日本初の女子高生が書いた化学の参考書! 二次、私大でも使用できるが、特にセンター試験を受けるのには完璧な一冊。 高校生目線なので、説明の方法やコラムなども共感するところたっぷり。 さし絵はオール手書きで疲れたときにほっこりします。... 「ヒキョーな化学」や「炎化学」のみかみ一桜とのコラボで、わかりやすい一冊が誕生。 儲けるために作った本では...
発売日: 2016-06-14 ¥100
発売日: 2018-03-02 ¥4,000
発売日: 2009-07-21 ¥1,400
発売日: 2011-04-02 ¥880
** NEW YORK TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER ** The Gene is the story of one of the most powerful and dangerous ideas in our history from the author of The Emperor of All Maladies. The story begins in an Augustinian abbey in 1856, and takes the reader from Darwin’s groundbreaking theory of evolution, to the horrors of Nazi eugenics, to present day and beyond - as we learn to “read” and “write” the human genome that unleashes the potential to change the fates and identities of our children. ...
発売日: 2016-06-02 ¥1,200
"A glorious book . . . A spirited defense of science . . . From the first page to the last, this book is a manifesto for clear thought." *Los Angeles Times "POWERFUL . . . A stirring defense of informed rationality. . . Rich in surprising information and beautiful writing." *The Washington Post Book World How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don't understand the difference between the myths of pseudoscience and the testable hypotheses of scie...
発売日: 1997-02-25 ジャンル:科学/自然 ¥1,600
発売日: 2013-04-16 ¥720
発売日: 2012-11-23 ¥650
小学校の理科に対応! 自由研究のアイデアがいっぱい! でんじろう先生の実験で、理科がもっと好きになる! 遊びながら理科がよくわかる工作がたくさん! 小学校で習う理科実験の原理を使った自宅で簡単にできるおもしろ実験を紹介。 小学校3~6年生を対象とした自由研究のアイデアや実験43種掲載! 【内容】 ・空気や水、光で実験しよう ・いろいろな力で実験しよう ・...
発売日: 2016-03-15 ¥1,200
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 シリーズ累計6万部超の『山溪名前図鑑 野草の名前 和名の由来と見分け方』がお手頃価格で持ち運びに便利な文庫版に! 由来とセットで野草の名前が楽しく覚えられ...
発売日: 2017-05-20 ¥880
This collection from scientist and Nobel Peace Prize winner highlights the achievements of a man whose career reshaped the world's understanding of quantum electrodynamics. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a magnificent treasury of the best short works of Richard P. Feynman-from interviews and speeches to lectures and printed articles. A sweeping, wide-ranging collection, it presents an intimate and fascinating view of a life in science-a life like no other. From his ruminations on science ...
発売日: 2005-04-06 ジャンル:科学/自然 ¥1,700
発売日: 2003-09-25 ¥4,400
山国に生きる私たちは古くから木を使い、木の持つ特有の香りとその機能性を巧みに生活の中に取り入れてきました。民間薬、香料、消臭剤、殺虫剤などとして利用されてきた木の香りは、また、生活にやすらぎと潤いの場をもたらしてきました。木の香りは私たちとともに歩み、文化を育んできたのです。 古くから慣れ親しんできた木の香りですが、科学技術の進歩に...
発売日: 2011-01-01 ¥1,600
A completely new full-colour edition of the popular guide to science First published in 1989, this is the third edition of the popular Gem Basic Facts Science. The Basic Facts series is a series of illustrated gem dictionaries in important school subjects.
発売日: 2002-11-04 ¥300
Scientific writing is often dry, wordy, and difficult to understand. But, as Anne E. Greene shows in Writing Science in Plain English ,writers from all scientific disciplines can learn to produce clear, concise prose by mastering just a few simple principles. This short, focused guide presents a dozen such principles based on what readers need in order to understand complex information, including concrete subjects, strong verbs, consistent terms, and organized paragraphs. The author, a bi...
