Cinquanta invettive per le grandi rabbie dei piccoli, e per piccole rabbie dei grandi. Poesie furiose, amare, esagerate, dolenti e spassose, che offrono ai bambini arrabbiati 'parole per dirlo'. Parole poetiche e belle, perché magari, dicendola bene, la rabbia fiammeggia meglio e sfuma prima. Poesie da leggere per ridere, o per piangere, o per consolarsi. E magari da copiare sul diario di un amico che ci ha offeso, su un bigliettino da inviare a un insolente. "Sono strofe per i ragazzi, ma serv...
Data di rilascio : 2014-06-12 3,99 €
«Era una notte di primavera quando tutto cominciò. Da poco avevo raggiunto la mezza età, ma non ero sereno. Come il mondo attorno a me, avevo preso una brutta china e non vedevo vie d'uscita.» Così ha inizio la Divina Commedia in questa versione in prosa, che rilegge per i più piccoli uno dei viaggi più affascinanti della letteratura mondiale. Attraverso questa a un tempo fedele e originalissima riscrittura, la Commedia si trasforma in un romanzo d'avventura che tra incontri inaspettati, ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-09 8,99 €
A stunning new edition of T. S. Eliot's beloved cat poems Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, containing beautiful original colour illustrations by Axel Scheffler.Cats! Some are sane, some are mad and some are good and some are bad.Meet magical Mr Mistoffelees, sleepy Old Deuteronomy and curious Rum Tum Tugger. But you'll be lucky to meet Macavity because Macavity's not there!In 1925 T.S. Eliot became co-director of Faber & Faber, who remain his publishers to this day. Throu...
Data di rilascio : 2012-04-12 6,99 €
Carlo non sente, Carlo vede solo da un occhio, e adesso quell’occhio è in pericolo. La voce narrante di questa storia in poesia e prosa è sua sorella, un ragazzina battagliera che da sempre trova la sua energia nella complicità con Carlo: spiritoso, allegro, fortissimo nonostante. Ma quando la vista sembra cedere è troppo. Come si fa a misurarsi anche con questo rischio? Semplice: si fa e basta, si cerca di sorridere, qualche volta ci si riesce. E si desidera e si spera insieme. Una famigl...
Data di rilascio : 2020-05-13 5,99 €
'The cat himself knows and will never confess...'To celebrate Old Possum's 75th anniversary we have commissioned lively new illustrations from Rebecca Ashdown for T.S. Eliot's original book of Practical Cats. Featuring Macavity, the Mystery Cat; Mr Mistofelees, the Original Conjuring Cat; Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer and all the gang, this is a must for every child's bookshelf and is a great companion to the Andrew Lloyd Webber stage show.
Data di rilascio : 2014-02-04 6,99 €
Con che cosa si indovina in questo libro, con la rima o con l’indovinello? Sono Rime Indovinelle: con tutti e due! L’indovinello intero parla alla mente, con la mente si ragiona e si indovina (se si indovina…). L’ultimo verso parla all’orecchio: si dice la rima che viene in orecchio, e si indovina. Bisogna leggere a voce alta, meglio in molti, indovinare, e poi tornare indietro per vedere se è giusto. E per godersi la poesia.
Data di rilascio : 2019-12-12 4,99 €
Data di rilascio : 2015-07-15 2,99 €
Il sorriso luminoso di Aurora dopo i capricci. La gioia di Beatrice mentre danza. La furia di Carlo che vuol farsi rispettare. E via così, dalla A alla Z. Una raccolta di trentacinque ritratti in versi ispirati a bambini veri per vedere il mondo come lo vedono i più piccoli.
Data di rilascio : 2020-01-28 4,99 €
Da "Fate la nanna coscine di pollo" a "Stella stellina" questo libro prezioso contiene tutte le tiritere per addormentare i bambini, recuperate da Jolanda nel repertorio italiano e rese ancora più allegre dai colori di Cecilia. Un'antologia speciale per andare a spasso nel tempo, nelle regioni e nelle tradizioni e far scivolare i più piccoli in sonno sereno. Dalla creatrice di
Data di rilascio : 2017-05-18 5,99 €
Если мы говорим о России и ее культурном наследии, первое имя, которое приходит на ум – Пушкин. Книга включает в себя шесть известных сказок Александра Сергеевича Пушкина: Сказка о царе Салтане, о сыне его славном и могучем богатыре князе Гвидоне Салтановиче и о прекрас...
Data di rilascio : 2013-01-11 0,99 €
Lo scorrere delle stagioni è il filo leggero che attraversa le poesie di questa raccolta: e dentro il tempo che passa ci sono i legami importanti, con un amico, con la nonna, con un primo amore, le piccole sorprese, gli sguardi accesi sulle cose intorno a noi, piccole e grandi, nella loro quotidiana sempre nuova meraviglia. Ilaria Rigoli dà voce di bambino ai pensieri che sono di tutti i bambini: la paura di essere soli e delle cose che non si conoscono, i desideri, la rabbia, la pura gioia. U...
