とびっきり楽しい! そして役に立つ! 論理学の基礎を1から学ぶための入門書ができました。日常生活でも生かせる論理の力をマンガと問題演習で身に付けよう。
発売日: 2018-10-30 ¥1,500
◎先に公開した本には図版が表示されないなどのエラーがあったため、改訂しました。 こちらの本をご覧下さい。 デジタル社会の基礎を支えているのは、コンピュータとそれをつなぐネットワークです。そんなことは誰でも知っていますが、コンピュータがどんな原理で動いているのか知っている人は、ごく少数です。さらに、その原理が人間...
発売日: 2016-03-07 ¥1,400
Friedrich Nietzsche (Born: 15 October 1844 – Died: 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24. Nietzsche resi...
発売日: 2020-10-06 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
Plato All works in one Book Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Cratylus. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Parmenides. Philebus. Symposium. Phaedrus. Alcibiades. Second Alcibiades. Hipparchus. Rival Lovers. Theages. Charmides. Laches. Lysis. Euthydemus. Protagoras. Gorgias. Meno. Greater Hippias. Lesser Hippias. Ion. Menexenus. Clitophon. Republic. Timaeus. Critias. Minos. Laws. Epinomis. Letters. Definitions. On Justice. On Virtue. Demodocus. Sisyphus. Halcyon. Eryxias. Axiochus. Epigrams.
発売日: 2020-09-14 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
Aristotle: All work in one Book 1. The Athenian Constitution 2. Categories 3. On Dreams 4. On the Gait of Animals 5. On Generation and Corruption 6. On the Heavens 7. The History of Animals 8. On Interpretation 9. On Longevity and Shortness of Life 10. On Memory and Reminiscence 11. Metaphysics 12. Meteorology 13. On the Motion of Animals 14. Nicomachean Ethics 15. On the Parts of Animals 16. Physics 17. Poetics 18. Politics 19. Posterior Analytics 20. Prior Analytics 21. On Prophesying b...
発売日: 2020-09-19 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥100
'This is a blast of fresh air' Jonathan Clark, TLS 'Thank goodness for Gottlieb' Daily Telegraph 'A joy to read' Economist The author of the celebrated The Dream of Reason vividly explains the rise of modern thought from Descartes to Rousseau Western philosophy is now two and a half millennia old, but much of it came in just two staccato bursts, each lasting only about 150 years. In his landmark survey of Western philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance, The Dream of Reason , Anthony Gottli...
発売日: 2016-08-30 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
The main purpose of this book is the development of a new method for the semantical analysis of meaning, that is, a new method for analyzing and describing the meanings of linguistic expressions. This method, called the method of extension and intension, is developed by modifying and extending certain customary concepts, especially those of class and property. The method will be contrasted with various other semantical methods used in traditional philosophy or by contemporary authors. These othe...
発売日: 2011-03-23 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200
If a man supports Arsenal one day and Spurs the next then he is fickle but not necessarily illogical. From this starting point, and assuming no previous knowledge of logic, Wilfrid Hodges takes the reader through the whole gamut of logical expressions in a simple and lively way. Readers who are more mathematically adventurous will find optional sections introducing rather more challenging material. 'A lively and stimulating book' Philosophy
発売日: 2001-11-29 ジャンル:ノンフィクション > 哲学 ¥1,200