Francesca Mannocchi snoda l’intricata materia dei conflitti di oggi ai confini con l’Europa, e guida i ragazzi alla comprensione del presente. Il profumo dei cedri libanesi, il colore ocra del tardo pomeriggio afghano, il sorriso di un uomo siriano che in silenzio studia un’ospite straniera per capire se raccontarle la propria storia. Sono solo alcune delle nitide immagini che vedremo attraverso lo sguardo oltre il confine di Francesca Mannocchi, giornalista di guerra sul campo che da molt...
Data di rilascio : 2022-09-20 7,99 €
Sergio ha sei anni quando un giorno la sua vita cambia per sempre. La Seconda guerra mondiale è in corso, suo padre è stato fatto prigioniero e lui e la mamma decidono di trasferirsi da Napoli a Fiume per stare insieme alla nonna, agli zii e alle cugine Andra e Tati. Lì credono di essere più al sicuro, invece una notte arrivano i rastrellamenti e vengono portati via. Inizia così il viaggio che condurrà Sergio a separarsi dalla sua famiglia e a vivere una vita completamente nuova nei campi ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-21 7,99 €
1. Il valore della memoria - Ci sono nomi che devono essere consegnati all’oblio, altri che meritano di essere consegnati alla memoria del tempo e nel tempo. Sergio è uno di questi nomi, la storia di Sergio va oltre la biografia di un bambino e si estende nella memoria collettiva. Da leggere per non dimenticare, per trasmettere alle generazioni, per vedere attraverso gli occhi della memoria.
Prima della Grande guerra c’erano re e imperatori, l’Europa possedeva colonie in Africa e in Asia, gli analfabeti erano la maggioranza della popolazione, le donne di solito non lavoravano (e non votavano)... La prima guerra mondiale è all’origine di quella trasformazione che, nel bene e nel male, ha creato il nostro mondo. Questo libro è una macchina del tempo che trasporta i ragazzi di oggi al 24 maggio 1915, quando l’Italia entrò in guerra contro l’Austria, e prima ancora al 28 gi...
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-06 8,99 €
Il gelataio Tirelli amava il gelato come un bambino. Così aprì una gelateria a Budapest. Ma quando i nazisti invasero la città, decise di fare qualcosa di ancora più buono... DA UNA STORIA VERA Un libro sul valore del coraggio, dell’amicizia e dell’aiuto reciproco che si basa su fatti realmente accaduti: l’altro protagonista, Peter (Isacco), è il suocero dell’autrice Tamar Meir, che ha sentito raccontare da lui questa storia straordinaria e ha deciso di scriverla per farla conoscere...
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-11 7,99 €
Anche nella paura ci sono attimi di serenità, anche nei campi di prigionia ci sono lampi di umanità, anche vicino allo sterminio è passata la vita. Esistono storie difficili da ascoltare, storie di uomini e donne che, a causa dell’odio altrui, sono stati privati di casa e affetti, uccisi o braccati come prede, hanno patito sofferenze e umiliazioni inimmaginabili. Le storie dei sopravvissuti alla Shoah sono così: racconti terribili e, purtroppo, veri. Ma oltre all’esperienza del dolore c...
Data di rilascio : 2021-01-19 6,99 €
The Tower of London holds almost a thousand years' worth of secrets! The Tower of London draws more than 2 million visitors a year! Almost 1,000 years old and first built by William the Conqueror in 1066, the tower has been a fortress, a palace, a zoo, and an exhibit site for the amazing Crown Jewels. But the tower's reputation as a prison is probably what accounts for its popularity! Two young princes in the time of King Richard III were never again heard from after entering the castle, and two...
