La versione integrale del capolavoro di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in una nuova traduzione in italiano semplice e moderno, con testo francese originale a fronte. Si è cercato di mantenere la musicalità e la bellezza del testo francese, restando il più possibile fedeli alla struttura originale del libro, impreziosito dalle splendide illustrazioni dell’autore presenti nella prima edizione del 1943. Il Piccolo Principe è una storia bellissima e profonda, commovente nella sua semplicità. È un...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-25 9,99 €
ASCOLTO FACILE – LETTURA FACILE – APPRENDIMENTO FACILE Questo è il nostro miglior corso di sempre. Sei quasi un principiante in francese o vuoi rispolverare le tue competenze linguistiche? Vuoi non soltanto parlare come un madrelingua ma anche capire chiaramente? Benvenuto su Polyglot Planet. Ti forniamo gli strumenti giusti , l’ energia e la motivazione per comprendere e parlare con sicurezza il francese. Impara a parlare france...
Data di rilascio : 2016-10-27 Genere:Consultazione > Lingue straniere 2,99 €
Learn to speak French in just three months with this practical and comprehensive self-study language course. Whether you're a complete beginner or wanting to refresh your knowledge, Hugo: French in Three Months will have you speaking French fluently in just 12 weeks. With a fresh new look and an accompanying audio app, the latest edition of this classic self-study course provides all the resources needed to speak, read, and write in French. The 12 weekly chapters contain lessons on the key gramm...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-06 4,49 €
Questo libro ti farà imparare il FRANCESE in soli 30 giorni, partendo da zero. E questa è più di una semplice promessa. Ti spiego… Il metodo è molto semplice: il libro è suddiviso in 30 capitoli, uno per giorno, per permetterti di imparare le basi di questa lingua in un solo mese. Per ottenere il massimo da questo corso, devi solo rispettare una regola: leggere un capitolo al giorno, né più, né meno. Se rispetti questa regola e segui le indicazioni contenute nel libro, il...
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-20 9,99 €
Francese Commerciale [1] Imparare francese commerciale [1] con il nostro metodo rappresenta la maniera più stimolante ed efficace per apprendere una lingua. Il vocabolario preesistente viene richiamato alla memoria, mentre i termini appena appresi vengono messi in pratica. Consigliato per gli studenti di francese di livello principiante ed intermedio e come corso di aggiornamento. È così semplice e piacevole che anche i principianti assoluti con nessuna conoscenza precedente possono ini...
Data di rilascio : 2016-02-22 2,99 €
Vous saurez tout sur le DALF C1, dans le nouveau format de 2020. Objectif DALF C1 est le premier référentiel de l’examen, destiné aussi bien aux candidats qu’aux professeurs. La préparation à un examen demande de bien connaître le niveau attendu. Dire "je vais améliorer mon oral" est trop général. Mais, "je dois apprendre à introduire un exposé", c’est déjà beaucoup plus précis ! En effet, il faut fixer des objectifs précis et réalistes pour réussir au DALF C1. C’est bie...
Data di rilascio : 2017-09-22 3,49 €
Vous saurez tout sur le DELF B2, dans le nouveau format de 2020, pour les versions Tout Public et Junior/Scolaire. Objectif DELF B2 est le premier référentiel de l’examen, destiné aussi bien aux candidats qu’aux professeurs. La préparation à un examen demande de bien connaître le niveau attendu. Dire "je vais améliorer mon oral" est trop général. Mais, "je dois apprendre à introduire un exposé", c’est déjà beaucoup plus précis ! En effet, il faut fixer des objectifs précis e...
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-04 3,49 €
"1001+ Frasi di Base Italiano - Francese" è un elenco di più di 1000 frasi di base tradotte dal Italiano al Francese. Frasi divise in sezioni come i numeri, i colori, il tempo, i giorni, il corpo, saluto, meteo, shopping, salute, emergenza, ristorante e altro ancora.
Data di rilascio : 2014-08-16 Genere:Consultazione > Lingue straniere 1,99 €
Le niveau du DELF B2 nécessite de connaître un certain nombre de mots qui feront de vous un locuteur indépendant. Ces mots sont non seulement les mots du français courant, mais aussi du vocabulaire très présent dans les médias. Ce livre a pour but de vous familiariser avec ce vocabulaire et pouvoir enfin passer cet examen avec confiance.<br> <ul> <li>3000 mots classés par thème</li> <li>Astuces de préparation et de mémorisation<br> </li> </...
