Parliamo di sesso. Chiacchiere intime tra donne. Leni, laureata in Psicologia, racconta con serietà e ironia il sesso di oggi, perché domani sia un sesso migliore. Un viaggio tra amiche verso l’orgasmo. Il contenuto del Podcast è destinato ad un pubblico adulto. Il sesso è trattato con professionalità, maturità e proprietà di linguaggio. Scrivici a Seguici su Instagram @vengo_anchio_podcast Logo by
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
1. Mortificante - Un podcast che considera gli uomini come delle scimmie, e pure stupide. Pare che si parli di animaletti da compagnia di cui purtroppo ci sia bisogno…
Se avete scelto un uomo aderente agli esempi fornito in questo podcast come vostro compagno, il problema non è lui, siete voi che ve lo siete preso e tenuto.
Servirebbe piuttosto un podcast su come scegliersi il partner.
2. Bel podcast ma a malapena udibile - Finalmente un podcast che parla senza veli, molto interessante anche per noi uomini. Ha un problema però, spesso l’audio è troppo basso ed appena udibile, io l’ascolto mentre guido per lavoro e molti episodi non sono udibili, quindi spero voi facciate qualcosa per migliorare questo problema, altrimenti per il resto è interessantissimo
3. MOLTO INTERESSANTE , peccato che ... - ... la voce di Lena è spesso al limite dell’ udibile. ... la musica è “orrenda!!” (in particolare la chitarra) ,il volume troppo alto da distrae l’ascolto delle conversazioni e la messa in loop crea ancora più fastidio. Molto meglio senza. Finalmente una trasmissione con temi trattati con semplicità, molto chiara, senza veli ed istruttiva.
FACCIAMOLO è un podcast di Livio Ricciardi in collaborazione con Est Radio incentrato sulla divulgazione e il trattamento di tematiche legate a psicologia e sessuologia. L'intenzione principale è quella di sfatare tabù, analizzare aspetti psico-sociali e farsi un paio di risate.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-06
Dr. Emily Morse shares her expertise on sex, relationships and everything in between! Submit your questions to Emily by emailing For more sexy fun, including blogs, photos, videos or to stream this show, visit Pre-order her new book today: SMART SEX: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
I Do Podcast interviews today’s most successful and inspiring relationship experts, therapists and couples. Hosted by Chase Kosterlitz and produced by Sarah Kosterlitz, I Do Podcast is all about inspiring young couples to create a fulfilling and happy relationship. The weekly podcast will give you great advice to improve your relationship and fun ways to keep the spark alive. Each episode Chase interviews amazing relationship experts who share their knowledge on building successful and lasting...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
Sessuologando, io vengo dopo Rob! Sì, perché parlare di sesso dovrebbe essere facile come quando chiediamo se abbiamo il sole nel segno, facile come quando cerchiamo nell’oroscopo di Rob, su "Internazionale" una speranza che ci faccia pensare: “dai, oggi magari... una gioia!” Io vengo dopo Rob!, perché mi sentirete parlare di sessualità ogni giovedì alle 13.00, perché dopo aver letto il vostro immancabile oroscopo, è importante iniziare ad abituarsi a parlare di sesso! Quali temi? ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-11-28
Authentic sex is a podcast about all-things sex, pleasure and relationships and is hosted by Australia’s leading sexologist, Juliet Allen. With a reputation for her bold and straight-to-the-point manner, Juliet shares her expertise on sex and relationships, plus facilitates real-life conversations about sex with some of the world’s leaders in the field of sexuality and relationships. Find out more at
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-29
1. Magic - I love this Podcast! She is a real goddess; her voice, her knowledge, her power! Definitely suggested listening to those interested in the topic and even to those who don't feel confident about it! She talks about a topic which has become a taboo even though it is actually on of the most pure and natural and real and right experiences in this Earth, and as society and as individuals we really need to switch our perspectives on that and heal it; thank you! Keep sharing
Tripp Kramer ( has been teaching shy men around the world how to date the girls they truly desire by approaching confidently, using openers that really work, starting conversations that are fun and engaging, and closing with her number and planning a date.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
1. One of the best dating Podcast - I have been interested in dating podcasts and dating in material in general and this is one of the best one that I have come accross so far. The difference between this podcast and other of its kind that I have tried is this one goes to details and give some super practical advice rather than some clever statements that look amazing but you still need to figure out how it can relate to your situation.
