Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Japonais et Français, avec des illustrations. Dans la première partie, pour faciliter la compréhension, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fo...
Date de sortie: 2013-07-16 0,99 €
You can read Japanese Literature with JLPT N3/N2 Japanese. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. 「こころ(KOKORO)」「夢十夜(Ten Nights of Dreams)」 夏目漱石(Soseki Natsume) JLPT N3/N2 で書き直したもの(rewrite)です。 http://readjapanese.byoubu.com/
Date de sortie: 2021-01-05 0,49 €
Ce livre est conçu pour aider les étudiants, qui connaissent déjà les hiragana et les katakana, à apprendre rapidement la grammaire japonaise essentielle. Les explications sont simplifiées pour faciliter l'auto-apprentissage. Le livre couvre la grammaire nécessaire pour réussir le JLPT N5, mais en le combinant avec d'autres matériels ou livres, vous vous sentirez plus à l'aise pour parler japonais. À la fin de ce livre, vous devriez avoir presque maîtrisé la grammaire utilisé...
Date de sortie: 2021-04-12 9,99 €
Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en français et japonais, avec des illustrations. Les langues sont affichées l'une a cote de l'autre une a deux phrases a la fois. La traduction est aussi similaire que possible, tout en gardant un vocabulaire facile de tous les jours. La lecture de cette amusante histoire bilingue vous aidera à apprendre l'japonais. Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées sont de pétulantes bavardes petites plantes. Elles pen...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-21 0,99 €
Pour maîtriser la langue japonaise, il est nécessaire d'être incollable en grammaire et en vocabulaire. Au moins pour parler ! Vous pouvez toujours tenter de vous exprimer en dessinant vos idées sur un bout de papier et les montrer à un habitant du pays, cependant vos échanges resteront limités. Visez plus loin ! Découvrez la culture japonaise, loin des stéréotypes qu'on vous en dit, grâce à de vrais échanges culturels. La culture passe par la langue, par sa manière d'être utilis...
Date de sortie: 2020-05-18 4,99 €
Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en français et japonais, avec des illustrations. Les langues sont affichées l'une a cote de l'autre une a deux phrases a la fois. La traduction est aussi similaire que possible, tout en gardant un vocabulaire facile de tous les jours. La lecture de cette amusante histoire bilingue vous aidera à apprendre l'japonais. Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées sont de pétulantes bavardes petites plantes. Elles pen...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-29 0,99 €
Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Français et Japonais avec Kanji, avec des illustrations. La lecture de cette amusante histoire bilingue vous aidera à apprendre le japonais. Bonne lecture. Ce livre est destiné aux enfants bilingues ...
Date de sortie: 2013-07-12 0,99 €
Dans ce guide, vous suivrez pendant 2 jours la vie de John, un homme d'affaires vivant à Manchester (Royaume-Uni). Vous pourrez ainsi découvrir et mémoriser les conversations simples qu'il a au quotidien avec sa famille, ses collègues de travail, des chauffeurs de taxi, le personnel d'un hôtel et bien d'autres encore. Vous disposerez ainsi de phrases et de modèles de conversation très utiles que vous pourrez utiliser immédiatement, aussi bien en voyage qu'au travail, en cours de langue, ...
Date de sortie: 2021-04-02 9,99 €
This book is a beginner's guide to conjugating verbs and adjectives in Japanese, with examples, and discussion on sentence structure. Knowledge of written Japanese is not required to make use of this book, although it is strongly recommended as part of your study.
Date de sortie: 2010-03-15 4,49 €
Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Japonais et Français, avec des illustrations. Dans la première partie, pour faciliter la compréhension, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fo...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-29 0,99 €
Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Japonais et Français, avec des illustrations. Dans la première partie, pour faciliter la compréhension, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fo...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-21 0,99 €
Power up your Japanese with Learn Japanese - PhrasePower! It’s the perfect learning companion for travelers and beginner students alike. Whether you’re looking for a convenient travel guide to help prepare you for a trip to Japan or you’re starting on the path to Japanese fluency, this Japanese language e-book will get you speaking from page 1! Sound too good to be true? It’s not! This powerful Japanese phrase book will not only teach you over 700 must-know Japanese words and...
