“人間とはどういう存在なのか?” 難解な解剖生理学を、豊富な静止画・動画を利用することで、徹底的に分かりやすく解説しています! ◆イメージしにくい「解剖生理学」について、テキストをベースに、解剖学的な情報を静止画で、生理学的な情報を動画で解説することによって、学習者の理解を完全にサポートします! ◆解説用の静止画・動画は、教育用DVDシリーズ...
発売日: 2020-07-14 ¥4,400
発売日: 2003-08-23 ¥600
【もくじ】 第1章 法医学ができること 解剖するかしないかは、どうやって決めるのか/解剖医が遺族にできること ほか 第2章 人は思いがけなく死に遭う たった300ミリリットルの出血での死/呼吸が可能な状態での窒息死 ほか 第3章 解剖で判明した事件・事故の真相 わが子の命を奪った小さな傷の放置/自宅での不審死の真相 ほか 第4章 解剖台の遺体が語る現代日本の課題 ...
発売日: 2019-04-10 ジャンル:職業/技術 > 医学 ¥1,200
Written in the 1850s when its author was a young doctor, Gray's Anatomy was the most comprehensive and accessible medical textbook of its time. This compact volume comprises an abridged version of the classic 1860 edition - the last to be published during Gray's lifetime - and the masterly wood-block illustrations that ensured the runaway success of the original book. A national and international treasure, Gray's Anatomy is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the history of medicine...
発売日: 2009-07-15 ¥300
If you’ve ever attempted to learn the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of all 600+ muscles in the body… you’ll know what a soul-destroying task it can be. That’s why we created muscle anatomy charts ; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate...
発売日: 2019-01-18 ¥500
If you’ve ever attempted to learn the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of all 600+ muscles in the body… you’ll know what a soul-destroying task it can be. That’s why we created muscle anatomy charts ; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate...
発売日: 2019-01-23 ¥500
Are you faced with reading a complicated or unrecognizable medical term? Having the right resources is essential. Medical terminology can be like learning to speak another language. As you know healthcare is a rapidly evolving field, and with every advancement, the need to communicate concepts and ideas grows more and more essential. Give yourself the vocabulary you need to thrive in this fast pace field with this comprehensive guide to medical terminology. Wither your working or a student in th...
発売日: 2019-10-03 ¥350
If you’ve ever attempted to learn the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of all 600+ muscles in the body… you’ll know what a soul-destroying task it can be. That’s why we created muscle anatomy charts ; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate...
発売日: 2019-02-13 ¥500
If you’ve ever attempted to learn the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of all 600+ muscles in the body… you’ll know what a soul-destroying task it can be. That’s why we created muscle anatomy charts ; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate...
発売日: 2019-01-23 ¥500
Joseph Carey Merrick (5 August 1862 – 11 April 1890), often erroneously called John Merrick, was an English man with severe deformities. He was first exhibited at a freak show as the "Elephant Man", and then went to live at the London Hospital after he met Frederick Treves, subsequently becoming well known in London society. Sir Frederick Treves (15 February 1853 – 7 December 1923) was a prominent British surgeon, and an expert in anatomy. Treves was renowned for his surgical treatment of ap...
発売日: 2019-07-10 ¥150
Learn about the human body from the inside out Some people think that knowing about what goes on inside the human body can sap life of its mystery—which is too bad for them. Anybody who's ever taken a peak under the hood knows that the human body, and all its various structures and functions, is a realm of awe-inspiring complexity and countless wonders. The dizzying dance of molecule, cell, tissue, organ, muscle, sinew, and bone that we call life can be a thing of breathtaking beauty and humbl...
発売日: 2017-03-08 ¥2,000
This book takes you through a dissection of the human head & neck with REAL photos that show you all the steps involved and details of the anatomy of the head & neck as you have never seen it before. For students performing the dissections, the instructions are concise & easy-to-follow with helpful tips. For students who do not have the opportunity to dissect, this book provides you with insight you cannot get from a textbook. Co-Authors of the original 2011 print version...
発売日: 2019-01-14 ¥1,400
The classic guide to applying, performing and interpreting EP tests, updated for the latest trends and developments in the field For more than thirty years, Electrophysiologic Testing has been a trusted introduction to the field of electrophysiology for anyone needing to quickly acquaint themselves with basic concepts and procedures of EP testing, especially medical students, residents, nurses and technicians. At the same time, it also has served as a ready reference for medical practition...
発売日: 2017-08-30 ¥8,400
An illustrated guide to the myofascial system—how it works, how it supports the body, and its importance to any bodywork practice The result of more than two decades of research and practice, The Endless Web presents in clear, readable language a comprehensive guide to understanding and working effectively with the myofascial system, the 'packing material' of the body. Myofascia is a flexible network of tissue that surrounds, cushions, and supports muscles, bones, and organs. It al...
発売日: 1996-11-11 ¥1,700
Helps with complex prescribing needs The evidence base for drug treatments in psychiatry ranges from meta-analyses and randomised controlled clinical trials to single case reports, and from NICE guidelines to individual SPCs. Where do you look for information when transferring a patient from one drug to another? Where do you find a clear overview when dealing with a complex patient (e.g, with co-morbid epilepsy or liver disease or HIV infection)? Where can you seek a...
発売日: 2012-02-06 ¥9,800
Sigmund Freud apporte avec cet ouvrage une analyse théorique et pratique des troubles d'origine psychologique qui ont un retentissement sur nos actes quotidiens. Cet ouvrage a un aspect pratique : il nous fait comprendre pourquoi ce que nous prenons pour un acte involontaire a une source inconsciente. Avec un peu d'introspection, le lecteur pourra peut-être lever les obstacles et, par exemple, retrouver un objet ou un souvenir 'oublié'. Le professionnel aura un intérêt plus profond pour cet...
発売日: 2011-08-21 ¥50