Il testo La Geografia economica studia i processi economici per come concretamente si realizzano, in relazione alle risorse e alle tecnologie disponibili e nella forma che esse danno a mercati a imprese nello spazio e nel territorio. Ecosistemi, mercati e imprese osservati in prospettiva geografica sono perciò i temi sviluppati da questo manuale. Il primo capitolo illustra come la relazione fra le attività economiche e l'ambiente abbia assunto la veste di particolari strategie di sfruttament...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-15 21,99 €
Poche discipline come la geografia risentono di tutti i profondi sconvolgimenti a cui assistiamo oggi, quando le trasformazioni dell'assetto geopolitico, le alterazioni climatiche, l'erosione delle risorse, l'accelerazione delle dinamiche socio-economiche e la consistenza dei flussi migratori obbligano a ridefinire ciò che appena ieri sembrava fissato in un fermo-immagine. Fabrizio Bartaletti rimette mano al suo manuale di geografia - il più completo degli ultimi anni - e lo rivede integralmen...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-12 5,99 €
Kant diventa filosofo quando si accorge che non si tratta di fare la geografia di quel che vediamo, bensí dello spazio buio della nostra mente: ma sempre geografo resta. D'altronde Strabone, all'inizio dell'era volgare, era stato chiaro: la prima forma del pensiero occidentale si chiamava geografia, la stessa che a scuola abbiamo appreso come filosofia presocratica e si è soliti definire «sapienza greca». Quel che da Anassimandro a Kant a Pierce a Wittgenstein si trasmette è la natura carto...
Data di rilascio : 2014-10-07 9,99 €
Questo libro racconta l’evoluzione della geografia – dalla Genesi e l’Enuma Elis babilonese alla moderna cartografia – in quanto storia di un progressivo disincanto. Dal Mondo alla carta geografica. Come, attraverso cosmogonie, cosmologie, e cosmografie, il vago e mitico universo-tutto, lentamente e laboriosamente, ha partorito la Terra.
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-15 9,99 €
Pensate al luogo più a nord che conoscete. Fissatelo nella mente, poi proseguite ancora e ancora, attraversate centinaia di chilometri di ghiaccio e neve, oltrepassate vulcani chiazzati di bianco e cascate di cristallo, scivolate tra branchi di renne e orsi polari, smarritevi nel buio gelido della notte artica inseguendo i bagliori verde-porpora delle aurore boreali. Ecco, a quel punto – e solo a quel punto – vi accorgerete di essere entrati in una zona al di là di ogni confine: un regno i...
Data di rilascio : 2022-02-17 9,99 €
Il territorio è il «bene comune» per eccellenza. Formato da città – piccole, medie e grandi – borghi e paesi, sistemi agroforestali e ambientali, infrastrutture urbane e rurali, costituisce un vero e proprio essere vivente, i cui geni, personalità e bellezza, sono frutto di processi coevolutivi fra insediamento umano e ambiente sedimentati nel corso della storia. Questi caratteri identitari e il loro drammatico sfarinamento nella corsa di Megacity all’urbanizzazione globale del pianet...
Data di rilascio : 2020-11-05 18,99 €
Il manuale propone una breve storia della rivoluzione culturale che ha investito la Geografia a partire dagli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso. Il punto di partenza è molto semplice. Se la cultura trasforma il mondo in simboli che esprimono significati politici, valori economici e definizioni sociali, è lo spazio, e la sua rappresentazione, a permetterne la concreta messa in opera. La cosiddetta svolta culturale implica, com'è ovvio, che i tradizionali concetti della geografia – luogo, spazio...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-05 13,99 €
Il testo Come e perché interrompere e riorientare la nostra comprensione del Mediterraneo, delle sue storie e culture? Prodotte nel tempo e nello spazio, le geografie e le storie non sono mai neutrali, ma sempre il risultato di imposizioni e contestazioni; sono, in ultima analisi, elaborate e praticate da coloro che hanno il potere di imporre le proprie mappe e cronologie. Ragionando in termini dell'impatto storico e culturale della configurazione mobile, migratoria e mutevole del Mediterraneo,...
Data di rilascio : 2019-03-01 9,99 €
This edition does not include illustrations. The story of a man’s obsession with whales, which takes him on a personal, historical and biographical journey – from his childhood to his fascination with Moby-Dick and his excursions whale-watching. All his life, Philip Hoare has been obsessed by whales, from the gigantic skeletons in London’s Natural History Museum to adult encounters with the wild animals themselves. Whales have a mythical quality – they seem to elide with dark fantasies o...