Data di rilascio : 2018-09-18 4,49 €
“Alla fine della guerra andammo in America. Fred diventò grande, si sposò ed ebbe dei figli. Un giorno squillò il telefono: Salve Fred, presterebbe il suo orsetto allo Yad Vashem, qui a Gerusalemme? Così i bambini potranno conoscere la sua storia. Debbo chiedere a lui, rispose Fred, io e l’Orsetto non ci siamo mai separati. Poi Fred mi prese fra le mani e mi disse: Orsetto, tu sei il mio migliore amico. Mi hai sempre protetto nei momenti più difficili. Te la senti di viaggiare? E io ris...
Data di rilascio : 2017-01-13 7,99 €
Una storia appassionante e intramontabile raccontata ai ragazzi dal Direttore del Museo Egizio di Torino. Luxor. Valle dei Re, novembre 1922. Howard Carter, partito da Londra a soli 17 anni per l’Egitto, da molti anni al servizio delle più grandi spedizioni in una terra ancora piena di misteri, è alla ricerca dell’unica tomba reale che ancora manca all’appello: quella di Tutankhamun. Nonostante i suoi sforzi, la tomba non si trova. Il tempo della spedizione è quasi finito, così come i ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-03 6,99 €
È l'aprile del 2021 quando Lia Levi ritrova per caso questo breve romanzo, più di settant'anni dopo averlo scritto. Era sepolto nel cassetto della sua scrivania, venticinque fogli di carta ingiallita dimenticati nel risvolto del diario della madre: il primo libro scritto da Lia quando aveva solo dodici anni, durante la guerra. È ambientato nel periodo delle Leggi razziali fasciste e dell'occupazione nazista, e protagonista è una famiglia ebrea. Non si tratta però della famiglia della scritt...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-09 5,99 €
When Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain in 1519, he believed he could get to the Spice Islands by sailing west through or around the New World. He was right, but what he didn't know was that the treacherous voyage would take him three years and cost him his life. Black-and-white line drawings illustrate Magellan's life and voyage, with sidebars and a time line that enhance readers' understanding of the period.
Data di rilascio : 2004-08-03 4,49 €
The #1 bestselling chapter book series of all time celebrates 25 years with new covers and a new, easy-to-use numbering system! Getting the facts behind the fiction has never looked better. Track the facts with Jack and Annie!! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #16: Hour of the Olympics, they had lots of questions. What did the ancient Greeks wear? What did they do for fun? Where were the very first Olympics held? How are our modern Olympics ...
Data di rilascio : 2004-06-08 4,49 €
È il 16 ottobre 1943, nel ghetto di Roma un bambino di dodici anni vede la madre caricata su un camion dei tedeschi, la raggiunge, l'abbraccia, ma lei riesce a spingerlo via. Emanuele, questo il nome del bambino, si nasconde su un tram e inizia un viaggio che lo porterà, fermata dopo fermata, fino al capolinea. Racconta al bigliettaio di essere ebreo e chiede di essere protetto perché i tedeschi lo stanno cercando. L'autista del tram e poi altri dopo di lui aiuteranno Emanuele a restare vivo ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-17 7,99 €
Quando giunse per la prima volta l’uomo in Sardegna? Quali tracce ci ha lasciato del suo passaggio? A cosa servivano le domus de janas e perché si chiamano così? Cosa sono i menhir ? E i dolmen ? Come vivevano i sardi nell’antichità? In questo libro troverete le risposte a queste domande e tante altre informazioni sulla Preistoria della Sardegna. La Storia della Sardegna è spesso trascurata dai libri di testo scolastici, nonostante sia essa una delle terre più ricche di siti archeologic...
Data di rilascio : 2019-11-25 5,99 €
Da oggi insieme a Captain History il viaggiatore del tempo, affronteremo una nuova avventura: scopriremo insieme che cosa studia la Storia, come si misura il tempo e con quali strumenti è possibile ricostruire il passato. Per far ciò navigheremo indietro nel tempo sino alla nascita dell'universo e del nostro pianeta, la Terra! Indagheremo sulla nascita delle prime semplici forme di vita vegetali e animali, in un'avvincente corsa nel tempo durante la quale faremo la conoscenza di batteri, pesci...
