Welcome to the positive corner of wellness! Arnold's Pump Club is a daily podcast by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thanks to a helpful machine he trained, Arnold shares 3 tips from his daily newsletter each day, and in just 5 minutes, you'll have the support, information, and inspiration you need to live a healthier life. This daily digest helps make sense of the research that matters, shares workouts and healthy recipes, and delivers motivation straight from Arnold. It's the perfect way to get your mi...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Podcast di riferimento in Italia per tutto ciò che ruota attorno l'allenamento e l'alimentazione in ambito fitness e bodybuilding, a cura di Nicolò Liani
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
A cosa serve lo Yoga e come può cambiare la tua vita? 🌸🌸🌸 Questo non è un semplice Podcast. 👇🏻 Qui troverai meditazioni guidate, informazioni e risposte sul mondo dello Yoga, della Meditazione e del Benessere in generale. Un viaggio alla scoperta di queste pratiche ma anche alla scoperta di te stesso, per portare più equilibrio ed energia nella tua vita quotidiana. A proposito... 🙃 Io sono Denise, insegnante di Yoga e fondatrice di Yoga Academy, la scuola di Yoga onl...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
1. Tanta energia - Quello che mi piace di Denise é che é molto autentica... a volte un po‘ sopra le righe e caciarona... Peró, quando meno te lo aspetti, usa delle parole che toccano le corde giuste, e ti fanno sognare una ‚vita spericolata’ ... e nelle meditazioni sono stata investita da un’ondata di emozioni!
2. Tips & talks con Denise - Cara Denise, ho ascoltarto tutti i tuoi podcast. È bello ricevere i tuoi consigli e soprattutto sei davvero umile e con i piedi per terra. Ti ammiro e ti trovo molto autentica, perchè non ti tiri indietro a raccontare delle tue esperienze di vita ad esporti e parlare ache dei tuoi momenti no. Adoro seguire le tue meditazioni, perchè su di me funzionano davvero. Continua cosí!
Grab your oat milk latte and take a hot girl walk with Callie Jardine, your new healthy but human bestie. In her podcast, Callie shares relatable moments and struggles, showing you that you don't have to live a perfectly aesthetic Pinterest life, always be motivated, and never party to still be your best self. If you're looking for actually realistic advice in your health & wellness journey, this podcast is for you, my queen. Callie's podcast originally started as a blog called "I'm Sweaty And I...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
Il podcast di Passione Yoga per insegnanti e praticanti di yoga interessati ad approfondire lo Yoga su Misura
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-18
At WHOOP, we are on a mission to unlock human performance. WHOOP Founder & CEO Will Ahmed sits down with top athletes, scientists, experts, and more to learn what the best in the world are doing to perform at their peak – and what you can do to unlock your own best performance. Every week, we dig deeper into sleep, recovery, nutrition, training, lifestyle habits, and more to help you reach your potential.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
Skeptical Talks è il Podcast di Domenico Aversano in cui si affrontano con diversi ospiti discussioni inerenti il mondo del Fitness a 360 gradi, da un punto di vista tecnico, psicologico, filosofico, spaziando su più tematiche ed argomenti.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
The Speed and Power Podcast is dedicated to expanding your knowledge of what it takes to develop elite athletes. Host, Jason Feairheller, will bring on some of the best in the field of strength and conditioning. If you are looking for new ideas, methods, and tactics for improving sports performance then this show is for you.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-03
Interviste, informazioni e notizie su sport e lifestyle.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
In this podcast I will cover all things running, and how running really can help your mental health and well being. #reachingout
Data di rilascio : 2021-01-09
Mind•Body•Soul empowerment to help develop a high vibrational and emotionally fulfilling life. Hosted by Stephanie D'Sa and guests sharing their life experiences, wisdom and guidance from their own spiritual journeys. Spreading truth and light to those who seek it the most. The Divine Feminines support their listeners with authentic and soul enriching conversations about life within a Sacred Space that doesn't look to judge, yet embraces growth and transformation. Humanity needs more of your...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
Benvenuti alla Guida Galattica Per Arcieri Prudenti! Io sono Alice, e con questo podcast parleremo di fitness, mindset, la vita, l'universo e tutto quanto per farvi vincere le vostre paure, ritrovare voi stessi e creare la vita, il fisico e la carriera dei vostri sogni. Ogni episodio ha l'intento di darvi motivazione, ispirazione e consigli per prendere in mano la vostra vita, raggiungere i vostri obiettivi e imparare a puntare sempre più in alto come fanno gli arcieri.