Męskość, początek, koniec, zasada. Dr Robert Kowalczyk seksuolog i psychoterapeuta rozmawia z zaproszonymi gośćmi o współczesnej męskości - Gdzie teraz są męskie światy i co się w nich dzieje? Czym jest dzisiaj jest męskość, jakie tworzy fenomeny? Do rozmów zaprosił przedstawicieli różnych profesji, między innymi: prof. Michała Lew-Starowicza, prof. Jana Hartmana, Prof. Remigiusza Ryzińskiego, Jacka Masłowskiego czy Kacpra Kujawę. Wspólnie zastanowią się, co trapi ws...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-18
Learn the high art of Sex Magick through tantalizing conversations with sex witches from around the world.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Where the sexual and spiritual come together. Sex and relationship coach and vaginal weight lifter Kim Anami gives you the sex education and orgasms you never had.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
1. EMPOWERING!! - I came across Kim Anami some people would say “by chance”, but I believe that there is no such thing as chance when it comes to this: she arrived in my life exactly when I needed her incredible energy, positivity and uplifting words. Her way of talking about sexuality resonates deeply inside me. After a very painful breakup, I have finally realised thanks to her inspiring work that what I believed to be good sex with my toxic ex was really just because he was starving me of any sort of intimacy in every other aspect. I always felt that I was merely tapping into the full potential of what a powerful and true sexual connection could and should be. I always felt on the edge of something so much bigger, but I was told and I was convinced that I simply was one of those women who cannot have vaginal orgasms and I was resigned to the fact that my sexual experience would perforce be limited. And oh I’m so happy to hear from her (and from the experiences of many other women who worked with her) that they were wrong! I’m so excited to start working on this aspect of myself, to reconnect to my body and explore and awaken the sexual potential inside me. And I’m so looking forward to experience the life-changing orgasms she talks about! What I absolutely love about this podcast is the energy it emanates, the empowering way in which Kim talks about sex, sexual connection, love, relationships and even pregnancies. I love how, in her work, sex is not just a physical experience, but first and foremost a spiritual and emotional one. I start my morning listening to Kim while I get ready for the day ahead and I finally feel so beautiful and so confident - as I have never truly been. Women are constantly told and taught to feel uncomfortable around their own sexuality and their own body. We are told that it is common to feel uncomfortable, even that it is to be expected. Thanks to Kim I finally feel that I am given permission to own my sexuality and enjoy it and let it drive and change my life. Thank you Kim for sharing all this with other women (and men). I can’t wait to explore further!
2. An amazing an inspiring woman - Kim Anami :) - An amazing and inspiring woman Kim Anami - I' ve fallen in love with your podcasts, there is so much educational information that every woman should know. You have filled my heart with light and hope that trauma can be healed and that every woman deserves pleasure. I am grateful that you are sharing your mindblowing knowledge and helping woman to connect back to their erotic nature, I hope to be one of them soon. You have motivated me and so I am looking forward to join your Vaginal Kung Fu Salon as soon as it opens. Greetings from Italy, Chiara :) sending you so much love
Welcome to the Strictly Anonymous Podcast where you get to listen in to the secret lives of total strangers. I talk to real people about their interesting, secret lives as well as talk to real people with real problems and I give them my unprofessional advice. If you have a secret, interesting life and/or a problem you want to discuss while remaining anonymous, go to my website and click on "Be on the Show" or send me an email Strictlyanonymouspodcast@gmail.c...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Annyull maestre, sex coach, acaba con el tabú para hablarnos de relaciones, sexualidad y sexo. Supera tu calidad de vida con los mejores tips.
