L’inspiration de cet ouvrage tient dans un constat simple, mais surprenant : alors que 76% des infractions au Code de la route sont commises par des hommes, selon un rapport paru en 2019, le taux de réussite à l’épreuve du permis de conduire est sensiblement plus élevé chez les garçons que chez les filles. Ce différentiel de réussite (64% chez les jeunes hommes contre moins de 55% chez les jeunes femmes), révèle avant tout un différentiel d’intérêt. Car sans céder aux cliché...
Date de sortie: 2022-06-18 3,99 €
L’épreuve théorique du code de la route consiste, en 30 minutes, à répondre à 40 questions autorisant 5 fautes au maximum. La réussite est donc liée à votre gestion intelligente de ces 5 « jokers », en les réservant aux questions vraiment difficiles. Les 35 autres questions doivent être traitées : - en examinant ce que l’examinateur attend exactement de vous ; - et en évitant les pièges ! Nous vous proposons donc une méthode simple, 100% efficace, pour comprendre : - comment ...
Date de sortie: 2022-06-16 3,99 €
L’épreuve théorique du code de la route consiste, en 30 minutes, à répondre à 40 questions autorisant 5 fautes au maximum. La réussite est donc liée à votre gestion intelligente de ces 5 « jokers », en les réservant aux questions vraiment difficiles. Les 35 autres questions doivent être traitées : - en examinant ce que l’examinateur attend exactement de vous ; - et en évitant les pièges ! Nous vous proposons donc une méthode simple, 100% efficace, pour comprendre : - comment ...
Date de sortie: 2020-10-21 3,99 €
he iPhone X and iOS 11 introduced many new features. These features include: - First iPhone without a Home Button - New gestures to control your phone - New Notification Center – Cover Sheet - Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network Automatically - Face ID - Animojis - Portrait Photos - New Status Bar - Improved Siri - Adding Drawings to Emails - New and Improved Control Center ...and many more! This guide will introduce you to these new features, as well as the rest of the iPhone X and iOS 11. Learning...
Date de sortie: 2017-12-20 2,99 €
In the revised Fourth Edition of the best-selling text, John W. Creswell explore the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Preserving Creswell′s signature writing style, the authors compare the approaches and relate research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry in a highly accessible manner. Featuring new content, articles, pedagogy, references, and ...
Date de sortie: 2021-08-23 7,99 €
What if you could take a voyage with an 'ancient mariner' and have him teach you the navigation skills he has acquired over a lifetime of sailing? Now you can. Come along with Nick De Munnik as he explains basic navigation fundamentals and shows you how to use them for coastal, electronic and celestial navigation. The author's conversational and easy to understand descriptions include extensive diagrams and examples, making all aspects of boat navigation seem intuitive. This book is a ‘must ha...
Date de sortie: 2019-03-12 10,99 €
Following in the tracks of the author's well-known DOHC tuning manual this new book is the result of much research and firsthand experience gained through many projects concerning Alfa V6 rear-wheel drive models, from the GTV6 series to the last of the 75 3.0 models. A wealth of completely new information can be found here regarding cylinder head modifications, big brake modifications, LSD adjustment procedure, suspension modifications for road and track, electrical system improvements, flowbenc...
Date de sortie: 2015-06-26 28,99 €
Chi prova a dare un ordine ai propri libri deve al tempo stesso riconoscere e modificare una buona parte del suo paesaggio mentale. Impresa delicata, piena di sorprese e di scoperte, priva di soluzione. Molti l’hanno sperimentata, dal dotto seicentesco Gabriel Naudé ad Aby Warburg. Qui se ne raccontano vari episodi, mescolati a frammenti di una autobiografia involontaria. A cui fanno seguito un profilo del breve momento in cui certe riviste, fra 1920 e 1940, operavano come impollinatrici dell...
Date de sortie: 2020-05-28 6,99 €
I cani che condividono la nostra vita quotidiana sono in Italia ormai oltre sette milioni. Moltissimi proprietari non conoscono però il proprio cane a fondo, e hanno un crescente bisogno della guida di esperti professionisti per gestirne al meglio il comportamento e rendere – per entrambi, cane e proprietario – felice e armonica la convivenza. Questo professionista è l’educatore cinofilo, che non educa semplicemente l’animale, ma coinvolge cane e proprietario in un comune percorso di c...
Date de sortie: 2018-11-16 16,99 €
Sony doesn’t play it safe. Since the company entered the digital photography arena, it hasn’t been satisfied with the old paradigms and technology. At a time when the top dogs in the digital camera world are still mired in the race to produce the best single lens reflex models, Sony has concentrated on non-dSLR cameras, including SLT (semi-translucent mirror) models like the Sony Alpha a99 II. Sony has packaged up the most alluring features of advanced digital SLRs and stuffed them into a ru...
Date de sortie: 2017-04-13 17,99 €
The aim of the book is to clear up the naming confusion and provide a visual and practical categorised resource for choosing and using screws. This book is for anyone who works with screws: handymen, tradies, DIYers, builders, suppliers, construction workers, craftsmen, journeymen, landscapers, fastener designers, renovators, remodelers, manufacturers, and DIY store staff. Included are many screws made and/or used in: the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Australia, an...
Date de sortie: 2016-12-25 1,49 €
I have known RIG NATION and had the privilege to work with and apostolically support the organisation through Christian International Europe's Apostolic Network for the last few years. The wisdom, integrity and prophetic mantle upon this initiative is far beyond natural years. RIG NATION has proven their pure motive in this new manual as they seeks to enable a generation of 'radicals' to find their destiny, and to fulfil it in whatever sphere or field God has called them to. I am a zealous advoc...
Date de sortie: 2014-02-01 24,99 €