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-10
1. Da non perdere - Alice è una forza della natura: simpatica, spontanea e divertente. È una ragazza che sa cosa vuole e tutta questa positività la trasmette appieno nel suo podcast. Ha una capacità di motivare gli altri a mio avviso incredibile, quando finisco di ascoltare un suo podcast mi sento pronta per conquistare il mondo! Assolutamente da non perdere, super consigliato
This podcast is designed to get you as fit as possible - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Stop settling for the average life and wake up to the abundant one instead! My hope is to inspire you to step more into the life you were created to live! brianpruett.com
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-19
Shockingly-useful dating, fitness, social media, and finance information from the Fresh&Fit Podcast, delivered to you after the sun sets when the lights go down low. We welcome special in-studio women and special guests to get even more personal than usual. Giving you all the after-hours entertainment you can handle.
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-27
This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
1. Piacevole & Utile & motivante! - Trovo i Podcast di Tridot molto utili divertenti e per me sono perfetti da ascoltare quando mi alleno. Grazie ai podcast Ho scoperto nuovi metodi e anche nuovi strumenti per migliorare il mio allenamento e la mia vita ! Che dire... Bravi Bravi Bravi... tre volte come TRI-dot!!!
Hosted by Dr. Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-09
Meditazioni ispirate ai principi della medicina cinese
Data di rilascio : 2019-03-21
In questo podcast ci immergiamo nel mondo del resistance training attraverso delle chiacchierate informali con le personalità più interessanti del settore. In ogni episodio un nuovo ospite che condivide la propria storia, le proprie sfide e il propria approccio all'allenamento e all'alimentazione.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness i...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Abbraccia la follia e supera i tuoi limiti! Instagram: @insane_screamer
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Benvenuti a chiacchiere sui pesi! In questo podcast parliamo di allenamento con i pesi, forza e prestazione, con un particolare interesse per powerlifting e alzate con il bilanciere.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Sono Francesca Pietra, direttrice di Starbene. Dopo la serie podcast di grande successo “La dieta giusta per te”, torno a intervistare il dottor Massimo Spattini, medico specializzato in scienza dell’alimentazione e in medicina dello sport. Questa volta il focus è sull’attività fisica e gli allenamenti più efficaci per tonificarsi e rimodellarsi. A ogni età.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-09
Il Fitfam podcast è la nuova biblioteca audio targata Fitfam che, in una manciata di minuti, offre ai professionisti dell'allenamento spunti e conoscenze immediatamente applicabili nella loro attività. Un prezioso recipiente di episodi in cui confluiscono le esperienze e gli insegnamenti di alcune delle personalità più autorevoli di un settore in cui la formazione continua è ormai condizione essenziale per fare la differenza.
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-22
Ti aiuto a mettere i tuoi primi 10 kg di massa muscolare in modo naturale - Inizia ora http://bit.ly/3jt2zO1
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
We are Doctors of Physical Therapy who specialize in rehabilitation, performance, and injury risk reduction. Our mission is simple: empower YOU to overcome your setbacks and crush your goals using evidence-based education. Check out our YouTube, Blog, Podcast, and Rehab Programs!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Programmazione e Tecniche di allenamento per donne, scientifiche e di ultima generazione, questo materiale non lo troverete da nessun' altra parte nel web.
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-19
Mindset. Movement. Nutrition. Recovery. Sleep. Turns out the same five tools that pro athletes use to break records can help us all stay healthy, happy and strong. On “Trained,” host Jaclyn Byrer sits down with these athletes — along with psychologists, researchers, physicians, trainers and other experts — to reveal the most powerful, practical and surprising lessons in holistic fitness. With each episode, they dig deep, offering new insights to help us play a better game, run a better r...
