Questo podcast è dedicato a chi ha interesse a saperne di più sulla salute e il benessere dei cavalli. A chi piace ascoltare invece di vedere le dirette su YuouTube e su Facebook, magari in macchina mentre va o torna dal lavoro. Ogni momento è buono per imparare qualcosa di nuovo.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
Pies, powiadają, jest najlepszym przyjacielem człowieka. A co może zrobić człowiek, by być najlepszym przyjacielem swojego psa? Mądrze zadbać o jego rozwój, socjalizację, zdrowie? Tego wszystkiego dowiecie się z podcastu "No stress, to tylko pies". Trenerka czworonogów Małgo Bekas, założycielka Mam psa. I co teraz? z humorem i pazurem opowiada o psich zwyczajach i potrzebach, uświadamiając, jakich błędów unikać, żeby nie dokładać swojemu pupilowi stresu w codziennym życ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-20
Cat Talk Radio is all about cats, what makes them do what they do, why they occasionally misbehave and what cat guardians can do to fix it. We educate you on how to modify unwanted cat behavior by providing the proper environment and stimulation, enabling cats to express their natural behaviors in ways that are preferable for both the humans and cats. You will learn how to have fun with your cat, fascinating cat facts and be inspired to try new things, which will lead to a happier relationship a...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
Un podcast bestiale sugli animali
Data di rilascio : 2022-09-28
Sono Fabrizio e ho fondato la prima scuola online per imparare la lingua del cane. Qui ti aiuterò a gestire il tuo. 👇Il servizio più adatto a te.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-15
In questo podcast vogliamo raccontarvi la nostra quotidianità e le nostre esperienze di famiglia con cane. Parleremo di consigli pratici, di alimentazione sana per cani, prodotti per la cura, accessori che possono aiutarci. Benvenuti su Cuccioli&Crocchette!
Data di rilascio : 2021-06-15
Baleine sous Gravillon raconte le Vivant et nous reconnecte avec ce qui vit autour de nous. BSG diffuse, un mercredi sur deux, une série de 4 épisodes d’environ 15 minutes. Des experts reconnus et passionnés viennent y partager leurs connaissances sur un thème précis. _______ BSG est le grand frère d'une famille de 3 podcasts complémentaires: Combats, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (PPDP). _______ Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conféren...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
“In salotto con la Vane” è un podcast che nasce dalla voglia di scoprire qualcosa di più del mondo dei nostri cagnoloni. Una bella chiacchierata insieme a professionisti: veterinario, vet. nutrizionista, educatore, psicologa, ecc… La Vane forse la conoscete meglio come la mamma di Yoda e Bali, conosciuti sui social come The life of Yoda.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
Ciao, sono Mary Veg e questo è il Podcast che ti aiuterà a comprendere meglio il tuo cane per vivere la miglior vita possibile insieme!
Data di rilascio : 2022-09-14
Reporterin Anna reist um die Welt und kommt Tieren ganz nah: Vom Ameisenbär über Kängurus bis zu Zebras. Annas Tier-Abenteuer gibt’s jetzt auch zum Hören. In gut 20-minütigen Folgen nimmt die Reporterin die Kinder mit auf verschiedene Kontinente und lernt fremde Tiere und Kulturen kennen. Dabei packt Anna mit an - sie hilft beim Auswildern von Riesensalamandern und Feldhamstern, bekommt ihre erste Reitstunde und zählt die Köttel von Koalas. Alle Folgen gibt es immer eine Woche vorher ex...
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-23
Si eres una mamá perruna llegaste al lugar correcto. Aquí hablo sobre perros, de su bienestar, de la vida junto a ellos y de cómo podemos amarlos mucho, entendiendo y respetando su animalidad. Soy Daniela Bedoya de @orejasynarices, una dogmom creadora de contenido. Te doy las gracias por escucharme y por hacer parte de este espacio. Instagram: TikTok:
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Dalla rubrica i consigli del vostro vet nasce il podcast consigli veterinari. Il Dott. Sergio Abbondanza direttore del Centro Veterinario Santa Lucia vi darà gratuitamente tantissimi consigli per la cura e il benessere dei nostri amici animali.
Data di rilascio : 2021-06-14
Learn more at
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-20
Wszystkie zwierzęta świata i my. Pierwszy zwierzak w domu – co robić, jak się przygotować? Ptaki Polski i nie tylko czyli budzimy w sobie ornitologa. Jakie problemy możemy mieć ze swoimi zwierzętami, jak im zapobiegać i rozwiązywać?
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-27
Did you know that in the world of elephants the females are the ones in charge? Or that a grizzly bear's bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? Amazing Wildlife gives a behind-the-scenes look inside the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park to gain insight on rare species and to explore the ongoing conservation efforts to save endangered wildlife no matter how big or small. Join us as hosts Rick Schwartz and now Marco Wendt transport listeners around the globe to highlight the San ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
Im Podcast „Tierisch Menschlich“ sprechen Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Wissenschaftsreporterin Katharina Adick über ihre Lieblingsthemen: die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund, das merkwürdige Verhalten mancher Zweibeiner, Neues aus der Forschung und skurrile Geschichten aus dem Leben mit Haustieren. Hörer:innen erfahren viel über den Hundeprofi persönlich, seine Ansichten zu Lakritzschlümpfen, Strafzetteln und Talkshows und natürlich immer wieder Privates über den inoffiziellen ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
Every week we'll choose and highlight one frog to be the frog of the week! Doesn't that sound fun?
