Oltre 500 nomi dai più classici e diffusi ai più particolari e ricercati. Il libro è uno strumento per scegliere il nome del proprio bambino e descrive per ogni nome il significato, l'etimologia, l'onomastico, il colore, la pietra portafortuna, gli aneddoti e le curiosità.
Data di rilascio : 2012-01-04 Genere:Consultazione 3,99 €
«Sto preparando» scriveva Cirlot ad André Breton nel 1956 «una summa simbolica, nella quale vengono raffrontate le conoscenze sul simbolismo di occultisti, psicologi, antropologi, orientalisti, storici delle religioni e autori di trattati». Facendosi guidare da personalità quali Marius Schneider, René Guénon, Mircea Eliade, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Cirlot spalanca davanti ai nostri occhi un universo affascinante, dove il simbolo agisce su ogni piano dell’esistenza, in luoghi lontanissimi t...
Data di rilascio : 2021-05-20 14,99 €
99 parole per riappropriarci del mondo. 99 parole per ritrovare una voce che altrimenti rischia di farsi troppo flebile e perdersi tra la fretta e la sciatteria di questo nostro nuovo secolo. 99 parole per ribellarci alla confusione e al buio che ci travolgono quando rimaniamo muti di fronte al presente. 99 parole per ritrovare noi stessi. Andrea Marcolongo ha scelto le sue personali 99 parole. E di ognuna di esse, con eleganza e leggerezza e al tempo stesso infinita cura , ricostruisce il viagg...
Data di rilascio : 2019-11-19 7,99 €
Che cos’è un palinsesto? Quando si definisce maiuscola una scrittura? Lo studente e il lettore curioso troveranno qui risposte a questi ed altri quesiti tecnici. Il volume si propone infatti come raccolta ragionata di termini e locuzioni della paleografia latina e di alcune discipline connesse, in particolare la codicologia. Ogni voce è articolata in concise e chiare spiegazioni, talvolta con brevi digressioni sulla storia del lemma, e segnala – ove necessari – rimandi ad altre voci ed a...
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-08 9,99 €
Scrittura creativa - manuale (59 pagine) - Un agile manuale da avere sempre a portata di mano, corredato da pratici esempi ed esercizi Come può, uno scrittore, non conoscere a fondo i verbi e la punteggiatura? Sarebbe come per un ingegnere non conoscere la matematica! Ecco dunque un rapido e pratico manuale per avere sempre a portata di mano tutto ciò che serve sapere sui verbi e sulla punteggiatura, che sono le basi di qualsiasi testo di narrativa. Con esempi pratici ed esercizi per prendere ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-04-11 2,99 €
Quante parole pronunciamo in un giorno? Quante sono necessarie a esprimere il flusso dei nostri pensieri? E a quante saremmo disposti a rinunciare in un salutare «digiuno della parola»? Siamo attenti all'inquinamento del cibo, dell'acqua e dell'aria, come mai non all'inquinamento verbale? Eppure, ci fa ammalare alla stregua di un cibo avvelenato. Noi siamo le parole che ascoltiamo e che pronunciamo, noi siamo le parole che pensiamo e questo saggio lo dimostra. Scavando nei rapporti delle parol...
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-11 10,99 €
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “It’s undeniably thrilling to find words for our strangest feelings…Koenig casts light into lonely corners of human experience…An enchanting book. “ —The Washington Post A truly original book in every sense of the word, The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows poetically defines emotions that we all feel but don’t have the words to express—until now. Have you ever wondered about the lives of each person you pass on the street, realizing that everyone is the mai...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-16 12,99 €
Harold Evans has edited everything from the urgent files of battlefield reporters to the complex thought processes of Henry Kissinger, and he has been knighted for his services to journalism. In Do I Make Myself Clear?, his definitive guide to writing well, Evans brings his indispensable insight to the art of clear communication. The right words are oxygen to our ideas, but the digital era, with all of its TTYL, LMK and WTF, has been cutting off that oxygen flow. The compulsion to be precise has...