Date de sortie: 2013-09-02 22,99 €
Easy-to-Read Japanese Novels: JLPT N3 N2 Japanese and English: 日本語と英語 This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. You can read Japanese Novels in Japanese. ■怪談(かいだん)Japanese Ghost Stories: KWAIDAN 小泉八雲Lafcadio Hearn ■坊っちゃん BOTCHAN (MASTER DARLING) 夏目漱石 Soseki Natsume ■源氏物語:桐壺 The Tale of Genji: KIRITSUBO 紫式部 MURASAKI SHIKIBU ■シャーロックホームズの帰還:踊る人形 The Retu...
Date de sortie: 2021-09-08 2,99 €
"This is the best kanji book available today. Designed for beginners with a basic knowledge of Japanese to use in the classroom on for self-study."-- Modern Language Journal Everyday tasks like finding a street address or buying a train ticket can be an ordeal in Japan if you don't read kanji-the system of Japanese writing based on Chinese characters. A group of teachers from the prestigious University of Tokyo have pooled their talents to create 250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters in two vo...
Date de sortie: 2013-04-23 12,99 €
Japanese Reading Practice JLPT N4/N3 100 Short Love Stories in Japanese 100の恋の話 Reading every day is one of the best ways to learn any language. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. Learning to Read Japanese http://readjapanese.byoubu.com/ ・恋の始まり ・恋の思い出 ・悲しい恋 ・未来の恋(SF小説(Science Fiction Short Stories)) ・恋の詩 ・恋のこわい話 ・不思議な恋 ・恋のジョーク
Date de sortie: 2022-02-12 0,99 €
Les couleurs japonaises se montrent remarquables autant sous les cerisiers en fleur que sous le vent des érables rougeoyants de l'automne. Les Kimono japonais se parent de couleurs, aussi splendides que significatives. L'Histoire a influencé les habits. Le vert du thé japonais et le gris se déclinent tout autant que les couleurs impériales, bien plus vives. La restriction des couleurs durant certaines époques apporte une richesse chromatique qui influence encore aujourd'hui l'Art japonais....
Date de sortie: 2020-06-10 5,49 €
With over 30,000 reading exercises graded character-by-character, parallel English text, complete pronunciation guides, and extensive grammar support, the Kanji Learner’s Course Graded Reading Sets series is the most powerful Japanese reading comprehension tool available today. While its character sequence follows that of Kodansha’s widely acclaimed Kanji Learner’s Course (KLC), the series is an irreplaceable resource even for those who have studied kanji by other methods. This Volume 5, c...
Date de sortie: 2017-09-07 8,99 €
With over 30,000 reading exercises graded character-by-character, parallel English text, complete pronunciation guides, and extensive grammar support, the Kanji Learner’s Course Graded Reading Sets series is the most powerful Japanese reading comprehension tool available today. While its character sequence follows that of Kodansha’s widely acclaimed Kanji Learner’s Course (KLC), the series is an irreplaceable resource even for those who have studied kanji by other methods. This Volume 4, c...
Date de sortie: 2017-08-28 8,99 €
With over 30,000 reading exercises graded character-by-character, parallel English text, complete pronunciation guides, and extensive grammar support, the Kanji Learner’s Course Graded Reading Sets series is the most powerful Japanese reading comprehension tool available today. While its character sequence follows that of Kodansha’s widely acclaimed Kanji Learner’s Course (KLC), the series is an irreplaceable resource even for those who have studied kanji by other methods. This Volume 2 co...
Date de sortie: 2017-07-26 2,49 €
Japanese Reading Practice JLPT N4/N3 毎日の生活 Daily Life 毎日の生活を日本語で読んでみましょう。 ·Essential Vocabulary: 600 Example Sentences ·60 Japanese Short Stories Reading every day is one of the best ways to learn any language. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. Learning to Read Japanese http://readjapanese.byoubu.com/ Lesson 1 天気《てんき》(weather)(1) Lesson 2 天気《てんき》(weather)(2) Lesson 3 春《はる》(spr...
