御代替わり「令和」のいまこそ知りたい日本建国の真実!! 最新科学が明らかにした 「神武東征」はあった! そして、「日本書紀」には真実が書かれていた! 事実に基づき、科学的・論理的に古代史を捉えることで、戦後流布されてきた頑迷固陋たる古代史論は瓦解し、わが国の正史・日本書紀や古事記が輝きを増し、日本の礎たる皇室と私たち日本人のルーツが明らかにな...
発売日: 2019-05-11 ¥1,700
発売日: 2017-01-17 ¥1,600
発売日: 2019-05-10 ¥950
発売日: 2015-05-07 ¥770
発売日: 2007-03-20 ¥880
ヒトは縄文土器の文様にどんな思いを込めたのか? 人類はなぜ戦争をはじめてしまったのか? 古代、男女の関係はどのようなものだったのか? 考古学は新たな知を取り入れ、俄然面白くなっている。
発売日: 2021-11-10 ¥850
日本はいつどのようにして生まれたのか? 農耕がはじまり、国家が生まれ、政変が繰り返され、中世へと続く日本の原型がつくられる。その流れをトピックでおさえる一冊。
発売日: 2019-12-10 ¥950
発売日: 2018-07-10 ¥1,100
発売日: 2017-08-10 ¥950
「不入斗」は湊、「久留和」は、魔力をもつ神です。では、「十二」の意味は?アイヌ古語で解明しています。 縄文文化は現代の私たちの生活や宗教心の根源に位置しています。三浦半島の夏島や諸磯海岸、鎌倉市大船小袋谷には古い時代の遺跡が残っています。本書は1万年前から三浦半島に暮らした人々が伝えてきた地名を縄文由来のアイヌ古語で分析をし、彼らの生...
発売日: 2020-12-25 ¥550
発売日: 2022-04-07 ¥850
発売日: 2019-05-10 ¥1,200
Now in present day Iraq, Ur was a city that rose from the "Mounds of Pitch" half way between Baghdad and the Persian Gulf, ten miles west of the Euphrates. Sir Leonard Woolley documents his experience as leader of the great expedition that carried on without interruption until 1934. Before its closure, this significant archaeological dig on the part of both museums established an image of Ur throughout its four thousand years in existence. Indeed, the excavators unearthed much more than they eve...
発売日: 2019-01-05 ¥100
発売日: 2002-05-01 ¥200
発売日: 2018-10-01 ¥4,000
発売日: 2021-06-10 ¥880
発売日: 2018-07-02 ¥710
発売日: 2020-06-10 ¥950
This work provides a new, comprehensive update to the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS). Drawing upon her extensive experience in informatics, curating data, and dental morphological data acquisition, Edgar has developed accessible and user-friendly standardized images and descriptions of dental morphological variants. The manual provides nearly 400 illustrations that indicate ideal expressions of each dental trait. These drawings are coupled with over 650 photog...
発売日: 2017-05-12 ¥7,400
発売日: 2016-06-16 ¥800
Lynne Kelly has discovered that a powerful memory technique used by the ancients can unlock the secrets of the Neolithic stone circles of Britain and Europe, the ancient Pueblo buildings in New Mexico and other prehistoric stone monuments across the world. We can still use the memory code today to train our own memories. In the past, the elders had encyclopaedic memories. They could name all the animals and plants across the landscape, and the stars in the sky too. Yet most of us struggle to mem...
発売日: 2016-06-22 ¥1,200
This student-friendly introduction to the archaeology of ancient Egypt guides readers from the Paleolithic to the Greco-Roman periods, and has now been updated to include recent discoveries and new illustrations. • Superbly illustrated with photographs, maps, and site plans, with additional illustrations in this new edition • Organized into 11 chapters, covering: the history of Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology; prehistoric and pharaonic chronology and the ancient Egyptian ...
発売日: 2015-01-07 ¥6,400
For the understanding and interpretation of the religions of times past, the imagery of those cultures has always been an important source of information, besides the written sources (if at all available) and the ever-richer archaeological material. The topic of this collection of papers is the religious iconography of cult in ancient Greece. The book aims at promoting the understanding of ancient Greek cult of the Archaic and Classical periods through the presentation of new evidence and new in...
発売日: 2013-05-06 ¥1,300
Now in a revised and updated second edition, this volume provides an authoritative account of the current status of archaeological theory, as presented by some of its major exponents and innovators over recent decades. It summarizes the latest developments in the field and looks to its future, exploring some of the cutting-edge ideas at the forefront of the discipline. The volume captures the diversity of contemporary archaeological theory. Some authors argue for an approach close to the natural...
発売日: 2014-02-27 ¥4,000
This book employs contemporary theoretical perspectives to investigate the Neolithic period in southern britain. It is a fully reworked edition of the author's Rethinking the Neolithic (1991).
発売日: 2002-02-07 ¥7,400
What secrets lie beneath the deep blue sea? Underworld takes you on a remarkable journey to the bottom of the ocean in a thrilling hunt for ancient ruins that have never been found—until now. Graham Hancock is featured in Ancient Apocalypse, a Netflix original docuseries In this explosive new work of archaeological detection, bestselling author and renowned explorer Graham Hancock embarks on a captivating underwater voyage to find the ruins of a mythical lost civilization hidden for thousands ...
発売日: 2002-10-15 ¥540
The world’s greatest archaeological finds and what they tell us about lost civilizations Renowned archaeologist Patrick Hunt brings his top ten list of ancient archaeological discoveries to life in this concise and captivating book. The Rosetta Stone, Troy, Nineveh's Assyrian Library, King Tut’s Tomb, Machu Picchu, Pompeii, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Thera, Olduvai Gorge, and the Tomb of 10,000 Warriors—Hunt reveals the fascinating stories of these amazing discoveries and explains the ways in w...
発売日: 2007-09-25 ¥1,200