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-01
Sexo sin Tabú es un santuario dedicado al deseo, la veneración sexual y el erotismo, donde te daremos las mejores herramientas y técnicas del arte amatorio; guiándote por un viaje de sensaciones, que te permitan disfrutar del acto sexual en su máxima plenitud. Tu único compromiso es aprender y disfrutar. ¡Bienvenidos al placer y bienvenidos, a Sexo sin Tabú!
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Un podcast despre toate formele pe care le pot îmbrăca dorința și iubirea. Cu Kitty Rea și George
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
A podcast about an early 40’s couple who have been together over 20 years. They began dating in high school, eventually got married, had kids, and after several years through life together, decided to venture into an ethically non-monogamous lifestyle. Yes, they became a couple of swingers! Ann and Paul tell their stories...come along for the ride! Reach out to Ann and Paul via email: Twitter: @sweet2swing Website:
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-10
Il tradimento, il calo del desiderio, il sesso in gravidanza, i sogni erotici, la masturbazione, le insicurezze legate al corpo, i sexy toys... E’ vero che noi donne oggi, viviamo il sesso e il corpo con maggiore consapevolezza rispetto al passato, sicuramente ci sono meno pregiudizi ma, di contro, un approccio esplicito e aperto alla materia sessuale mi sembrava ancora non molto frequentato e, soprattutto, non scontato... Così per i miei primi quarant’anni ho deciso di farmi un regalo: la ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-22
2,5 Mal pro Woche Sex ist der perfekte Schnitt. Männer wollen häufiger, Frauen brauchen Motivation. Und wer nur die Missionarsstellung kennt und nicht mal zum Höhepunkt kommt, hat schon verloren. Ist das normal, stimmt das alles? Nein, zum Glück nicht. Über Mythen, Ängste und Fragen rund um Sex, darüber spricht Sven Stockrahm, Ressortleiter Wissen bei ZEIT ONLINE, mit der Sexualtherapeutin Dr. Melanie Büttner. Das Beste: Hier geht’s um tatsächliche Fakten, nicht um Anekdoten. Überra...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
Wie fühlt sich Squirting für die Frau an? Ist nur ein praller Penis ein geiler Penis? Und wie viele Dickpics bekommen Pornostars eigentlich am Tag? Lena liebt`s - Der Sex Podcast von BILD ist wie die große Schwester, die dir verrät, wie du Frauen & Männer rumbekommst, die Sex Hotline, die dich in der Nacht über einsame Stunden hinwegtröstet, der letzte Rest Gleitgel, den du findest, wenn du Bock auf Analsex hast! Toni und Lena gehen schamlos den wichtigen Dingen des Sexlebens auf die Sp...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-19
Torna il progetto di culto di Immanuel Casto e in versione audio: Podcast per Casto. Sesso, amore e tutto ciò che sta nel mezzo senza filtri, generi o tabù. Podcast per Casto è un progetto offerto da Skyn Italia: il preservativo senza lattice #1 al mondo. Immanuel Casto è su: Facebook Instagram ed anche su Twitch, dove una volta al mese c'è una live di Posta per Casto.
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-08
Ogni domenica racconto un nuovo coming out - mio o di altri - che mi ha particolarmente affascinato. Tutto Sommerso:
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-26
Klartext bis zum Höhepunkt! mit sexOlogisch - dem Podcast über Sexualität, Körperwahrnehmung und Gewaltprävention. Mein Name ist Magdalena und ich nehme kein Blatt vor dem Mund. Offen, ehrlich, knallhart und trotzdem mit ganz viel Gefühl. Wenn ihr Fragen habt oder Themenvorschläge, Wünsche oder Anregungen schreibt mir gerne an Mehr Infos zu mir, meiner Arbeit an Schulen, Vorträgen und Weiterbildungen findet ihr auf meiner Website und auf I...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
Dan Savage, America's only advice columnist, answers your sex questions and yaps about politics. To record a question for Dan to be answered in a later podcast, call 206-302-2064. For a much longer version of the show, with no ads, visit and get yourself a subscription.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
1. Love it but can’t access old seasons - My favorite podcast, period. Dan is witty, knowledgeable and not afraid of talking about anything considered “taboo”. You’ll grow as a human and sexual being by listening to this podcast, not to mention it’s hilarious and entertaining. I can’t access seasons before anymore, please bring ‘em back!