Data di rilascio : 2016-05-02 9,99 €
Who were the ancient Romans? Where did they go to eat, shop and wash? What did they do for fun? In this book you’ll find the answers and lots more about life in Roman times. "No Key Stage 1 classroom should be without the whole set" - The Bookseller
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-01 1,49 €
Louis XIV, le roi soleil, le bâtisseur de Versailles et le plus fameux souverain de l’histoire ! Le règne de 72 ans du célèbre roi bourbon est d’une incroyable richesse. Entre festivités extraordinnaires, guerres et intrigues de cour, le destin de Louis XIV est fascinant à tous points de vue. Cet ouvrage permettra aux plus jeunes de découvrir le règne du roi qui émerveilla l’Europe. La collection «Histoire Jeunesse» de Quelle Histoire offre aux 6-10 ans des ouvrages ludiqu...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 2,99 €
Beginner readers are transported back to medieval times to learn about life as a knight and what living in a castle was like in this fun and informative book, with audio narration and illustrations that bring history to life. "Irresistible for children learning to read. " - Child Education Plus
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-01 3,99 €
¡Disfruta en un emocionante viaje por la historia de España! Veinticinco cuentos, veinticinco aventuras, veinticinco épocas que descubrir... Nobles caballeros medievales, fantasmas andalusís, héroes de la Antigüedad y jóvenes modernos con ganas de cambio te llevarán a conocer, a través de emocionantes y divertidos relatos, los acontecimientos más importantes de nuestra historia. ¿Te lo vas a perder? Tras el éxito de La historia del mundo en 25 historias , llega este recopilatorio de ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-13 6,99 €
Young Charlie Watts has to give a speech tomorrow in history class. It’s past his bedtime, he’s tired, and he hasn’t written any of his speech beyond the heading. It’s not looking good. But then he notices a strange book on his shelf... Little does Charlie know that he’s about to have the most amazing adventure of his life. He’ll dodge dinosaurs; ride a chariot in the Ancient Olympics; trade with merchants on the Silk Road; see Tenochtitlan, capital city of the Aztec Empire; play lac...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-21 0,99 €
La historia de España contada como un cuento lleno de aventuras que sucedieron de verdad, lo que la hace mucho más interesante que cualquier otra historia. Además, la historia puede ser muy divertida, está llena de sorpresas, personajes fascinantes, guerras y paces, risas y llantos, como toda buena historia.
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-05 7,49 €
The #1 bestselling chapter book series of all time celebrates 25 years with new covers and a new, easy-to-use numbering system! Getting the facts behind the fiction has never looked better. Track the facts with Jack and Annie!! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #13: Vacation Under the Volcano, they had lots of questions. How did ancient Rome become an emipre? Where did ancient Romans go for fun? What happened to the Roman town of Pompeii? Wh...
Data di rilascio : 2006-04-25 2,99 €
Sapevi che tutta la pietra usata per costruire il Colosseo pesa come millenovecento aerei di linea? Che una volta l'arena è stata allagata per ospitare una battaglia navale? Che nel Medio Evo era considerato un posto adatto a evocare i demoni? E che a un certo punto lo hanno trasformato in un deposito di letame? Massimo ti racconterà queste e tantissime altre curiosità durante il suo incredibile viaggio tra le epoche, alla scoperta del Colosseo. Monta sulla macchina del tempo e allaccia le ci...
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-03 6,99 €
A modern classic: Don Watson’s history of Australia for children of the twenty-first century History told so well it gives us a better idea of who we are – and what we might become. The Story of Australia weaves together the many strands of our nation’s past – ancient and indigenous, colonial and contemporary – to create a fascinating history for all readers, young and old. In clear, succinct language that both children and adults will appreciate, Watson guides readers from the ancient...