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-16 7,99 €
« Posso dire che Tognolini eguaglia il Rodari migliore? TULLIO DE MAURO » « Anche gli adulti trarrebbero beneficio dalle filastrocche di Tognolini. Stefano Bartezzaghi, la Repubblica » Imparare l'alfabeto è difficile, anche se una volta cresciuti non ce lo ricordiamo. Ma è anche un gioco, è creare immagini assurde e sensate insieme, è stabilire assonanze che rimarranno per sempre con noi. Ecco allora ventuno rime per ventuno lettere: poesie un po' scioglilingua e un po' filastrocche, fri...
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-17 5,99 €
Da "Fra’ Martino" e "Giro giro tondo" a "Oh che bel castello" questo libro prezioso contiene decine di canzoni per bambini recuperate da Jolanda nel repertorio italiano e rese ancora più leggere dai colori di Cecilia. Un'antologia speciale per andare a spasso nel tempo, nelle regioni e nelle tradizioni, e recuperare la felicità delle rime e dei canti fatti "per" e "con" i bambini. Dalla creatrice di
Data di rilascio : 2017-05-18 5,99 €
The Newbery Medal-winning author of Walk Two Moons, Sharon Creech, brings readers a story with enormous heart. Love That Dog shows how one boy named Jack finds his voice with the help of a teacher, a pencil, some yellow paper, and of course, a dog. Written as a series of free-verse poems from Jack's point of view, this novel is perfect for kids and teachers, too. Jack hates poetry. Only girls write it and every time he tries to, his brain feels empty. But his teacher, Miss S...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-23 5,49 €
Dr. Seuss’s irrepressible optimism is front and center in Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? “When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to get mad . . .you should do what I do!” So begins the terrific advice of the wise old man in the Desert of Drize. This classic book provides the perfect antidote for readers of all ages who are feeling a bit down in the dumps. Thanks to Dr. Seuss’s trademark rhymes and signature illustrations, readers will, wi...
Data di rilascio : 2013-11-05 8,49 €
From the Newbery Medal-winning author of Seedfolks, Paul Fleischman, Joyful Noise is a collection of irresistible poems that celebrates the insect world. Funny, sad, loud, and quiet, each of these poems resounds with a booming, boisterous, joyful noise. The poems resound with the pulse of the cicada and the drone of the honeybee. They can be fully appreciated by an individual reader, but they're particularly striking when read aloud by two voices, making this an ideal pick for classroom use. Eri...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-24 4,49 €
In this book with your little eye, take a look and play I spy - so starts the classic story from best-selling author/illustrator team, Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Each Peach Pear Plum introduces favourite fairy tale characters, such as Tom Thumb and The Three Bears and, with a poem on each page hinting as to what is hiding in the picture, children are encouraged to participate and follow the story themselves. Now available in digital format, this well-known favourite truly is a modern classic.
Data di rilascio : 2011-09-01 4,49 €
Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, is tired of being told that she doesn't exist. In this crackling, lolloping story in verse, Ted Hughes describes how she sets out on the road to London for an audience with the Queen...
Data di rilascio : 2011-06-02 6,99 €
A wonderfully exuberant yet poignant poetry collection from one of Britain's greatest children's poets Michael Rosen. Here are tales of childhood, from the horrors of being late for school, to making a raft, and going to a cafe, as well as poems to ponder - just think, how great would Satnav trousers be! Touching, light-hearted and funny, Michael's poems will delight readers young and old. Former Children's Laureate, Michael continuously promotes the need for children's poetry in our education s...
Data di rilascio : 2010-08-05 6,99 €
Poetry for children at its very silliest! Let your imagination run riot and laughter fill your belly as you explore traditional poems, rhymes with a twist, and subversive playground favourites in this playful treasure chest of verse.
Data di rilascio : 2008-08-07 6,49 €
Questa raccolta di poesie che parlano di stelle e porcellini, di dolcetti e scherzetti, di marinai e luminose fiere d’autunno, è stata pubblicata negli Stati Uniti nel 1964 con le illustrazioni di Rolf Gérard. Lo spirito di Carson McCullers è riuscito a catturare il cuore dell’essere bambini e del parlare ai bambini. Il gusto per i piccoli giochi di parole, i momenti di festa e quelli di malinconia, gli eventi minimi che diventano giganti: rime, assonanze e ritmi accendono piccoli lampi, ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-01 9,99 €
Non c'è metafora più potente della luce per raccontare la vita e Sabrina Giarratana, in poco più di 30 poesie, plasma la luce come fosse materia duttile, la luce della nebbia o di una goccia di rugiada, o quella fatta di granelli di polvere che filtra da una porta o una finestra. Poesie che parlano a tutti, bambini e adulti. Premio Rodari 2015. Nella versione digitale è sufficiente toccare due volte il testo per attivare o disattivare l'ingrandimento.