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-12 5,99 €
Apprenez le vocabulaire de l'actualité (niveaux B2 et C1) : plus de 400 mots-clés pour lire la presse et exprimer son opinion. Avec ses 40 fiches classées en 10 domaines (éducation, santé, travail...), le livre propose une méthode progressive aux candidats qui souhaitent se préparer aux examens du DELF B2 ou du DALF C1, comme à tous ceux qui désirent enrichir leur vocabulaire pour comprendre l'actualité en français. Les mots de l'info, ce sont : - 40 sujets d'actualité régulièremen...
Data di rilascio : 2019-04-25 8,99 €
A handy 3-in-1 French study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand French reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of French. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning French at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure. • Grammar: this section provides easily accessible information in an attractivel...
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-14 10,99 €
Questo libro è raccomandato per bambini bilingui e studenti di Francese con livello base – intermedio, che desiderano leggere un testo parallelo in Francese e Italiano. Il libro contiene 5 racconti: 1. Rana - Grenouille 2. Topo - Souris 3. Maiale - Cochon 4. Scimmia - Singe 5. Il Camaleonte - Caméléon. Ogni racconto e diviso a sua volta in due parti. Nella prima parte, per facilitare la comprensione delle lingue, queste vengono mostrate le due lingue contemporaneamente con una o due frasi a...
Data di rilascio : 2015-04-13 4,49 €
Enfin un guide pour une préparation complète, avec ou sans professeur. Le livre entraîne aux techniques essentielles pour réussir l'épreuve orale du DELF B2. Comment préparer un exposé efficace ? Comment réagir aux questions des examinateurs ? La réussite à l’examen est d’abord une question de techniques. Le livre est spécialement conçu pour développer l’autonomie du candidat, en proposant : - Un sujet de production guidée en 3 étapes - 12 sujets d’entraînement avec leurs...
Data di rilascio : 2017-05-02 8,99 €
Enfin un guide pour une préparation complète au delf B2, avec ou sans professeur. Le livre présente en détail les techniques essentielles pour produire un bon texte. Comment trouver des idées, relire un texte pour corriger ses erreurs , utiliser internet pour mieux écrire… ? La réussite à l’examen est d’abord une question de techniques. Le livre est spécialement conçu pour développer l'autonomie du candidat, en offrant : - Les 3 étapes importantes pour réussir tous vos textes ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-01 8,99 €
Your comprehensive guide to speaking, reading, and writing in French French is a beautiful language but can be quite difficult to learn. Whether you need to learn the language for a French class, or for business or leisure travel, French for Dummies All-In-One makes it easier. With nearly 800 pages, French All-in-One For Dummies is for those readers looking for a comprehensive guide to help them immerse themselves in the French language. Culls vital information from several Dummies titles, offer...
Data di rilascio : 2012-09-10 23,99 €
Enfin un guide pour une préparation complète, avec ou sans professeur ! Le livre suit une méthode explicite qui s’adresse aux candidats peu habitués à ce type d’écrits ou qui souhaiteraient améliorer leur technique. Pour chacun des exercices, synthèse et essai, le lecteur commence par observer un modèle qui explique la méthodologie. Puis, en suivant le guide étape par étape, il apprend à produire un texte et à le corriger. Enfin, il peut s’entraîner sur 6 sujets complets. Pr...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-29 8,99 €
La versione integrale del capolavoro di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry finalmente in una nuova traduzione in italiano semplice e moderno, con testo francese originale a fronte e gli audiolibri in italiano e in francese. Si è cercato di mantenere la musicalità e la bellezza del testo francese, restando il più possibile fedeli alla struttura originale del libro, impreziosito dalle splendide illustrazioni dell'autore presenti nella prima edizione del 1943. Il Piccolo Principe è una storia bellis...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-07 11,99 €
L’ouvrage de référence pour conjuguer tous les verbes. Dans une nouvelle édition actualisée et enrichie de cartes mentales. L’ouvrage comprend désormais quatre parties qui permettent de trouver et de comprendre les formes de n'importe quel verbe français. 1. Les 105 tableaux modèles L’analyse précise des difficultés de la conjugaison française a conduit à cette décomposition en 105 tableaux modèles. Clairement structurés, ceux-ci présentent l'ensemble des...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-19 Genere:Consultazione 6,99 €
Ever tried to learn French and found it too hard? Bestselling language coach Paul Noble has a quick and easy way to get you back on track with his unique tried-and-tested method. Keeps things simple with three basic rules; don’t skip anything, don’t try to memorise anything and cover up to test yourself. A fun, jargon-free way to learn Easy-to-understand French pronunciation PROVEN to work; Paul can teach anyone a language, even people who think they’re incapable Paul’s course teaches yo...