Date de sortie: 2022-04-19 0,99 €
Histoire au coucher qui réchauffe le cœur, pour enfants à partir de deux ans. Edition bilingue (français et japonais) accompagnée par des livres audio et des vidéos en français et japonais. Lulu ne peut pas s'endormir. Toutes ses peluches sont déjà en train de rêver – le requin, l'éléphant, la petite souris, le dragon, le kangourou et le bébé lion. Même Nounours a du mal à garder ses yeux ouverts ... Eh Nounours, tu m'emmènes dans ton rêve ? C'est ainsi que Lulu part en voyag...
Date de sortie: 2020-11-05 4,99 €
Attention : sur certaines liseuses (Kobo Aura notamment), il est nécessaire d'ajouter la langue japonaise à celles-ci. Le cas échéant, les kanji, hiragana et katakana ne seront pas visibles. Avec cette méthode d'apprentissage des kanji japonais, partez confiant pour réussir le JLPT 5 et pour reconnaître les kanji les plus élémentaires au Japon. Cette méthode, destinée aux débutants en langue japonaise, a pour objectif de vous immerger dans le monde des idéogrammes. Apprenez à écri...
Date de sortie: 2021-08-29 8,49 €
Cette méthode pour apprendre la langue japonaise va vous permettre de partir des bases jusqu'à parler japonais facilement. Apprenez divers mots de vocabulaire, de nombreux points de grammaire et comment écrire les hiragana / katakana.A travers 20 leçons et 240 pages, devenez imbattable pour parler et écrire japonais : verbes, grammaire, substantifs, particules, syntaxe, ... Cette nouvelle manière de découvrir une langue associe l'apprentissage par la théorie et puis la pratique par l'exp...
Date de sortie: 2020-06-12 7,99 €
Want to speak Japanese but don't know where to start? This book is for you! Don't waste money buying ten different books when you can learn everything you need in this one book. Don't waste money taking classes at a school when you can teach yourself. With Speak Japanese in 90 Days, all of the prep work is done for you. Each daily lesson will teach you not only what, but how to study. Speak Japanese in 90 Days is a comprehensive self study guide, and teaches everything you need to know for the J...
Date de sortie: 2015-09-04 4,49 €
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for bilingual children and others wanting to read a dual language text in English and Japanese with illustrations. The bilingual story is presented twice. In the first part, the parallel Japanese text contains just hiragana and katakana characters. In the second part, simple Kanji characters ...
Date de sortie: 2013-07-25 0,99 €
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for bilingual children and others wanting to read a dual language text in English and Japanese with illustrations. The bilingual story is presented twice. In the first part, the parallel Japanese text contains just hiragana and katakana characters. In the second part, simple Kanji characters ...
Date de sortie: 2013-05-20 0,99 €
JLPT N3 KANJI 漢字 350 1100 Vocabulary, ·2000 Example Sentences,·350 Short Stories N3の漢字の使い方がわかります。 This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. https://reading-japanese.com
Date de sortie: 2022-08-05 0,49 €
For Beginners of the Japanese language. Includes FREE sound files (download link found on the last page) Whether you are planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 or just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar, this book will teach you the most useful particles, counters, and grammatical patterns in an easy-to-understand way. Download the MP3s and the accompanying PDF for a complete learning system (included for no extra charge). * Download the ...
Date de sortie: 2022-05-13 4,99 €
JLPT N4 KANJI 漢字 200 ・800 Vocabulary ・1000 Example Sentences ・250 Short Stories N4の漢字の使い方がわかります。 Japanese Reading Practice This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. http://reading-japanese.com
Date de sortie: 2022-05-06 0,99 €
Japanese Reading Practice JLPT N3 · 2000 Essential Vocabulary · Japanese Short Stories Lesson 1 - 15 This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. http://reading-japanese.com ■人(People) Lesson 1 家族(Family) Lesson 2 友達(Friends) Lesson 3 恋人(Lovers) Lesson 4 コミュニケーション(Communication) Lesson 5 どんな人(What kind of person?) ■生活(Life)(1) Lesson 6 時間(Time) Lesson 7 食事(Meal) Lesson 8 料理(Cooking)(1) Lesson 9 料理(Cooking)(2)...
