更新日:月水金 幸せな生き方、安心な生き方について、金光教の考え方を元にしてお話ししています。気軽に聞いてくださいね。 信仰の違いを超えて聴いていただけます。宗教に関心がある人、神様について知りたい人にもお役に立つお話です。 話し手はヤマダシンジです。 ご感想/ご質問/リクエストは、ホームページからメールしてください。 https://konkoyokohama.jim...
発売日: 2023-03-23
宅女小紅,知性、生活時尚與包生男的中年網美代表。作家/ 女性待業者/ 家管。畢業於醒吾商專企業管理科,曾就讀慈育幼稚園,目前是《OKAPI》專欄作家暨大潤發內湖二店榮譽會員。 出過五本書,靠著網友群/讀者熱力支持,榮獲部落格百傑第八十七名。 參與過數次大型百貨公司週年慶活動,通過Excel檢定考、取得汽車駕照,曾參與國際龍舟錦標賽,並屢獲統一發票陸獎殊...
発売日: 2023-03-26
Join the New York Times bestselling author of The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment for this free series of five curated teaching sessions, recorded at the yoga and meditation center known as Temple of the Universe.
発売日: 2022-04-25
Uma mensagem para começar o dia com a Palavra de Deus, com a orientação e o carinho necessários para viver o Evangelho na prática, no seu dia-a-dia. Você também pode compartilhar com toda a família e os amigos! Acesse o link do grupo no whatsapp: https://skipt.me/minutodefe
発売日: 2023-03-27
The Religious Studies Project (RSP) features weekly conversations with leading scholars of Religious Studies and related fields. Our aim is to provide engaging, concise, and reliable accounts of the most important concepts, traditions, scholars, and methodologies in the contemporary study of religion. Episodes are produced by The Religious Studies Project Association (SCIO), a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047750). RSP material is disseminated under a Creativ...
発売日: 2023-03-13
発売日: 2022-06-06
A weekly podcast on topics related to astrology, hosted by professional astrologer Chris Brennan. The purpose of the show is to provide discussions ranging from explorations of specific astrological techniques, to treatments of issues pertaining to the history and philosophy of astrology.
発売日: 2023-03-26
Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life's biggest mysteries. We show up - so you don’t have to.
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. The Best Sceptics’ Podcast Out There - I’m always amazed by by how compassionate and yet unwavering Ross and Carrie are in investigations and interviews. They always give everything a chance no matter now seemingly ridiculous and look at the facts with a critical eye after experiencing things firsthand. They do their research and even when disagreeing they will respect those they talk about as human beings and treat them with compassion. This podcast actually taught me enough to be able to explain to my dad with a painful medical condition how to spot homeopathic ‘cures’ and avoid them, and for that I’ll always be grateful. Recently I was especially blown away by Carrie’s interview with Kimberly Meredith. She remained respectful all throughout the interview even though the interviewees claims are dangerous and troubling, but even while being respectful she did not shy away from pointing out the inconsistencies in her story.
発売日: 2023-03-16
O SNICAST é o podcast oficial da SEICHO-NO-IE DO BRASIL! Toda segunda-feira você encontra um episódio inédito, com dicas e respostas para questões do dia a dia. E, toda última sexta-feira do mês, o programa Vivências te convida para um bate-papo sobre assuntos da atualidade, com o olhar da SNI, de forma simples e trazendo experiências da vida cotidiana. Junte-se a nós! Contato: snicast@sni.org.br
発売日: 2023-03-24
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has been around for almost two centuries. It has ebbed and fluctuated in such a predictably adaptive manner throughout it's relatively short life in the religious realm. This Church has a very sordid past, which it does a very good job of teaching for itself, whether the history is slanted or not, is yours to decide. Join me on a journey through the history of the LDS Church through the eyes of the people that were actually there. We will learn ab...
発売日: 2020-09-11
1. Amazeballs - If you have ever imagined what it is like to start a religion, your imagination won’t do justice to the story of Joseph Jr. and his treasure seeking pals. If you have ever wondered how much work goes into scamming people out of their money, women and autonomy wonder no more. I can’t stop listening to this podcast since starting it a few weeks ago. Highly recommended for any Mormon, past Mormon or anyone ever religious.