Data di rilascio : 2017-05-16 3,99 €
La Nueva gramática de la lengua española, primera gramática académica desde 1931, es el resultado de once años de intenso trabajo de las veintidós Academias de la Lengua Española. Más de 4.000 páginas recogen el consenso de las 22 Academias de España, América y Filipinas para trazar un mapa de la unidad y variedad de nuestro idioma. Una obra que se compone de alrededor de 3.700 referencias bibliográficas, que comprenden casi 2.000 autores y 300 medios de comunicación, procedentes de...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-18 29,99 €
The English language is a subject of fascination for many people and is frequently the subject of lively debate in the media. In this book, Simon Horobin considers the rich history of the English language, before moving to discuss its role, status, and future.
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-28 14,99 €
¡Está escrito en castellano! Seguramente habrás curioseado en las librerías y te habrás enfrentado al fastidioso inconveniente de que todos los libros para aprender catalán están escritos ¡en catalán! Además, se mete de lleno en el cuerpo del idioma e incluye pinceladas de cultura y frases populares que reflejan las costumbres y la historia de los Países Catalanes. Por si fuera poco, pone al día la gramática y explica el catalán actual en términos tan sencillos que hace que su apr...
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-30 8,99 €
Oliver Stöwing kennt alle Tricks der Sprache. In »Ausgesprochen gut« zeigt er, wie man mit einer Hand voll cleverer Kniffe seine Wirkung verbessern kann. Denn oft liegt es an der Wortwahl, dass wir auf andere nicht so wirken, wie wir es möchten. Wenn es mit der Gehaltserhöhung schon wieder nicht geklappt hat, lag es vielleicht daran, dass wir »Ich würde gerne« statt »Ich will« gesagt haben. Der Kommunikationspsychologe Oliver Stöwing hilft, die Sprache bewusst wahrzunehmen und achtsam...
Data di rilascio : 2016-10-26 9,99 €
Are standards of English alright - or should that be all right? To knowingly split an infinitive or not to? And what about ending a sentence with preposition, or for that matter beginning one with 'and'? We learn language by instinct, but good English, the pedants tell us, requires rules. Yet, as Oliver Kamm demonstrates, many of the purists' prohibitions are bogus and can be cheerfully disregarded. ACCIDENCE WILL HAPPEN is an authoritative and deeply reassuring guide to grammar, style and the l...
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-12 3,99 €
From the world-famous author of THE NAME OF THE ROSE , an illuminating and humorous study on the pleasures and pitfalls of translation. 'Translation is always a shift, not between two languages but between two cultures. A translator must take into account rules that are not strictly linguistic but, broadly speaking, cultural.' Umberto Eco is of the world's most brilliant and entertaining writers on literature and language. In this accessible and dazzling study, he turns his eye on the subject of...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-28 3,99 €
¿Cómo se escribe una carta oficial en un correo electrónico? ¿Qué símbolos se pueden usar en Twitter? ¿Y en un sms? Respuestas a estas y otras muchas dudas se pueden encontrar en el libro Escribir en internet. Guía para los nuevos medios y las redes sociales , el primer manual práctico de uso del español en los medios digitales y los soportes electrónicos. Pensado para todos los públicos, para aquellos que utilizan la red de manera cotidiana sin ser expertos, pero también para los p...
Data di rilascio : 2012-09-09 16,99 €
"SEO (Search engine Optimization) is a technique which helps search engines to find and rank your site higher than other millions of sites in response to a query search by users. We can say that SEO helps user get traffic from search engines. SEO Glossary provides you a comprehensive list of Search engine optimization related terminologies with its short description/meaning which guides you to make your site more SEO friendly. "
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-20 Genere:Consultazione 0,49 €
This guide to the language differences between the United States and United Kingdom is “a fascinating collection full of all kinds of surprises” ( Minneapolis Star Tribune ). Taxi rank . . . toad in the hole . . . dustman . . . fancy dress . . . American visitors to London (or viewers of British TV shows) might be confused by these terms. But most Britons would be equally puzzled by words like caboose , bleachers , and busboy . ...
