Release date: 2019-11-05 $9.99
1. LOVE this series - oh my goodness i loved this book so so much. the only thing i didnt adore was the epilogue. i would have rather had it from nova or adrian's perspective, rather than maggie's. but im just a sucker for romance, and just wanted the ending to be adrian and nova all lovey dovey. but still an absolutely incredible book and series
2. AWESOME - I was so anxious to read this book because I absolutely loved the first two. When I finally got to read it, I was screaming because Nova kept lying and I was so tired of it. But when the ending came, I just had to keep my eyes on the page because OH MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING! Actually there isn’t a word to describe how amazing this book was but I guess amazing is as close as I can get. KEEP WRITING BOOKS MARISSA MEYER!!!!
3. Good but not the ending I aticipated - This book was amazing, but the ending is a little weird. (This contains spoilers.) It ends with an unsaid narrator talking about how in the end, everyone got superpowers. It’s kind of random how everyone has superpowers. She also says that she knows another war will spark. But other than the ending, the book is great. /
4. LOVED IT! - Omg! I love this book. Definitely one of my new favorites! There were so many secrets revealed that just shocked me! When the book came out I was just dying to read it and I was not disappointed. I can’t wait for the next book to come out by Marissa Meyer! Definitely my ALL time favorite author!
5. My new favorite - Literally one of the best books I’ve ever read. A thrilling end to an amazing trilogy! This series has led to many sleepless nights, and I don’t regret them one bit! Worth more than what I got it for, and I’m sad to be done with the series! I HIGHLY recommend! I’m done, and yet I’m still sHoOk! Love you Marissa!
6. Most favorite book of all time - THE END BRO!! This can’t be happening I need more this was literally my favorite book ever and I’ve read many books. My heart sank when I read the ending such a perfect twist and cliffhanger I hope. Please god if your listening bless Marissa Meyer with the will to give us another series to conclude this one. AMEN
7. Supernova - This is by far my favorite book. It has such a great ending that makes you want to scream “THIS CANT BE THE END” I love all the works of Marissa Meyer and if you haven’t read the lunar chronicles make sure to read those. Can’t wait to see what else she does. I can already tell it’s going to be great on how this book and all the other books have been.
Release date: 2019-12-10 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
Release date: 2023-03-07 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
Release date: 2020-09-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
Release date: 2014-01-07 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2019-08-13 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2018-11-06 $9.99
1. “Sweet Rot” — Absolutely thrilling! - “Sweet rot” was this book amazing. I loved this one even better than the first! Our characters sure are caught in a complicated web of love and lies. The stakes are so high, and things get intense! The last couple of chapters had me hanging onto every word. I just loved it. I love the characters. I found myself laughing, swooning, blushing, and (internally and externally as quiet as I could) screaming! I can’t even imagine how this will all end, but I sure can’t wait to find out.
Release date: 2018-08-28 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2022-01-11 $3.99
Release date: 2017-08-01 $7.99
Release date: 2016-01-24 $6.99
1. What a fun book - I don’t know if this is a superhero story with trans representation, or a trans story with superhero representation. But it hardly matters because both sides of this book were excellent. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a fun book with plenty of action and memorable characters.
Release date: 2018-12-26 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2017-12-26 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2023-03-15 $2.99
Release date: 2020-05-01 $4.99
Release date: 2020-05-15 $4.99
Release date: 2017-11-07 $9.99
1. Renegades_bookreview - This book is pretty much a classic story of good vs evil, where the main conflict is that the characters are trying to meet in the middle. Usually these types of books don’t catch my eye, but knowing Marissa Meyers’ talents, I gave it a shot, and it is now one of my favorite books to re-read over and over and over again!!!! This book has a certain style that gives me MEGA X-men vibez. This book has all kinds of different genres mixed into the plot, and to me I find that absolutely amazing! And if you find yourself in love with this book, I suggest to you the Lunar Chronicles, which is a similar book series written by the same author, Marissa Meyers.
2. Loved This Book!! - I remember reading this book a few years ago in school and loving it, but not being able to finish reading the series!. So, I decided to read it again, and even as a young adult now, I love this book and can’t wait to finish the series! Should definitely be on your Want To Read list!
