「チャーチルの言葉には、生身の人間が満身創痍になりながらも戦い抜いた、20世紀の人生の記録、その魂の叫びが込められている」 (「はじめに」より) 第二次世界大戦時に劣勢の英国を勝利に導いた名宰相、チャーチル。第61代、第63代首相を歴任し、1953年にはノーベル文学賞を受賞。90歳で没した葬儀の際は、英国王室以外の民間人として初の国葬が行われた。BBC(イギ...
発売日: 2013-05-15 ¥1,400
発売日: 2006-04-01 ¥1,300
「あやしげな魅力」で日本人の心を捉えてやまない中国古典『菜根譚』。本書はその中から、 処世の知恵を紹介。時には自由闊達の心境で、また時には自重自戒の心持ちで――「悩ましい時代」を生き抜くためのヒント集!内容例:人格が主人で、才能は召使いにすぎない/他に先がけて開いた花は、散るのもまた早い/分に過ぎた幸運は、人生の落とし穴だ/下り坂に向かう...
発売日: 2007-07-13 ¥1,000
Disraeli was one of the least orthodox of Prime Ministers. He was an adventurer who fought his way to ‘the top of the greasy pole’ in a blaze of controversy, and became Queen Victoria’s favourite statesman. He was a novelist and a wit as well as a politician. He was a brilliant orator. Like Byron he was both a romantic and a cynic. His aphorisms have become part of the discourse of political life. This collection is based on his novels, letters and speeches. He was never dull, but he was f...
発売日: 1992-06-07 ¥300
心のそこから好きだった。 好きという気持ちでいっぱいだった。 だからいま、私の心はなくなった。 私の心は空っぽになった。 新進気鋭の演出家・小川絵梨子編訳、シェイクスピアの愛の名言集、ついに発売! 『ロミオとジュリエット』『十二夜』『夏の夜の夢』『アントニーとクレオパトラ』など、シェイクスピア戯曲のタイトルは、誰もが一度は耳にしたことがあ...
発売日: 2012-08-25 ¥1,600
簡単には折れない心を保つためには、支えるものが必要です。 それが言葉です。 傷つき、くじけそうになりながら、それでも前を向きたいあなたへ、30個の言葉を贈ります。 1日ひとつ、言葉を心に刻む、30日のレッスンをはじめましょう。 本書では、心を支え、強くしたいシチュエーションごとに、ぴったりな言葉30個を選びました。 たとえば、「自分に自信が持てず...
発売日: 2022-05-18 ¥1,400
発売日: 2008-09-01 ¥550
「魂の言葉」から学びとる身の処し方。 生きる勇気が湧いてくる幕末維新の志士たちの熱血名言集。 吉田松陰、坂本龍馬、高杉晋作、西郷隆盛をはじめ国家存亡の時代に輩出した若き志士たちの言葉が、今を生きるわれわれを繰り返し鼓舞してくれる。
発売日: 2013-09-18 ¥1,600
Finding true joy in life shouldn’t be a treasure hunt. Enjoy this collection of quotes, based on appreciating life’s pleasures and finding happiness. 365 quotes to make you laugh, smile and cry. “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” ~ Author unknown
発売日: 2013-03-30 ¥150
Do you sometimes get stuck for the right expression? The situation is not only embarrassing but also undermines one`s confidence! This book is designed to enhance written and spoken English of readers. Besides, the book will be of immense help to almost everyone engaged in the pursuit of knowledge-- schoolchildren, college students, parents, teachers and professionals. The 2,000 phrases and sentences in this book highlight the rich tapestry of expressions in the English language. Many word...
発売日: 2003-11-25 ¥500
A good quote can be the heart of a compelling article. Good quotes can help tell a story and enhance the credibility of a press release, an essay, a presentation or a speech. Words that are crafted well can leave a lasting impact on the world. A great quote or proverb used well in the right context can help convey a message to your audience. Whether you are looking for that perfect quote to round off your presentation, ideas or inspiration for a speech - or just want to post that really clever t...
