La presenza di molti immigrati arabofoni nel nostro Paese determina un’esigenza di conoscenza della loro lingua e di tutte le culture d’origine. Anche il mutamento degli equilibri internazionali, con peso sempre maggiore delle relazioni con i Paesi del mondo arabo, porta alla necessità di conoscere questa civiltà e l’arabo, che ne è il principale veicolo. Il libro insegna l’arabo in modo semplice, pratico e innovativo: non fornisce solo la grammatica e le regole, ma anche gli strument...
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-17 10,99 €
38000+ Italiano - Arabo Arabo - Italiano Vocabolario" - è un elenco di più di 38000 parole tradotte dall'italiano al Arabo e dal Arabo all'italiano. È facile da usare e ottimo per i turisti e per chi parla italiano ed è interessato a imparare il Arabo, così come per chi parla Arabo ed è interessato a imparare l'italiano.
Data di rilascio : 2014-08-16 Genere:Consultazione > Lingue straniere 1,99 €
Questo libro ti farà imparare l'ARABO in soli 30 giorni, partendo da zero . E questa è più di una semplice promessa. Ti spiego… Il metodo è molto semplice: il libro è suddiviso in 30 capitoli, uno per giorno, per permetterti di imparare le basi di questa lingua in un solo mese. Per ottenere il massimo da questo corso, devi solo rispettare una regola: leggere un capitolo al giorno , né più, né meno. Se rispetti questa regola e segui le indicazioni contenute nel libro, il risultato è ga...
Data di rilascio : 2019-07-27 9,99 €
Il volume presenta la versione contemporanea della lingua araba cosiddetta ‘standard’, che viene oggi utilizzata in forma scritta e orale nei contesti formali interarabi ed è una delle sei lingue ufficiali delle Nazioni Unite. Espressamente concepita per gli studenti italofoni, questa nuova edizione rivista e aggiornata del testo copre i livelli A1B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue ed è formata da 23 lezioni suddivise in 5 unità tematiche ciascuna delle quali si con...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-12 37,99 €
Regarded as one of the most difficult languages to learn for native English speakers by the U.S. State Department, Arabic is gaining both prominence and importance in America. Recent world events have brought more and more Americans and other English speakers into contact with Arabic-speaking populations, and governments and businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of basic Arabic language skills. Arabic for Dummies provides you with a painless and fun way to start communicating in Ar...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-23 16,99 €
Il volume, frutto di una consolidata esperienza di insegnamento, illustra l’alfabeto Hangeul, distintivo del sistema di scrittura della lingua coreana. Nato nel XV secolo grazie all’ingegno del sovrano Sejong, tale alfabeto rappresenta il primo passo per intraprendere lo studio del coreano. Il testo si compone di 8 unità, ognuna suddivisa in di due parti, una teorica e una esercitativa: nella prima sono illustrati il contesto storico in cui venne ideato il sistema di scrittura e la forma e ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-10-07 18,99 €
Il Corano e la poesia profana, la ricerca del passato dell’Arabia con le sue tradizioni, proverbi, lessicografia: tutto in un’agile introduzione. Dalla metà dell’VIII secolo la letteratura araba accompagna l’espansione dell’Islam dalla Penisola Araba fino alla foce dell’Indo e alla Spagna. Dalle origini antiche, ma capace di rinnovarsi attraverso gli incontri con altre culture, la produzione letteraria di lingua araba testimonia le preoccupazioni religiose, le considerazioni politic...
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-21 11,99 €
Fluo!‘s Arabic Pocket Dictionary, authoritative and comprehensive, is a bi-directional (English-Arabic & Arabic-English) Dictionary, with over 10,000 lemmas and definitions. An indispensable reference for any student of Arabic or English, as well as professionals and translators.
Data di rilascio : 2015-10-26 5,49 €
This book will make you learn ARABIC in just 30 days, starting from scratch . And this is more than a simple promise. I explain to you… The method is very simple: the book is divided into 30 chapters, one per day , to allow you to learn the basics of this language in just one month. To get the most out of this course, you just have to stick to one rule: read one chapter a day , no more, no less. If you respect this rule and follow the instructions contained in the book, the result is guarantee...
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-07 9,99 €
THIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY WORDS IN THE ARABIC ALPHABET! ALL ARABIC WORDS, IN BOTH THE KINDLE AND PAPERBACK VERSION OF THIS BOOK, WERE WRITTEN IN "THE FRANCO ARABIC" ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Do you want to learn how to speak the Lebanese Arabic dialect but think you don’t have the time? Then this series of language books is for you. What you can hold in your hands is the culmination of the author’s personal learnings discovered while traveling. He has now found a way to teach this to othe...