発売日: 2013-05-24 ジャンル:科学/自然 ¥1,900
This bestselling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. For all three approaches, John W. Creswell and new co author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions; key elements of the research process; a review of the literature; an assessment of the use of theory in research applications, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry. New to this Edition Updated discuss...
発売日: 2021-08-22 ¥1,100
問題のどこかがボケていて間違いのある「ボケ問」に対して、 正しいツッコミを入れながら読み進める、新しい形の問題集です。 マンガを読む→ボケ問を考える→解説で理解を深める→類似問題(中学入試過去問題)で定着度をアップ! 1章 生物 2章 物理1 3章 化学 4章 地学 の構成で受験対策はばっちり! 人気校、難関校の過去問題を多数掲載。 入試で差をつけられるポイン...
発売日: 2019-04-15 ¥1,400
〈日常の疑問を解消できて科学の知識も身につく!〉 〈誰かに話したくなるほどナットクできる!〉 本書は、日常のふとした疑問を科学の知識で解き明かす本です。 「スマホのタッチパネルはなぜ指の動きに反応する」「エアコンはどうやって空気を涼しくしている」「洗剤で油汚れが落ちるのはどうして」「夜になると眠くなるのはなぜ」……などなど、その答えは科学...
発売日: 2021-04-15 ¥1,400
The New York Times bestseller that makes scientific subjects both understandable and fun: “Every sentence sparkles with wit and charm.” —Richard Dawkins From the Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times science journalist and bestselling author of Woman , this is a playful, passionate guide to the science all around us (and inside us)—from physics to chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, and more. Drawing on conversations with hundreds of the world’s top scientists, Nata...
発売日: 2008-04-03 ¥1,800
Everything you need to know about Arowana Fish and more. This book is guaranteed to answer any and all questions you may have about Arowanas and is a must have for anyone interested in keeping an Arowana as a pet. Arowana fish tank, care, habitat, feeding, breeding, diseases, aquariums, and the legends and myths of the Arowana are all included. This is a must have guide for all Arowana owners and individuals who are thinking of getting an Arowana. In a straightforward, easy to read fashion, Kyle...
発売日: 2017-04-28 ¥600
Whether sharing a spectacular shot from a deep-space probe, announcing a development in genetic engineering, or crafting an easy-to-reference list of cancer risk factors, science public information officers, or PIOs, serve as scientific liaisons, connecting academic, nonprofit, government, and other research organizations with the public. And as traditional media outlets cut back on their science coverage, PIOs are becoming a vital source for science news. W. Matthew Shipman’s Handbook for Sci...
発売日: 2015-08-15 ジャンル:科学/自然 ¥3,200
What would kill you if you fell into a black hole? Once people finally get to Mars, how will they get back? What makes the holes in Swiss cheese? Are there any carnivorous plants that are harmful to humans? Are there really caterpillars that scream to protect themselves? How do birds have sexual intercourse? Why don’t woodpeckers damage their brains? What is the function of ear wax? Why don’t you sneeze when you’re asleep? Do germs have germs? What is considered evidence for extra-terresti...
発売日: 2003-04-08 ¥650
In this captivating and lucid book, the bestselling author of Einstein's Dreams chronicles twenty-four great discoveries of twentieth-century science--everything from the theory of relativity to mapping the structure of DNA. These discoveries radically changed our notions of the world and our place in it. Here are Einstein, Fleming, Bohr, McClintock, Paul ing, Watson and Crick, Heisenberg and many others. With remarkable insight, Lightman charts the intellectual and emotional landscape of the ti...
発売日: 2005-11-08 ¥1,700
A science book for the general reader that is informative enough to be a popular textbook and yet well-written enough to appeal to general readers. “Hazen and Trefil [are] unpretentious—good, down-to-earth, we-can-explain-anything science teachers, the kind you wish you had but never did.”— The New York Times Book Review Knowledge of the basic ideas and principles of science is fundamental to cultural literacy. But most books on science are often too obscure or too specialized to do the ...
発売日: 1990-12-01 ¥1,300