Date de sortie: 2022-03-31 0,99 €
JLPT N3/N2 Japanese Reading Practice 400 Short Japanese Essays & 2000 Basic Words 日本語《にほんご》エッセイ 400、単語《たんご》 2000 Learning to Read Japanese http://reading-japanese.com 1. 真実《しんじつ》(truth) 2. 人生《じんせい》(life) 3. 心《こころ》(mind; heart) 4. 恋《こい》(love) 5. 日本《にほん》(Japan) 6. 地形《ちけい》(landscape) 7. 季節《きせつ》(season) 8. 天気《てんき》(weather) 9. 動物《ど...
Date de sortie: 2022-03-13 0,99 €
Are you on your way towards learning Japanese and need a new challenge? We’re constantly trying to improve and master new skills, and the Japanese language is no exception. A skill that can help open important doors in business and tourism, knowing Japanese will lead you towards a huge number of opportunities in life that will be worth every second dedicated to your studies. Because of this, we have created the next level of Japanese stories for the students who have already surpassed the begi...
Date de sortie: 2021-12-22 4,99 €
Japanese Reading Practice: JLPT N4/N3 100 Jokes 日本のジョーク Reading every day is one of the best ways to learn any language. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. Learning to Read Japanese http://readjapanese.byoubu.com/ No.1 ケーキ(cake)、No.2 姉《あね》(an older sister)、No.3 性《せい》(gender)、No.4 お母《かあ》さん(mother)、No.5 お母《かあ》さん(mother)、No.6 歯医者《はいしゃ》(dentist)、No.7 おかえりな...
Date de sortie: 2021-12-02 0,49 €
Avec cet ebook, partez à la rencontre de la culture japonaise de manière originale et ludique au travers de proverbes (ことわざ, kotowaza) accompagnés de leur interprétation en français. Au fil des saisons, chaque jour de l’année sera l’occasion de découvrir un nouveau proverbe japonais. C’est également une opportunité pour vous exercer à la langue japonaise au quotidien : chaque proverbe est écrit en caractères japonais (kanji et hiragana) ainsi qu’en phonétique pour vo...
Date de sortie: 2021-10-23 4,99 €
Have you been trying to learn Japanese and simply can’t find the simple way to discover new words? Are you tired of having to pore through boring textbooks and complicated material that you don’t really understand? Are you looking for a way to learn the language more effectively without taking shortcuts? If you answered “Yes!” to at least one of those previous questions, then this book is for you! We’ve compiled the 2000 Most Common Words in Japanese, a list of term...
Date de sortie: 2021-06-22 4,99 €
Japanese for Busy People is the most popular Japanese language textbook series in the world. With over 20 components including texts, workbooks, CDs, videos and teacher’s manuals, it is also one of the most comprehensive. Now, a decade after its first revision, the entire series is being redesigned, updated and consolidated to meet the needs of 21st-century students and businesspeople who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time. The book fe...
Date de sortie: 2020-09-23 19,99 €
Learning Japanese is hard and everyone says so. But not with this Japanese book. Whether you're a just starting out or are already familiar with the Japanese language, this book will help you with expanding your Japanese vocabulary and improve your reading skills while having fun. Here you have 50 entertaining and culturally interesting Japanese short stories for beginners and intermediate Japanese learners. The Japanese stories are written in Hiragana, Katakana, and about 250 bas...
Date de sortie: 2018-10-25 9,99 €
With over 30,000 reading exercises graded character-by-character, parallel English text, complete pronunciation guides, and extensive grammar support, the Kanji Learner’s Course Graded Reading Sets series is the most powerful Japanese reading comprehension tool available today. While its character sequence follows that of Kodansha’s widely acclaimed Kanji Learner’s Course (KLC), the series is an irreplaceable resource even for those who have studied kanji by other methods. This Volume 3, c...
Date de sortie: 2017-07-26 6,49 €
Students of Japanese are familiar with the term "particle," and realize that they, like English prepositions, require a special effort to master. This handbook provides all the information one would need on these tricky units of grammar. All About Particles covers more than 70 particles those that are used regularly as well as those used less frequently in more than 200 uses. The book can be approached as a guiding textbook and studied from beginning to end. It is as a reference book, however, t...
Date de sortie: 2001-09-21 9,49 €
This book is Volume 1 of First Japanese Reader for Beginners. There are simple and funny Japanese stories at Beginner and Elementary levels with parallel translation. The author maintains learners' motivation with captivating stories about real life situations such as meeting people, studying, job searches, working etc. The method utilizes the natural human ability to remember words used in texts repeatedly and systematically. The audio tracks are available inclusive on www.audiolego.com/Book/Ja...