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-05
Formerly the Muscle Expert Podcast. Ben Pakulski, the world’s top authority on intelligent muscle building and fat loss, gives us a simple-to-understand, deep dive into the complex world of building a body you love, and living your greatness. Weekly interviews with leading experts in a vast number of scientific fields focusing on health optimization (nutrition, sleep, hormones, mindfulness and mind set), strength, (both physical and mental), and muscle hypertrophy. Learn proven strategies for ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
News e approfondimenti su fitness, allenamento e alimentazione, incluse le puntate della mia rubrica radio del martedì. www.depascalis.net
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
1. Ottimo per studiare e rimanere costantemente aggiornati - Ho avuto il piacere ma soprattutto la fortuna di conoscere il professore quando ero una semplice matricola presso l’UNIFG. Da quando ho scoperto i suoi podcast, aggiornarmi è diventato ancora più facile e divertente: pillole scientifiche iniettate con una massiccia dose di humor. Grande prof. Consigliatissimi i suoi interventi, sopratutto per noi professionisti del settore Fitness
Herzlich Willkommen ! ♡ Ich bin Laura, ganzheitliche Ernährungsberaterin, Yoga- und Pilates Trainerin, dreifache Buch Autorin und Content Creatorin. In meinem Podcast spreche ich rund um die Themen Ernährung, Fitness, körperliche und mentale Gesundheit sowie weitere spannende Themen rund um unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden. In meinen Episoden erwarten dich Tipps, persönliche Erfahrungen, jede Menge Wissen und spannende Interviews mit tollen Experten/Expertinnen. Was aus meine...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Welcome to the Data Driven Strength Podcast, where we discuss all things related to the science and practice of getting as big and strong as possible. We utilize our education, experience, and the available evidence to determine best practices for the everyday lifter.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
"Allenarsi con i pesi" è il primo podcast italiano sull'allenamento in palestra. Gli argomenti trattati spaziano dal Fitness al Powerlifting al Natural Bodybuilding. In questo podcast potrai conoscere meglio il mondo della forza insieme ad Amerigo Brunetti e Andrea Giuliani.
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-30
Il podcast ufficiale di Obiettivo Performance dove parliamo di preparazione atletica, riabilitazione e functional training in modo semplice, utile e chiaro. Pochi minuti, tanto valore.
Data di rilascio : 2021-01-27
Dein Podcast rund um die Themen Training, Coaching-Alltag und Energy Drinks!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-04
The Strength Coach Podcast is the Official Podcast to Michael Boyle's StrengthCoach.com, the World's Leading Source of Strength & Conditioning Information. Each episode we will speak to Coach Boyle about the latest in Strength & Conditioning, forum hot topics and everything that is happening at StrengthCoach.com- including the latest articles, videos and audio content. We will also "Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach." We talk to a different Strength Coach from the world of Professional an...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-26
What makes a strong person to you? Bestselling author and personal trainer Alice Liveing interviews extraordinary people about the importance of building mental and physical resilience and how this can empower us to live happier, stronger lives. You can find more about Alice on Instagram @aliceliveing, on Twitter @aliceliveing_ Give Me Strength, this has been an Insanity Podcasts production.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
Mit dem YogaEasy-Podcast „Besser leben mit Yoga“ bieten wir dir Yoga zum Mitnehmen. Bei YogaEasy-Chefredakteurin Kristin Rübesamen zu Gast sind bekannte Yogalehrer:innen, Denker:innen und Protagonist:innen der Yoga-Szene. Worum gehts? Um Themen wie Yoga üben, lernen und lehren, körperliche und mentale Gesundheit, Prävention, Philosophie, Spiritualität, Familie, Frauen, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. Mit angeleiteten Meditationen, Atemübungen und Yogaübungen gegen Stress, für Achtsamk...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-15
Insegnante di yoga Scuola di formazione insegnanti di yoga.
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-08
If you are a sports fan, work in sports or are someone who is ‘tech curious’, then Tech Chairs is the podcast for you.In the first series, sports presenter, John Inverdale and sports entrepreneur, Rebecca Hopkins, take a look at how technology has shaped modern sport. They talk to experts in all walks of sport as well as champion athletes, including Sir Ben Ainslie and Chris Boardman. If you have ever wondered how Hawkeye was developed, how much your DNA influences which sport you should cho...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
En Fitness Revolucionario hablamos de Salud y Fitness desde una perspectiva global: Dieta, Ayuno Intermitente, Descanso, Entrenamiento, Mentalidad... con detalle y con verdaderos expertos. Tanto si tu objetivo es ganar músculo, perder grasa o simplemente estar saludable, este es tu podcast.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
1. Incomparable!! - El mejor podcast en español sobre salud y actividad fisica, basado en ciencia real, no en mitos. Marcos es capaz de explicarte conceptos científicos en forma simple y práctica, sin caer en los típicos sesgos y conflictos de interes que inundan los medios de comunicación. Excelencia al máximo nivel!!!