Data di rilascio : 2007-09-26 12,99 €
'Susie Dent is a one-off. She breathes life and fun into words and language' Pam Ayres ' Susie Dent is a national treasure' Richard Osman Welcome to a year of wonder with Susie Dent, lexicographer, logophile, and longtime queen of Countdown's Dictionary Corner. From the real Jack the Lad to the theatrically literal story behind stealing someone's thunder , from tartle (forgetting someone's name at the very moment you need it) to snaccident (the unintentional eating of an entire packet of biscuit...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-15 6,49 €
English is full of beauty and surprises, yet despite being the lingua franca of the globalization world, it has a reputation for being difficult to learn because its grammar has also so many quirks and contradictions. Did you know: - "Terry loves yogurt" is an example of illeism - preposition stranding is a bogus rule - sometimes it's acceptable to begin a sentence with "but" or "and" - "Could you pass the salt?" is "whimperative" - it's OK to boldly split infinitives Many of us don't even know ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-03 3,99 €
Combining perspectives from discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, the second edition of this popular textbook provides students with an up-to-date overview of the field of intercultural communication.
Data di rilascio : 2018-05-31 27,99 €
*** 'Wonderful. You finish the book more alive than ever to the enduring mystery and miracle of that thing that makes us most human' STEPHEN FRY 'Most popular books on language dumb down; Shariatmadari's smartens things up, and is all the more entertaining for it' THE SUNDAY TIMES, a Book of the Year 'A meaty, rewarding and necessary read' GUARDIAN 'Fascinating and thought-provoking . . . crammed with weird and wonderful facts . . . for anyone who delights in linguistics it's a richly rewarding ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-08-22 3,99 €
This volume focuses on the closely allied yet differing linguistic varieties of Birmingham and its immediate neighbour to the west, the industrial heartland of the Black Country. It provides a clear description of the structure of the linguistic varieties.
Data di rilascio : 2016-07-31 22,99 €
The most compact, authoritative, single-volume source of information about the English language available, this new edition of the Oxford Companion to the English Language increases coverage of World Englishes and the impact of technological advances on the English language. It is essential for reference and fascinating for browsing.
Data di rilascio : 2018-05-14 Genere:Consultazione 17,99 €
"Hablar en público está lejos de ser una tarea desagradable. Todo lo contrario, permite lograr una victoria tras otra con sólo pararse y hablar, eso genera sensaciones inigualables. Se aprende a tomar la palabra del mismo modo que se aprende a conducir. Al comienzo la inseguridad es normal, pero, una vez que comprendes para qué sirve cada herramienta y adquieres algunas destrezas elementales todo se vuelve agradable y divertido. Con el libro Cómo hablar en público tendrás en tus manos inf...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-01 6,49 €
Build your child's vocabulary by using a topic that he/she would truly find interesting - animals. You have to remember that in order for your child to learn, his/her attention must be secured first. That can only be done by using worthwhile activities and resources like this book here. How many words can your child absorb on his/her first read?
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-15 3,49 €
Este libro presenta de una manera clara los principales conceptos relacionados con la traducción audiovisual y repasa sus principales modalidades. El libro ofrece capítulos específicos para el doblaje, la subtitulación, la audiodescripción y las voces superpuestas. Ofrece también un interesante capítulo sobre la historia de la traducción audiovisual. Es un libro adecuado tanto para aquellas personas que deseen introducirse en esta especialidad como para profesionales en activos con exper...