Data di rilascio : 2021-07-02 11,99 €
Un volume ricco di storie di piramidi, mummie, faraoni, dei e tanto altro ancora, per tornare indietro nel tempo e scoprire una delle civiltà più affascinanti della storia: gli antichi Egizi! In questa formidabile guida viaggerai sul delta del Nilo e scoprirai una delle civiltà più affascinanti della storia: gli Egizi. Parti per un’avventura strepitosa dall’inizio del Regno – 4500 anni fa! – fino alla caduta della regina Cleopatra nel 31 a.C. In ogni pagina tante splendide illustrazi...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-16 8,99 €
Explore the ancient world on a tour of the most beautiful, vibrant, and fascinating places people have called home. History Unboxed takes you outside the box of a traditional history curriculum, exploring cultures around the globe on a journey across six continents. Get to know the Jomon people of Japan, the African empire of Ghana, and the Olmecs of Mesoamerica, alongside history heavyweights such as the Greeks and Sumerians. Take a look at the past through a secular lens and go beyond dates an...
Data di rilascio : 2021-10-15 8,49 €
Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, warum wir unser Staatsjubiläum im November feiern, wenn doch der Zweite Weltkrieg im Mai endete? Oder warum wir so viele Wörter aus dem Lateinischen in unserer Sprache haben? Oder wer Karl der Große war und warum er so groß war? Ob es nur Könige gab oder vielleicht auch Königinnen? Alle diese Fragen, und natürlich noch mehr, kann dir dieses Buch beantworten. Für uns ist es wichtig, zu wissen, woher wir kommen, was früher geschehen ist und auch heute no...
Data di rilascio : 2021-08-07 2,99 €
The illuminating and deeply moving true story of twin sisters who survived Nazi experimentation, against all odds, during the Holocaust. Eva and her identical twin sister, Miriam, had a mostly happy childhood. Theirs was the only Jewish family in their small village in the Transylvanian mountains, but they didn't think much of it until anti-Semitism reared its ugly head in their school. Then, in 1944, ten-year-old Eva and her family were deported to Auschwitz. At its gates, Eva and Miriam were s...
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-05 8,99 €
This comprehensive visual encyclopedia explores World War II in fascinating detail and explains why this global event must never be forgotten. World War II: Visual Encyclopedia shows children the causes, battles, people, and aftermath, while cutting-edge CGI technology brings infamous events back to life. Learn about weaponry, tanks, ships, aircraft, campaigns, and military strategies. Read firsthand accounts of major campaigns and battles throughout the war. Uncover hundreds of biographies of w...
Data di rilascio : 2015-06-01 6,99 €
Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME* series - stories so exciting you won't believe they're all true Prepare to enter the most dramatic conflict the world has ever seen, as historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us on a spine-tingling, heart-stopping adventure. We witness the Second World War first-hand through the eyes of ordinary people living in extraordinary times, from the women who worked all night in factories to the chess players who cracked unbreakable codes. Becau...
Data di rilascio : 2021-07-01 11,99 €
Explore astonishing landscapes teeming with giant insects, dinosaurs, and giant mammals, and see the extraordinary creatures that lived in ancient seas, to discover life from ancient animals to early humans. In a series of stunning panoramic illustrations and lively, engaging text, this ebook tells the story of life on Earth through key evolutionary periods, from life's earliest origins to the first farmers. The amazing story of life's evolution begins in vast oceans and swamp forests, and is sh...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-03 5,99 €
Uncover the secret agents of World War 2—an exciting history book for kids 8 to 12 Discover World War 2’s hidden heroes and villains. Spies, Code Breakers, and Secret Agents explores the intriguing world of spycraft and shows you what goes on behind the scenes in war. From spy schools and ciphers to sneaky tools and secret armies, this guide takes you on a declassified tour of the undercover operations that helped decide the outcome of World War 2. There’s also more than a dozen short spy-...
