La Carta costituzionale definisce i nostri valori, ma non è un semplice elenco di principi e regole. È prima di tutto un grande racconto, ci spiega da dove arriviamo e dove non vogliamo più tornare. La Costituzione italiana è la legge più importante del nostro Paese. I valori su cui si basa, i principi che difende, i diritti e i doveri che sancisce sono l’eredità lasciataci dai nostri nonni a garanzia di una vita libera e dignitosa. Conoscere la Costituzione è fondamentale per capire il...
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-25 6,99 €
Questo è il primo libro di Louise Hay dedicato ai più piccoli. Un ottimo libro per i genitori che vogliono insegnare ai figli il pensiero positivo. “Quello che pensi crea la tua vita!” Questo è il messaggio che Louise L. Hay insegna e diffonde da più di venticinque anni. Ora anche i bambini possono impararlo e comprendere di avere la possibilità di controllare i pensieri che fanno e le parole che dicono, e quindi, quello che succede nella loro vita. Grazie a questo libro, i bambini scop...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-02 6,99 €
Aquí encontrarán todo sobre mí; eso que tuve ganas de escribir para ustedes porque sé que tenemos una conexión especial. Es mi mejor intento por abrir mi corazón y mostrarme un poco más. Muchos me recordarán sólo por interpretar a Violetta y siempre será un honor, pero soy Martina y me encantaría que me conozcan como soy,
Data di rilascio : 2014-05-12 4,99 €
1. Jortini forever - Ho già avuto modo di leggere la biografia di lodo e ora che esce la tua, nn sto nella pelle,sei fantastica, ti abbraccio forte (a te e ovviamente jorge e il cast) e ho anche saputo che verrete in europa per il prossimo live tour , io sono stata al tuo l'anno passato e spero di poter ripetere la magnifica esperienza perchè vedere te e JORGE dal vivo è un sogno che si avvera siete due persone a cui tengo tantissimo anche ße non ci conosciamo davvero darei la vita per voi ancora un abbraccio tini e grazie per aver reso me è le altre v-lovers felici
Facciamo un gioco facile, possibile e divertente: cerchiamo di scoprire una Roma insolita e colorata, una Roma dove il caos e lo smog lasciano il passo alla fantasia e all’invenzione. La nostra amata metropoli può diventare un luogo a dimensione di bambino, dove anche gli adulti riscoprono il lato allegro e spensierato della città. È sufficiente osservare la Capitale, culla di storia e di cultura, con gli occhi dei figli e allora sarà facile trasformare l’ambiente urbano in un luogo viva...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-01 5,99 €
Se nessuno fa niente per cambiare le cose, fallo tu! Ti sei mai chiesto come mai nel quartiere dove abiti non c’è un posto in cui passare i pomeriggi, o perché nessuno protesta per la tua scuola che cade a pezzi? Forse ti sembra una cosa lontana, da adulti, ma la politica è molto più vicina alla tua vita di quanto pensi. Perché fare politica è tante cose. È esprimere la tua opinione su un tema che ti sta a cuore, difenderla con coraggio, riunire altre persone che la pensano allo stesso ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-09-22 6,99 €
Edizione rivista e aggiornata Tra le 101 cose da fare: S.O.S. Tata: come trovare una Mary Poppins tutta meneghina Join: il “babyparking” che ospita anche i nonni Un weekend da re, anzi da duca. A Sforzinda fra scudi, spadini e cavalli di legno per diventare piccoli cavalieri Una domenica in cerca di Nemo: tutti all’acquario a contare i tentacoli del polpo Compidù: per salvarsi dall’ansia dei compiti a casa Smallfamilies: genitori single alla riscossa! Mum? Dad? Imparare l’inglese non ...
Data di rilascio : 2010-11-19 5,99 €
One day Greg Mortenson set out to climb K2 - the world's second highest mountain - in honour of his younger sister, but when another member of his group fell ill, they turned around and Greg became lost in the mountains of Pakistan. He wandered into a poor village, where the chief and his people took him in. Moved by their kindness, Greg promised to return and build a school for the children. This is the remarkable story of how, against all the odds, Greg built not only one but more than sixty s...