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-01
Hier dreht sich alles um das Thema Aquaristik im 21. Jahrhundert. Aktuelle Themen und Relikte der Vergangenheit. Jonas und izzi räumen auf!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs wo...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
Hier hörst Du einen Podcast rund um die Meerwasseraquaristik, mit fachlichen Themen, praktischen Tipps, Berichten und prominenten Community-Gästen. Mit Jörg Kokott und Dominik Ringen.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
Bêtes de Science, c'est le podcast de l'intelligence animale pour les enfants et la famille (et pour les grands qui n'ont pas oublié de rester curieux !). À chaque épisode, partez à la découverte d'un nouvel animal et de ses comportements les plus étonnants en compagnie de Gaby Fabresse et Agatha Liévin-Bazin. Rencontrez des oiseaux architectes, des poissons dessinateurs, des insectes cartographes et bien d'autres créatures, suivez la trace des scientifiques qui les étudient, et appren...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-14
Il podcast sugli animali e sul profondo legame che si crea con la loro famiglia umana. Un viaggio in otto episodi per raccontare fatti e curiosità sul mondo degli animali domestici: informazioni, approfondimenti e consigli pratici direttamente dai veterinari e professionisti del settore. Realizzato da Andrea Ciraolo e Matteo Scandolin insieme a MyLav, Laboratorio di Analisi Veterinarie. L'informazione affidabile per prenderti cura del tuo animale. Canale Youtube ►
Data di rilascio : 2020-05-14
Le storie che ascolterete sono di personaggi di spicco di tutte le epoche che sono stati attratti dai piccoli felini. Molti hanno reso protagonisti I loro compagni a quattro zampe delle loro opere con piccoli citazioni o dedicando loro odi, racconti, raffigurazioni o canzoni
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-02
Welcome to Everything Dog Training! Dog training can be confusing. There is so much information on the internet, the opinions of friends, family and colleagues and the guy down the pub who has had dogs for years. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. Some ifs great for you, for your dog, other training techniques hurt the relationship between you and your dog. Cut through the clutter, the folklore and myth and find out what is best for you and your dog.
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-04
Your host, Debbie (owner of Playtime Paws), is a positive trainer with a passion for dogs, their behavior and helping you create a well-behaved dog. This is a dog training and behavior podcast that with help you and your new puppy build good healthy habits right from the start. It will also help you understand your dog’s behavior and build a strong, fulfilling, and fun relationship for years to come.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-06
Rumor d'acque è un podcast di Andrea Gollin dove vengono intervistati esponenti del settore acquariofilo e non solo. Allevatori, esportatori, importatori, negozianti, studiosi, ma soprattutto appassionati si raccontano a Rumor d'acque.
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-28
Getting a new puppy is a wonderfully exciting time - but it also throws up a number of questions. What are you supposed to do when you first bring your new addition home? What about the first trip to the vet? How about training and nutrition? Don't worry, because the award-winning Puppy Podcast from Pets at Home is here to help! We've gathered together our top in-house experts to ensure the podcast will act as your very own, personal puppy checklist. And don’t forget to join our VIP Puppy Clu...
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-27
Dog clothes: smart ideas from Quebec, Canada. Long-sleeve jackets, coats and custom jumpsuits for any weather!
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-27
Auf YouTube, Instagram, Facebook und mit unserem eigenen Blog sind wir ja schon lange aktiv. Aber wir stoßen dort auch oft an unsere Grenzen, vor allem wenn es um ein umfangreicheres Thema geht. Oft wären diese Videos oder Beiträge einfach viel zu lang. Deswegen gibt es Picadera jetzt auch als Podcast. Lass' uns gerne ein Abonnement da. Hast du Feedback oder Ideen? Schreib' uns an Mehr Infos, Equipment und Blogbeiträge findest du auf
Data di rilascio : 2022-08-31
Vom natürlichem Umgang mit Pferden von den ersten Schritten am Boden bis zum sicheren , entspannten Reiten, sowohl im Gelände als auch in der Dressur. Mit unserem Programm findet ihr Lösungen und den Weg zu einem vertrauensvollem , partnerschaftlichen Zusammensein mit euren Pferden ohne Zwang und Einschüchterung. Möge das Pferd mit euch sein.
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-19
Armonie Animali ® è una rete di professionisti che collabora con lo stesso fine, quello del benessere umano, animale, ambientale. I professionisti che compongono la rete sono medici veterinari esperti in MNC (Medicina Non Convenzionale), biologi, terapeuti, educatori cinofili, operatori di IAA (Interventi Assistiti con gli Animali), agronomi, agricoltori, allevatori, permacultori. Ciò che li accomuna è un approccio innovativo, etico e consapevole atto ad interagire correttamente con la Terra...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-19
Ab sofort stellen wir euch gemeinsam mit unserer Gastgeberin – der Schauspielerin Andrea Sawatzki – tapfere, schlaue und auch witzige Hundehelden vor. Wir werden von bewegenden Schicksalen erfahren und gemeinsam erleben, wie mutige Hunde über sich selbst hinauswachsen. Außerdem begegnen wir Talenten auf vier Pfoten, die über beeindruckende Fähigkeiten verfügen und jeden Hundefan zum Staunen bringen. Für das notwendige Hintergrundwissen sorgen darüber hinaus zahlreiche Experten, u...