3. Sweet Rot... - AWSOME BOOK! I love this book and it is now one of my favorites! I do have to say that the ending was a little disappointing though. I thought the epilogue was a nice touch with it not being Adrian or Nova, but I was disappointed when so many questions were left unanswered. I really want MM to make another book, but I also know she is busy doing other things. It also ended on a cliff hanger, which in my opinion is not the best way to end a series. Overall the writing was really good and she did a great job writing every little detail, also chapter was AMAZING! Pls pls pls write another one!
4. FAVORITE AUTHOR - i’m not the biggest superhero fan, i’m more of a casual one, but i love all of marissa meyer’s books so i had to read this one! the beginning was a bit slow because so much introduction and backstory is (understandably) needed, but once it got good, i was HOOKED. can’t wait to read the second book and for the third book coming soon!
5. I AM CONFUSION - Ok so the book was awesome I loved it so much. But the end... what?? I’m so confused. The entire book Nova seems so sad and vengeful abt u know who’s death, and then at the end she doesn’t at all seem surprised abt seeing u know who. That doesn’t make any sense. But I’ll admit, that was a pretty good cliff hanger. I’m pretty sure that % of anyone that read to the end was eager to get to the next book. It was so good tho y’all should totally read it!!! I just loved it! I’ve read every book by Marissa Meyer except wires and nerve. But that’s a graphic novel so it doesn’t really count. I’m a huge fan of ur books Marissa!! And also, doesn’t Adrian (as the sentinel) remind y’all of Iron Man?? And Ruby as Scarlet Witch? And Nova as Black Widow?? Like, she might have gotten inspiration from them you never know.
6. OMG Great Book!! - This is one of my all time favorite books!! I loved the characters, and felt like I could totally relate with them. The second one is also epic, and I am dying just waiting for the third!! At first I thought it would be a sci-fi book, it was more fictional and fantasy. Totally recommend to those who love alter egos and romance. Marissa Meyer, you are a great author
7. One of my favorites! - I didn’t think I was going to enjoy a sci-fi fantasy book, but I was wrong. It was incredible. I recommend this for someone who wants to sit up all night and read. This is one of those books, once you start, you can’t stop, because every chapter is a new mission and is full of excitement. The characters are new and original. Since I read a lot of fantasy, characters can start to look the same or seem the same. This was refreshing and new! A quick break from reoccurring fantasy books. Totally recommend, you’ll love it!
8. Lol can’t think of a title - TLC was amazing, and then Wires and Nerve happened. Didn’t even try with Heartless, cause clearly Marissa Meyer was riding on the fame wave that TLC created and Renegades could never be compared to the greatness that TLC is/was. I knew it was going to be terrible but gave it a fair try a couple of months ago. I wasn’t disappointed at all, cause I knew I was going to be let down. This is a review I wrote a couple months ago after finishing it, it’s edited a little bit, sentences are added, but it’s accurate to how I felt at the end of the book: I did appreciate that there was a smooth transition between their (Nova and who ever her love interest was) three personas, I didn’t feel like they were different people (but different enough to where it was convincing for the other characters, for us). Starting off the characters were very well written, the main characters at least, and then no character development happened. The beginning was ridiculous, starting off I assumed that Nova knew what she was doing because it seemed like she had been doing this for years, and then I find out this is the first attack in what years? or what ever. Then the knock-off Joker is sacrificed but the word sacrifice can’t even be used to describe it because nothing is being sacrificed. Knock-off Joker means nothing to us (the audience). The plot twists were VERY predictable though the one at the end, the cliffhanger, caught me off guard because I expected it earlier in the book. Like, she just randomly introduced Nova’s Uncle at the end after stating again and again that he was dead, like what? I felt I missed chapters because key details that were constantly referenced to weren’t explained (I may have missed something but I doubt it). At the same time, the information that was given wasn’t organized so she’d give us need to know information after the event it was needed for. I didn’t have all of the puzzle pieces and I definitely didn’t have the final image at the end. Everything felt fake-ish, nothing was deep (I did finish To Kill A Mockingbird while reading this so that may be affecting my opinion though I feel it’s still a valid argument). Characters had no interesting development they just met each other and I guess started to like each other, settings were trying to be edgy but they weren’t, overall one word to describe the book: shallow. Though what she was getting at, at the end, the whole, “I’m actually gonna try to write now”, was fairly interesting, I wish we got more of that. I am excited to read the second book because I do want to see what happens in the end and I expect things to pick up, though they are low expectations. Very low. I feel the novel is pulling on old concepts: settings, character structures, and writing techniques, that you find in comic books but the plot is a new concept. The plot and its twists could’ve been amazing, but the use of the old concepts really weighed it down. It could’ve been an amazing book, but it wasn’t, sadly. As a HUGE fan of TLC and MM I was excited to see her new works, but as an average reader, it was mediocre at best.