発売日: 2013-08-19 ¥150
Grandes Citações que Inspiram, Motivam e Te Colocam Pra Cima! As citações deste livro irão ajudá-lo a melhorar sua vida focando os 7 Pensamentos Principais - elaborados no livro 7 Pensamentos Para Viver Sua Vida: Um Guia para uma Vida Feliz, Tranquila e Significativa. Esses 7 Pensamentos o incentivam a focar o que você pode controlar, o positivo, o que pode fazer, o que tem, o momento presente, o que precisa, e o que pode oferecer. Essa é a chave para encont...
発売日: 2020-04-06 ¥450
Best known, of course, for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson has known fame since just nine years old. Yet, in contrast to many childhood stars, she has managed to remain grounded and has never let her fame go to her head. Having won several major awards, Emma has since moved on from the Harry Potter franchise to star in other major films, and has also become somewhat of a sex symbol (though she would probably disapprove of this title!). This book brings together some o...
発売日: 2014-09-23 ¥350
Posterity has often seen Nietzsche as a principal source of modern elitism. In fact he was a tireless proponent of individual freedom – from religion, the state, society and mass morality. Believing in greatness, he knew its cost in suffering, yet he set out in quest of it with tremendous energy, subjecting Philistine opponents along the way to his devastating irony and wit. This collection of his sayings provides a unique summation of his influential thought.
発売日: 1993-10-21 ¥300
The wit and wisdom of Robert A. Heinlein's character, Lazarus Long. "Not only America's premier writer of speculative fiction, but the greatest writer of such fiction in the world … [Heinlein] remains today as a sort of trademark for all that is finest in American imaginative fiction." - Stephen King "There is no other writer whose work has exhilarated me as often and to such an extent as Heinlein." - Dean Koontz "One of the most influential writers in American Literature." -...
発売日: 2013-08-30 ¥500
The kindly, white-heaired old fellow with the bushy mustache once called "the world's grandfather," Albert Einstein was easily the twentieth century's most remarkable and revered man of science. His leaps of imagination changed forever the way we look at the universe. He gained international celebrity by the very force of his personality, his wry sense of humor (often at the expense of himself), and his limitless humanity. The mind of Albert Einstein bulged at the seams not only with mathematics...
発売日: 2015-12-22 ¥1,400
An aphorism is a statement of truth condensed into few words that express much. “Concise, clever, often paradoxical,” says Webster’s Dictionary. In the ancient world, the first aphorisms were inscriptions in verse, carved into the stone of tombs, statues, temples, and triumphal arches. With the advent of paper, they evolved into brief morsels of insight, often witty or satirical. The Quotable Stoic is a new distillation of wisdom in the classic tradition of Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, Epict...
発売日: 2014-11-05 ¥50
Bill Gates is one of the best known self-made billionaires in the world today. Yet he is notable for more than just his massive success in the business world. Gates is also notable for his philanthropy, having donated billions over the years. Naturally for somebody of his status he has been often quoted in the media. This book brings together some of his most notable quotes and gives an insight into the mind of this unique entrepreneur.
発売日: 2014-09-07 ¥400
"If you don't have humour, then you may as well nail the coffin lid down now." Sir Roger Moore is the personification of the English gentleman, renowned the world over for his prominent roles in some of the all time classics, most notably, of course, as the legendary James Bond. As well as his successful acting career, Moore has done much work for charity and his handsome looks and dry wit have charmed many across the globe. This book brings you his thoughts on a number of topics, from his views...
発売日: 2014-09-07 ¥350
This book is an anthology of 145 quotes from Socrates and 51 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Socrates. Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle are the main sources for the historical Socrates. Socrates' father was Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and his mother Phaenarete, a midwife. His wife, Xanthippe, bore for him three sons, Lamprocles, Sophroniscus and Menexenus. His friend Crito of Alopece criticized him for abandoning his sons when he refused to try to escape before his execution. Some sources say th...