Data di rilascio : 2010-01-07 6,49 €
Un ottimo libro per i genitori che vogliono dare protezione, pace e serenità al cuore dei propri piccoli. “È facile entrare in contatto con noi. Basta dire o pensare cose come: ‘Angeli… per favore aiutatemi.’ Noi ti sentiamo, qualunque cosa tu dica per chiamarci accanto a te.” Doreen Virtue ti insegna come svelare al tuo bambino il magico mondo degli angeli e come questi esseri meravigliosi possano aiutarlo. Il tuo bambino imparerà così a invocare il supporto degli angeli, a ricono...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-03 6,99 €
E se la Costituzione la scrivessero i bambini? L’ex-magistrato e costituzionalista torna, insieme a Licia Di Blasi e Anna Sarfatti, con un progetto rivolto ai ragazzi e agli insegnanti e pensato per spiegare in modo semplice che cosa sono le regole e a cosa servono. Ecco come l’insegnante Licia Di Blasi racconta il progetto: «Ciò che volevo fare era creare una Costituzione di classe. (...) Una delle norme poteva essere, prevedendo il peggio: ‘Possiamo camminare sui banchi durante le ore ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-09-22 6,99 €
Dalla penna di un grande giornalista, un viaggio in Europa per raccontare ai ragazzi il continente più bello del mondo e le sue opportunità . L’Europa è uno scrigno di tesori incredibili. Sapevi, infatti, che la Finlandia è il Paese più felice del mondo e che lo Stato dove le donne hanno più potere è l’Estonia? O che la spiaggia migliore per fare surf non è in California, bensì in Portogallo? Abitiamo in un luogo che per stile di vita, diritti e opportunità non è secondo a nessuno...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-25 6,99 €
Aquí encontrarán todo sobre mí; eso que tuve ganas de escribir para ustedes porque sé que tenemos una conexión especial. Es mi mejor intento por abrir mi corazón y mostrarme un poco más. Muchos me recordarán sólo por interpretar a Violetta y siempre será un honor, pero soy Martina y me encantaría que me conozcan como soy
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-16 4,99 €
Stephen Hawking è stato paragonato a Galileo, Newton e Einstein, ovvero a tre dei più grandi geni della Storia. Stephen ha lasciato il suo mondo dopo aver cercato di rispondere alle più difficili domande che si è mai posta l’umanità: come è cominciato il cosmo? Quanto è grande? Da quanto esiste? Che cosa c’era prima? Come finirà? È questo lo Stephen che racconta la sua storia, che all’inizio sembra quella di un ragazzo come tanti altri ma poi diventa un’epica battaglia contro un...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-07 5,99 €
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.I was so excited about Christmas, I could squeak! My favorite nephew Benjamin was going to come over, and we were planning to trim the tree and eat lots of delicious holiday Cheesy Chews. But before you could say "cat alert," disaster struck! I slipped over my tail and ended up in the hospital. And then m...
Data di rilascio : 2004-10-01 3,99 €
Geronimo's adventurous sister Thea takes center stage in this super special that's packed with mystery, adventure, and friendship!When Geronimo's sister, Thea, is invited to teach a journalism class at a college on Mouse Island, she has no idea that she's going to be called on to help solve a mystery. But when a student disappears, it's up to Thea and five of her students to find out what happened. A nail-biting mystery ensues, complete with secret passages, underground tunnels, and more than a ...
Data di rilascio : 2009-04-15 4,49 €
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny, cheesy adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is fast-paced with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.Geronimo Stilton gets caught up in the World Karate Championships, thanks to the efforts of Bruce Hyena and Piccolo Tao, Bruce's super-sporty cousin. Geronimo only has a week to become real champion material! Will Geronimo manage to overcome his fears in order to win the competition?
Data di rilascio : 2010-01-01 3,49 €
The phenomenal bestseller A Street Cat Named Bob , featuring best friends James and street cat Bob, now available as a special edition for children aged 11 and above. 'We are all given second chances every day of our lives, but we don't usually take them. Then I met Bob.' James Bowen was a homeless musician, busking on the streets of London to survive. But the moment he met an injured stray cat with ginger fur and big green eyes, his life began to change. Together James and Bob the cat faced the...
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-14 3,99 €
Help your baby learn as you play find the Tractor! with this ebook. Your baby will love looking for all the different kind of tractors: from an old vintage tractor, a tractor with a plough, a fork-lift tractor, and a mighty eight-wheeled tractor. Read them together and touch the screen in places to instigate animation and make the entire process interactive. Perfect for reading aloud and encouraging early word recognition, your baby will love the playful images enhanced with sound and animation....
Data di rilascio : 2012-02-16 3,49 €
" I was not born into money or status. I was born to a teenage mom in Hawaii, and my dad left us when I was two. But my family gave me love, they gave me education, and most of all they gave me hope... " Punctuated with his own words, this biography traces the people, places and experiences that made Barack Obama the powerful man he is today. His story takes us from Kenya to Hawaii and Indonesia to Chicago, embracing many cultures. It also reaches from the past to the present, with photographs o...