Data di rilascio : 2009-08-06 Genere:Scienza e natura 8,99 €
La vera storia della prima spedizione scientifica mondiale Nel Diciottesimo secolo nessuno ignorava che la Terra non fosse perfettamente sferica. E che fosse schiacciata ai Poli o all’Equatore. Già, ma dove? Riuscire a saperlo non era una faccenda teorica, bensì di importanza vitale per poter tracciare mappe accurate che salvassero vite umane in mare e per individuare rotte commerciali che favorissero gli scambi. Tuttavia, misurare la Terra era un’impresa così difficile da sembrare imposs...
Data di rilascio : 2021-06-10 11,99 €
Serve ancora la geografia? Quale senso può avere, oggi, la pretesa di fissare un territorio in una rappresentazione, di «cartografarlo»? E a cosa serve la geografia? A descrivere i luoghi su cui gli uomini «appoggiano» il loro agire, o a raccontarne le interazioni, e indagarne la storia? A fissare e legittimare lo status di quei luoghi, o a contribuire al loro cambiamento? In questo aureo libretto, che raccoglie in alcuni brevi e folgoranti saggi il percorso esemplare di quello che a buon d...
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-11 10,99 €
If you had a trillion dollars and a year to spend it for the good of the world and the advancement of science, what would you do? It's an unimaginably large sum, yet it's only around one per cent of world GDP, and about the valuation of Google, Microsoft or Amazon. It's a much smaller sum than the world found to bail out its banks in 2008 or deal with Covid-19. But what could you achieve with $1 trillion? You could solve the problem of the pandemic, for one, and eradicate malaria, and maybe cure...
Data di rilascio : 2021-01-14 Genere:Scienza e natura 6,49 €
A Guardian 'Top 10 Nature Memoirs' pick 'Poetic and heartful' Guardian Icelandic author and activist Andri Snær Magnason's 'Letter to the Future', an extraordinary and moving eulogy for the lost Okjökull glacier, made global news and was shared by millions. Now he attempts to come to terms with the issues we all face in his new book On Time and Water. Magnason writes of the melting glaciers, the rising seas and acidity changes that haven't been seen for 50 million years. These are changes that...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-06 Genere:Scienza e natura 6,49 €
Per conoscere un popolo e una terra si possono scegliere molte strade, ma da sempre quella dei rituali di bellezza è la via più affascinante e diretta. Il modo in cui uomini e donne si prendono cura del loro corpo rivela molte cose sulla storia e sulle tradizioni di un Paese, evidenzia differenze e similitudini, evoca sensazioni e atmosfere particolarissime. In questo viaggio intorno al mondo, Barbara Bertoli, farmacista e fitoterapista, ma soprattutto esploratrice curiosa, ha deciso di immerg...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 8,49 €
Le 16 octobre de l’an du Seigneur 1869, j’étais à Madrid, calle de la Cruz ; j’arrivais du carnage de Valence. A dix heures du matin, Jacopo m’apporte une dépêche ; j’y trouve les mots suivants : « Rendez-vous à Paris ; affaire importante. » Le télégramme est de James Gordon Bennett junior, directeur du New-York Herald. Mes tableaux sont décrochés de la muraille ; mes livres, mes souvenirs vont dans mes caisses ; mes effets sont réunis : ceux-ci à demi lavés ; ceux-là, p...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-02 4,99 €
A self-teaching aid that covers International regulations for preventing collision at sea 1972 (Colregs) or Rules of the Road, including navigation lights and related situations that could be asked within the Maritime and Coastguard Agency oral examinations for the deck certificate of competency. This book is divided into two sections. The first section contains simple explanations of the Rules of the Road, while the second section covers more than sixty situations, exam questions and model answ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-04-10 35,99 €
Geographies of Globalization 2nd edition offers an animated and fully-updated exposition of the geographical impacts of globalization and the contribution of human geography to studies and debates in this area. Energetic and engaging, this book: • Illustrates how the core principles of human geography – such as space and scale – lead to a better understanding of the phenomenon • Debates the historical evolution of globalized society • Analyses the interconnected economic, political and...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-15 48,99 €
Suitable as a training manual and a day-to-day reference, Shiphandling is the comprehensive and up to date guide to the theory and practice of ship handling procedures. Its covers the requirements of all STCW-level marine qualifications, provides expert guidance on all the hardware that marine professionals will make use of in the control and operation of their vessel and offers a broad focus on many shiphandling scenarios.