Data di rilascio : 2017-01-12 6,99 €
Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken, but that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. This illustrated story has been designed for bilingual children and others wishing to read a dual language text in French and English. This book is divided into four sections. In the first part, for ease of understanding the two languages are displayed together mostly one or two sentences at a t...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-02 0,99 €
The fast, informal way to learn to speak French - with integrated audio clips throughout. Listen to pronunciations and conversations. French is a beautiful language but quite difficult to learn. Whether you need to learn the language for a French class, or you travel overseas for business or leisure, this enhanced edition of French for Dummies can help. Written in an easy-to-follow format, with integrated audio clips, it gives you just what you need for basic communication ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-02-13 21,99 €
Speaking Basic French in 5 Days Is Possible! If you're thinking of travelling to France, want to gain a basic understanding of the language or simply have an interest in Europe's finest culture, then you're in the right place. This book will show you how to speak basic French, right here and right now! Learning a new language, as we all know, can be an extremely daunting task and seem impossible to accomplish. That's exactly why we've written this book - because we want to help you learn to ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-20 2,99 €
Grâce à cette liste essentielle de mots pour le DELF B1 classés par thème , vous pourrez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté pour réussir . Ce vocabulaire vous sera très utile pour comprendre l’ actualité (compréhension écrite et orale). Pour le DELF B1, il est indispensable de savoir structurer sa pensée et c’est pour cela que j’ai inclus une liste de connecteurs logiques à utiliser lors de la production orale et de la production écrite. vocabulaire à connaître gr...
Data di rilascio : 2020-03-20 5,99 €
Ce livre vous permettra de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté pour réussir le DELF B2, bien qu’il soit aussi utile pour tout autre examen et de manière générale pour améliorer votre vocabulaire. 300 expressions de niveau DELF B2 800 mots indispensables pour l'examen DELF B2 Le niveau du DELF B2 nécessite de connaître les expressions quotidiennes qui sont aussi utilisées dans les médias. Le français contient beaucoup d’expressions qu’il est difficile de comprendre si ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-03 4,49 €
Vous saurez tout sur le DELF B1, dans le nouveau format de 2020, pour les versions Tout Public et Junior/Scolaire. Objectif DELF B1 est le premier référentiel de l’examen, destiné aussi bien aux candidats qu’aux professeurs. La préparation à un examen demande de bien connaître le niveau attendu. Dire je vais améliorer mon oral est trop général. Mais, je dois apprendre à parler de ma profession, c’est déjà beaucoup plus précis ! En effet, il faut fixer des objectifs précis et ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-04 3,49 €
Un ouvrage de référence qui répond à toutes les questions qu'on peut se poser au quotidien sur le bon usage du français. Un tout-en-un en cinq parties • La grammaire pour connaître toutes les notions grammaticales : la nature et la fonction des mots, les différentes propositions... • L'orthographe pour résoudre les principales difficultés orthographiques : former le pluriel des mots, faire les accords qui conviennent... • La conjugaison pour maîtriser toutes les...
Data di rilascio : 2018-06-20 8,99 €
This book offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to the verbs and grammar of French. Ideal for French revision. Designed for all those learning French at school, at work or at home. It provides easily accessible information in an attractively presented layout. Key grammatical points are highlighted throughout the text as a means of reinforcement. In addition, a full glossary gives clear explanations of grammatical terminology. This book also provides beginners with all the regular...
Data di rilascio : 2016-05-05 Genere:Consultazione > Lingue straniere 5,49 €
Pamphlet Master's French verbs have a summary of regular and irregular verbs. This guide has the English translation for every vocabulary word and it is user-friendly for readers to easily understand it. Included in the pamphlet are: - Irregular Verbs - Irregular Future Indicative and Imperfect Conditional Verbal Forms - Irregular Past Particles - Irregular Present Subjunctive Verbal forms - Common Irregular Verbs - Irregular Imperfect Tense - French Passé Composé - Regular Verbs - Common ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-07-15 2,49 €
French Made Simple will help you learn to speak French quickly and easily! An invaluable introduction to one of the most studied languages, French Made Simple is ideal for students, business professionals, and tourists alike. Teaching the basics of grammar, vocabulary, and culture, it guides you step-by-step through the process of learning and conversing quickly. Refreshingly easy to understand, French Made Simple includes: • Grammar basics • Modern vocabulary • Helpful verb chart • Fren...
Data di rilascio : 2006-05-16 8,99 €
Drop the textbook formality and chat with the locals in France’s everyday language—from common words for meeting and greeting to colorful insults. Sipping a café au lait at a sidewalk bistro . . . Getting down at Paris’s hottest club . . . Cheering on Les Bleus at the stadium . . . Packed with slang words, phrases and expressions not found in any textbook, this fun-to-read handbook teaches the casual, everyday language heard in the cafes, bars,...