LADYLIKE - Die Podcast-Show: Der Talk über Sex, Liebe & Erotik.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
Each week, Dr. Nazanin Moali interviews experts, psychologists, mental health practitioners and researchers to explore the most intriguing findings in psychology of sex and intimacy. Sexology podcast will give you insight into all that you have ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask. Join us in this weekly journey to examine sexuality and pleasure from a scientific perspective.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Et Pourquoi Pas ! est produit par La Fabrik Audio ( Un podcast bi-mensuel diffusé un samedi sur 2 à 18h. Une bande de copains : Florent, Marine, Angèle, Nicolas, Ben, ... et parfois d'autres potes bien cools. Des histoires d'amour, des récits d'expériences de couple, des discussions autour de la sexualité, de l'amitié, de l'humour, des voyages, de la vie quoi ! Et beaucoup de sexe quand même ! Tu veux participer : (http://lafabr...
Data di rilascio : 2021-07-03
Il primo podcast italiano dedicato alla psicologia delle identità sessuali. Qui si parla di tematiche LGBT+, identità di genere, ruoli di genere, di cosa significhi essere e sentirsi uomini, donne o nessun* dei due. Tutto con gli occhi della scienza.
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-05
In "Rübergerutscht - Der klassische Rum-Bums" philosophieren, lachen und diskutieren Elisa und Paul über allerlei Themen besonders aus dem Datingbusiness. Von Pornos über Kommunikation beim Dating ist alles dabei! Aber vorsicht: Es wird explizit, kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen und manchmal verdammt ehrlich...und vielleicht ein bisschen albern.
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-30
A psicóloga e sexóloga Ana Canosa responde às dúvidas dos ouvintes sobre sexualidade.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
الدكتورة ساندرين عطاالله، المتخصصة في الطب و العلاج الجنسي، تكشف النقاب عن الأساطير والمحرمات المتعلقة بالجنس والنشاط الجنسي.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Il podcast di PRN, la rivista italiana dei pornonauti per i pornonauti. Tre conduttori, accompagnati sempre da un ospite, vi accompagnano in questo viaggio nel mondo del porno e del sesso.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
Un viaggio alla scoperta degli aspetti più curiosi della sessualità (e di ciò che significano) guidati da Ayzad, giornalista specializzato nella divulgazione dell'eros insolito.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-01
Le Brave Mai sono pronte a trascinarvi nel magico mondo del sesso tra donne. Come? Come solo loro sanno fare: con racconti in prima persona, ironici e spudorati, che cercano di sfatare tutti i luoghi comuni, i falsi miti sulle lesbiche e gli stereotipi che ruotano intorno al piacere femminile. Una produzione de Gli Ascoltabili.
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-28
In questa nuova stagione del podcast dialogo con vari ospiti su diversi temi legati alla sessualità "non convenzionale" quali: BDSM, Poliamore, Gang Bang, Identità di genere e molto altro
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-24
Disability Consultants Shawn McGill & Sharon Potter have joined together to create a unique podcast series. We will focus on aspects related to gender, sexuality, and much more specific to supporting those with disabilities. Our goal is to give you information, resources and help to better enable more people to navigate these complex issues.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-10
☣Questo programma tratta di temi sensibili in modo esplicito🔞☣ Ciao a tutti, siamo Jenny e Bianca e questo è Dirty Talk, un programma che tratta la tematica del sesso e di tutto ciò che lo riguarda, senza tabù o censure. In ogni episodio tratteremo una tematica diversa inerente al tema, buon ascolto!