Data di rilascio : 2010-04-01 9,49 €
Scopri i vecchi racconti e gli dei nordici - Mitologia per ragazzi/e dai 12 anni in su. Benvenuti nella serie Mitologia accattivante. Questo libro ti presenterà gli dèi, le dee e i giganti dei vichinghi attraverso la raccolta dei profili di Odino, Thor, Loki, Baldur, Frigg, Freia, Freyr e molti altri! Unisciti a Thor nelle sue mille avventure e impara a conoscere i corvi di Odino, gli inganni di Loki e la storia di Freia che vola giù da Asgard a Midgard, salutando le donne che incontra lungo ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-18 2,99 €
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.Who Is Geronimo Stilton?That's me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here on...
Data di rilascio : 2004-02-01 3,49 €
Geronimo's adventurous sister Thea narrates this fabulous adventure that's packed with action, mystery, and friendship!In this amazing adventure, Thea's friends the Thea Sisters head to Peru, where a good friend of Paulina's is in danger. There, the five mice climb the Andes mountains in search of a mysterious treasure that's hidden in the Secret City of the Incas. Readers will love following the clues to help the Thea Sisters solve the mystery!
Data di rilascio : 2010-06-01 4,49 €
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.Halloween and Egypt and mummies . . . oh, my! I admit it, I am a 'fraidy mouse. Halloween scares me out of my fur! But this Halloween, I was heading off on an adventure in one of my very favorite places: Egypt. I couldn't wait to see the sights and soak up some sun far away from New Mouse City. What I did...
Data di rilascio : 2006-08-01 3,49 €
Prima delle “envirokidz”, delle “green influencer”, dei “Fridays for Future” e dell’Agenda 2030, c’erano e ci sono loro: scienziate provenienti da tutto il mondo che hanno dedicato la loro vita a studi e progetti per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente: dall’americana Rachel Carson, ambientalista ante litteram, che si è occupata di pesticidi e inquinamento negli anni Sessanta alla canadese Anne Innis Dagg, la “signora delle giraffe”, passando per la biologa italiana Barbara Ma...
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-25 9,99 €
Cosa faresti se qualcuno ti proponesse di fare un viaggio straordinario e soprattutto GRATIS in giro per le meravigliose città d’Europa? Impossibile, dici? Queste cose accadono solo nei libri! E in effetti hai ragione, ma se ti chiami Francesco Muzzopappa la possibilità che ti succeda davvero si alza del 99,9%! Riempi anche tu lo zaino insieme al tuo autore preferito di sempre e al suo inseparabile orologio da polso Giovanni e parti a visitare i 27 Stati dell’Unione europea, dalla A di Aus...
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-26 6,99 €
Visionario, geniale, creativo e altruista. Nikola Tesla è il papà di molte delle tecnologie che usiamo tutti giorni: dalla radio al telecomando, dai motori elettrici alle luci al neon, dal radar agli aeroplani a decollo verticale. Ha indirizzato molte delle sue ricerche attorno a un sistema capace di rendere disponibile in tutto il pianeta una fonte di energia inesauribile, non inquinante e soprattutto gratuita!
Data di rilascio : 2021-06-19 5,99 €
The #1 New York Times bestseller! This chapter book edition of the #1 New York Times bestseller by luminaries Ibram X. Kendi and Jason Reynolds is an essential introduction to the history of racism and antiracism in America RACE. Uh-oh. The R-word. But actually talking about race is one of the most important things to learn how to do. Adapted from the groundbreaking bestseller Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, this book takes readers on a journey from pre...
Data di rilascio : 2021-05-11 8,99 €
What is fake news? How can the news be wrong? How do we know if what we're reading is true or not? The concept of fake news and the media as a whole is discussed as part of the What's the Issue series. What's the Issue asks ‘what’s all the fuss about?’ It reviews what is at stake when we think about fake news, with the aim of helping young people to understand this difficult subject and provide them with the tools to inform their own opinions on the issue.
Data di rilascio : 2020-08-18 10,99 €
If you are a kid with big dreams and a passion for what is right, you're a world-changer in the making. There's a lot that can be changed by just one person, if you know what to do. Start by making yourself into the awesome person you want to be by learning all about self-care and kindness. Using those skills, work your way up to creating activist campaigns to tackle climate change or social injustice. This fun and inspiring e-guide to making the world a better place and becoming a good citizen ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-27 5,99 €
For the first time ever, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses children directly, sharing lessons of peace and compassion, told through stories of his own childhood. One of today's most inspiring world leaders was once an ordinary child named Lhamo Thondup. In a small village in Tibet, his mother was his first great teacher of compassion. In everyday moments from his childhood, young readers begin to see that important lessons are all around us, and they, too, can grow...
