Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
1. A must - One of my favorite podcasts ever. While not impressed by every single episode, I must admit that none (even the first ones) is ever boring, and some are truly mind-blowing. In addition, the exquisite, fine-mannered narration and interaction with the guests is simply of example to current society. Recommended.
Puntate dedicate a scoprire qualche curiosità rispetto alla nostra mente e a come noi funzioniamo. Di tanto in tanto magari ci alleneremo anche con qualche esercizio per potenziare il nostro benessere psicofisico. Buon ascolto!
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-28
Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by award-winning professor Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
Sito ufficiale dello scrittore ed "esploratore dell'insolito" Massimo Polidoro
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-04
1. Interessante e piacevole! - Conoscevo Polidoro da tempo, mi è capitato di leggere qualcosa su Focus, e questo podcast è stato una piacevole scoperta! Ben realizzato dal punto di vista tecnico e soprattutto ricco di contenuti interessanti, mi ci sono imbattuto quasi per caso e ora mi trovo praticamente a "divorarlo", una puntata dopo l'altra. Mai pesante, mai noioso, accompagnato da una selezione musicale di sottofondo di alto livello, mi sento di consigliare questo podcast davvero a chiunque.
Abbonati: Key Editore è editoria giuridica, formazione, e-learning e preparazione all'esame di avvocato. La direzione scientifica è affidata ad un gruppo di esperti professori universitari, dal 2014, si occupa principalmente di preparazione giuridica, aggiornamento professionale e formazione. L’attività della casa editrice Key, con la direzione scientifica del Professore Paolo Cendon, si rivolge essenzialmente ai tecnici del diritto – avvocati, giu...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to talk about what’s on their mind lately. Join Eric Neumann, Anjie Cao, Kate Petrova, Bella Fascendini, and Joseph Outa as they chat with their guests about their latest exciting work. Every week, an episode will bring you new findings from psychological science and how they can be applied to everyday life. The opinions and views expressed in this podcast represent those of the speaker and not necessarily Stanford's. Su...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
(PSYC 110) What do your dreams mean? Do men and women differ in the nature and intensity of their sexual desires? Can apes learn sign language? Why can’t we tickle ourselves? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, religion, persuasion, love, lust, hunger, art, fiction, and dreams. We will look at how t...
Data di rilascio : 2009-10-07
Yale Faculty and distinguished guests speak on psychology research and latest studies happening at Yale.
Data di rilascio : 2008-11-18
The Social-Engineer Podcast is about humans. Understanding how we interact, communicate and relay information can help us protect, mitigate and understand social engineering attacks
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast is a structured, science-based deep dive into the phenomenon. Grounded enough for skeptics, accessible for newbs, and deeply researched enough for seasoned ufologists—oh, and also it's fun. Hosted by Kelly Chase.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
UC Davis psychology lecturer Victoria Cross delivers this course on the developmental account of human behavior from conception through adolescence with emphasis on motor skills, mental abilities, motivation, and social interaction.
Data di rilascio : 2008-12-02
ثمینم از برنامه ی خانه کجاست، 11 ساله کانادا زندگی میکنم و روانشناسی مهاجرت کار میکنم و کارم تحقیقاتیه برنامه ی خانه کجاست که برنامه ی یوتوبی هست داستانهای مهاجرت رو به تصویر میکشه؛ سمتاک حواشی برنامه و تحقیق و زندگی ثمین رو براتون خواهد گفت. اگر مهاجرت کردید، اگر تو فکر مهاجر...
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-28
Un luogo pubblico, virtuale e informale per guardare ai fenomeni della contemporaneità da un punto di vista plurale e inclusivo. Incontri e interviste con antropologi e antropologhe per immaginare insieme il nostro presente e costruire il nostro futuro.