Data di rilascio : 2007-08-15 82,99 €
Ranulph Fiennes has travelled to the most dangerous and inaccessible places on earth, almost died countless times, lost nearly half his fingers to frostbite, raised millions of pounds for charity and been awarded a polar medal and an OBE. He has been an elite soldier, an athlete, a mountaineer, an explorer, a bestselling author and nearly replaced Sean Connery as James Bond. In his autobiography he describes how he led expeditions all over the world and became the first person to travel to both ...
Data di rilascio : 2009-11-26 2,49 €
This ism-busting text is an enormously accessible account of the key philosophical and theoretical ideas that have informed geographical research. It makes abstract ideas explicit and clearly connects it with real practices of geographical research and knowledge. Written with flair and passion, A Student's Introduction to Geographical Thought: Explains the key ideas: scientific realism, anti-realism and idealism / positivism / critical rationalism / Marxism and critical realism/ social construct...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-01 32,99 €
'You'll feel utterly transformed' - Sunday Times 'Helps adds a spiritual depth to our wanderings' - The Simple Things Wellness travellers are seeking transformative experiences - wellness is, by nature, a journey and a quest. The concept of transformative travel is about finding experiences through trips that shift perspective and allow digital detoxing, connection with oneself, nature, communities and a sense of the bigger picture in life. Sacred Places is a stunning new coffee table exploratio...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-03 1,99 €
L’analisi geografica si è prevalentemente concentrata sulla superficie solida del nostro pianeta, nonostante il mare ne ricopra la maggior parte. Soprattutto rari sono gli studi geografici che riguardano il rapporto culturale ed emozionale degli esseri umani con il mare. Eppure questo enorme spazio è stato caricato da parte di chi lo frequenta, direttamente come navigante, o indirettamente come lettore o spettatore dei tanti racconti che vi sono ambientati, di valori simbolici e culturali ch...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-15 13,99 €
Waste is one of the planet’s last great resource frontiers. From furniture made from up-cycled wood to gold extracted from computer circuit boards, artisans and multinational corporations alike are finding ways to profit from waste while diverting materials from overcrowded landfills. Yet beyond these benefits, this “new” resource still poses serious risks to human health and the environment. In this unique book, Kate O’Neill traces the emergence of the global political economy of w...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-04 16,99 €
I Pirenei (in spagnolo Pirineos, francese Pyrénées, portoghese Pireneus, occitano Pirenèus, catalano Pirineus, aragonese Perinés, basco Pirinioak) sono una catena montuosa che forma il confine fra la Spagna e la Francia. Separano la Penisola iberica dalla Francia e si estendono per circa 430 km dal Mar Cantabrico (golfo di Biscaglia) fino al Mar Mediterraneo (cap de Creus). La vetta più alta dei Pirenei è il Picco d'Aneto (3.404 m s.l.m.), situato nel versante spagnolo. I mini-ebook di Pas...
Data di rilascio : 2019-12-03 0,99 €
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
Data di rilascio : 1965-01-01 7,49 €
География – это наука о нашей планете, о мире, в котором мы живем. В той или иной степени географические знания нужны каждому человеку. Название «география» в переводе с древнегреческого означает «землеописание». Какая погода будет послезавтра? Что произойдет, если сое...
Data di rilascio : 2018-11-30 4,99 €
География и природа Франции. Заморские территории Франции. Корсика. История Франции. Исторический анекдот. Флаг и герб Франции. Святыни Франции. Кухня Франции. Соусы. Улитки. Сыры Франции. Французский язык. Традиции и современность. Праздники Франции. Города и достопримеча...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-24 2,99 €
One word binds us all: geography. We are all geographers, human beings who care about the places we think of as 'home' - our habitat. And yet we have lost touch with the connection between our actions and the state of the planet that we all share. We need a new narrative that restores the connections between humanity and the Earth. We are being confronted by a daily barrage of geographical stories on climate change, geopolitics, population growth, migration, dwindling resources, polluted oceans ...
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-18 3,99 €
Staiti fa parte della cosiddetta “area grecanica” calabrese, ossia quel pugno di comuni, sparsi sulle falde dell'Aspromonte, in cui per secoli si è conservato l'uso della lingua greca. Il monumento più insigne sono i maestosi ruderi dell'abbazia di Santa Maria di Tridetti, fondata nell'Alto Medioevo da monaci bizantini. Il paese visse per secoli di pastorizia, grazie alle pecore e alle capre, da cui si ricavano latte, carne e lana, e ai maiali. In passato, era molto diffusa la coltivazione...