Conversations on strength, health, fitness, life, coaching, and anything else that comes up. Dan John has spent his life with one foot in the world of lifting and throwing, and the other foot in academia. An All-American discus thrower, Dan has also competed at the highest levels of Olympic lifting, Highland Games and the Weight Pentathlon, an event in which he holds the American record. Dan has written 14 books and has been coaching for over 40 years. He is a wealth of knowledge and is happy ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
The Boogie Shoes Podcast was created to accompany you on your Couch to 5K® journey. Listen to great tunes while you gradually learn to run a 5K. Laura instructs you along the way and provides encouragement to help you reach your goals. Contact with questions at lbenack@gmail.com
Data di rilascio : 2021-01-26
The Just Fly Performance Podcast is dedicated to all aspects of athletic performance training, with an emphasis on speed and power development. Featured on the show are coaches and experts in the spectrum of sport performance, ranging from strength and conditioning, to track and field, to sport psychology. Hosted by Joel Smith, the Just Fly Performance Podcast brings you some of the best information on modern athletic performance available.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
1. Joel’s podcast - Probably one of the best podcasts around regarding athletic performance. Joel's background together with all the speakers, give a complete guide to different methodologies and ways of getting results. What stands up is that the topics covered in many episodes aren’t just about strength and speed, but also looking at a more holistic approach (like neural aspects, visualisation models, hypnosis, different neuro-typing) Therefore if you want to get an insight on how to get the most out of your athletes i highly recommend to listen to all the episodes. Speaking for myself the amount of knowledge shared in this podcast definitely made me a better coach. Thanks Joel
Segui Alice Veglo, modella, influencer e fondatrice di Bright & Fit, il programma di fitness olistico N.1 in lingua italiana.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-02
OVER 25,000,000 DOWNLOADS AND COUNTING! If you want to know how to build muscle, lose fat, and be healthier, happier, and wiser...faster than you ever thought possible...then this podcast is for you. Hosted by the bestselling author and entrepreneur, Mike Matthews, each episode gives you simple, science-based know-how and inspiration that will help you build your best body and life ever. Find out more at www.legionathletics.com
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
1. Best unbiased information - Mike is the only person in the fitness world that actively helps people without trying to push too much stuff to sell. All he gives out is free info and analysis with passion, and lots of free tools to help people. Also, I really appreciate the recap episodes, it shows his sensibility towards helping and sharing info making it sure it reaches people and not just shooting out episodes for money. Definetly worth your time!
2. A must listen for more than one reason. - If you’re into nutrition, fitness or just willing to have a look (listen) to a wide variety of topics revolving around how our body works when eating, performing exercise or simply going by the day then you’re gonna love this podcast. Episodes are concise, well written/crafted/edited and extremely understandable even for novices.
3. Best coach ever - Mike helped me changed my whole understanding about building muscle and training and dieting properly. I have since gained lbs I’d lean muscle and my rep max have significantly increased. I always recommend him and his books. Finally someone honest who doesn’t spread broscience.
Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom, and Paula Findlay, team up with their friend and amateur triathlete Nick Goldston to hang out and answer questions about triathlon. https://www.thattriathlonlife.com
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-25
Welcome to Reasonably Fit! This podcast brings a sense of grounded realism to an industry that is dominated by extremes. Right now, fitness is made out to be this all-or-nothing, highly intense, and somewhat elitist endeavor. But contrary to what social media will have you believe, most people aren't trying to become figure competitors or powerlifters or bodybuilders. Most people are looking to have fitness seamlessly fit into their lives, without taking over their lives. And that's where we com...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
On parle de musculation, de nutrition et de développement personnel. Les régimes qui fonctionnent, les entrainements sportifs à tester ou bien des méthodes pour la motivation à appliquer. Le seul podcast français régulier sur la musculation ( culturisme, bodybuilding, fitness ) qui regroupe la bonne santé, l'alimentation, le style de vie. Pour reprendre le terme de Tim ferriss, c'est un lifestyle design particulier. Retrouvez moi sur le site www.fitnessmith.fr
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Fun & Gains will fuel your love for sweaty workouts, loving yourself through the process, and creating the strongest version of yourself mentally and physically. The Fun and Gains podcast is your weekly reminder that you aren't alone on your fitness journey & your motivation to keep going. Let the gains begin.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
Welcome to The MWU Podcast! Join our Coaches Rachel Dillon and Emma Dillon as they share behind the scene updates on all things Move With Us, health and fitness + much more.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-19