Release date: 2023-03-15 $6.99
Release date: 2021-04-27 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2013-11-05 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
1. Great Book for Patchett Fans - Note: I received This is the Story of a Happy Marriage from TLC Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. I've been an Ann Patchett fan for years. I loved State of Wonder and adored The Patron Saint of Liars, so when I was given the opportunity to read about Ann Patchett by Ann Patchett, I jumped. And boy, am I glad I did! Confession: I had no idea she started out writing magazine articles. I consider myself to be pretty up-to-snuff when it comes to the writing histories of authors I love, but for some reason I never did much Patchett research. I think this is probably a good thing because it lent an air of mystery to her work. My favorite essay from the book was The Getaway Car. In it, she discusses how she became a writer and gives advice (like don't get an MFA because it's a waste of money) and her self-deprecating process of writing a book. In it, she details the circumstances surrounding writing The Patron Saint of Liars, which is my favorite book by her, and I loved reading the backstory. I think I might actually go back and reread it now that I have some insight into her writing processes. Voracious readers will love this book. As a writer who is writing about writing (follow all that?), Patchett's love for all things literary is palpable. I, for one, relished in her descriptions of reading, wanting to be a writer as a kid, putting pen to paper, and actually put down the book to write a short, personal essay just because she inspired me. But enough talking about the book. Run to the library and borrow your copy NOW! Allison @ The Book Wheel
Release date: 2010-10-12 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
Release date: 2011-11-04 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2016-10-25 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
Release date: 2009-04-07 Genre:Fiction & Literature $2.99
1. Way too much criticism - I'm a reader that enjoys Mr Coelho's work. This piece I believe is not as easy and spiring as others books of his. I got suffocated with his way of criticize every small details of what he calls the super class. I agree with many of his points of views BUT at least half of the piece is about the supposed mediocre life of rich people and superstar. Many might believe that I didn't get the message.... I did.... But still too much criticism for me. PLEASE PUBLISH MORE BOOKS IN SPANISH
2. Some Other Lifetime...... - I'm a huge fan of Paulo's work and anticipate every English translation but this novel didn't work for me. I struggled to get through it and what is normally an enjoyable and inspiring experience, turned into a painful and laborious journey through pages. I've decided to save it for another year. Maybe time will change my perception. That's the prayer.
3. The Winner Stands Alone - This was well written, as usual for Mr. Coehlo, and I enjoyed his point about the common superficiality of celebrity. I recently saw Dr. Drew, the host of Loveline-a TV and radio talk show about health in our relationships as well as in our interior lives, and the addictions that can wreck our dreams-and he very aptly described the disfunction of those who live for the spotlight as well as the sickness of those who envy them as they read every magazine and Twitter Message about these stars they obsess over. He described how they all need each other to give their empty lives meaning, when they are all ultimately searching for a spiritual experience and a life that is there for the taking, but hidden like the "purloined letter"-in other words, available to anyone who can see it right in front of them. Mr. Coehlo brilliantly described the destructive outcomes that inevitably result from chasing what Ted Turner described as the "empty bag of accomplishment", rather than the the beauty and satisfaction of pursuing a spiritual life filled with love and care for others.
Release date: 2009-10-06 Genre:Fiction & Literature $7.99
Release date: 2019-09-24 Genre:Fiction & Literature $7.99
1. Fun - Meet Me in Mayfair
Tessa Dare
Cute romantic Christmas short story. The Duke of Christmas Present Sarah MacLean
Dear lord you will need tissues for this short fabulous story about a second chance at love. Jacqueline “Jack” and Eben. Heiress Alone Sophie Jordan
Calder and Annis’ story is a lovely romance with a bit of suspense. Christmas in Cental Park
Joanna Shupe
Duke and Rose meet under the delusion of a fake persona. Duke a lonely man and Rose a woman he never knew he needed.
2. Not happy with the Publisher - I bought this when it came out originally. I enjoyed it. I would like to be able to read the ebook I own, but no: When the publisher decided to issue this as a print book as well as a digital, they pulled the previous digital version. To read the book I already own—it’s there in my iBooks library, listed as “no longer available”—I will have to buy it again.
Release date: 2010-06-15 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
Release date: 2013-09-17 Genre:Fiction & Literature $10.99
Release date: 2020-01-14 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2016-05-31 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
1. Love Gaiman? Read This! - I found myself wanting to savour almost every single entry in this book. Some made me laugh. Some made me think. Some made me cry. There is a little bit of everything in here. If you’re a Gaiman fan and you’re interested in the underlying world of his great works, this is the book for you. There is something in here for everyone
2. Words Can't Describe It But I'll Try - I've been a fan of the written word as long as I can remember - it was a form of escapism, a chance to visit other worlds, when reality didn't afford the opportunity - through those literary forays, I've enjoyed Tolkien, Vonnegut, Brautigan, Lewis, Wilde, and others - through my travels and education, my eclectic tastes expanded and I've included even more traveling companions, old and new, like Hemingway, Adams, Manguel, Eco, Zafon, Kellerman, Irving, Wolfe, Irving, and Asimov - while all have been special, there has been one who has been constant, who's tales have charmed me over the years, where I've pulled passages to fit moments in my life perfectly and that's Neil Gaiman - this book is no different, except as a collection, it's themes are even more accessible to each of the times and situations in my, in our, lives - I had already received the ARC (Advanced Reading Copy), will be purchasing a signed edition when available, and purchased the audible edition because I love to hear him describe his thoughts in that quintessential British accent, imagining we're issues of the day over a pint or two at his favorite pub - I can't recommend this book in any form highly enough, as it has renewed my faith in the written and auditory with all of its pleasures - thank you, Mr. Gaiman!"