Data di rilascio : 2017-12-20 2,99 €
This book brings together cutting edge research and applications of social media and related technologies, their uses by consumers and businesses in travel, tourism and hospitality. The first section addresses topical issues related to how social media influence the operations and strategies of tourism firms and help them enhance tourism experiences: open innovation, crowdsourcing, service-dominant logic, value co-creation, value co-destruction and augmented reality. The second section of the bo...
Data di rilascio : 2017-07-20 39,99 €
Una visión de primera mano de un país extraordinario. Ramiro Calle ha viajado a la India cerca de noventa veces. Durante sus múltiples visitas ha tenido ocasión de aproximarse no sólo alos líderes espirituales cercanos a sus creencias, sino también a la gente que habita el segundo país más poblado del mundo. Este libro contiene experiencias de todos sus viajes. De la mano de Ramiro Calle el lector recorrerá lugares como Benarés, Darjeeling, Calcuta, Orcha, Deogarh, la región de Himac...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-09 4,99 €
Le portrait maritime et humain de 24 circumnavigateurs solitaires et de leurs bateaux. « Copyright Electre »
Data di rilascio : 1989-01-01 8,99 €
Les « Marins célèbres » comprennent une cinquante de biographies, suivies d’anectotes et de citations : ainsi se côtoient l’héroïsme et le rêve, le drame et l’humour, la cruauté et le respect d’autrui, le goût de l’aventure et la curiosité du savant. Tous les genres de marins sont ici l’assemblés : les pionniers de la découverte (Néarque, Henri le Navigateur, Vasco de Gama), les navigateurs scientifiques (Bougainville, Cook), les corsaires (Jean Bart...
Data di rilascio : 1982-01-01 7,99 €
The pursuit of sustainability has generated lifestyle changes for individuals across the globe; innovations within the arts and sciences, business, design, engineering, and agriculture; historic policies and laws at municipal and state levels; and crucial international protocols and agreements. Yet the meaning of sustainability remains unsettled, and the term frequently serves as green veneer for business as usual rather than a driver of fundamental change. The second edition of this...
Data di rilascio : 2016-10-05 16,99 €
Dieses eBook: "Immanuel Kant: Schriften Zur physischen Geographie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) war ein deutscher Philosoph der Aufklärung. Kant zählt zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern der abendländischen Philosophie. Zu seinen Lehrfächern gehörten Logik, Metaphysik, Moralphilosophie, Natürliche Theologie, Mathematik, Physik, Mechanik, Geografie, Anthropologie, Pädagogik und ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-10-03 0,99 €
Dieses eBook: "Physische Geographie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) war ein deutscher Philosoph der Aufklärung. Kant zählt zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern der abendländischen Philosophie. Inhalt: Vom Wasser Vom Lande Atmosphäre Geschichte der großen Veränderungen, welche die Erde ehedeß erlitten hat und noch erleidet Besondere Beobachtung dessen, was der Erdboden in sich fa...
Data di rilascio : 2016-10-03 0,99 €
Jérusalem, mardi 21 février 1911. La première fois que j’ai vu Jérusalem, c’était le 19 novembre 1853. J’arrivais par la route du Nord, avec les deux chers et regrettés compagnons de mes débuts. Nous étions jeunes, enthousiastes, curieux d’art, d’histoire, de couleur locale, quelque peu frottés de romantisme et sincèrement croyants. Ensemble nous avions visité la Galilée, la Samarie, la Judée, suivant, dans son cadre naturel, le développement du récit évangélique, prof...
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-27 3,49 €
« Avez-vous vu N.S.P. le pape ? » me demandent en France toutes les personnes auxquelles j’annonce mon retour de l’Italie ; je dois en excepter toutefois un jeune homme qui désirait savoir si les romaines sont aussi belles et les napolitaines aussi vives qu’on l’assure. « Ah ! vous avez aussi parcouru la Sicile ! vous avez donc vu l’Etna et ce tombeau de sainte Rosalie que j’ai admiré moi-même dans la cathédrale de Palerme au troisième acte de Robert le Diable ? Fruit d’une...
Data di rilascio : 2016-03-09 2,49 €
温故影像“沈继光·残片图本系列”之《乡愁北京——寻回昨日的世界》。 老朋友舒乙(借父亲老舍的话)说:“世上最好最美的事,往往是最愚傻的人干出来的啊!” 老朋友史铁生说:“若要简单,任何人生都是可以删减到只剩下吃喝屙撒睡的……其实人间的事,更多的都是可以删减但不容删减的。” 沈继光说:30年前“拍摄残片的彩色底版,在时间的消磨中其影像渐渐模糊”,甚或30年后...