発売日: 2014-06-16 ジャンル:参考図書 ¥200
「エロス」「黄金郷」「豚に真珠」「シンポジウム」……ふだん何気なく遣っているこれらの語源をご存知ですか?西洋の長い歴史の中から生まれた言葉には興味深い逸話がいっぱい!「OKという略語は"All Correct"の書き間違いから生まれた」「童話"むすんでひらいて"を作曲したのは、あのフランス革命の父ルソーだった」等々、つい人に自慢したくなる西洋史の意外な事実...
発売日: 1997-11-21 ¥630
More than 150 years after its original publication, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations has been completely revised and updated for its eighteenth edition. Bartlett's showcases a sweeping survey of world history, from the times of ancient Egyptians to present day. New authors include Warren Buffett, the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, David Foster Wallace, Emily Post, Steve Jobs, Jimi Hendrix, Paul Krugman, Hunter S. Thompson, Jon Stewart, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Barack Obama, Che Guevara, Randy Pausch, Desmo...
発売日: 2014-12-02 ¥2,800
発売日: 2023-01-31 ¥1,100
Stimulate your mind 365 days of the year with this little book of tips and quotes. It’ll supercharge you with a new lease of life, helping you to get the most out of every day. Inspiration is everywhere, but it’s difficult to get creative sparks flying when you don’t know where to begin. This little book is here to help you try out new experiences, look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and feel passionate about the things you love. Within these pages are simple but effective tips on how...
発売日: 2022-11-10 ¥700
Take courage and comfort from the uplifting quotations and powerful affirmations in this pocket-sized collection of unbeatable confidence There’s nobody quite like you. Your passions and possibilities are limitless, even when the world tries to get you down. This little book, packed full of empowering quotes and valuable reminders, is the perfect companion on your journey to greater happiness and stronger self-belief. From the timeless ideas of ancient sages to sound advice from modern superst...
発売日: 2022-05-12 ¥510
◆ことわざとは「予言」です! ◆ことわざは、長く受け継がれてきた「知恵の宝庫」です。 大昔の人たちが、「あ~これを知っていれば失敗しないで済んだのになぁ」と思うようなことを 短い言葉にギュギュッとまとめて、私たちに渡してくれています。 この本の監修者・齋藤孝先生は、そんなことわざを◆「『やばい』と感じるときがある」◆と言います。 「『なん...
発売日: 2020-07-23 ¥1,400
The earliest form of the word “genius” referred to a person who powerfully influenced the character, conduct, or fortunes of another. Times have changed and with them the various connotations of the word “genius,” but today we still look to the more enlightened members of our society to elevate the rest of us. True Genius is a compendium of 1,001 moving quotes from the world’s geniuses of the past and present whose words will leave an indelible mark on your life. Selected from the outp...
発売日: 2008-09-17 ¥950
We love animals but insult humans by calling them everything from weasels or pigs to sheep, mice, chickens, sharks, snakes, and bird-brains. Animal epithets, words, and phrases are so widespread we often take them for granted or remain ignorant of the fascinating stories and facts behind them. Spanning the entire animal kingdom, Holy Cow! explains: Why hot dogs are named after canines. Why people talk turkey or go cold turkey. Why curiosity killed the cat, although dogs are more curious about us...
発売日: 2015-05-12 ¥1,400
It was in the eleventh day of the fifth month of 1981, malignant melanoma, a dangerous breed of cancer, took away the life of one of the most influential singer of the modern era, Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley. At that day, it was not just the 2 million Jamaicans who were shocked, the whole world wept with them, the whole world wept, hearing the early departure of the king of Reggae. Before he left us at the very age of 36, he contributed not only a collection of everlasting music, but also a cluste...
発売日: 2018-11-15 ¥250
The most exemplary and strangest of the Greek philosophers, Socrates is viewed as the founding figure of Western philosophy. Even today his beliefs in the quest for truth are considered great by his admirers. Socrates became famous through his contribution to the field of ethics and moral philosophy. Here we have made an effort to compile his vast thoughts and give you an extraordinary reading experience. This book throws light towards his sayings about life, relationship and many more. It is th...