9. Fantastic - Honestly, this is altogether my FAVORITE book of all time!! It has action, fantasy, revenge, betrayal, and friendship. Marissa Meyer made me practically SEE Nova’s world. Never wanted to put it down!! If you haven’t read it yet, please do! Highly suggest it to people who love fantasy, action, and a little bit of romance!! Sincerely, A BIG Fan Of Marissa Meyer’s Work
10. This book is a phenomenon - Books aren’t supposed to be this good! This is easily on my top five favorites list and I read a lot of books. It is an incredible tale and a great look at a dystopian superhero series. The tension between the characters is great and every interaction between them. When I read this again I noticed a brief mention in the beginning relating to one of the later characters. This goes to show the detail in this fantastic book.
11. Excellent read! - Definitely not your typical anti-hero story. Nova has grown up her whole life with a deep hatred for the renegades. She holds them responsible for a major trauma in her past and seeks to destroy them. But the only way to destroy something so large and pervasive is to have it crumble from the inside. As Nova discovers more about the renegades, her mission becomes blurred as she realizes both sides possess valid ideology. She must make a decision on who she stands with and why, or risk being discovered and killed.
12. I’ve re read this book three times! - My cousins got me this book on Christmas, and I finished it within two weeks! I was so sad when I finished it, because I didn’t want it to end! All these new abilities for people, and the prologue was a heart breaker! I recommend this book to anyone I know! If you like books that have people with powerful abilities, this is PERFECT.
Release date: 2018-08-07 $9.99
Release date: 2017-08-29 $8.99
1. My first Leigh Bardugo, but not my last - “We can’t help the way we’re born. We can’t help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves. Diana, created daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of Themyscira, Home of the Amazons, makes a choice to save a human from a sinking ship and, in doing so gets caught up in a life or death situation that places both her and the human race in tremendous danger. Will she choose wisely? Without any doubt I can tell you that in a fight, I’d want Diana Prince in my corner! I am old enough to remember- and am reminded still should I choose each week - of Linda Carter and comic books portrayals of THE only woman crime fighter. And the recent Gal Godot portrayal promises much more to come. One of the cool things about Bardugo’s Diana is.... she different than any other, and totally believable. Each character here is flesh and blood. I cried with them. I understood their neediness. I celebrated their wins and cried with their losses. And, with that,...hey, Ms. Bardugo, when will we see the next book? Highly recommended for young adults and older with a (violence warning). /
Release date: 2019-09-03 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $10.99
1. Loved it - Great book. It was full of twist and turns and Loki, as usual, was his trickster self in a story that showed alot of character growth. There where plenty of marvel references to enjoy however understanding them wasn't mandatory to understand the book. The ending chapters where especially great as they really showed the Loki we know and love. The very end seemed to fit in place with the movies spectacularly. This is a book I could read over and over again.
2. So much fun!! - This was awesome! I wish it was a series. Loki is a fabulous character and I would love to go on many more adventures with him and Thor. I heard Tom Hiddleston’s Loki in every word, pictured him with every line! Great writing and a really fun story!!! This author knows her Asgardians!! I found myself literally laughing out loud quite a few times! Loved Loki and Thor’s banter! I couldn’t put it down!!!! I hope she writes more with these great characters!!