Release date: 2021-10-12 Genre:Fiction & Literature $9.99
1. Darker Realities - As Guest Editor, Jesmyn Ward, has curated a collection of short stories that truly reflects the uncertainty of the pandemic. A window of fear and drama that must have put these authors heads in strange places. What emerges is a gallery of stories that tackle feelings f belonging, self discovery, and the need for acceptance. The myriad of voices we get from across the human spectrum is one of a kind. A credit to Jesmyn Ward’s thoughtful selection process. We see every angle of the human experience express a universal grasping for, redefining of, and rejection of reality. What is left is some semblance of normal that is unique to each and every voice in this release. The respective authors clearly were influenced by the disorder and chaos of everyday life within a pandemic. The darkness of these days reverberates deeply in every paragraph and vignette. There is not a lot of hope for happy endings but there are the beginnings of the search for closure and reconciliation. One of the best short story collections yet.
Release date: 2012-11-20 Genre:Fiction & Literature $4.99
Release date: 2021-07-08 $0.99
Release date: 2013-06-15 Genre:Fiction & Literature $15.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
Release date: 2012-06-26 Genre:Fiction & Literature $8.99
Release date: 2016-03-08 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
1. Marvelous !!! - Sent from my iPhone
The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder is the best book that I have read in several years. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that it has spoiled me for my next book. The letters range from letters to her beloved husband Manley while she was on trips with her daughter, to notes to fans wo wrote her, to letters regarding about the Little House book series, to political opinions about concerns that weighed heavily on her heart. The humble Laura underestimated her own writing ability, but anyone who reads these letters will grasp her extraordinary gift of writing. The readers of this book learn more details about events and people in the eight "Little House" books, as well as things that were not covered in the books. Mr. Anderson did a very nice job of selecting and organizing letters. He added explanatory notes, but only when necessary, primarily allowing the wonderful letters to speak for themselves. Reading these letters was like having a conversation with Laura, right there in the room with me! It is a "conversation" that I will miss!
Release date: 2016-03-22 Genre:Fiction & Literature $13.99
1. A great book, for the most part - After hearing part of this book of Short Stories read one night on “Selected Shorts” on NPR/PRI I was quite taken with the three that were read, and went on a hunt for the book. Jane Eyre has been my favorite Gothic romance for over years. Some of these stories are seen through the eyes of the “Greek chorus “ in Jane Eyre, the characters who are mostly quiet...or dead...or both. Others are just so...creepy I could hardly get through them. But the depth, breadth and scope of th compilation leads to unique twists on “Reader,I married him”.
Release date: 2013-05-07 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2009-10-13 Genre:Fiction & Literature $11.99
Release date: 2011-04-19 Genre:Fiction & Literature $8.99
Release date: 2010-03-09 Genre:Fiction & Literature $7.99
1. Repo Men - Eric Garcia delivers! “Repo Men” is a phenomenal novel that sheds light on so many subjects, love, friendship, death and much more. The way the story is organized is very interesting, throughout the whole story Remy (main protagonist) reminisces on his life as a tank driver in the Marine Corps, his best-friend Jake (who is now hunting him), all of his failed marriages and life as a repo man which involved him breaking into people’s home’s and repossessing their artificial organs. I genuinely loved Garcia’s writing due to the fact that throughout the book it seems as if Remy is actually speaking to you. This made me feel alive, as if I was actually in this world that Garcia created. I loved every bit of this book, at moments I could not stop reading due to the fact that I was so emerged in the world, fearing for my life as if I myself was on the run!
2. A Great Thinking Story - I've now seen the movie and read the book, and I have to say, the book far surpasses the movie. The movie seems to have been made simply for gratuitous gore and knife fights. The book has so much more dimension - Eric Garcia's dark, casual writing style fits perfectly with the heartless setting and ambiance, and the background certainly sets the stage for the world the main character inhabits. The main character is a bad dude, but he has such complexity you can't help but like him. It's not a ground-breaking novel, but it's very entertaining and the premise is ingenious (and, to a certain extent, a cautionary tale). At the very least, the ending is a lot better than the movie.
Release date: 2015-05-26 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
Release date: 2009-03-17 Genre:Fiction & Literature $6.99
Release date: 2009-10-06 Genre:Fiction & Literature $6.99
Release date: 2013-07-02 Genre:Fiction & Literature $15.99
Release date: 2011-12-20 Genre:Fiction & Literature $19.99
Release date: 2013-04-16 Genre:Fiction & Literature $9.99
Release date: 2010-10-01 Genre:Fiction & Literature $4.99
Release date: 2010-03-09 Genre:Fiction & Literature $14.99
Release date: 2011-05-31 Genre:Fiction & Literature $7.99
Release date: 2019-10-01 Genre:Fiction & Literature $17.99
Release date: 2008-09-15 Genre:Fiction & Literature $8.99
Release date: 2010-04-20 Genre:Fiction & Literature $6.99
Release date: 2010-10-19 Genre:Fiction & Literature $6.99
Release date: 2010-12-01 Genre:Fiction & Literature $4.99
Release date: 2013-04-18 Genre:Fiction & Literature $9.99
Release date: 2011-12-20 Genre:Fiction & Literature $12.99
Release date: 2009-03-17 Genre:Fiction & Literature $8.99
Release date: 2011-06-07 Genre:Fiction & Literature $12.99