Spiritual Teachings, where Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.
発売日: 2023-03-21
Website: http://yanyann.com FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yanyann/
発売日: 2021-09-17
Como você descobriu sua fé? Que importância ela tem no seu dia a dia? O podcast Deus te Ouça, da Folha de S.Paulo, vai fazer essas perguntas a personalidades e ouvir sobre suas crenças (e descrenças). Márvio dos Anjos conduz papos francos e sem julgamentos em que se fala sobre como a fé e a religião acompanham trajetórias de vida e opiniões. A jornalista católica Maria Beltrão, a influencer muçulmana Mariam Chami e o humorista ateu Fábio Porchat são alguns dos entrevistados do pr...
発売日: 2022-09-28
Aprenda sobre as artes ocultas de maneira clara, objetiva e descompromissada pelos olhos de praticantes de diversos credos que se encontram nesta mesa redonda da magia contemporânea.
発売日: 2023-03-15
統一教会草創期を生き、父母様の生き様を見つめ、半生を通して祝福家庭の皆様と共に歩んできた者としての心からの願いを込めたメッセージです。 是非、このメッセージに耳を傾けてくださることを願い、真実を求める方々の上に、天の大いなる愛と導きと祝福がありますようお祈り申し上げます。 (2020年公開したYouTube放送をポッドキャスト版で再放送しています)
発売日: 2023-03-26
Trazer ensinos dá palavra para edificação da sua vida. Examinais as escrituras por vós cuidais ter nelas a vida eterna e são elas que de mim testificam.
発売日: 2020-05-08
"Teaching with Power" will help you teach or study the scriptures with more impact, relevancy and power. Its primary audience is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints using the Come, Follow Me manual to teach at home or at church. It supplements but should not replace the manual. My name is Ben Wilcox and I have taught the scriptures in many capacities for 20 years, primarily the youth. I have a BA and MA in English literature which lends to my more literary approach to stud...
発売日: 2023-03-21
Podcast religieux
発売日: 2023-03-14
The voice of the Lord to the Church coming from the actual place of the former Voice of America Radio Station (now a park+ in Ohio). There are many voices in the land. Let us adhere to the voice of the Lord and respond to the heart of the Lord.
発売日: 2021-09-30
很好听的圣经故事,一个个圣经典故娓娓道来,亲切易懂。不知不觉就已经熟悉了圣经里面的所有内容。 Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/k2cu0is2f38/support
発売日: 2022-09-25
Seja bem vindo ao Podcast do blog Palavra com Deus! Aqui serão publicados poesias, devocionais, leitura da Palavra e muito mais, espero que vocês gostem e oro para que Deus fale com cada um de vocês. Graça e Paz! Bruna Duarte - Para mais informações acesse: palavracomdeus.com
発売日: 2022-11-04
The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring conversations on all aspects of masculinity, as well as interviews with experts, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages. There are great Catholic men who are intentionally committed to the difficult work of actual life. Join us and be one of them. Episodes are released weekly. Be a Man. Be a Saint. View and Listen to Previous Episodes - http...
発売日: 2023-03-16
Mến chào quí Ông bà và anh chị em đã đến với chương trình sống với Chúa, do LM Phê-rô Nguyễn Vũ Trọng Duy thuộc Địa Phận Tulsa, Oklahoma USA thực hiện. Chương trình được bắt đầu trong mùa Chay nhằm giúp các Kitô Hữu có cơ hội được trao dồi kiến thức về Kinh Thánh và Lời Chúa. Đồng thời giúp chúng ta có tâm tình sám hối và canh tân đời sống chuẩn bị cho đại lễ Tam Nhật ...
発売日: 2021-02-25
Este canal agrega os podcasts da Revista Adventista, um periódico centenário de circulação nacional. Aqui você pode acompanhar versões em áudio de seções do impresso, mas a proposta também é sair do papel e oferecer conteúdos exclusivos que vão te ajudar a entender temas relacionados ao contexto da igreja e do mundo religioso em geral.