Data di rilascio : 2021-09-29 8,99 €
Relacionamentos podem ter um final feliz, assim como nos filmes. Mas também podem, simplesmente, terminar. E tá tudo bem. Aprender com os problemas da convivência, com o término e até mesmo com o período de cicatrização das feridas do coração nos ajuda a amadurecer. Términos nos proporcionam novos recomeços e as fases de um relacionamento podem ser difíceis, mas é possível dançar na chuva para lavar a alma e descobrir que a luz no final do túnel depois da tempestade é libertado...
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-13 3,49 €
Summer sun and fun in this Step 1 reader featuring the family from Pumpkin Day! , Apple Picking Day! , Garden Day , and Snow Day! Family time means it's time to pack up the car and head to the beach! The brother and sister from Pumpkin Day! and its many companion books return for a fabulous day at the shore. Collecting seashells, building a sand castle, visiting the seaside attractions--enjoy all the indelible memories of childhood summers! Easy-to-follow rhyme ensures a successful reading exper...
Data di rilascio : 2020-05-12 4,49 €
Cats! Some are sane, some are mad and some are good and some are bad.Meet magical Mr Mistoffelees, sleepy Old Deuteronomy and curious Rum Tum Tugger. But you'll be lucky to meet Macavity because Macavity's not there!In 1925 T.S. Eliot became co-director of Faber & Faber, who remain his publishers to this day. Throughout the 1930s he composed the now famous poems about Macavity, Old Deuteronomy, Mr Mistoffelees and many other cats, under the name of 'Old Possum'. In 1981 Eliot...
Data di rilascio : 2019-11-05 10,99 €
NOW AVAILABLE AS AN EBOOK! Shel Silverstein, the New York Times bestselling author of The Giving Tree, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and Every Thing On It, has created a poetry collection that is outrageously funny and deeply profound. Come in . . . for where the sidewalk ends, Shel Silverstein's world begins. You'll meet a boy who turns into a TV set, and a girl who eats a whale. The Unicorn and the Bloath live there, and so does Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout who will not take the garbage...
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-22 16,99 €
A feel-good rhyming story with a positive message about confidence and self-esteem, from the creators of international bestseller, Giraffes Can't Dance. Little Penguin Pip-Pip would love to join in with all his friends swimming in the sea, but there's just one problem . . . he's scared of water. Can Pip-Pip overcome his fears and finally take the plunge? This irresistible story shows that sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement - and a whole lot of heart - to finally make that le...
Data di rilascio : 2017-01-12 Genere:Bambini 3,99 €
Whimsical and revolutionary poems and art by some of Russia's foremost avant-garde writers and illustrators A boy wants a toy horse big enough to ride, but where can his father find it? Not in the stores, which means it’s got to be built from scratch. How? With the help of expert workers, from the carpenter to the painter, working together as one. And now the bold boy is ready to ride off in defense of the future! Two trams, Click and Zam, are cousins. Click ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-14 9,49 €
New edition for tablet with original illustrations based on wood engravings by Gustave Doré, restored, enhanced and coloured in a brilliant deep blue tint. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (originally The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere) is the longest major poem by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, written in 1797–98 and published in 1798 in the first edition of Lyrical Ballads. Modern editions use a revised version printed in 1817 that featured a gloss. Along with other poems in Lyrical...
Data di rilascio : 2014-03-02 0,49 €
Beloved Japanese children’s poet Misuzu Kaneko wonders: What does snow feel in a drift? Where does day end and night begin? From her seaside home Kaneko writes, but as her fame grows, her family life becomes increasingly strained. In this double-sided, color-illustrated children’s book, new English translations of her poetry appear next to Japanese originals, interwoven with her life story.
Data di rilascio : 2016-11-01 11,99 €
Vidám versek, esti mesék piciknek, kicsiknek, tündérekről, manókról, gyerekekről, állatokról.
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-13 3,49 €
Sweet, simple rhymes. Bright, colorful illustrations. Midge is searching in the garden for her best friend. She finds all kinds of other things in the garden, but where is Moo? If you and your little ones like sweet, funny stories, you will love Midge and Moo. Midge and Moo are best friends. They came home from the hospital together when Midge was just two days old. They are always in the garden together. But today they are not together… Moo is lost in the garden! Is that Moo behind the ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-09-15 0,49 €
为你们的汉语学习 学习语言需要阅读,更需要朗读,而诗歌是最适合朗读的。 美国现代诗人曾经说过:“读起来很愉快,读过了以后又觉得自己聪明了许多的,就是诗。”
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-09 2,49 €
One day as Phil sways in his part of the coral reef, a nice smile appears behind a rock. Did Phil find the friend he has always wished for? Phil’s Reef is a beautifully illustrated story in rhyme about caring for the ocean that will captivate children.