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-08
How caring for dogs transforms who we are as a person and changes our lives for good. Interview series hosted by John Bartlett, fashion designer and animal activist.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Charlotte Devaux, Vétérinaire Nutritionniste, interviewe les acteurs et actrices de la nutrition du chien et du chat pour décrypter ce monde complexe. Un podcast pour analyser et décortiquer les grandes tendances en nutrition des carnivores pour mieux les comprendre et faire des choix éclairés pour nourrir ses animaux.
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-29
Waufgeschnappt ist DER Podcast von DER HUND. Die Redaktion des Magazins präsentiert euch alle zwei Wochen spannende Gespräche mit den bekanntesten Hundetrainern, Verhaltensberatern und Tierärzten und stellt eure Fragen, die ihr (vielleicht) immer schon einmal stellen wolltet!
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-08
"Ein Herz für Tiere", Europas größtes Tiermagazin, versorgt seit fast 40 Jahren Tierfreunde mit Informationen, aktuellen News, Tipps und Ratschlägen rund um Haus- und Wildtiere. Für alle Hunde- und Katzenhalter gibt es all das jetzt auch zum Hören! Alle 14 Tage holt die Redaktion einen Experten zum Talk über Ernährung, Gesundheit oder Erziehung ans Mikro - damit Sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind, was das Wohlbefinden Ihres Hundes oder Ihrer Katze angeht.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-16
Welcome to The Incredible Dr. Polcast, featuring America’s favorite veterinarian and star of Nat Geo WILD's hit TV series, The Incredible Dr. Pol. In this debut podcast, Dr. Pol and his son, Charles, take phone calls, read emails and answer social media questions from pet owners and animal lovers across the country. Listeners will hear an unfiltered Dr. Pol cover a wide range of topics and stories from his 45+ years as a veterinarian, pet care advice, and much more.
Data di rilascio : 2020-06-27
This is more than just a dog training podcast, it’s the podcast for dog people! We're here to help you better understand your dogs, and the wide spectrum of behaviors they exhibit. Fun facts, dog news, tips & tricks, insight into the world of animal welfare and more! Get to know more about our crazy life with our rescue pups, and laugh along to the fun banter! We've added a dash of puppy pitter-padders and excited barks in the background, that's the secret ingredient. Class is in session!! You...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-08
Sherry the Dog Training is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer with All About Training Dogs. In this podcast, she reveals all of her puppy training tips and reactive dog strategies to help you with leash aggression, barking, biting, snappy and fear so you get an easy dog that you love to be with and take out. You get real-life advice based on the science of positive reinforcement dog training that is safe and humane for all dogs. You’re not born knowing how to raise and train a dog, stop stru...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-10
Il nuovo podcast della Mutua Italiana Assistenza Veterinaria-MIAV che con semplicità ti informa sulla salute dei nostri amici a 4 zampe, cani, gatti e conigli d'appartamento, i nuovi componenti dei nostri nuclei famigliari. Il nostro slogan è : " stanno bene loro, stiamo bene noi e viceversa!" Buon ascolto!
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-29
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-02
L'informazione affidabile per prenderti cura del tuo animale. Canale Youtube ► Profilo Instagram ► Canale Telegram ► I podcast Amici Animali e Salute Animale ►
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-12
In Sexier Than a Squirrel, the Official AbsoluteDogs Podcast, veterinary behaviourist Tom Mitchell and international agility competitor and professional dog trainer Lauren Langman talk training your dog, transforming your dog training struggles and getting real-life results through GAMES!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
MicioGatto è la community al 100% gatto! Qui troverai consigli, prodotti, recensioni e aiuto per la salute e il benessere del gatto. In collaborazione con veterinari e professionisti nella cura del gatto, tutto ciò che ti serve per vivere felice con i tuoi gatti. Se vuoi puoi supportare il mio canale con un caffè ☕: PUOI SEGUIRE MICIOGATTO QUI: Sito: Canale YouTube: Instagram:
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-24
Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed! We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approac...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Jsme Løype. E-shop, prodejna a kavárna pro psy a jejich lidi. V podcastu pro vás máme rozhovory ze psího světa (s lidmi) a tipy, aby byl váš život se psem (ještě) lepší. Mrkněte na nebo na Instagram @loype_cz. Na živo nás najdete v Budečské 14 v Praze na Vinohradech nebo v našem Loype hubu v Jizerkách.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis. Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
A behind-the-scenes look into the reality of dog training, behavior, teaching, and learning. We love our dogs, we love our jobs, but sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes at the end of the day, you just need a drink and friend who gets it. We'll keep it fun, and keep it real.
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-14