Data di rilascio : 2020-03-24 6,99 €
Chi era Giulio Cesare? Un ragazzo che sapeva cavalcare con le braccia dietro la schiena Un soldato forte e coraggioso Un imperatore potente tradito dai suoi migliori amici Tutte queste cose! Scopri di più in questo libro illustrato!
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-25 3,99 €
A gloriously illustrated celebration of trailblazing women. Women in Science highlights the contributions of fifty notable women to the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, from both the ancient and modern worlds. The book also contains fascinating infographics and an illustrated scientific glossary. The extraordinary women profiled include well-known figures like the physicist and chemist Marie Curie, as well as lesser-known pioneers such as Katherine Johnson, the Af...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-09 3,99 €
Il dottor Dyer, autore e motivatore conosciuto a livello internazionale, affronta l’argomento del denaro e della ricchezza rivolgendosi questa volta ai bambini (dai 4 ai 10 anni): infatti, i pensieri e i sentimenti che fai da bambino in relazione a queste tematiche, spesso sono quelli che porterai con te fin nell’età adulta e, in alcuni casi, per tutta la vita. “Ho sempre scritto e insegnato che i pensieri e le idee sul denaro influenzano molti aspetti della nostra vita: gli obiettivi, le...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-03 4,99 €
Dans la série des titres qui accompagnent l'enfant au quotidien, en voici un très attendu, celui qui répond aux questions que les 6-8 ans se posent sur la vie et la mort. À l'âge où l'on découvre soudain que les événements qui nous arrivent peuvent être irréversibles, il est essentiel que l'enfant se sente compris dans son questionnement. Avec une grande finesse et une sensibilité compréhensive, l'auteur répond aux questions suivantes : Pourquoi la vie et la mort ne vont-elles pas ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-02-10 5,99 €
The thrilling conclusion to 39 Clues Part VI: Doublecross. A Cahill family member from the past is bent on revenge!CHECKMATEThirteen-year-old Dan Cahill and his older sister, Amy, are running out of time. An exiled Cahill known as the Outcast has already re-created three of history's worst disasters, and he's saved the worst for last. If Dan and Amy can't find and stop the Outcast fast, he will initiate a full-scale nuclear meltdown.But as Dan and Amy race around the world, they discover somethi...
Data di rilascio : 2016-06-28 7,49 €
This book English-Swahili aims to help you to familiarize yourself with everyday objects in Lingala : for a pratical approach … Also learn spelling words in these languages. …Also to preserve those languages which are a cultural heritage. Swahili language is spoken by millions of people in the world : in Congo-Kinshasa, Tanzania, Zambia,… In the same collection : Family, school and classroom, house and kitchen, animals, fruits and vegetables, bedroom and clothes… …….Also an applicati...
Data di rilascio : 2015-10-20 3,99 €
A delightful story about life on a farm with easy-to-read text and charming illustrations. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton, specially written for children just starting to read alone. This ebook includes audio and reading-related puzzles. "Crack reading and make confident and enthusiastic readers with this fantastic reading programme." - Julia Eccleshare
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-01 3,99 €
In a breakthrough book for the series, Mallory says good-bye to Stoneybrook and hello to the Riverbend School. The boarding school in the Berkshires introduces Mallory to a new group of friends -- and a not-so-friendly roommate.
Data di rilascio : 1999-01-01 1,49 €
Never turn your back on the Cahills . . . The most powerful family history has ever known returns with a vengeance in The 39 Clues: Doublecross!The Cahills are the world's most powerful family, but their strength is being tested. A sinister man calling himself The Outcast has targeted the family and set them an impossible test. He's recreating four of history's worst disasters and challenging the young Cahills to find and stop the tragedies before it's too late. Now, with one disaster behind the...
Data di rilascio : 2015-07-28 7,49 €
No one knew the boy they called “Jumping Badger” would grow to become a great leader. Born on the banks of the Yellowstone River, Sitting Bull, as he was later called, was tribal chief and holy man of the Lakota Sioux tribe in a time of fierce conflict with the United States. As the government seized Native American lands, Sitting Bull relied on his military cunning and strong spirituality to drive forces out of his territory and ensure a future homeland for his people.