発売日: 2018-10-23 ¥250
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the spiritual leader and founder of TM aka Transcendental Meditation was an Indian born foremost teachers of meditation. He was the first to familiarize TM to the west and rose to fame in the 1960’s as the spiritual mentor of The Beatles. Attributed as HIs Holiness by his devotees, he is often named as ‘giggling guru’ for his frequently laughing nature. Maharishi was born as Mahesh Prasad Varma, somewhere in Madhya Pradesh. Completing his graduation, he became an ard...
発売日: 2018-10-06 ¥250
The word Samurai itself is a synonym for Japan, as they are the great ferocious aristocratic warriors in the history of the country. They are the best known for their dignity and elegance during peace and fierce atrocities in war. These highly honoured ardent champions were much ready to sacrifice their own life than bearing any dishonours. The Samurais practice a number of weapons including spears, bows and arrows, nevertheless the main weaponry and symbol of strength is their sword which was c...
発売日: 2018-10-05 ¥250
Alan Watts was the most prominent personality of the Zen Buddhism, who popularized the Eastern philosophy for the Western world. This naturalized American author’s writings were particularly famous among the so-called "beat generation" of the late 1950s and early 1960s. He is the author of more than 25 books including ne of the best selling books on Buddhism, ‘The Way of Zen’ and ‘Nature, Man and Woman’. With a master’s degree in Theology, he was an Episcopal priest for a short time ...
発売日: 2018-10-03 ¥300
Philosophy is the system that makes you think, do reasoning and activate the brain cells which aids you excel in all areas. When we look back to the core of philosophy, three main nations stand as the basal threads. It all started in Ancient India which was later exported to west. When Indus valley civilization was booming, there bloomed another counterpart in the very valleys of the Yellow river. There flourished the ancient Chinese culture which produced many schools of thoughts like Taoism, Z...
発売日: 2018-09-24 ¥250
For common men, Bruce Lee is a martial arts icon and is renowned for his fearsome action in movies. Once we dip into the depth, it will be revealed that there persisted a philosopher inside Bruce. It was reflected in his talks, movies and the books he wrote. The ‘Be Water my Friend’, and ‘a finger pointing at the moon’ are some of the famous quotes he shared. This book is a compiled collection of his famous quotes of various genres like Motivational, Martial arts, Self Deve...
発売日: 2017-10-03 ¥350
William Shakespeare (1564 — 1616) foi um poeta e dramaturgo inglês, tido como o maior escritor do idioma inglês e o mais influente dramaturgo do mundo. Suas peças foram traduzidas para os principais idiomas do globo, e são encenadas mais do que as de qualquer outro dramaturgo. Entre suas obras mais conhecidas estão Romeu e Julieta, que se tornou a história de amor por excelência, e Hamlet, que possui uma das frases mais conhecidas da língua inglesa: To be or not to be: that's the quest...
発売日: 2016-02-15 ¥150
The right quotation can change your life. That condensed idea—expressed in just a few words or a sentence or two—can shift your thinking, trigger an epiphany, and alter your way of seeing the world. The wisest, most experienced, and most thoughtful people in history have left us these little thought-bombs, and this book collects them. Surprising, jolting, discomforting, and comforting insights urge us to live a full, unbridled life, question authority and reality, relate to fellow humans, cr...
発売日: 2017-04-01 ¥1,800
Whoever said, "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you" never met an a**hole. Here, you'll find more than 1,200 of the most biting quotes, comments, and comebacks ever uttered, including: • "I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence." --George Bernard Shaw • "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein • "If they can make penicillin out of ...
発売日: 2011-09-15 ¥1,200
A giftable, illustrated collection of quotes and pithy advice--equal parts self-help and grooming guide--by quintessential American poet and writer Walt Whitman. In 1858, famed American author Walt Whitman penned a series of newspaper columns under a pseudonym on the subject of “manly health and training,” shortly before his landmark third edition of Leaves of Grass was published. Recently discovered for the first time in 150 years, the fascinating manifesto contains the renowned poet’s ad...
発売日: 2017-04-04 ¥540
--- BIGGEST COLLECTION OF MAYA ANGELOU QUOTES --- Marguerite Annie Johnson alias Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928 - May 28, 2014), an American author, poet and civil right activist. Angelou is famous for her series of seven autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a 1969 autobiography and first of her seven famous autobiographies. Angelou uses her autobiography to expl...