Date de sortie: 2016-05-12 8,99 €
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Say sayonara to your fears of learning Japanese with the updated premium edition of this fast, painless guide The updated third edition of Japanese DeMYSTiFieD provides you with the comprehensive, step-by-step educational experience that has made the DeMYSTiFieD language series such a success. This established...
Date de sortie: 2016-09-02 17,99 €
At last. A book of useful Japanese, offering the language you need to handle a wide variety of situations. Through hundreds of example sentences and dialogues, you'll learn what to say and do when: Setting up a business appointment Opening a bank account Making a wedding speech Reserving a place to stay Renewing a visa and much more Included is an additional chapter on writing cards and letters, featuring examples of New Year cards, thank-you notes, and normal letters. No other book covers collo...
Date de sortie: 2004-07-15 13,99 €
Essential Japanese Kanji uses a natural approach to learning the most basic kanji encountered in everyday situations in Japan. This new edition is packed with fun quizzes and useful exercises for those wishing to improve their Japanese ability. It has been repackaged in a more compact, value-for-money size while losing none of the content that has made it a long-selling favorite. Key features of Essential Japanese Kanji include: Introductory quizzes to introduce everyday situations in which the ...
Date de sortie: 2015-02-10 18,99 €
This is a comprehensive, self-study workbook for learning Japanese characters. Mastering Japanese Kanji can help you greatly reduce the time and effort involved in learning to read Japanese and write Japanese. It does so by introducing a method that is both effective and easy to use in memorizing the meanings and pronunciations of Kanji--the array of characters that are used in the Japanese language to symbolize everything from abstract ideas to concrete nouns. Learning any of the kanji is a two...
Date de sortie: 2009-06-10 20,99 €
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees: The Wit and Wisdom of Japanese Proverbs , with a foreword by Edward G. Seidensticker, is a collection of the hundred most common Japanese proverbs, with direct translations and their English equivalents. A delightful window into the heart of everyday Japan, Even Monkeys Fall From Trees is an indispensable guide for the traveler, student, or businessman—or anyone curious about the culture of Japan.
Date de sortie: 2000-03-15 10,99 €
More Making Out in Japanese is a fun, accessible and thorough guide to the Japanese language as it's really spoken. This phrasebook follows the bestselling Making Out in Japanese providing additional (and classic) phrases for travelers, including ones to help you make acquaintances, discuss likes and dislikes, share a meal, go out on the town or develop a romantic relationship. If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Japan and would like to have an authentic and meaningful expe...
Date de sortie: 2013-11-21 4,49 €
Japanese grammar supplies the necessary order and rules to the construction of the Japanese language. Japanese use inflection to help determine the difference between some words and phrases. "Hon", for example. Can mean "that book", "this book", or "those books". Grammar provides the structure of the sentience in which these words reside and by doing so, the context in which to understand which meaning the speaker intends. Grammar is especially important for anyon...
Date de sortie: 2014-06-17 2,49 €
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for bilingual children and others wanting to read a dual language text in English and Japanese with illustrations. The bilingual story is presented twice. In the first part, the parallel Japanese text contains just hiragana and katakana characters. In the second part, simple Kanji characters ...
Date de sortie: 2013-08-29 0,99 €
Boost your language skills with this exciting and new workbook for Intermediate Japanese! This companion workbook to Intermediate Japanese is the perfect guide for practicing conversational Japanese and written Japanese. Following in the footsteps of Tuttle's successful Beginning Japanese Workbook , this book is designed to complete the requirements for the Advanced Placement (AP) Japanese exam. It is designed for both self-study as well as classroom use. Intermediate Japanese Workbook includes:...
Date de sortie: 2022-09-06 18,99 €
Boost your language skills with this time travel-themed book! Using an integrated set of multimedia tools, this book's exciting new approach to Japanese teaches you to speak, read and write the language naturally. Intermediate Japanese continues the story of Kiara, an American student who travels through time to exciting periods in Japan's past--learning to speak, read and write the language along the way. Her adventures allow her to meet fascinating people and visit famous places. The book's ma...
Date de sortie: 2022-10-11 30,99 €