.99