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-30 7,99 €
The English language is a versatile and agile thing, and as our world changes, so too does the way we use it. Sometimes we coin new words for new creations, but very often we adopt and adapt existing words to suit new purposes, or simply put two together to form a third. New Words for Old looks at the story behind some of the words we use every day and how their meanings have changed over time. From technology and fashion to politics and music, our language displays centuries of imagination and ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-05 2,49 €
It's important in our daily lives for us to write clear English which is easily understood. If we get the basics wrong, our words may be misinterpreted and cause confusion. To make sure our written words convey our exact meanings, we need to understand the fundamentals of the English language, such as the parts of speech, how sentences and paragraphs are constructed, and the correct use of punctuation. We also need to spell the words correctly! This indispensable reference guide to the rules and...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-15 0,99 €
"Artículo integrado en la Revista de Educación, nº 353. Resumen: Este estudio multidisciplinario crítico examina las identidades sociales según lo representado en libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales en España. Un análisis detallado del discurso de fragmentos de libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales usados en 2º y 3º de ESO (Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria) en Madrid y Cataluña en 2008-09 demuestran un prejuicio ideológico sistemático a favor de endogrupos españoles y europeos fren...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-29 1,49 €
Lynda Mugglestone's hugely popular The Oxford History of English is republished in a reset and revised edition featuring David Crystal's new take on the future of English. With impeccable and approachable scholarship, it describes the changing sounds, words, and meanings of English. A book for everyone interested in the language.
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-29 27,99 €
Winner of a 2008 Hugo Award, this new paperback takes readers on spectacular tour of the language created by science fiction. From "Stargate" to "Force Field," this dictionary opens a fascinating window into an entire genre, through the words invented by science fiction's most talented writers, critics, and fans. Each entry includes numerous citations of the word's usage, from the earliest known appearance forward. Drawn not only from science fiction novels and stories, c...
Data di rilascio : 2007-05-07 16,99 €
Using evidence from the world's largest language databank, the Oxford English Corpus, Butterfield uncovers fascinating facts about the English language. Where does our vocabulary come from? How is our language really being used? How do word meanings change? This entertaining book has the authoritative answers to key questions about our language.
Data di rilascio : 2008-10-30 Genere:Consultazione 13,99 €
"GMAT Prep Flashcard Workbook 1: COLLEGE LEVEL VOCABULARY" 350 frequently tested words every college graduate should know. Perfect for anyone who wants to enrich their vocabulary! Improve your reading comprehension, conversation, and GMAT test score. Includes sample sentence, part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. [==================] ADDITIONAL WORKBOOKS: "GMAT Prep Flashcard Workbook 2: ALGEBRA REVIEW" 450 questions that highligh...
Data di rilascio : 2016-06-01 3,49 €
The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Get To Grips With English Grammar is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to English grammar. In just 96 pages, the reader will learn all they need to write clear, correct English. Ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious, Get To Grips With English Grammar is a quick, no-effort way to break into this fascina...
Data di rilascio : 2011-06-24 1,99 €
Collins Webster’s Easy Learning Grammar is an accessible guide to English grammar and punctuation. With clear, concise explanations on everything from adverbs to word order, and from apostrophes to semicolons, this e-book is indispensable for understanding correct usage. Collins Webster’s Easy Learning Grammar is a uniquely helpful guide to all areas of English grammar and punctuation, providing clear guidance through the intricacies of the English language. Each grammatical and punctuation ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-08-25 4,99 €
"In Simple terms, marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. All plants and marine life forms are included from the largest to smallest sea creatures. The study of marine biology includes a wide variety of disciplines such as astronomy, biological oceanography, cellular biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, meteorology etc. This Glossary app provides you a comprehensive list of around 450 Marine related terms with its short ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-20 Genere:Consultazione 0,49 €
A more-ishly browsable collection of words and phrases, linguistic quirks, lexical oddities and syntactic surprises. Our langauge is one of delight and curiosity. BUTTERING PARSNIPS, TWOCKING CHAVS is a guided tour of English, exploring the origins of words, their changing meaning, lexical peculiarities, word games and lost words, presented in lists, small passages of narrative text, amusing quotations and nuggets of amazing facts. This must-have compendium shows that words have a matchless powe...
Data di rilascio : 2008-09-18 3,99 €