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-08
Stories, science and secrets from the world’s brightest thought-leaders. Behavioral Grooves is the podcast that satisfies your curiosity of why we do what we do. Explanations of human behavior that will improve your relationships, your wellbeing, and your organization by helping you find your groove.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Michele Cassetta, medico chirurgo e giornalista, dialoga con medici, scienziati e neuroscienziati per spiegare come funziona il nostro cervello e come le scelte che facciamo siano influenzate da programmi mentali automatici che si formano sulla base delle nostre esperienze. Scopriremo come funziona la nostra memoria, cosa accade quando sogniamo, quando abbiamo paura e quando ci emozioniamo, capiremo anche in che cosa il nostro cervello si differenzia da quello delle altre specie viventi e non m...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-12
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-08
il racconto della storia della scienza economica, come è nata e come si è evoluta nei secoli. Un podcast pensato per chi non è uno specialista ma vuole approfondire la storia del pensiero economico. Dalle prime comunità umane ai giorni nostri, da Platone a Milton Friedman, passando per Sant'Agostino, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes e i principali pensatori che hanno scritto di economia. Affronteremo anche la storia della moneta e il concetto di mercato. Questo podcast vuole aiutar...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
Talks On Psychoanalysis shares topics published in the IPA Society Journals and Congress debates worldwide, brought to you in the voices of the original authors. This podcast is produced by International Psychoanalytical Association
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-06
Why are some people so happy? How can you tell when politicians are lying? Is it logical to carry a lucky charm? Why do long lists of questions hold our attention? Welcome to Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind, the podcast that aims to answer a thousand questions about the human mind. A magician, academic and author, Richard holds the UK’s only professorship in the public understanding of psychology. Together with science journalist Marnie Chesterton, they take on all manner of questions from t...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
بودكاست عن البيئة والهجرة وعدم المساواة، أي عن قضايا عالمية مرتبطة بالأرض
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-30
Introducing the Templeton Ideas Podcast — a show about the most awe-inspiring ideas in our world and the people who investigate them. Hosts Thomas Burnett and Abby Ponticello sit down with inspiring thinkers like Dacher Keltner, Alison Gopnik, and Gretchen Rubin to explore how their work has transformed their lives — and how it may transform yours, too. These conversations will take listeners on a journey through topics ranging from astrophysics, to the psychology of personality, to philos...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-09
بودكاست يقودك للعيش بوئام مع قوى العالم أجمع برفقة المختصة: وئام العمري ستكتشف جوانبك الملهمة التي ستصل بك للسلام إنتاج استديو ديباجة
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-03
Un podcast antropologico unico nel suo genere
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-14
Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "inte...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-01
1. Productivity - I’ve been a long time fan of this podcast, in fact, I’ve been listening to it for over months now and I have to say: it has become a part of my daily morning routine! Some episodes might have some pretty uninteresting topics (I’m impressed someone can be an expert in something completely irrelevant), but it’s only a few of them.
I’d handle better some ads, they get kinda of annoying after the rd one in a single episode; maybe put some links in the description of the episode and lower the time you speak about them, so listeners can just get a taste of what the ad is and then get informed by themselves, instead of “forcing” them to listen at the accurate description (good thing there’s the secs skip).
After all, it’s a great podcast for beginners: it doesn’t require a lot of focus and you can do other stuff while you listen to it, since most topics last from to minutes.
"Tax Away - diritto tributario d'asporto" è il podcast scritto e realizzato dalle studentesse e dagli studenti del Corso di diritto tributario di UniTO. Dal 15 gennaio, una puntata ogni 15 giorni. Il diritto tributario come non lo avete mai consumato.
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-16
A true-crime podcast about climate change, hosted and reported by award-winning investigative journalist Amy Westervelt.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Un podcast su disabilità, malattie croniche, autismo e fragilità sociale.
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-10
1. La divulgazione fatta bene - Questo podcast fa divulgazione su temi quali disabilità e autismo basandosi sull’autorappresentanza, argomenti sui quali, soprattutto nei media mainstream, si sente spesso parlare in modo approssimativo quando non pietistico. In questo podcast invece parlano le persone dirette interessate, sono loro, giustamente, a decidere come narrarsi.
Hear about the cutting edge of development economics from research to practice.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
Hosted by former covert CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante, Everyday Espionage gives you practical, powerful spy skills you can use to get ahead in your everyday life.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
1. “American Slow Radio” a lulling, lovely success - I want to congratulate Abbie Wendell. Knowing nothing about audio production, I don’t know how difficult this was or how much skill and talent was required, but to this avid podcast listener, it seemed masterful. The episode was unexpectedly touching, compelling, and just very pretty.
2. Yay, new Invisibilia episodes! - I discovered this podcast last year. It always gives me something insightful to think about as I go about my routine work. The episodes are all intersting, but my all-time favorite is the one about the doctor with Asperger's. So glad to see new episodes for . I'm doling them out to myself slowly, like cookies, so that I won't run out too quickly!