Data di rilascio : 2017-10-15 12,99 €
Easily Learn Conversational French in Just a Few Weeks with the Help of Everyday French Dialogues for Beginners Like You! Have you ever been in a situation where you try to talk to your French friends in their native tongue, and end up being laughed at for butchering their language? We feel you! We know how embarrassing (and hilarious) this can be. French is one of the most widely spoken languages today , and opens up the door to a plethora of new opportunities to view and experience the wo...
Data di rilascio : 2021-05-22 2,99 €
WANT TO LEARN FRENCH THE EASIEST AND MOST EXCITING WAY POSSIBLE? YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Learning a second language is a great mental exercise if you want to create new neural pathways in your brain, so you can stay quick and sharp. Plus, learning a widely spoken language – French in particular – can open up a myriad of new opportunities for you in both life and work. One great obstacle that English speakers face when learning French is that they are in an environment where t...
Data di rilascio : 2021-05-22 2,99 €
Easily Learn Conversational French in Just a Few Weeks with the Help of Everyday French Dialogues for Beginners Like You! Have you ever been in a situation where you try to talk to your French friends in their native tongue, and end up being laughed at for butchering their language? We feel you! We know how embarrassing (and hilarious) this can be. French is one of the most widely spoken languages today, and opens up the door to a plethora of new opportunities to view and experience the world. N...
Data di rilascio : 2021-05-20 2,99 €
Learn the second most studied language in the world and have real-life conversations within less than a month even if you´re a complete beginner So, it's settled... your next vacation is going to be in France! Your mouth begins watering as you book your trip. You'll start with the Blue Coast, making your way to Nice, catching the beaches and the beautiful sea, to end up in Paris and surrounding areas, to take in incredible history, as well as a culture that celebrates fashion, art, and elegance...
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-25 8,49 €
How to Have Effective Conversations with French Native Speakers Even if You're Only at the Beginner-Level Would you like to: Learn how to speak French fluently? Master the French vocabulary and daily used phrases? Learn proper and accurate French pronunciation? If the answer to any question above is "yes," then you don't have to worry because learning French has never been easier. How? With the help of this beginners guide, of ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-25 8,49 €
Having aided millions of travellers on their journeys, DK's iconic Eyewitness Phrase Book series is back and better than ever. The perfect language survival e-guide for everyday situations, Eyewitness Phrase Book: French provides all the key words and phrases you need. Word lists and stunning photographs make learning basic French phrases easier than ever before, and every e-guide includes a menu e-guide and two-way dictionary to ensure you're always covered. The brand new audio app allows you t...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-01 3,49 €
Whether you plan to study or work in Canada, this book will help you with the Expression Ecrite part to improve your overall score. This book contains more than 150 topics that you might expect at the exam. Both sections are covered in this book <b>(Section A and Section B)</b>. It includes handful advice so that you get the most out of this test and succeed.<br> • <b>150 topics of TEF test for section A and section B</b><br> • <b>20+ sample ans...
Data di rilascio : 2020-12-09 11,99 €
Résumé : Autour de la Lune est la suite de De la Terre à la Lune. L’histoire commence au moment où se termine De la Terre à la Lune. Le projectile conçu par le Gun Club a été tiré depuis le gigantesque canon Columbiad. À son bord prennent place Barbicane, Nicholl et Ardan, qui entament un voyage de cinq jours jusqu’à la Lune. À peine ce périple a-t-il commencé que le projectile manque d’être percuté par un astéroïde qui passe à quelques centaines de mètres d’eux. L’...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-15 0,49 €
Questo manuale di interpretazione consecutiva è frutto dell’esperienza dell’autrice come interprete professionista e come docente di interpretazione di conferenza.Vuole essere uno strumento pratico che offre a docenti e studenti di interpretazione consecutiva non solo riflessioni teoriche, ma anche esemplificazioni pratiche e moltissime esercitazioni. L’approccio è didattico e pragmatico. L’obiettivo è “camminare insieme” in un percorso di scoperta, di apprendimento e di consolida...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-22 14,99 €
Whether you plan to study or work in Canada, this book will help you with the Expression Orale part to improve your overall score. This book contains more than 150 topics that you might expect at the exam. Both sections are covered in this book (Section A and Section B) . It includes handful advice so that you get the most out of this test and succeed. • 150 topics of TEF test for section A and section B • Example sentences for speaking test section A • ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-30 11,99 €
The perfect ebook for anyone who wants to learn French fast. Comes with a free downloadable audio app for Apple and Android phones, enabling learners to hear words and phrases spoken by native French speakers. 12 themed chapters are broken down into 15-minute daily lessons, spanning a range of practical themes, from socialising to doing business. Each lesson combines French vocabulary and grammar essentials with full-colour photographs for a user-friendly, accessible language guide. The ideal Fr...