発売日: 2022-12-28
Join our panel of pastors and teachers as we discuss the Sabbath School Lesson each week. Always fresh and relevant, you’re sure to gain deeper insights as we study the Word of God together.
発売日: 2023-03-20
和賀心の体現者、合楽教会初代教会長大坪総一郎師の 「大坪総一郎師 御理解百選」に収められている御理解です
発売日: 2021-02-12
For the last several years, the Catholic Church has noted an alarming increase in the number of exorcisms performed. And for some of the most disturbing and vicious cases of possession, one priest is often summoned. With almost two decades in ministry, renowned priest Father Carlos Martins has encountered evil in nearly every way imaginable. From Ouija boards and curses to witches and demonic pacts, Father Martins has battled the ancient serpent in many forms. The Exorcist Files are his stories.
発売日: 2023-03-14
Hosted by former ESPN Senior Producer Jason Romano, Sports Spectrum is an interview driven podcast that features stories on the intersection of faith and sports.
発売日: 2023-03-26
《歡迎光臨真實世界》中,你會聽到攪和在這世間的主持人家瑜與親友們,如何奮力一搏,嘗試從這個 99% 的時候都很荒謬的世界裡,找出一點笑料,跟一點點的學習。 套一句肌肉派嗯哼哼情人洪丹說的:「那些燒不死我的,必使我更好笑!!!」 這是一個爛透了的世界,但我們希望你還是會愛上它。(不行就算了) 歡迎找家瑜聊天:https://www.instagram.com/fanatic335/ Powe...
発売日: 2022-12-22
樋口聖典さんのPodcast及び思想に影響を大いに受けてしまった(通称→樋口信者)に、中学一年生信者のKendeaとあらとあらゆるところでクリエイションするイッシュウがインタビューするPodcast番組です。 --- 信者の方は、ボイスチェンジをしております! どの人かわかったとしても、TwitterなどのSNSでの拡散はおやめください。。 --- 公式Twitter : https://twitter.com/HiguchiShinja イッシ...
発売日: 2023-02-09
Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program.
発売日: 2023-03-10
道教仙乐是道家道场仪范中不可缺少的内容,它除了渲染宗教氛围,主要具有引导道众回归“天人合一”的身心状态。我国古代宫廷音乐源于古道家星辰崇拜等自然信仰。道教仙乐独特的文化内涵和艺术风格,是我国传统音乐的重要组成部份。 2008年6月7日,道教音乐经国务院批准列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。
発売日: 2022-11-28
Is reality made up of only things we can see or experience? Should we depend on science alone to tell us what is real? And what about the deeper things in life? Has science replaced religion? These and other questions are dealt with in this thought-provoking and thorough examination of the nature of truth, the psychology of belief, the substance of faith, the purpose of existence, scientific evidence for the existence of God, the archaeological consistency with Christianity and its historical va...
発売日: 2020-07-20
Padre Juarez de Castro te convida para rezar a Novena de São Judas Tadeu, padroeiro dos desesperançados e das causas impossíveis. São nove dias, onde, diariamente, vamos refletir sobre a vida de São Judas apóstolo, missionário e mártir. Vamos juntos fortalecer a nossa fé!
発売日: 2022-10-28
Ruang Cerita adalah podcast persembahan ceritaperempuan.id di mana para perempuan berbagi berbagai pengalaman hidup mereka yang reflektif serta jujur apa adanya. Ikuti juga akun Instagram @ceritaperempuan.id serta blog http://ceritaperempuan.id. Untuk saran atau ide, silakan email ke ceritaperempuan.id@gmail.com
発売日: 2019-03-23
you will learn school life hacks
発売日: 2019-05-23
舉頭三尺有神明?神明真的無法溝通?每次有求會甚麼不應? 不論你信神佛耶穌阿拉都無妨,讓現役宮廟宮主-噹噹&通靈人-偉恩 ft. 被抓來湊咖的麻瓜-Gotou,一起來跟你說説異界的故事! --- 每週五, 06:00更新 雲鳳宮LINE@:https://lin.ee/1DO95P0 粉專:https://reurl.cc/NG73Nq 本頻道由【桃園雲鳳宮】錄製,【屏南天公廟 清靜門掌門人】監製播出
発売日: 2023-03-16
The Earth and Spirit Podcast fosters engaging conversations with change-makers working at the intersection of meditative spiritual practice, social healing, and ecology. It is a production of the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center (www.earthandspiritcenter.org), a nonprofit, interfaith spirituality center located in Louisville, Kentucky.