Recorded lectures from the Faculty of Philosophy
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-02
This podcast is about the practice of Couples Therapy. Many of the episodes are interviews with leaders in the field of Relationships. The show is meant to help Therapists and Coaches learn how to help people to deepen their connection, but in the process it explores what is most needed for each of us to love, heal, and grow. Each week Shane Birkel interviews an expert in the field of Couples Therapy to explore all about the world of relationships and how to be an amazing therapist.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Il minimalismo è una filosofia di vita straordinaria. In Italia non è ancora una realtà, mentre in America e in altri paesi Anglofoni le persone stanno abbracciando questo cambiamento. Il minimalismo non è solo un percorso personale, è anche l'unica risposta seria che abbiamo allo sfrenato consumismo che governa la nostra società, l'unico strumento in grado di ridurre i consumi e di conseguenza ridurre l'impatto che l'uomo ha sul pianeta terra e le sue risorse. In questo podcast affronter...
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-22
Learn to use the sciences of the mind to help you understand what makes you emotionally tick. Two Austin therapists and their world-recognized guest experts break down the research in modern attachment, relational neuroscience and trauma in a challenging but entertaining format to keep you off autopilot and moving towards closer connections.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Sito ufficiale dello scrittore ed "esploratore dell'insolito" Massimo Polidoro
Data di rilascio : 2016-12-03
El 1 de junio de 2018, en Ciudad de México, México, Domenico Cosenza dictó una conferencia con el título “La Orientación Analítica en la cura de los trastornos de la alimentación”. En esta presentación Cosenza nos entrega un excelente desarrollo con relación a cómo la orientación analítica lacaniana aporta en la cura de los trastornos de la alimentación. La introducción estuvo a cargo de Ana Viganó. Radio Lacan agradece a Silvana DiRienzo por su colaboración en la grabación...
Data di rilascio : 2018-06-07
El domingo 17 de septiembre, en el marco preparatorio hacia las jornadas clínicas a realizarse en febrero 9, 10, 11 del 2018 en Nueva York, Domenico Cosenza ha presentado una Videoconferencia titulada: "El Ego en la Anorexia, Egosintonia, Narcisismo y Nominacion imaginaria". La presentación estuvo a cargo de Juan Felipe Arango.
Data di rilascio : 2017-10-05
In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
گفتارهای دکتر شیری درباره عشق، زندگی، معنا، از دست دادن و دوباره برخاستن
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-13
A podcast featuring interviews with economists whose work appears in journals published by the American Economic Association.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-20
The C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago houses a library of audio recordings of lectures dating back 40 years. One of the largest of its kind in the world, this collection is a rich and unique educational resource for anyone with an interest in the well-being of the individual, the community and the culture. Speakers include internationally renowned presenters whose work is at the forefront of psychological thought including Robert Moore, June Singer, Murray Stein, John Beebe, Ann Belford Ulanov, Don...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Interviews with Scholars of Critical Theory about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member!
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
Podcast del blog Il Giardino Della Pedagogia. Il blog educativo e pedagogico. Trovi i podcast dei miei video ma anche contenuti esclusivi. di Maria Sara Dellavalle
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-21
Can we learn to make smarter choices? Listen in as host Katy Milkman--behavioral scientist, Wharton professor, and author of How to Change--shares stories of high-stakes decisions and what research reveals they can teach us. Choiceology, an original podcast from Charles Schwab, explores the lessons of behavioral economics to help you improve your judgment and change for good. Season 1 of Choiceology was hosted by Dan Heath, bestselling author of Made to Stick and Switch. Podcasts are for infor...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
Hosts Frédéric Mérand (Director, University of Montreal Department of Political Science) and Jennifer Welsh (Director, Center for International Peace and Security Studies) are joined by leading scholars and policy makers for a bilingual discussion of the political, economic, and security challenges confronting our world, and whether and how Canada is prepared to address them. Les hôtes Frédéric Mérand (Directeur, Département de Science Politique de l’Université de Montréal) et Jenni...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Ils seront désormais 4 à écouter et analyser les questions des auditeurs laissées sur le répondeur 01 56 40 64 04 ou par note vocale via l'application ou le site de France Inter.Avec Clotilde Leguil, Caroline Eliacheff, Laurie Laufer et Juan David Nasio Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
While religion and science often seem at odds, there’s one thing they can agree on: people who take part in spiritual practices tend to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. The big question is: Why? In the “How God Works” podcast, professor Dave DeSteno takes us on a journey to find out – one that combines cutting edge neuroscience with ancient wisdom. He’ll speak to leading scientists, spiritual teachers, and religious leaders to explore what we can learn from faith practices r...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-02
Describes the process, experience, and frames of reference I use in practicing psychotherapy.
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-24