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-20 4,49 €
THIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY WORDS IN THE ARABIC ALPHABET! ALL ARABIC WORDS, IN BOTH THE EBOOK AND PAPERBACK VERSION OF THIS BOOK, WERE WRITTEN IN THE "FRANCO ARABIC" ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak Lebanese Arabic dialect but simply didn’t have the time? If so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary methods ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. If your heart has been set on ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-20 4,49 €
A Speaking Course for Beginners – including audio fragments, fun exercises, vocabulary lists, and solutions. Learn speaking Lebanese Arabic (which is part of Levantine Arabic: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and North Jordan). Communicate with your Arabic friends, family and/or colleagues like a native speaker! You can start speaking as of the first pages without any knowledge of the Arabic script or alphabet because this book is totally written in the modern transcription that is currently used in...
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-15 9,99 €
Questo volume fornisce le basi per intraprendere lo studio della lingua araba. Fondato su una solida impostazione scientifica e una consolidata esperienza di insegnamento, il testo introduce al sistema di scrittura della lingua araba attraverso una grafica accattivante che ne facilita l’assimilazione dell’alfabeto. Dopo una sezione introduttiva sulle caratteristiche peculiari della scrittura araba, il testo si articola in diverse sezioni, che consentono passo dopo passo di imparare l’alfab...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-12 20,99 €
Learn how to speak fluent Arabic in an easy and fun way in just 12 weeks. This indispensable guide also comes with a free audio app for Apple and Android phones, featuring native speech that enables you to hone your pronunciation. Whether you're beginning from the scratch or looking to polish your existing knowledge, 15 Minute Arabic is a quick and convenient option for learning the language. This book features 12 themed chapters broken down into 15-minute daily lessons, spanning a range of ever...
Data di rilascio : 2018-04-05 4,49 €
Hablemos árabe es un curso completo, detallado y bien esquematizado, que permite adquirir todos los conocimientos fundamentales, así como las auténticas capacidades comunicativas para expresarse en legua árabe. Está adaptado tanto para principiantes como para aquellos que desean consolidar y mejorar su nivel intermedio de conocimiento de la lengua. Subdividido en 6 partes y 77 lecciones, el texto ofrece una gradual y sistemática progresión de los temas gramaticales, acompañados de frases...
Data di rilascio : 2019-09-13 6,99 €
Очаровательная иллюстрированная адаптация классической сказки Андерсена. Двуязычное издание (русский / арабский) с аудиокнигами и видео онлайн на русском и арабском языках и картинками для раскраски. «Дикие лебеди» Ганса Христиана Андерсана – поистине одна из самых поп...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-01 3,99 €
THIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY ARABIC LETTERS! ALL ARABIC WORDS IN THIS BOOK WERE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak the Saudi Gulf Arabic dialect but simply didn't have the time? Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining...
Data di rilascio : 2019-02-23 4,49 €
THIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY ARABIC LETTERS! ALL ARABIC WORDS IN THIS BOOK WERE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak the Libyan Arabic dialect but simply didn’t have the time? Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining t...
Data di rilascio : 2016-11-17 4,49 €
THIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY ARABIC LETTERS! ALL ARABIC WORDS IN THIS BOOK WERE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak the Syrian Arabic dialect but simply didn’t have the time? Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining t...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-26 4,49 €
Arabic Grammar in Context offers a unique and exciting approach to learning grammar. It presents grammar as a necessary and essential tool for understanding Arabic and for developing comprehension and production skills. Features include: authentic texts from a rich variety of sources, literary and non-literary, used as the starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of Arabic grammar clear and authoritative demonstration of the relevance of grammar for understanding and inte...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-14 34,99 €
HIS BOOK DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY ARABIC LETTERS! ALL ARABIC WORDS IN THIS BOOK WERE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH-TRANSLITERATION! Have you always wanted to learn how to speak the Jordanian Arabic Dialect but simply didn’t have the time? Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining...
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-04 4,49 €
The faster, easier way to learn Arabic alphabet writing system. As it illustrates - in an invented way- how to read, write the basic shapes of the letter and how to join them to form Arabic words. It offers plenty of exercises and examples, introduces readers to his / her first commonly used Arabic words and how to pronounce them properly.
Data di rilascio : 2014-01-30 19,99 €
Attention, livre numérique hautement enrichi ! Marrakech ? Fès ou Tanger ? Avec plus de 2 heures de conversation audio, le créateur de la célèbre méthode Assimil a conçu pour vous le compagnon moderne et indispensable de votre séjour au Maroc. °Plus de 2h d’audio °Initiation à la langue : 21 leçons d’arabe marocain °Les phrases et les mots indispensables °Toute la prononciation °Toutes les situations du voyage
Data di rilascio : 2013-12-12 9,99 €