発売日: 2016-02-06 ¥250
Les citations sont une source d’inspiration inépuisable. Elles synthétisent un accumulé d’expériences de toutes les cultures et, le plus souvent, un concentré d’intelligence et de sagesse. Elles nous poussent à la réflexion, elles nous interpellent et nous laissent, parfois, perplexes, et tout l’intérêt réside dans cet état contemplatif, car elles nous révèlent une part de vérité. Ce livre vous propose un florilège de citations soigneusement sélectionnées. Elles sont au...
発売日: 2015-11-17 ¥350
This book is a collection of over 10,000 proverbs and wise sayings from all over the world and across different cultures. Proverbs and wise sayings are as old as mankind. They exist to give us advice and can sometimes also serve a humorous purpose. Proverbs have always served as part of our daily conversations and speeches, and have facilitated carrying on cultures and traditions from generation to generation. Proverbs are very much a part of almost every culture, as such, it is important that t...
発売日: 2015-06-10 ¥410
From the innocence of Cookie Monster to the intelligence of Aristotle, this collection of over 1,900 quotes will tickle your funny bone and expand your wisdom. Enjoy the delicious “mind candy” in these pages which will make you laugh, touch your heart, challenge your thinking, make you wonder, and provide you with food for thought.
発売日: 2015-02-27 ¥100
A simple string of words can change our mindset and give us a different outlook on life. This collection of quotations may be just what you need after a rough day, a frustrating evening, or just for a quick pick-me-up. Quotes are organized into categories for easy finding. Categories include: * Love * Friendship * Business * Funny * Creativity * Leadership * Motivational * And many more! Give it a read. One of these messages ma...
発売日: 2015-03-16 ¥100
It is rare that a scientist’s reputation transcends the world of science so much as to become a household name. Stephen Hawking, however, is one such example. Widely regarded as one of the top physicists of modern times, Hawking has made revolutionary discoveries in the field of cosmology and is a prolific author of books and scientific papers, despite having been almost completely paralysed for many years. This book contains some of Hawking’s views on a variety of topics in order to give an...
発売日: 2014-11-17 ¥400
Richard Dawkins is arguably the best known atheist in the world. Although professionally a respected Evolutionary Biologist, his outspoken views against religion have made him one of the most controversial characters alive today. Dawkins is never short of interesting and intellectual things to say. This book collates some of his most interesting and thought-provoking quotes on a variety of subjects.
発売日: 2014-09-07 ¥350
Winston Churchill is without doubt one of the best known names in British history. Notable for his revered leadership qualities, Churchill was also a much-quoted figure. From his words, it's obvious that Churchill was not just a politician, but also a philosopher. This book brings together some of his finest quotes on a variety of subjects, from his opinions on war to his views on life, as well as some of his more humorous moments.
発売日: 2014-09-07 ¥350
This book is an anthology of 70 quotes from Isaac Newton and 51 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton was born three months after the death of his father, a prosperous farmer also named Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton never married. Isaac Newton devoted a great part of his time to alchemy. Albert Einstein kept a picture of Newton on his study wall alongside ones of Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. By 1672 Isaac Newton had started to record his theological researches i...
発売日: 2014-06-19 ジャンル:参考図書 ¥100
This book is an anthology of 92 quotes from Thomas Edison and 70 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Thomas Edison. I start where the last man left off. All bibles are man-made. Great ideas originate in the muscles. I am proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success. Discontent is the first necessity of progres...
発売日: 2014-04-14 ジャンル:参考図書 ¥200
Children touch our hearts without even trying. They bring magic and laughter into the lives of adults and help us to remember what it was like to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Sometimes they makes us laugh, or cry, and they test our patience but children bring sunshine into our days. These collection of quotes is sometimes serious, sometimes light and funny but every one is a quote that is meant to touch our hearts and all about the children we share this world with. Use the boo...
発売日: 2014-03-13 ¥150