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-04 4,49 €
Ce recueil de tests de grammaire française est destiné aux apprenants de la langue qui veulent évaluer leur niveau de connaissances, identifier les lacunes et déterminer les voies de perfectionnement des savoirs. Chaque partie a un ou plusieurs thèmes qui sont répartis suivant le principe de cohérence. Ce sont : - « Articles singuliers, pluriels, définis, indéfinis, partitifs et contractés. Absence de l'article » ; - « Noms et adjectifs qualificatifs. Superl...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-28 1,99 €
Enfin un vrai guide pour améliorer la compréhension orale ! Écoute le net ne propose pas des dizaines de quiz inutiles. Il poursuit un double objectif plus ambitieux : expliquer simplement la compréhension orale et apprendre à mieux profiter des ressources sur Internet. Pour cela, le guide suit une méthode simple et pratique. Il commence par examiner les erreurs courantes. Ensuite, il présente les stratégies pour les éviter. Enfin, il propose des techniques d’application. Toutefois, l...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-27 7,49 €
45 minutes. That is all you need to know exactly what to expect for the TEF Canada test for immigration or citizenship purpose. Whether you plan to study or work in Canada, this TEF Canada Express Guide will improve your overall score. This guide will explain in 45 minutes what you have to do for each test (compréhension orale, compréhension écrite, expression orale, expression écrite). It includes a must-have list of 500 essential words of French vocabulary for the TEF that you need to...
Data di rilascio : 2020-06-17 4,49 €
Grâce à ces 150 sujets types de l’examen oral du DELF B1, vous mettrez toutes les chances de votre côté pour réussir. En effet, la pratique et l’entraînement en situation sont essentiels. Réussir le DELF B1 n’est pas seulement une affaire de compétences langagières. En tant que professeurs nous voulons que nos étudiants réussissent mais savoir parler français n’est pas suffisant pour passer le DELF B1. Les examinateurs attendent de vous que vous ayez des pensées organisées ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-24 5,99 €
이 책은 일상 회화에서 가장 많이 사용되는 단어와 구문 2000개로 구성된 어휘를 사용 빈도순으로 정리해 수록한 어휘집입니다. 이 책은 80/20 규칙에 따라 핵심 단어와 문장 구조를 먼저 학습하고 이를 바탕으로 높은 학습의욕을 가지고 신속한 실력 향상을 이룰 수 있도록 만들어졌습니다. 이 책은 누가 구입해야 하나요? 이 책은 프랑스어 공부에 스스로 흥미를 느끼며 어휘 학습...
Data di rilascio : 2019-07-04 5,99 €
All the essential French Slang you need to speak like a native. Let’s face it, real-world French doesn’t sound like it just came out of a stuffy formal textbook. This book will help you sound like an actual human being from the 21st century. Now you can learn and understand everyday French conversations - the kind you can hear spoken by native speakers on the street, in movies and TV, and, more importantly, in real life! Straightforward, no fluff and fillers French Slang gets strai...
Data di rilascio : 2018-02-12 4,99 €
Aprenda Francês divertindo-se! Em Francês, quando algo não lhe cheira nada bem, você pode dizer que há uma enguia debaixo de uma pedra (Il y a anguille sous roche). Se você está com uma fome de leão, pode exclamar que tem o estômago nos calcanhares (Avoir l'estomac dans les talons). Memorize mais de 130 expressões idiomáticas, locuções cotidianas e provérbios em Francês, e divirta-se comparando-os com suas versões em Português!
Data di rilascio : 2015-08-19 1,49 €
Step by step practice for beginners or for a fresh start! This book offers: => beginner's knowledge, explained step by step; => exercises with solution keys; => a gradual increase in difficulty in each chapter; and => translations of the examples and translated vocabulary for each exercise. => Written and proofread by native speakers, French teachers and graduates in Romance languages and literature. Choose yourself which exercises suit your level! A. = Basic explanations, easy ex...
Data di rilascio : 2015-07-07 3,99 €
This carefully crafted ebook: "Madame Bovary - Interactive Bilingual Edition (English / French)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Madame Bovary is the French writer Gustave Flaubert's debut novel. The story focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novel&...
Data di rilascio : 2015-05-11 0,99 €