Data di rilascio : 2019-12-24 9,99 €
#1 New York Times bestselling author Kate Andersen Brower shares a special inside look into the most famous home in America—and the lives of hardworking staff members and first ladies who’ve maintained it. Have you ever wondered what exactly goes on inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Sure, the president of the United States works and resides there, but do you know who helps keep this historic house running? It’s no simple task, especially when there are important state events and foreign dig...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-08 8,99 €
Robert M. Edsel brings the story of his #1 NYT bestseller for adults The Monuments Men to young readers for the first time in this dynamic, narrative nonfiction project packed with photos.Robert M. Edsel, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Monuments Men , brings this story to young readers for the first time in a sweeping, dynamic adventure detailing history's greatest treasure hunt.As the most destructive war in history ravaged Europe, many of the world's most cherished cultural object...
Data di rilascio : 2019-01-29 9,99 €
Flappers, flag-pole sitting, and the Ford Model T--these are just a few of the things that instantly conjure up a unique era--the Roaring Twenties. It was the bees' knees, the cat's meow. If you're not familiar with 1920s slang, all the more reason to read this fascinating look at that wild, exciting decade. It began on the heels of one tragedy--the flu pandemic of 1918--and ended with another: the start of the Great Depression. But in between there were plenty of good times--the Model T cars th...
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-16 4,49 €
A great collection of entertaining and educational poems for kids, telling amazing stories all about the Ancient Romans. Written in a modern, lively style, these poems are fun to read but also historically accurate. The stories include Romulus and Remus , Spartacus, Hannibal, Boudica, Pompeii, and many more. Charmingly illustrated, this book will appeal to children between the ages of 7 and 12 who are studying or interested in ancient history, as well as to parents of younger children looking fo...
Data di rilascio : 2017-11-22 1,99 €
Find out everything that you need to know about the Stone Age: the life of a hunter and gatherer, what clothes people wore, the caves they lived in, as well as their arts and crafts creations. DK Reader Life in the Stone Age explores topics including mammoths, cave paintings, shamans, and shelters. Covering the old, middle, and new Stone Age eras of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic, the two and a half million year period is explained and provides young readers with everything they would n...
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-04 3,49 €
Updated for 2013, readers can easily relive the course of American history through a detailed timeline, more than 50 vivid photographs and illustrations, information about each president's term in office, and the major political issues of each era.
Data di rilascio : 2017-01-03 7,99 €
In 1066 a great battle took place in England between the Anglo-Saxons and the invading Normans. Its result would determine a new course of history. There are some moments in history that are so dramatic or important that people remember them forever. In words and pictures, Gillian Clements tells the stories of these Great Events. These books are perfect for the emerging independent reader at upper Key Stage 1. Simple, narrative text with lively, informative line illustrations. Designed to encour...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-23 2,49 €
Two thousand years ago, when the Romans invaded Britain, not everyone went down without a fight. Discover a wild Britain and its oppressed peoples and how one brave woman defied the might of Rome. Learn how both the Romans and British lived, how they organised themselves, and how different peoples treated each other. Brilliant line illustrations bring to life the excitement of battle and also the harshness and tragedy of defeat. The book is a handy companion to those readers learning about the R...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-23 1,99 €
In November 1960, all of America watched as a tiny six-year-old black girl, surrounded by federal marshals, walked through a mob of screaming segregationists and into her school. An icon of the civil rights movement, Ruby Bridges chronicles each dramatic step of this pivotal event in history through her own words.
Data di rilascio : 1999-09-01 8,99 €
It was 1780. The Revolutionary War had been going on for four long years. A group of ladies was meeting in a house. It was in Philadelphia. "The ladies must do something to help the soldiers!" Hettie said. "I have sent letters to General Washington. The soldiers are in very bad shape. We must raise money to help them!" The leader of the ladies group was named Esther Reed, but everyone called her Hettie. "We want to help," one of the women said. "But we are ladies. We cannot fight. What can we do...
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-26 0,99 €
A fascinating and informative look at the colourful history of England from bestselling author and illustrator, Richard Brassey. This is the history of England, told with Richard's trademark humour and verve, and illustrated in full colour on every page. From 1066 to the present day, through civil wars, great fires and mighty monarchs, Richard explores the rich and exciting history of England with fun and fascinating facts and stories!