Data di rilascio : 2013-12-01 7,99 €
When it comes to immigration, the population explosion, the collapse of the family, the north-south divide, devolution, or the death of the countryside, common wisdom tells us that we are in trouble; however, this is far from the truth. In his brilliant anatomy of contemporary Britain, leading geographer Daniel Dorling dissects the nation and reveals unexpected truths about the way we live today, contrary to what you might read in the news: The human mosaic: Most children who live above the four...
Data di rilascio : 2011-03-17 3,99 €
Tourism Geography develops a critical understanding of how different geographies of tourism are created and maintained. Drawing on both historical and contemporary perspectives, the discussion connects tourism to key geographical concepts relating to globalization, mobility, new geographies of production and consumption, and post-industrial change. The new edition has been fully updated to have an international focus, with global case studies and broader based content.
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-16 82,99 €
Worldwide, disasters and climate change pose a serious risk to sustainable urban development, resulting in escalating human and economic costs. Consequently, city authorities and other urban actors face the challenge of integrating risk reduction and adaptation strategies into their work. However, related knowledge and expertise are still scarce and fragmented. Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation explores ways in which resilient cities can be ‘built’ and sustainable urban transformations ac...
Data di rilascio : 2014-01-23 46,99 €
This is the first book to explore sexualities from a geographical perspective. The nature of place and notions of space are of increasing centrality to cultural and social theory. Mapping Desire presents the rich and diverse world of contemporary sexuality, exploring how the heterosexual body has been appropriated and resisted on the individual, community and city scales. The geographies presented here range across Europe, America, Australasia, Africa, the Pacific and the imaginary, cutting acro...
Data di rilascio : 2003-09-02 89,99 €
Landscapes are all around us, but most of us know very little about how they have developed, what goes on in them, and how they react to changing climates, tectonics, and human activities. This Very Short Introduction discusses the key ideas and methods used to study and examine landscapes, and their importance in cultural terms.
Data di rilascio : 2010-08-26 11,99 €
Over the next half century, the human population, divided by culture and economics and armed with weapons of mass destruction, will expand to nearly 9 billion people. Abrupt climate change may throw the global system into chaos; China will emerge as a superpower; and Islamic terrorism and insurgency will threaten vital American interests. How can we understand these and other global challenges? Harm de Blij has a simple answer: by improving our understanding of the world's geography. In Why Geog...
Data di rilascio : 2005-09-01 21,99 €
The sea surrounds us. It gives us life, provides us with the air we breathe and the food we eat. It is where we came from, and it carries our commerce. It represents home and migration, ceaseless change and constant presence. It covers two-thirds of our planet. Yet caught up in our everyday lives, we seem to ignore it, and what it means. In The Sea Inside, Philip Hoare sets out to rediscover the sea, its islands, birds and beasts. He begins on the south coast where he grew up, a place of family ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-06-06 7,99 €
Mediterranean mountains exhibit many similarities in their biotic ecological, physical and environmental characteristics. There are also many differences in terms of their human colonization pattern, historic land uses and current anthopogenic pressures. This book provides an introduction to these environments of mountainous areas in the Mediterranean and their changes in time and space in relation to both natural and cultural factors. Mediterranean Mountain Environments places its e...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-02 47,99 €
We live in a world that is increasingly vulnerable to climatic shocks - affecting agriculture and industry, government and international trade, not to mention human health and happiness. Serious anxieties have been aroused by respected scientists warning of dire perils that could result from upsets of the climatic regime. In this internationally acclaimed book, Emeritus Professor Hubert Lamb examines what we know about climate, how the past record of climate can be reconstructed, the causes of c...
Data di rilascio : 2002-09-26 57,99 €
First Published in 2004. Capitalism continues to degrade ecosystems and create social injustice. The 1992 Earth Summit demonstrated that the powerful vested interests behind Western capitalism have no intention of radically changing their goals and methods to help create an environmentally sound or socially just global society. In order to confront this, the green movement must now develop coherent eco-socialist politics. People must control their own lives and their relationship with the enviro...
Data di rilascio : 2002-09-26 57,99 €
This introductory text explains how anthropology is integral to the study of tourism dynamics. Starting with an overview of the development of anthropology as a social science, the author uses a wealth of international examples, including the UK, USA and Australia, to bring practical relevance to complex theories. With its lucid writing style, summaries, sample questions and suggestions for further reading, this book will be an invaluable teaching resource in this area.
Data di rilascio : 2003-07-13 57,99 €