発売日: 2023-02-28
BIENVENIDO: ESTE PODCAST ES TOTALMENTE GRATUITO Y SIN FINES DE LUCRO. Mateo 10:8 "Recibieron gratis, den gratis". 🩷 IMPORTANTE: • Recuerda que este "NO" es un Podcast oficial de la organización. • Para una información más CONFIABLE pregunte a un testigo cerca a su localidad. • Recuerde visitar siempre la página oficial de la organización. 🩵 RECORDATORIO: • Ten cuidado siempre con las redes sociales y los apostatas de acuerdo con (Proverbios 22:3) "El prudente ve el peligro y...
発売日: 2023-03-26
Les journalistes et correspondants de La Croix au Vatican reviennent sur les temps forts du pontificat de Benoit XVI, pape émérite et méconnu ; et sur celui du pape François, pape en exercice. BENOIT XVI, UN PAPE MÉCONNU : Le samedi 31 décembre 2022, le pape émérite Benoît XVI s’est éteint à l’âge de 95 ans. Dans ce podcast, La Croix vous propose de découvrir le regard de cinq journalistes sur celui qu’ils ont connu comme préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de l...
発売日: 2022-12-31
This honest and often hilarious podcast peeks behind the curtain at the weird, the worrying, and sometimes traumatic world of Evangelicals and Pentecostals. Shortlisted at the 2022 Australian Podcast Awards. Exvangelical. ExChristian. Religious trauma. Recovery.
発売日: 2023-03-02
Let’s stumble down Holle’s Well - into the world of German and Germanic Folklore, practices and magic, as well as other European fairytales and lore! From reading favourite fairytales and going into the meanings of each, to how to practice and (re)connect to the Old World magic
発売日: 2023-01-25
La jeune génération du stand-up part en live dans le studio Ground Control.Deux potes, un invité, une émission à faire, une page blanche à écrire, donc. Deux potes, deux flemmards, un mot-thème, et beaucoup d’amis experts pour les aider. Un podcast présenté par Marine Baousson et Alexandre Blomme. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
発売日: 2023-02-21
Emmanuel Maillard partages messages de la vierge de Medjugorje.
発売日: 2022-12-06
The John A. Widtsoe Foundation is deeply committed to elevating dialogue between members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other religious communities. In this podcast and video series, Robert Millet will host a monthly conversation with three Christian scholars: Mark Maddix a Nazarene Wesleyan, Peter Huff, a Catholic, and Craig Blomberg, an Evangelical. Millet will draw from the Come, Follow Me New Testament curriculum to help listeners gain a deeper appreciation for New Te...
発売日: 2023-02-04
Eu, @Baiano_Espírita convido você a deslumbrar histórias emocionantes de romances Espíritas transformados em rádio novelas. Aproveite e bons ensinamentos!
発売日: 2023-02-15
Debates da Musical é um programa da rádio musical fm, a maior referência de rádio evangelismo do Brasil e América Latina, onde por mais de 20 anos tem sido um importante meio de levar o Ide de Jesus. Conheça mais em www.fmmusical.com.br
発売日: 2023-03-18
Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.
発売日: 2023-03-13
Sem fins lucrativos destinado a ampliar a acessibilidade Estamos em todas as principais plataformas de Podcast Muito obrigado!!! Agradecimentos a Cid Moreira. Algum conteúdo que pertença diretamente a você ou que infrinja direitos autorais e não gostaria que estivesse aqui ? entre em contato que nós responderemos imediatamente.
発売日: 2021-11-09