3. Wow! - Ok so this was wayyy better than I thought it was going to be. I mean, I assumed it would be good but this went well beyond my expectations. Equal parts humorous and heartbreaking and I would absolutely recommend to anyone who is a fan of the character. I’ll need at least a week to recover, honestly. Thank you for an incredibly well written book :)
Release date: 2018-01-02 $8.99
1. A wonderful addition - Fear clears the mind. Panic clouds it.“ This Bruce Wade is an year old orphan, caught between graduation and College, living in Wayne Manor as the ward of Alfred Pennyworth, a tech geek’s fascination with computers and how things work, and a strong sense of justice. After crashing his company’s latest tech into a criminal’s van, he’s sentenced to probation working at the local Asylum, where he meets Madeline, a young woman in the high security “ward”. It seems his age has given him an edge over the cops as he gets her to talk after the police have struck out numerous times. She takes major advantage of him as the Nightwalkers wreck havoc in Gotham City. Needless to say, good wins over evil- it IS Batman after all, and although this is part of the DC Icons Book series, it ends as it should, with a huge window of opportunity left open..... I really have loved this new series of “teen aged super heros”, BatMan being the second. Marie Lu has developed a wonderfully well rounded all American teenager with enough money to change the world, and enough sense to do it differently. Highly recommended /
2. Surprisingly accurate - I am an EXTREME Batman fan, so I thought “get ready for some not true, unrealistic, stupid Batman backstory with nothing but death and bats.” And book book thought “how can I prove her wrong so bad but still be awesome enough to still be on her top book list ?” And it succeeded!!! Marie lu completely surprised me with an incredible, nail biting, suspenseful thrilling book filled with mystery, murder, a dark romance, and so much cool stuff. The best part is that she didn’t make the same mistake as the LEGO Batman movie and make him some hermit weirdo all dark and brooding and black. It was perfect for superhero fans and book lovers and I’m definitely reading this over and over again!!
Release date: 2020-12-09 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $0.99
Release date: 2015-12-29 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2014-12-30 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $5.99
Release date: 2021-03-23 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
Release date: 2018-07-10 $8.99
Release date: 2014-11-26 $5.99
Release date: 2022-04-05 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
Release date: 2019-03-05 $8.99
Release date: 2015-06-02 $9.99
1. Perfect for fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, this story is character and action driven, - I was excited by the premise of this story: finding strong female characters who are also able to kick butt and take names is always a joy, and Kenna certainly fits in that group. The decidedly black and white (good and evil) world that she inhabits has Heroes, Villains and the Normals: those without any great outstanding qualities. And Kenna is tired of being a Normal. Much like a well-developed character in fiction, Kenna soon learns that her world, and everything that she believed, is not so clear cut: not everyone is all good or all bad, and this story follows her discovery of all the shades of grey that exist in the world. A wonderful discovery and adventure as Kenna, with a stellar cast of supporting characters including Draven, Rebel and the gang were pithy, fun and clever and the action is both well-placed and solidly detailed. Humor and dialogue are highlights in this story, keeping readers well informed of developments, emotions and the progress (or lack of) that happens. Plenty of twists throw spanners in the works, and the characters work to overcome or adapt, adding tension and a fast-forward pacing to keep readers engaged. A romance is budding between Kenna and Draven, and is taking its first steps to more: perfectly balanced and paced considering all of the tumult around them. Perfect for fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, this story is character and action driven, rather than relying on a great deal of world building, but this does not impede understanding or enjoyment: the characters really ARE the stars of the show, and Kenna takes up the mantle of chick in charge with flair. This book made me happy, and while there was a sort of cliffhanger to end, there was enough information hinting at things to come and keeping me interested in what comes next. Childs and Deebs have started a fun series with this book, and I can’t wait to see what comes next. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Release date: 2012-06-14 $8.99
Release date: 2016-06-07 $10.99
Release date: 2017-07-25 $6.99
Release date: 2019-04-02 $10.99
1. Hi - I have not read this yet. But reading a few pages online in the back of the book made me think. Hey I think I’m gonna get this book. This sounds pretty good so once I get it I’ll tell you people if you are even people how good it is once I get it it’s great give me a five stars bed I’m not even gonna rate is. What’s an eggs favorite Console to play on? THE EGGS BOX!
Release date: 2020-07-07 $7.99
Release date: 2014-10-16 $2.99
Release date: 2018-03-30 $4.99
Release date: 2017-05-02 $6.99
Release date: 2018-08-13 $4.99
Release date: 2022-04-26 $10.99
Release date: 2020-12-29 $9.99
Release date: 2019-06-04 $6.99
Release date: 2022-10-15 $4.99
Release date: 2017-10-05 $6.99
Release date: 2019-01-08 $7.99
Release date: 2019-02-05 $9.99
Release date: 2018-05-01 Genre:Young Adult > Fiction $7.99
1. A fun, original elastigirl adventure! - I admit, one of the great joys of reading this book was the mere fact that it was an incredibles story in novel form, not just a novelization of a film. I enjoyed the story. Some of the characterizations seemed a bit flat to me, but overall, the writing rang true. I hope we get more of these. Maybe even an animated series, to boot! Hey. A guy can dream.
Release date: 2018-05-01 $7.99
Release date: 2023-04-25 $10.99