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-26 4,99 €
Children are often taught that government protects our life, liberty, and property, but could it be true that some laws actually allow people to hurt us and take our things? Join Ethan and Emily Tuttle as they learn about property, pirates, and plunder. With the help of their neighbor Fred, the twins will need to figure out what they can do to stop the bad guys in government!
Data di rilascio : 2014-04-23 6,49 €
When Claudia's wacky Aunt Peaches moves to Stoneybrook, full of fun and expecting a baby, Claudia thinks she will have the time of her life, until one of Peaches's antics gets Claudia in trouble and a fight ends in tragedy.
Data di rilascio : 1994-09-01 3,49 €
A hilarious tale that will take you all around London! Winner of the Evening Standard's Oscar's First Book Prize. A sudden gust of wind sets of a marvellous London adventure for the Queen, the Queen's men and one very special hat. So let's follow one determined, dare-devil queen through London Zoo, over Tower Bridge and up Big Ben ... just where will that hat land? Featuring favourite London landmarks, including Tower Bridge, Big Ben and London Zoo. "This picture book is hard to beat . The Times...
Data di rilascio : 2014-05-01 Genere:Bambini 3,99 €
Geronimo's adventurous sister Thea narrates this fabulous adventure that's packed with action, mystery, and friendship!In this exciting adventure, the Thea Sisters are off to Paris to visit Colette's fashion-designer friend Julie. But when Julie's designs are suddenly stolen, the girls must search the city of Paris to catch the thief and save the fashion show. Readers will love following the clues to help the Thea Sisters solve the mystery!
Data di rilascio : 2010-11-01 4,49 €
Geronimo's adventurous sister Thea narrates this fabulous adventure that's packed with action, mystery, and friendship!Thea's friends the Thea Sisters take off for Australia to solve a mystery. A flock of sheep at Nicky's family's ranch is losing all its wool, and the ranch depends on the wool to stay afloat! Maybe the sheep's cure lies in an Aboriginal medicine containing a strange root. The five mouselings set off on a tour of the whole country to find out. It's a truly memorable outback adven...
Data di rilascio : 2009-09-01 4,49 €
Join Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters on this adventure packed with mystery and friendship!The Thea Sisters are visiting friends at a lively festival in Spain. But the theft of a precious fan turns their trip into an investigation! They end up hot on the trail of a secret treasure . . . but they're not the only ones searching for it. Can the mouselets solve the mystery in time? It's a mission full of flamenco dance!
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-27 3,99 €
Geronimo's sister Thea Stilton narrates this action-packed adventure!The Thea Sisters have been invited to Egypt to participate in a fabu-mouse archeological excavation. They are helping to look for the legendary ancient Treasure of the Sun! A precious blue stone scarab may be the key to their search, and they work enthusiastically to uncover the past. But they also discover that thieves are after the hidden treasure. It's up to the Thea Sisters to stop them!
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-01 3,99 €
Geronimo's sister Thea narrates this adventure packed with mystery and friendship!The Thea Sisters are headed to Italy for a ballet competition! But the mouselets aren't just there to dance -- they are there to investigate. A group is plotting to rigthe prestigious contest, and the future of the mouselets' new friend -- an aspiring ballerina -- is at stake! Can the Thea Sisters stop this scheme before it's too late?
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-01 3,99 €
In each Geronimo Stilton book, another funny, cheesy adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is fast-paced, with lively full-color art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.I, Geronimo Stilton, am no sportsmouse. But that didn't stop Grandfather William from dragging me to a golf tournament so I could be his caddie! Once I arrived, who should I bump into but my friend Kornelius Von Kickpaw, a.k.a. Special Agent 00K. Someone was plotting to steal the Super Mouse Cup, and it was u...
Data di rilascio : 2011-01-01 3,49 €
Encourage a life-long love of reading with this Level 4 DK Reader Help your child develop their general knowledge, while building their reading skills with Pirates! Raiders Of The High Seas. Discover the dangerous world of pirates - those swashbucklers who plundered, pillaged, and terrorised open waters. Level 4 readers have fascinating stories that will capture the interest of the increasingly proficient reader range. Packed with extra background information and amazing fun facts, they have a r...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-16 3,49 €
My First Farm Let's Get Working ebook is hands-on fun for you and your toddler as you learn about life on the farm. With lots of colourful images, fun-filled questions, amazing animals and noisy machines, your toddler will love learning about things that work on a farm with this ebook. Read them together, they'll love the playful images - perfect for reading aloud; from counting tractors to finding animals, fun questions on every page will help develop early speaking and listening skills. A grea...
Data di rilascio : 2013-01-31 4,49 €