Data di rilascio : 2015-02-18 3,49 €
Inside Out and Back Again meets One Crazy Summer and Brown Girl Dreaming in this novel-in-verse about fitting in and standing up for what’s right It's 1969, and the Apollo 11 mission is getting ready to go to the moon. But for half-black, half-Japanese Mimi, moving to a predominantly white Vermont town is enough to make her feel alien. Suddenly, Mimi's appearance is all anyone notices. She struggles to fit in with her classmates, even as she fights for her right to stand out by entering ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-08 4,99 €
Un jour que Phil se berce au gré de la marée, un joli sourire apparaît derrière un rocher. Phil a-t-il trouvé l’amie de ses rêves ? Une histoire en rimes avec de magnifiques illustrations qui captivera les petits et les grands.
Data di rilascio : 2015-01-14 3,49 €
Calamidad es una bruja muuuuy rara. Vive en lo más alto de la torre más alta de la ciudad más grande del mundo. Le llega el pelo hasta el suelo y no le gustan nada los trajes de bruja ni los zapatos. Un día, decide hacer un curso de magia avanzada por correspondencia pero la maleta voladora en la que llega el curso se estrella y todo el kit de brujería funciona mal. Desde ese momento, a Calamidad le pasan cosas extrañas... Cuento en verso. 17 capítulos en 17 décimas dobles.
Data di rilascio : 2014-08-31 1,99 €
There was an old man on the Border, Who lived in the utmost disorder; He danced with the cat, and made tea in his hat, Which vexed all the folks on the Border. Enjoy Edward Lear's hilarious, bizarre and delightfully bonkers limericks - published on their own for the first time. As found in the collected works, The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear, which has been in print since 1947 and has sold tens of thousands of copies. The nonsense works, of which the limericks were a part, were first pu...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-04 6,99 €
"Ivan Ivanych Samovar" is a light-hearted morality tale in verse with a very unusual hero: a glorious family samovar, who serves his funny, tea-loving family both well and wisely. Written by the absurdist poet Daniil Kharms, "Ivan Ivanych Samovar" was first published in 1928 as a picture book with rich illustrations by Vera Ermolaeva, and is still, 85 years later, one of the most popular Russian children's poems. This verse translation, appearing for the first time in English, preserves Kharms's...
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-26 0,49 €
It's all go in this action-packed picture book. Discover a different emergency vehicle on each page, from fire engines and police cars to lifeboats, breakdown trucks, rescue helicopters and more. With bright, bold illustrations and fun, rhyming text, this is perfect for sharing with vehicle-mad little ones. Children will love spotting all the details on each page and joining in with all the different sounds; as speeding ambulances 'wheee-ow' and police cars 'vrooom'! Part of the best-selling Awe...
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-26 Genere:Bambini 2,49 €
What happens when you take a wicked hippo with a wicked plot? Add a baby giraffe struggling against being different, With a dollop of magic that's been stolen, Then enter the world where trouble is brewing? You get a tale of real bravery. That's what… Chloe the Curly Necked Giraffe is a magical tale of courage and love, told in verse and beautifully illustrated in a book every child will want to own. for load of fun free things to enjoy, including, games, competitions, drawings and to join our...
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-02 3,49 €
Esta obra es la colección de leyendas españolas más representativa de cuantas se han publicado en los últimos años. En ella, el autor ha pretendido, mediante la recopilación de casi dos centenares, mostrar todos los tipos y ejemplos de las leyendas que conforman entre nosotros ese fascinante patrimonio. Leyendas caballerescas, míticas y mágicas; leyendas tenebrosas, que tratan de seres maléficos y malditos; leyendas religiosas, de santos y vírgenes; leyendas de animales monstruosos y d...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-16 11,99 €
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF! Well what would you say if your brother kept whacking you with a spoon, or the spider made it all the way up the toilet bowl or your mum made you wear that horrible shirt? Find out in this fantastically funny collection of poems all about growing up from the brilliant Michael Rosen, Children's Laureate 2007 - 2009.
Data di rilascio : 2008-08-07 6,49 €
A reissue of TALKING TURKEYS by street poet Benjamin Zephaniah. Talking Turkeys is an unconventional collection of straight-talking poems about heroes, revolutions, racism, love and animal rights, among other subjects, that will entice many new readers to poetry. It is his very first ground-breaking children's poetry collection - playful, clever and provocative - this is performance poetry on the page at its very best. Benjamin Zephaniah was born in Birmingham and then spent some of his early ye...
Data di rilascio : 1995-08-03 5,49 €