Data di rilascio : 2021-10-31
The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
中文ASMR搜集,主要来源为@布鲁他爹。 Podcast用途主要为个人自用,本身不产生任何商业收益。Podcast搜集的所有视频/音频均为「作者同意转载」,如有疏漏,烦请告知。
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-21
Join Moon Body founder, Miriam Ropschitz, for The Oracle Podcast and tune in to wild feminine wisdom channelled from the deep. Miriam is a writer, menstrual and sexual wisdom guide and a mentor for magickal women. She speaks on the sacred feminine, embodiment, cycles and sexuality and is regularly joined by guests from her coven of powerful sisters. She's a facilitator of sacred sexuality and embodiment work and you'll find her holding transformational online experiences as well as life-changing...
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-25
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-13
Una ginecologa consulente in sessualità tipica e atipica e un'educatrice sessuale si incontrano per parlare di tabù e falsi miti sulla sessualità e sul corpo femminile, in un programma pensato per persone dall'adolescenza in poi. Valentina Pontello, specialista in Ginecologia, si occupa principalmente di ginecologia infanzia e adolescenza e di problematiche ormonali. Esercita a Firenze. Su Instagram è @valentinapontello_ginecologa Samantha Anselmo è Esperta in educazione sessuale e agen...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Each week, hosts Brenna and Brian share their real-life adventures in non-monogamy! Join them for a raw and titillating recount of their encounters as swingers, a hotwife and stag, and newly polyamorous people!
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Von der ersten bis zur letzten Menstruation, vom ersten Mal bis zum Sex im Alter. Einmal pro Monat widmet sich Chefärztin Dr. Mandy Mangler den wichtigsten Stationen im Leben vieler Frauen. Mit Tagesspiegel-Redakteurin Esther Kogelboom und Anna Kemper vom ZEIT Magazin spricht die Gynäkologin über Kinderwunsch und Kinderkriegen, Lust und Verhütung, Glück und Schmerz. Dabei bleibt es im „Gyncast“ nicht immer streng medizinisch. Schonungslos und mit vielen Anekdoten widmet sich dieser ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-16
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-24
I racconti erotici di EasyToys sono storie che vi faranno brillare le orecchie! Sono storie stuzzicanti scritte e inviate dalla nostra comunità. EasyToys vuole aiutarvi a rendere la vostra vita sessuale ancora più divertente. Con toys eccitanti, lingerie sexy, suggerimenti entusiasmanti e consigli professionali. Volete ancora più ispirazione? Date un'occhiata al nostro sito
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-12
Discover the secrets of how to make a man fall in love with you & the secret psychology of men. You'll find out the secrets of what men want in a woman, and how to make him fall for you. Learn more at:
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-19
Сексуальное просвещение от экспертов в области психологии, сексологии, и телесных практик. Нестыдное шоу о сексе. TG Реклама и сотрудничество: и ТГ @IarBulat
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Sex podcast to help committed couples keep it hot! Find hope to keep your marriage and committed relationships emotionally connected and sexually erotic. Certified sex therapist Dr. Laurie Watson is joined by global leader in couples therapy - George Faller, LMFT for an expert, frank and fascinating conversation about sex, love, therapy, relationship dynamics, healthy couples and marriage. We discuss everything from best sexual techniques and solving sexual problems, to building the emotional in...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Hello! We're Mr and Mrs H - the bed hoppers! We're a forty something couple from the UK exploring the swinging lifestyle. We're relatively new in our journey but still have a fair few stories to tell. Join us for a voyage of discovery, top tips, a little bit of naughty, some sexy stuff and (we hope) some fun and laughter too! xx
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Every week, Danny M. Lavery brings on a guest to answer questions from listeners before diving into conversation about relationships, dissatisfaction, drives, regrets, estrangement, embarrassment, self-assessments, and feelings from the monumental to the minute.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Welcome to My Friends Erotic Stories Podcast: Reddit’s Best Erotica! Here you’ll be indulged by listening to your daily dose of erotica from us directly to your ear. Sit back and listen while your imagination run wild, as we dive in and well… get wild.
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-27