Data di rilascio : 2015-08-06 3,99 €
Who were the ancient Egyptians? Why did they build pyramids and how were mummies made? These and other questions are answered with vivid, full colour illustrations and photographs on every page, and short, easy to read text. "No Key Stage 1 classroom should be without the whole set." - The Bookseller
Data di rilascio : 2015-08-01 3,99 €
On October 29, 1929, life in the United States took a turn for the worst. The stock market – the system that controls money in America – plunged to a record low. But this event was only the beginning of many bad years to come. By the early 1930s, one out of three people was not working. People lost their jobs, their houses, or both and ended up in shantytowns called “Hoovervilles” named for the president at the time of the crash. By 1933, many banks had gone under. Though the U.S. has se...
Data di rilascio : 2015-12-22 4,49 €
La seconde guerre mondiale racontée aux enfants. De l’invasion de la Pologne en 1939 au débarquement de Normandie en juin 1944, en passant par la bataille de Stalingrad. Quelle Histoire propose une initiation accessible au plus grand conflit du XXe siècle. La collection «Histoire Jeunesse» de Quelle Histoire offre aux 6-10 ans des ouvrages ludiques pour découvrir les grandes figures de l’Histoire.
Data di rilascio : 2015-04-05 1,99 €
This book, filled with amazing facts and photographs, describes what life was like for people living in the ancient Indus Valley. It gives an in-depth account of all aspects of the life and people of the time, providing examples of their incredible skills and organisation - including their cities, industry, trade, science, technology, engineering and all aspects of everyday life. The ‘All About' series is an educational collection of books by P S Quick, and is targeted to interest 7 to 11 year...
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-05 5,49 €
La vie de Pablo Picasso racontée aux enfants. De son enfance à Malaga à ses grandes œuvres cubistes en passant par son atelier de la Butte Montmartre, l’histoire du plus célèbre des artistes du XXe siècle est passionnante. Quelle Histoire propose une initiation accessible à l’histoire de ce grand peintre. La collection «Histoire Jeunesse» de Quelle Histoire offre aux 6-10 ans des ouvrages ludiques pour découvrir les grandes figures de l’Histoire.
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-04 2,99 €
Les Gaulois, ces infatigables guerriers toujours prêts à en découdre avec les Romains mais aussi entre eux ! En 52 avant Jésus-Christ, Vercingétorix, chef de la tribu des Arvernes, parvient à unifier la Gaule pour lutter contre César. Une guerre terrible est lancée qui aboutit à la funeste bataille d’Alésia. Des jeunes années du valeureux guerriers à son emprisonnement à Rome en passant par la victoire de Gergovie, cet ouvrage permettra aux plus jeunes de découvrir l’histoire d...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 2,99 €
Si un roi devait symboliser la renaissance, ce serait sans doute François Ier. Amoureux des arts et des lettres, le bâtisseur du fabuleux château de Chambord fit venir en France Léonard de Vinci. Roi guerrier, il affronta les plus grands souverains de son époque comme Henri VIII d’Angleterre ou encore Charles Quint. C’est aussi lui qui imposa le Français comme langue officielle et qui réforma l’Eglise. De la bataille de Marignan aux bords paisibles de la Loire, cet ouvrage permettra...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 2,99 €
Jean-Paul II fut l’un des papes les plus marquants de l’histoire du Vatican. Au fil d’illustrations originales, les 6-10 ans découvrent cet incroyable personnage et mémorisent les événements qui ont marqué sa vie. Ils retiennent ses actions décisives de sa lutte pour les droits de l’homme à la création des journées mondiales de la jeunesse. Ils s’amusent à tester leurs connaissances au cours de jeux éducatifs (quiz, 7 erreurs, labyrinthe, ombres, etc.). Sans le savoir, ils a...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 2,99 €