É muito provável que muitas pessoas ao se depararem com este livro pensem que se trata de mais um daqueles livros místicos, mas isso não é verdade. A capa e o título até parecem sugerir que se trata de algo do ocultismo ou relacionado às crendices, uma vez que não é comum se abordar um tema relacionado ao PODER DAS MÃOS como algo verdadeiramente científico, mas este livro surpreende exatamente nesse ponto. Através de uma linguagem simples, o autor se dedica em trazer ao leitor uma s...
発売日: 2020-07-29 ¥550
発売日: 1997-08-05 ¥640
BONUS: This eBook includes downloadable videos and a Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi that are not found in the print edition. Having shared his journey of faith in the New York Times bestselling Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi now examines Islam and Christianity in detail, exploring areas of crucial conflict and unpacking the relevant evidence. In this anticipated follow-up book, Nabeel reveals what he discovered in the decade following his conversion, providing a thoroug...
発売日: 2016-08-30 ¥550
O Livro dos Médiuns, ou Guia dos Médiuns e dos Evocadores, é um livro espírita francês. De autoria de Allan Kardec, foi publicado em Paris em janeiro de 1861. É uma das obras básicas do espiritismo. Apesar de escrito há mais de cem anos. O livro dos Médiuns é atual. Nenhuma outra obra, espírita ou não, sobre a fenomenologia mediúnica conseguiu superá-lo. É um tratado que tem por fundamento a pesquisa científica e a experiência, além da contribuição teórica dos Espíritos na ...
発売日: 2020-06-12 ¥100
When did humans develop spiritual thought? What is religion's evolutionary purpose? And in our increasingly secular world, why has it endured? Every society in the history of humanity has lived with religion. In How Religion Evolved , evolutionary psychologist Professor Robin Dunbar tracks its origins back to what he terms the 'mystical stance' - the aspect of human psychology that predisposes us to believe in a transcendent world, and which makes an encounter with the spiritual possible. As he ...
発売日: 2022-04-07 ジャンル:宗教/スピリチュアル ¥2,000
Upon completing the monumental The Principles of Psychology, William James turned his attention to serious consideration of such important religious and philosophical questions about the nature and existence of God, the immortality of the soul, and free will and determinism. His interest in these subjects found expression in a variety of works, among them, this classic study of spirituality. James based The Varieties of Religious Experience on his participation in the University of Edinburgh's G...
発売日: 2018-10-17 ¥1,000
Un ouvrage concis et pédagogique qui fait la lumière sur un pan peu connu de la littérature chrétienne, d'une incroyable richesse Qu'est-ce qu'un évangile apocryphe ? Que disent ces textes ? En quoi diffèrent-ils des quatre évangiles canoniques ? À quelle époque et dans quel contexte ces écrits ont-ils été composés ? Et qui sont leurs auteurs ? Les évangiles " apocryphes " et les évangiles " gnostiques " ont eu une large diffusion dans les marges du christianisme, aux premiers si...
発売日: 2017-08-31 ¥1,300
Belief in Satan worship is often viewed as an embarrassing throwback to the superstitions of another time. And "selling your soul to the Devil"? Nothing more than an overworked theme in literature and opera. To the contrary, Bob and Gretchen Passantino show how, in the midst of prevailing attitudes of skepticism and disbelief, Satanism has made unprecedented inroads into our society.
発売日: 2016-09-06 ¥200
Retour du religieux " ? On assiste davantage à un "recours" au religieux au service d'intérêts économiques et politiques fort profanes. Une analyse décapante de Georges Corm. Depuis la fin du XXe siècle, la géopolitique mondiale, nous répète-t-on, serait traversée par le " retour du religieux ", devenu la principale clé de compréhension des bouleversements du monde postmoderne. C'est à ce credo que s'attaque Georges Corm dans ce livre stimulant. Il y analyse les ressorts philosophiq...
発売日: 2015-03-19 ¥1,300
En explorant l'histoire de toutes les religions, Frédéric Lenoir explique comment l'homme a un jour eu besoin de Dieu et l'a fait à son image. Quelle est la toute première religion de l'humanité ? Comment sont apparues les notions de dieu, de sacrifice, de salut, de délivrance, de prière, de clergé ? Pourquoi est-on passé du culte de divinités féminines à celui de divinités masculines ? De la croyance en plusieurs dieux à la foi en un Dieu unique ? Pourquoi la violence est-elle sou...
発売日: 2013-06-20 ¥1,400
An essential and concise introduction to eight of the world's major religions. For the Christian, there's value in learning about different religions and unfamiliar expressions of belief. First of all, it gives us a greater understanding of the world we live in. But a study of other faiths can also deepen our own while making us more effective witnesses to those who don't share a belief in Christ. In World Religions, Gerald R. McDermott explains what you need to understand about major world reli...
発売日: 2011-04-04 ¥500
Many young people fear that if they ask the wrong question about a religion or belief system, they'll be seen as insensitive or unintelligent... But to Jessica deVega—a high school religion teacher and a professor of religion—there are no bad questions, and nothing is too taboo to ask. All You Want to Know But Didn't Think You Could Ask clarifies the founding, history, practices, and beliefs of forty groups—from Islam, Shamanism, and Mormonism, to atheism, vampirism, and astrolog...
発売日: 2012-02-20 ¥700