Friedrich Nietzsche (Born: 15 October 1844 – Died: 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24. Nietzsche resi...
発売日: 2020-10-06 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
Plato All works in one Book Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Cratylus. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Parmenides. Philebus. Symposium. Phaedrus. Alcibiades. Second Alcibiades. Hipparchus. Rival Lovers. Theages. Charmides. Laches. Lysis. Euthydemus. Protagoras. Gorgias. Meno. Greater Hippias. Lesser Hippias. Ion. Menexenus. Clitophon. Republic. Timaeus. Critias. Minos. Laws. Epinomis. Letters. Definitions. On Justice. On Virtue. Demodocus. Sisyphus. Halcyon. Eryxias. Axiochus. Epigrams.
発売日: 2020-09-14 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
Aristotle: All work in one Book 1. The Athenian Constitution 2. Categories 3. On Dreams 4. On the Gait of Animals 5. On Generation and Corruption 6. On the Heavens 7. The History of Animals 8. On Interpretation 9. On Longevity and Shortness of Life 10. On Memory and Reminiscence 11. Metaphysics 12. Meteorology 13. On the Motion of Animals 14. Nicomachean Ethics 15. On the Parts of Animals 16. Physics 17. Poetics 18. Politics 19. Posterior Analytics 20. Prior Analytics 21. On Prophesying b...
発売日: 2020-09-19 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
発売日: 1998-08-01 ¥3,000